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/fa/ - Fashion

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18013202 No.18013202 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Fashions signs that someone is an idiot
>Uhhh actually it's cool because I did to make myself look uglier on purpose...

>> No.18013204

Tattoos of any kind.

>> No.18013269

I used to think the same, but now I like both piercings and tattoos. Not that I prefer people who have them, nor that I would suggest people to do them. But, some people do nice ones and they look nice on them.
No need to be so strict. No reason at all.

>> No.18013272

Yes there is I'm permanently aggrieved due to lack of pussy between the ages of 16-22.

>> No.18013275

You got brain rot. They will never look good. And not only are they never aesthetically appealing but they also scream retarded npc with subhuman iq incapable of thinking about distant future

>> No.18013316

Is it hard to find pornstars without tattoos for you to goon to while the inked npcs are out having sex, mister arbiter of aesthetics?

>> No.18013328

"Luxury" mainstream brands. Garbage like overpriced Gucci shit, where you pay an insane premium just for the brand and have to show everyone the logo. Or a LV bag. You just instantly know that roast attached to it is stupid.

And I cringe quite hard when I see someone >25 wearing sneakers outside of sports or ultra casual settings, but that person might also be an autist and not necessary an idiot.

>> No.18013349

These make a girl 10x more hot

>> No.18013351

>girl gets bad touched during puberty
>has a hard time coping with increased male attention
>disgusted by males
>comes up with the solution of "becoming male" (looking disgusting)
>gets a bunch of shitty tattoos and nose piercings
>I'm a boy now! they/them!
If it makes you feel better, when she gets to be in her 20s she'll do a 180 and say she was "groomed" and go on the right wing talk show circuit advocating for book burnings and generally just turning the country into a theocracy

>> No.18013372

is pornstars and zoomer lingo gooning all you can think of? As I have said, you are utterly depraved of understanding what is aesthetic and what is not. You do not belong on this board. KYS

>> No.18013374
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coomers are annoying but nofap incels screeching about how they were ruined by porn are even worse

>> No.18013382

all me btw

>> No.18013391

Horizontal stripes, they are so ugly I’ve never seen them look good. Wearing horizontal stripes makes you look special needs.

>> No.18015319

how is it idiocy? this piercing gets rid of 90% of unwanted approaches by incels.

>> No.18017306
File: 53 KB, 600x450, chris-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18017976

Maybe 1 in 100 people has tattoos that look good on them and suit their style. And that's being generous

>> No.18017978

The ironic thing about this image is that you have to be seriously mentally ill and incel-brained to think up blackpill shit like this

>> No.18017984
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>Fashions signs that someone is an idiot
It's fashionable to be an idiot today. 40 years ago everybody laughed at tattooed, pierced, overly gay or overprotected folks, now it's the norm.

>> No.18017988

chick on the left has a LV tattoo

>> No.18018744

>no need to have standards and shun reliable signs of poor judgement, impulse control, low intelligence and severe trauma

>> No.18019055

This depends for me. If it’s just something of the brand that has the logo front and center for all to see, I agree with you. If it’s something that looks cool and the logo isn’t so obvious or not even there, I don’t mind. Hopefully it’s not crazy expensive though.

>> No.18019056

Shit taste isn’t for everyone.

>> No.18019185

>Uhhh actually it's cool because I did to make myself look uglier on purpose...
it's true, it filters out incels like OP
chads see right thru it and it makes the zoomer girls swoon

>> No.18019193

>this subjective aesthetic choice is objectively bad
>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.18019215

Some tattoo styles makes your body look like an art piece

>> No.18019413

getting a girl to remove her bull-ring is the closest you'll get to deflowering a girl in 2024

>> No.18019617
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>> No.18019629


>> No.18019648
File: 506 KB, 908x600, 6426426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree. I've been thinking for years that horizontal stripes are going to make a comeback. I get why people think they're lame, they look like something from GAP or whatever, but if it's tasteful they can look really good. e.g., left shirt looks good, right shirt looks like hogwarts for black people.

>> No.18019662

Nose rings are prime one night stand material. Hooking a leash to that shit while she blows you is a sublime experience

>> No.18019730

Right is literally Chris Chan's shirt right down to having a big yellow extra on it.

>> No.18019739


>> No.18019740


>> No.18019748

a few years ago being anti-tattoo was cause for ridicule. but now the position is gaining adherents. the fire rises brothers

>> No.18019816

Baseball caps.

>> No.18019895

of course it looks like shit without the medallion

>> No.18019932

If they’re a woman

>> No.18020019

Nah, you have bad taste.

>> No.18020972

being a woman is a fashion mistake

>> No.18020988

Chris Chan's shirt was primary color red, not maroon, and it also had a denim collar.

>> No.18021012

this shit is my guilty pleasure
hate tattoos and pretty much every piercing but a girl with this dumb shit makes me diamonds