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File: 94 KB, 700x670, woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17966100 No.17966100 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>19, in college
>rapidly turning into reptile
>hair is thinning, skin is hard and dry, eyes are dead, already walling

My lifestyle isn't optimal but I exercise daily, sleep 8 hours, get plenty of sunlight, and eat a balanced diet. At my age I should be able to smoke a pack a day and still not look too bad, but the opposite is true. Did I fuck up? Is it a sickness of the soul showing in the skin? Is there anything to be done about this? Should I just give up my vanity and become an ascetic and study the works of Milton?

>> No.17966107

>I should be able to smoke a pack a day and still not look too bad

LOL the stupidity and audacious narcissism of modern women. You chicks are literally a meme.

ANYONE and that means men or women will look like shit smoking a pack a day. Cigarettes are literally cancer that cause major wrinkles and cause your face to sag melting off.

You think you can get away being a whore and trashing your body, but you're already, deserving so, hitting the wall.

I can't stop laughing lol lmao even. What a fucking moron.

>> No.17966108

I don't smoke you fucking retard, my point is that most young people have the resilience that if they did they could get away with it

>> No.17966109

No, they don't.

>> No.17966110

Millennials age better than zoomers

Taylor swift looks younger than most of the 24 year old girls on the street

>> No.17966111

It’s the vaccine dummy. It was a bio weapon.

>> No.17966112

You win this one FDA. No cigs. Still, the question stands, what, as a whole, makes zoomers look like fried eggs?

>> No.17966114

it's endocrine disruptors, just sue purdue, the state, and every kitchen plastic manufacturer

>> No.17966115

over for me

Correct. What would you attribute this to? Plastics? Hedonism?

>> No.17966117

Contrary to all the shilling on the internet, HRT is not the fountain of youth, and you never will be a real woman. Had you never transitioned, you would not feel like you aged to fast.

>> No.17966119

The vaccine was a bio weapon. It’s going to result in early aging and death. It killed my father one day after his second dose. They are putting it in with the flu shot. It’s population control. That’s the difference between teens today and of yesteryear

>> No.17966120

Don’t know, I’m a 4chan tripfag I don’t spend a lot of time about women…but spend a lot of time judging them and that’s what I noticed

>> No.17966125

Checked. This guy gets it.
t pure blood

>> No.17966126

Bio women look like shit too these days, I guess our equivalent is the soi-looking men

OVER FOR ME but on the bright side it's a selection event where people with spines will survive

There's also this indescribable aura women no longer have.

>> No.17966145

Millennials cope
Are you a tranny or what.
Something about you telling me you're a tranny simply because you didn't even bother to mention skincare routine.

It's not possible to be 10/10 without a proper skincare routine unless you're the 0.1%

>> No.17966148

>cold cream
>cerave cleanser
>cerave moisturizer

Your move man.

>> No.17966168

my skin looks like snake scales on my arms

>> No.17966170

fucking same mate

>> No.17966176

im 28 and look 5+ years younger for sure. thankfully my hairline holding up and hope it continues like my dad's has for the most part.

get into skincare if you havent. vit c, moisturizer, face washes, all that shit is good for your skin

tthe women ive dated i encouraged to use less makeup like a clown and use more skincare

>> No.17966179

I don't wear makeup and I do >>17966148...should I try /fit/ instead? Is it a health thing? Multivitamins??

>> No.17966180

got so much worse when i started hrt and my male oils dried up. woman skin is dry as hell.

>> No.17966187

Women's skin is 4x thinner as well as producing less oil. That being said, ywnbaw.

>> No.17966196

i know its ok i'm doing it for a thin belly and to prolong my twinkness. my mom had a flat chest so estrogen prob wont give me tits.

>> No.17966199

I wonder why a millionaire whose entire career is based off looks ends up looking younger than random normies who work a part time job.
Why are you so consistently retarded?

>> No.17966208

I see. Your condition is to due to your degenerate perversion of nature and I suppose mine must be due to some deep malady too. Thread is over everyone can go home now.

>> No.17966216

Swift isn’t known as a beautiful singer

She’s known as an average looking girl with exceptional vocal range and creativity

>> No.17966272
File: 949 KB, 983x635, oie_E6Rpf7zKosNv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? Modern women look all the same and don't have any qualities that qualify them for a long term relationship.

>> No.17966274

Yeah I'm a mess, the estrogen makes me cry several nights a week but it really did make my skin and hair amazing. I've always had lots of mental issues so its not surprising that I refuse to age.

>> No.17966278

Tobacco is literally radioactive, retard. You don't just "get away" with DNA damage to your cells from radioactivity, even if your outward appearance is not immediately affected.

>> No.17966279
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>Yeah I'm a mess, the estrogen makes me cry several nights a week but it really did make my skin and hair amazing. I've always had lots of mental issues so its not surprising that I refuse to age.
Guess what, women are made to be with a dominant masculine male who lead them, so they can worry everything what emotions estrogen cause.
You taking those pills and literally live like a hardcore feminism(i'm an indepedent queen), makes you mentally ill. Enjoy.

>> No.17966282

>It's not possible to be 10/10 without a proper skincare routine unless you're the 0.1%
Bullshit, I eat healthy and just throw coconut oil on my face before sleep. My skin looks still nice at 34.

>balanced diet

>> No.17966283

I'm asexual and despite having numerous partners really hate being touched. I give zero shits about the desires of a woman.

>> No.17966287

Then why taking estrogen pills? Maybe to get all the free male attention?
>inb4 being in an incel board fishing for (yous) from incels

>> No.17966288

I do enjoy male attention and male money. Several guys have spoiled me it's not even hard.

>> No.17966293

So you do care what woman desire. You're asexual because of your numorous dudes you hade and the simps who give you free attention.

>> No.17966294

I like easy money.

>> No.17966295
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I know, nothing new

>> No.17966366

>asking for advice on 4chin
Silly. Skin needs skincare, go look at the skincare thread. Ho look at the balding thread if you’re worried, but hair can thin via stressing. You’re also probably mentally ill as fuck and it can show.

You’ll be fine once you get some help unless you do hardcore drugs or have a child, which will perma age you.

t. Looked like a rat until late 20s and now get mistaken for a 19 y/o

>> No.17966401

At what age were you sexually abused as a child?

>> No.17966404

>goes on tiktok and saves images of grifters LARPing as tradwives but living regular lives off camera

>> No.17966406

Everyone is equally exposed to this though. What is the one thing that zoomers are being exposed to that older generations are not?

>> No.17966408


>> No.17966410

Go to France and you’ll see beautiful people smoking regularly. You’re probably also retarded enough to believe that getting the vaccine was good for you and not poison. The vaccine is aging these zoomers and killing the millennial boomers.

>> No.17966414

millenial cope

>> No.17966416

>the vaccine doing anything but making you feel shit for a few days
Lol, quit blaming it on you being ugly

>> No.17966420

That'd do it.
I wonder if it's something in their candy or toiletries. Kind of like how millennials got microplastics in all their soaps.

>> No.17966422

The Chinese are siphoning their youth through their dark magics. Also unironically air and water quality is probably lowering worldwide, doubt that helps.

>> No.17966436

I never took the vaccine. I’m blaming it for killing people and early aging of young people. That’s the only difference that I can think of on why every zoomer looks like shit (not in how they’re dressed) compared to teens when I was one 20 years ago.

>> No.17966443

I did, made the second time I caught some variant of it (front line worker lol) a breeze compared to the first.
Zoomers look fine, most people look average as fuck compared to your nostalgia. They’re all just more mentally ill than before because social media + economic downturn + missing 2-3 years of school + knowledge of living in a cynical world run by corps with no escape + melted brains from unrestricted access to the internet in childhood. That’s the dead eyed look, stupidity and brain fried attitude you’re probably finding repulsive.

>> No.17966482

>My lifestyle isn't optimal
Seems like you already know what's wrong in your life

>> No.17966521

Yea it could be the mental illness. The lockdowns really screwed the kids up. That plus lazy parents using YouTube as daycare. Nevertheless the vaccine is killing people. It’s killed my father and I see it’s killed a lot at my work.

>> No.17966781

Anon wtf please get a father figure
Would rather have smoking damage than the soulless state of today's youth who rarely smoke
This, immensely this, but there's nothing I can do about it for the next few years

>> No.17966794

You’ll be all right, sis. Exfoliate, moisturise and take some prenatal vitamins to help your hair (and nails).

>> No.17966826

All he does is talk about sports and how women are harpies.

>> No.17966872

>they can't reject me if i reject them first!

>> No.17966931
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>> No.17966941

>I exercise daily, sleep 8 hours, get plenty of sunlight, and eat a balanced diet
No, you don't.

>> No.17966945
File: 50 KB, 500x398, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically yes. Women seethe out of their minds whenever a man they deemed unattractive genuinely never shows any interest in them. It fucks with their programming.

>> No.17966962

>smoke a pack a day
>Did I fuck up?
Yes. Very much

>> No.17966968

This is of course not even remotely true.

>> No.17966976

Avoid sunlight.

>> No.17966988

t. clueless or femanon in denial

>> No.17966993

>meme of a child’s cartoon
>le femoids are not even worth it haha I’m a virgin by choice
Go back to your confinement board and I will give you some tendies.

>> No.17966995

He sounds based
>>17966962 see >>17966108

>> No.17966996
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-women-need-attention-therefore-women-will-complain-develop-hatred-for-men-and-say-that-drake-123-20-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just delete social media completely and the incel problem or women dating only the 20% will solve itself.
Dudes want sex, woman want attention.

>> No.17966999

hes ok but i'm still a crazy tranny

>> No.17967018

Why don’t we just 2 birds one stone this shit?

The only thing keeping you from being a real woman is the Jews.

>> No.17967042

>femoids not "women"
>I'm a virgin
outing yourself with those projections, anon.

>> No.17967044

I'm like half jew but its not on my moms side so they don't love me.

>> No.17967106

>Everyone is equally exposed to this though. What is the one thing that zoomers are being exposed to that older generations are not?
Zoomers were exposed to these chemicals in the WOMB. These things harm you through accumulated damage. Zoomies have been getting their hormones twisted and played with since they were concieved.

if you are actually a woman its likely you're doing stupid stuff like wearing makeup to hide your bad skin and drinking alcohol and staying up late and taking birth control. Don't give up your vanity just start from square one. Be honest with yourself. Drop the hormone disrupters. Are you stressed? Are you drinking every weekend? Drugs? Daily intense exercise can be pretty rough on your body. You can do a lot to help yourself still just keep it simple.

>> No.17967112
File: 70 KB, 557x826, 5e87c095dcb2f55159967343f8e1aca4 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing stupid stuff like wearing makeup to hide your bad skin and drinking alcohol and staying up late and taking birth control.
Don't generalize, it's a westernized/atheist/capitalist womens thing.

>> No.17967141

>staying up late
>birth control
>drinking every weekend
no, see above
>daily intense exercise
daily moderate exercise

So is the lesson here that we need to be a lot healthier than we think need to be?

>> No.17967152

Do you think eastern women don’t slather themselves in makeup and extensively use filters? And that they don’t go out and party? The only generalised population of woman you’ll get who don’t are living in 3rd world sharia law shitholes

>> No.17967255

>>So is the lesson here that we need to be a lot healthier th
Good health is pretty personal but good health should be very obvious upon meeting someone just based on how they look and how they act. Some people struggle more than others for whatever reasons. I guess without knowing you I can't really help you more than by tell you to look for ways to improve your daily and long term outlook on life so you aren't as stressed. Poor sleep and stress are obviously going to wreck your hair and skin and mood to which contributes to dead eyes.

>> No.17967341

>Go to France and you’ll see beautiful people smoking regularly
Not in our current year you won't lmao

>> No.17967342

Considering all the tranny spam, he's probably right.

>> No.17967349
File: 23 KB, 325x325, QxoGxikk_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so many women are willing to take birth control instead of closing their legs?
Birth control has been proven over and over to be harmful, not just physically, but because of how it fucks with your brain chemistry, and makes it difficult to cope with getting off of it?
A LOT of girls are popping birth control at 13yrs old like it's nothing and schools and parents encourage it.
It's the most retarded thing I've ever seen. Taking drugs that alter you, like they're fucking skittles IS NOT A GOOD THING.

>> No.17967404

Thank you, I will try. I don't know about the stress but we'll see.

Did you read the post you've given your (you) to? I clearly stated I don't take birth control. I never will because it is, as you've said, retarded.

>> No.17967421

Med phenotype has the strongest teeth, skin, hair, lowest incidence of mental illness, and among the longest lives of any group. Some problems exist with spines, heart issues. People look sick in general from processed food, lack of exercise, and lack of sunlight. I smoke, don’t moisturize, and still get carded at almost 30. I look the same as I did at 15.

>> No.17967451

Getting carded just means you look younger than 50 you narcissistic faggot.

>> No.17967738

I wasn't saying you did take birth control. I was asking why so many women do.

>> No.17967764

French age like shit they get fat and ugly lol. In america youll see fit 40 year olds

>> No.17967765

Wear makeup and copy rockstar long hair from the past

>> No.17968012

To avoid having periods, mostly.

>> No.17968052

>asexual and despite having numerous partners really hate being touched
mental gymnastics 10/10

>> No.17968397

You might just be beat. Genetics determine a lot of this stuff.

>> No.17968832

Milennials were the last generation to grow up in a world that held up beauty standards.
Zoomers grew up in the fat acceptance/body positivity era.
Our standards of beauty and our sense of aesthetics are lower because we were raised on garbage.

>> No.17968846

they for sure do
look at james dean,that fucker smoked like a fish and was handsome as fuck
many such cases

>> No.17968947

Maybe I have lots of partners as a form of self harm.

>> No.17969132

you're eating like shit, drinking alcohol / other drugs, you're not sleeping 8 hours every day, but only "most days tee hee", etc.

>> No.17969133

Getting carded for booze is so fucking annoying, the guy at the gas station down from my house does it constantly which is annoying as shit when I forget my ID at home. I think he does it on purpose.

>> No.17969142

>ANYONE and that means men or women will look like shit smoking a pack a day. Cigarettes are literally cancer that cause major wrinkles and cause your face to sag melting off.
I'm 40. I drank hardcore and lived like shit for 12 years, smoked for 16 or so. I get mistaken for early/mod 20s constantly.
The lot of y'all are just genetically predisposed to looking like cooked trash. I don't know what else to tell you or how else to say it- if you fall apart so easily, you weren't well-made to begin with.

>> No.17969784

>I get mistaken for early/mod 20s constantly.

>> No.17970031

Woman moment.
You bitches can't keep your legs closed for a week and when you do you're suddenly asexual.

>> No.17970142

OP here, I started drinking 8 cups of water a day and everything I mentioned has improved significantly...I think that was actually the fucking problem, of all things...please drink water

>> No.17970554

i smoke about 15 cigs a day, for thirteen years and I look twenty (im 28)

of course im french

>> No.17970628

> asexual
> hate being touched
> took the troonpill

You’re not autistic are you anon?

>> No.17970630


>> No.17970652

No actually they don't

>> No.17970655

Lel, good job. Keep it up, sport.

>> No.17970708

No I'm not a social retard