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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 320x676, Nick_l4d_NEW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17927127 No.17927127 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>avg looking guy, 20s
>playing l4d2 as Nick
>hear about his $3000 suit
>really like his suit, decide to look into getting a nice suit for myself
>do nothing but play old games and eat shitty noodles so have a lot of money saved up
>research what makes suits look good, go to local suit store and talk with tailor
>show him picrel and say I want a suit that looks like his
>chill old grandpa guy, I tell him about l4d2, really like talking to him
>put down $5000 to buy and tailor very nice white and blue cashmere/cotton suit
>ready 5 days later
>put suit on
>instantly feel incredible
>I am connected to every event that ever was and ever will be, my mind has ascended to another plane
>I immediately know I want to be buried in this suit
>driving home with massive smile on my face
>decide to show off suit to the world
>go to club
>everybody mirin', feeling incredible, don't even care I went by myself
>this 7/10 chick waves me over to dance with her
>basic looking with lots of makeup, nice well shaped tits, feeling amazing
>dancing like a fucking neet but making it
>suddenly she trips
>faceplants into my fucking suit
>suit is covered in makeup stains, she looks up and smiles at me like she didn't do anything wrong and what she did was """cute"""
>involuntarily yell "YOU IDIOT GODDAMNED WHORE" into her dumb cunt face
>people looking at me shocked, nobody saying anything, girl is starting to cry
>quickly get off dance floor and leave through fire exit in the back before I can get metoo'd
>seething with rage looking at massive stain, throw over trash cans out of anger
I fucking can't stand women. I have one thing in my life that makes me happy and makes me feel good about myself and some FUCKING DUMB WHORE has to ruin it. Now I'm waiting until the dry cleaners opens up at 6am so I can go and hopefully fix this shit but it looks fucking awful, there's a big red stain on it. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. I wish I was fucking gay.

>> No.17927132
File: 77 KB, 1080x1076, 170202927995632967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly an tism moment. You know what's cooler than a guy with a nice suit? A guy with a nice suit who doesn't care if it gets ruined

>> No.17927134

>wearing a five grand to the club
>going clubbing
>dancing with women
You are literally THRICEFOLD at fault for this. She might be fucking cunt, but you're enabling these people. Also, you're a stupid piece of shit for wearing that suit and getting a craftsman's work ruined.

>> No.17927139

Instead of having a meltdown you should have gotten her contact info and made her insurance pay for it. Or alternatively, since she most likely doesn't have any, taken her to small claims court for cleaning/repairs.

Don't wear clothes you can't afford getting ruined if you don't want to come across as an asshat by the way, especially not to anything informal where close contact and alcohol is involved.

>> No.17927213

>I wish I was fucking gay.
(cums and gets shit stains on your suit)
(cute face)xkxxd

>> No.17927215
File: 233 KB, 514x719, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying about ruined suit
>>go to club
stopped reading here

>> No.17928473
File: 1.15 MB, 240x182, misery.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you throw it away? Are you familiar with dry cleaners?

>> No.17928527

Nice larp. If not larp post pic of suit.
>Protip: OP won't cause fake and gay

>> No.17928573

>white and blue cashmere/cotton suit
larp until proven otherwise.

also lipstick and makeup is easily removed at the dry cleaners, at least for wool. natural fibers are very resilient, you're going to tire of a suit before it wears out, frays, or gets severely damaged.

>> No.17928738

Should have paid the extra $60 and got it scotchguarded my man. Rookie move

She probably would have left with you right there if you made a quip about having to get out of the suit and into something more comfortable

>> No.17928758
File: 2.48 MB, 322x178, 1700891140441862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overpaying for a suit
>and then wearing it to a club

>> No.17928764

is the "something more comfortable" her pussy?