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File: 1.71 MB, 932x924, tanWF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18008006 No.18008006 [Reply] [Original]

Chonky Edition

What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them an

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

PREVIOUS: >>18001536

>> No.18008017

>another $700 PNW cringe and yawn fest featuring all the same re-posted reddit images from the last thread

>> No.18008023
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Reposting from last thread - do you guys like longwings as an everyday office shoe?

>> No.18008038

love longwings but don't think I can pull them off so I've never gotten a pair

>> No.18008053

all you do is put them on with a button up and slacks, what's so hard about it?

>> No.18008054

I thought they'd be easy to pull off
I almost never wear a suit to work so I think oxfords are a bit too formal

>> No.18008055

>>18007716 ID on these? 6 inch engineers look cool

>> No.18008061

>assembled in Washington
Has anyone proved if White's makes their uppers in the US yet?

>> No.18008063


>> No.18008065

>makes their uppers
do you mean if they raise their cows in the US?

>> No.18008068

its going to look weird plus I refuse to expose my ankles

>> No.18008074

you know you can wear long socks, right?

>> No.18008080


engineers are unironically the gayest/most autistic boot style

>> No.18008099

>socks are protection

>> No.18008175

Welcome to the reddit refugee camp.

>> No.18008176

i feel that longwings should only be in shell

>> No.18008194

Probably not everyday shoes but longwings in suede or pebble grain are baller

>> No.18008196

Engineers and jodphurs share the throne of gayest retard boot.

>> No.18008203
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Engineers and jodhpurs are boots' peak performance but you can't handle it.

>> No.18008208
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So sex.

>> No.18008210

work boot lasted jodhpurs when?
let me see one on a 55

>> No.18008216
File: 393 KB, 899x1280, 20240128_171849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took my Alden Indy on a weekend trip and people kept telling me how good they look.

No one's ever commented on my shoes before.

I really like the fit but honestly I don't even consider them that great looking.

>> No.18008217
File: 1.17 MB, 1179x1069, IMG_6548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post real Alligator and not those abominations.

>> No.18008221

Literal ren fair jester shoes.
>Verification not required.

>> No.18008226

You mean engineers and ropers. Jodhpurs are glorified chelseas.

>> No.18008233

>let me see one on a 55
I too want to see that masterpiece.

>> No.18008234

people love a good moc stitch desu

>> No.18008257

to the guy with the Bonafe boots in deer and tarnsjo and others

do you take the same size in all of their lasts? I'm thinking 946 vs 363mod

>> No.18008269

What leather is this?
What sole?

>> No.18008271

It's snuff suede
Some kind of split low profile commando sole

>> No.18008281

I always stay away from suede desu senpai. Did you treat/spray it with anything to keep it from getting grotty?
There's a preorder for indy's in tobacco smooth chamois which if understand it correctly, is somehow related to snuff suede.
I dunno. It's either that or I order
another pair of #8 shell indy's but this time with the thomas heel, which I need, and the neocork sole instead of my leather/regular heel.
>why not put a thomas heel on them?
the company that makes them discontinued them, and alden won't resole something in anything but what it came out of the factory with. I'd have to find a cobbler who can be bothered to craft a thomas heel from scratch.

>> No.18008288

I did spray them with saphir invulner when I got them last year, I should probably spray again but every time I go to my local cobbler he says he's all out and is getting more "next week"

Saphir won't send me sprays over mail, it's illegal or something

>> No.18008294

Yeah you can't send aerosols through the post. Does it actually work for you? I used it once on a pair of suede boots but maybe I didn't spray enough on them because it didn't seem to do shit.

>> No.18008297

Honestly I haven't really dropped anything terrible on them.
Most things seem to go away after a bit of brushing

>> No.18008388
File: 1.81 MB, 790x1024, 1693197386546046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well /btg/? which break is the correct one?

>> No.18008590

Breaks/stacking only looks good with slimmer cuts of jeans.

>> No.18008594

Wonder if it's possible to find engineers with a non potato shaped toe box for under 1k

>> No.18008611
File: 1.30 MB, 2765x3150, 20240208_193455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IRs

>> No.18008618

Do you even know what engineers are? Also, are those the amber harness 8111?

>> No.18008624

Oh, didn't mean to reply to you lol. Didn't notice I clicked your post. Yes they're the Amber Harness.

>> No.18008660

No, you mean tranny

>> No.18008673

>under 1k
that ship sailed long ago

>> No.18008677

Pretty sure Quan Shoemaker charges $800 if you use his choice of leather, not color, but like instead of getting something from Horween or Wickett and Craig.

>> No.18008686
File: 2.03 MB, 2780x1082, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boot on the right with leather the leather on the left, a commando sole, and 360 linear norvegese welt; good boot idea or not?

>> No.18008688
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>> No.18008689

Not a fan of tumbled leather, it's done to hide flaws.

>> No.18008690


>> No.18008789
File: 1.90 MB, 3024x4032, anxg5jw9ilpa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these roughouts soaked in ocean water.
i just dried them out then wiped the inside with a wet cloth and brushed the salt off on the outside. should i be doing more?

>> No.18008810

May as well put them in the bin now, they're fucked

>> No.18008836

Oh no, the $700 le epic manly man logger shoes can't handle a teeny weeny little bit of water
Handmade leather shoes are such a fucking meme lmfao
Better be sure not to wear them more than once a month either or else they won't last 3 years!

>> No.18008936

The patina thunderdome is getting out of hand

>> No.18008944

right is mahogany shell? Not sure if i'd like a shell boot on commando. And while the dover lookalike is nice and all, its not the same without a pie crust, so i would be going EG or AM.
Same size in all with width mod, but never had 946 so i would look around SF.

>> No.18008965

so i dont need to do anything else?

>> No.18008969

Ur fine, depending on how much salt it absorbed, you might want to give it a bit of a suede conditioning spray .

>> No.18008985

How come there's no two pics of the 8111 that look the same? It's like the change color randomy as they patina.

Anything at not bank breaking price is either:

>potato shaped bulbous toe box
>ugly square toe biker boot
>super pointy toe of a biker boot larping as a cowboy boot
>non functional harness instead of a real useful strap

>> No.18009117

Haven't conditioned my boots at all since I got them 5 months ago. I think with the dry weather and salt everywhere I'm going to take the time to do it this weekend. I'm strangely looking forward to it.

>> No.18009147

Do you know any cordwainers that work with this last in 6E width?
Widest I get is 2E usually.

>> No.18009148

>clean boots completely
>look alright for 2.5 year old daily worn on the farm boots
>go on holiday in japan
>back to looking like dirty shit in 2 weeks of city and snow

>> No.18009181
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They don't make them like they used to

>> No.18009255

just ask an Indonesian to build it

>> No.18009318
File: 146 KB, 1512x2016, prototype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i'm going to make boots. i will not elaborate

>> No.18009319
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>> No.18009321

Looks kinda cool.

>> No.18009323

looks suspiciously decent
this isn't your first time

>> No.18009329
File: 578 KB, 909x890, EarlShafferBoots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wearing these Russell Moccasin boots for a few months now. They are certainly the most comfortable boots I own, but also the only moc boots I own, so I don't have much to compare them against. Also, the assembly is clearly done by hand, which is a positive and negative, especially for 715 dollars.

Anyway, I never see these shilled anywhere, but maybe that's a good thing.

>> No.18009339
File: 219 KB, 1600x1200, DSC03911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me over the advantages and disadvantages of rubber midsoles instead of leather.

>> No.18009353

advantage: wedge allegedly sticks better
disadvantage: you get clowned by boot nerds

>> No.18009382
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x1162, GS Edward_Maduro shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18009389
File: 93 KB, 736x737, A9D1257D-3344-4884-8789-311AE43CFA54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these simple shoes look so good compared to most shit out there? Why can‘t other companies crack this? Any alternatives?

>> No.18009394


>> No.18009591
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>> No.18009605

What're the recommendations for steel toe boots?

>> No.18009608

whatever meets the requirements first and foremost

>> No.18009610
File: 1.21 MB, 953x765, 1682707566194208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember its a feature, not a bug when your boots are two different colours

>> No.18009615

They would need Canadian Safety Standards and ASTM electrical hazard certifications at a minimum.

>> No.18009616

this has to be a joke right?

>> No.18009619

My two pairs of lofgrens have great QC, but I ended up selling the engineers because I personally began to hate the shape of the toe box and how soft the cxl was. It’s like it looks almost clownish on a side profile. In terms of Japanese engineers, I much prefer the narrow toe box of the Clinch engineers or even the Attractions. The Shenki horsehide on the lofgrens is leagues better than their standard cxl clicking though

>> No.18009653
File: 150 KB, 1179x885, IMG_6552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the consensus on monk strap boots? I’ve always wanted a pair of C&J Camberleys but I’ve always been hesitant of the 341 last. I found pic related on ebay for a fraction of price in my size and grabbed them.

>> No.18009656
File: 985 KB, 1179x1804, IMG_6553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appears to be Cheaney Imperial collection although I’ve never seen the model before.

>> No.18009713

also the facings are not symmetrical either, looks like two entirely different boots
on the left boot it's so biased inwards the outer quarter is pretty much at the midline of the boot

but hey, $200 and GYW, who cares if they are borderline unwearable, because they make you look like a freak

>> No.18009717
File: 37 KB, 688x280, Allen Edmonds Freeport 1757 Last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cat puke patina
stay classy thunderdome

>> No.18009719
File: 496 KB, 1280x1280, allen-edmonds-freeport-horween-natural-chromexcel-1707507422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the alden indy we have at home

>> No.18009724

Will puking on my boots create some sick patina and help me win?

>> No.18009726

that tread cheapens the look

>> No.18009741
File: 1.53 MB, 4032x3024, 1691022378540208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really does
>i just didnt even realize the vomit on my shoe
thunderdome is a mental illness

>> No.18009783

How long does it take to break in boots for you guys?

>> No.18009785

between 15 mins and 5 months

>> No.18009906

look like dogshit

>> No.18009924

They don't make anything in the US. They are assembled in Shenzhen in the same factory as Thursdays. Hence why shipping times are so slow. US offices just act as a distribution center and final boxing(which counts as US made). Inb4
>b-but muh marketing video!
>b-but muh goodyear welt!
Btw even turdsdays started doing goodyear welts, its nothing new and the machines are finally starting to be distributed in China, so we will see more affordable brands using the same methods soon.

>> No.18009926

So, White's is overseas made trash, and all the videos of them being made by hand are just elaborate propaganda for sales?

>> No.18009940
File: 462 KB, 657x1752, IMG_5476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones do I buy? I feel like iron rangers are too hipster-y
Do they mellow out after you break them

>> No.18009953
File: 467 KB, 1179x1582, IMG_6554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait and get the pink ones fag

>> No.18009958

The worst part is how shapeless they look.
I get Instagram suggestions for Thursday and I don't even have to click the thumbnail to know it's them, nobody makes a boot this ugly

>> No.18009959

get the 875s

>> No.18009966
File: 1000 KB, 1153x910, 17xzs3v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this Vibram sole for
- a longwing derby in a rounded last with a storm welt (unsure if suede or some dark brown grain)
- a dark brown suede (wholecut) chelsea in an almond last with a storm welt

I want something that is low profile but also silent and comfy. More silent than ridgeway if possible.

>> No.18009971

Depends on what you're lookimg for. Iron Rangers might be more versatile than 875s, as in I wear them sometimes with chinos or trousers but I never wear 875s with anything other than jeans. Both have a very short break in period, you actually notice them getting significatively comfier with each wear, might take between a couple of days to a week of regular wear to fully break them in.
The 875s are very comfy for walking or standing on hard, flat surfaces for hours.

>> No.18009974

>450 for Iron Rangers
Are those canadian $ or did red wing increase prices?

>> No.18009976

Gravitypoop is Canadian yea

>> No.18009978
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1127, 2801__38072.1572274891[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get some Canada West boots

>> No.18009980

>no midsole

>> No.18009989

Same as the Red Wings, they're also over 100 bucks less than clown shoe Iron Rangers

>> No.18010039

Are they though? There’s barely any info about the company online

>> No.18010294

Anyone have Frank’s and can compare the #3 toe (55 last) to their #4 toe?
They say to go an additional half size down for the #4 but nigs and whites don’t recommend size changes for their sprung toe last compared to the 55

>> No.18010298

I went for a small hike in the woods in my Aldens and the welt kept getting snagged on like stones and shit
I can't imagine what it must be like with giant PNW stitchdown welts

>> No.18010302

Try walking like a normal bipedal man and stop dragging your feet.

>> No.18010344

nah the canada west are way thinner underfoot

>> No.18010374

they're vibram soles

>> No.18010381

don't make me dig out my pair and compare them

>> No.18010383

you won't. coward.

>> No.18010451

would not do the derby, i think the chelsea would be a better fit.

>> No.18010468

Pretty gay looking

>> No.18010569
File: 1.50 MB, 2706x4028, urban-loggers-predator-orange-v0-y1766u9qloec1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they need an higher heel

>> No.18010586
File: 2.75 MB, 2748x3236, 20240206_170643~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wearing these out more often
I might get the brown ones for blue slacks

>> No.18010591

How do I get these in the U.S.?

>> No.18010593

got enough black on, son?

>> No.18010601

someone help

>> No.18010602
File: 482 KB, 1079x1078, Screenshot_20240210_213406_Free Adblocker Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that backstay

>> No.18010614

Can I add insoles to boots that are too wide? Will they fit better? Do you use insoles in your boots/dress shoes? What are some good ones?

>> No.18010618

I've only used insloes for boots that were too long. For boots that are too wide, perhaps thicker socks, even wearing two pairs if needed, might be a better solution.

>> No.18010620

Yeah, but it will also feel a little smaller elsewhere too, less height and also the heel will feel less secure.
I put some in my Aldens because they were not that snug overall and I wanted some extra cushioning underneath, they became very comfy afterwards.
But on shoes that are already a good fit it makes them feel too small.

I tried buying saphir veg tan leather insoles and they were shit. Wouldn't stay put and the leather would eventually curl up and become a mess.
I just bought some $2 foam insoles at the super market and if they fall apart I'll just buy more. They do the job without moving around and without needing glue.

>> No.18010624

w2c pants?

>> No.18010626
File: 393 KB, 1125x1093, gcr8sHV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have completed the makeup of my shell boots for this year.
>enzo bonafe - balway
>74945 last
>hatch grain, dark cognac, shell shaft
>dark cognac, shell for the rest of the boot
>vibram mini-lug 430, if they have it
>linear norwegian storm welt
>brass eyelets and hooks
>dark green lining
for now i am planning this to be my only boot purchase for the year. i think they will turn out quite nice and am excited to get my first pair of shell footwear.

>> No.18010628

Dickies 873

>> No.18010635
File: 1.49 MB, 4000x3000, 1687444574127581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're both vibram yes but different rubber compound (black label vs yellow label) and they feel different underfoot

For anyone interested: This pair is from "Dayton" but they're very clearly contracted out to Canada West, production stamped 2018

I bought them at the time without knowing what Canada West was, Dayton was selling them at Dayton (600 ish) pricing but gave a 300 in store credit when you bought them

>> No.18010636


>> No.18010642
File: 41 KB, 600x428, 2855_04_600x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have normal looking ones as well

>> No.18010645

similar to my mahogany balway, i am honestly questioning if the shell shaft is worth it. Too late to change now. Dark cognac looks great tho

>> No.18010651
File: 854 KB, 1148x756, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am honestly questioning if the shell shaft is worth it
i am right there with you. i was initially going to use suede or textured calf, but i figured if this will be my only shell boot for the foreseeable future i should just go all out. using carmina's customization options, this was the initial makeup i was considering.

>> No.18010714

Can you stack insoles?

>> No.18010716

>Can you stack insoles?
its over
return or sell them

>> No.18010720

get the proper size next time

>> No.18010722

Fuckkkk. I can make it work. I think with two insoles they’ll be fine. Just afraid i’ll look like robert downey jr.

>> No.18010724

There is no proper size for this last. I have a terrible bunion on my small toe side as well.
>change boots

>> No.18010728

you have to know when to admit defeat
sometimes the last just doesnt work for you

>> No.18010731

I’m no quitter. I’ll wear super wide and insole stack till it’s right.

>> No.18010733

Try other last next time. I would try a thick insole, even if it's one of those cushioned foam inserts, and thick socks, with a wool blend if possible.

>> No.18010734

try 1 thick insole and a kiltie then

>> No.18010739

Those don't look like they have a leather heel stack like the other model.

>> No.18010754
File: 61 KB, 540x432, DSC05990_540x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rancourt has a few boots on sale for Pre-order still

>> No.18010781

What do you have against wearing black

>> No.18010782


>> No.18010788

nothing, nothing
we cool right? haha

>> No.18010793


>> No.18010794

loden would be a nice combo, or just some dark brown utah calf maybe. I'll share pics when they finally arrive, will see if its worth it.

>> No.18010795

You are, yes

>> No.18010817
File: 217 KB, 900x706, seal-face-mark-little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's this waterproofing wax like product here in italy called "seal (the animal) grease", anyone know what does it compare to and if i can make waxed suede with it?
can't find any infos in italian cause there aren't a lot of leather shoes enthusiasts here

>> No.18010819

What do I wear with 10" combat boots? I didn't think my purchase through, the only jeans I have are tapered at the bottom, so I can only fit my Corcoran field boots by tucking the jeans into the boots. It looks stupid, what other pants work with them? I will expand my wardrobe as a result, but atm I need ideas.

On a separate note, I have some Wolverine 1000M Originals, the dark brown/red color. Never bothered to treat them or polish them until 3 months after opening and using them. The shoe polishes fine, still learning to care for it with a horsehair brush, but what can I do to unfuck the leather sole of grime/salt/dirt? Got a lot of salt and slush late January here, one walk around town and I noticed that my soles were dirty as shit. I don't mind doing some intense scrubbing, but I just want to keep my boots going for a while. I'm not using them as a fashion statement, I plan on putting them through some wear and tear, but for my first pair of actual leather boots I'd like to give them the right attention.

>> No.18010820

i doubt its made from real seal

>> No.18010821

>but what can I do to unfuck the leather sole of grime/salt/dirt? Got a lot of salt and slush late January here, one walk around town and I noticed that my soles were dirty as shit.
not much other than putting a topy on it. the leather softens when wet and dirt/pebbles get embedded into them and you'll drag them everywhere you go

>> No.18010822

yeah but that's what it's called, grasso di foca, nobody ever cared about the ingredients

>> No.18010827

I figure a thorough scrub with a toothbrush or something should help get most of the pebbles out, right? Right now it's just a solid layer of grime.

>> No.18010830

yes a stiff synthetic brush would be perfect

>> No.18010885

>Got a lot of salt and slush late January here, one walk around town and I noticed that my soles were dirty as shit
yes theyre leather.............

>> No.18010907


>> No.18010909
File: 281 KB, 1179x1240, IMG_6559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you can mirror shine suede. I actually kinda like it.

>> No.18010911

i mean with enough wax you can build a whole new layer, but i bet it irreversibly fucks with the suede so you'll have to keep the shined tip look forever

>> No.18010936

What boots are these?

>> No.18010973

Why not just buy the boots in patent leather rather than fucking up perfectly good suede?

>> No.18010976
File: 320 KB, 1169x1462, 265541042_4146077825492489_6420251349992703967_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18010978

Because patent leather is not as visually interesting and you cannot show off your shoe shine skills with it.

>> No.18011028
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>> No.18011039
File: 58 KB, 736x490, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to fuddlore, they used to make soldiers polish their roughout boots every day in training in order to build up a proper shine

>> No.18011056

Very nice. I plan on outifitting a pair of Guidis with hobnails, like these WW1 boots.

>> No.18011064

have fun skating on the pavement

>> No.18011160

>new boots fit on my right foot but my left is just about too tight
Is it over, will it stretch with wear?

>> No.18011162
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PNW bros.. why do we keep overpaying for this shit?

>> No.18011194

it's over. you have e to go up half a size or a width if they don't offer mismate sizing
to salvage it you could try really thin socks

>> No.18011197

get a boot stretcher

>> No.18011244

nta but how much can a stretcher safely widen a boot without risking damage

>> No.18011246

Your foot will sink in a little bit which makes it a little wider and gives it more height.
But shoes will never stretch length wise because of the heel and toe counters.

If it feels tight immediately when you put it on then it's definitely the wrong size, you haven't even walked in them yet.

>> No.18011332

used slp rangers are the most similar to those

>> No.18011337

you all have terrible taste

>> No.18011372

"waterlogged corpse" is not
>aging gracefully
Is there no awareness with these tards?

>> No.18011404

When’s Franks running their next discount? I want some chocolate Front Ranges

>> No.18011408


its astounding right? watching the most autistic rejects of society congregate and lord over eachother with an attitude of such extreme arrogance over who has the best pair of boots that make them look like a gay math teacher that wishes he was a vampire. ive only continued to lurk here out of morbid curiosity over how painfully uninformed an entire community can be about the one subject the community is supposed to focus on

>> No.18011413
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>> No.18011414


ok these are pretty fire

>> No.18011417


heres a little tip. if you ever want to look remotely fashionable you need to take your keys off your belt loop immediately. good lord you lack self awareness

>> No.18011419

>his autism causes him to confuse pity for anger
I guess we know why you like weeb shit.

>> No.18011421

the fact that you think im mad really shows how retarded/deluded you are

>> No.18011425

>Please don’t invade my safe space and say mean things :(

>> No.18011470

How do you make breaking in leather shoes easier on your feet?

>> No.18011491

A bit of conditioner on the troublesome spots. But I just tank it.

>> No.18011504

I never had trouble breaking in any of my boots. Its some cope thing about bad fits.

>> No.18011513

I break them in a little bit at a time, 1 hour the first day, 2 hours the second day, keep doubling from there.

>> No.18011517

wear them in short increments
condition flex points
wear thick heavy wool socks

>> No.18011561

>tfw franks doesn’t sell red dog

>> No.18011572

You probably wear clown boots too big for your feet if you’ve never broke in boots.

>> No.18011584

he said he never had trouble breaking them in brainlet

>> No.18011601

Clearly wearing boots too big if he doesn’t feel discomfort.

>> No.18011619

theres only enough stray dawgs in the pnw for one of them

>> No.18011623
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should i buy these norwegian m77 boots?
my black "timb" style boots are a bit hot for fall and spring

>> No.18011634 [DELETED] 

>shoe shine skills
Only nigger children have shoe shine skills
As a man you should never shine your shoes but instead pay a nigger to do it for you

>> No.18011639

>nigs is noticeably more narrow than franks in the 55
why tho

>> No.18011641

They're made for redditors with dainty feet these days.

>> No.18011647

Fucking sad what they’ve done to that company. A shame too because their 64 brown seems like a nice leather that I’d like to try and the Thurman55 last would be perfect for me but after nixing the McKay stitch, getting lasting machines, crazy wait times and multiple price increases last year idk why anyone would choose nigs over Franks (other than redditards building 800 dollar veg tan iron rangers)

>> No.18011648 [DELETED] 

>letting a nigger tough you or your property


>> No.18011693

They're slaves, of course they're meant to touch our property, they ARE our property

>> No.18011721

New boots are arriving today. I'll be be top of the food chain ITT

>> No.18011749
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no nigga

>> No.18011756

Nice dress shoes. Try not to wear them out all at once.

>> No.18011761
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They’ve done 10+ hour night shifts on the U.S. border and radiological emergency drills at Disaster City. Probably more than you can say about your boots.
These haven’t been through anything crazy yet though

>> No.18011766
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>They've done the bare minimum of any shoe

>> No.18011780

At least stomp out some aliens in those boots if you’re at the border.

>> No.18011782
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>> No.18011783
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>> No.18011790

>mfw a pair of jeans caught in the razor wire on the fence near the CPB booths

>> No.18011925 [DELETED] 


>> No.18011970

NFW I'd pay several hundred, wait months, and accept that. You're an idiot if you didn't send them back.

>> No.18011979


>> No.18011980

you are incredibly gay hahaha

>> No.18011981

Danner Light

>> No.18012030

Why doesn't Red Wing mention which models use the poron insole on their site? Why are they trying to hide it? Why are they paying influencers to shill for them? It's over…

>> No.18012041
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I now own the best boots in /btg/ and have the strongest feet. Archlets need not apply

>> No.18012042

>a steep down hill trail blocks his path

>> No.18012050

Any idea what boots these are, or the type so I can find something similar? I like that they have flatter soles, I don’t like when the heel is really pronounced because it makes them too dressy. I want something I can do everything in, I hate boots that are for looks only. That said, boots that are on the functional side tend to look awful.

>> No.18012051
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I’m stupid, forgot the pic.

>> No.18012053

Damn these are cool, might get these instead of 875 redwings
Do they ship to Canada?

>> No.18012055
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The main Danner website seems to ship worldwide.

>> No.18012056

Iron Rangers with the wedge sole

>> No.18012058
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>> No.18012081

Huh? They made one boot with a poron insole and were so embarrassed by it they never tried it again. No one shills for them except people correctly saying they are good.

>> No.18012086

>They’ve done 10+ hour night shifts
Make way for this absolute badass.

>> No.18012098
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>> No.18012144

Anyone rocking mt emey boots?

>> No.18012248

Classic Chelsea
Gore-Tex Moc
Iron Ranger Traction Tread

It's only a matter of time until they transition the entire heritage line…

>> No.18012252
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>> No.18012257

>Classic Chelsea
>Iron Ranger Traction Tread
Both wedge soles, I guess they'll do the 875, 877, 1907, etc. in time.

>Gore-Tex Moc
Is this from the heritage or work line?

>> No.18012263


>> No.18012273

How do you treat the outsole leather? Sole oil? Obenaufs LP? Also, have you ever had a pair of PL2s or 788s? If so, how were the sizing on those?
Polyurethane coating, Danner is utter garbage

>> No.18012386

No, retards, they won't. 875 will never be made with poron. Stop the gay FUD.

>> No.18012390

>875 will never be made with poron
this will age poorly

>> No.18012438

Just be mindful of the size. These are meant to be worn with multiple thick socks. They also have some fleece on the tongue and are, despite being a shell, pretty warm. I wouldn't use them as summer boots. Also, the ones on Varusteleka are cheaper than the "legit" Norwegian made surplus.
Man, I've just never been able to get behind monkey boots.

>> No.18012477

It looks like my old couch

>> No.18012484

What about mink oil?

Stuff I have is made from actual minx

>> No.18012493

What length laces for 6 inch Perry's?

>> No.18012534

is that all danner products or just that specific boot?

>> No.18012549
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I saw this reddit post about these Cheaneys that have loose grain on the vamp and color that starts rubbing off and my only thought was how good grain leather wingtip boots look.

I need to get a pair but can't get C&J as I have wide feet.
Maybe Trickers. Definitely not Cheaney after reading this.
TLB also has a wingtip model in their new casual last and they do H-width. But eh.

>> No.18012553

thanks king

>> No.18012591

id on the left one?

>> No.18012592

anon, i...

>> No.18012599

>monkey boots
i thought he was using it as a pejorative, lol, sorry

>> No.18012619

>are cheaper than the "legit" Norwegian made surplus.
Cheaper as in price or as in lower quality?

>> No.18012622

You can get away with 50" but I'd go with 60"

>> No.18012652

islay last is super wide though

>> No.18012668

Night shifts? Like Batman?

>> No.18012676

What if the wood was the entire boot?
Has anyone dared?
Does the universe permit such a construct?

>> No.18012691
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It’s one of the widest C&J lasts but C&Js are all fairly narrow. You can get it in F width on a single MTO if I remember right.

>> No.18012726
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Got them for $465 cad with taxes from a local place
I usually wear size 11.5 but 11 fit me perfectly
How long does it take to break them in and how often should I be conditioning ‘em?

>> No.18012730

>How long does it take to break them in and how often should I be conditioning ‘em?
about a week
and once a winter

>> No.18012737

The laces going so far down the toe looks silly. Makes it look like you have short, stubby feet

>> No.18012739

I like them because it’s like a cross between hypebeast chunky shoe and full on nazi larp

>> No.18012790
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If you want something a little more versatile there's the blacksmith. Basically a less rugged looking IR without a cap toe.

>> No.18012839

What boots do you guys wear at work?

>> No.18012841


>> No.18012847

I’ve avoided wearing wedge soles so long I think I’m just gonna give in.

>> No.18012857
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>> No.18012859

I didn't even like moc toes, but for some reason about a year or two ago they were THE boot to get, literally everywhere. Caved in and now I wear the 875s more than my other boots. It helps that the wedge sole is god-tier for hard, flat surfaces and most of my workday entails standing or walking on exactly that.

>> No.18012863
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parkhursts and grant stone while my florsheims look from the corner like a cuck
i need to replace them

>> No.18012869
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big fan of the overall look of these. I might pick up a pair

>> No.18012892

Yeah I think I'll get a pair of 877s.

>> No.18012907

i am trying to rotate as much as possible right now, but the white's perry selects probably get the most wear.

>> No.18012988
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my favorite corcorans

>> No.18012995


>> No.18012997

fuckin a

>> No.18013005


>> No.18013008

fuckin a

>> No.18013018

anyone here ever bought laces from guarded goods? I ordered a pair of flat waxed laces a week ago and they haven't even shipped yet brahs

>> No.18013066

inb4 they flagged you and wont respond to you a la whites

>> No.18013111

I ordered a few pairs two weeks ago, they shipped out same day. Maybe what you ordered isn't in stock.

>> No.18013169


>> No.18013173
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>> No.18013213

Panama Jack

>> No.18013215


>> No.18013235

guidi is just god tier

>> No.18013344
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>> No.18013358

TLB Mallorca Artista Line and Carmina Main Line are the same price. But I've heard the Arista is done much better. Opinions?

>> No.18013369

really sexy

>> No.18013386



Nicks have been bought out and gone to shit as well.

Frank's are the real Nicks


>> No.18013422
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Got my hands on a pair of chelsea shoes. What can I wear with this? Photos online only show garbage casual skinny jeans fits.

>> No.18013438
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You can wear most everything with these, that's the magic about them. It really depends on your style but I think they go particularly well paired with Navy. For example, a light top piece, shirt or knitwear (blue or off-white) navy chino's and a black belt. From there, you can go more formal or casual depending on your preferences. Black/white would also work very well, obviously. Black or anthracite trousers + white dress shirt.

>> No.18013472

>Photos online only show garbage casual skinny jeans fits

Because chelseas are for faggots. We've been telling you.

>> No.18013479


>> No.18013502
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R8 my latest purchase

>> No.18013552
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Someone asked to see the resole Bedos did on my shoes once I got them back. Here they are. He put a fat slab of leather in there for the midsole. $240 was pricey, but they are better now than they were new.

>> No.18013557

Usually they ship fast, but my recent order did take like a week to ship. But once you get them there is no going back, they have the best kilties and laces. And watch straps.

>> No.18013562

Red wing 9075

>> No.18013569


>> No.18013577

Thanks Anon

>> No.18013582

what are these? they look great

>> No.18013589
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>ABC mart owns danners: :)
>ABC mart owns whites : >:(

>> No.18013591

pretty clean work, but then again 240 really is on the upper end

>> No.18013598

240 is quite the price for a resole, but the work done is impeccable.

>> No.18013601

no pull loop?

>> No.18013603

long flowing lines like long coats to accentuate the uninterrupted pattern of chelseas

>> No.18013625

looks like rewelt+resole
if he did new welts then $240 is about what you should expect

$150+ resole
$70+ rewelt

>> No.18013627

not a fan and it looks better without
also Franks does a slight upcharge for the pull loop for MTO configs, which is weird considering it’s a standard option on in stock boots

>> No.18013630

poorfag here, if i exclusively wear wrangler jeans, then can i just buy their piss cheap boots and spare myself the headache of looking for something decent?

>> No.18013650

would have gone with black welt stiching desu

>> No.18013653

What's your budget?

>> No.18013654


>> No.18013673
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I wore these today.

TLB Artista is much better but they have a lot fewer options.
If you want dress shoes like oxfords and such it's a no brainer.

>> No.18013677

It's the same welt. New midsole and outsole. I'm happy though.

>> No.18013685

Have to attend a wedding. Any suggestions of Oxfords in Germany for around 200 bucks? I never use formal shoes but I didn't want to buy something that will go to the trash after 10 uses

>> No.18013693

Meermin, you're better off just getting mall trash if you're never gonna use them though.

>> No.18013694
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What's your shoe size?
I put my Carmina black captoe oxfords on ebay a few months ago and they haven't sold.
All my other shoes have sold and all have gone to Germans for some reason.

>> No.18013699

At least the next resole is gonna cost you like 60 dollars considering that they'll just have to glue a new sole unto them... Right? Because changing the midsole everytime makes 0 sense.

>> No.18013704

yeah Idk
Foot size 27.5 cm. Normally 44.5 EU or 9.5 UK

>> No.18013709

ID pls

>> No.18013712

want a brown and black pair, ideally £200 or less each. only ever worn timbs i got as birthday gifts up until now

>> No.18013732

Well my Carminas are 9.5 UK
If you go on ebay and search Carmina Black Captoe Oxfords you will find them.
169 + 25 shipping (to Germany it costs like 30 but oh well).
They're in great condition honestly, I've worn them less than 10 times.

Was my first GYW shoe and Carmina mis-sized me.

>> No.18013735

Redwing Postman oxford.

>> No.18013746

ty sirs

>> No.18013757
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Is Loake a good shoemaker? I live in the UK

>> No.18013762
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Saw these posted in SF, pretty good deal if you're in the US I think.
Never had an experience with John Lobb shoes up close but these retail for at least 3 times as much normally. Maybe 4 times.

>> No.18013773

Beginner brand for fresh office worker.

>> No.18013794
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>I live in the UK

Do you at least live in Whitby?

>> No.18013831

you are getting a really great deal for the brand name, but a pretty unremarkable deal for the boot itself
their RTW line is pretty much nothing special, machine lasted, machine welted, wood shank, which is about what you'd expect for the rest of the british dress shoe brands, but at a heavily elevated price mostly for being a "luxury" recognizable brand
they do some funky stuff with stiffeners in the uppers to give their shoes shape and they do blind stitching on their leather soles, which is what they have over crockett and jones and carmina for example

for a tried-on non-wholecut suede chelsea with a single block EVA outsole the price is about fair
personally i think the chunky outsole and the elongated last make it look silly, but i'm not a chelsea guy maybe people like that

>> No.18013848

you need to buy the made in england line, called 1880. Otherwise avoid. If you can afford buy Cheaney.

>> No.18013851

