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17964751 No.17964751 [Reply] [Original]

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

>> No.17964902

taking shots of liquid minox every time I find a loose hair on the hairbrush or the bottom of the shower

>> No.17965122

My fin shed ended 3 months ago and its safe to say my bald spot has completely filled in. Never give up bros

>> No.17965165
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reminder that it's one pathetic balding anon baking ALL the bald threads.
Post fit instead.

>> No.17965511

Schizophrenia usually involves delusions (false beliefs), hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that don't exist), unusual physical behavior, and disorganized thinking and speech. It is common for people with schizophrenia to have paranoid thoughts or hear voices.

>> No.17965628

fin, minoxidil, dermarolling and hair transplants are all cope. if you started balding it is simply your fate and you should embrace it. shave it off if you have a good jawline, if not then don't try to cope with growing out a beard and just leave it be or opt for some shorter haircuts instead.

>> No.17965697

>he hasn't taken the wigpill

>> No.17965846

it's not schizophrenia to suggest the most probable thing is what is happening.
he could be wrong, but odds are he is either correct or not far wrong.

>> No.17965932

That's what I said in the last thread when I start losing my hair. Somebody there said it's more of a pain in the ass than taking drugs but I'm not buying that.

>> No.17966231
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how long can you go without fin before your hair loss starts again?
i've been sick with covid this week so i took 2 or 3 days off of my usual daily fin because i didn't want to overwork my liver by taking it on top of all the other medicine.
i realize that this timespan of going without probably won't greatly affect my hair but i was wondering how much time it would take to do so.

>> No.17966241

it's joever

>> No.17966537

Finasteride is literally poison.

>> No.17966992

they sell ones you can literally glue to your scalp, swim in, shower in, etc

there's absolutely no way it's more of a pain in the ass than taking drugs

>> No.17966994

Taking finasteride takes about 5 seconds out of my day. Does putting on a wig take less than 5 seconds?

>> No.17967072
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can putting on a wig cause this?

>> No.17967110 [DELETED] 

No, and neither can finasteride. What's your point?

>> No.17967115

>tingling of the hands or feet
>back pain
>runny or stuffy nose
>swelling of the lips and face
>rapid weight gain
Those don't even make sense

>> No.17967125

We have hundreds of posters and thousands of lurkers in these /fa/ balding threads.
Nobody in these threads has reported actual side effects unless you're already extremely low T to begin with, the side effects stop when you stop taking it.
You can go ahead and lose your hair but you really should find better ways to validate your appearance than to ruin the lives of other young men who still have a chance at staving off the Norwood reaper.

>> No.17967170

4mo on fin, the regrowth is very slow but my diffuse hairline has stabilized and is very slowly densifying, I no longer drop like 100 hairs a day (probably) to the point where I'd have to sweep and unclog my bathtub multiple times a week.
The fin shed doubled it to 200 but it suddenly stopped at 4 months in, feels great not having to have tens of hairs come out just by running my hands through my hair.
Even if I never see more progress I'm still really happy with the results, I'm no longer afraid of towel drying my hair.

See ya in 4 months when the 5mg oral liquid min blasting takes effect, I'm already seeing shedding of tiny inactive hairs, on my way to getting cute fluffy anime hair!

Remember, when in doubt, yes you're balding and you have 6-12 months before it becomes harder to bounce back.
Side effects aren't real!

>> No.17967199

i just wanted to chime in that i have a pretty bad bald spot on the top of my head which makes me incredibly depressed. i didnt wanna take fin but i took min for a while to no effect so i started microneedling and it actually worked, kinda. ive been doing it for 2 years and there are some results. there are new hairs but they are thin and pretty rare. i expect that in a year they will finally grow enough for me to finally stop wearing a cap everywhere

>> No.17967276

>when you're hypothyroid so you can't tell if your hair loss is due to your thyroid problem or if it's just MPB

>> No.17967408

thyroid related hair loss doesn't follow the male pattern

>> No.17967436

Yeah mines diffuse which is typical of thyroid related hair loss, but it's been three months, the hair shedding stopped but it's still looking pretty sparse, here's to hoping it will grow back to its original fullness and density.

>> No.17967823

Show me a drug that has zero side effects. We have the studies. It was determined that the incidence rate was in a reasonable enough range. The drug is still on the market. We've had it for 3 DECADES NOW. Numerous petitions and no one has provided FDA proof that half of these sides exist they were only added because of whackos making petitions obsessed with trying to sue Merck: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/fda-requires-disclosure-suicide-risk-anti-baldness-drug-2022-06-10/

All we have is a fucking lawsuit involving 3000 people OUT OF 8 MILLION PERSCRIPTIONS IN US ALONE claiming MUH DEPRESSION which you can't objectively measure. For all we know they're all old fucks that started it in their 20s then got up in age are trying to find a reason t oget a quick a paycheck.

>> No.17967826

this is my 4th month on fin and i literally haven't had any of those

>> No.17968110

starting fin made me realize how fucking stupid this website really is.
i'm honestly embarrassed i listened to it for as long as i did.

>> No.17968169

What do you mean?

>> No.17968243

How long after stopping fin did it take for you to go back to normal cognitively and penisly?

>> No.17968401

I was like that too, you spend a long time working up the courage to take it after reading so much PFS horrific side effect fud and then you take it and it was all for nothing, it won't turn your dick into swiss cheese, it won't give you depression or give you the male equivalent of fibromyalgia, you were worked up for literally nothing.
The worst part is many people won't get to this point and they'll just let the reaper have their way with them.

>> No.17968404

Forgot to add
Don't even get me started on the insane amount of fud surrounding oral min, if you went on reddit they would make you think you're gonna make your heart explode and bloat your face up like you got hives or something.

>> No.17968429

But it does do that for a lot of men. Inhibiting 5AR causes second order effects, nicer hair is potentially one of them.

How is sharing your own subjective experience (like you are now) fear, uncertainty, and doubt? The human body is not a pure mathematical function and these drugs are not fully understood. You are free to do as you like with your body but it's your body which is not fully like any other. It's not worth it to become so emotionally involved in this topic.

>> No.17968440

>But it does do that for a lot of men
Only 2%. It's not nothing but it's not a lot. A lot of people's expectations for side effects are out of step with reality. Just take fin and stop it if it gives you trouble. Or don't. It's your hair.

>> No.17968453

A lot of men exhibit PFS: Pre-Finasteride Syndrome

They're so scared of the side effects that simply thinking about them gives them side effects.
You're basically noceboing yourself, anytime you feel something weird, you'll attribute it to the fin, you get so scared of it that simply being in the same room as a fin tablet will probably give you symptoms.

And yes I do get emotionally involved because no man deserves to go bald if they don't want to.

>> No.17968478

That is according to one Merck study. Is it possible that the number is incorrect and would benefit further study? The effects on hair are themselves a side effect, and that it will be the only one that you will experience is wishful thinking. However, I really hope that's the only effect you and other lurkers experience, but inhibiting 5AR, a necessary enzyme for a variety of functions, will yield varied results.

It may be the decrease in DHT that is causing you think less objectively and more personally. You can think of it as the leadership hormone.

>> No.17968496

You need to stop posting, it's hard enough trying to tell people about fin and min without having retards like you suggest that you're blocking vital hormones and will get force feminized by blocking ONE of two derivative forms of serum testosterone in the body, one that is also very well known to not serve any real purpose after puberty and gives you hypertension, prostate cancer and prematurely ages your skin on top of choking out your hair follicles.

>> No.17968552

What you are posting is incorrect in regards to DHT, and your suggestion that finasteride directly blocks DHT, or that it does nothing else is incorrect. Finasteride inhibits 5AR which can lower DHT, describing its mechanism in any other words is incorrect. You will have to begin with why 5AR is not a requirement for functioning at your physical and mental peak.

>> No.17968570

You can't be at your physical and mental peak when you have a literal disease and it's making your hair wither away, any supposed cognitive benefits would be far outweighed by how much your self-confidence and mental health will take a nosedive after you start noticing your hairline receding in this century where hair is the single most noticeable indicator of good health and youthful energy and you're suggesting it's fine to just wither away.

Stop posting.

>> No.17969012

/fit/ threads on hair loss are always entertaining and sad, there's one up right now claiming dut will accelerate hair loss because the body will just get acclimated and figure out how to make DHT anyway with a vengeance like it's a fucking bacteria surviving antibiotics or something.

>> No.17969179

If I get chronic diarrhea and just embrace it instead of taking meds too?

>> No.17969614

diffuse thinning be like:
>was it always like that?
>*3 months pass*
> it was always like that right?
>*3 months pass*

>> No.17969633

why do finasteride astroturfers shill on every corner of the internet? some of the sagas from these ops are documented over 10 years on oldschool hairloss forums. There are obviously paid shills/bots/stock bashers everywhere working for the hair lobby, an incredible amount of energy to stop a bald man from living his perfectly normal and respectable life as a masculine baldy who ascends the limitations of such a vain social construct as having hair like a 14 year old boy instead of the skull of a MAN.
>finasteride is synthesized from progesterone
synthetic hormonal therapy is not a reasonable intervention for balding.

>> No.17969749

It's because the hair loss industry is a fucking joke filled with scams. The only way we can fight them is with fire and rallying people up - informing them. Look, if you want to go full basedjak mode be my guest. That's not the issue here. What pains me is morons trying to sell some alternative treatment that doesn't work. You take the 5ari or go bald. PERIOD.

>> No.17969912

It took me 3 years between noticing the first signs and going to a dermatologist. My wake up call was cutting my hair short and noticing I could see my temples. My thinning was stealthily making me jump from NW0 straight to NW3. I started fin last month and I can only hope I didn't catch it too late.

>> No.17969932

post your hair.
I bet we'll discover that either you're non-balding, in which case your opinions are worthless, or you're balding but too ashamed to post your hair.

>> No.17970171

Same. Diffuse thinning is probably the worst type of balding because you literally can't notice it when it begins.
Took me probably a year to notice because I always kept it a bit longer, so when I got a short haircut, I noticed that I could see my scalp in some places.
Freaked me the fuck out, but I luckily saved my hair. My hairline took a few casualties, but nothing tragic.

>> No.17970271

You can just block testosterone without a 5ari. It would be nice if we could come up with something better than another -lutimide given the issues they come with, but I think it's worth going that route, like a low dose RU58841 with a more viscous carrier, before screwing with 5ar which can have very long term to permanent effects. You can always bounce back from low testosterone, but 5ar is more precarious and it needs further study.

>> No.17970315

>just get on HRT bro
what the fuck is wrong with you??
Just block 5ar, you don't have to nuke your testosterone levels.

>> No.17970347
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I guess dermarest ain't working, anyone got any more suggestions?

>> No.17970379

While fin will only remain in your blood for about 8 hours, the effects will last up to 3 weeks. You will not have a problem at all. I take 1mg Mon/Wed/Fri meaning I am having 2x 1 day gaps and a 2x day gap each week

>> No.17970380

There is no thinning in this picture. This is normal non miniaturised hair when parted in opposite directions

>> No.17970393

gonna hop on min, I need to be looksmaxxed within 6 months if possible, I have no time to wait for fin to max out we going nuclear bois

>> No.17970426

how long have you been on fin? not saying not to start min just wondering

>> No.17970429

like 2-3 weeks
taking a gap year to socialmaxx and rizz loads of baddies so I wanna max out my appearance stats ASAP

>> No.17970450
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I don't want to go on fin since I value the use of my penis. How do I make the most of a Jude Law hairline?

>> No.17970590

I was referring to the red inflammation, dermarest is an anti-psoriasis shampoo.

>> No.17970601

I didn't suggest nuking your testosterone levels. If your intention is to block DHT, then why not block it directly instead of indirectly by means of 5ari which inhibits the production of necessary neurosteroids as well. Have you even looked into RU58841? Your hysterical response is indicative of fin brain.

>> No.17970626

Become a butler.

>> No.17970891

any fin sides?

>> No.17971084

Can the sebderm on your head eventually become resistant to ketoconazole?
Because it always seems to come back if I don't use it at least weekly, like it's just keeping it at bay rather than eliminating the fungal infection causing sebderm.

I don't even use Nizoral like shampoo anymore, I apply it on the sebderm area and leave it in while showering.
I tried doing 3+ times a week to no avail, it'll dry the fuck out of your scalp if you do that.

>> No.17971167

have just ordered my first box of 1mg pills. is fin shedding a real thing? my hair isnt even that bad, definitely don't want my shit to get fucked up by trying to prevent balding ....

>> No.17971216

It really depends, some amount fin shedding happens to most people but what it's really doing is skipping the resting phase of hair follicles by shedding so it can go into anagen again, if a good portion of your hair is in telogen phase, eg because it's being cooked by DHT, then those areas are going to shed the most.
In my case, it was my diffuse thinning area on my hairline that saw the most shedding, because those hairs were already in telogen, they're growing back already so don't worry about losing all of your hair, only 10-20% of your hair is supposed to be in telogen phase at any given moment, it'll grow back soon.

>> No.17971232 [DELETED] 

I'm a bit over a month in and I've got no shed (knock on wood) so maybe you'll dodge it

>> No.17971315
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>> No.17971349

>block DHT receptors
>block DHT producing enzymes
>block the precursor to DHT

Guess which one works the best.

>> No.17971386

The one that isn't overkill, your eyes and brain will thank you.

>> No.17971592 [DELETED] 

whoretadello you here? we miss ya

>> No.17971653

Norwood 1.5 here
I fucking hate my hair
Only being able to style them one way to hide my receding temples
I spent the whole day with a beanie on today
Fuck me I'm seriously tempted to shave everything
2 years of growth just to shave it all feels weird

>> No.17971677

Post pics maybe you're overreacting.

>> No.17971685

Before starting fin I remember having clearly defined temple notches, now I can't even see them, they're covered in small growth hair!

>> No.17971718

thanks, this is somewhat reassuring

>> No.17971727
File: 81 KB, 646x731, Screenshot_20240111-181601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking wish
There's greasy as fuck here because i spent 10 hours with a beanie on

>> No.17971729

Wash your hair.

>> No.17971732

I will, I'm taking a little nap for now
Wagie needs to rest

>> No.17971819

is there any benefit to nofap in regards to hairloss or is just a meme cope?

>> No.17971846

Same here, shoulda started it 4 years ago wheni was only norwood1

>> No.17971851

You can still do most hairstyles lol what are you talking about

>> No.17971877

I will be trying Maxogen-B, lors opinions?

>> No.17972128

Should've shaved it off much sooner. It's thin as shit. You should buzz it and hop on min + dut or some of the more expensive options if you can afford it.
Then grow it back out if any regrowth happens.

>> No.17972134

Nofap has zero effects on hair loss.
What kills hair are
>autoimmune diseases
>bad diet and lifestyle
>some medications and other substances

>> No.17972276

How tight is your scalp?

>> No.17972290

Why are the majority of policeman and firefighters bald?

>> No.17972308

It's a meme. By this logic, you shouldn't coom into a woman either and stay an incel. Your body can't tell the difference between fapping and sex.

>> No.17972361

Sex depletes vitamin 3 levels

>> No.17972391

high testosterone, high DHT, and vanity is for women so they give up, they might not even know finasteride exists, this is most people really.

>> No.17972407


>> No.17972409
File: 43 KB, 600x379, mike_mentzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high testosterone, high DHT, and vanity is for women so they give up

>> No.17972517

that dude doesn't have DHT-intolerant hair so I don't get what point you were trying to make

>> No.17972529

That's a literal depiction of male vanity

>> No.17972544

That nigga is the textbook definition of low test, high dht, high estrogen and high vanity.

>> No.17972782

decent meme

>> No.17973699

fapping a ton can leave your scalp covered with more sebum and DHT infused sebum which would definitely accelerate hair loss if the no-fapper in question is a slob who doesn't shower

>> No.17973885

Is nw 3 too late for finasteride? Are there any examples of regrowth into 2 or 2.5?

>> No.17974309

Can you post a pic of your hairline? People often overestimate/underestimate what they have. Anyway, why not get on it. It's dirt cheap if you're in the US through GoodRX. If you ever feel like splashing ~3 grand on a transplant you can get some really good density with a NW3. The less hair you have the shittier the transplant.

>> No.17974585

I've been on daily 1mg oral fin for about a year, can't really tell if it's helping because I still shed hair easily. Going to try minox before I just take the buzzpill. Is the tablet form any different from the foam form? I briefly tried the liquid dropper stuff from Rogaine before getting on fin but it made my hair feel gross so I stopped after a few days

>> No.17974635

The liquid stuff is safe to take orally, 1ml of 5% liquid is 50mg of oral minoxidil, 3-4 drops should be around 5mg.
You can check the ingredients, ethanol, water and propylene glycol.

>> No.17975107

>post pic
Trust me bro it's a 3
>why not get on fin anyways
Nonzero chance of life ruining sides
~6% chance of sexual side effects that last up to 40 months. I'm also not in burgerland so it's 70 bucks a month for me. Finasteride is the only thing that can actually regrow lost hair so that's the only reason why I would consider it. I think I can keep my balding in check with min, dermarolling and scalp massages. I'm also 23

>> No.17975763

My ketoconazole bottle finished and I think I don't have any more dandruff. Is it worth getting more when I don't have any more flakes? Are the hair loss benefits real?

>> No.17975842

been on fin for around 2 weeks and i've noticed that there's no hair on my pillow
typically there would be 5-10 hairs on my pillow in the morning

>> No.17975901
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My hairline is approaching something like picrel. I used to go for the twink aesthetic with medium length straight hair middle part. I definitely dont want to get a beard. My hair will soon recede in a way that I wont be able to pull off long hair anymore, but I still dont want to look too manly. Is intellectualmaxxing my only hope? I kinda wanna go for a smiliar look to Prokofiev. Thoughts?

>> No.17975937

You need to use it once in a while or it'll come back.
I only put it on the affected area and leave it in for 10-15 minutes while I shower.

>> No.17976108

If you have the face for it sure

>> No.17976303

fin is magical, 4 months in, I literally do not shed hair anymore, everyone says dropping 50 hair strands a day is normal, I might drop 5 the whole day and only if I comb or wash my hair.

>> No.17976307

Ok I am now taking my fin everyday and I will take it daily. I am 29 and should have been last few years. Thankfully my hairline is only a little thin on the temple. Could be worse.

>> No.17976316

Yeah it’s so amazing, only downside I won’t have an erection again in my life!

>> No.17976326

my penis is totally unaffected, morning wood is the same, libedo is the same as ever.

but let's say what you're saying is true, what good is an erection when you're balding and no woman wants to touch you?

>> No.17976447

Egypt, 4000 B.C.: Ancient Egyptians rubbed their bald heads with a mixture of dates, dog paws and donkey hooves all ground up together and cooked in oil.

Rome, 50 B.C.: A popular treatment among bald Romans involved rubbing myrrh berries into the scalp or, failing that, just opting for a Julius Caesar-style combover.

Ireland, 1000 A.D.: One Celtic remedy for baldness instructed patients to stuff mice into a clay jar, seal it, bury it beside a fire, and take everything out after a year. Make sure to wear gloves when you touch what’s inside! If you don’t, hair will sprout from your fingertips.

England, 1889 A.D.: Doctors believed baldness could be prevented with exercise outdoors and good hygiene. (An issue of the British Medical Journal from 1889 reads: “Although, strictly speaking, there is no reason to believe that baldness is hereditary…”)

U.S., 1908 A.D.: D.W. Griffith sells a baldness treatment called yuccatone, made from yucca plants and promising “a luxurious growth of hair.”

U.S., 1940 A.D.: The Crosley Xervac, a cap attached to a machine that alternately used vacuum suction and forced air pressure, promised to promote blood circulation in the scalp.

England, 1989 A.D.: The British Medical Journal just tells readers that for young men, “encouraging them to come to terms with baldness is still the best response.”

>> No.17976483

You missed the part where they found multiple working remedies and preventions in the last 20th and early 21st centuries

>> No.17976979

>The British Medical Journal just tells readers that for young men, “encouraging them to come to terms with baldness is still the best response.”
lol, does this happen in women's health, ever?

>> No.17976980

how do you tell when a follicle has become too miniaturized to be saved by fin+min?
if there's still a vellus hair there, is there hope?

>> No.17976985
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you're trolling, right?

>> No.17977057

why are you surprised that your slovenly hygiene habits would catch up to you in the form of bodily deterioration?

>> No.17977093

Vellus(I.E. transparent small white hair) usually means it's too far gone. You can't REALLY tell with the naked eye.

>> No.17977098

I've heard people saying vellus hairs can spring back if that hair was previously a normal terminal hair, it's when your scalp turns shiny that it's simply too late to reverse the damage

>> No.17977317
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shoo shoo rabbi i will not take your pills

>> No.17977453

you can enjoy your second puberty then

>> No.17977746

50% rule. If its at 50% or more thickness it could be saved. If not, no

>> No.17978165

you need to be realistic about what to expect, which it sounds like you are. some people think they're gonna get that high school NW0 back; they won't.
yes, if you do fin+min, there's a good chance that, from a NW3 you can get back to a NW2.

>> No.17978285

2 weeks on oral min 5mg I haven't really noticed anything.

>> No.17978529
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>feel my scalp tingling again
It's over, I'm immune to fin

>> No.17978688
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You've heard of "The Chad Embrace" and the "The Custodian Ascend", but what about "the Attorney Enlightenment"

>> No.17978823
File: 1.02 MB, 720x1280, VID_94950821_000325_528.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the "Heihachi Mode"?

>> No.17978928

The drug will stay on the market forever no matter what because trannies like you have to take it everyday and it probably rakes in billions in revenue per annum

>> No.17978931

Women get told their problems don't exist all the time which is funny until it's your mom getting trolled into ignoring serious symptoms by an Arab MD in your community clinic

>> No.17978932

>what good is an erection when you're balding and no woman wants to touch you?
Confirmed brain feminization
Good job sis you're already fitting in!

>> No.17979141

Derm refuses to prescribe fin due to side effects, should I try minox first or just get a different Derm? I haven't tried anything yet so no clue if id respond to anything

>> No.17979522

you can just get fin online either though a webdoctor or though one of those tranny hrt sites (do be warned that's a legal grey area)

>> No.17980100

As was said many times. It's off patent. It barely makes Merck money. Only 8 million prescriptions in the US are written. They'll hardly get billions. The drug also has a use in treating BPH, so a lot of those prescriptions are not even for hair loss. THERE' S SIMPLY NO MONEY HERE.
I assume you're from the EU where they're extremely stingy with anything cosmetic. As the other guy said there are telehealth services that can get you the prescription. I've heard mobidoctor and EUdoctor but haven't used them admittedly. If the other GP/derma you get doesn't prescribe the drug try gettin git on telehealth then go back to the derma and tell them that you tolerate well.

>> No.17980183

dermatologists are really worthless gatekeepers at this point when patients come in with more knowledge of their own disease than the guy with the 10 year degree, just buy it from indian pharmacies, it's like $25 a year if you split the 5mg pill in 4.

>> No.17980912

>Dermatologists, endocrinologists, GPs: this drug is too dangerous to prescribe!

>> No.17981078

Most diseases aren't so time sensitive, by the time you get a derma to get you legit fin you might have upgraded to NW2 and go into NW3 just waiting for fin to work.

>> No.17981125

It's really not, some doctors just don't want to deal with patients coming back to complain if they can avoid it.

>> No.17981893

Does anyone here shave their own head? I want to start learning to do it myself rather than paying for such a simple "haircut". Recommendations?

>> No.17981895

powerful. i aspire to be like this when i go bald

>> No.17982331
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So I've been Dermastamping with pic related for about 6 months now and I'm not sure if it's improving or if I'm just doing it wrong. Also want to note that I take fin, biotin, and minoxidil with PRP every 6 months

Research showed that you should do it every two weeks with the needle being at least 1.2mm but not greater than 2mm otherwise you risk damage to the follicles themselves.

I've personally being doing 1.7mm every two weeks with some occasional bleeding but it's normal.

Any anons also microneedling and if so, what mm would you recommend for best results and how often?

>> No.17982338

Do you use the roller or the dermastamp? It's best recommended that you use the stamp because the roller can rip hairs off and damage them.

Also what mm do you use for the needle?

>> No.17982522
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>mfw receding hairline at 19

>> No.17982544

ok nevermind, the min shed has begun

though at this point I can't tell if it's the fin shedding cycle because it's mostly tiny hairs shedding that were previously inert vellus hairs before.

>> No.17984182

Have you done your part in telling insecure people on /fit/ that they can keep their hair while they blast creatine and steroids?

>> No.17984703

Why hasn't anyone tried stem cell hair restoration, apparently it gets the best results.

>> No.17985156

isn't that just PRP therapy? There's a bunch of dermatology clinics in cities and it's only like 500 dollars per session

>> No.17985361

I want to get on fin, but I'm scared of the shedding.
I have really long hair (it's down to my bellybutton). Have started balding on my temples.
I'm just afraid that the shedding will look terrible with long hair

>> No.17985362

fuck off man…. okay, so you’re scared to start fin because it’ll make your hair thinner for a little while so therefore you’re going to let yourself go bald permanently?

>> No.17985366

I've heard that with long hair that shedding will make it look really thin and weird.
So it sounds like my only option then is to cut it short. It took like 3 years to grow it like this which sucks. I'm 23, I have more use of long hair now than when I'm like 30. At that point I'm fine with coping with a beard

>> No.17985369

don’t cut it just wear a hat and use nizoral shampoo until it fills back in

>> No.17985620

Unless your whole head of hair is already being retarded in growth because of DHT, the most shedding you'll see is the 10-20% of hair currently in resting phase, and the hair that is being most affected like your temples like you describe.

Can you post hair?
You might not even be balding and you're worrying over nothing.

>> No.17985651

Some people don't shed at all

>> No.17985684
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Am I crowning or nah

>> No.17985708
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My hair is still wet from washing it but here's how it looks of I pull it back. Definitely looks like balding to me

That gives me some hope at least

>> No.17985816

at least your temples are still intact, definitely balding, but nw2 with intact temples looks kino

>> No.17985826

no fuck off

>> No.17985865
File: 106 KB, 800x450, later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you in 5 years lol

>> No.17985951

I wonder what Larry David would say if he heard about all the people who stab themselves in the scalp and rub Chinese research chemicals into it.

>> No.17986010

I look down on men who didn't even try to keep their hair.

>> No.17986165

Are you a woman?

>> No.17986289

Why do you care at all?

>> No.17986297

I have PFS.

>> No.17986334

Did your skull collapse in on itself and did you lose several inches of height and also did your corpus cavernosa calcify into scar tissue and turn into an inert raisin?

>> No.17986342

Just the benis/anhedonia problems. It's only been a couple of weeks since last dose. It should clear up by the end of the month I'm sure, it's always resolved itself in the past after experimenting with different dosages and methods.

>> No.17986463

Yeah I think PFS is just the process of the body trying to regain hormonal homeostasis, but people fall into a trap where they convince themselves that it’s permanent, PFS definitely exists but I highly doubt it lasts longer than a month or two at most

>> No.17986865

How much fin/minox am I supposed to start with? Or should I just do some service like Hims/Keeps and follow whatever regimen they prescribe? I have very very minor thinning but don't want to take any chances.

>> No.17986891

1 year on fin+minox and friends who i see for an annual thing in january remarked my hair seemed thicker

hims is a scam, just get your normal doctor to write or 1mg supply through other sources

>> No.17986905

>dutasteride + topical minoxidil + microneedling
>still thinning
even fin couldn't stop my diffuse thinning
i'm so fucked lmao

>> No.17986909

do you have any loss at your hairlines or is it even thinning all over the scalp?
you can try taking min orally...

>> No.17986966

Are you on antidepressants?
I hear the effects are much worse if on ssris to the point where I think the PFS symptoms are caused by being on ssris.

>> No.17986979

thinning on my crown and sort of mid-front scalp
hairline actually seems to be stable and even improving somewhat (baby hairs popping out)

granted, i've only taken dutasteride for 3 months

>> No.17986981


Will look into this thanks a lot, whats your current dose of fin and minox?

>> No.17986984

maybe you're still in the shedding phase

>> No.17987263

I'm trying to investigate variations on how hair follicles actually spring back, when your follicles started growing thicker on fin/min, did you notice a rapid cycle of very thin new hair growing for a month, shedding normally with a white bulb at the ends and coming back thicker every time.
I can understand why NW2 or greater people might complain that fin or min aren't really helping to fill in hair lost from the initial shed when the hairs are repeatedly shedding during the first 1-2 years of use.

>> No.17987552

I went digging around for people drinking liquid min and found one forum post from early 2019 where this dude saw good results taking 25mg (0.5ml) of oral minoxidil liquid daily for several months acclimating to it from 10mg over several weeks, though the worrying part is his account hasn't posted since fall of 2019.


>> No.17987583

Ever notice how a lot of people who hop on fin and min never show actual results that span for at least 3-5 years? All we get are accounts from people who hop on both drugs on a whim and claim to see results right away with minimal side affects and then *poof* they vanish, odd. Almost as if this thread is full of pharma shills trying to sell their tranny juice.

>> No.17987593

1.5 and get a derminator 2

>> No.17987601

Optimal results peak at 2 years, if you're satisfied with the result why would you keep posting on hair loss forums?

>> No.17987774

is the fin from online pharmacy's (typically indian stock) the same quality as european fin?
Im currently getting it from sonsUK and they charge a criminally high amount for the stuff.

>> No.17988368

india is the largest exporter of generics, their stuff is fine, your "legit" fin is probably made in india too.

>> No.17989642

brutal shed
brutal shed

DHT is just another cruel prank on men along with the location of the prostate.

>> No.17989899

that's out of my price range atm that's why I've been using the dermastamp from amazon

>> No.17990082

Our God is a cruel God.

>> No.17990200

Basically, all your dicks will stop working and you'll be infertile once you stop using fin and you'll want to kill yourself.


>> No.17990203

Why would you ever stop using fin?

>> No.17990283

Why would it begin when you stop? That doesn't make any sense. In any case, I'm wholly convinced that all consumers of fin are experiencing adverse effects because how could you not, logically less 5ar means less DHT and less neurosteroids for eye sight, motor movements, planning, etc. Honestly, everything that makes man actually capable of conducting himself unlike a woman who is at the mercy of whatever is happening to her in the moment. You should still be free to ruin yourself that way if you like, just don't swallow the 2% copium meme. Men's health should be given more attention regardless. Men are more important.

>> No.17990297

Balding and facial hair exist so cavemen could bully each other over cavegirl pussy
Too bad endocrine disruptors and female mate choice ruined everything for us

>> No.17990299
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im only 33 years old yes i iknow its bad. it just got this bad within the last two years.

should i just do fin and minox. ? or embrace the bald?

thanks guys.

>> No.17990315

Yes, do fin and min now before it gets any worse, I've seen tons of people spring back from your point like it never happened, you're only really fucked when the scalp has been balding so long it's actually shiny and devoid of even vellus hairs.

>> No.17990481

How's the hairline?

>> No.17991316

i was at about your level when i started fin, though a decade younger. my hair's not back to full but i've seen a dramatic improvement. you might as well try.

>> No.17991537

30 days on 5mg oral min, I shed a bunch but it wasn't too bad like the fin shed which happened 4 months in.

I'll probably switch to 5mg twice a day if I don't see new growth hairs on my diffuse spot by next month.

>> No.17992812

buy an electric razor and turn it on

>> No.17992832

Oxytocin is released en masse upon orgasm which increases 5AR activity thereby leading to elevated DHT. Cortisol rise also happens. This happens with sex or masturbatution. In fact, sex leads to even greater increases of it. I'm not surprised at all by the hypothesis that excessive sexual activity can lead to baldness. There have been many men I know that once they get a girlfriend, a few years later they're noticeably balding. I don't think it's a coincidence and it's a creationist retard take to think the body is perfect and not subject to fault as relates to so called natural behavior.

>> No.17993059

Anyone try 2% min? The adverse effects from 5% are pretty bad. I might try diluting it down to 2.5%. The concern is that the adverse effects will continue without any benefits.

>> No.17993373

I've been on fin for around a month and my hair looks thinner.
I don't know if its shedding though since its not rapidly falling out

>> No.17993492

If you're not sure you even shedded then you're imagining it, hair can't suddenly get thinner after it's already grown, and 30 days isn't shit for fin, most people don't even feel a shed or any improvement until 4 months in.

>> No.17993586
File: 1.42 MB, 2131x2562, IMG_0598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason my ear-area hair is thinning and the hair that remains feels gross and pubelike. Anyone know what causes this? And how to fix it? I’m 3 months deep on fin

>> No.17993873

Look up the difference between maturing hairline and receding. You might be fine.

>> No.17993881

>Guess which one works the best.
I’d guess a combination therapy would work the best if you’re serious about this

>> No.17993883

Is topical/local or systemic/ingested finasteride better?

Newfag here. I have a full head of hair and need some kind anon to help me keep it when the time comes. My dad went bald at 30.

>> No.17993895

The effect it's gonna have on your hair is negligible, but you are probably gonna be slightly less likely to get adverse side effects from topical. However it can be pretty annoying to apply it everyday, popping a pill is much easier

>> No.17993907
File: 3.25 MB, 4628x3088, improoover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's shorter now but am I improoving? First is one month after fin (oral) and min (topical, roughly once a day), second is five months (today)

>> No.17993911

>The adverse effects from 5% are pretty bad
No they're not unless you're a big fat pussy with heart issues. why not use regular 5% once a day, would probably have the same overall effect of 2% twice a day

>> No.17993912

bro you have improved to the extent they would use you in a commercial nice job

now just style it better

>> No.17993916
File: 526 KB, 1576x2100, my turtles love me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it's still really thin but it feels nice knowing it's not Gollum tier anymore
Also I definitely do not style it over my forehead like that lmao I did that to show the density. It looks like this when I style it normally

>> No.17994434

Retrograde alopecia. You lose hair on the sides and the back instead of the top like regular MPB. But it's possible to have both at the same time too. You treat it the same way you treat regular alopecia.

>> No.17994900

i've been putting off min cause i don't want a terrible combo shed, should i just get it and rub it in the sides and keep it fin-only on the hairline

>> No.17995401
File: 741 KB, 1503x1757, IMG_20240129_173633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut my hair short after growing them out for a couple years
Oh GOD what the FUCK is this.

>> No.17995500

>Greying thinning receding hair
>Pyramid Head shape
>Bad acne scarred skin
>Sunken dark eyes
>Fat nose
>Big ears
>Thin ugly lips
>Patchy facial hair
>Weak jaw
>Dumpy chin

It's so fucking over for me. Always has been.

>> No.17995511

There was an episode George called China to get an experimental hair transpant but he couldnt speak Mandarin so he got a random Chinese restaurant food delivery guy to have the conversations for him.

>> No.17995619

Is George's face perfectly symmetrical?

>> No.17995976

just ordered topical minox, do I apply it topically like a normie or drop it under my tongue like a based geezer?

>> No.17996043

The only good results I've ever seen were from people claiming to take min orally, s even if it's the liquid min sublingually.

>> No.17996051

Results can be too good and you get fucked up permanently messing with that. I have to shave around my eyes forever now and their are eyelashes growing in my sockets and poking my eyeballs

t. switched from oral to topical

>> No.17996061

How much were you taking?
You could just laser the unwanted hair.

>> No.17996066
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Can fin save my hair? How about a hair transplant? Any tips?

>> No.17996068

1 drop 1.25mg 5%

>> No.17996088


>> No.17996089

looks shit mate

>> No.17996090

this is surely a troll

>> No.17996091

lol, can just tell you have a Chud face

>> No.17996097

you will see regrowth if you use these medications, yes

but... it might not get you where you want. ive seen studies on reddit that say after 5 years regrowth peaks and stablizes, and after 10 years about 12% of people report that they have started to lose hair again.

it WILL most likely work, you wont have fabio hair but you will have more hair.

10-20% of people have negative side effects...

but.. that doesnt mean that you have a 10% chance... what it means is, that if youre one of those 10% of people, you will lose your "masculine function".

i say, embrace it. spend more time out side, get the sun on that scalp a bit. harded your skin and look like a bad ass..

going blad is an oppertiny to prove your masculinity imo, if you can still get bitches when youre bald then you know youre that top nigga

all it means is that you wont look "cool" anymore

but you can still look badass

go from being "ninja" to being "nigga"

besides, you need to use it forever it keep the gains... and... it will cost a lot of money

you dont need the hair dlc... dont let them trick you

>> No.17996268

>10-20% of people have negative side effects...
Come one, it's way higher than that. The cognitive effects are too much for sensitive autists like us. If you're an INTP tier, it will change you.

>> No.17997051

Its just the lighting bro

>> No.17997104

The number of people reporting PFS symptoms are the same for the active and control groups in every finasteride study ever done, 1.5% of participants reported male ED symptoms.
Guess what the incidence rate of male ED is men? 1.5%

Everything after that is entirely somatic.

>> No.17997114

Tried 10mg oral min a few days ago (5mg twice daily), I'm pretty sure I noceboed myself but the increased heart rate was too much to ignore and I couldn't really sleep and ended up fapping all night so I got very little sleep and was in a mental fog for most of the next day so I won't be doing that again (the oral min 10mg part)

>> No.17997491


>> No.17997951

I do 10mg of oral min and I get random diamond hard erections. Have woken up with wood in the middle of the night and had to jack off just to fall back asleep several times by now.
10/10 experience, feel like a teenager again.

>> No.17998057

There's an insane anti-fin shill that derails threads on /fit/ and calls anyone speaking positively about hair loss drugs a tranny pharma shill because he read some study about fin blocking a recently discovered 3rd type of DHT and now he thinks finasteride is neurotoxic.

>> No.17998108

>tranny pharma shill
Big Pharma gets a whopping $0.10 a day from me popping finasteride. I'm supposed to think they're bothering running online psyops for an extra $0.10 a day per convert?

>> No.17998115

The real money is in reselling fin, keeps and similar services sell fin for $1 a pill if you don't threaten to move your prescription to a local pharmacy, and even then it's still $25 for 90 pills which is tolerable, but it still makes me want to try my luck with indian pharmacies if they ever stop giving me that discounted rate.

>> No.17998120

Nah fuck you
I'll just continue adding finasteride to my morning stack and continue to keep my hair, while you cope with being a chromedome chud

>> No.17998127

You're overpaying bro.
I'm buying locally produced pharma dutasteride for ~$3 per 30 pills.

>> No.17998144

I'm getting my pills from an actual physical pharmacy near me which runs me about $0.33 a day (2/3 of the money goes to the pharmacist) but I probably can bring it down further if I change pharmacies. It's 5mg generic finasteride I cut in quarters which also helps with the cost. I don't want to be swallowing mystery pills I bought online to save a few pennies so I might just stick with my current pharmacy.

>> No.17998172

People actively discourage stuff like keeps here. We know about their con.
Can you link it? Does he mean 5art3 or something. We know that there are five 5ar types, IIRC. I doubt it's anything new. The guy probably uses chatGPT or someshit to feed his biases. Too chicken shit to take the drug or already past hte point of no return.

>> No.17998236

What you're describing sounds like it's 4x more expensive than my keeps discount hack, but ok.

Those online pharmacies, especially the ones linked on /lgbt/ hrt pharmacy lists seem to be legit, some customers have gone as far as to get their product independently tested for purity and they're fine, redditors are extremely quick to distrust online pharmacies and will claim a specific pharmacy rugpulled just on rumors alone, so if they did notice fake or impure fin, it would get out quick.

>> No.17999685
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Me after the forced feminizing 5a-reductase inhibitors cus /fit/ told me it would give me fluffy eboy hair.

>> No.17999708

>/fit/ told me it would give me fluffy eboy hair.
Yeah, that's false advertising. The increase in hair count is usually modest. The more realistic scenario is you keeping what you have, which is also why it's important to start early. I feel like exaggerated claims like this make people more complacent because they think they can afford to lose more hair while they figure things out.

>> No.17999774
File: 2.67 MB, 2722x3629, 1706314994306470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is my only option a transplant?
I think im a NW3? but my hair grows thick everywhere where it isnt thinning and it doesnt seem to actually be getting worse.
I hate my fucking hair so much

>> No.17999782

have you tried fin/min?

>> No.17999783

It's very clearly not thick. You can see the scalp through obviously diffused hair. Your donor looks thicks, though. Are you on meds yet? If not then I wouldn't bother with a transplant. just shave it bro

>> No.17999828

Get on fin and see if it helps after a year or two before dropping money on surgery. You're not going to go back to NW0 but you might get some more density and stop your balding which I think might be good enough.

>> No.17999864

The environment is poisoned. Everything you see, the balding fin users, the TRT replacement ads, the trannies, the HRT adjustments for women, are all magnified by our planet becoming a toxic dump of xenoestrogens and microplastics and whatever other endocrine disrupters we're inescapably absorbing daily. "Better living through chemicals" has been forced upon us, for now we can only accept this and work with it.

>> No.18000185

Adding a prescription endocrine disruptor on top of undefined environmental endocrine disruption, while the endocrine system is still very poorly understood, seems like a bad idea

>> No.18000376

Around 14 months on Finasteride, turning 25 in a couple of days. I started out at a Norwood 2 with some thinning on the crown area. After 14 months it doesn't seem to have gotten worse but i'm scared as shit to cut my hair. It's all dead ends and it sticks together which makes it looks greasy af.

Considering hopping on Minox but would it be worth it if i'm stable at NW2-2.5?

>> No.18000846

>start taking min a few years ago
>works great
>all thinning areas fill in and problem completely fixed
>worked so well the clinic asked to put my pictures up on their site
>all of a sudden stops working for no reason
>lose all of the regrown hair
>switch to fin+min
>still nothing
>cant rregrow anything
Why was it snatched away from me, bros? ;_;

>> No.18001462

Because you're a fence sitting retard.
All the gains got annihilated by DHT and there is no hair anymore in those places.
Enjoy your fucked hairline.

>> No.18001465

I went on dut + min when I noticed my hair thinning all over the top of my head.
I've actually gained a lot of hair back to the point where it's very thick again, except for my right temple.
That's a win in my book.

>> No.18002607

>going all in and using the product as intended without interruption is fence-sitting

>> No.18002764

You used a growth stimulant until the damage from DHT started outpacing the ability of min to keep hair loss away.

>> No.18002920

How much minoxidil do I need to be drinking

>> No.18002946

for a 5% liquid min where 1ml = 50mg
>0.05ml = 2.5mg (approx. 2 drops)
>0.1ml = 5mg (4 drops)
>0.2ml = 10mg (8 drops)
Around there is when you start seeing measurable blood pressure drops because 10-40mg is the usual dose for hypertension.
For hypertension, it's also prescribed with a diuretic to prevent pedal or edema or pericardial effusions and beta blockers to prevent tachychardia, so it's generally understood to be nasty shit and not even recommended as blood pressure medication, I would not suggest going past 10mg for hair growth.

>> No.18002947

Any minoxabeard bros here?

>> No.18002952

>tiny wispy hairs keep growing and falling out barely even an inch in length
At this point I don't know what to believe, I see more thick shafts in my diffuse area than before, so that's reassuring.

Why does this shit have to take so long i hate this

>> No.18002953

Is it necessary to ingest sublingually or is adding it to a drink good enough?

>> No.18002956

I remember reading somewhere that sublingual min goes through the same pathway as topical min and bypasses the liver entirely, though I can't find this right now.

Oral means passing into the stomach, I put it into a small cup and swish it with tap water and drink it like that, I even pour in more water to make sure I got every last bit, 0.1ml of liquid is such an insignificant amount.

>> No.18003010

Anyone try high intensity scalp massages to increase skin elasticity and decrease calcification

>> No.18003025

for that to work you need to be old rich and fucking ripped

>> No.18003584

>about nw1.5
>start min around October
>sudden aggressive shed all over the top
Here's hoping I come out the other side even stronger, bros. I regret not starting minox at the same time if I was going to look a mess anyway.

>> No.18003588

start fin*

>> No.18003699

Hey, /bald/. I just started accutane and I was kind of worried about what I read about the hair thinning side effect. Does anyone have any experience with this or advice they could give? Thank you!

>> No.18003909
File: 544 KB, 590x937, librewolf_24.02.04_21.46.16.220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been living off liquor and ice cream since I've started thinning. I wonder how much glucose spikes are part of the problem

>> No.18003938

If you're spiking your glucose all the time then there's no way you're skinny enough to be /fa/, what are you even doing?

>> No.18004055
File: 264 KB, 1379x1717, 20240205_074244~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual FUCK
It's over isn't it

>> No.18004061

is this MPB or something like telogen effluvium/diffuse thinning? seems like the latter. I don't see much going on in the hairline.

>> No.18004069

>I don't see much going on in the hairline.
:') I'm Norwood 2 but hiding it the way I style my hair
But the thinning on top looks atrocious
Noticed my scalp was red for quite some months now but have no idea why is that
Brushing back hides it a bit and it seems to be in the same area(not sure really)
I know it's just a matter of time before I lose it all
T. bald grandpa, norwood 5 dad and norwood 5 brother (bro went nw5 at ~23 and I'm 22)

>> No.18004085

Any itching? I've had an itchy scalp for years, but I would have years where my hair was thin, and then somehow it gets thick again.

>> No.18004103

Yea sometimes
I tried a new shampoo yesterday that reduces it and seems to do its job so far

>> No.18004187


>> No.18004237

If you had more than two braincells you'd understand that using min as your primary solution for androgenic balding is like putting bandaid on a gaping wound. You're not solving the main issue, which is DHT.
DHT nuked all of your gains and now you're back to first base. Your hair was basically like a cracked vase, you just kept pouring more water inside without addressing the leak and you thought you solved the problem, and now that you're out of fucking water, you started panicking.

>> No.18004369

Aggresive Diffuse thinning 100% you will be shaving it off in about 2 years if lucky. Weirdly looks like the female pattern of hair loss but you are fucked either way without fin asap

>> No.18004378

that's worse than a N3, which doesn't involve frontal thinning like you have. you got it bad man, you're basically already bald.

>> No.18004446
File: 83 KB, 675x817, IMG_20240205_181758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair I think the pic made it look worse than it really is
New pic, brushed my hair back

>> No.18004449

>nft profile pic
>"le heckin' based schizo xD" name
not even reading this.

>> No.18004721

You're thinning at the front. Not super bad, but I'd consider fin+min at this point before it gets super fucked.

>> No.18004771

The front is fucked man I'm Norwood 2 already
I'm just waiting for my exams and probably shaved once I'm done with them... Losing so much hair it's unbelievable, like where I sit in class there's a bunch of hair down like crazy
I kinda want to shave it down but I'm afraid it'll look like shit so I've kept my hair growing, been 2 years since I last got a haircut now

>> No.18004883

Just shave it for the time being man.
I had hair that reached halfway through my back, but once I noticed the thinning, I just decided to shave it and grow it out once I get it under control, so I've been growing it out again for the past 6 months.
If you take care of your hair and style it properly, you'll be able to hide the thinning until your hair decides to make a comeback.

>> No.18005322
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I'll wait until my beard grows back to do it, shaved it 3 weeks ago and it's slow to grow
On an unrelated note, do you think brushing hair makes you lose them quicker? Because I don't really but when I do there's a bunch of hair on it (and coming from mostly the back where it's all tangled as I have wavy hair)

Today's hair
The light is right on top of me so it makes the thinning more visible
Decided to brush them, I dont know how much hair got on the brush but man that was a lot

>> No.18005629

EVEN IFFFFF It was 0.1cents a day from you.
Thats STILL BILLIONS IN REVENUE DAILY if you meme all men into beliving this is an issue.
>hurr durr why would the companies shill me a made up problem, I personally only pay 0.1$ a day huuuuuurrr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.18005827

I'm >>17993907
Mine looks like that from the top also. Yes your hair is thinning get on fin NOW
Brushing it will not make you lose hair unless it's really tangled and you rip and tear it out. The hair that is coming out when you brush would have fallen out one way or another

>> No.18005832

it's not too late for fin

>> No.18005834
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Decided to get a haircut, feel like it looks alright now
Although on the side you can see it's receded a bit but not as much as when I had long hair and I can hide it
Honestly I think once it's too severe I'll shave, i was already paranoid, looking at my hair everyday and thinking about it every day, it's too much stress. Hoping on fin will make the stress come back eventually.

>> No.18005845

No, when I saw my hair getting worse and worse I began freaking out and thinking of it even more. Now that I'm on the dick destroyer pills and my hair is coming back I'm feeling a lot happier about it now. Don't let it get worse nigger. Future you will thank you

>> No.18005847

ive been on fin for 2 years, hairline hasnt receded much, no side effects, but every time i touch my hair, i get 1-4 strands of hair on my hand

>> No.18005859

>do you think brushing hair makes you lose them quicker?
For me using a plastic brush or comb literally breaks and rips my hair out. I've been using a boar bristle brush and never had an issue so far, and I've noticed way less hair in the brush after I finish brushing.
So with the proper brush you really should only be brushing out hair that has already fallen out, not pull out or break hair that is still healthy and attached to your scalp.

>there's a bunch of hair on it
From personal experience, the longer your hair, the more you notice every strand that falls out.

>but man that was a lot
100% it shouldn't be "a lot" with regular brushing. After I got my hair under control with dut + min, I usually get 20 - 30 hairs under the shower and then 10 - 20 with my brush.

Doesn't look totally fucked, but you should hop on fin + min or dut + min ASAP. I had a bit more thinning on top than you when I started, and I managed to fix it.

>> No.18005994

>dick destroyer pills
I think I'll pass desu
>I've been using a boar bristle brush and never had an issue so far
I did have one and used it for the top part but I couldn't brush the rest properly as they're wavy and all tangled together
>Doesn't look totally fucked,
To be honest I think a big part of it was because I had long hair
Now that I'm thinking about it, I experienced something similar 4 years (?) ago with hair falling out and a hairline looking like shit until I went with a buzzcut and it looked normal (although slightly receded but nothing too much)
I guess I'll see how the next month passes, but I know for sure I'm not taking meds for the rest of my life just to get hair

>> No.18006065
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>I experienced something similar 4 years (?) ago with hair falling out and a hairline looking like shit until I went with a buzzcut and it looked normal
That's how I coped too bro, I was in denial for far too long until I accepted that I'm one of the unlucky ones.

>I know for sure I'm not taking meds for the rest of my life just to get hair
Pic rel is my progress if you're curious. Went from looking like a hobo to a full head of hair. No side effects from my stack, I still get morning wood, sex life is pretty good, sperm quality, quantity and motility are all good (I got tests done), I perform a mentally-taxing job and I haven't noticed any decrease in performance.
I'm not telling you to take fin/dut/min or the other drugs, I can only say that it worked for me and it might work for you if you give it a try.

>> No.18006078

>Pic rel
Honestly hard to tell if it's the hair or the haircut with how washed out the before photo is

>> No.18006085

I dunno, I thought it's pretty obvious that my hair was much thinner before, especially along the hairline and in the back where you can see that the hairstyle doesn't even fill in properly.
I don't really have other before pics.

>> No.18006121

I'll give it some time then and will see a dermatologist if there's problems
I just want to enjoy that moment when I'm finally free from this stress-inducing shit and for one day, not think about how my hair looks

>> No.18006172

insane results if true

>> No.18006296

You should probably see a derm. It doesn't really look like MPB. I had friends who started balding in high school and it doesn't look like what you have. It might be diffuse thinning, maybe caused by some medical issue like hyperthyroidism.

>> No.18006400

for me when i got on fin, so much of the stress of me constantly looking over my shoulder making sure no one could see my bald spot, constantly thinking about it, that all went away, knowing that i was doing all i could for it.
if you really don't want to get on fin then i would just shave now and get used to it, knowing what lies in the future. either getting on fin or full shave would help your stress more than doing nothing about it.

>> No.18006403

it's over, time to shave boyo

>> No.18006484

Please stop taking fin. It's not too late to have kids. Please dad, I want to be born.

>> No.18007758

>have longish hair
>comb through it reasonably often as a habit
>pick up heaps of stray hairs every single time
I'd say my hair is maybe receding slightly, but it's hard to tell because of the length. But my question is, is combing a lot BAD for my hair? I do it less now but I never felt like I was ripping out hair, just collecting whatever was loose

>> No.18008276

Combing with a plastic/nylon comb or brush is bad. It just rips through your hair and damages it.
Using wooden combs and boar bristle (or other natural hair) brushes is good.

>> No.18008485
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Some people are afraid oral min will give them back, shoulder and ass hair if they didn't already have it, can confirm it doesn't do anything like that if you weren't already predisposed to having it.

It will absolutely accelerate hair growth on your face though, and thicken up the vellus hairs near your hairline, I imagine taking shots of topical min would turn you into a werewolf in very short order if your heart doesn't explode first.

>> No.18008629

I'll look into boar bristle stuff, thanks.

>> No.18008645

Actually while I'm here do you have any recommendations for a brush? Everything I see on amazon seems kind of shit- my hair is fairly thick too, which apparently doesn't suit these brushes that well?

>> No.18008730

I don't see what's wrong with a handmade Kent comb

>> No.18009044
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I bought a generic boar bristle brush like pic rel, just made sure it's 100% boar bristles, without nylon or plastic mixed between the strands.
I also have pretty thick hair, but my solution was changing up my brushing technique. I brush by starting out with one edge (1 on pic rel) beginning to brush my hair and rotating the brush a bit so it penetrates the hair, so that at the end of the stroke the other edge (2 on the pic) touches the hair. So you basically swivel the brush through your hair.
Works really well for me.
There's also a bunch of vids of people brushing differently, so maybe something will work for you.

>> No.18009067

Thanks, I appreciate the response.

>> No.18010478

should I bump or make another /balding/ general?
Decisions decisions

>> No.18010698

>Derm refuses to prescribe fin due to side effects
What the hell really? For me the conversation lwent like this:
>Me: I'm starting to lose my hair and
>Dr: And you did research online and want to take finasteride?
>Me: yes
>Dr: Okay, here's a prescription. If you get any severe side effects just stop taking it and you'll go back to normal. Would you also like a prescription for oral Minoxidil?
>Me: Sure, thanks
I've been taking fin and nin for a month now and no side effects at all.

>> No.18010784

American dermatologists don't do this shit because it opens them up to lawsuits.

>> No.18010849

not him but i go between a few derms because sometimes it's difficult to get an appointment, two of them (same office/practice) wouldn't give me fin without blood work (which i didn't do), the other just gave it to me right away no questions asked. i asked the last one about oral min but she wouldn't give it, didn't ask the first two. all in the US.
despite all this i just use hims now.

>> No.18010892

I'm in Canada and it went something like this
>Me: I'm losing my hair
>Dr: Just use minoxidil
>Me: I heard about this thing called finasteride, can I get that instead?
>Dr: It might have side effects but it's up to you, want me to prescribe it for you?
>Me: Yes
It was much easier than I thought. I'm two months into fin. No side effects. I just pop a pill in the morning and go about my day.

>> No.18010908

try a female derm, they may be more open minded to all things vanity related.

>> No.18010919

Is the derm the right professional to see re hair? I see one once a year for skin stuff anyway so next time I go I might ask about hair drugs

>> No.18010924

>knees weak
>arms are heavy

>> No.18010939

Yes, hair is part of what they do

>> No.18010975

A few drops of 5% RU58841 fucks me up but not as much as fin which is too much even at 0.05% topical. Anyone have any luck with 2.5% RU? I'm going to pull the trigger on pyrilutamide soon, but it seems almost pointless, since everyone that tries it just goes back to RU it seems, and it seems like it's nearly identical with sides. I'm going to try daily detumescence therapy regardless since so many people have success with that and it seems to be necessary as a basis, my scalp is a lot tighter than it used to be.

>> No.18011814
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I actually like the recessed temples look but I have diffuse thinning

>> No.18012073
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same. we should have all listened to him

>> No.18012929

Are multiple sheds on finasteride normal?

I've been on oral fin and min for about 4 months, seemed to be making good progress, but over the last few weeks I've been noticing more stray hairs and I think I'm about back to baseline.

>> No.18012957

yes. usually every 4-6 months for the first year. its a good sign indicating you will also get regrowth

>> No.18013159

has anyone here switched from branded fin to generic? does it yield the same results? my pharmacist ran out of the branded stuff and I have to resort to generic and a pill cutter.

>> No.18013238

it's literally the same thing

now someone makes the new balding thread.

>> No.18013251

I get a shed every year, my hair thins out a fair bit for around a month or two and then it returns to normal for the rest of the year.

>> No.18013260

This was me with accutane. Tried a bunch of different meds and that was the only that really worked, despite all the spooking about it.

>> No.18013817
