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/fa/ - Fashion

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17920061 No.17920061 [Reply] [Original]

Men in my area used to always wear shorts that were well below the knee, with the absolute shortest acceptable length being knee-length. It was kind of an unspoken rule to never let shorts go above your knees.
One day though, starting in around 2020 or so, men in my area began suddenly wearing shorts that were well above the knees and showed some thigh. It was a seemingly overnight change. I thought it would be a trend that went away quickly, but it stuck...and not gonna lie, I REALLY don't like it.
Like obviously other people can wear what they want, but I absolutely HATE how it looks. I don't quite know how to describe why, but it makes men look so...naked? It just looks too revealing. I just don't think men's thighs are a feature that need to be shown off. It's like the male equivalent of women wearing butt cheek shorts.
Like the 3 guys in the above photo, I think they would look IMMENSELY better if their shorts at least went to their knees or slightly below. They just kind of look like they're in their boxers, I guess?
That's not the main issue though. I can't even find the longer shorts anymore. My usual inseam would be like 11 or longer, and now a 9 inch inseam is THE longest I can find.
And yeah...I'm just really not liking this trend.

>> No.17920068
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Pretty much everyone on this board hates it except for me. I don’t get the hate.

>> No.17920070

Really huh? So looks like my opinion is not unpopular at all like I thought then.
As for the "hate," I just simply don't like how it looks...nothing more nothing less really, lol. Maybe it's because I've been so used to longer shorts all my life that shorter ones just look and feel weird.
The picture you posted I wouldn't say looks THAT bad though. Like it's above the knee yes, but at least it's closer to the knee compared to the 3 men in the photo I posted.

>> No.17920072

Is this a bot thread?

>> No.17920074

Uh no? Not sure why you thought that, but you're free to think whatever you want.

>> No.17920077

I think maybe the fact that I’m wearing long socks in that picture helps too. Just showing less skin

>> No.17920084

Ah yes...I didn't notice till you pointed it out, but it actually makes quite a BIG difference.
I didn't pay attention before, but the 3 men in my photo are all wearing either no show socks or just no socks. It just looks REALLY bad combined with the fact that their shorts go like 5 or 6 inches above the knees, while yours only got 1 or 2 inches above.

>> No.17920087

I’m glad you think so. Most people on /fa/ hate the long socks and shorts combination. I think it looks good tho

>> No.17920104

Ah yes. In general I don't care what most people think, I just like what I like. But long shorts and socks really help balance things out.
The female equivalent would be short shorts or a mini skirt and thigh highs. Just the short shorts or mini skirt by itself can look a bit too revealing and naked, but the thigh highs help there not be too much skin on display.

>> No.17920118

I used to hate wearing shorts above my knees, but that’s not my style anymore, you see these guys out here!? I gotta compete by wearing clothes that compliment my lean athletic build

>> No.17920160
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Yeah only chads can really get away with it, if your not chad dont try it

>> No.17920171

You see, while those 3 men are in good physical shape, I just absolutely can NOT take them seriously in shorts that short...I'm sorry.
They're practically just wearing speedos or panties. I don't care how hot or physically fit you are, I just can't take it seriously.

>> No.17920175

I mean you do you. If you've got it, flaunt it I guess.

>> No.17920194

I'm of the opposite opinion. If you're gonna wear shorts that long you might as well just wear pants at that point.

>> No.17920199

its not about being taken seriously. its about showing off just enough of the quad for the chicks. meanwhile youre in fullrick.

>> No.17920205

I can't figure out shorts at all. Below or near the knee makes you look like a teenager, and above the knee makes you look like a complete douche. I have literally never seen someone wear shorts in a way that was stylish and not end up looking like a complete and utter wanker.

>> No.17920219

You know what? You're actually right. I may not personally like the look, but women in my area actually straight up LOVE it. It's one of the reasons men in my area wear short shorts so much these days.
They say the short shorts are "so comfortable," and on top of that, women in my area, especially college chicks, absolutely love them...absolutely no downside whatsoever.

>> No.17920241

In my experience this is entirely an American mindset regarding shorts. Anyone living in a tropical/hot/humid climate won't look at you twice for wearing shorts.

>> No.17920401

better than past the knee shorts
also material is more important than length

>> No.17920422

Not to be like that guy, but i doubt they care how you consider them. You can just not wear shorts you know. This whole discussion is kinda moot, i like shorts above the knee and think below the knee like basketball shorts or something is really childish. Or worse, makes you look like an American.

>> No.17920454
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>> No.17920455
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look at how fucking foppish this looks. imagine leaving the house like this omfg

>> No.17920460
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i always think that guys who wear shorts beyond the knee are larping as doug

>> No.17920464

>those pockets that cant actually fit the male hand

>> No.17920487

Unless you are at the beach or on a boat you shouldn't be wearing shorts
>but muh hot weather
Learn about fabrics

>> No.17920524

>those shoes
>that submissive posture
>that skinny fat physique
>those socks
Instantly transported to high school. I hope this man is under 18 because if not, SHEEEESH

>> No.17920539
File: 296 KB, 299x465, Disdain for Plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sky's out, thigh's out bitch. one day when you do some squats and don't have spindly chicken legs you'll actually wear some shorts that show off a bit of quad. 5 inch inseam is where it's at.

>> No.17920675

What’s so bad about the socks?

>> No.17920754
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>> No.17920805

Cringe leglet.

Based thighchad.

>> No.17920819

Why would I feel the need to display my legs in public? I'm not a hardcore homosexual. My wife can look at my legs at home when I'm pounding her.

Oh wait please don't tell me you don't have a wife, or a home and wear shorts with weed socks and sneakers to 'impress' random people on the street... grim...so desperate..

>> No.17920873
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>> No.17920897
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I find it funny how concerned guys are with how other men wear shorts. You dont really see this kind of passionate discourse about short-sleeves or any other kind of top. But it seems to disturb some men when other men show their thighs.
I dont wear shorts and dont particularly care either way.

>> No.17921043

What's a good summer fabric? Linen?

>> No.17921101

pure 100% cotton is all you need for any clothing for any time of year

>> No.17923131

>it makes men look so...naked?

>> No.17923135
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>> No.17923316

Ok sure, but it's always some skinny chickenleg fucker with gross knees bigger than his quads you see actually wearing this shit in public.

>> No.17923725
File: 49 KB, 657x527, 1690142638084205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never wear shorts that go below the knee.
I'm not a boomer or basketball player.
You WILL see my knees.
In fact, I was just looking to purchase some more 7 inch inseam shorts.
There is no reason to wear longer pants where I live. Therefore, I simply will not.

>> No.17924277

They're actually great on nonfat women

>> No.17924307

Shorts are childish and shouldn't be worn in any outfit unless it's sporting

It's 2023 not 1973 and no white people live in that part of Africa anymore

>> No.17924310

>Anyone living in a tropical/hot/humid climate won't look at you twice for wearing shorts
I was in Bangkok during peak of summer and the only people wearing shorts were tourists

>> No.17924344

There are still millions of white people in south africa, although i have a feeling they dont dress like rhodesian military cadets

>> No.17924353

Yeah, that’s because there are about a million temples in Bangkok and you’re supposed to have your knees covered when you enter any of them. Buddhists are constantly going to the temple so, naturally, they will want to be dressed appropriately. That doesn’t change the fact that shorts are objectively more desirable to wear when it’s 120 degrees outside with 100% humidity

>> No.17924414

Only Aussies get away with wearing these

>> No.17924432


>> No.17924433

Meh , I wear pants in 40c+ weather and don't really mind
It's just something you adjust to
Would rather wear pants with a light linen than get my legs burned wearing shorts

>> No.17924437

>It's just something you adjust to
adjust to shorts and be cooler all the time
i havent worn cloth past my knees since i was 10 years old

>> No.17924447

Women think you're a child

>> No.17924466

guess your mum is a pedo then.

>> No.17924501

i havent worn shorts in public since i was like 15
they always look wrong no matter the length

>> No.17924502


>> No.17924506

That looks nice anon.

>> No.17924507

>closet flyover faggot

>> No.17924570
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>caring what women think