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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.17 MB, 4096x1760, IMG_20231124_000145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17947386 No.17947386 [Reply] [Original]

Black Watches Edition.

>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:
>Should I buy this MVMT / DW / "minimalist" fashion watch?
>Should I buy this Armani / Michael Kors / mall watch?

"Suggest a watch"
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. cope, larp, poor
>Movement, e.g. automatic, hand wound, quartz, solar
>Desired features, e.g. water resistance, day/date, 2nd time zone
>Preferred strap option, e.g. leather, nylon, bracelet, rubber
>Wrist size or desired case size ex: > 40mm marabout, 37-39mm preop, 33-36mm patrician, < 33mm gf tier

>Watch news websites:

Previous thread:

>> No.17947387
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>> No.17947388
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>> No.17947392
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>> No.17947394
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>> No.17947395
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hey baldie nice tranny hooker you got there. looks like the cock ain’t gonna hurt your asshole on this one. maybe next time buy a real watch and you can get a real woman to fuck you. no money down! I know that concept is completely foreign to some dumb faggot retard like yourself but some things in life are indeed free. hope ya learned something homo, smell ya later ya smelly freak

>> No.17947396
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Is it acceptable to buy a collab watch if you don't own the thing the watch brand is collaborating with?

>> No.17947397

There's a bunch of dudes with Rolex's who don't sail so do your thing man

>> No.17947404

The fuck this retard posting random snapshots?

>> No.17947412

Yeah I mean some of us the only sports we get involved in is muffdiving and watersports.

>> No.17947421
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Does this look too big on me?

>> No.17947424
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Merry Christmas nasty filthy fuckers.
Post your endgame watch.

>> No.17947430

Couldn't tell if it was because that kind of shot always makes things look disproportionate. Use a mirror or something.

>> No.17947431
File: 796 KB, 1600x1201, MS-3-DIAL-2-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hanging out with a friend of mine and he showed me his rolex date that was apparently passed down by his dad

Idk if it was his wrist or what but he told me it was 36 and it looked fucking small, makes me think I should go for 41 instead

>> No.17947437
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>> No.17947467

How is everyone’s’ night? I had fun, what about you?

>> No.17947473

what does it mean when my seconds hand runs too fast but my minute and hour hands are still on the dot accurate?

could this be magnetization? does it need to be regulated? it seems to be just the seconds hand that is the problem.

>> No.17947475

Five Second is actually faster than you think…

>> No.17947493

Dnuk frnes
Whtj you drinknn ton iht ???
Sty sfe

>> No.17947496
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>> No.17947507

whoretadello anon, how much do you make per year

>> No.17947508
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Here ya go

>> No.17947510

Nta but that's too big.

>> No.17947512

Looks like a toilet bowl.

>> No.17947519

Thanks for opinion. Got it as a gift and might return it and get something smaller

>> No.17947539

Looks good. Considering especially that it’s a diver

>> No.17947543
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>> No.17947545
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Just enough

>> No.17947575

Please show us more Japanese women, anon

>> No.17947576

Nihon onna ichiban deeesssuu

>> No.17947578

What the absolute fuck are you babbling about you complete schizo.

Also, merry Christmas.

>> No.17947593
File: 350 KB, 876x748, 1000141978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough for what, exactly?

>could afford to travel to Japan and bring hooker gf from Germany instead of sourcing local hookers (two tickets, back and forth)
>buys retro SNES games
>has two Credors and a tudor

it seems you're loaded but have poor impulse control. you could have bought one legit good watch if you were better with finances and logistics

>> No.17947597

Merry Christmas to everyone but the ones on this list

Guide to posters

Major avatarfags

Multi-reply specialist. Canadian. Gay. Only posts about his own watches. Very repetitive posts. Has several obscure Omegas only he cares about. Notorious for samefagging. Obsessed with BitterAnon.

Greek living in Germany. Tends to buy too large watches for his small wrist. Cleans cars for a living. Has a Tudor, Homos, and some Seikos. Life currently falling apart. Responds by getting more material things and falling in love with strippers. Excellent at ban evading.

>Citizen drunk/Finncel
25% Finnish, 50% Swedish, rest is a mystery. Lives in Finland. Works as a shelver in a grocery store. Alcoholic. Only owns one watch, but posts a lot, mostly about alcohol or coins. Possibly immortal. Tragic case of gyno.

Very positive and friendly, but doesn't post anything of any consequence. Lawyer. Obese. Posts improving photos of amazing watches. Lies about his age. Does not take criticism well.

Semi-regular posters

Posts a single picture per thread before getting drunk and passing out. Owns a Hamilton. Works in television and film.

>Nobully anon
Trans. Has rich parents who have bought them several VCs.

Has one F-91W, has posted it on his cock. Mostly posts the Casio with Soviet knick-knacks. Russian living in Latvia with mommy.

>ALS anon
Has an 1815 Up/Down. Stays under the radar, but occasionally pops his head up to flex and complain

>Weekdater anon
Owns a Seiko Weekdater, goes on dates weekly

>Hungarian anon
Is a watchmaker, complains about his customers

>Central Florida Anon
Looking for a wristlet to love

Has 3 soviet Raketa watches and a Raketa table clock. Likes his big 0. Wanted to be listed and got listed.

Who is the mysterious BitterAnon? It could be anyone! It could even be you!

>> No.17947602

Ah the misery of BitterAnons is never ending. You know Christmas is suicide season right? Cease the moment.

>> No.17947603

Just barely, but may already be teetering on "too big".

>> No.17947608
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I'm literally at a danshin bar. Exorcist concept bar.

>> No.17947611

Okay this is way too awkward, even for me. Holy shit.

>> No.17947617
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He fed me pancakes.

>> No.17947618

>He fed me
Anon? Uh?

>> No.17947620

So Whoretadello kept paying whores to prove his internet 'frens' he's not a faggot? Can't make this shit up.

>> No.17947621

tf are them nails, bro?

>> No.17947623

Post credor on the pancake please.

>> No.17947628

It's a coke nail anon...

>> No.17947629
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I don't know man... I don't know.

>> No.17947631

Okay I'm out.
Sorry, I left.
Got half an hour to get to shinjuku.

>> No.17947632
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We up

>> No.17947634

How tiny is that dude, looks like a child

>> No.17947636

English teacher-kun doesn't discriminate

>> No.17947637

He is 28 years old. 1.55m

>> No.17947640

spend less time online ya zesty lil geek

>> No.17947642

Looks like some low budget live action remake character. Asians are weird man.

>> No.17947648

i guess no one on /wt/ actually knows anything about watches

>> No.17947659

If you want a 40k Lange you'll get some advice, any practical attainable piece, no.

>> No.17947674

>i guess no one on /wt/ actually knows anything about watches
This is not a thread about watches. It's a weeb's travelogue as he navigates a culture where every single person is repulsed by his body odor.

>> No.17947685

>what does it mean when my seconds hand runs too fast but my minute and hour hands are still on the dot accurate
Wait, like they're disconnected or what?

>> No.17947688


>> No.17947689

Post your Breitling.

>> No.17947690

That’s pretty weird, shouldn’t they be connected into a single gear train?

>> No.17947691

Dude is a tremendous narcissist. He constantly avatarfags and draws attention to himself and when people tell him to knock it off he acts like it must be because they're jealous and don't own watches. He even used to post pictures from his "dates" (read: whores that he paid to hang out with him) where he did wrist shots with the faces of other people in his group visible and unblurred. Once in a while an anon would post a screenshot of his friend's face as a reaction image to his posts, at first he would threaten him for trying to dox him but now he ignores it. But it just goes to show how little he regards anyone but himself that he's busy taking wrist shots while hanging out in public and not thinking twice about posting his friends pictures on 4chan.

Honestly if banning isn't going to stop him(he's been banned multiple times and he evades it) everyone should just ignore him until he stops. The regulars here know far more about him at this point than they should have any right to know about a nameless stranger.

>> No.17947696

>Imagine writing this monologue replying to yourself lmao
Just post your brapling shitter

>> No.17947703
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>reaction image
Oh, you mean this one?

>> No.17947705

>Posting reaction images of private individuals on 4chan

>> No.17947706

whoretadello put it up.

>> No.17947707

Yeah and you keep spamming that every time someone (you) mention him

>> No.17947710

>The regulars here know far more about him at this point than they should have any right to know about a nameless stranger.

The regulars are fucking gone. When's the last time you saw Mort, Reverso Anon, vintage Chrono, or even fucking OmegaDrunk?

>> No.17947711

Good post, he also has provided more than enough information about himself for someone who gives enough shits to dox him. Personally, I am eagerly waiting for the day it happens.

>> No.17947712

That's what you get for seething all the time. Enjoy your shit show.

>> No.17947713

You'd think it would make whoretadello think twice about spamming the thread with his retarded TMI and narcissistic photos, but he(you) are not self aware enough to evaluate himself(yourself) in that way.

If you like whoring and sex tourism to cope with being a loser going through a messy divorce, fine. You do you. But nobody else needs to know about it.

>> No.17947715

Meds schizo

>> No.17947719
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>> No.17947720

Merry Christmas cockwatch!

>> No.17947721
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>That's what you get for seething all the time. Enjoy your shit show.

>> No.17947723
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Not a hobbyist, not an enthusiast, don't care about horticulture... just an anon who owns a few quartz watches and likes how they look. Just bought a Seiko SNKL15 as my first not-quartz, what am I in for?

>> No.17947725

Hahahaha nice Seiko flag!
Couldn't afford a Lange? Lmfao

>> No.17947726

>Just bought a Seiko SNKL15 as my first not-quartz, what am I in for?
A watch that loses about 30 seconds per day.

>> No.17947728

Seikos tend to have really terrible bracelets so you might end up wanting to put it on some kind of strap instead. Do you know the lug width of this watch? If it's 20mm you're golden but I've seen seiko's like this with 19mm lug width and that would be more of a bitch to get aftermarket straps for. Even if it's 18mm that would be preferable to 19mm.

>> No.17947735

I don't know what that is or really care. You sound like a fucking dweeb that doesn't lift weights

>> No.17947736

>I don't know what that is or really care
No surprices there. Gtfo faggot.

>> No.17947741

I bought an Italian leather strap that fits it

>> No.17947744

Jesus, your head canon is so fucked up.
Merry Christmas btw. And chill a little

>> No.17947745

I mean you can find his shit in a matter of minutes, what are you going to do about it? Nothing.

>> No.17947747
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Tank must too small, Reverso too expensive. This one is nice

>> No.17947748


>> No.17947750
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>muh horticulture
go back to readitt, you bullying victim

>> No.17947751

Actually go to an AD and try on the Tank. They wear larger than the specs suggest.

>> No.17947753

Poorfag tears lol
Have fun with your larp shitter lmao

>> No.17947754
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I really like this Vacheron Overseas cope. Stop me from buying it.

>> No.17947756

For a cope this is an okayish one
But still it's a cope, why not save up? You'll always know you're just coping when you wear that shitter

>> No.17947758

With a budget of 3k it's difficult to find something in a right size that isn't a 30 year old plated quartz shitter.

I tried but the large Tank's strap barely closes on my wrist. Might just add 1k and get the Must XL.

>> No.17947762
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>But still it's a cope, why not save up?
I have the money, the problem with the Overseas is
>30 to 40k is insane for a fucking wristwatch
>the cheaper ones around 13 to 15k literally are modified JLC movements and I feel ripped off paying that kind of money for an ebauche

As much as I love the Overseas design, I fucking despise that they charge this much for JLC movement inside.

>> No.17947763

>larp shitter
I don't speak socially crippled loser so I'm not sure what you're getting at

>> No.17947766

just ignore bitteranon

>> No.17947767

What do you expect? Compliments for your decision to buy the shittiest entry level Seiko? Just wear your watch and fuck off weeb lmfao

>> No.17947768
File: 327 KB, 600x600, AQ4091-56E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to do it, I'm going to buy a The Citizen AQ4091-56E and there really isn't anything that anyone can say to change my mind. Don't even try.

I mean...I know I'm going to sleep on it for a few day, probably order it in the new years you know...

...I mean, like, unless 4chan says it's a bad idea, I have to buy it sight unseen...

>> No.17947770

That's an overpriced quartz shitter are you out of your mind?

>> No.17947773
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For Christmas I bought myself a Holland & Holland Royal shotgun and a Timex Waterbury Automatic watch, how did I do watchfags?

>> No.17947774

Is it possible to modify a mechanical watch to make a 12-hour movement into a 24-hour movement?

>> No.17947775

Yes, but not by you.

>> No.17947777

Of course, just needs to beat at half its stock rate basically. This is not something you would be able to do yourself.

>> No.17947778

"In-house" doesn't matter as much as you think. VC existed for over 200 years without ever making an in-house movement. They only started doing so in the late 2000s.
Their specialty was modifying movements, building complications, and finishing, not building blanks.
And a JLC movement is hardly bad. Patek and AP used the same movement from JLC.

tl;dr: insisting on in-house only reveals a deep ignorance about the history of the watch industry.

>> No.17947779

I'm aware of their history and of the history of that movement which was exclusively sold to the holy trinity by JLC. I still don't think it's a justified price for an ebauche. At 10k, sure, but not at 15 and up. It's a rip.

>> No.17947780

Just don't be poor I guess..

>> No.17947781

>Of course, just needs to beat at half its stock rate basically. This is not something you would be able to do yourself.
It's not even that much. It's just a matter of replacing the hour wheel. Finding the replacement, of course, is much harder.

>> No.17947782

>rich people just pay whatever price for any shit

Wanna know how I know that you've never handled big money, bus rider?

>> No.17947784

>I still don't think it's a justified price for an ebauche. At 10k, sure, but not at 15 and up. It's a rip.

What happens between 10k and 15k that causes it to be a ripoff? Is 10k just where you've set your budget at? The market has decided the value is 15k.

>> No.17947785

Competition decides it. 15k and up is Rolex Pepsi money. 10k or just under competes with very different watches.

>The market has decided the value is 15k.
I've been watching the listings for months, none of them are selling. Idiots think that we still live in the crazy times and refuse to lower their prices, because they bought too high. So the stock is sitting there nothing is moving. How new are you?

>> No.17947786

Your poorfag seethe is showing through despite your best efforts.
Go back to readitt

>> No.17947787

>heres my 20k watch with a 3rd party movement
How fucking stupid do you have to be?

>> No.17947788

>I have the money,
You clearly don't have enough, otherwise you'd be posting pics of your new Overseas.

But, to your question about the Zenith. Only buy the Zenith if you want the Zenith. Since you led off with it being an OS-cope, you clearly don't want it that bad.

The thing that's got you considering copes is not necessarily the money. If you can save 10k, you can save 20k. It's the idea of spending that much on a watch that stays your hand. That's why so many people have "watch journeys". It's not like they're learning about watches and then settle on Rolex. They're working their way up to getting comfortable spending that much on a watch.
>Get used to spending 500+ on a watch, then get used to 1000+, then get used to spending 3000+, then 6000+, and so forth until you can bring yourself to spend 10k on a watch and now you've got the Datejust you wanted back when buying a Seiko was a reach.

Seriously, just keep saving.

>> No.17947789

You clearly don't know your shit and I'm not going to waste any more of my time on you. KYS

>> No.17947790

based fellow /k/ crossposter , I just bought a Seiko 5 (see above along and ignore the bullied faggot) and I have a couple Holland and Holland side-by-side rifles. Exquisite taste anon and enjoy your Timex. Merry Christmas

>> No.17947791

Butthurt ragequit, pathetic.

I'm well aware of what you describe and my collection is worth over 20k as it is. No single watch of mine is worth over 10k though and it's gonna stay that way because of diminishing returns. Watches selling over 10k is fucking dumb as fuck, and pretty much everybody knows this.

>> No.17947793

What watches do you currently own anon?

>> No.17947794

5 pieces from the top players in Swiss watches: Omega, IWC, Heuer, Rolex.

>> No.17947795

Pretty solid anon. Which Heuer piece do you have?

>> No.17947796

The Lemania based Carrera re edition with the daytona rings, lovely collectors item

>> No.17947799

NGL guys this thread is usually just shit but today you're breaking records. It's Christmas for fucks sake, chill and calm down

>> No.17947801

>Watches selling over 10k is fucking dumb as fuck, and pretty much everybody knows this.
Then you should just disregard the high-end of watches and spare yourself the heartache.

>> No.17947802
File: 255 KB, 454x676, 1702294737576039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NGL guys this thread is usually just shit but today you're breaking records. It's Christmas for fucks sake, chill and calm down

>> No.17947808
File: 656 KB, 1639x2048, DSC08542-1639x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you anon. Don't spend 15k on a 1st or 2nd gen Overseas. These watches were so bad VC had to change the design 3 times in 20 years. Not only that, but now that they've reintroduced the 222 to their catalogue the Overseas seems bloated and awkward in comparison.

Honestly the Overseas' hype is pretty much dead now. I've recently watched a video of some asian dude who bought a perpetual calendar Overseas (had to wait several months for it), sold it one year later at a 30k loss.

Integrated bracelet watches in general are pretty much a dead fad (with the exception of the RO/Nautilus). For that reason I wouldn't buy the Zenith either.

Sometimes you have to question what you think you really want. A few months ago I really wanted a Santos. After looking into it I've learnt the movement was basically a copy of an ETA, and the screws on the bracelet were just decorative. Thank fucking God I didn't buy one.

>> No.17947810

So you bought a couple beaten-up used watches. Wow. Get a load of this high-roller.

>> No.17947811

>After looking into it I've learnt the movement was basically a copy of an ETA
Link to source?

>> No.17947812

Congrats on your first auto anon. The dial on those is pretty nice.

>> No.17947813


>> No.17947822
File: 41 KB, 1170x1145, 1694962658317520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it is in no way a copy of an ETA. It was designed to be the same SIZE as a 2892. The architecture is different.

You could have foreseen the guy was a retard when he let slip he was surprised at the non-functional screws in the Santos' bracelet. A watch that they've been making for over 40 years.

>> No.17947827

Based BitterChad keeping the redditors in check

>> No.17947831

>Behind the dial is the in-house Cartier Calibre 1847 MC. This automatic bidirectional self-winding movement’s name refers to the Maison’s founding year and is roughly based on the ETA 2892.
The Santos is $7.5k. For that money you can get a Rolex Datejust with an actual in-house movement that is pretty much indestructible and fully designed by Rolex.
Imagine spending Rolex money on an ETA lmfao retard
>they've done faux screws for decades so it's okay

>> No.17947832
File: 3.34 MB, 3315x1760, IMG_20231225_001527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Lads. Love you all.
(For all the CarFags, UDX Underground Parking - Akihabara. Just go if you're ever in Tokyo).
Pic isn't a GTR but it was still cool.

>> No.17947834

look at that zaratsu polishing!

>> No.17947836

>fake GT-R

Was the owner also losing his hair like you?

>> No.17947837

Merry Christmas fellow BitterAnon
Next year is ours

>> No.17947839

Send money retard.

>> No.17947840

>It was designed to be the same SIZE as a 2892. The architecture is different.

Exactly. I don't know why that anon is trying to meme this nonsense into existence but he's tried a couple times now. Anyone with working eyes can take a look at the balance bridges and see they're not the same.

>> No.17947841

Love you, kys

>> No.17947845

>Imagine spending Rolex money on an ETA lmfao retard
It really is dumb. I own two ETA based watches and one is a Seamaster so it's in-house and gets away with it, the other a IWC Flieger which is a revised ETA also but it costs fucking nothing, under 3k with papers. At that price it's a no brainer to get a quality piece with ETA, but who the fuck would pay over 5k for a god damn ETA or ebauche? Jesus just burn your money at that point.

And yeah, no way in fuck would I pay 8k for a Cartier either. Good call.

>> No.17947846

>Merry Christmas Lads. Love you all.
Merry Christmas to you too, Whoretadello. I know it sucks to be lonely at the holidays. I wish your 2024 is better than your 2023 was.

>> No.17947847

Post some pics of your collection, please.

>> No.17947850


>> No.17947851
File: 243 KB, 1036x1154, 29d09b463db7ef73c8d636abeae94565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 pieces from the top players in Swiss watches: Omega, IWC, Heuer, Rolex.
another delusional fantasist

>> No.17947852

How many grand complications do you own then, brah?

>> No.17947853

Grand complications? No thanks I'm not an incel.

>> No.17947854

New Teddy!
It’s over Rolex is finished!


>> No.17947855


Imagine making your life about watches and you're a wristlet unable to wear anything over 39mm this guy is pure cringe.

>> No.17947859

Merry Christmas lad. Hope you enjoy your time there and stay happy.

>> No.17947862

>eceleb posting
lmao fuck off incel

>> No.17947864

it is alarming to me that so many people gobble up these milquetoast takes. watch youtubers are almost universally completely audience captured and refuse to say anything of substance at risk of alienating viewers. if you want to see someone who is not audience captured look at archie who gets no views and has to constantly beg for donations to survive. i have never seen teddy, tgv, adrian barker, or christian zeron say anything of value.

>> No.17947866

Thanks. Like I said, not a watch guy - I'll easily and regularly spend 5 or 6 figures on a gun but never even paid over $100 for any watch besides a Tissot PRX quartz (the Seiko was just over $100). Which is funny people are screaming "poorfag" when they wouldn't know dick on why a rifle is worth $264k USD lmao

>> No.17947867

lmfao kys

>> No.17947868

still hurt because bitteranon didn't validate your choice of watch?
lmfao poorfag fuck off back to your k hugbox lol

>> No.17947869

link the video where archie made fun of your shitter

>> No.17947870

Post your hairline.

>> No.17947872

Post your watch BitterAnon
Oh wait you did and got shredded lmaoooo

>> No.17947874

Most vintage watches are 34-38mm max. It's modern trend making watch to pop out on your wrist because watches transitioned from practical items into luxury dick measuring contest. People who pay $10-20k per piece sure as hell want others to see their shiny toy.

>> No.17947879
File: 177 KB, 890x892, 137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop buying sports watches.

>> No.17947882

>lmao fuck off incel
>got shredded lmaoooo


>> No.17947884


>> No.17947885

>Post some pics of your collection, please.
It's OK. If I were you I wouldn't want to post my watches either. A couple old sports watches and a beat up Datejust will just get thoroughly trolled.

>> No.17947886

nah u got a rolly ur fine

>> No.17947890
File: 2.20 MB, 1996x4096, IMG_0894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17947893

40 to 44m doesn't pop off your watch if you have a normal man sized wrist and aren't a manlet. Literally. A 41mm Seamaster looks just about adequate and I'm just over 6ft. I can wear 44mm if I want, not bigger than that, and 42mm basically is the perfect fit for me.

I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy smaller watches but you're obviously missing out if you can only wear below 40mm cause that's where the nicest pieces are.

>> No.17947895

Laco? More like Lacoftaste lmao

>> No.17947896
File: 267 KB, 1280x958, 04C6536F-06CF-4A70-B645-2B8469AFD552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a projector clock so I don’t have to move my head in bed to know the time.

>> No.17947899

Enjoy your brain cancer.

>> No.17947902

what's the joke?

>> No.17947905

If this wasn't a mechanical shitter I'd buy it

>> No.17947907

I hope that's a shop

>> No.17947908

Teddy comes across as such an unlikeable incel, how the fuck do you people actually watch him?

>> No.17947910

>11:23 AM
>still in bed

>> No.17947911

>Incel npc parroter is loved by npcs what else is new?
Should be obvious by now. KYS faggot.

>> No.17947912

nah that's u, socially crippled poorfag. seething because you can't afford an easily affordable $568,000 hunting rifle

>> No.17947913

This. Lazy poorfaggot would have a Rolex, no, okay, a Tudor lmao by now. Instead he jerks on his bed and posts on 4chan lmfao

>> No.17947915

What is this retarded seikofag on about lol

>> No.17947917

Just par for the course coping, nothing to see here.

>> No.17947920

>Now he's trying to flex
Alright boys, we got him spun-up good.

>> No.17947922

I don't understand how this isn't way worse than any sort of avatarfagging ever was? This general is basically useless now.

>> No.17947923
File: 255 KB, 454x676, 1701482234698269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand how this isn't way worse than any sort of avatarfagging ever was? This general is basically useless now.

>> No.17947924

This guy is the biggest retard I've seen here. If he really has the money for premium guns why would he get a Seiko 5 lol and then defend that shitter against legit criticism for hours.. must be a troll.

>> No.17947925

>post is 11:22
Le Ishygddt?

>> No.17947926

nah post fit
>in b4 doesn't

>> No.17947928

NTA but if you have money for luxury watches why wouldn't you have premium guns? or a limited edition top of the line luxury car?

>> No.17947931
File: 93 KB, 1221x687, cellini_lede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Santa...

>> No.17947933

Merry Christmas to you too, anon! Merry Christmas to everyone!

>> No.17947935

One of the worst watches they ever made. what are you thinking

>> No.17947937

Nta but that literally is one of the few original designs Rolex makes.. it deserves some love

>> No.17947938

i really admire how delusional they are with their pricing thinking their dogshit dress watch can compete with lange/vc/breguet/patek

>> No.17947939

The guy has a Seiko and s prx..

>> No.17947940

What's a brand that has finishing comparable to an ALS, but is significantly cheaper?

>> No.17947942

You do realize how retarded that sounds???
It doesn't exist

>> No.17947943

casio oceanus. they finish the grand seiko cases also. it’s called black polishing very common on high end swiss watches.

>> No.17947945

What's a brand that has the finishing of Dufour, grand complications of Patek, and Voutilainen style guilloche dial? Keep in mind my budget is $2k.

>> No.17947946

I don't know, I don't like most Rolex models but I love this one.
If that means I'm a tastelet, I'm fine with it.
You're the one delusional if you're placing Breguet up there with the holy trinity. Literally a LARP brand.

>> No.17947948

indeed, and you don't have a Bugatti La Voiture Noire

>> No.17947950

Why can't other watches just polish the hands so that they have subtle rounded edges? That's what I like best about ALS.

>> No.17947953

how many times has rolex won the aiguille d'or? oh...that's right.

>> No.17947955

>Why can't other watches

>> No.17947956

Good thread guys
Imma check out
Merry Christmas to some of you

>> No.17947957
File: 64 KB, 700x548, 7131755-10931404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is better looking because of some irrelevant award

>> No.17947958

Nta but I don’t know what NTA means.

>> No.17947959

Not that Anon, Anon

>> No.17947962

Really? I was going for not to argue..
Thank you and have a merry Christmas

>> No.17947963

Actually it's Rolex that is irrelevant in the space of high end watchmaking. It's okay though, they have a great niche appealing to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.17947965
File: 1.18 MB, 952x1269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this middle dial for? When i looked up this watch it's called moon phase movado but it seems like its just a day/night indicator, unless the 15/30/45 represents the fullness of the moon? Hopefully this isnt too expensive to get repaired.

>> No.17947966

I love how people who speak the most about Rolex have never owned a Rolex

>> No.17947967
File: 46 KB, 512x512, pepe-the-frog-pol-autism-4chan-tree-frog-internet-meme-frog-meme-amphibian-playstation-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional style watch inspired by Breguet pocket watches from the 18th century
>"10Hz" in bold red IMPACT font
I hate the Swatch Group so fucking much

>> No.17947970

It's really bad

>> No.17947971

wow yeah owning a rolex is so impressive how the hell could anyone afford a mass market $5k watch wtfff i cant believe it HOLY SHIT is that a steel sports watch??????

>> No.17947972


>> No.17947973

why would you spend money on a Rolex lmao

>> No.17947976

Actually, the most hilarious thing is how people who keep sucking ALS for muh finishing can barely afford a stainless steel quartz Cartier Tank, while calling Rolex owners poorfags.

>> No.17947977

>it's Rolex that is irrelevant in the space of high end watchmaking
I have never contested that.
Still, it's the Cellini Moonphase I'd rather wear over a Breguet Grande Complication. The same way I'd drive a Lexus NX most days over a Lamborghini.

>> No.17947978

Post your Rolex or you're just another larping faggot

>> No.17947979


>> No.17947980

Unforsen consequences

>> No.17947981

Seiko anon here, this was my last post..you fucking schizos started LARPing as me as a troll? Fuck this board, fucking incels

>> No.17947982

I set my room clock a little ahead. It makes it seem like I have more time to sleep in

>> No.17947990

There should be a small hand on the subdial for the seconds, that's what the 15/30/45 markers are for.
If the watch is called a Moonphase, well it's a moonphase, unless it's a fake.

>> No.17947992

Bitter nonrolexers, right on cue

>> No.17947995

Okay seconds is what i assumed it was. I must not understand reading the moonphase or something because it seemed like there was just a single circle and the rest is just stars, no like crescents or anything. Unless it moves slow enough that how much of that single moon is showing represents the phase.

>> No.17947996

Maybe I don’t want a shitty ugly datejust??

>> No.17947998

>Unless it moves slow enough that how much of that single moon is showing represents the phase.
Exactly, when you see the moon entirely it's the full moon. When you don't see it it's the new moon.

>> No.17948005

I get not wanting a Datejust, but if you find all of its configurations ugly, you're just weird.

>> No.17948008

>just pay 5k more for a “cool” dial or embarrass yourself at the AD every few weeks begging bro. The smaller thinner more elegant cartier sucks

>> No.17948010

Made it home safely, thanks fren.

>> No.17948011

Tell me you have never seen a moonphase, without telling me you've never seen a moonphase.
C'mon even a 4 yo kid can figure that out just by the drawing.

>> No.17948012

I don't get your point, but as long as you're ok with yourself I'm glad for you, Anon.
Who cares about Santos vs Datejust anyway.

>> No.17948013

No I'm seriously asking why I should spend my money on a Rolex instead of on my wife and children and my church. Explain it to me.

>> No.17948015

what are you a poorfag LMAO can't afford a rolex??

>> No.17948017

No good reason, fren, but you're on a watch thread here, not on a wife and kids and church thread.

>> No.17948021
File: 762 KB, 2000x2000, C01-41APT1-T00B1-VC_Picture_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch of the year
>looks nice
I just can't justify paying 4k on a fucking Christopher Ward.

>> No.17948024
File: 1.82 MB, 3023x3668, IMG_2613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this for Christmas and it’s perfect.

>> No.17948025

I can, considering it's the cheapest you'll find an (automatic) chiming watch

>> No.17948026
File: 1.35 MB, 1175x1055, 170295321119397312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, are you a socially undeveloped shut-in fag
with no wife or kids or community?

could be both

>> No.17948030

not my watch btw I googled a random pic. I don't post pictures on forums just personal socials.

>> No.17948031

what are you a pathetic poorfag LMAO

>> No.17948034

How's the bracelet?

>> No.17948035

what are you a friendless loser LMAO

>> No.17948036

There are plenty of reasons not to buy ALS, one of which is their horrific after purchase service.

>anything wrong with the watch and they fight you tooth and nail to charge you 10-15k to fix it
>ohh you have your watch for longer than 5 years and you now need just an overhaul?
>ohh you were swinging your hand too hard so we now need a new part 13k
>yea you shouldn't be wearing it its not designed for that
>wait you let it stop for over a month? You shouldn't be doing that either...
>15 years later
>we no longer make any parts for your watch
>we need to fabricate a part
>the cost to fix is more than the dwindling market price of the watch

This is why the MP for ALS become bargain bin after a while.

>> No.17948037

Another coping seething poorfag. Sad.

>> No.17948039

>I don't post pictures on forums just personal socials.
Then don't post about your wife and children, moron. It's way more personal than whatever Seiko you're wearing.

>> No.17948040
File: 113 KB, 991x1012, service_price_list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the point of making this up when it takes 30 seconds of looking at their website to prove you wrong? are you this upset about being poor?

>> No.17948043

Ok Mr. Mormon. How’s that mandatory tithe working out for you? Totally not a cult, right?

>> No.17948044

There are many many instances where that's not the case.


>> No.17948045

>I can, considering it's the cheapest you'll find an (automatic) chiming watch
ever buying the cheapest of anything.

>> No.17948047

$5000 to service a watch holy fuck

>> No.17948048

you know you've lost when you go digging up watch pro site posts. how many horror stories can you find about rolex, patek, ap, vacheron, and literally every other brand under the sun there?

>> No.17948049

>you know you've lost when you go digging up watch pro site posts.

"You know you've lost when you are able to source evidence that supports your claims."

>> No.17948050

Really comfortable actually. It contours my wrist nicely and the clasp is also great
No micro adjustments so I wear it with some wiggle room

>> No.17948051

We're talking about watches that cost more than your house here. This is an actually surpisingly low price.

>> No.17948052

>this one bad experience means this is how it is for everyone!

>> No.17948054

He's literally said he doesn't understand moonphase.

>> No.17948056
File: 334 KB, 630x630, rolex-gmt-master-ii-m126710blro-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here. What's the best Rolex GMT cope?

>> No.17948058

One thing I don't understand about moonphase is how to set it properly. Is there some way you're supposed to know where to put the moon when you set it or tell what phase it's in by where it is? Do people actually set the moonphase?

>> No.17948060
File: 1.49 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_8489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're talking about watches that cost more than your house here.
Maybe your poorfag house lmao

>> No.17948061

pagani design gmt, make sure it comes with the NH34 and not the crappy chinese movement. Less than $100

>> No.17948063

What's the deal with Ulysse Nardin? Most of their watches look like fashion watches, and they have poor resale value, but some of their dress watches look really nice.

>> No.17948064

Depends on what you're looking for in a cope.
If you want to stay as close as possible design-wise at a cheapo price, Pagani Design or San Martin depending on your budget.

>> No.17948065
File: 442 KB, 1002x1154, 20231210_150950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A rep

>> No.17948067

Just trying to point out that ALS watches tend to nose dive in regards to market value. And the reason are due to the poor after purchase experience that you say is so rare.

Don't believe me? Look at the Lange 1 for example, that's a 44k starting RRP watch. Look how much they are being sold for on Chrono24 or GMs, 15k-25k. And I don't mean the ones with grand complications, the entry level ones that's littered throughout the market.

Obviously going by how much of a bitteranon you sound, you probably can't even afford a Tudor. So all of this is naught for you.

That wouldn't even pay for a downpayment for my house. I mean it can, but at below 20% I'm expected to pay mortgage insurance. But then again the bitteranon you're replying to is probably still living with their parents.

>> No.17948068

>What's the deal with Ulysse Nardin? Most of their watches look like fashion watches, and they have poor resale value, but some of their dress watches look really nice.
It's just one of those old brands that has never quite died but never quite thrived, passing from one ownership group to another. For a while they were really popular among Russian oligarchs.

Their initial claim to fame was their marine chronometers which they sold to navies all over the world. The Torpilleur model is a pretty faithful recreation of the design.

>> No.17948069

I've overestimated its price, my bad.
Not that it changes anything to my point.

>> No.17948071

These DHgate reps are pretty bad.

>> No.17948072

Is there such a big difference between pagani and san martin?

Don't want to get a rep because people who know me will 100% know it's a rep.

>> No.17948073

It's a c+ factory rep, cope

>> No.17948074

Yeah sure buddy

>> No.17948076

The Seiko wearing watch snobs is probably the worst thing about these threads.

>> No.17948078
File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, 1702585202470372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sir.

>> No.17948080
File: 1.29 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20231224_185825272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning sirs

>> No.17948086

For example you won't get a red/blue ceramic bezel from Pagani Design, if that matters to you.
I read Cronos made good ones too. You will have to do your research.

>> No.17948092

>$180k is 20% of my house
That explains why you're so out of touch.

>> No.17948096

Get a bigger strap then you fucking dumbass

>> No.17948100

Ah ok, usually I prefer those big crowns on the leather but if you like it that's cool.

>> No.17948101

BitterAnon chillax, its Christmas

>> No.17948104

Oris has really stepped their game up. And what a fucken gift dude. Enjoy it.

>> No.17948105

I can't tell which one that is. Well, not one of the divers I guess.

>> No.17948108

>750k house
Post your mansion then anon. The median price for a shitty home here in Los Angeles is 800k. Mine is even below the average. If you're going to ride your high horse then post your mansion. I always wanted to see what a 2-3 million dollar home looks like.

>> No.17948109

Nobody said anything about you being poor.

>> No.17948118

Because you're not a poor retarrd? Or are you?

>> No.17948121

Wow looks great like a retarded wall clock on a school for retards where it has to be 10 times the size of a real wall clock so the retards could read it but then the clock went old because they were poor they couldn't afford a new one so retards were painting the numbers on it when they had a numbers learning class for retards who don't know numbers so they painted it too small in proportion to everything else because they're retarded and then one retard graduated the retard school and his uncle got him a designer job at Oris and he drew that wall clock from memory.

>> No.17948123

imagine going out of your way to shit on someone's brand new watch they got as a gift. There is really no need for that man

>> No.17948127

Are you the "wife and 5 kids" loser from the other thread? Seek help, you got one big chip on your shoulder, creepo.

>> No.17948130
File: 2.22 MB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20231224-205021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Christmas/wt/

>> No.17948134

Imagine going out of your way to design a watch like that and then going out of your way to pick it out of all the proportional watches in the shop window and give someone money for it and then hand it over to someone else thinking they're so retarded or blind or whatever the fuck that they'll appreciate the design where literally you could shrink the entire dial by 1cm and it would still be too big dude if he drew a fucking egg on it it would still be too big this is for like a 6 egg omelette.

>> No.17948135

anyone excited for monster hunter wilds?

>> No.17948136

Go fuck yourself with that champagne glass rich piece of shit.

>> No.17948137
File: 149 KB, 900x900, 170330111263995137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered this
mostly because the name sounded cool
Khaki Aviation Takeoff Air Zermatt
now that’s just fucking cool

>> No.17948138

another terminally seething frothing coping malding larping shut-in incel that lives with their parents and is addicted to screens. you can't even do a single push-up. pitiful, really

>> No.17948140

>you could shrink the entire dial by 1cm and it would still be too big
hey... are you near central florida?

>> No.17948142

Looking great, Anon.
Happy Christmas to you.

>> No.17948143

>incel coping and seething
oh man lonelyfags are so sad. you're a tranny too aren't you

>> No.17948144

>Anon, your nephews are opening they gifts, hurry up!
>W-wait mom, i got to post my watch on the internet

>> No.17948146

you're not a friendless kissless handholdless virgin that spends all his free time alone on the internet, or are you

>> No.17948147

No I fucked over 1500 times you?

>> No.17948149

What's that?

>> No.17948156

>n-n-no I have sex every d-d-day with m-m-models even
now he's trying to larp flex - we got this one convulsing and boiling, lads

>> No.17948157

I can't bring myself to buy any of Hamiltons khaki watches because I think the name is just dumb. Even though I like some of them.

>> No.17948159

A nice champagne bottle is 20/30€

>> No.17948162

Is this good or is it a shit watch for retards

>> No.17948164
File: 265 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_8232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17948168

--Frenly reminder to not engage, reply or entertain bitteranon who is most definitely a Paki/Poojeet.--

>> No.17948169

>and my church
Expending money on a church is the most retarded way one could spend money. I think it's better tossing it to a river or just burning it to watch the flames. If you give your money to a (already rich) church instead of giving it to your kid, you could better just buy a fucking Rolex. At least you could pass it to your kid one day. Delusional faggot.

>> No.17948171

Yes that looks nice, if it came with a happy meal.

>> No.17948173

>literal turd

>> No.17948174

Fucking europoors fuck ofg

>> No.17948175

Fine retro inspired watch. You should be able to judge by yourself based on the specs. The bezel action is very nicr by the way. Better than on a Seamaster 300

>> No.17948179

It's a shit watch for poor retards who can't afford a Subby. Literally Herman Miller the father of Rolex called it "Toopoor" and made it for the poors who couldn't afford the real Rolly.

>> No.17948181


>> No.17948182

Poor is your reading comprehension. How many sq feet (or whatever retarded imperial unit you use) is your house?

>> No.17948184

What I meant is champagne is not as expensive as you think.

>> No.17948185

The legibility is actually really nice. I dont find it that big either. But we all have different tastes

>> No.17948186

>Herman Miller the father of Rolex
lol what?

>> No.17948189

The original Monopoly Man who founded the Rolex charity foundation dumbass.
Then stick it up your ass and shake it.

>> No.17948190

>idiots keep replying to bitteranon
Well time to take a break from 4chan today.

>> No.17948193

o no no ono we won't see ur christmas whore's wat dooooooo

>> No.17948194

New bread when!!?

>> No.17948197

What is it with you guys and branding

We’re a bunch of losers on 4chan on Christmas Eve, this is hardly the skull and bones club

>> No.17948198

Hans Wildorf created Rolex, retard.
Herman Miller made chairs.

>> No.17948202

What you guys think about my collection?


>> No.17948203

Nice bro, I'm gonna subscribe and upvote.

>> No.17948206

>Is there such a big difference between pagani and san martin?
Quality control I guess
pagani has ceramic bezel and zaphire crystal

>> No.17948208

And I made you a brother come sit on my lap cuckboy.

>> No.17948209

thank you

>> No.17948210

>pagani has ceramic bezel and zaphire crystal
Not a ceramic pepsi bezel though, it's more expensive than other ceramic bezels for some technical reasons.

>> No.17948215

edgy reddit atheism take

post fit

>> No.17948216

what color is your 2024 Bugatti

>> No.17948223

shut the fuck up dweeb and post your watch

>> No.17948226
File: 313 KB, 1800x1200, IMG_8233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name a better watch under 5k

>> No.17948231

You can get a Seiko for under 500. Why are you paying that much for a Seiko?

>> No.17948235

Any vintage Royal Orient/OrientStar Royal for about $150-1500.

>> No.17948237

Show me the equivalent $500 watch

>> No.17948243

Pay me for life coaching rich retard.

>> No.17948246

I don't claim to have a Bugatti, or an expensive car, or even an expensive house. And you did not answer the question. Larping faggot.

>> No.17948247

Why are you like this

>> No.17948248
File: 63 KB, 500x375, IMG_8615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17948249

Better in what way? And dies it have to be new? As an all round watch under 5k someone might prefer a Squale or something and that GS obviously doesn't fulfil that same niche.

>> No.17948252

This one is way nicer. Even comes with a bracelet and a date. And a neat pattern on the dial. I don't like the spoiled milk color of the dial on >>17948226.

>> No.17948254

>Rolex Daytona on eBay = $17k
>same Rolex Daytona on places like DavidSW = $30k
How is ebay's authenticity guarantee as opposed to a grey market?

>> No.17948255

Cool watch, but I’m looking to spend a little more (I know, that sounds stupid)

Open to used, doesn’t have to cover a lot of ground. I have a few watches already (Datejust, Black Bay, Tank). Just looking for something beautiful really

>> No.17948256

gut veri gut sir all the mumbai buy on ebuy

>> No.17948257

Bro that cocktail times has a worse bracelet, worse finish in every way, and a way worse movement. Which is fine for it's price, but it doesn't compare to that GS or most other more expensive watches. Although in terms of dial and looks I get why one could prefer it.

>> No.17948263

>How is ebay's authenticity guarantee as opposed to a grey market?
Depends on the gray market site, but the good ones are trustworthy. So far, I've had good experiences with eBay's authentication service, but AFAIK they only do it for watches over $2k.

>> No.17948266
File: 536 KB, 2000x1335, Watch_1873_7f217d99-4d7b-42a6-90a9-eba76e67b320_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some watches that look like this but not from a shit noname brand?

>> No.17948267

Well the GS doesn't have a bracelet at all and all Seiko movements are spec'ed to the same -15/+25 spd. The finishing looks basically the same (the GS finishing is certainly not 4500 dollars' better, especially not when I can get the same zaratsu polishing on a 200 dollar Oceanus.)

Where exactly is the extra 4500 dollars going?

>> No.17948268
File: 476 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I want just happen to barely broke 2k. Is $2200 a good price for a sterling silver watch? Anyone ever own one of these? How do you deal with the tarnishing.

>> No.17948269

>The finishing looks basically the same (the GS finishing is certainly not 4500 dollars' better, especially not when I can get the same zaratsu polishing on a 200 dollar Oceanus.)
It's the same polish and the exact same case design on older Royal Orient(Star) watches essentially.

>> No.17948270

Seiko/GS needs to fire their shitty designer, I'm really interested in their Spring Drive movement but all of them look ugly as fuck.

>> No.17948273

Have you handled many watches? I feel like you wouldn’t be asking this question if you’d worn a Grand Seiko before.

>> No.17948275

>Is $2200 a good price for a sterling silver watch?
Yeah, that's a fair price (assuming it also has the boxes, papers, etc.)

>Anyone ever own one of these?
Yes, I had one for a while. I liked it, it was very comfortable. The size is great. The taupe color actually got a lot of compliments from people. I kind of miss it, but I was downsizing/upgrading my collection and I didn't need another diver.

>How do you deal with the tarnishing.
It does tarnish but not as quickly as normal sterling silver, like jewelry or eating utensils. Some people don't mind the tarnish since it gives it a little patina. I liked the bright white silver color so I gave it a quick wipe-down with Twinkle and it looked good as new.

>> No.17948276

Thanks anon, I just want a nice GADA OWC watch and I think this will fit the bill.

>> No.17948277

>Have you handled many watches? I feel like you wouldn’t be asking this question if you’d worn a Grand Seiko before.
Yes, and I've even owned a Grand Seiko. Two, in fact. The reason I flipped them is because once get stop basedfacing over the magic ninja sword polishing, the rest of the watch is, in fact, really ordinary.

Nicely faceted indices are fine. Terrible case dimensions, bizarre design choices, so-so accuracy, and awful bracelet construction are not ok. It's not a 5k watch. It's a 2.5k watch with a 100% weeb markup.

>> No.17948278

Every time a Seikofag is forced to defend Grand Seiko, it always comes down to the same thing.
"Yeah, they look shitty in pictures, but have you actually handled one? ...Oh, you have? Um..."

>> No.17948279

oh so you're a poorfag

>> No.17948287

What the fuck are you talking about dude, it doesn't seem like you know your watches? Have you handled a Presage cocktail times with the bracelet before?

>> No.17948288

I am. Never said the otherwise. You still haven't answered the question. How many sq feet does your house have?

>> No.17948290

I don’t think there’s any bizarre design choices or case issues with the one I posted though, and it doesn’t have a bracelet

I won’t argue with you that Grand Seiko makes some absolute dogs

I don’t actually own a Seiko, I listed the watches I do own above

>> No.17948291


>> No.17948293

Fuck off poorfag

>> No.17948294

I think that's not the house, but the land where the house is built on. Not bad.

>> No.17948295

It's the house the land is 600k

>> No.17948297

You asked at a bad time, sorry.

>> No.17948305

And that costs less than a million? Doesn't sound expensive. Is it in a landfill?

>> No.17948306

Yeah, he should have asked when Whoretadello was posting, then you'd see all sorts of samefagging about how great GS is.

>> No.17948307
File: 413 KB, 3800x2400, SBGW283-HERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, maybe a very nice vintage Omega? Other than that, sticking to Grand Seiko I think you're going the right direction but I think the pic related dial is better.

>> No.17948308

>the watch thread fell victim to namefags/e-celebs
I thought I left this autistic shit back in /tf2g/. You guys are retarded and your nicest watches are fakes

>> No.17948310

No it's in you're moms pussy

>> No.17948313

That would be pretty far from one million.

>> No.17948317

Lol tranny poorfag lmfao

>> No.17948337
File: 574 KB, 1800x1201, IMG_8234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also lovely. The green textured dials are in consideration too

>> No.17948341

Any suggestions on the vintage Omega, btw? I’ve got a couple at the moment (CK 2975 and a gold 1954 Seamaster). My intention is to bring a modern watch in but I love old Omegas

>> No.17948343

Vintage Constellations are great. They made so many different kinds too. The pie-pan dial and C-case ones are the classics everyone thinks of, but there's a million others.

They're also criminally undervalued since everything Omega is either Moonwatch or Seamaster 300.

>> No.17948366
File: 774 KB, 1836x3256, snkl15 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shittiest bracelet ever. buy a bunch of straps online with quick releases and have fun

>> No.17948376
File: 2.62 MB, 2992x2992, 1000002361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas brothers

>> No.17948391

I think I'm gonna go with pagani. Don't really care much about the bezel being ceramic, and if I'm buying a cope shitter anyway, I might as well spend as little as posdible. As long as the watch looks reasonabily similar to the gmt and the movement does not break, I'll be satisfied until I can afford the real one... if ever.

>> No.17948409

New thread

New thread

New thread

New thread

New thread

>> No.17948433

perfectly acceptable

>> No.17948580
File: 358 KB, 1080x1920, thumbnail_Snapchat-643528226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad just gave this to me tonight as a late 31st birthday gift, he said he used to wear it for years after I was born until the battery had died, but he just got a replacement battery in it for my birthday days ago. I know nothing of watches or watch fashion, is this considered a cool or valuable model from the early 90s? no plans to sell, just genuinely curious.

>> No.17948722

Date is 34, not 36. 41 looks like trash, proportions are all fucked up.

>> No.17949488

Really?? Because the sub is a boring overrated piece of shit looking watch and that one actually has some class and originality. But what do I know