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17935806 No.17935806 [Reply] [Original]

/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

>> No.17935809
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>> No.17936139

I never understood the thing with jason statham, sure he looks masculine, but he looks like the type of guy id expect to see watching soccer and drinking beer in a bar along with deadbeat boomers
Not sure why that is source of inspiration for baldcels, maybe because he is famous and has money but that applies to jeff bezos too

>> No.17936209
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By virtue of being a retard, I have accidentally shaved part of my eyebrow. Will Minoxidil make it regrow faster?

(Also check out my thick luscious hair and be jealous)

>> No.17936210

Even he would look better with hair, even if it just were a buzzcut

>> No.17936331
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this is anecdotal but me and a friend I know got gyno from fin. 2/2
He's got big nipples but I honestly never noticed, he is pretty muscular and has defined pecs. It stabilised it seems
I got puffy and sensitive nipples after a few pills. There tissue in there, probably was there before since you can't get gyno from a few pills. The puffiness is new though and it's not gone back to normal after 3 months. Doc's gonna test my T and prolactin
I just can't gamble the bitch tits. For all i know I maxed out but I would feel like the biggest retard if it got worse, just to buy some time
I will give minoxbeard a try tough

>> No.17936368
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>literally shilling pharmaceuticals in the OP
I'm just not gonna take it is all

>> No.17936379
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The coomer got really buff

>> No.17936409

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.17936468

Join der coomerwaffen

>> No.17936501

I think the chance of gyno from finasteride is less than 1%. Even most people who bitch about side effects dont even mention it. Sounds like a very unlucky scenario

>> No.17936503

How many times have you posted this picture on 4chan in the last months?

>> No.17936526

at least 10. Am i becoming recognizable?

>> No.17936533

even if you crop out the top of his head, he hasn't aged well. his cheeks are a lot fuller now and complexion isn't great

>> No.17936552

Yeah if he gymmaxxxed, leanmaxxxed and Qballmaxxed, he'd be known as the sexy dominant prince.

People really look at dudes who completely let themselves go and succumb to ageing and be like, "if only he had hair!!!".

>> No.17936773
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Daily reminder that blasting topical min 5% liquid orally is the only way to fly!

>> No.17936977

even if you did get gyno bad enough to become a problem in your life you need to consider that the surgery to remove it is cheaper than a hair transplant. at this point you might as well continue and understand it was always a possibility

>> No.17936994

been using nizoral for about 3 weeks now but my scalp is still red and inflamed and i've still got dandruff. what else can i try? and how much does sebderm contribute to hair loss in the first place?

>> No.17937069

- lukewarm water, not hot
- 2% Nizoral if you're using 1% Nizoral
- every-other-day Nizoral if you're using it less than that
- a shampoo with coal tar (but stinks)
- a shampoo with salicylic acid (it will gradually loosen the skin in rough areas but can dry the rest of the scalp)
- combos of the above

Remember that it's not uncommon for such treatments to take a couple of months for peak effect.

>> No.17937090

How's your testosterone? It sounds like you have pretty low testosterone anyway, even before taking fin. For young men with normal T levels, there's really no risk of gyno. Once you start hitting the T levels of men in their 50s and 60s is when men start running the higher risk of gyno as their testosterone naturally lowers.

If you are developing gyno you do have a window of time where it can be reversible, IIRC, if you go to your doctor and see that you're developing breasts, you need to make the decision on whether that's an acceptable result of taking fin. Best of luck

>> No.17937106
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cancerous general
being bald is NOT effay
fuck off

>> No.17937111

thanks anon
is it okay to use conditioner or will that counteract the effects? only reason i've been hesitant to try 2% nizoral is because the 1% already dries my hair out a ton

>> No.17937189

Conditioner shouldn't counteract the effects.
Just be sure to leave the shampoo in your hair for a few minutes whether you use conditioner or not.

>> No.17937218

i have a bunch of small baby hairs but they dont all grow to full hair strands. ive always had fine hair but its really bad in the last few years. just turned 25. any clues?

>> No.17937220

if you haven't noticed receding, try minoxidil

>> No.17937221

the thing is i have a widows peak but so does my dad and his dad. so im not sure if its receding or its just the widows peak ive always had lol

>> No.17937829

>every-other-day Nizoral if you're using it less than that
I use 2% Nizoral and the bottle says to use it once or twice a week. I personally use it once a week and it works great. It doesn't dry my hair, but it might be dependent on hair type.

>> No.17937832

Don't hop on medication unless you're sure you're thinning or receding. If you've got suspicions, just take photos of your hairline once a month to be able to compare later. Make sure to have similar hair style, angle, lighting, etc. for easier comparison.

>> No.17938104

Norwood 2, on 1mg fin a day, at 25.
There is some slight further thinning on my temples, but I'm hoping to recover this from fin.
If this doesn't work, I'm going on min.
If this doesn't work, dut.
If this doesn't work, flight to Turkey, which will get me back to baseline, which I will maintain no matter what on the most nuclear stack if necessary.
If this doesn't work, another HT maybe 10 years later.
This should give me 20 more years in the absolute worst case scenario, then I'll be 40+, I'm planning to die until then, in some cool or heroic way if possible.
I'm set, no need to worry anymore.

>> No.17938133

Jason Statham doesn't have an attractive face, but he's a fit movie star (albeit a manlet) and has a VS model wife due to his status and money. It's baldcel copium.

>> No.17938140

The thing with these cope examples is that even if I personally were to look good bald, I could always just shave my head. Then I could go back to longer hair if I wanted to. But you can't do that if you're actually bald.
So the thing is, basically, stop balding, it's not worth it

>> No.17938169

Stop balding and get a hair transplant if you are too far gone. It's highly unlikely you look as good bald as Zidane or Ljungberg.

>> No.17938184
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no he looks good. there's different types of looking good. he's not a pretty boy twink, but his skull is perfectly shaped, his skin is clear, he has strong stubble on his face, his jaw is not recessed, he has predator eyes. he looks like a man, not a dysgenic beta male. only teenagers disagree because they haven't matured enough to appreciate manly qualities.

>> No.17938190
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>> No.17938192
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>> No.17938195
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>> No.17938197
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>> No.17938200
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>> No.17938204
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>> No.17938205
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>> No.17938207
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>> No.17938211
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>> No.17938219
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>> No.17938225
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>> No.17938229
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>> No.17938232
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>> No.17938236
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>> No.17938240
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>> No.17938242
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>> No.17938243
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>> No.17938421
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Going bald is a choice. If you're bald, you literally made that decision to not save your hair. Like letting your child play near a cliff, seeing him fall over from time to time, thinking it's fine, then seeing him tumble over the edge, grabbing the ledge, still doing nothing, seeing his little fingers lose grip one by one, trembling, shaking, screaming for help, just observing and lazing around, then he finally falls and hits the ground with a huge splat, and at his funeral you say that you "didn't even want to have kids anyways and that it's better without them".
>Just shave it off bro
Yeah no, I'm Faustian, I'll fight against nature every step of the way and win, with that kind of loser mentally we would've gotten eaten by the dinosaurs a long time ago.

>> No.17938438

I’ve nizoral, disprosone, and a bunch of other stuff and they all worked for a month before the dandruff developed immunity. Now I’m using head and shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo and it seems to work but only if I use it every night. If I miss one day the dandruff is back the next day. It’s not the ideal solution but if you’re at your wits end like me it’s at least a last resort if nothing else works for you.

>> No.17938469

Anyone else doing 1mg fin orally and nothing else. It's month 4 and all I've done is lose some more hair. I've lost it all on the hairline and temples, the crown is just barely starting. Is 1mg oral fin useless?

Zero side effects btw, which even that depressed me cuz I thought about taking this shit literally 4 years ago and the sides scared me off. I would have a Norwood 0 if I started then.

>> No.17938475

I'm on 5mg orally every other day, beginning this march. I've been seeing some pretty serious hair gains, but I also am shedding much more, although that makes sense, since I've got long hair. I'd say stick it out longer, you really don't start noticing stuff until 6-9 months in, but now it's very apparent to me that I'm growing new hair

>> No.17938488

eh, most shaved head guys are absolutely just coping because they were too scared of the PFS boogeyman to even try to save their hair but some people are just non-responders and don't have a chance
4 months isn't that long, it can take up to a year to see full results from fin. it's literally not possible for fin to make hair loss worse so if you're not getting any sides there's no reason not to keep taking it. if you're really worried you could switch to dut but you should give it a few more months imo
but why? dht reduction peaks at 1mg, the only reason to go above that is for prostate issues

>> No.17938491

For insurance purposes. My policy won't cover the 1mg prescription for hair loss, but they'll cover the 5mg, so I pay nothing

>> No.17938494

just get a pill cutter and cut them into quarters, that way you're only taking 1.25mg (which is equally effective and has less risk of sides) and you can save up a stockpile

>> No.17938637

You risk high chance of side effects. 0.2mg is enough. Save money by cutting 1mg pills instead of giving yourself sides.
From finasteride wiki:
>An oral dosage of finasteride of only 0.2mg/day has been found to achieve near-maximal suppression of DHT levels (68.6% for 0.2mg/day relative to 72.2% for 5mg/day).[74][75

>> No.17938638

You're growing hair on fin only?

>> No.17938645

Is finasteride really the only way? Tried 1mg for 6 months and got really depressed, poor memory, limp dick. Soldiered on because I thought I'd get over it. Returned to normal after two months cessation.

Looking at RU58841, or maybe topical fin. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.17938750

Try lower dose. If you're balding aggressively there's also dutasteride

>> No.17938851

>I'll fight against nature every step of the way and win
>and win
Good luck winning in the rigged game. You died = you lost.

>> No.17938863
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surgery is expensive, you have risks of infections and shit going wrong, fucked up nipples. Then you have to worry about gyno coming back anyways if you stay on fin. It's never ending and I'll probably will be monitoring the hair for a long time. I tried fin cause I was okay with taking a pill a few times per week, but putting minox and all the other shit worrying about side effects is not worth it. Maybe it is to (You)

I'm getting T tested soon. Probably won't bother with taking anti gyno meds. Can't be bothered plus hate pharma. Enough trouble just trying out all the anti depressants

>> No.17939078

He's getting 5mg for free so he's better off cutting them in quarters like >>17938494 said. 1mg is the standard doctor-approved dose, so he might as well just follow that if he doesn't have any issues.

>> No.17939152

Yep. I've been really happy with the results, honestly. I have long hair like I said before, so when I pull my hair back into a bun, I can brush my finger along my hairline and reveal lots of shorter hairs. New growth. I didn't expect any growth on my temples, but I'd argue that I'm experiencing a reversal in my hairline receding.

I'll consider it, thanks guys

>> No.17939176

Is topical fin a meme? I want to do use the easiest solution which even though overpriced looks like itd be the fin min spray combos.

>> No.17939179

>Is topical fin a meme?

>> No.17939199

>easiest solution
>topical fin
Easiest solution is oral fin. Take it once a day and forget about it. No need to mess with sprays, shampoos, whatever.

>> No.17939517

It works. It's messy as is any topical. It still goes systemic albeit to a smaller extent. Should not let women and kids touch your hair before its dried. Wash your hands after applying and maybe clean the sink.

>> No.17939992

So the application on the scalp actually doesn't matter, it's just about it getting into your system? Maybe oral is best then.

>> No.17940007

I'm already taking 5mg of fin daily. While my hair has regrown its still not enough. Can I get on minoxidil pills too? Anyone do this? I had the cream that you apply to scalp but didn't use it much since it messed up my hair before going out

>> No.17940214

>I'm already taking 5mg of fin daily
There is no point doing this unless you're treating enlarged prostate or something. Did you get sides?

>> No.17940659

I'm bald and jack off 2-8 times a day, do I have high testosterone?
Also married. Also horny almost all the time.

>> No.17941032

Jerking off doesn't cause balding, it's purely genetic.

>> No.17941128

>Jerking off doesn't cause balding
It literally does, it fucks up your entire hormonal balance and that in turn makes your hair fall out. Sex doesn't fuck things up, masturbation does.

>> No.17941157

>cooming from masturbation causes balding but cooming from sex doesn't
the average bro science believer

>> No.17941166

When you have vaginal penetrative sex with a woman, your brain thinks it's natural and reacts to it as expected, but when you jerk off or put a dildo in your ass or do some other retarded shit, your brain gets totally fucked up like Windows does when you try to install some 30-year-old incompatible program, and with it your whole hormonal system gets fucked up too, in a catastrophic way. And hair loss is a natural reaction to this error. I'm not making things up, I read it in many books.

>> No.17941178

As someone who will never go bald, it amazes me how much you fags are obsessed with it. No one cares man, when we see a bald dude we think “oh look a bald guy” and then we never think about it ever again. You being bald isn’t what makes you unattractive, it’s (you) being autistically obsessed with being bald that makes you unattractive to women. They don’t want to be with some schizo who is hyper obsessed with one of their singular physical feature. The moment you stop caring is the moment you will get pussy. It really is that simple.

>> No.17941193

everyone says this until they actually start to go bald

>> No.17941198

I can assure you that no one gives a fuck if you are bald or not

>> No.17941215

I know no one else cares. I care and that's enough.

>> No.17941285

Yes, generally speaking random strangers won't care if you're bald, but if you think your friends and relatives won't make any comments or make some jokes at your expense than you're gravely mistaken. I do agree that most of the woes associated with hair loss are mainly psychological and that acceptance is key to getting over losing your hair, the fact of the matter is if your face isn't suited for the bald look its not gonna go to well, especially if you can't grow any facial hair and/or have a baby face, your dating options will also be pretty limited, you can cope or rationalize it all you want by saying it's just the next chapter in your life, or by parroting the old mantra "Hair doesn't define me!".
>As someone who will never go bald
Pretty bold statement, I went through my late teens and early to mid 20s thinking I had dodged hair loss, but fast forward to today at 26 years old I'm finally experiencing rapid diffuse thinning

>> No.17941299

>As someone who will never go bald
See you in 5 years, faggot.

>> No.17941317
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>You being bald isn’t what makes you unattractive, it’s (you) being autistically obsessed with being bald that makes you unattractive to women.
You don't get it. This thread is full of "redpilled" incels who think that once they get their baldness fixed, they'll have a chance to have sex at least once in their lives. The thing is, they won't. No matter how hard they try, no matter if they succeed or not, in the eyes of 99.9% of women they will stay ugly anyway. But these guys don't want to accept this simple fact.
Heterosexual women look for 3 main things when choosing a partner: looks, money and status. And if you're already ugly, poor and socially maladapted, going bald won't change a thing. Women don't give a shit about you anyway, so there's no point in keeping your hair in the vain hope that they'll ever change their minds. Going from 2/10 to 1/10 after losing the last of your precious locks isn't going to change anything. Women only want 8+/10 men with 6+ figures, 6+ inches, 6+ feet and high social status. That's the only truth you need to know about the world we live in.

>> No.17941327
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If you just stabilized from a massive shed on fin 4 months in, would you get another massive shed by adding oral min?
From what I understand, all the hair that was in resting phase got synchronized to go into anagen, so would adding oral just speed up growth on those same hairs or would it also cause other follicles to shed and restart the hair cycle?

>> No.17941340

>anime pic
Just troon out at this point, man. If you are a weeb on fin and considering min, the next step for you would be HRT anyway.

>> No.17941347

You sound like a virgin

All women care about is that you make their pussy tingle. Women have like 50 attraction switches, so while looks money and status are there, there's 47 other things.

Stop blackpill people its impolite

>> No.17941353

Imagine being so deranged you equate anime to transgenderism.

You somehow manage to be worse than retards ITT telling you to give up and embrace hair loss.

>> No.17941372

Yeah, yeah. Nice try baldie.

All your talking points are from the MUH REDPILLED INCELS playbook. Shove it up your ass you delusional freak.

You'll get a shed.

>> No.17941376

No one is obsessed with anything. You take the pill and move on with your life. It's that simple.

>> No.17941383

This. They’d be better off trying to acquire money, and creating a good social circle around them than fixing baldness (unfixable permanently, even with hair transplant). I have empathy for the posters here, not because they’re bald but because they’re too retarded and absorbed into this rabbit hole to focus on what will truly help them in the long run as you said.

>> No.17941386

He’s not blackpilling that’s great advice. Focus on things you can change instead of things you cannot. Get in shape, try to make as much money as possible, gain social skills, etc. Once you have these things, you begin to accept your faults and just move on with life. No one is perfect, it’s just genetics.

>> No.17941387

>You sound like a virgin
Because I am one.
>All women care about is that you make their pussy tingle.
The fact is that it is now much easier for them to reach orgasm without even having sex. But if you think deeper, how do women choose their partners? By the looks, which will be passed on to their progeny, and by the resources the men could provide so that children would be healthy and well fed.
>Women have like 50 attraction switches, so while looks money and status are there, there's 47 other things.
True, but these 3 factors are the most important and apply to all modern women on a universal basis. Everything else is complementary. There are actually women who adore bald men for some reason, it's like a fetish or a kink for them, but that doesn't mean these women would let bald <5/10 incels from this thread have sex with them, they still have standards.
>Stop blackpill people its impolite
Blackpilling people is not my endgoal. Only after you have swallowed the blackpill is it possible to become whitepilled and stop worrying about the things you can't change. That's what I want to teach them. If women don't give a damn about you, you shouldn't give a damn about them. Focus on other things, on your personal growth, on your journey to wisdom, on your transformation into something better. If you are already rejected by women and despised by most people because of your ugliness, you should stop caring about how you look in the eyes of others and start transforming your inner self, instead of looking at your constantly decaying flesh, instead of trying to follow their beauty standards and becoming more and more depressed as a result.

>> No.17941392

balding men will do literally anything to cope with turning ugly except take fin

>> No.17941870

Proof? You're yapping utter nonsense.

>> No.17941894

>eh, most shaved head guys are absolutely just coping because they were too scared of the PFS boogeyman
The majority of bald men dont even know there are treatments for it, because in society its common view that theres nothing you can do about it. So just ignorance really.

>> No.17941898

It's easier to accept something you're born with, rather than accept something you had but were forced to lose.
Imagine if randomly, 30% of men in the world lost 10 centimeters of height in their 20's. Like, you weren't just born short, you actually had a decent height at some point, but because of genetics you simply lose them at some random "fuck you" year in your life. Most of those men would be devastated a lot more than manlets, the same way people who lost their hearing or sight mid-life life suffer more than those who were born deaf.

>> No.17941902

Fin won't turn you into Henry Cavill or one of the K-pop idols zoomettes rub their little beans to these days. It won't make you rich like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, and it won't make you famous like Cristiano Ronaldo or Ed Sheeran. Women won't love you more after you take it.

>> No.17941904

Anime/japanese website
Maybe r3ddit is more your speed

>> No.17941974
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lebron has gotten like 3 hair transplants because pro athletes aren't allowed to take fin. do you think he's doing it because he's thinking "it's over...i'll be a gross unfuckable loser if i go bald..."? no, he's lebron james, he could have sex with any woman he wants to regardless of his hairline. fact is, most men simply like having hair and think the shaved head aesthetic looks like shit, and no amount of chromedome cope will change that

>> No.17942124

No one thinks they'll turn into Cavill or kpop boys. It's like teeth if you don't take care of it floss and brush, you'll be worse off in the future. You can argue teeth have more utilitarian use, but people still do them for aesthetics saying otherwise is lying. Why do people who take one cheap pill everyday make you seethe so much.

>> No.17942140

a few months ago i started with a pharmacy mix of topica fin and min, as i had noticed thinning and so i still have a full head of hair
now, my issue is that because since i have relatively long hair when i apply the medicine it feels like most of it ends up on my hair rather than head, does anybody have any advice for that?

>> No.17942163

Yes, stop bothering with topical and go oral, most people doing topical shave entire heads to get the most of the treatment

>> No.17942209

i'm on weak mixture because i don't have alopecia yet (only a diminshment in growing hair) so if i switch to oral the lessened efficacy could simply not be worth it
also i'd like to avoid any sides and so far i'm yet to see any

>> No.17942287

Have you actually noticed an improvement?
If you've been on it for months without a shed it's not really doing anything.

>> No.17942384

Why use min when fin could be enough? You don't need to go nuclear if you're just starting to thin. Just save yourself the hassle and take oral fin. Prevalence of side effects is only 2%. I take 1mg oral fin every day and my dick works fine and I haven't grown tits.

>> No.17942585

>that shirt
>those shoes
Anon, good news. Your problem isn't being bald; you dress like an autistic. Also, go to the gym

>> No.17942594

Try the ginger shampoo and conditioner from Body Shop, nizoral never worked effectively for me but this shit always does the trick. I usually use something like a hydrating mask once a week (currently using Lush Glory, moisturises the shit out of everything) and use more soothing facial serums on my scalp if it ever gets inflamed. I’m definitely allergic to a lot of drug store shampoos and conditioners, have you ever had an allergy patch test done?

Also unironically you may want to try a silk head wrap at night.

>> No.17942601
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This, came here to post. True style springs from originality.

>> No.17942911

My hair loss began due to hypothyroidism and a month later I'm having trouble maintaining erections, could it be linked to low T or some form of vitamin deficiency? Also, has anyone here dealt with any thyroid related hair loss?

>> No.17942957

BBC overcomes baldness penalty
Whites aren't so lucky

>Bald White Men Seen as Less Attractive, but No Difference for Black Men

>> No.17943646

that's exactly my point. lebron would look fine with a shaved head, he has zero reason to keep his hair in terms of attractiveness, and yet he goes to ridiculous amounts of effort to keep his hair anyway because he likes having hair. blackpill fags claim to be above women and dating and yet they're literally incapable of comprehending the idea that men want to do things for themselves and not for women

>> No.17943657
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Can MPB do that? Pic not me but I have thinning at the sideburns like that. I'm already on fin but I wonder if maybe I have some other type of hair loss and I need to do something else.

>> No.17943931

Get your labs done and see if anythings amiss, could a variety of things.

>> No.17944197

Looks like you got liberated Dachau.

>> No.17944209

>Sex doesn't fuck things up, masturbation does.

>> No.17944331

I'm taking a saw palmetto biotin supplement that claims to block DHT. Will it do anything at all or is it truly just snake oil?

>> No.17944333

thats your knee

>> No.17944337

i can see his point.
fin is a gateway drug to troonism
it normalizes fucking around with your hormones to achieve an aesthetic goal.
still taking it tho

>> No.17944503

day 739476 of attempting to order fin online but freezing up and closing the tab out of fear at the last second

>> No.17944510

nevermind i just ordered a months supply and a pill cutter from amazon
sucks that im losing my hair before i lose my virginity but it is what it is

>> No.17944566

i've started arounf 2 months ago and i think (not sure as i haven't kept accurate data) i might be seeing some improvements and definitely no worsenings
also my trichologist told me that i wouldn't be seeing any big positive effect for the first couple of months, rather an increase in shedding could have happened (which i'm not sure it did), as the positives would start really coming in after around 3 months

>> No.17944568

my trichologist told me to go about it this way

>> No.17944872

alrights geezers just ordered first shipment of fin, fuck it should i go all out and order oral minox too? wanna hairmaxx ASAP

>> No.17944907

If it's cheaper, you could always drink liquid minox.

>> No.17944916
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Your experiences with this?

>> No.17944935

I have the same shit but only on one side of my head, sideburn is gone and hair around my ear has gone, labs came back fine (or the numbers they gave back were apparently in the normal range, I don't know how to interpret that shit I'm not a doctor they just said it was fine), no idea what's causing it and it's driving me insane

>> No.17945017

Is the area where hair loss is prevalent smooth and patchy?

>> No.17945044

I'm not sure how it's any worse than /fit/ encouraging you to buy steroids, creatine is literally a gateway drug to performance enhancing drugs, it's also infamous for nuking your hairline, so you might as well stack it with finasteride.
My point is that self-medicating isn't really a gateway drug to trooning out because trooning is just another form of self-medicating.

>> No.17945048

Have fun staying a virgin because you won’t be able to use your dick

>> No.17945073 [DELETED] 

Why not just get a prescription and buy it at a pharmacy? It's not that expensive. I wouldn't be comfortable ordering mystery pills online.
I'd just take fin in case it's enough.
NTA but what do you mean by smooth? The skin underneath? I have the same thing but I'm not noticing my skin feeling any different there. But I'd say it's a bit patchy. My hair is sparse and thin but there are areas where they are thicker than others. The area right in front of my ears is more dense, the area right above it is thinner, then the density goes right back up as I climb to the temples. The thinnest area is probably like an inch in height.

>> No.17945078 [DELETED] 

Why not just get a prescription and buy it at a pharmacy? It's not that expensive. I wouldn't be comfortable ordering mystery pills online. I was personally prescribed 5mg which I cut in four. It's like $0.25 a dose, but I'm sure I could do better if I shopped around.
I'd just take fin in case it's good enough alone.
NTA but what do you mean by smooth? The skin underneath? I have the same thing but I'm not noticing my skin feeling any different there. But I'd say it's a bit patchy. My hair is sparse and thin but there are areas where they are thicker than others. The area right in front of my ears is more dense, the area right above it is thinner, then the density goes right back up as I climb to the temples. The thinnest area is probably like an inch in height. I'm actually also thinning on the sides of my forehead so there's evidence of the usual hair loss pattern. The thinning is just most aggressive at the sideburns so far.

>> No.17945081

Why not just get a prescription and buy it at a pharmacy? It's not that expensive. I wouldn't be comfortable ordering mystery pills online. I was prescribed 5mg which I cut in four. It's like $0.25 a dose, but I'm sure I could do better if I shopped around.
I'd just take fin in case it's good enough alone.
NTA but what do you mean by smooth? The skin underneath? I have the same thing but I'm not noticing my skin feeling any different there. But I'd say it's a bit patchy. My hair is sparse and thin but there are areas where they are thicker than others. The area right in front of my ears is more dense, the area right above it is thinner, then the density goes right back up as I climb to the temples. The thinnest area is probably like an inch in height. I'm actually also thinning on the sides of my forehead so there's evidence of the usual hair loss pattern. The thinning is just most aggressive at the sideburns so far.

>> No.17945087

>what do you mean by smooth?
If it were smooth it could be alopecia areata, but since you're thinning from your temples as well then it could just be an unconventional form of MPB.

>> No.17945122

It's been a while since finasteride is authorized for athletes.

>> No.17945226

Nah I'll probably just do topical desu
Have fun staying bald lol
>Why not just get a prescription and buy it at a pharmacy?
Verified online pharmacy, it's all above board
and yeah I'll hold off on minox for now

>> No.17945358

DHT is the worst fucking hormone
all it does post puberty is make you bald and give you prostate cancer
it's literal poison.
every man should be prescribed finasteride when he turns 18
>"b-but muh dick"
thats a good thing modern men are too horny for their own good, look at the suffering pornography addicition epidemic causes. Buck breaking their dick would do them some good.

>> No.17945845

look up retrograde alopecia

>> No.17945909
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It's over
I had a good run (26)

>> No.17945970

It might just be placebo for me but I feel my skin is getting softer after being on fin for 6 months, DHT makes you age faster I bet.

>> No.17946056
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How you guys fixed the temples? Will finasteride close them?

>> No.17946075

I just started finasteride a couple weeks ago so I can't say how that works for me but my understanding is that the most realistic outcome for most people is just keeping what you've got

>> No.17946096
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t. mid 30s great head of hair who thinks his finasteride pals are faggots

>> No.17946118
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Based and coping hard at the same time is weird... Anyway, fun to read, thanks.

>> No.17946148

I've been on fin for about 7 to 8 months now. My hairline is still clearly receded, but I've seen some thickening along my hairline, as well as a slow reversal of hairline recession on my temples. Your mileage may vary, though

>> No.17946205

Looks like NW2, you caught it early and is still salvageable, ultimately it's up to you though.

>> No.17946740

Saw palmetto does block DHT but at lower levels. Finasteride is more effective

>> No.17946869

Simply put once the follicle has miniaturized to a certain point it's non-recoverable. Temples are the first to go. You're not getting them back without a transplant and few doctors do temples because of hard they are to reconstruct. On meds a bit of a density increase and halting of further loss is the most you can hope for.

>> No.17946884

Yeah, this was painful to read

>> No.17947277

Gandolfini is also a genuinely handsome dude

>> No.17948176
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>> No.17948675

Should you also get on min as soon as possible even when on fin? I'm happy with my hairline but I've noticed some thinning, started fin, now after 3 months it hasn't regrown (obvioulsy) but I'm wondering if there will be less hair to regrow in a year that I could regrow now with min. I kind of want to see how much fin alone is doing, but I also don't want to take any chances and start min now, but it would be a lifelong commitment.

>> No.17948948

I'd give it at least a year before considering minoxidil. Finasteride isn't a quick acting drug, the whole process takes a while to see the results. Think of it as a chronic injury that has been neglected and only now you're addressing it with a proper treatment. The only thing I can say about "having less hair to regrow" is that once you've got a straight up bald area, like your temples or whatnot, chances are any significant regrowth in that area are slim if you're only using fin.

>> No.17948952

It's not over man, but kiss your dreams of being a twink goodbye.

>> No.17948957

The only real reason to take topical over oral is to POTENTIALLY reduce systemic dht reduction the pills cause. Even then if you spray too much or your topical dosage is too concentrated you're getting the same end result as the pills. Unless you're really autistic about the application its a meme

>> No.17949183
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Fin cured my dandruff, made my skin look younger, gave me longer eyelashes for some reason which makes my eyes look better while not producing any side effects. I would take this stuff even if was guaranteed a perfect hairline for life. Why didn't we evolve to filter DHT out of our system just like any other toxic waste product, this stuff is literal poison.

>> No.17949201

because DHT is really important up until you finish puberty. Also we live longer lives than what we did in nature.

I have that exact one. I use it once a week with 12 needles at a 1,5 mm depth. What is my trick to not hurt? I put ice on my head for 10 minutes before starting so my skin is numb.
>do you bleed?
no, I stopped bleeding around the 3rd time I did it
>that sounds like a pain in the ass
It is

MPB = male PATTERN baldness, balding on the sides is not the pattern, therefone it's not MPB.

what this anon said >>17945122

>> No.17949211

How would you rate your results with The Derminator?

>> No.17949235

>gave me longer eyelashes
Really? I heard that although DHT hurts head hair it promotes body hair growth (beard, eyebrows, etc.). But I'm not sure if it's just broscience BS.

>> No.17949471

I've noticed longer eyelashes too on just fin, I hear the effect is even more pronounced with oral min.

>> No.17949578

what do you guys think of low level laser treatment?
research says it's effective and it has no side effects, unlike finasteride
>Low level laser therapy and hair regrowth: an evidence-based review
>Low-level laser therapy as a treatment for androgenetic alopecia
there is a clinic here that does this and calls it "natural AGA treatment"

>> No.17949647
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>Starting oral minoxidil after experiencing a finasteride shed may or may not result in another massive shed.
>While the exact mechanism of action of minoxidil is not fully understood, it is not known to synchronize hair follicles as finasteride does.

ChatGPT is really stupid but it's still far more useful than visiting a dermatologist, chatgpt issued finasteride scripts when?

>> No.17949736

Not everyone even sheds on Fin though.

>> No.17949751

that means it's not working

>> No.17949755
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please respond
is everyone here a pharma shill?
what's the point of taking tranny hormone-altering drugs if you get the same result with LLLT with zero side effects?
the research is pretty clear that LLLT works and the before/after pics at the clinic i talked to and on this company's website show good results

>> No.17949756

you're not helping your argument by replacing scientifically proven tranny drugs with heat lamps for your head

>> No.17949758

there's tons of research on LLLT for hairloss. look it up. they all say it's effective with no side effects
>A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials of United States Food and Drug Administration-Approved, Home-use, Low-Level Light/Laser Therapy Devices for Pattern Hair Loss: Device Design and Technology
>Only 32 home-use LLLT devices have been approved by the FDA as of January 2020. The meta-analysis comprised seven double-blinded, randomized, controlled trials. The overall quantitative analysis yielded a significant increase in hair density in those treated by LLLT versus sham groups (SMD: 1.27, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.993–1.639). The subgroup analysis demonstrated the increased hair growth in male and female subjects with both comb- and helmet-type devices. There were significant LLLT sources in the LDs alone (SMD: 1.52, 95% CI: 1.16–1.88) and the LDs combination (SMD: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.55–1.16) (p=0.043).

>> No.17949760

>Results: Forty-one patients completed the study (22 active, 19 placebo). No adverse events or side effects were reported. Baseline hair counts were 162.7 ± 95.9 (N = 22) in placebo and 142.0 ± 73.0 (N = 22) and active groups respectively (P = 0.426). Post Treatment hair counts were 162.4 ± 62.5 (N = 19) and 228.7 ± 102.8 (N = 22), respectively (P = 0.0161). A 39% percent hair increase was demonstrated (28.4 ± 46.2 placebo, N = 19; 67.2 ± 33.4, active, N = 22) (P = 0.001) Deleting one placebo group subject with a very high baseline count and a very large decrease, resulted in baseline hair counts of 151.1 ± 81.0 (N = 21) and 142.0 ± 73.0 (N = 22), respectively (P = 0.680). Post treatment hair counts were 158.2 ± 61.5 (N = 18) and 228.7 ± 102.8 (N = 22) (P = 0.011), resulting in a 35% percent increase in hair growth (32.3 ± 44.2, placebo, N = 18; 67.2 ± 33.4, active, N = 22) (P = 0.003).
>Conclusions: LLLT of the scalp at 655 nm significantly improved hair counts in males with androgenetic alopecia.

>> No.17949762

>Studies have shown that LLLT stimulated hair growth in mice subjected to chemotherapy-induced alopecia and also in alopecia areata. Controlled clinical trials demonstrated that LLLT stimulated hair growth in both men and women. Among various mechanisms, the main mechanism is hypothesized to be stimulation of epidermal stem cells in the hair follicle bulge and shifting the follicles into anagen phase.
>LLLT for hair growth in both men and women appears to be both safe and effective. The optimum wavelength, coherence and dosimetric parameters remain to be determined.

>> No.17950029

>the before/after pics at the clinic i talked to and on this company's website show good results

>> No.17950190

men will literally do anything but take the fin, it's not gonna hurt you you sperg

>> No.17950241

>eating a steak is a gateway drug to steroids
You can’t be serious

>> No.17950257
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90% chance to keep my hair or regrow some after 10 years, 1% chance of serious side effects. I like those odds.

>> No.17950294

My hair's regrowing rn and I'm pretty sure I'm experiencing some reversal around my temples too. We are so back

>> No.17950309

How many months are you in? Also doing min/microneedling?

>> No.17950314

8 months. I'm pretty young and my hairline recession is pretty recent, so I think that I'm just catching follicles that haven't yet miniaturized. No microneedling or min, just oral fin

>> No.17950318

Also, on top of this. The reversal isn't that intense, it's about a milometer or a half or so, but I'm looking forward to see what the next few months bring

>> No.17950335

I'm also on oral fin only, maybe 3 months, I'm confident that it's working because the quality of my scalp skin has radically improved on fin (dandruff and itching all gone which have been present my whole adult life). There's some thinning that I would like to regrow, but even if I just maintain I'm happy, I'm also still young and have a good hairline, no thinning at all on my crown.
Did you go through some kind of shed? I haven't, maybe a little bit, but nothing severe but I also don't have large areas of DHT damaged hair.

>> No.17950348

I never had a problem with dandruff but I will say that my scalp itchiness has gone down considerably. I went through a pretty major shedding phase up until my first haircut a few weeks ago. I have very long hair (down past my pecs) so I went through a long shedding phase, longer than most, I'd imagine. Again, now that I brush once a day and I've gotten a trim, that's decreased considerably. From what I've read online, your shedding phase should start soon and end at like.. month 8 or something, but your mileage may vary

>> No.17950386
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Am I balding?

>> No.17950397

Going bald is the result of being high test. Finasteride makes your dick not work. Balding is a sign of virility

>> No.17950401

yeah kinda, your forehead is growing and the hair at the front of your hairline is showing your scalp.
fin and min now.

fin increases test dumbass by no longer allowing it to be wasted making DHT, it's literally used by /fit/ broscience tards as part of their creatine stack, helps to counteract the effects of steroid induced balding too.

>> No.17950426

Pull the hair back and expose your hairline, bet you won't, we know asians generally tend to go for bangs because of their huge foreheads.

>> No.17950433

>it's not gonna hurt you
you're blocking an essential hormone for men
it does hurt you
everyone has side effects from it
you can cope all you want like oh i don't need my dick anymore anyway, i wanted tits anyway, i have low energy but i don't leave the house anyway
i posted a solution that has the same if not better effectiveness according research with zero side effects

>> No.17950437

it's only essential during puberty, then it just sticks around and ruins your body for the rest of your life and gives you prostate cancer too

>> No.17950439

it makes you masculine
blocking it via drugs is tranny mode
you'll get tits, softer skin, weaker dick, less/watery sperm, less power and you'll be more feminine overall without DHT

>> No.17950444

There's a reason organized sports don't allow finasteride use, it's literally free testosterone.

>> No.17950458

>you have more free testosterone if you block conversion of it to something your body uses testosterone for
yes, DHT is made from testosterone you coping retard
you're blocking something that testosterone is useful for, so you make that much testosterone useless to you

>> No.17950467

The only thing from that list that is true for me is softer skin, which I like.
You're right that I wouldn't recommend fin to people who are already suffering from any of the other stuff, because there's already something wrong in the first place. Maybe topical would be a better idea, it doesn't fuck with your free DHT as much (only 30% compared to 70%).
If you don't want to take fin I wish you all the best, if your method works I might also add it to my own routine.

>> No.17950472

You should look up what testosterone does before making such retarded statements.
The base sex hormone in men and women is responsible for muscle mass and bone density, mood regulation and cognition, you'll notice people with low T or low E will report brain fog, nobody reports brain fog on finasteride.

>> No.17950549

impossible to say honestly. How can I determine results when I'm taking Dutasteride at the same time? How do I know? I think it may do something and that's why I use it but there's no point in me making stuff up to you.

Regarding the product itself, I bought mine in 2021 and it still works so yeah.

>> No.17950712

I’ve lived in the uk most of my childhood and I can safely tell you jason gets women because he’s confident and handsome. He’s one of those people with or without hair that will keep being attractive, he just pulls it off. I’ve seen him numerous times in person and he’s a man’s man. The kind that you look up to. I can’t say the same about the rock because he’s a try hard from every interview I’ve seen.

>> No.17950832

DHT does not make you masculine. That's on testosterone. DHT is localized to the prostate and some other misc organs.

>you'll get tits
Getting gynecomastia is an extremely rare side effect. You can get gyno from pinning test as well, btw. It doesn't mean you're turning into a woman.
>softer skin
Quite literally 0 proof.
>weaker dick
Again, extremely rare side effect.
>Watery semen
Again, uncommon side effect caused by the slight shrinkage of the prostate gland. It usually subsides.
>Less power
proofs? Actually, what this even mean.
>You'll be more feminine.
Again, DHT is localized there's no proof of inhibiting type 2 enzyme leading to weird behavior changes.

>> No.17950844
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If a girl only loves you when you have hair would you really want to be with that girl

>> No.17950856

did you also take the vaxx? those side effects are not rare at all and it's scientifically proven that blocking DHT makes your skin softer like a woman
you're playing god mode with your body by blocking an essential hormone that makes you a male via an artificial chemical and it WILL 100% cause you issues whether you cope about them or not
>>Less power
>proofs? Actually, what this even mean.
increased fatigue, which is a known side effect of finasteride

>> No.17950892
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Bros, am I balding? especially in the corners. I also feel it's too thin at the top or am I just paranoid?

>> No.17950894
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Am I on the way out?

>> No.17951070

my hair rn:
>nice and thick at the back but thin and brittle around the front and top and I can feel my scalp when I poke the crown of my head
>tried to do a fringe about 9 months ago and it looked really bad, my hair was way too thin to hide most of my forehead
>been like this for the past year although I did spot potential receding temples 2 years ago
taken 0.5mg fin EOD twice, but I think I'm gonna stop for now bc I realised my hair loss might not be MPB
>constantly stressed for the past year
>binge eating junk food daily for the past year, on and off binging for 3 years before that
>used to tie my hair in fairly tight ponytails and manbuns for a decade
should I take fin as precaution/preventative or should i just do minox and dermastamp to tackle the potential traction alopecia and see how I go? I had REALLY mild ballache and chestache but its almost definitely nocebo

>> No.17951122
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I've also lost most of my hair during periods of stress, but it might be a multicausal issue. If it's in the pattern of male pattern baldness, I would assume that DHT is one of the main factors.
You could take nothing, reduce stress and get lucky that this was enough to keep your hair, but I personally wouldn't have peace of mind doing that because I'm a bit neurotic.
Taking min alone could help if your hairloss is not mainly DHT related, but in cases of male pattern baldness, the min eventually loses out against the DHT.
You could take a low dosage of fin which is efficacious, not lower than 0.25mg a day, drop it if you get sides and up it if your hair loss gets worse. I don't get any sides on 1mg a day, so slowly starting with a low dosage should be a pretty low risk approach.
I just started with 1mg because I would worry too much otherwise.
There are also cases where peope have bad scalp health, try to fix that first before taking fin, and then it turns out that the DHT caused the scalp problems all along.
If you're constantly worried about your hair, it's probably better to take fin.
Otherwise, you can try other less severe options like min alone first.

See if you have any areas of your hair where most of the hair is shorter than the hair in less androgen sensitive regions, that would be a sign of miniaturization aka male pattern baldness.

It looks like it might be thinning, if you didn't have this hairline since puberty then I would guess that it's a sign male pattern baldness.
Keep in mind that your hairline receding doesn't mean necessarily that you'll lose a lot more hair, it all depends on where your hair is DHT sensitive. If it has receded, it might stop there, it might keep going. You're still well off, so you have all options to address it or not address it, however you see fit.

>> No.17951206

Thanks anon
It is in the pattern of MPB and diet/stress notwithstanding I assumed that's what it was until I looked back on old pictures of myself and saw that my hair wasn't as thick as I remembered it being (still thicker than it is now though)
I'm also neurotic and pretty impatient, I'm hoping to move somewhere new and reinvent myself/socialmaxx within the next 6-12 months and ideally I'd want to be fully looksmaxxed at that point, wouldn't really wanna be dealing with fin shed/hair being too thin to make a fringe/etc
MPB runs in my family though so desu now that I've started fin I may as well keep it up

>> No.17951269

Would you want a girl without hair?
Hair is youth and youth is health and health is beauty.

>> No.17951297
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been on dut for 8 days now
was on fin for two years

also my derm said you can get oral minoxidil in Finland (ths for all the finnfags here who might be wondering) and I might do that if dermarolling + topical does nothing with dut

>> No.17951399
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I know that the hair follicle is very complex and fulfills multiple roles, but it's still incredible how little we actually know about stopping hair loss.
We can stimulate growth, but the mechanism of minoxidil isn't entirely clear.
We can just lower DHT, which works kinda reliably, we know that somewhere downstream from DHT, some stuff gets fucked up in the scalp and this causes hair loss. But it also lowers serum DHT, which doesn't matter for hair loss and can have side effects. It's not an elegant solution. Maybe topicals fulfill that role better, but even that doesn't work for everyone.
There is potential to become a billionaire if you solve this problem reliably without side effects. There is research on the efficacy and safety of fin, but the whole field of hair loss prevention feels like it's basically just dudes on the Internet trying stuff out and seeing what works, like testing more experimental stuff like RU58841 and derms handing out the same old stuff.
This doesn't seem that hard, it's just hair, right? Maybe YOU will become a billionaire because you wanted to fix your own hair loss.

>> No.17951431
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Is it time to shave the head? Any hair style reccomendations if not.

Maybe a transplant is in my future. Anyone got any advice?

>> No.17951434
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>> No.17951477

Probably a problem of most of the experts not being interested in the question. If you're a fresh medical researcher, would you rather study something exciting and glorious like cancer or something boring and weird like balding?

>> No.17951482

It's definitely time. You've got a good skull shape, you'll be fine. And trim the mustache

>> No.17951529

there's plenty of research being done into curing MPB because whatever company figures it out first will make billions, you just don't hear about any of it unless you autistically follow clinical trials because none of it ever pans out. remember all the hype pyrilutamide was getting? after years of people ordering it from shady grey market chinese labs the phase 3 results found there was no statistically significant effect on hair loss. the same company is now working on gt20029, which sounds very promising, but everything sounds promising when there's no actual data. at the end of the day it's really hard to develop a treatment for MPB when we literally don't even know why it happens - minoxidil is the gold standard for regrowth and yet its ability to regrow hair was discovered by accident and the scientific consensus on how it works is "because...um...because it just does, okay?"

>> No.17951631
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grow it out, begin sucking tranny cock and jestermaxx

>> No.17951641

Which is worse, balding or the specific anxiety that festers in someone's head when they start balding that makes them hyperfixate on other people's hairlines because you've noticed yours and now you can't stop noticing the signs of MPB in men, but since you've also convinced yourself that min and fin are poison, the topic of their worsening hair sits in the back of your head rent free 24/7.

I get that impression a lot anytime I go on r/tressless, those people are truly suffering in slow motion.
I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone.

>> No.17951645

I'm taking fin and notice people around me balding but I don't want to be the weirdo bringing up their hairlines unprompted

>> No.17951653

maybe because it reveals your vanity, not all men seem to care about their hair

>> No.17951683

it is inevitable that once you finally notice balding on your own head you also realize how many men and even women have atrocious hairlines.

>> No.17951700

Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it

>> No.17951738

me before starting to go bald:
>what do you mean steve buscemi is balding? he's got hair on his scalp, you can't be balding if you've got hair on your scalp! i don't even know what a hairline is!
me after:
>that guy i just drove past is a clear nw1.5. based on his age i estimate he'll be a nw4 within two years. brutal. i wish i could pull over and tell him about fin

>> No.17951760
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I'm unironically thankful for the fact that I've been browsing Internet forums for years where they'll always tell you that it's over for you if you're bald.
I bet that a lot of bald men regret losing their hair, but never took action because it's a creeping and slow process, it's not going to be a catastrophe tomorrow, so why worry?
I almost had a heart attack at the first sign of thinning, got myself a doctor's appointment, told the NW6 doc that I need fin asap and never looked back.

>> No.17951782

>but never took action because it's a creeping and slow process
Also most people don't even know it's something that can be stopped. I only learned about fin here.

>> No.17951824
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>most people don't even know it's something that can be stopped
This is the real killer, I only found out about fin because I was really curious how trannies were reversing their hair loss and then it leads you to the effects to DHT and then drugs that counteract it, many peoples one and only attempt at hair loss drugs might be Rogaine but everyone knows someone who tried it decades ago and it failed on them because not everyone has the required enzymes in their scalp to metabolize minoxidil sulfate.
What makes it even worse is that you end up more knowledgeable about the topic than any dermatologist you'll ever meet and you'll probably end up ordering gray market meds just to keep your hair, nature is just cruel to men, having your g-spot in your ass is a continued testament to that.

Men everywhere need to be made aware that they have a fighting chance at keeping their hair to old age, and it doesn't even cost that much, nobody has to go bald anymore.

>> No.17951843

>part of their creatine stack
Confirmed for not knowing wtf you're talking about. The reason steroids contribute to baldness is because it's pure test, which supports my statement. Enjoy your limp dick.

>> No.17951921
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got prescribed oral min today bros, told my derm i got tired of using the topical every night

here's hoping to some stellar gains and zero sides

>> No.17951926

What dosage?
Gonna try taking the liquid stuff orally because I already have it.

>> No.17951931

2.5mg, but starting with half a tab and then seeing what happens/moving up from there

>> No.17951940

>I was really curious how trannies
It shows

>> No.17952949

Where do you people get fin in the US?
I did keeps and managed to keep it below $10 a month for the last 6 months but I feel like they won't keep giving me discounts for claiming to be poor and this is for life, is it easy to move your prescription to a local pharmacy and keep keeps around for the annual fake doctor consultations?
Should I just buy from the same shady places /lgbt/ uses, a years worth is $25 if you split the 5mg tabs in 4.

>> No.17952952

I have good insurance and just went to a dermatologist. See an actual doctor if you can afford it/have insurance. I was going in for an allergic reaction and just said "hey, my hair is thinning, I'm interested in trying finasteride to see if that'll help" and she immediately wrote me a script

>> No.17953014

I took the buzzpill after about 4-5 months of sheer suffering.
Was spending hours in the bathroom just trimming away at sections of my hair, literally fucking my shit up and feeling horrible about myself. Even went on a vacation to Bali, and spent an entire night just fucking my own shit up for no reason, and ended up wearing a hat 24-7 on the trip.

I feel sooo much better now with my head shaved, and if anything it's made me more confident and therefore more desirable in the process. My hairloss came fast and furious, like less than a year and it was over - but I honestly feel more attractive now than I did even before anybody realized I was balding.

>> No.17953220

Isn't rapid hair loss usually a case of telogen effluvium? That's what I've read at least.

>> No.17953358

if you're crazy enough you could just buy it raw, it's $4.60 for 1g of fin, which is like enough for 2.5 years, though i feel like pressing your own pills is a self-medicating rabbithole most people shouldn't dabble with, there's already enough people like that on /fit/ and /lgbt/ as it is.

>> No.17953619


>> No.17953630

nice cope, baldcel

>> No.17953788

I don't want to look like any of these guys. Even the relatively young ones look old and haggard as fuck

>> No.17953791
File: 30 KB, 550x309, 550px-nowatermark-Make-Rosemary-Oil-Step-4-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody here whos on finasteride tried an alternative method on top of fin? ive heard making rosemary oil can is actually legit

>> No.17953806

>As someone who will never go bald
I was like this for the longest time, was blasting 1g+ of test pw asking with mast and tren in my 20's with zero hair loss. They for some reason at around 36 people close to me started saying my hair looked finer than it used to, I shrugged it off. At 38 casual acquaintances and coworkers were commenting on it and making balding jokes. I guess it happened so slowly it never really dawned on me until it was too late.

>> No.17953890
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Blog posting my balding manlet experience that a total of 3 people will read.

I am 31.

About 6 years ago:
>Noticed in pic where I'm bending over that my hairline was not great. NW2 - NW2.5
>Hair is naturally thin so I always look like I have a small baldspot on my crown as well
>My hairline and crown have been suboptimal when I was a kid, but I noticed some recession in the hairline and knew the reaper was coming for me as I have family history
>Attractive face, but horrible 5head and head shape.
While I'm handsome, in-shape, and charismatic, I'm also a shy, small frame manlet with ADHD, so adding smooth head onto that would be tough to overcome

I had heard of the following for a couple years. I was scared, but ultimately, I pulled the trigger.
>Got on finasteride after buying some from an online Indian pharmacy
>Research that I did suggested that even low doses were very effective with limited sides, so I only do .5mg a day
>It works. I don't have a shedding phase, and hair loss stopped in its tracks. Haven't lost any ground in all these years on a baby dose
>Only noticeable side effect was watery cum the first week, which subsided. Overall cum volume is still less than pre-fin, but still 'normal'.

By this same age, my family were already clearly bald. I have managed to maintain my hair because of this little pill that /fit/ scaremongered the hell out of. 4chan may have done a number on my mental health when I was younger, but I'll always be thankful for the shit I learned on this website, even though extracting good information is a chore.

My current protocol is now:
>.5mg fin daily
>.25mg oral minox daily

The minox helped a little, but barely noticeable if I hadn't been constantly scanning. It helps with my facial hair growth though.

(Continued... 1/2)

>> No.17953892
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In 2024 I am going to microneedle. I've had the machine for a while, but I haven't been consistent with it, so no notable results. I had a couple of months in late 2022 where I was, and I DID start to notice some regrowth in the hairline, but I didn't like it. It was random and sporadic so it ironically called more attention to the fact that I have had recession. However, I think I just need to stick with it for a longer time.

I have thought about hair transplants, but I just haven't been able to pull the trigger. I do not believe I would need an unreasonable amount of grafts for a better hairline and crown, but I would get a consultation before I ever booked anything. Reason being ties directly to this next point:

It is difficult to make any of these decisions and researching them is harder than you'd think. It is hard to trust yourself in the decision making process as a result.
>Conversation is limited to specific corners of the internet that are filled with neurotics
>Misinformation on drugs is posted constantly
>Forum posts get images deleted over time
>Copium and 'just accept yourself bro' is flooded en masse even if some prevention methods are low effort
>There's always that guy who claims he has found the secret to preventing hair loss
>Clinics spam reddit with stealth ads

So, I blog post my experience so that hopefully one person is helped make whatever decision they may. I'm very happy to have taken preventative measures with medicine knowing the possible risks. I've never loved my hair, but it isn't terrible, and something I still would hate to lose young even if it isn't my best attribute. I probably should just go for the fucking transplant and get it over with. I'm running out of looksmax opportunities, and I think I have to admit a hairline boost is probably the biggest ROI I can do at this point.

>> No.17954110

good posts i read them
you should definitely post before after pics so people don't get the wrong idea for what's realistic on meds alone.

>> No.17954540
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I've been on fin for two years now, it's halted my loss but there hasn't been any regrowth. Since I have no sides would it be worth switching to dut? What are the odds it'll cause regrowth if fin didn't? I've already started on oral min but I want to cover all my bases

>> No.17954548

If you don't have any sides on fin you might get some on dut because it blocks pretty much all your DHT.
Fin clearly works already, so I would just stick with fin + oral min.

>> No.17954586

it's very hard to get regrowth with only fin or only min. maybe only 5% of men are fortunate enough to pull that off.

>> No.17955348

I would if I had great ones.
I have very few candid social pics which aren't clear (and would dox me).

Glad you mentioned it though, because I should take some photos of my hairline pre-micro needling to see how much progress there is after 6 months, a year, etc.

>> No.17955609

what's the deal with diffuse thinning?
why do some people diffuse thin rather than norwoord thin? (not counting diffuse thinning from non DHT sources)

>> No.17955787
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If my hair loss was caused by telogen effluvium would just using minoxidil to help it regrow help?

>> No.17955939

yes, but if it's just telogen effuvium, you'll grow more hair than you could naturally and if you stop the min you'll lose the extra hair grown purely from min

>> No.17956347
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do other primates go bald like humans do? this guy looks like he's at a norwood 6. if they don't, maybe the cure can be found in their DNA.

>> No.17956356

this ape has no concept of vanity, he is free from the tortures of human consciousnesses.

>> No.17956358

anyone got a routine for things such as aloe vera gel, castor oil (and what to use to clean it afterward) and rosemary oil ?

>> No.17956370

Chatgpt-6 will find a permanent cure with no sides.

>> No.17956779

Normies think he's good looking anyway thoughbeitever, women rank him higher than Statham and The Rock

>> No.17957058

think I'm going nuclear next year anons, fuck it IDEK if it's MPB but I'm tired of thin wispy hair, I want fluffy eboy hair, I'm throwing the kitchen sink at it
Shout out Kevin from Haircafe

>> No.17957166
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Norwood status?

>> No.17957176

Gonna yolo and start oral min next year!
We're all gonna make it and get cute anime boy hair!

>> No.17957224

yeah this is based
too bad oral min costs £50 for 2 months supply ffs

>> No.17957253

5% topical liquid min is $25 for 18,000mg of minoxidil (6x 2oz bottles), I'm pretty sure it'll expire before you can finish it, one drop is equivalent to 1.25mg or 2mg taken orally depending on your dropper, it's all food safe too, just don't do this with the foam version.

Happy new Year!

>> No.17957259

happy new year to you bro
and yeah I'll consider it

>> No.17957304

Dht doesn't promote eyebrows hair or eyelashes. It basically promotes grow of those hair which starts to grow more in puberty.

No, even seemingly completely gone hairline can be recovered if you suppress dht enough and stimulate hair growth with minox and microneedling.

>> No.17957577

>started fin without consulting doctor or getting bloodwork done
>probably gonna start min without waiting it out or seeing a doctor/derm to confirm if I actually have MPB
how fucked am I in the long run?

>> No.17958197

you'll be fine, it's not gonna leave your hair worse off even if it turned out you don't have MPB

>> No.17958199

You're doing exactly the same as everyone else. You think everyone got bloodwork before getting fin?

>> No.17958207

I don't know about that. The first thing my doctor did was get my blood tested. I'm guessing that's standard procedure.

>> No.17958230

i got fin prescribed by taking 2 pics of my forehead and sending it to some fake chatbot doctor

>> No.17958317

nowhere else for it to go dude wtf, you have any better ideas instead of critiscism for things that don't pertain to you?

>> No.17958321

this general is for preventing baldness dumbass

>> No.17958441

>retrograde alopecia
I'm thinking that's probably it. I brushed my hand against the back of my head and noticed I have much less volume on my nape area. Is finasteride still the way to go?

>> No.17958473


why in the heck do you take oral minoxidil? What the hell man I can't with you people. Oral minoxidil is dangerous for your health. If you want more resulta either start taking DUT or use higher concentration minox solution more often. Take care of your health man.

another one.

yup it's time to cut it. Don't go full razor shave like a jag but definitely cut it much shorter than now

>> No.17958524

>fin nuking my dht also got rid of my high blood pressure
I was 135-140 over 85 pretty much all the time, now it stays at 100-115 over 80 no matter what I do.

Two birds with one stone!

>> No.17958539

Wait till you see people are literally drinking the liquid min.

>> No.17959391

how long does it take to see if you get side effects from fin?

>> No.17959703

you're gonna psyop yourself into thinking you're having side effects from the fin

>> No.17959727

If you’re taking it for years it will make you weak and feminine. Look up what happened to Bradley Cooper.

>> No.17959736

it takes infinite time since it doesn't happen

I didn't know botox and being middle age was a side effect from fin

>> No.17959785

>omg you can't do oral min you have to gradually work your way up from 0.25mg a day!!

just do 4 drops of the liquid stuff, that's approximately 5.33mg and you'll be fine, no side effects since starting several weeks ago, I'm starting to believe it's a consipracy to keep men balding and sell them on expensive worthless natural remedies later like that one anon who admitted to buying a HEAT LAMP for your head

>> No.17959824

Most people just order fin online or at most do an online consultation like this anon: >>17958230

>> No.17960220
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>> No.17960226

>Oral minoxidil is dangerous for your health


>> No.17960442

>68% suppression
Just take dutasteride instead of this fence sitting pussy shit.

>> No.17960450

Same, I had thick long hair most of my life. Then cut my hair at 25, which was probably the worst timing possible on my part, because that's probably when I started balding.
Fast forward to 28 and I noticed I'm diffuse thinning QUICK. I previously had hair so thick that the braids women would make out of it were almost as thick as a fist, and when I noticed my balding, I could literally see my scalp through the hair in some places.
Started taking dut and min, saved a fair bit of it with some regrowth. I'm growing it out currently and there is a noticeable difference compared to when I was going bald. Still not back to base 1, probably never will go back to that quality of hair, but it's better than being a coping baldy on 4chan.
So if you think you're safe from the norwood reaper just because you're 30 years old or something, think again faggot. You might just start balding and going insane next year.

>> No.17960459

What causes balding due to steroids is the huge increase in DHT, you fucking moron.
Testosterone also has an effect on balding, but it's much more akin to a slow drip compared to DHT.
DHT just goes in and fucks your shit up fast.
Hopping on test and tren or mast will send your DHT up to 500 - 700% of baseline. That's also why people on gear report much better results with RU compared to fin and dut, since they don't block out the DHT in your scalp completely, whereas RU pretty much does.

>> No.17961074
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I went from my full youth hairline to a NW 1.5 or so when I was 17-18. I'm 25 now and the hairline is like the western front in the Great War so it hasn't really moved since. I still don't think I'm safe so I've been doing rosemary and caffeine shampoo for a year and while the hairline hasn't moved I think more hairs are in the anagen phase now. I'll add flaxseed this year and might microneedle. I still have the miniaturized hairs on my temples so I'm hoping to reverse to NW1

>> No.17961225

why haven't you gotten on fin and min yet?

>> No.17961255

You're wrong, m8. t. roider and I use fin to minimise dht conversion these days due to my hair. My last blast was 900mg pw test and 600mg pw eq with fin and dut. During my cruise I just use fin and it seems to be enough to keep balding at bay. If test was the problem then I'd be fucked even with fin/dut

>> No.17961601
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I am 28 years old currently. I think the reaper is approaching bros.. I have been running Minoxidil for the past, I want to say 10 months, and have noticed way less shedding. I stopped using bc I was too lazy to go to the store and the shedding returned so I immediately went and got another 3 month supply. Anyways, I think it's safe to say that the minoxidil is working when I am consistent with it, but I want to add finasteride into the mix to hopefully thicken it. Or is there a better way? Looks like the minox is stopping the loss but how can i regrow?

>> No.17961617

yes pls start fin to stop DHT from accelerating your hair loss, you might not need anything else if it's just a simple case of your balding outpacing what min can do for you.
If, after doing fin and min, you're unsatisfied with the growth, you could always switch to oral min, the 5% liquid stuff is food safe and 2 drops is approximately 2.5mg depending on the dropper.

>> No.17961695

he’s in denial and going to wake up practically bald in a few months

>> No.17961698

If your hair is thinning, you'll have to jump on fin/dut and min sooner or later. My advice would be to start soon, but I'll enjoy your future posts full of panic when you realise your hair is fucking killing itself and your diffuse thinning will go out of control lmao.

>> No.17961887
File: 50 KB, 635x496, 20231217_162415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that men have a perfectly good cure to balding which will have no side effects in 99% of cases (and no permanent side effects in nearly all cases), and yet continue to let themselves lose their hair will never make sense to me. Most guys look much worse bald than they otherwise would with hair, and anyhow, even if a guy does look best with a shaved head, it looks better if he isn't balding than if he is (shaving your head doesn't stop people from noticing you're balding btw). Idk, is it a fear of finasteride being emasculating? It's just all really dumb and I think straight guys have issues

>> No.17961903

Are head tattoos effay if one goes full shave?

>> No.17961947

Fear mongered to death by snake oil salesmen that will sell you a bunch of crap instead. There's a reason this industry is so big, yet so few finasteride prescriptions are being written out. As of late people have been losing trust in doctors as well due to conspiracy theories and legitimate cases of malpractice and corruption.

>> No.17961964
File: 29 KB, 633x291, finasteride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter guy with perfect head of hair says finasteride isn't worth the ~3% risk of bad sides

>> No.17961970

>started fin without consulting doctor or getting bloodwork done
Same. What bloodwork would need to be done? I was on fin about 15 years ago without any problems and just assumed I could restart.

>> No.17961981

Bernstein doesn't do bloodwork.


>Blood tests are not required before starting finasteride and we do not routinely perform them. If a patient requests test then Total and Free Testosterone, DHT, and Prolactin are reasonable to obtain, but there is no consensus on what the appropriate tests might be. If a patient requests tests because he has symptoms (i.e. such as lack of energy associated with low T), he should see his internist, urologist, or GP. That said, patients 50 and over (40 and over in patients with a high risk of developing prostate cancer) should have a PSA before starting finasteride.

As for the PSA and prostate cancer stuff, note that the post is dated 2016, when the consensus was that finasteride reduced the risk of low-grade prostate cancer but may slightly elevate the risk of high-grade prostate cancer. It wasn't until 2018 that we got a series of studies claiming that there's actually no elevated risk of high-grade prostate cancer.


>> No.17962196

>why haven't you immediately started fin yet huh?
>I'll enjoy your future posts full of panic
Why are you like this?

>> No.17962663

>Why are you like this?
The solution to balding has been presented.
If someone stays in denial spraying stuff peppermint on their scalp until they realise it's not working just because their favorite grifter eceleb does it, it's honestly funny to me.

>> No.17962665

*stuff like

>> No.17962895

I fucked up my hairline royally and topical finasteride has helped. I also agree with this post despite sitting at a Norwood 2-3. I would prefer dutasteride since it had been in a drug I took from a guy named Dr. Will Powers who helps troons get their hair back. Shit looks super effective and said regular men can take it too. I put that shit on for two weeks and tiny vellus hairs started coming back in my baldest spots. I only stopped since I was terrified bicalutamide would fuck with my liver. I have nearly all of my hairs up to the very front but they're miniaturized. Anyone know a good dutasteride provider that isn't a fucking scam like strut or overpriced like crappyhead?

>> No.17963028

Bought a bottle of dermarest after I experienced some major scalp discomfort, have been using it for two weeks now, the bottle says to only use it twice a week but I've been using it everyday because if I don't the itching and aching comes back, hopefully there's no long term ramifications from doing so.

>> No.17963052

Can't be assed taking drugs or getting a transplant. When I start losing my hair I'll just get a hair piece or whatever the fuck they're calling them these days. Not even bothered if people knew, as long as it looked half decent.

>> No.17963097

Finasteride is literally poison. Penile fibrosis is under reported.

>> No.17963144

Is it normal for the affected area where thinning is occuring to itch?

>> No.17963258

Yes that's the DHT itch.
Fin and min now

>> No.17963270

>DHT itch
bro science detected

>> No.17963294

>dude you need to wait 6 months before adding min you wanna see how much regrowth you can get from just fin
nah I'm adding min NOW bro, no time to waste

>> No.17963317

but what if you're a hyper responder to fin and don't need min?
you're needlessly chaining yourself to it for the rest of your life.

>> No.17963342

I'm fucking impatient though, I want anime hair NOW!!
nah seriously though I kinda need to be looksmaxxed within the next 3-6 months

>> No.17963582

Hair systems/toupees are an even bigger hassle than taking hair loss drugs lmao.

>> No.17963585

The minoxidil I use has a curious effect.
It's kind of oily when applying (even though most of it is alcohol). When it dries out, it works like a good hair paste, my hair becomes thicker both visually and to the touch, my scalp doesn't become oily like it usually does without it and my hair generally looks much better.
When I forget to apply minoxidil after I wash my hair, my hair feels kind of thin, visually has zero volume, etc.
Anyone else experiencing this?

>> No.17963661

is it possible to have a fin shed 5 days in?
i think im going nuts but i swear my hair is thinner

>> No.17963662

this read like the most raging tryhard copium of all time, if anyone tried to emulate this they would come off as the most bitter, agitated insufferable person ever, the path of least resistance is a transplant, you are doing something about it. be a man and FIX your problems, attack them, do not be docile and accept it and wag your finger at others for taking initiative

>> No.17963821

>I kinda need to be looksmaxxed within the next 3-6 months
Neither fin nor min work that fast. Plus if you shed, you're going to look worse before you look better. It's something you take for a long-term effect. Usually, you only realize it works a year in.

>> No.17964050

Min gains start appearing after 3 weeks, fin about 4-5 months.

Unrelated, what happens if a DHT resistant person starts blasting min?
Will it give them even more hair?

>> No.17964131

You look fucking great imo. Yeah like, it's 'over' in the sense that if most people were in your situation they wouldn't own it like you do. But you are so I'd say keep it. If you're feeling self conscious about it or are having doubt then get rid of it.

>> No.17964181

their hair will become lazy and become dependant on the min meaning if they stop their hair will fall out
also min doesn't cause new growth per say, it revives dormant follicles so they wouldn't gain any new hair.

>> No.17964350

lel based ian poster

>> No.17964748

make a new bread

>> No.17964752
