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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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17927377 No.17927377 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17927379

>it's another 'anon with a perfectly normal hairline thinks he's balding because of anonymous shitposters' episode
>being this susceptible to internet memes
you're too psychologically weak to be on 4chan. begone.

>> No.17927384

Hop on finasteride and minoxidil if you think you're losing hair and thank me later.

>> No.17927386

Norwood 2. If you are over 30 you are fine, if you are 25 or under time to consider medical therapy

>> No.17927394 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17927395

At the moment, you have one of those hairlines where it's hard to tell whether you've gone through some slight recession or you've pretty much always had that hairline. (In fact, when people post acceptable hairlines like that, I always feel the urge to post my monstrosity of a hairline and say "motherfucker, you think you've got problems?")
If there has been slight recession, get on fin and min like the other poster said, and I believe there's around an 80% chance that you'll be able to stall any loss for a decade, at which point there'll hopefully be a viable cure.

>> No.17929630

This. Your hair is fine. You know you need to get off /fa/ when you're getting gaslit into self-medication. Just take monthly photos of your hairline so you can objectively tell what's going on. If you're thinning or losing ground, go see a doctor and, if need be, get on fin.

>> No.17929634
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Just get plastic surgery, bro

>> No.17930015

Maturing hairlines are real and you are fine, go back to whence you came

>> No.17930035

Please stop obsessing over your hair. You have a full head of hair. Hair ages just like skin. Doesn't mean you are balding if your hair loses volume and its texture becomes shittier as you age. This happens to all men. The lookism culture online is just as toxic as the /pol/tard racebait BBC shit. It has totally infected this board like a virus. Lookism will destroy your self-esteem if you let it. Focus on your mission and don't let hair anxiety distract you for a second.

>> No.17930060

dont know what people mean about mature hairlines but they are MPB anyways, they just evolve really slowly

>> No.17930064

Mature hairlines are functionally different from MPB in that they are inevitable and cannot be affected by stuff like fin. Women have the same "issue", it just affects them later in life than men, most of who will see changes in their hairline within their 20s-30s. Only a very, very small percentage of men keep their teenage hairline past their 20s.

>> No.17930071
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This is why basically every adult man you see, even celebrities, who experience the best care money can offer, have a hairline that looks like A instead of one that looks like B.

>> No.17930091

I think I sit next to you In Measure and Integration. Absolute mong.

>> No.17930092

I tried minoxidil for a month or 2 so far and it has actually worked. Dermarolling I did for 4 months and it did actually nothing even though I paid $80 for it.

>> No.17930093

pretty sure those guys have a genetic disease that has done that to them.
Yep I have had this hairline since I was at least 15 even though I was born female. Transitioned 5 years later and lost most of my bangs 4 years after that so I learned to make wigs and hairpieces.

>> No.17930121
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Exactly. Hair also loses volume and luster with age, no matter how great your hair genes are. Pic related is not MPB; it's just hair getting slightly shittier with age. Affects literally everyone.

>> No.17930269

You will never ascend to the Bogdanoff's new plane of existence if you continue to insinuate that their true form is less attractive than the form they first presented themselves in.

>> No.17931266
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>you're too psychologically weak to be on 4chan. begone.

fucker thinks he's on a club or something, lmao

>> No.17931274
File: 106 KB, 447x1609, IMG_20231212_014618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The duality of man

>> No.17931359

I would start on dut immediately and consider a hair transplant in about 12 months to fill those deep recesses on your temples