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File: 1.89 MB, 2000x1336, IMG_2632-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17970212 No.17970212 [Reply] [Original]

Nigs Edition

What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them an

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

>Should I buy turdsdays/soloshits/doc shitans?
No they are filled with synthetic materials aimed at instant comfort but will not hold up to actual use.
>b-b-but muh ecelebs on youtube said they're good
no. you will waste your time and money and still have uncomfortable footwear at the end of the day. spend the extra $100 and get something real.

Manufacturer Red Flags
>Unknown leather source
>Made in Chyna/Mexico/Indonesia

Boot Red Flags
>Dainite (Get vibram v-bar instead)
>Non gusseted tongues
>Excessive/unnecessary seams
>Combination/mixed material heels

Boot Brands NO
>Doc Shitters/Soloshitters
>any Whatsapp makers in the far east

PREVIOUS: >>17964929

>> No.17970221
File: 2.64 MB, 3903x2127, IMG_6378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postin new boots

>> No.17970224

He literally wears chelseas lmaooooooooooo

>> No.17970226

Hey, anyone got some experience with Oldmulla? Tiny shop in Portugal, suspicious prices for handmade pairs.

I live in Sweden, is there any decent Swedish/European GYW:s that won't fuck me over too badly? All decent brands being mentioned have a massive price hike here - pair of Iron Rangers goes for over 400 USD.

>> No.17970228

Not a fan of chelsea boots but I think they look nice. Don't listen to the obvious child.

>> No.17970231

What’s in the OP pic?

>> No.17970232

A tranny heel.

>> No.17970233

Hey dude. You didn’t post that stock photo. Can you post it again? I love seeing your digital boots fuckin retard

>> No.17970234

More than one person has jumped on the tranny heel meme, friend. Also, iPhones are for fags. You're batting a thousand.

>> No.17970241
File: 994 KB, 1179x1178, IMG_6379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never like chelseas but G&G’s are probably the best looking. Better than that garbage from those cunts in ‘straila

>> No.17970252

*tips fedora*

You mean the least worst looking.

>> No.17970261


>> No.17970289
File: 851 KB, 799x718, 1680169179095489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turdsday lol

>> No.17970292

not at home now so i cant post them, but Gepard serbian boots are top shelf stuff for 60 bucks at a army surplus store in serbia or germany, most of them are unissued and basicslly brand new
>lamb skin
>thick as shit
>properly welted
>usually unissued
>dont look like larper boots too much
>amazing for hiking

why dont you have one pair already?

>> No.17970302
File: 476 KB, 432x536, 1704345299731405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find boot collab
>fixes the one issue i have the regular boot
>leather is hot pink double dip depleted uranium reverse french sewer rat

>> No.17970303
File: 59 KB, 1200x802, chelsea-cxl-blackunmarked-570542_1200x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally what's wrong with chelseas? Give me a straight, non-projecting faggotry answer.

>> No.17970304

i just replaced my daily chelseas with a balmoral

>> No.17970305

too chunky of a sole for that upper

>> No.17970306

nta but i don't trust the elastic they look good though
are their any leather sided chelseas?

>> No.17970308

Not that anon. I wear boots for ankle protection and to ensure my footwear stays securely attached to my foot no matter the activity or environmental condition. I really don't see the point in chelsea boots as any utility they serve is filled just as well by a dress shoe.

>> No.17970312

No it's Wednesday.

Ugly. Typically worn by limp wrists. More importantly though, it's a pointless design. Literally why do they exist? Why would I wear these instead of regular boots or ropers? If you abstain yourself from the fact that they look like shit and are worn by faggots, what do they offer? Why would I wear a boot with an elastic band in it, the fuck? I'm not a woman.

>> No.17970352

>are their any leather sided chelseas?
I guess jodphurs are the closest thing to that

>> No.17970414
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>after 20 hours of wear
wow! white's only fall apart in double the time turdsdays do

>> No.17970416
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learning from the best

>> No.17970417
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How do they manage to fuck up the stitching on the uppers worse than some cheap mexican factory worker lol

>> No.17970437

>nigs edition
they're nigs

>> No.17970439

>Made in Am*r*ca

>> No.17970446

I don't even like them but you have to be impressed how uniform they got a pair of wholecut alligators

>> No.17970486

you need to abandon the notion that americans are more competent at craftsmanship because:
>it hasn't been true for about 3 decades
>it was never true for boots

>> No.17970493

>"nooo you're supposed to wipe them down after stepping in a puddle and wear them only for one hour at a time!!!"
It's actually amazing how many people fell for the shilling that goes on here just because they think some random marketing video is how all the boots are made. Those boots are made in shenzen china, in the same exact factory that thursdays are made. All you have to do is pay a little more money for "premium" materials and construction. The long wait times aren't because it takes a long time to make a boot, or because they're popular, it's because logistics sucks and it takes time to ship in containers from China, particularly small batches. I'm not shilling for an alternative, I'm just stating what I discovered in my supply chain investigation. Take the shills with a grain of salt.

>> No.17970495

>4 stall bathroom
>redwing moc wearer taking a shit in the 1st stall
use the furthest stall you sick fuck i am pissing at the urinals i don't wanna smell your shit
typical moc wearer

>> No.17970545

Indeed, thecqualified all-american blue collar worker got killed off in the 80's.
>thanks for being the backbone of this country
>now fuck off, we gotta create value for the shareholders

Thursdays are made in Mexico.

>> No.17970553

>thank you daddy Reagan!

>> No.17970567

I'm a moc wearer and do not shit outside.

>> No.17970568

I'm a moc wearer and I do shit outside

>> No.17970571
File: 933 KB, 1152x1536, vb_hw_db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some final thoughts on the double butt Vibergs before I shut up and wear the hell out of them. Viberg said this leather was chunky and they weren't kidding. It's cut thick and is stiff as a brick house. Starting to break them in yesterday was a chore, they barely wanted to give at all. They're damn comfortable though, I got lucky with the fit.

The way the leather seems to be creasing is really nice, it's extremely fine grained. I'm not sure if it's due to the cut of leather itself, the veg tanning or both. On the veg tan, I like the way it looks and how it lets some of the natural blemishes in the leather come through. You can tell these are going to get a nice patina. I did manage to get a few drops of water on them while making lunch yesterday and they soak it up fast. Most of them faded quickly but there is one small spot that seems to be fading but much more slowly. Adding a bit of character to them already. Can't say much about the ridgeway soles, have only worn them indoors so far. I like the thinner waxed laces these came with much better than the ones I got with my Red Wings. My only complaint so far is the lack of speed hooks but I guess you can't get everything you want. Overall I'm really happy with these, they'll be a good lifelong pair.

>> No.17970576

Typical PNW boot wearer, crying about every little thing in public.

>> No.17970587

how do i wear combat boots without looking like a school shooter?

>> No.17970588

Be a member of the SWAT team cowering outside.

>> No.17970589

be attractive

>> No.17970593

what size you get - berg recommending 1 whole size down is a meme right?

>> No.17970594

Don't cuff or tuck your pants. Most people will just think they're sneakers. If they're coyote brown, your outfit has to really work.

>> No.17970596

0.5 down is safer unless you have really low volume/narrow feet.

>> No.17970597

I went a full size down from brannock but I have really narrow feet. I'm just barely a D width.

>> No.17970598

hmm okay. mine oare more the color of >>17970571 so I guess I'm fine. I'm probably just overthinking things because I've only ever worn sneakers

>> No.17970604

Work out. Don't be super skinny and awkward.

>> No.17970612
File: 2.26 MB, 3024x3724, IMG_6375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took 2 different hides that needed to be matched to make one pair. If you look at the toe in this pic you can see they even matched the size and placement of the umbilical scars. Pretty impressive when you consider they’re wholecuts with no side seems.

G&G’s elastic is stiff and double layered. I had to use a show horn to get them on and they were only slightly easier to get off than my cowboy boots.

>> No.17970623

parkhurst is going ro start doing a stichdown line. there are some samples up now

>> No.17970625

Isn't stitchdown inferior to gyw?

>> No.17970634


>> No.17970639


>> No.17970641

you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about

>> No.17970644

Chelsea with storm welt and commando sole - does it work?

>> No.17970646

It's less water resistant and less repairable. Any upsides? Lighter shoe?

>> No.17970649
File: 1.98 MB, 2604x3411, 20240106_103735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore the TLB chukkas today for the first time - very cool and very comfy.

I've never had a bad fitting suede shoe but I really like the fit of TLB lasts in general, narrow in the back and decently wide in the front (I went with G width).
I also really like their city sole.

I might try to do a more casual boot now that they have the Madison last and commando soles.

>> No.17970677

Loafers or Oxfords as everyday shoes?

>> No.17970678

Do you wear a suit?
Oxfords mainly go with a suit in my opinion. But they're easier to get a good fit than a loafer from my experience.

>> No.17970684

you have to be blind to think those are even remotely close

>> No.17970685


>> No.17970687
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>> No.17970707

I'd like to but I'm more of a shirt + tie + sweater majority of the time. That's why I can't decide.

>> No.17970710

>its totally fine that these $700 boots are differnet heights because its.. not THAT bad!
white's are fucking thrash.

>> No.17970712
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we use finest chromexcel saar

>> No.17970728
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>its always an ESL hating on whites
really makes you think

>> No.17970730

You realize posting anime does nothing but hurt your position, right?

>> No.17970732

>For this pair, I wanted to go down the service boot route and ultimately have something similar to the Viberg 2030 service boot
>Overall, once again I've been very impressed with what BLKBRD continually do in this price range.

>> No.17970751

>Are they similar in construction quality to the Vibergs? I don't know as I've never seen a pair in real life. But these boots have the same leather, similar construction profiles etc and are €500 cheaper for me. They're a really well made pair of boots and could stand against many other brands easily.
reads like a parody

>> No.17970757
File: 1.23 MB, 4624x2604, 20231014_140319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a couple of days?

This is what my Vibergs in brown CXL looked like after a year
Photo taken without trees (or feet) inserted

>> No.17970765

lottery winner

anime website

>> No.17970766

>anime website
It's not 2008 anymore, closet case.

>> No.17970778

>I've worn them over multiple days and they're breaking in perfectly
No fucking way this isn't cope. What the hell did they make these out of, a few layers of cardboard with a faux leather plastic sheen on top?

>> No.17970787

Every time I read sentences like that I think it's cope for a bad fit.

>> No.17970792

>a few layers of cardboard with a faux leather plastic sheen on top?
would probably crease better than cxl desu

>> No.17970799

reads like the typical prompted "review"/stealth ad for these shitty asian mto brands popping up everywhere

usually BLKBRD coordinates so that they get 3 threads on the same day or evenly 1 day apart
this time it's 3 threads each 4 days apart, maybe it's to be less blatant or maybe it's because gyw reddit been slow with posts lately
either way next time you see someone post their curry boots notice that there are always 2 other ones under it not far behind

also there is no way the shitty mods don't know about it and just allow it or get paid off to allow it

>> No.17970829
File: 1.83 MB, 1030x1373, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone ever buy boots from aliexpress? I am curious to know exactly how bad they are

>> No.17970832

why the fuck would you buy boots on aliexpress?

>> No.17970834

Everyone here thinks you are a cringe ass bitch.

>> No.17970836
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>> No.17970847
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>> No.17970853

the materials in those pics are probably 1/3 of the price already

>> No.17970880

My whites semi dress in dress brown came in. They are much more supple than my whites 350-cs in waxed flesh. They are way very comfortable. They also fit differently even though they are the same size and last. The arch doesn’t feel as high. Not sure why.

>> No.17970890

The leather shank collapsed.

>> No.17970897

Wouldn’t the leather shank collapsing mean my new semi dress boots would have a higher arch than the 350s? It’s the opposite.

>> No.17970902
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1365, whites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think whites are made in china, you got a smooth brain, kiddo. i mean, maybe they outsource the cheapest versions of their boots, but the hand sewn stitchdowns are absolutely made in spokane.

>> No.17970903

the kinda boot a schlubby bearded cuck wears in real life

>> No.17970907

Whatever you have to tell yourself to keep feeling special, babby boy.

>> No.17970935
File: 3.48 MB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist here. Was looking for a used pair of Iron Rangers on eBay (basic bitch taste I know) but copped these for 190 quid instead. Alfred Sargents. How'd I do?

>> No.17970944

don't bother with the noboots

>> No.17970947

>AS for 190
fucking wew dude

>> No.17970957
File: 259 KB, 531x487, Screenshot 2024-01-10 142049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any frens able to identify these?

>> No.17970972

How do I convince these fat whales hoarding irregular choice shoes that dont fit their mammoth feet to sell them to me so i can give to my gf

>> No.17970980

Is that low or high?

>> No.17970983

very low

>> No.17970996
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>> No.17971041

I’ll post pics when they come in the mail later this week.

>> No.17971053

No it’s not

>> No.17971079

Opinions on color 8 chromexcel? Is it too much?

>> No.17971082

too much what?

>> No.17971085


Too bold

>> No.17971087
File: 752 KB, 4000x3000, 1679570790370386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#8 is THE colour to go if you absolutely have to go CXL imo

eh its not that bold

>> No.17971089

its just burgundy man

>> No.17971093

Cringiest pic I've seen in awhile.

>> No.17971119

seriously how do you deal with boots needing re tightening midday?

>> No.17971130
File: 1.94 MB, 828x1582, Dress brown .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17971133

Are unstructured toes a Reddit tier meme or do they actually look better?

>> No.17971137

>they post the exact same pictures in every thread

>> No.17971140

noboots for some reason like to hang out here complaining and whining about other people's boots

>> No.17971142

Imo they look goofy. Definitely reddit because it's a Japanese thing.

>> No.17971159
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>> No.17971161
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>> No.17971165

It's more water resistant though.

>> No.17971168

is it though

>> No.17971172

I wanted to but they didn't go up to size 47. I wanted some engineers on the cheap.

>> No.17971177

Please God don't let my cxl boots look like that.

>> No.17971180

By sizing correctly, even when my boots are looser than when I put them on, they are still fine and don't need to be re-tightened.
Maybe you have skinny ankles.

>> No.17971182

They look goofy when they are broken in because you end up getting creases all the way to the tip of the toe.

>> No.17971184

>Maybe you have skinny ankles
i do
i actually had to get tongue pads on some of my thinner leathers but the footbed and arch is perfect
skill issue i suppose

>> No.17971185

Doesn't happen to me. I tend to tie my boots pretty tight, though, overall.

>> No.17971187

>skill issue i suppose
Ehh, I mean you could always put in thick false tongue from Frank's, White's, or Nick's.
If you had had money to blow you could just get your boots with custom uppers.

>> No.17971189
File: 693 KB, 587x604, 1678148480193861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 (THREE) hours of wear

>> No.17971191


>> No.17971192

Kilties are gay and never the answer.

>> No.17971195

i actually did do that with one but i just cba to shop for more kilties even if nigs makes buying them easy
picked up two sets of tongue pads to pad my grant stone order to hit $400 for black friday and it solved the issues on the suede and roo pairs

one day ill fuck around and order shell kilties from guarded goods lol

>> No.17971201

well well well it appears it IS the answer for anon

>> No.17971202

just cut the part that sticks out and make them no-show if you are that insecure

>> No.17971206

He said tongue pads worked.
Or just not gay up the front of your boots in an attempt to larp as a lumberjack.

>> No.17971209

>in an attempt to larp as a lumberjack.
I agree the skirted ones look dumb as fuck. I use the "hidden" kind that you literally can't see if you color match well.

>> No.17971218

Should I buy NSTs as an everyday shoe

>> No.17971223

why are you being weird?
i got 1 pair of kilties and the do the same thing as pads with no glue and i cut mine to be concave to show less
the question was mostly to see if i was missing something

yeah but with a lug sole

>> No.17971226

They’re based

>> No.17971238
File: 24 KB, 518x518, Postman-Black-Chaparral_1_518x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get my shoes resoled. What sole should I go with? I don't really know the options. I guess some sort of black wedge.

>> No.17971239
File: 2.86 MB, 3022x3381, IMG_6037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17971241


>> No.17971243

the vibram eton, a clone of dainite, is pretty good for a flat look. it's noticeably softer than dainite, but won't be as soft as a replacement wedge sole.

>> No.17971250
File: 175 KB, 1080x1080, vibram 2060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vibram 2060 if you want a black wedge sole that looks presentable on shoes
vibram christy is whack

>> No.17971262

I really like color 8 Aldens. I've been thinking about getting a pair of their wingtip boots as a dressy option. Not going to pull the trigger on that anytime soon though.

>> No.17971264

CXL strikes again

>> No.17971285
File: 770 KB, 2048x2048, alden-nst-machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy owning probably the last of aldens handsewn NSTs
they are moving to machine stitch, not just NSTs, which were handstitch only up till now, but in general handsewn aprons are slowly becoming unobtainium, like their "rare" shell
there is no replacement for the 2 ladies that stitch for them and they are close to being done
they are trying to compensate by experimenting with quirky leathers to make up for it

>> No.17971288
File: 1.90 MB, 4032x2094, IMG_6384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn shame. The handsewn tanker is my favorite Alden.

>> No.17971290
File: 1.17 MB, 1813x1961, IMG_5694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17971304

There are extremely few images online of the Grant Stone Field Boots. The only pics I can find that aren't from the store are of the saddle veg tan and the walnut bison. I literally can't find one picture of them in waxed flesh or cxl. Makes it hard to decide.

>> No.17971305

Very nice, but is that true that alden boots break apart inside and are an absolute bitch to resole?

>> No.17971307

>an absolute bitch to resole?
Even if true, you aren't doing it yourself.

>> No.17971312

why would they be a pain to resole? they're just regular gyw footwear.

>> No.17971334

A friend tried to give his aldens to a local cobbler and he straight up told him that he doesn't do them anymore because how they break apart and basically need an overhaul.
Just trying to have a second opinion.

>> No.17971343

They’re comfy dawg

>> No.17971344

I thought chrome excel was top tier shit and now I come here and it seems like everyone is trashing it? Qrd on cxl pls

>> No.17971345

It creases badly when it isn't a higher thickness that premium brands like PNW boots use for their CXL boots, most notably Vibergs but you'd get a somewhat similar result from White's, Frank's Nick's because it is the heaviest OZ that you can buy from Horween.
Viberg is the best because they do the best clicking.
Other leathers like Siedel Double shot don't have this problem as much and people here realized that.

>> No.17971351
File: 1.44 MB, 1976x2165, IMG_5845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17971356

Do you mind explaining what you mean by clicking? Also double shot vs cxl properties? I’m not finding much online regarding either. Thanks.

>> No.17971361

>Do you mind explaining what you mean by clicking?
Clicking is choosing the best part of the hide to use for the boots, you can spot defects in the leather and choose not to cut from that part, in turn this will create lots of waste.
Most brands try to use as much of the hide as they can and that is their goal with clicking.
They are also using thinner leather which creases more and worse.
The properties of both are hard to describe, you could try getting swatches or going to a store that has boots in both, CXL is more greasy, but double shot was made to compete with CXL so it is still very similar in it's feel and pull up.

>> No.17971362

Great, thank you

>> No.17971366

Your friend’s “cobbler” is probably a Neanderthal whose idea of a resole is literally gluing on a new sole on top of the old one.

>> No.17971368

Guys buy boots to fight fire. Wear them hours a day sweating all summer in the heat. Yet I wear my boots for 2 months daily. Now the insole is ruined. Curling. Wavy. Explain this.

>> No.17971373

>he didn't rotate
skill issue

>> No.17971375

My entire point is firefighters are not rotating.

>> No.17971376

Those people are having their boots rebuilt all the time much faster than anyone else because they can't take care of their boots.

>> No.17971396

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.17971415


>> No.17971418

how so? I really doubt that considering most stitchdown constructions are lazy asf with the uppers flared out for maybe 120 degrees at the front of the boot, while the rest is just glued on. How does that make it any more water proof than a 270 or 360 gyw? With veldtschoen, norvegese, goiser or whatever, i can at least see why people claim its more waterproof, as they usually have the uppers flared out and stitch them down for 360 degrees. With the stitchdown you see from PNW brands or Indonesian makers, i don't see it.

>> No.17971421

The GYW is just more water permeable with the welt system with more holes and more stitching.
Veldtschoen probably is more water proof than stitchdown but that doesn't mean it's less waterproof than good year welted.

>> No.17971446

Has anyone ever got water leakage through the stitching on their boots?

>> No.17971447

I don’t care if you guys call me a trannyheel im buying some JKs

>> No.17971449

yes water seeped up through the blake stitch for me

>> No.17971456

get a wax crayon and go over the stitching

>> No.17971458

Water didnt even seeped through my $90 Blake stitch shoes.

>> No.17971500

2 for cringe and 2 for based.

>> No.17971542

have you checked if dales leatherworks reviewed them?
his reviews always include a bunch of photos

>> No.17971583

I think I wore my new boots for too long before they were properly broken in now my feet hurt :(

>> No.17971591

and you gf cheats on you with him

>> No.17971607

I have no gf you retard.

>> No.17971615

sure showed him

>> No.17971640

I actually did show him.

>> No.17971671

Kind of boot related question. What’s your favorite cut of pant to match with your boot? Do you prefer full break, half, or no break?

>> No.17971674

Cut with scissors.

>> No.17971686

I don't think you should be wearing broken pants

>> No.17971772

half break for me

>> No.17971785

Too red.
Nothing like color 8 shell.

>> No.17971791
File: 42 KB, 700x390, 1690635248637319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Chromexcel made from cow (not calf)?

Are these people really paying hundreds of dollars to entrust INDIANS with shoes made from COW?

>> No.17971799

and they're probably buying the thinnest weights available too

>> No.17971839
File: 602 KB, 1536x2048, BDVthxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine paying like $500 for Indonesian boots and they arrive brand new unworn out of the box like this.

>The boots arrived heavily creased. I suspect that Kevin had to aggressively pull on the leather to remove the boots from the lasts
>A week later he messaged me to let me know that the lining had stuck to the lasts, and that when he was finally able to remove the lasts the lining of each boot had torn in a few spots.
>No discount was offered or requested for the damaged lining
>Within a few wearings the pull tab on the right boot started to tear off.
>As of yesterday I noticed a very loud squeak coming from the lower of the right boot. I inspected more closely, and the heel is coming unstuck (see pic). At this point the boots are unwearable

>> No.17971864

>the lining had stuck to the lasts, and that when he was finally able to remove the lasts the lining of each boot had torn in a few spots
>No discount was offered
the industry can make good boots but you're really playing the lottery when ordering from some random dude over whatsapp

>> No.17971868

you left out the best part
the fix offered for the torn lining was paint which has been rubbing off on his socks for 2 months

>> No.17971874
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>> No.17971884
File: 311 KB, 1536x2048, X1WXsf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting an indonesian, especially one that goes by "kevin"
also he's too retarded to notice that the welt edges have not been beveled at all and there is a sharp corner that flares up with wear
incredibly messy
the sole edges are burnished or treated with edge kote and darkened a bit, but the welt itself is left raw and the color contrast is incredibly jarring

>> No.17971886

he also doesn't specify the leather which is unusual. for an mto you'd have to know the leather and would name drop it unless...
it's local mystery meat
he paid $500 for poorly made mystery meat

>> No.17971887

Honestly that's what they deserve for wearing Chelsea boots like a woman

>> No.17971915

i seriously don't understand what people expect when they pay money blindly to some complete idiot amateur making boots under a fake name out of his garage in the jungle
for $500 you can buy a RTW chelsea from pretty much any EU/US establshed reputable brand you can imagine

>> No.17971919
File: 81 KB, 712x979, ZfEhC4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an expensive lesson

buy things made in the west, with leather from western tanneries, made with traditional western shoemaking methods.
If it's less than 450€ something is off, it pretty much cannot be done for less.

>> No.17971939

The duality of man

I've never had that problem. I suspect the discussion about which construction method is more or less waterproof is moot since I really doubt getting water throught the welt has actually happenned to someone unless they spent hours with the feet deep in water pools.

>> No.17971944

>If it's less than 450€ something is off, it pretty much cannot be done for less.
>laughs in Red Wing

>> No.17971959

>no midsole
>no heel stack
>plastic heel rand
>gemming unglues from the footbed on every pair
>limited to IR/BS or moc only

>> No.17971979

>he's never taken his shoes to a cobbler

>> No.17971995

I've worn my Vibergs (stitchdown) and my Carminas (normal welt, not storm welt) in the rain and both of them stayed perfectly dry.
I don't know if the leather itself is waterproof but even when it got soaked I didn't feel anything.

>> No.17972006

>paying $360 upfront, then taking it to a cobbler, paying him extra for upgrades and thinking like you got a deal in the end
even if you do it when you need a resole of the factory soles, you still spent that ammount of time torturing yourself with zero shock absorption standing on pure hard rubber

>> No.17972023

This is Seidel Double Shot LMAO

>Double Shot Exposed

>> No.17972073

None of those things have been an issue so far and my boots are still going strong in spite of heavy usage.
Beckmans have leather midsoles, btw.

>> No.17972082

>So I specifically wanted a rounder toe than the usual Rudiger boot to closer follow the aesthetic of the Viberg, Grant Stone etc.
lol, very much looks like viberg

>> No.17972091
File: 355 KB, 1170x1176, 1167A51C-FA13-4620-96DD-774D79935F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with any sort of Danner hunting boots? I have to deal with rattlesnakes constantly so I was thinking about picking up one of these but I’m not sure if they’ll work for going up and down hills all day.

Also if anyone has an alternative suggestion that’d be great too.

>> No.17972097

>fabric on the shaft
will that actually work against snakes

also i wonder what those stitches near the sole anchor into

>> No.17972107

I mean it says it should. I do have lightweight turtle skin gaiters so I was gonna place those over the top for added protection if I got the shorter ones.

>> No.17972127

I guess something thick leather would be better, like White's smokejumpers. Plus the tranny... I mean, the totally manly packer heel should help going up and down hills all day

>> No.17972140
File: 859 KB, 468x800, 1684953795768406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to deal with rattlesnakes constantly
check this shit out anon

>> No.17972148

The snake proof material is an internal lining.

>> No.17972151

Never had any issues with mine. Love Red Wings.

>> No.17972181

He just needs to imagine reasons to justify paying some mexican $700 to make his PNW boots. It's pretty sade.

>> No.17972192

In Rose Anvil's sponsored video where he compared Red Wing to Grant Stone he was struggling to list anything he could to make the Grant Stones seem better. In the end all the comments pointed out how much thicker the Red Wing insole was, and how important that is. Some of the things Rose Anvil listed about the Grant Stones was superior interior lining and a better heel counter.

>> No.17972203

Grant Stone is very similar to RW in price no?

>> No.17972209

counterpoint: thinner insole.is fine because it has a midsole

>> No.17972216
File: 329 KB, 765x753, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I am in no way or shape a boot fantast, but I want to buy new nice looking boots (something like pic related).

Are solovairs really the best brand at $250-ish?

>> No.17972221

read the op

>> No.17972224

Yeah, a few dollars up or down they're about the same price range. Red Wings are made in USA by a vertically integrated company, for what is worth.
Now I'm pretty sure the PNW brands boots are better than RW, whether worth the current and steadily increasing price, that's another debate. But your average city slicker won't ever need something beyond RW.

>> No.17972229

I guess what I'm asking for are some recommendations around that price tag.

>> No.17972230

not much worth buying at that pricepoint. jump up a bit and you get RW, the best entry level boot

>> No.17972231
File: 453 KB, 418x600, Oak Street Bootmakers Field Boot Elston horween marine field roughout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loose grain on roughout
the absolute state of horween leather company

>> No.17972239

>reddit's favorite tannery
kek do any PNW brands have issues with shitty cxl considering how much thicker leather they use?
i know whites uses double shot now instead of cxl so maybe they wised up

>> No.17972245


>> No.17972246

the issues do seem more common with lower weight leathers

>> No.17972250

Do boots take longer to break in if you’re a svelte manlet?

>> No.17972254

Yes. You're exerting fewer pounds per square inch on the materials.

>> No.17972255

boots take like 2 days to break in then like a month to settle on a larger rotation
the break in memes come from people going 2.5 down from brannock or buying pnw
those will fuck you up

>> No.17972256


>> No.17972259

My gemming came apart on two pairs of their 875

>> No.17972261


>> No.17972271
File: 539 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_1046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can’t find the other pics but the insoles lift up like half an inch or more when they’re not worn for a few hours.

>> No.17972277

>that darkness
didn't rotate

>> No.17972281

Yeah I knew that was coming. Still seems like a meme though. Loggers aren’t rotating their 600 dollar nicks or whites. And they don’t seem to have that issue. Same with the nicks builder pro for construction workers. This happened in only a month or so of daily wear.

>> No.17972282

Looks like excess glue

>> No.17972284

Probably but like I said the insoles completely curled up which as far as I know is a gemming failure. Should I have rotated - yes. I didn’t know better at the time. Still doesn’t seem like it should have been an issue this quickly. Like I said above firefighters loggers and construction workers aren’t rotating their nicks and whites.

>> No.17972291

they get expedited repairs

>> No.17972301

I have two boots without the structured toe, one with waxed flesh and the other dress brown. The dress brown is significantly softer and doesn’t hold it structure while the waxed flesh is heavy and maintains structure.

>> No.17972348

how the FUCK do I stop obsessing over wanting boots made from the thickest, stiffest, toughest work leather as a white collar

>> No.17972353

buy a pair
when you get THAT pair you stop giving a shit and abandon half your rotation

>> No.17972371

but wtf am i gonna do with 600 dollar boots with 3+ mm thick work leather sitting at my desk crunching numbers

>> No.17972374

enjoy them.

>> No.17972375

just buy them, anyone telling you you don't need it is a communist
>omg anon you don't NEED a v12
>omg anon you don't NEED a 3090

>> No.17972377
File: 537 KB, 1370x932, _4090_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what year are you living in?

>> No.17972384
File: 3.11 MB, 3359x3024, IMG_2349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re in the office just get some C&Js. PNW boots are overrated and leather thickness isn’t everything

t. Have Whites and probably going to sell them

>> No.17972392
File: 699 KB, 1675x1728, thoughts on solovairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17972416
File: 1.96 MB, 2706x3920, PXL_20240111_204914666~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon wanted pictures of White's semi dress being worn in the last thread or the one prior

Here you go bro

>> No.17972444

Is it true you need some extra length in PNW boots because the toe area will curl up and squish your toesies?

>> No.17972447

I bought me dad 2 pairs because of the squishy soles (he already has some c&j boots that he doesn't wear because he can't dainite) and he loves them for working and taking long walks. I have a pair of shoes from them and already ate through the shitty cardboard insole. Wouldn't recommend unless you want them as beaters.

>> No.17972452

Redpill me over the differences between C&J and Trickers (other than SPI count, that is).

>> No.17972458
File: 2.81 MB, 3746x2915, IMG_2381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trickers are chunkier/wider. They also aren’t as supportive as the C&Js around the arch/instep (feel kinda flat). I wouldn’t pay full retail for the Trickers and have no desire to get anymore since I prefer C&Js and EG for a country boot.

>> No.17972459
File: 1.45 MB, 2243x3237, IMG_5447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17972463

Thanks, C&J are above the price bracket I've set myself to buy shoes, but lately I've pondering over buying a pair since they look so nice. I'm not sure if their refined lasts would work with my clothes, though.

>> No.17972564

Why buy expensive "durable" boots when you can only wear them 50 days each year???

>> No.17972576

why buy a winter coat when you can only wear it 50 days of the year

>> No.17972578

That's a fair argument because I personally get to wear my French rangers like 10 times per year literally.

>> No.17972587

>Check Whites website
>CXL is still on all casual options

Anon making shit up again

>> No.17972601

I wear my boots all fall and winter and they cold is pretty mild were I live. Unless it's so hot you're sweating all day long you don't need to wait until bellow freezing temp to wear boots.

>> No.17972604

It's French rangers though. Maybe if I had ropers (I wish) I'd wear them all the time.

>> No.17972606

Leather unlined boots ain't that warm if you ask me, it's more about the socks in my experience.

>> No.17972620

It's more about comfort and looks.

>> No.17972631

Have you tried wearing your rangers more so they'll properly break in and become more comfortable?

>> No.17972645

Yeah. I still need more time. I wouldn't wanna wear rangers during the fall though. It would just look autistic. Ropers would be so much cooler.

>> No.17972649
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to bring shoes to the gym

>> No.17972660

so what fucking brands are safe
Solovair is also garbage like Doc Martens? Red Wings are trash? Where the fuck do I get a chunky platform boot then

>> No.17972664

I squat 385 but heavy combat boots still fuck my shit up

>> No.17972671

>raw denim
>planet fitness
Yep, sounds accurate

>> No.17972674

Just get Iron Rangers with a wedge sole. Yeah, they cheaped out on something on the inside but still are better than Solovairs and Docs.

>> No.17972689

Iron Rangers aren't trash, I've had a pair for 5 years now. Usually cheap ass anosn will buy factory seconds on eBay then they'll come here and complain about how their $120 dollar used factory seconds aren't immaculate.

Even a resole goes a long way

>> No.17972694

>brass boots got complimented

>> No.17972698

This picture reeks of reddit

>> No.17972703
File: 680 KB, 762x706, 1680386250974396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17972726

>Black Rifle Coffee Company
Kill yourself ZOG nigger cattle goyim

>> No.17972763
File: 2.08 MB, 843x1254, nigsretardation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how the owner of nigs wheres his boots
and you wonder how they can give such shit advice on sizing and break-in
Based Frank wouldn't be caught dead wearing some shit like this on his feet, but that's the difference between someone who's been making boots for 30 years and someone who's daddy bought a boot company and had it gifted to him

>> No.17972766

>doesn’t even have the kiltie laced correctly
Holy fucking kek

>> No.17972773
File: 211 KB, 908x625, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these C&J for sale from a private for 350 eur. They look new, and Coniston model value is usually over 500. Is 350 fair? It seems too high in my opinion, since they are technically second hand and there's no return/refund option.

>> No.17972775

does twisting your leather laces like a retard gives you any tactical advantage whatsoever?

>> No.17972785

Thunderdome winner right there

>> No.17972795

why is the tongue so wide that it needs to be folded? On my rannoch the full gusset tongue fits perfectly, no need to fold at all.

>> No.17972796

350 for C&J is really good anon. Vi-lite soles are really comfy too, although im not into the colors.

>> No.17972803

Boots arriving today but I have to go to work at 3. Ahhh

>> No.17972810

go to work in the new boots

>> No.17972814

>Red Wings are trash

>> No.17972818

it's a pnw thing

>> No.17972819

that's how the PNW boots do the tongues you gotta fold them

>> No.17972820

Moc toes are $100 less than GS

>> No.17972821

Red Wing moc toe has a midsole.

>> No.17972828

The midsole isn't going to matter when the 3mm insole in your Grant Stones cracks and you need to get the whole boot rebuilt.

>> No.17972901

Kek he doesn’t know. Nobody tell him

>> No.17972912

My whites semi dress are so much lighter than my 350-cs with natural waxed flesh. The dress brown is much more supple too. It makes for an all around more comfortable boot.

>> No.17972916

>although im not into the colors
I'm not sure I'm into them either, but if I really hate the combination I could always change laces and get a cobbler to repaint the black weld part, presuming it's leather- which I'm pretty sure it is, considering it's C&J

>> No.17972930

>hey nice foreskin looking boots

>> No.17972931

the colour combo is a bit of an abomination but good price

>> No.17972935

I think the color combo looks great. Very clean.

>> No.17972936
File: 50 KB, 540x429, 1448562709347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the colour combo is a bit of an abomination
okay, maybe I won't cop them after all

no point in snagging them just cause they're C&J if they look awful to everyone

>> No.17972937

>Vi-lite soles are really comfy too
Do you know how they perform on slush/snow?

>> No.17972948

i wonder what retailer ordered them
haven't worn any gumlite or vi-lite soles in snow, but they do fine when its wet. The main selling point is how soft they are, feels like wearing sneakers.

>> No.17972957
File: 2.29 MB, 1440x810, 1675057256618521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno but that shade to me should be exclusive to handsewns/ summer shoes

>> No.17972960

You are gay!

>> No.17972962

>well over an inch of space in the front
>so narrow that the boot is spilling over the edge of the sole on a double row stitch boot
>vamp so taut it practically doesn't crease
>can't lace them tight, because cankles and sized wrong
>kiltie laced reversed in the front and spilling out the quarters
>too lazy to cut the laces to size
>too lazy to untwist the laces
>too lazy to use the last eyelets

>> No.17972968

intentionally done to give more padding when you're going up on an incline

>> No.17972971

>too lazy to use the last eyelets
you almost didn't act retarded

>> No.17972977
File: 287 KB, 1280x720, 1682426149774601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't twist his laces like the japanese folds their steel
fucking plebs

>> No.17972983

>too lazy to untwist the laces
What should he do? Unlace that entire boot a couple times a week just to untwist laces that will twist themselves again in a couple wears? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. But yeah, those boots still look like shit.

>> No.17972984

you dont have to unlace your boot to fix that, just do it next time you take off your boots
you can untwist the lasces while theyre laced in the eyelets

>> No.17972986

I am also too lazy to cut my leather laces to size

>> No.17972988

You can always dye the soles.

>> No.17972989

Grant Stone includes super long laces with their boots. I didn't cut them because I figure one day they might snap while I'm tying them, and then I will still have enough lace left to tie the boots. I realize this is autistic.

>> No.17972991

nah its smart, just wrap the excess around the shaft

>> No.17972993
File: 629 KB, 2742x3624, t8honnb4v1cc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot convince me that this heel does not look ridiculous

>> No.17973000

wow good looking boots

>> No.17973006

yeah I don't get why they ship such long laces that it looks untidy but not long enough to wrap around as quite a few people report

>> No.17973013

Yep, mine are not long enough to tie around the ankles, but way too long to just tie normally. I just double wrap them around the topmost speed hook and then they are mostly normal, if not slightly long, laces.

>> No.17973014

Why is this one so much gayer than the semi dress if they use the same last?

>> No.17973020

>Nobody asks to see my boots
Fine I won’t post them

>> No.17973022

I haven't browsed this thread in like almost two years. Literally came back today and I'm glad to see the tranny heel conflict is still alive and well.

>> No.17973028

i don't mind the cuban heel, but the height is ridiculous for some white collar job.

>> No.17973029

>i wonder what retailer ordered them
I think they aimed to make them look "younger"compared to usual C&J style. The tan suede/white sole is a very fresh and lighthearted colour combination.
even these >>17972957, that are obviously just as causal in use, look much more pretentious.

Imagine those boots with the same brown welt/sole, and they're back to being classic.

>> No.17973035

It's not the heel itself that bugs me (I didn't say tranny) but the height and stance I think.
I'm not short but if I wore that people would think it's height cope

>> No.17973043
File: 15 KB, 307x300, 1602622332095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time you read the phrase "firm handshake" about boots, it's cope for a bad fit.

>> No.17973099

as long as your feet fit withing and don't spill over the actual footbed the handshake meme isn't terrible, the leather should hug the mid/ball of the foot without being tight and shouldn't pinch/squeeze your toes

>> No.17973144

NEW: >>17973143
NEW: >>17973143
NEW: >>17973143

>> No.17974685

No you should size down half size from your brannock generally.