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File: 213 KB, 750x272, razors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17923299 No.17923299 [Reply] [Original]

Choose your class.

>> No.17923302


My face is not some lady's armpit

>> No.17923381

Only the unwashed masses and brownoids dont shave. The upperclass has been shaving for 5000 years at least, with the most common grave good in upper class male graves after weapons being razors and tweezers.

>> No.17923383

How does one shaves his balls with number 1 or 2?

>> No.17923399

Ive looked at paintings and sculptures of many monarchs and emperors from the most important kingdoms and empires of europe and many of them had beards, moustaches, etc. Everywhere else in the world is the same

>> No.17923409

simply untrue, one only needs to look at the wiki article for english or french or hre kings to see that almost all of them are clean shaven, further back, every roman and greek before them was clean shaven. Further back from there, the romans described the celts as plucking out all of their body hair and the german warriors were to shave even their legs, which the romans thought was too much. No, having body hair, especially on the face, is and always has been, a sign of being low class apart from perhaps a few decades leading into ww1

>> No.17923414


Greeks had beards and Romans followed their fashion at some point.

Celts were animals.

>> No.17923418

Hahaha you can cope all you want facepubes, it’s never going to be true

>> No.17923421


Lol niggers and chinks are proud examples of what you like.

>> No.17923436

step one is growing some balls

>> No.17923437

>simply untrue
You can literally look it up. Won't read the rest of your schizo cope

>> No.17923454
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This nigga thinks shaving off his 12 chin whiskers will trick people into thinking he's high status

>> No.17923498

Found the soiboys, bet you think drinking beer is manly too despite hops being estrogenic hahahaha

>> No.17923504

are you a retard? this is just wrong and retarded, I'm worried about you. Are you ok?

>> No.17923508
File: 90 KB, 680x680, 1671577453006148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink bear, or consume onions products. What a strange assumption to make about someone you don't know.

>> No.17923573

Very carefully.

>> No.17923579
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>My face is not some lady's armpit

>> No.17923640

Are there any benefits to shavettes other than being able to slice your jugular?
They seem like a pain in the ass to disassemble and pat dry, you'll wear down the half blade after one session rather than several with a DE.

>> No.17923703
File: 19 KB, 1086x250, 5476654765765765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a mile of difference between a proper shavette and the cheap ones working with halved DE blades.
my experience with the later ones, they are bad. Incredible sharp blade combined with solid spine.
uncomfortable, require pressure control over 9000 and any mistake equals blood.
A straight razor which most people fear, while not as close is childs play in comparison.
The benefit of the shavette is, being as close as possible to the straight razor larp without the autistic upkeep and hunt for a decent edge

>> No.17923718
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yes it is a dog trimmer

>> No.17923743

They are great for permanently scarring your face, in particular the left side if you use your left hand for it
I find it amazing that shavettes are freely available without any warning on them
They are not for regular shaving but a barber's tool
I can't speak to straight razors
DE is the best overall, get an open comb so you can shave everything everywhere

>> No.17923860

start by buzzing it short then get the rest off by pulling skin taut and take your time
it's way too much effort though, just use nair

>> No.17924355

Skill issue.

>> No.17924453

Is it worth it to go safety razor? I've heard it's much slower than just using a cartridge, and I'm pretty careless with my technique too. I also never use any kind of shaving product on my face.

>> No.17924481

If you don't have any specific issue (razor burn, razor bumps, etc.) with cartridge systems, stick with them. You need all sort of products, relearning your shaving routine/techniques, turning your face into a chopping block just to chase the muh close shave dragon, a dragon that goes away in less than a day in the event you do catch it.

>> No.17924569

Imagine being older than 5 and not being able to use a shavette without hurting yourself

>> No.17924726

let me give you a redpill or tell me if im retarded

used a bunch of singleblade disposable razors, only one time use that I used, constant bleeding and whatever from these shitty bic

buy single use/diposable/two blade ones in pack of 5, never cut me with these ever, been using the same fucking one for over a year now without throwing it away without issue

the j's fear the infinite use disposable two blade user

that or I occasionally use my hair trimmer for shaving a bit

>> No.17924809

I use double edge on my balls. you just have to be careful. If it's been a while you'll need multiple passes with the grain. You'll work out which position you need to tug your balls in. The trickiest bit are the hairs on the shaft and close to the head.

>> No.17924835

>close to the head
either your dick is really small or grows way too much hair

either way, my condolences

>> No.17924876

I use them because I have a mole on my upper lip that bleeds profusely if it gets cut with a dull razor. You’d need to learn how to shave again and the proper angle/pressure, but after some practice it should become second nature. But you’ll always need to use shaving cream, just one thick hair can make the razor skip and knick you.

>> No.17924883

>Skill issue.
yea, craftsmen for over a century one upped each other in creating the finest hollow grind possible.
i guess they too just sucked using their cleavers

>> No.17924888

After years of trying everything from the overbuilt multiblade cartridges, to DE razors with all the fancy hot soaps and towels and shit, barber’s foils, to even just paying barbers to do a proper razor shave I’ve given up and just use a trimmer to take my facial hair down to close stubble. Literally every other option I’ve tried gives me a nasty razor rash on my neck every single time.

>> No.17924900

I only get razor bumps if I shave against the grain. Though I have a habit of using my razors well past the point of dullness.
Sounds like a pain, but I'm just lazy.

>> No.17925387

the huge amount of money you save in the long term is worth the slightly slower shave.

>> No.17926630

>severe autism
straight razor
>moderate autism
safety razor

>> No.17926660

hair clipper

>> No.17926707

wilkinson for my cock & nuts, oneblade for face

>> No.17927043

>greeks thought hair was low class
nigger how did they portray zeus, the king of the universe?

>> No.17929422

straight razor for straight men, easy.
everything else is for ladies armpits.

>> No.17929435

It's really not that hard. I learnt to shave with a safety razor as a teenager, all it takes is some lather, a brush and the razor itself. It's far cheaper than multiblade disposables and more comfortable, doesn't pinch (since there's only one blade, not multiple all grabbing your skin). Just man up and get gud.

>> No.17929439

I grow hairs on my shaft too, shit is tiring

>> No.17930313

I got mine is bronze and I fucking love it
My biggest concern was not being able to shave as quick as I could
No razor burn anymore. No bumps. My gf prefers the way it looks vs the baby face that my old razor used to give me. It’s honestly one of the best things I bought all year

>> No.17930314

Women's razors > any and every other possible razor
Even the cheap disposables they use for shaving legs are smoother and closer than a safety razor without all the autistic prep work
They are cheaper than men's razors too

>> No.17930784

Lol. I have read multiple advice on women's forums to use men's disposable razors for their legs because they are cheaper and shave better.

>> No.17931471

Safety razor bros... I'm on your side, but how tf do you shave the stache without getting a dozen cuts
>inb4 very carefully

>> No.17931487
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>The upperclass has been shaving for 5000 years at least

>> No.17931501

Use real shaving soap, load more of it onto the brush, work more water into the lather, and shave lightly.

>> No.17931597

thank fuck someone else knows. idk why those twin blades last forever

>> No.17931758

>clean shaven
>80s mustache
only acceptable facial hair, if you object post chin

>> No.17931868

Safety for sure
>easy enough to use after you get the hang of it

>> No.17932014

>third worlder
which one are you?

>> No.17932275

3rd option and planning to do laser, always preferred being clean.

>> No.17932282

3 because im not a pampered pussy queer

>> No.17933874

Safety razor.

>> No.17934189
File: 119 KB, 297x760, 3zihnwccsanm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogs the shit out of any other razor I ever tried.

>> No.17934352

me on the far right

>> No.17934476

If you want a smooth clean shave and don’t fall for basedboy “manly” products - just pick a disposable pink girly pussy shaving Gillette, it never cuts.

For anything else - dog trimmer

>> No.17934521

I choose laser, screw facial hair

>> No.17934522

you just need barbasol and maybe aftershave, which you needed already to shave

I use a safety razor normally but I do sometimes use an old Trac II razor and those do last long as shit for some reason. I could probably use it for months

>> No.17934625


>> No.17936824

Nobody cartridge shaves with cream or aftershave.

>> No.17937258

The only prep work with any razor you need is shaving cream

>> No.17937270

use a trimmer for everything.
god gave you a beard, why remove it?

>> No.17938100

i have sensitive skin on my face so i only use an electric shaver. it usually leaves slightly noticeable stubble up close, but its easier to save time and not accidentally hurt my face.
>unwashed masses
stop with the larp, chud. you will never be an aristocrat. it doesnt matter if you shave or not in the modern day, and its not any sort of status symbol.

>> No.17938400

I always do. Am I not supposed to? I use Barbasol for shaving cream and Kiehl's for aftershave.

>> No.17939291

sorry sweetie buy god isn't real

>> No.17939305

I go the the barber every week for a shave.

>> No.17940850

Does anybody know how shaving impacts the formation/prevention of wrinkles and other signs of aging? Are there specific types of razors I should look into for this?

>> No.17940986

Ok manly man. Buy your beard oil kits, black rifle coffee and subscribe for more JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE. I AM A FRIGGIN MAN!

>> No.17941336

I dont find that its any slower and its orders of magnitude cheaper.

>> No.17941461
File: 153 KB, 1079x1071, Screenshot_20231219_023759_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17941683

I have used a safety razor for around 10 years now. I bought this one because I remember my boomer dad always used an electric razor and I admit the convenience of just picking it up and using it on dry skin is attractive. I've used it four times now... And I don't get the hype.

It cuts like shit. You do 10 passes and there are strands of hair that it just refuses to cut, very frustrating. It has also given me the most ingrown hairs and irritation I've ever had in my life from shaving. My cheeks look like I have acne because of this retarded bullshit. I'm never buying an electric razor again. Into the trash it goes!

>> No.17941687

DE razor all day errday