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File: 1.58 MB, 5087x2861, fucking skincare general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17916044 No.17916044 [Reply] [Original]

Hygiene/skincare General #3 winter edition

Previous >>17857052

Best product you have used so far? Share your holy grails
What sunscreen are you using? Does it make your face shiny?
What retinoid are you using?

Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips: http://pastebin.com/5QEQgMUp
How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face: http://pastebin.com/Ujf2x9M6
How to improve your skin tone through diet: http://pastebin.com/epLqSbEQ
Studies on how diary and sugars create acne: http://pastebin.com/0H5gag01
Dark circles around the eyes: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH): http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

>> No.17916564

I generally like having paler/fairer skin, but for some reason the top of my forearm is really pink/red compared to the rest. why does this occur, is it just a natural thing that cannot be undone, or is there something I can do? (and I dont go outside much so it isn't sunburn or anything

>> No.17916695

So, is it possible for me to fix years of sleep depravation, shit diet, depression, prolonged sun exposure, almost 0 skincare and not drinking enough water or is it irreversible damage?

>> No.17916702

as long as you werent a smoker or alcoholic, probably

>> No.17916761
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Are eye serums worthwhile? I'm looking at some from L'Occitane (which I never see mentioned here for some reason, Aesop and also La Roche Posay.

>> No.17916764

I didn't want to learn about billions of products so I just buy burts bees

>> No.17916877

What are the efects of dirt, metal dust, oil and fuel... staining your skin as part of construction work?

>> No.17916882
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What to do cor textured skin?
Am I ever getting rid of that with products?

>> No.17917455

anyone else use the cerave body wash? it has an incredibly overpowering bar soap smell.

>> No.17917481

idk if this is the right place to ask, but I have psoriasis on my face and havent found any medication that helps yet, is there any way w/ makeup or something to make it less red/more hidden but also not looking like I'm delusion thinking I'm hiding something people can see (like when people cake it on a ton)

like, I just want a way to make it less of a thing that is of instant notice

>> No.17917709

I cannot emphasize enough lads the importance of using the correct moisturizer for your skin type. My skin is very dry. I ran out of the ceramide cream I usually use for your face and got some fancy non-ceramide cream as a gift. I used it for a week or so and noticed I felt too dry, got pimples, redness in my cheeks. I bought The Ordinary Moisturizing Factors + PhytoCeramides, and my skin instantly is less blemish-prone and less red.

>> No.17917800
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2x showers daily, only use soap/shampoo in the morning. non negotiable because I train jiu-jitsu and lift 6x a week and get sweaty as fuck.
i only drink water, and plenty of it, aside from the occasional whisky. about 2 every other week
any tips to get rid of the zits?

>> No.17917818

>Dark circles around the eyes:
>tldr: sleep well. don't stare at screens for too long (see Computer Vision Syndrome).
What if my work requires me to stare at a screen for 8+ hours per day? Is there anything I can do?

>> No.17917820

BHA + AHA (Paula's Choice)

>> No.17917824

Benzoyl peroxide (wash), salicylid acid, and tret. Benzoyl peroxide is the most effective topical for acne and should clear it in no time.

>> No.17917904

>2x showers daily, only use soap/shampoo
Showering that often is not good in general, but if you must then at least you should drop normie soap'n'shampoo and instead use proper products. On your face you should always use a simple formula i.e. a sensitive cleanser of some sort with no more than 8 ingredients. You can get drugstore/affordable ones from $2 and the ingr. u should be looking for is Cocamidopropyl betaine, DISODIUM LAURYL SULFOSUCCINATE, SODIUM COCO SULFATE. You can get gels, foams and balms, I love using foams for showers cause it's convenient. Avoid hot showers, the best is between lukewarm and cold. As for your body, the ingredients should be the same.
>any tips to get rid of the zits?
Many. Best overall tip is using BHA (leave-on) before sleep e.g. Paula's choice 2% exfoliant. I'd say everyone should avoid stronger/prescription drugs, unless it's absolutely necessary. Regular application of BHA will help controlling the sebum production of your skin, is antibacterial, ant-inflammatory, helps the renewal of your skin cells, pretty much does everything one needs to counter zits and acne. As for the occasional spot treatment: I recommend using a BHA (that's usually salicylic acid btw) containing concealer with foundation, so it treats AND hides the zit before you leave your house in the morning. Obv. avoid touching your face and figeting with the zit during the day.

>> No.17917914

>havent found any medication that helps yet
Can you elaborate on that?
>is there any way w/ makeup or something to make it less red/more hidden
Sure you can always apply a discrete foundation to hide any imperfections on your skin. But I'd say that you should still try and repair your skin barrier nonetheless. You should use moisturiser specifically designed for people with sensitive/problematic skin. And you should apply it multiple times a day if need be. Is it triggered or worsened by sunlight? Use SPF which every should be using anyway. If you must exfoliate, and I don't say everyone should, then you should try using a PHA once a week (if you tolerate it). You (and everyone else really) should also attempt using a low-concentration BHA in order to reduce flaking (if you have any). Another thing that you may try and perhaps you haven't is activated charcoal or clay masks. CeraVe is a great brand and it does have a specific product that you can try made for those with psoriasis. Aaaand obviously, you should do everything else that can be done: eat well, sleep well, do not abuse substances, etc... And you should not worry about this, you should take of your mental well-being as well.

>> No.17917959
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Here to shill the 15g Collagen gummy meme again.
>went to pub for the first time in like a year
>asked for ID
>have a lil "oh my how flattering tee hee i didn't think i'd need it at my age!"
>get a lecture about how under 25s should always have their ID just in case
>then she actually takes and looks at it
>"94? daaaamn, alright!"

After 7 weeks of munching on these fuckers every morning, my cheeks/eyes don't even crinkle when I grin.

>> No.17917971

I've tried tons of meds for the psoriasis. like, I've done most of the topicals, lot of the pills for it, and a lot of the injections (biologics) for it. and nothing has helped it yet.

>> No.17917981

Are facial solutions also applicable for back acne or is something stronger required?

>> No.17917990

anyone have recs for antiperspirant that washes off easily? nothing with those weird applicators that only have a few holes

>> No.17918038

That's bad then, I guess you have been to a lot of specialists then. This thing is still manageable and treatable though, do you at least experience reduction of the symptoms? Does it only affect your face?

>Are facial solutions also applicable for back acne or is something stronger required?
Rule of thumb: anything that is for your face can go for your body too, but not the other way around. But you are correct, the body usually requires (or should I say tolerates) "more" i.e. higher concentrations of active ingredients. Whether this is needed or not is depending on the ingr. itself. Alas, it's mostly a thing of economics: face products are always more expensive than body stuff, so it's better to have a dedicated product for both.

My setup is the following:
>when I don't go anywhere I only use a sensitive deodorant roll, without antiperspirant (the latter of which may or may not have adverse effects, science is not yet settled on this so it's better to avoid)
>when I do go to the public I use antiperspirant, but I only use pure alum crystal + the above sensitive deo roll (that crystal stuff is literally just aluminium that clogs your pores so you don't perspire)
>when I'm in a hurry then I simply use a single product that is an antiperspirant AND a deodorant in one, I also always keep a deodorant in my gym bag
The thing is, antiperspirant i.e. aluminium derivatives are difficult to wash off and they can also leave marks on your clothing. So the best way to avoid that problem is to avoid the ingredient itself. Apart from that, you may try oily shower gels as well as exfoliants during your shower (e.g. a gentle PHA cleanser just for your armpit?).

>> No.17918474
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Thoughts on this? The Mexican version of Vitacilina contains 100,000 UI retinol.

>> No.17918475

What about the one from the ordinary?

>> No.17918479

That contains the palmitate version of retionoids which is literally the worst. Be mindful that most products that market themselves as "retinol" actually contains the less potent version of Vitamin A i.e. retionid derivatives. Actual "retinol" is better than the retinyl palmitate, yet retinal (retinaldehyde) is 10x more potent than retinol itself. Then there is tret (tretinoin) that is loved by /fa/ and other derivatives e.g. adapalene. I'd say the rule of thumb is as follows:
>start by using retinol or preferably retinal 0.05% because the latter is potent enough to have visible effects, yet it's not concentrated enough to cause problem (if you're sensitive, which you'll only going to learn by trial and error anyway)
>if you're sensitive you may try sticking with retinol, or try adapalene, or if all fails, you may stick to bakuchiol, a natural alternative to retinoids (you may also combine bakuchiol with your retinoids in your PM routine)
>if you have serious acne problems, and only then, I'd say you may opt to you tret(inoin)... but by and large it's far too much, especially for younger people. as with many things, the importance isn't really the dosage, but rather the consistency: using a less concentrated, weaker form of retinoid over a long period of time will yield better results than using tret occasionally (but then again, you may also use tret as a spot treatment for serious acne problems)

>> No.17918485
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I use about a slither of it and generally apply it over my entire face weekly but I never had a problem with acne (other then the occasional dot here and there every now and then). Also I’m curious as to what makes it the worst version?

>> No.17918503

If you don't really have an acne problem that's great.
>Also I’m curious as to what makes it the worst version?
Retinoids work on our skin in a chain-like fashion. They gradually "break down" into the bioactive version that our skin can utilize. Starting with retinyl palmitate means that it has 3 additional steps until it converts to the bioavailable form of Vitamin A. So the idea is that one should "skip" these steps by applying a formula that is closer to the bioavailable version straight ahead. Obviously, the conversion process also means that part of it will be wasted mainly due to external effects. That's why it is stated that retinal(dehyde) is 10x more potent than retinol itself. Btw the situation with Vitamin C is very similar. The bioactive form of Vitamin C is l-ascorbic acid. However, this is the most finicky stuff in skin care since it breaks down when exposed to sunlight, heat and even air. So by the time you buy it from the shelf, it has already deteriorated somewhat. Then every time you open the bottle, it is exposed to more and more air and it gets worse (even gets more yellow so that's visible). So l-ascorbic acid is usually sold in 20% concentrations because it must be that high in order to have a chance for it to affect your skin in a meaningful way. But then there are the more stable derivatives (SAP, MAP, ascorbyl gluconate, etc...) where they're stable enough so lower concentrations are equivalent to higher concentrations of l-ascorbic acid. So that's why retinal is 0.05% or 0.10% usually while retinol is 0.50% in concentration, because you need less from the more bioavailable form.

>> No.17918507

Both of them? How should I appy them, mix them, one after the other, switch between them?

>> No.17918521

>How should I appy them, mix them, one after the other, switch between them?
God no. BHA i.e. salicylic acid can be used daily, at least I never experienced any problems with it, and it makes wonders. Paula's choice 2% BHA is the one I'm talking about here, not some more potent product (I've seen some crazy idiotic stuff like 35% AHA+BHA which will literally burn off your head).
Then there are AHAs and PHAs. The latter is the same but with larger molecules so it is more sensitive. AHAs should never be used as leave-on products, no matter the label. BHAs can be leave-on like I mentioned above, at around 2% concentration. AHAs i.e. chemical exfoliation should only be used rarely, say 1-2x a weak max. You may use a PHA cleanser each night though, but that's because it's gentler and a cleanser (so you just swish it down almost immediately.). Most AHAs are used in a leave-it-on for a couple of mins way, but that can cause problems. Say you apply it for 7 mins and forget about it? That's real bad. So only use AHAs with caution, if at all. If you want to minimize risk then use only PHA (cleanser) instead of AHA (exfoliating gel), but you can probably use BHA (salicylic acid) at 3% conc. without any issues. Also note that the two (AHA, PHA vs BHA) have different uses. The former is for exfoliating dead skin sells, brightening, fightin hyperpigmentation, evening out skin. The latter is for deep-cleansing your pores, fighting acne and zits, stabilizing your sebum production, with anti-inflam. and anti-bact. effects on top of it. So I hate that the mainstream uses the misleading "they're all exfoliators" claim, because that's not true. Not to mention that not all "acids" are made equal, and "acid" isn't always as scary as the uninitiated may think.

>> No.17918614
File: 283 KB, 433x577, lacrochposay 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found these white dots in my face wash
they look like mold
but I think they only appeared after I left the bottle near the open bathroom window over night when it was -15°C
so im not entirely sure if its just from the cold
should I just throw it away to be sure?

>> No.17918615
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>> No.17918703

I came in your bottle... sorry

>> No.17918704
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idk but post pic someone might help
you can still be healthy desu. try one step at a time. that way you will get used to the new reality and your body wont be shocked with the changes
depends. what do you want to treat? caffeine serums work sometimes, but most eye products are useless irritants
funny, I never heard of this company, yet I passed their store in a mall today and noticed them accidentally
its easier to learn ingredients and then look for them in the products
here are pore care tips from previous thread if you have time to watch
nah just hydrating cleanser
I have seen a few creams that have green pigment to negate some of the skin redness but they were for rosacea. never tried them though
agree, sometimes a proper moisturizer can decrease acne just by itself
this >>17917904 but if you are dry also start moisturizer immediately, possibly with niacinamide (like cerave pm moisturizer)
I think this is regarding blue light; there are blue light filters on monitors, as well as glasses. also I saw a cream once that was negating that effect? but dont remember what it was, cornflower maybe
can't find them in EU. tried anything else with success?
>antiperspirant that washes off easily
no such thing I believe, they are designed to stay on skin and be "sweat resistant"
apparently some people use glycolic acid toner for armpits which kills the bacteria but I'd consider it more of a meme. you might find it useful for further research though
besides >>17918503 you can also check this https://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/types-of-retinoids.html
interesting. are leave-on AHAs really not that good?
I would bin it

>> No.17918774
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This white bump near my eye starting forming a few months ago and it’s now this size. Anything I can do to get it to go away? I don’t want to make a dermatology appointment right now. I did notice that when regularly putting salicylic acid on it that reduced its size. Is it possible that is working, or is there something else I can do?

>> No.17918783

I left the liquid in room temperature for a while and moved it around a bit in the bottle and the white dots disappeared
compared it to an unopened bottle and looks identical and smells almost the same
but im gonna throw it away anyway. not worth the headache better safe then sorry

>> No.17918792

btw what are some tips to avoid getting mold in your face wash in the future?
my bathroom can get quite cold like 10-15°C but usually never gets above 20°C

>> No.17918797

trust me bro i need the aluminum
but yeah i just double cleanse right now to get it off
i'll give this a try
i have previously used benzoyl peroxide on my armpits due to it's anti bacterial properties, didn't notice much of a difference

>> No.17918868

Peench it

>> No.17918877

What else besides glycolic acid can help me get rid of hyperpigmentation under my armpits?

>> No.17918906

It's not a pimple though, it's just skin basically

>> No.17918935

>are leave-on AHAs really not that good?
I'd say that it is not about "they're not that good" it is more about the fact that:
>you don't actually need leave-ons, since cleansers and and short-leave-on products will do the trick just fine
>leaving them on for good is dangerous, it is one of the most likely ingredients that can cause burns and damage (ofc I must mention that there are various different AHAs and not all of them are the same, some of them are less irritating some of them more... but PHAs and BHA too will be less irritating than any AHA, so there's that)

I understand. In that case you're doing it right, maybe instead of double cleansing you may try a gentle PHA cleanser, but this is a matter of preference ofc. I never double cleanse, I find it far too tedious.

>> No.17918946

if your bathroom is very humid or already has mold issues i wouldn't leave it in there. products already have preservatives that should inhibit bacteria and mold but could be that your particular bottle just didn't work as well as it should have

>> No.17918981

Ngl, you got me lost cause I just made my routine and I have no idea on how to add them in what I'm doing currently.
Like AM, I do this
> Wash
> niacinamid
> effaclar (wich is I think what you're commending. Glycolic acid + salicilic acid + LHA)
> moisterize + sunscreen
And PM, I do
> wash
> exfoliate when I have to
> retinol
> niacinamid
> moisterize
So I guess that I'm already using a BHA product but AHA, I don't know if it's replacing a product of mine or if I have to add it to my routine. Sorry I'm very retarded when it comes to this.

>> No.17919025

I've dumped all other moisturisers, except tallow balm. I've never had my skin this moisturised and glowing as with tallow balm. Everything else feels like shit in comparison.

>> No.17919463

>depends. what do you want to treat?
Mostly puffiness and dark eye circles. I'm open to alternatives though.

>funny, I never heard of this company
I never see it talked about on here, which is really weird. They're somewhat luxury, roughly the same level as Aesop, and have one of the best selling hand moisturizers in the world (which really is some good shit, probably the best I've ever tried).

They've also been around for a long time. The reason I discovered them is because of being part of Patrick Batemans morning routine in American Psycho.

>> No.17919663

What's the difference between the cerave facial moisturizing lotion pm and moisturizing lotion? Seems like one just has way more value.

>> No.17919868

facial pm has niacinamide and hyaluronic acid the other one doesnt

>> No.17919922
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>was sick and skincare routine went to shit
How can I get back on track? I'm starting to recover but the fucked up sleep has given me bags under my eyes and pretty big dark eye circles. What can I use to improve this shit?

>> No.17919994

never realized how much he looks like a mtf hon, he has a 70s womens hairstyle and a five o clock shadow

>> No.17920103

In the evening after I shower I apply Differin and let it sit for like 30 minutes, and then after that I apply a thick moisturizer. During that 30 minutes my skin is really dry and starts to flake, but then after applying moisturizer my skin is fine for the rest of the day and there is no flaking. Is that a problem? I wonder if I'm significantly damaging my skin during that period after using Differin.

>> No.17920188

azelaic acid, niacinamide

>> No.17920930
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Nta, but I also want to make my pores less visible. I saw the video where she talks about different types of pores,What kind of pores are mine, u-shaped? (they are mainly in the cheeks (pic related)
I guess I should try to add the paula´s choice toner to my daily routine? I have atopic skin, should I use it morning and night?

>> No.17920934
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another pictures where the pores are even more zoomed in for reference

>> No.17920979

After how long should I notice an improvement on my oily skin with SF and blackheads? How many months?

>> No.17921012

After shower when you lay down use a clean towel on pillow and change pillow case often.

>> No.17921016

What's a nice 2 dollar shampoo? Any brands in the states. Looking for simple ingrediant shampoo for a while most that are like that are 30 buckaroos

>> No.17921121

Hm, the first thing I noticed is that u use niacinamide twice a day. Is that for a reason? I'm just asking because the only time I "apply" niacinamide is because it's part of the formula of another ingredient that I'm using. And it's a bit much already since that product contains 10% of it while according to studies it is unnecessary to add more than 5-7% niac. since anything more is just useless (not harmful). So I only use niac. AM, never PM. As for the exfoliation, my pov (by no means the absolute truth on the subject) is that AHA is mostly unnecessary, provided you have a bulletproof routine to begin with. Maybe 1-2x a week you may exfoliate with AHA, but that's it, and on these days I skip every other harsh actives and only use soothing stuff. I'd much rather recommend PHA to everyone since that's a safer route, you can't fuck up your face with it, and it has virtually the same effect an AHA.

Sorry, I meant to write 12 dollars. Vanicream is a good budget brand, for shampoo, cleanser, even moisturizer... you can't really go wrong with Vanicream.

>> No.17921148

L‘occitane are old women remedies, the only thing i got from them is the cade hair styling cream, what is decent.

Aesop isn‘t really worth the money they ask for.

La Roche Possay has some good products, mostly anti-acne stuff.

I don‘t know why you wouöd need an eye serum, you have neither eye bags nor wrinkles and there is no eye serum in the world that will remove the chink from your eyes so you better accept it.

>> No.17921195

I know this isn't really the thread to ask, but when you guys shave with a safety razor, do you get a clean shave to the point where you absolutely CAN'T feel stubble when rubbing your face. I mean no resistance at all. Currently I can only manage that with a Gilette no matter how many passes with the safety razor I do. I'm wondering if it's a skill issue, a skin issue, or just normal.

>> No.17921207

>Test out multiple blades to find the right one
>Shave preferably after shower
>Shave first with grain then against it
>Then optional shave left-right right-left

You won‘t feel a a single stubble right after the shave if you did it right

>> No.17921232

What razor do you have, and what blade are you using, and what angle are you holding it? Those are the three main things. Some razors and blades are considered "mild"; that is they don't expose the edge very far and thus, no matter what, will probably never get completely close (though they probably will never cut you either). Put a mild blade in a mild razor and it might barely do anything, so you'll have to find a good combination. Also, every razor will have a preferred angle of attack where it will get the blade edge closest. Some prefer steep (where the handle is closer to your skin with the blade more perpendicular) and some shallow (where the handle is pointing away from you with blade is almost parallel with your skin), though most will be somewhere in the middle. Last: how thick is your shaving cream? I find that wetter and slicker is better than thicker and foamier. Last tip is to try pulling on your skin in different directions with your other hand. Depending on where and in what direction, you can get the hairs to stick a bit further out, and thus cut them shorter. Even then, if you do everything perfectly... you may never get a close as you could with cartridges. They're so safe that you can use pressure to cut the hairs under the skin. If you try that with a DE, you will get razor burned and probably cut. You should be able to get smooth enough that you can lightly rub your fingers over your skin without feeling stubble, but if you pull your skin and rub it hard you will still feel stubble.

>> No.17921506

>Normally have 2-3 tiny pimples on my face at any time
>Woke up yesterday to a patch of ~15 of them on my cheek and chin
Is there any quick way to fix this sort of thing or make them go away faster? I haven't touched them or tried to pop any of them - the only extra thing I've done is stopped drinking milk and putting a bit of Benzoyl Peroxide on at night.

>> No.17921551

That's not me dude, that's a reaction picture from the "women fired from tech" meme.

>> No.17921615
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Okay friends. Current planned routine is
Cerave Facial moisturising lotion AM
Cerave eye repair cream (bad dark eye circles and puffiness sometimes if i work a night shift)
Cerave Hydrating Foaming Cleaners (only on some nights)
Cerave Facial moisturizing lotion PM

Pretty good setup? Trying to be as basic as possible.

>> No.17922051


>> No.17922463

What is the gold standard everyday all-in-one facial moisturizer + SPF + enchadifier (skin evener/clarifier)?

>> No.17922624
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My skin has gone haywire since August and gets worse every day. Was using EpiDuo forte since February but it stopped working. I have a derm appointment at the end of December and think I will ask for accutane.

>> No.17922771

I'm looking for a simple routine - 2-3 products max. I have slightly dehydrated skin, with lightly textured areas where I run my razor and trimmer. Also have some open pores/black heads around my nose and upper cheek.

>> No.17922776
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>> No.17922825

Very cute but I think you meant to post on biz

>> No.17922844
File: 225 KB, 984x1398, thigh_spots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these spots? I haven't been able to find the cause of it, because I'm not sure what to look for. Searching for "red spots" gives me a bunch of other results. They appeared on my upper thigh - nowhere else - about 3 months ago. I generally don't shave that area, but I might have done it once around that time. It doesn't hurt (I can't even feel it). The only recent change is that I've gained a lot of weight and muscle, so my legs have grown, but that's probably not it either.

I thought it was razor burn or ingrown hairs, but leaving it alone hasn't helped at all. And I can't find any examples of in-grown hairs causing such wide/long spots like that top one either.

>> No.17922853

stretch marks

>> No.17922855

lol thanks

>> No.17922864

Really? I assumed that was just a fat people thing, something that showed up when they lose weight. Nobody told me that squating would give me this. Thanks anon, I'll look further into it.

>> No.17922865

it's not about losing weight, it's when you get bigger faster than your skin can keep up, it's almost like the skin tearing in a way

>> No.17922889

Lay off the burgers tubby

>> No.17922899

My legs are big because I squat. My body fat percentage is still below 20%. And no, I won't lay off the food just yet.
It's actually surprisingly nice to be called fat now. I was malnourished and underweight up until not too long ago.

>> No.17923168

The holy trinity of skincare are:
>a retinoid (retinol, retinal, tretinoin from weaker/gentler to stronger/harsher)
Now you said you want to use 2-3 products max. The goods news is that many products nowadays contain multiple good stuff, occasionally multiple actives e.g. niacinamide (Vitamin B3) is the gentlest active of all and it can be mixed into almost any formula. So, my most basic 3 product recommendation to you are:
>a gentle, sensitive, everything-less cleanser that you should mainly use at night, in the morning it's sufficient to wash your face with just tepid water
>a day cream with SPF (minimum 30, obv. in sunny places and at summer you should go up to 50+, and you should preferably buy European products), that moisturises your skin along with SPF, and it might as well have additional good stuff in it e.g. Vitamin C derivatives, Niacinamide, Vitamin E, Allantoin, Betaine, Panthenol, etc
>at night, you should cleanse and then use a retinoid, for simplicity's sake you should get a hydrating moisturizer product WITH retinal at least (if your skin bears it, you should use retinal, or even tretinoin, though I wouldn't recommend using the latter just out of the blue).
So to sum it up: a cleanser, a day cream, and a night cream. If you're willing to go up to say 5 products, then you may have a skin-type specific moisturizer, a separate SPF, and a separate retinoid product. You also mentioned blackheads, so I'd recommend trying BHA i.e. salicylic acid too, though retinoids ought to take care of those too (apart from anti-aging).

>> No.17923398

So with skin care products are you supposed to apply to your entire body, or just your face and hands?

>> No.17923408

Most people would benefit from a hydrating product.

>> No.17923548

Does something like this not exist?

>> No.17923668

Any kind of cream to make my penis heal faster? I got these dry "cuts" into the foreskin of my penis and they hurt a bit. I have tried just leaving them be for a few days, then I tried adding a mild moisturizer for a few days and even applying a fucking band aid but I still have them after not fapping for 8 days.
Any advice?

>> No.17923825

I recommend a circumcision.

>> No.17923890

Do I need to use moisturizer with adapalene? My acne has been getting a lot better, would a moisturizer make it even better faster?

>> No.17923928

5mg oral accutane a day indefinitely

>> No.17923933

This happens to me too except I was born in '85. I take 20g collagen powder 3x a day, use tretinoin cream, finasteride, mk677, and dermaroll.

>> No.17924166

So do you eat 15g of gummies, or do you eat so many gummies that you get intake 15g of collagen? And can anyone confirm this actually works?

>> No.17924350

I got a gf and we make out every day and now my face is covered in pimples

>> No.17924534

Does she eat your face? How the fuck does that happen..

>> No.17924557

She licks around my face and lips and bites my lips a lot

>> No.17924575

Tell her to brush her teeth properly

>> No.17924584

Fucking gross

>> No.17924589

She does but we'll eat spicy food then make-out

Okay virgin

>> No.17924744

>She does but we'll eat spicy food then make-out
Tell her not to do that shit

>> No.17924864

I always suspect this happens to me. My wife uses lip glosses, body lotions, makeup, etc and I wonder if it causes breakouts. My skin is SUPER sensitive. Even the cleansers and moisturizers touted as "for acne prone skin" break me out.

>> No.17925008
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cant see anything but google millia. its not easy to get rid off especially around eye area. the ones that piss me off I usually pinch so hard until it gets red/bloody underneath it. then the skin heals for a couple of days causing scub and it comes off with the scub. I really DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS method as it will leave scars. you should go to beautician or derm for removal
sometimes products (not only skincare) have a temperature storage information like pic related. it can also be written on the back label in how to use section or whatever. regardless not all products can handle well such dramatic temperature changes over longer periods of time. this goes also for fragrances, food etc. there are also cases where you can freeze something, then unfreeze but you cant freeze it again because its structure on molecular level or whatever changed
thanks. I might actually revise my aha/bha usage
> effaclar
it's a product line so you might want to describe which one is it (spot treatment like effaclar duo, cleanser etc)
> exfoliate when I have to
> retinol
just keep in mind to do only either, never both
also as >>17921121 said. clinical trials with niacinamide use products containing no more than 7% I think
see if this helps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74eZe8KsHsw
depends on the region, moisturizing lotion in my area contains hyaluronic acid, but still no niacinamide
maybe you are
applying too much differin?
no idea, but bha seems like a way to go
>improvement on my oily skin with SF and blackheads
depends on the treatment. something between one day and 3 months

>> No.17925020

Is CeraVe SA Cleanser too stripping to be used everyday?

>> No.17925308

Use the foaming hydrating cleaners if that's your concern.

>> No.17925316

Not really a concern, but I started thinking because it works so well for my slightly acne prone skin.

>> No.17926072
File: 15 KB, 640x640, EE3405AD-334B-4420-9E3A-80CAC5AB0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped this how did I do?

>> No.17926162

i dont know what that says but it has a heart on it which is nice i hope it makes you happy

>> No.17926235

I get these kind of breakouts after eating anything with added sugar or any "fat" dairy like butter. BP is good. I also use LRP effaclar duo and/or azelaic acid if I have a tube. make sure to moisturize afterwards, all of these are drying af at least on me. preferably moisturizer with niacinamide so it helps with redness/recovery.
on the side note, I recently started mupirocin and its 10x better than effaclar duo. heals much faster and is not drying at all. needs prescription though
I would use eye cream first, then cerave AM. does the eye cream work for you desu?
look for bb cream or cc cream with spf. I think bb creams especially; they are moisturizers with spf and a little tint but never used one so i might be getting this wrong. you might want to look for one in holy grails in reddit skincare/makeup sections.
check if you started eating something that may cause this. or maybe there was a change in your lifestyle. or something in your routine (in terms of ingredients) that your skin does not like or started to dislike.
very nice
depends what you want to achieve
I'd look for alternative methods that put less strain on that part of skin. maybe try an aftershave balm with no alcohol and a simple ingredients list. be careful as the tip of your dick may feel like burning if you choose wrong product
yes, especially a moisturizer that contains niacinamide
post your powder. need to get into collagen game
depends on your skin type and other products you use. for oily, probably fine to use daily. wouldn't use it for dry skin though
nobody/nothing in the world will tell you any better than your skin. if it works, it works. if you observe dryness/redness, use less.
I'm not vegan but it's really weird to put animals on skincare products

>> No.17926265

Anyone had any luck treating rosacea with tretinol?

>> No.17926278

You should try azelaic acid instead.

>> No.17926280

What are some good moisturizers that are available in the EU?

>> No.17926303


>> No.17926433
File: 83 KB, 1255x490, PXL_20231017_234819894.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this amount of forehead lines normal for an 18 year old???

>> No.17926507
File: 853 KB, 2316x3088, IMG_7242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, how can i get rid of this mark on my cheek? It's been there for 3 weeks now after popping a pimple

>> No.17926537

How do I stop sweating so much? Please help

>> No.17927040

Three gummies (one serve) amounts to 15g of collagen (and 5g of protein, apparently.) I like these particular gummies because they really don’t have much else - there are collagen powders and tablets which contain extra vitamins etc.

Pretty sure the human body caps out at like 20g collagen intake a day and you’ll shit the rest out.

>> No.17927167

I live in a very cold place with horrible winds(easily -30°C on some days) and the winter lasts for 4 months. What skin care should i go for

>> No.17927180
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my drugstore brand facial cleaner has only a few pumps left. need some recs on a quality a replacement that's also affordable?

>> No.17927341
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Thoughts on these?

>> No.17927353
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Meant to post this 2

>> No.17927355

Im tempted to buy the anua leaf toner
does it work or just a meme from normietok

>> No.17927821

la roche posay, bioderma, cerave, cetaphil, avene
wouldnt it be easier to check with your peers, preferably IRL. dont compare with pictures of others, they have filters that remove them
whats your routine atm
switch to a heavier moisturizer. look for something like shea butter in ingredients. i use la roche posay baume ap+m
see if you can get neutrogena hydro boost cleanser for that price
i prefer chemical exfoliants instead of physical. the toner seems cool
check out these

>> No.17927897
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>whats your routine atm
just these two products before bed or cleansing after a workout but no moisturizer until before bed

>> No.17927963

>la roche posay, bioderma, cerave, cetaphil, avene
Any specific product reccs for a combination skin type?

>> No.17927974

How often should I cleanse only to let my skin breathe for 1 day?
And is there a point in using retinol if I already use a good cleanser exfoliator and lotion? If so, aren't they all the same, since it's just vitamin A?

>> No.17927985
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>benzoyl peroxide
>azelaic acid
>la roche posay effaclar duo
>retinol or prescription retinoid
>mupirocin (prescription)
>maybe glycolic acid and/or salicylic acid

choose one. taking into consideration what you are using, id look for benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid with simple ingredients list so something like pic related

>> No.17928004
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Thank you. For benzoyl peroxide, would this suffice? And do I need to rinse it off or mix with moisturizer? usually my face gets even more red when I add this stuff or tretinoin. Pic related was 2 weeks ago, which was a week after popping the pimple, so seems it's gotten worse. Not sure why

>> No.17928008
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pic of benzo

>> No.17928029
File: 360 KB, 1500x1500, New-Cerave-Anti-Wrinkles-Skin-Renewing-Retinol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oil-free ones: cerave pm moisturizer, neutrogena hydro boost fragrance free, cetaphil hydrating lotion
>How often should I cleanse only to let my skin breathe for 1 day?
not sure if i understand. i wash with cleanser only in pm routine. it boils down to your skin needs
>is there a point in using retinol if I already use a good cleanser exfoliator and lotion?
>aren't they all the same, since it's just vitamin A?
they differ in packaging, ingredients/formulation and retinol content

>> No.17928089

>would this suffice
>do I need to rinse it off
read the label/leaflet. these are probably leave-on
>mix with moisturizer?
nope. apply 10-15 minutes after cleansing once your skin is dry. moisturize once it absorbs
>usually my face gets even more red when I add this stuff or tretinoin
make sure to not mix retinoids and bp. they shouldnt be used together (exception: epiduo). i wouldnt even do bp in am routine and tret in pm, although it may be doable for some.
at this point either go to derm, use only one (tret/bp) for another week (to make sure which one causes redness) or maybe your skin doesnt like either and you need to try something else.
if you havent tried, some people moisturize first, apply tret and moisturize again. its a common sandwich technique to reduce irritation from retinoids

>> No.17928099
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Is what you posted supposed to be the best or something? My cleanser+exfoliator is by Cerave and it is good, and the lotion is by Neutrogena. It says body lotion, but I use it in my face and it is way better than the Dove I was using, since I work outside and even the freezing cold in my face won't make me have dry peeling skin on my nose anymore.
Basically, now I just need to address the 3 small red blemishes on my cheeks, pimple dark spots in jaw line and pimple craters on my forehead, along with hopefully reduce mouth wrinkles (fortunately don't have eye ones yet, but have dark eyebags due to being slim, bone structure and probably long nights on PC when I was younger).

>> No.17928129

>the best
no such thing in skincare, only what works for you
those were just examples often shilled and available in eu. i dont know all the products in the world

>> No.17928419

Do I need to wash my face or do anything to my face in the morning if I don't leave the house that day?

>> No.17928426

Does anyone use tretinoin for preventive anti-aging?

>> No.17928486

Damn I didn't moisturize enough yesterday after shaving close and now I have a ton of fucking ingrown hairs and pimply things

>> No.17928544

>Cerave Facial moisturising lotion AM
Do you use the one with spf protection? How do you manage? It leaves such obvious white marks that I cannot use it and have been looking for a replacement

>> No.17928548
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I use the SPF version (didn't know there was one without) and I don't seem to get white marks. But I'm also very very white as it is, so maybe it's just not noticeable.

They do have just a regular moisturizer like pic related, maybe go with that? It's what I used before getting a face specific one and it felt pretty nice.

>> No.17928551

kek, I'm black so inevitably the marks will be more obvious on me. I know sunscreen leaves white/silver residue, but I thought this wouldn't be so obvious on a product for the face, seeing as women of different colours would be using it and presumably work their makeup around this?

>> No.17928554

Not sure since I don't use makeup. I assume they probably only bother with the PM stuff so it can offset the damage from using so much makeup during the day. And even makeup itself is probably thick enough to act as a sunblocker anyway.

>> No.17928558

>Not sure since I don't use makeup
Neither do I, I'm a dude. Just thought this gorillion dollar industry would have advanced past something like this, or I'm just doing something very wrong.

>I assume they probably only bother with the PM
I'm not sure man, I hear so often how sun exposure can negatively affect the skin that I would assume this is common knowledge for women trying to look their most attractive and would protect their skin and limit their sun exposure. Cerave AM seemed to have quite a reputation, so I was just surprised that it leaves so much residue. I guess not a problem for white/pale skin, but I can't imagine cerave are only trying to appeal to white skin that they could have a product like this.

>> No.17928563

How much are you using? I only use a very small amount.

>> No.17928571

I'd use 1 pump on my palm, dab a little with index and middle fingers and apply in focused sections. So not a lot at all. I've tried varying amounts and tried to just rub it in until the residue clears, but it's just an issue with the product.

I've looked at alternatives, but they're quite expensive. Fortunately, I don't leave the house much, so I can get away with not using SPF lotion

>> No.17928820
File: 2.33 MB, 576x1024, 1696015893740.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with skin bleaching? my gf looks a bit similar to the before one in vid rel(fitzpatrick 3-4) and I wanna make her lighter. she's had severe acne that's now cleared up except for the scars and is now on a basic cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and tretinoin routine.

Will hydroquinone be enough? Does glutathione even work? if so, which form is the best? thanks bros

>> No.17928905
File: 28 KB, 641x427, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends what you want to achieve
most people are i think
make sure your sunscreen/spf does not contain physical filters, as they are the worst in term of leaving white cast. focus on ones that have chemical filters if you havent already.
the spf industry in US stopped some time ago and FDA havent approved any new filters, meaning most sunscreens produced there are technologically old. you might want to look for other sunscreens, eg korean ones where the local law is favourable for researching and developing new filters. they are often better in many ways. korean skincare may sound extremely gay to some but once you have a well working product in your drawer, its not that gay anymore.
there are many videos on youtube reviewing sunscreens. check them out. that way you can get the idea what it will look like on you before buying it. for better results, look for someone with similar skin tone to you
>I wanna make her lighter
i only heard cases where it was used for spot treatment. not sure about the whole body. its also not that easily available as it used to be i think.
you might want to check if there are procedures for this in beauty saloons or some therapies. if yes, see what they are using since it probably works. cant really trust tik toks on this kind of stuff.
note the light in this vid is dramatically different before and after. additionally the color of the background is also pretty much reversed against skin (white wall amplifies darker skin. and then paler skin against wooden/darker wall). quite manipulative if you ask me. and we dont even know what kind of camera filters where used here. they can do interesting things these days.
so basically look for sources that are not looking to sell you something since there is a product placement here as well.
>Does glutathione even work?

>> No.17929824
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are retinoids really worth it?

I have deep wrinkles under my eyes and around my nose that will never go away and make me look older. I've been using retinol's for months and my fine lines are still visible, the only thing that masks them are thick moisturisers but that's just makeup basically

>> No.17930899
File: 66 KB, 480x640, tumblr_lw99tag9cQ1qjqqibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, retinoids have a proven anti-age effect. someone posted Jared Leto mom in previous thread so maybe check her out to see for yourself what tretinoin does
>deep wrinkles
consider botox
there are also anti aging alternatives to retinoids like peptides (ghk cu)
a few anons also mentioned collagen powder/gummies in this/previous thread, was considering it myself if it works that well

>> No.17931053

Idk if they're even wrinkles, just deep crevices next to my nostrils and folds under my eyes (which could be from bad insomnia I had during my early 20s)
maybe I just never noticed them before but I swear they make me look old. Is there anything that would help that or is this some kind of stupid dysmorphia?

>> No.17931164

Can snail mucin replace niacinamide?

>> No.17932094
File: 59 KB, 359x640, tumblr_lwv9sxpYGf1qm9ro1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pic, someone might help. otherwise i can only add nucleofill procedure (I think) as a suggestion in addition to >>17930899
also note retinoids and peptides can be used together
captcha PRAYww

>> No.17932120
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Can you guys answer my questions about if I understood what you advised me please. So from the advices I got in this thread, I should be using Paula's choice AHA and BHA for my textured skin. Wich are both exfoliants if I got it right.
- I should be using the BHA daily and the AHA, once a week and never use them both, right?
- How to switch between my retinol serum and the use of these exfoliants if I should apply them daily ?
- I have another serum with sallicilic acid on it, should I ditch this one off?
- Does it change anything about cleansing and niacinamide use?
I'm really clueless about this shit, sorry.

>> No.17932229
File: 39 KB, 300x234, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i see correctly paulas choice bha is 2% and aha is 8%
this is from their website:
>You can use an AHA and BHA in your routine, but it’s also fine to stick with one or the other. If you want to use both, try using one in the morning and the other at night, or alternate days. It’s also fine to layer your exfoliants, but that tends to be too much for most people (kind of like eating an entire cake instead of just one slice).

>Apply any AHA or BHA exfoliant, regardless of texture (gel, cream, lotion, etc.), after cleansing and toning. Follow with any serums and/or treatment products in your routine

what I would do is
cleanser (optional)
paulas choice bha and/or paulas choice aha (or skip both for a day in case your skin is too irritated)
niacinamide (if serum)


no need. skincare truly is retarded sometimes.
their website also say you can use these exfoliators with retinol in the same routine but I wouldn't. it's too much I think.
not sure what consistency are these exfoliants you listed as I never used them. hopefully they soak in easily. if not, use less or use only one of them at the time. the next day use the other.
>-I have another serum with sallicilic acid on it, should I ditch this one off?
I would use up the old one first depending on expiration (pic related) or switch between them on every use
also post your retinol, moisturizer and niacinamide.

>> No.17932258

Is the CeraVe Foaming Cleanser a good basic cleanser for combo to normal skin?

>> No.17932259

What retinol do you use? Any recommendations? A lot of them seem to be unstable (The Ordinary) or both unstable and expensive (Paula's Choice).

>> No.17932321
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I'm using pic related at the moment but my first retinoid was cerave resurfacing retinol serum, worked really well during the 2-3 months I used it (I'm 29M). they both have the same package; seems best for product stability (I think no air is going in during usage).
>unstable (The Ordinary)
I read somewhere that their granactive retinoid is a bit more stable than their retinol in squalane.

hmm maybe check out youtube retinol reviews from derm channels (and possibly retinol holy grails from reddit skincare sections). make a list of ones mentioned and read some more about their package (and degradation/longevity; hope you can find something). was considering to do similar evaluation with vit C serums since most medical documentation says how unstable it is. not sure if there is a better way for a well educated choice

>> No.17932330

The most common OTC recommendations seem to be CeraVe Resurfacing Retinol Serum and adapalene (prescription only in the EU). And in the end most of them seem to get a tretinoin prescription.

>> No.17932610

Years ago I did a working holiday for a year in Australia. My girlfriend at the time pestered constantly to use spf and sunscreen. Everyday I would get the piss taken out of me by guys on site for it. Thinking back on the red, blotchy faces of the 30 - 40 year olds, and the dried leather couch texture of the 50+ guy's skin, I realise that I will never be able to repay my ex for the lessons in skin care that she taught me.

>> No.17932621

To be fair, working construction outside almost anywhere will do that to you. Florida and Georgia will fuck your shit up if you work in the sun too long.

>> No.17932750

How often should I be using retinol. I also use exfoliants some nights and want to start using vitamin c eventually too, and I heard I shouldn't use retinol on the same day as either of them. But is retinol every 3 days enough, particularly with the cerave one which I feel would be on the weaker side. Also how often should I use the Paula's choice bha? Is once a week enough?

>> No.17932768

La Roche Posay Effaclar.
Also, don't buy shit with beads in it unless the label says 100% biodegradable. Don't give a scumcorp money for the privilege of infusing your skin with microplastics.

>> No.17933400

I need a natural, sneedoil-free face wash for men STAT

>> No.17933566
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>> No.17933613
File: 20 KB, 393x360, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm I got some red spot and a pimple on the forehead from overdoing it. Should I take a break on the entire routine or just avoid the problematic products for some time?

>> No.17933972

post routine

>> No.17934680

sneedoil probably doesn'tmatter that much if not consumed

>> No.17934876

I also had really really bad psoriasis (>70% coverage) for 5 years and absolutely nothing ever helped until I got on a IL23 inhibiting biologic. It was all gone within a month. Which biologics did you try?

>> No.17934883

I've been on humira, Enbrel, Skyrizi, cosentyx, Stelara, and 2 others I don't remember

>> No.17934917

cosentyx is good. my favourite is tremfya. maybe you're just a non-responder, sorry for you :(

>> No.17934924
File: 409 KB, 2560x2354, 81jy2dS-UgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used more than 2% salicylic acid on their face?

>> No.17934930

oh I did tremfya too. forgot that.
but yea... I really worry I'm a non-responder...

>> No.17935100

been using retinol for a year now, started on 0.2% and have worked my way up to 0.5% with no issues very happy about it

But would like to try tretinoin, anyone know an online option to get it without having to go GP?

Also any other online pharmacy so I can buy stuff like ridiline to help me concentrate and focus on work?

>> No.17935427

>apparently some people use glycolic acid toner for armpits which kills the bacteria but I'd consider it more of a meme.
Not a meme if you're a woman/not very stinky. I silly it once (twice if I'm active) a day and I don't smell. I also eat a ton of greeny leafy veggies though so that might also help.

>> No.17935433

Google says the UV index in Atlanta in Summer is 7-11, but here in Brisbane it’s 12-15. The thinnest part of the ozone (where the hole used to be lmao) is directly over us.

People joke about me using too much sunscreen but then act shocked that I’m 5+ years younger than they expected. My boyfriend is about to start an electrical apprenticeship and I’m already making him slip slop slap that shit on to get into the habit.

Another lil fun fact is that we actually really respect tradies here in Aus - It’s hard and necessary work that earns a lot of money.

>> No.17935541

Ok, what can I realistically expect from vitamin A (10.000 UI), zinc (30mg), Selenium (200 Mcg) and copper (2mg) effects on my skincare?

>> No.17935553
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, IMG_0437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the consensus on this meme?

>> No.17935577

so my current routine is:
>face wash
>hydrating toner
>vitamin c serum
>sun block

>face wash
>vitamin c serum

what else should I be including?

>> No.17935612
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I don't know what my skin type is.
Yes, I know what the T-zone and U-zone are.
Yes, I know how the skin types are defined by sebum/oil production.
Yes, I've done a dozen blot/tissue tests.
I settled on "normal to dry" skin because my face is never greasy anywhere and never leaves oil stains during the tests, and YET I'm second-guessing my call because (1) I have visible pores on my nose and inner cheeks, (2) CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser (aimed at normal to dry skin) doesn't give me the sense I've done anything, (3) CeraVe AM and FM moisturizers (aimed at normal to dry skin) seem too greasy/shiny, as if I should be using lighter/matte moisturizers aimed at oily skin.

>> No.17935634

I dunno, chemical exfoliant once or twice a week at night after the face wash?
It's probably enough to apply the vit c serum only mornings. The morning/night split with vit c and a retinoid (tretinoin in your case) is very common in routines I've seen online.
I'd also investigate whether that toner is just doing the same job as your other morning products.

>> No.17935640
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Reminder that oil based cleansers fucking rule. Use it correctly, put it on dry skin with dry hands, massage your face for a while and then rinse off and follow up with your normal cleanser. This shit will just melt blackheads if you spend 5 minutes gentlry rubbing it in to your nose. Its cheap as shit too, a bottle is $8 on amazon.

>> No.17935644

>But would like to try tretinoin, anyone know an online option to get it without having to go GP?
There are ton of uk and maybe honk kong online pharmacies you can use to get tret they can give you telemedicine prescriptions after you fill out a questionnaire or some shit. Just google tretinoin online uk and look around some.

>> No.17935647

Just eat 3 carrots a day if you want to turn orange. Or buy a beta carotene supplement.

>> No.17935650

Nothing, that's all you need

>> No.17935653

If you are used to using soap or strong acne cleansers then stuff like cerave will feel like it doesn't leave your face "squeaky clean" that's good. You don't want to aggressively strip everything off your face unless you have oil problems or acne or some other skin issue.
Everyone has visible pores.
Cerave am is kinda heavy because of the sunscreen.
I find that cerave pm is quite light. Try using less you may be over applying moisturizer.

>> No.17935769

Thanks 4 tips, anon.
For the CeraVe PM at night, I usually do 3 pumps onto my index and middle fingers, dot it on forehead, nose, chin, left cheek, right cheek, and neck, and then massage it in thin. Then an hour or two later, if I look in the mirror, the light is basically giving me greasy/shiny skin. Same thing happens with the CeraVe AM. I wouldn't say that my skin FEELS greasy/shiny, but it definitely LOOKS it. Or does normal skin have some shine to it? It's possible I'm so used to having slightly dry skin that I don't know what normal is supposed to look like.

>> No.17935774 [DELETED] 

BTW, this Redditor's skin is sort of what I'm talking about for mine, except I'm a man.
Those are the kinds of visible pores I have on my nose and off to the sides of my nose. And that's the kind of shine I get only when applying CeraVe AM or PM. But if I don't do my skincare routine, I get no shine at all, and there's no oil from anywhere when I dab my face with a tissue.

>> No.17935775
File: 188 KB, 1654x1654, plebbitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, this Redditor's skin is sort of what I'm talking about for mine, except I'm a man.
Those are the kinds of visible pores I have on my nose and off to the sides of my nose. And that's the kind of shine I get only when applying CeraVe AM or PM. But if I don't do my skincare routine, I get no shine at all, and there's no oil from anywhere when I dab my face with a tissue.

>> No.17936588

>How often should I be using retinol.
everyday desu. if starting, every few days.
>I also use exfoliants some nights and want to start using vitamin c eventually too, and I heard I shouldn't use retinol on the same day as either of them.
depends. post products
>But is retinol every 3 days enough
when starting, yes. people prioritize it usually and build skincare around retinoids, especially for acne or anti-aging
>Also how often should I use the Paula's choice bha?
probably every morning. skip a day if skin is irritated
if your diet lack in these, probably a lot. if not, probs not much, maybe zinc will cause less sebum production
>what else should I be including?
whats your goal?
>I don't know what my skin type is.
me neither. went from oily to dry throughout the years. been experimenting and using whatever been working for me
>I have visible pores
everyone does
>X doesn't give me the sense I've done anything
certain stuff happens on a molecular level. this is the reason why gentle cleanser feels different than a soap. you dont get to "sense" certain effects on your skin
>3 pumps
I use 1,5
>CeraVe AM and FM moisturizers (aimed at normal to dry skin) seem too greasy/shiny
>that's the kind of shine I get only when applying CeraVe AM or PM. But if I don't do my skincare routine, I get no shine at all
why do you use them desu?
>there's no oil from anywhere when I dab my face with a tissue.
your moisturizers are oil free
still no idea what your goal is desu. if you want no shine you already answered yourself. maybe look at the sun. its shiny af, yet oil free and pretty sure it's dry. alternatively LRP has some matte products. perhaps you overused something and your body is overproducing oils to offset it?
lastly its worth to ask yourself how realistic it is to get with someone into a situation like >>17935775 in terms of distance and light angle. pics like this always gave me cancer

>> No.17936647

Holy fuck, I wish I'd never decided to try DE shaving. Worst decision I've made in years

>> No.17936728

What Vit C serum are you using? Because low ph serums etc. should be the first step after cleansing.

>> No.17936733

Also only use Vit C in the morning.

>> No.17936735

Melano CC

>> No.17936736

Right, then you are applying it in the correct order because they instruct you to use it after toners and essences. But still you should only use it in the morning.

>> No.17936757

yea I do

>> No.17937094

I have a perma tan, but I also want to lighten a shade. Is this the place to ask?

>> No.17937538

any significant development in terms of topical vit c? is the original skinceuticals formula (l-ascorbic acid, ferulic acid and vit E) still the best on the market? or are there newer formulas with better efficacy?

>> No.17937660

Woke up with a tiny spider vein underneath my eye, how do I get rid of that shit

>> No.17937666

I use Melano CC. Cheaper with better stability and works well enough for me.

>> No.17938599

How long does a black eye and bruised cheek last?

>> No.17938657 [DELETED] 

How's this for a routine?

AM (daily):
>CeraVe foaming hydrating cleanser
>CeraVe vitamin C serum (l-absorbic
>CeraVe moisturizer
>SPF 70 sunblock (various brands)

>The Ordinary 10% Azelaic Acid (every night except Wed)
>The Ordinary 10% Lactic Acid + HA (Wed)

I just want bright / light and evenly toned skin. It seems to be working somewhat so far, but I want to know if there's anything that might be worth adjusting.

>> No.17938666

How's this for a routine?

AM (daily):
>CeraVe foaming hydrating cleanser
>CeraVe vitamin C serum (L-Ascorbic acid)
>CeraVe moisturizer
>SPF 70 sunblock (various brands)

>The Ordinary 10% Azelaic Acid (every night except Wed)
>The Ordinary 10% Lactic Acid + HA (Wed)

I just want bright / light and evenly toned skin. It seems to be working somewhat so far, but I want to know if there's anything that might be worth adjusting.

>> No.17939039

looks good. I think retinol helps with even tone as well so you might consider it. especially if it has some other ingredients like licorice root which also help with redness. there is also alpha arbutin, I don't remember what type of discolorations it helps with though. but if you prioritize azelaic acid, then disregard my post

>> No.17939106

I have normal to dry skin. My complexion looks clear from a few feet away, but if I get my mug right up to the mirror, I see that it's not the case and there are small, ever so slightly raised red or white pimples all over my face. What sucks is I can't even remember whether my face was like this before I started using CeraVe products. I suspect it was.
Apparently AHA chemical exfoliants are best for dry skin, but BHA chemical exfoliants are apparently better at clearing out pores and breakouts. So even though the BHA chemical exfoliants (salicylic acid) I've seen say "for oily skin," using one temporarily a couple of times a week should be a good try, right? Or is there something better for my 'mini' acne?

>> No.17939370

Looks good, azelaic acid rules

>> No.17939385

You can try a lot of different things, using an SA toner a few times a week is a good start.
You could also try using azelaic acid, the 10% is over the counter, i think peach slices has the best priced one, they also make an sa toner that's way cheaper then the one from paulas choice. You could also try a light topical benzol peroxide cream, Neutrogena makes a "stubborn acne 2% BP cream" that won't totally dry your face out like the 10% ones will. You could also try using a topical retinol cream at night like one of the ones from the olay regenerist line.
Start with the BP cream in the mornings under your moisturizer and the SA toner at night after washing say 3-4 times a week. If you get a little dryness that's okay, switch to using the bp every other day for a week or two, your skin should get used to it. Try that for a few months, if that doesn't cut it consider adding a retinol.
If the bp + SA works and everything is under control conaider switching the BP to a 10% azelaic acid cream after a few months, that will still help prevent acne but its a bit more mild and also helps to even out skintone, so it should help with any post acne red marks you have

>> No.17939478

so I actually started tretinoin a few days ago, and while it kinda sucks that it only affects areas applied to & doesn't help the issue systemically (like I also have psoriatic arthritis)
it's actually crazy cause I'm already noticing quite a bit. like, its still there as of right now (hopefully in like a week or 2 itll be gone, I'll update then) but the skin is looking smoother and a bit lighter pink than usual. so, I guess its working?

>> No.17940025
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How do you fix Zuckerberg skin without make-up?
Take a look at his forehead to see the kind of freckling I have on my cheeks.
Thankfully it's nowhere near as bad as teen freckling, but I still don't like it and would prefer a uniform skin tone.

>> No.17940657

probs some procedure. topically not sure, maybe stuff that stops melanin production, like tranexamic acid, kojic acid, alpha arbutin, hydroquinone but I would rather go for procedure

>> No.17940943

Wow, just looked up Jared Leto's mom and she looks great for, what, 70? He's 50 and I assume she had him sometime in her 20s. Maybe I should start using tretinoin. Are you sure that's what she does?

>> No.17941685

What happened

>> No.17942139

It's my own fault because I keep doing more passes trying to get a closer shave. I can't stop myself. Now I've got fucking skin/follicle infections and look like shit.

>> No.17942327

it has been over 2 weeks now and the white dots havent returned so it was most definitely not mold and just caused by liquid freezing by being exposed to cold air for too long
havent used it again but will use it without worries now

>> No.17942372
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> Cleanser: Cerave Hydrating Foaming Oil Cleanser
> Exfoliant: Paula's Choice BHA and AHA
> Serum: Niacinamide (The Original)
> Moisterizer: Nivea Soft
> SPF: Some SPF 50 (I don't remember the name

> Cleanser: Cerave Hydrating Foaming Oil Cleanser
> Serum: Retinol (The Original)
> Moisterizer: Nivea Soft

I need a critique of this routine + a new moisterizer recommendation. Nivea soft does the job but only for an few hours. If I get some rain/water on my face, it dries up immediatly and need to re-apply some cream. I think I have an extra dry skin.
Also, would you add something to this routine if I'm 31 and trying to
> 1. Anti-age as much as possible
> 2. Reduce the pore on my cheeks, nose and forehead (wrinkles as well)
Maybe some recommendaiton to even my skintone too but I don't want to overdo it either.

>> No.17942426

how do I get rid of frown lines between the eyebrows

>> No.17942455

is retinol expensive?

>> No.17942493

What moisturizers do ye recommend for the face and for the body for very dry skin. Is the hydro boost one good idk I feel like that'd be too light idk. Ideally I would like a kinda thicker night cream too idk.

>> No.17942499
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does this stuff have any use in a skin care routine or is it complete useless?

>> No.17942673

Does anyone here use Ceravae AM moisturizer with sunscreen? It always seems to pill for me, no matter what I do. The PM moisturizer doesn't pill at all, and I hate that the AM one does because I go out and people might see it if I don't clean up the mess.

>> No.17942684

What's a good acne spot treatment?
Is benzoyl peroxide 2.5% a good one?

>> No.17942926

I started on a CeraVe routine consisting of the hydrating cleanser and the AM and PM moisturizers a few weeks ago, but I've stopped completely to reset my skin until I can figure out why the hell I ended up with a minor but annoying breakout all over my face. I really want to like CeraVe, so I'm hoping it was just a purging kind of breakout.
Anyway, I don't know why, but the AM moisturizer seems lighter for me than the PM one, yet most people seem to find the AM one heavier. CeraVe's intent is for the AM one to be lighter even with the sunscreen, with the heaviness of the PM being okay because in theory you're asleep while wearing it.

>> No.17942940

>I've stopped completely to reset my skin until I can figure out why the hell I ended up with a minor but annoying breakout all over my face.
Huh, same thing happened to me with Cerave. About 3 or 4 weeks in and suddenly I was getting small pimples happening.

It seemed to stop just using AM but the PM and eye cream seemed to make it happen (evident by two pimples appearing in unison on exact opposite sites of my face where I only put a little on).

>> No.17942998
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wtf is wrong with me

>> No.17943005


>> No.17943035

>Best product you have used so far?
Differine 0.1%. My derm was reluctant to prescribe me tret, but gave me diff instead.
>Share your holy grails.
Again differine. I've read lots about people using PanOxyl 4% benzoyl peroxide face wash and I'm going to try that. I've been using the super skin aqua uv moisture gel SPF50+/PA++++ gold sunscreen and I really like it. I'm going to try LRP anthelios too, just for the sake of it and maybe the benton mineral sun cream, which also has SPF50+ and PA++++.
>What sunscreen are you using? Does it make your face shiny?
I think it (super skin aqua) does, to some extent, but I don't mind. I like having that radiant look
>What retinoid are you using?
Differine 0.1%.

>> No.17943082
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>Same anon here. Picrel is my current skin.
I'm 20y/o and I have oily skin. My acne is mostly under control, but I still get about one pimple per week. I do exercise regularly and also drink dairy (have been daily since I was a kid) and about 2 whey protein shakes per day.

Current routine:

>Cleanser: Lubex dermatological cleansing emulsion (recommended to me by my derm, it's used widely here in europe, I don't think it is popular in the US though)
>Toner: LRP effaclar astringent lotion
>Spot treatment: LRP effaclar duo + m
>Moisturiser: LRP H iso biome anti imperfections ultra soothing care
>Sunscreen: Skin aqua super uv moisture gel SPF50+/PA++++ gold

>Cleanser: Lubex dermatological cleansing lotion
>Toner: LRP effaclar astringent lotion
>Spot treatment: LRP effaclar duo + m
>Retinoid: Differine adapalene 0.1%
>Moisturiser: LRP effaclar h isobiome anti imperfections ultra soothing care

I also have some product leftovers of the following:
>Toner: Kiehls astringent blue herbal lotion
Might end up using this like a spot treatment.

>Exfoliant/Toner: Paulas Choice 2% BHA exfoliant
I might use this 2-3x per week just to exfoliate my skin.

>The ordinary lactic acid 10% + HA.
I don't know what to do with this.

>Toner: Hada Labo Gokuyjun Hyaluronic acid lotion
This is basically a moisturising toner.

- Do you see any ways I could integrate my leftovers into my current routine?
- Any sunscreen / moisturiser / dark eye bags (could be caused by CVS) recommendations?
- I'm on the fence between getting a niacinamide or hyaluronic acid serum for my PM routine.
- I'm considering adding a second cleanser in the morning. The PanOxyl 4% or 10% BPO. Has anyone here used this cleanser with minoxidil? I'm afraid it might cause some problems if I use both.

>> No.17943109

yes but it needs to come directly from the snail

>> No.17943161

Wow, really? The AM is probably the thickest skincare product I use in my routine.

>> No.17943236
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Im using neutrogena hydro boost body gel cream as a moisturiser for my face
Is there anything in the ingredient list or missing from the ingredient list I should be worried about?

>> No.17943293

forgot: make sure to use sunscreen to prevent new ones
some anon said it, probably worth checking out if her skincare routine is available somewhere or just check out hollywood actors. on the other hand, what else is there really beside retinoids, sunscreen, peptides and oral collagen to look young? idk man
yeah never seen nivea moisturizer in the same routine as paulas choice stuff. your routine is great overall and for moisturizer look for something that is NOT oil free. some moisturizers say what type of skin they are for, choose the ones for dry skin. these usually are heavier by design. id suggest something with shea butter (if you can). the only example with this I have is LRP lipikar baume ap+m. on my (dry) skin it stays for ~4-7h. you could also try maybe adding a few drops of squalane to your current moisturizers or put a few drops directly to face after moisturizer to see if that helps
> 1. Anti-age as much as possible
> 2. Reduce the pore on my cheeks, nose and forehead (wrinkles as well)
yeah so topically you are good, oral collagen apparently is good as a few anons mentioned here
for pores i think bha is based but ive seen a few videos about pores in these threads that go into more details, check these out.
>Maybe some recommendaiton to even my skintone too but I don't want to overdo it either.
niacinamide is good for this but occasionally maybe you could give vit c serum a try (dont recall if it can be combined with aha). for dark spots probably anything that stops melanin production: tranexamic and kojic acid, alpha arbutin.
retinoid could help, but check in to beauty saloon for recommendations
i can get a cheap retinol for like 5$ in my area. depends on your wallet really. the general rule is: the better formulated, the more expensive it is.
LRP lipikar baume ap+m
possible. saw something the other day about clay masks helping with large pores.

>> No.17943303

cheapest I found online was €15 for 30ml from cerave

>> No.17943338
File: 57 KB, 705x843, cerave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cerave products varies between regions. its possible ya'll are talking about something completely different.
pic related is one of the best spf moisturizer I ever had, no shine whatsoever and soaks in prefectly. saw one anon saying 50spf version is shiny af on him tho. he was from germany. i think in certain countries the only cerave am version is a mineral one in a yellow bottle with 50spf
one of the best ones. you could also try azelaic acid or LRP effaclar duo. mupirocin is even better than all of these but needs prescription (at least in my region)
i think there are vids on youtube about how to prevent doing this. personally i never watched them and i put oily moisturizer on my face and that helped. but there is another legitimate reason why you touch your face and thats because your face is itching. so you would need to fix that first.
>LRP anthelios
almost bought it but got beauty of joseon rice sunscreen instead, really great and nearly no shine on my skin. not very moisturizing though

>> No.17943402

>Do you see any ways I could integrate my leftovers into my current routine?
>Exfoliant/Toner: Paulas Choice 2% BHA exfoliant
>Toner: Kiehls astringent blue herbal lotion
>Toner: LRP effaclar astringent lotion
>Toner: Hada Labo Gokuyjun Hyaluronic acid lotion
id simply swap between these 4 toners in the am/pm. in case you wake up with irritated skin in the morning. focus on hada labo instead. its possible that kiehls and hada labo can be mixed together and/or with the other ones but not 100% sure. some would advise to not mix products.
>The ordinary lactic acid 10% + HA.
once/twice a week instead of differin in pm routine
>Any sunscreen / moisturiser / dark eye bags (could be caused by CVS) recommendations?
since your skin type is oily, go for anything oil free: cerave pm (contains niacinamide and hyaluronic acid), neutrogena hydro boost fragrance free (contains hyaluronic acid). there are more examples earlier in the thread I think. isnt your current moisturizer kinda oily which clashes with your skin type? never used it desu but squalane is 3rd on the ingredients list. you could also stop moisturizing for a few days to see how it goes
for dark eye bags I would contact derm/beautician
>I'm on the fence between getting a niacinamide or hyaluronic acid serum for my PM routine.
id skip both
niacinamide is already present in:
- LRP H iso biome anti imperfections ultra soothing care
- LRP effaclar duo + m
hyaluronic acid is already present in:
- Skin aqua super uv moisture gel SPF50+/PA++++ gold
if you still want to try it out, id go for niacinamide serum though since your skin is oily.
>The PanOxyl 4% or 10% BPO
you could give it a try, but id also consider switching to foaming cleanser from cerave or any cleanser for normal to oily skin. really up to you desu as I'm not sure how bad pimples get and how really oily you are (not sure if the shine on your pic is from moisturizer, spf or actually oily skin)

>> No.17944319

I want to get into clays. How do I choose a clay? My skin is normal, tending to dry but not overly so

>> No.17944361

I live in the U.S., and we have the SPF 30 version. I didn't even know this existed. Also, is skin not supposed to shine?

>> No.17944635

>LRP lipikar baume ap+m
Thanks man, I'll check it. I do have one last question if you don't mind. Applying niacinamide apparently requires to have a midly wet skin. But what to do when I applied the BHA and AHA right before? Should I still put some water on my skin or just profit from the AHA/BHA liquidity and apply the serum on top it?

>> No.17944858

Has anyone tried the SKIN 1004 brand? Considering their ampoule.

>> No.17944912

Are Dove beauty bars okay to use as a facial cleanser? Specifically the cool moisture one. I've tried searching this everywhere online but no one seems to know for sure

>> No.17945011

Can someone recommend me how to prevent shaving bumps and redness? What’s a good routine to have to prevent oily/ shiny foreheads and skin? I haven’t been able to fix it

>> No.17945047

The toners in
Aren't available where I live.
What ingredients should I (oily skin) be looking for in an exfoliator?

>> No.17945050
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Also, is the CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion really okay to use on oily skin?

>> No.17945092

I don't know.

>> No.17945101

Is it okay to use cheap cottonballs to apply toner? I have so many and I don't feel like paying extra for facial pads

>> No.17945120

alternatives to cerave that have hyaluronic acid?

>> No.17945494

That's okay anon

>> No.17945720
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How do I fix this? The sun (I believe) has severly damaged some areas of skin on my body. What are some ways I can make my skin smoother?

>> No.17946352

so i know i should wear sunscreen, but whenver i wear it, i have a panic attack that no amount of meditation can quell
i wish i was joking, but i think the sun is the only thing keeping my mental health hanging on

>> No.17946618
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>is skin not supposed to shine?
well yes, it's a wide spectrum though. i prefer the lower end (natural/no shine)
>niacinamide apparently requires to have a midly wet skin
heard this only about body lotions to lock in the moisture. never used dedicated niacinamide product though. does it say that on the package?
was considering their centella ampoule too but in the end i found cheap aloe+centella serum by a local company
i think they are the only ones that are not that harsh in terms of pH for our skin
>prevent shaving bumps and redness
no idea, probably shave after shower if not already. review technique and your blades
> prevent oily/ shiny foreheads and skin?
you could try BHA 2% toners or BHA cleansers. also some time ago i realized my forehead was oily because of oily hair/scalp.
niacinamide also help with decreasing sebum production. an oil free moisturizer that contains it will be sufficient (cerave pm or cetaphil i think)
no alcohol and salicylic acid i guess
not sure but the bottle says normal to dry. it is oil free though so should be "okay". check youtube reviews how does it look like after applying. if there is a lot of shine it is probably better to go for something lighter in your case
which products desu? moisturizers? probably neutrogena hydro boost
is this pigment? if you press hard on skin does it become more pale or is the discoloration still visible?
if you dont cover your whole body in a sunscreen and just your face, you still benefit from the sun. a hand has a larger surface than your face so even if its cold you can still get exposed to sun rays. maybe you could check how they handle sun intake in places like antarctica or wherever it is super cold. in scandinavia they have special lamps for very little sun exposure during winter, though not sure if they will work for you desu.

>> No.17946810
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Do toners matter or are they all the same?
Looking at the ordniary they have Squalane,buffet,Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%,peptides and other shit

>> No.17947103

>Do toners matter
they are optional
>are they all the same?
main 2 groups I see are astringing and moisturizing toners
not a toner. it's an oil-like substance, I put it after my moisturizer or mix both together.
>buffet,Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%,peptides
these are serums, they go after cleanser and toner if you use

>> No.17948155

What's a cheap face wash and exfoliant I can buy in a store, and where the fuck are they on the shelf? I was at Kroger and all I saw were moisturizers and face washes, but nothing exfoliating.

>> No.17949207

Neutrogena hydro boost cleanser. For exfoliator go to toner or serum section and get anything that says AHA or glycolic acid. Dr Dray on YouTube has a video she filmed in a store (not sure which one) going through some products on the shelf. Maybe that helps

>> No.17949214

I thought they'd be with the cleansers, I'll have to look around

>> No.17949788

Calling all macacos
any tips for online shopping in Brazil? I don't know what places are reputable or have great prices, and I've been mostly doing all shopping in farmacies. Obviously, this is expensive.
I'd like to buy from somewhere within the country since that would greatly diminish transportation time and possible headaches with customs or disputes, but if there's somewhere overseas worthwhile I'd be willing to give it a shot.
As for any foreigner wondering why not use all the billion US/EU store suggestions and just import, let me vent a little: we have to pay a 60% import tax in Brazil on both the product and shipping (sometimes you can avoid this, but it's a gamble and if they find out you have to pay extra). The shipping itself is often as expensive as the product if not more, so this means there's usually a 160% upmark on any directly imported product.

>> No.17949790

Fucking unimaginable.

>> No.17949848

Is there some type of over the counter lotion that helps with psoriasis? I know prescription ointments work better but i need to go to the doctor first.

>> No.17950967
File: 306 KB, 1527x987, towel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone use anything special for face towel? any recommendations? personally i use fast drying microfiber towel but maybe there is something better I'm missing

>> No.17950993

try vaseline

>> No.17951129

Does the niacinamide sting and slightly burn your skin after applying it?

>> No.17951193

My hands always becomes dry and cracked in the winter. What do?

>> No.17951225

Well, no answers, but from my own research it seems belezanaweb has the best prices while being amongst the better evaluated stores. It does seem that depending on the specific product some stores are better than others though, so no one size fits all (which is annoying because that would simplify delivery costs consideration but w/e)

Well, since no one's answered yours too, I'll give you some advice. Unfortunately it's rather poor and doesn't really answer your question which is why I held out before, but better than nothing I guess.
When trying to treat my psoriasis (scalp only), I basically sought whatever shampoo had the most active ingredients used to treat psoriasis. Initially, I bought one with just a few and it showed mild improvement. I looked at the options again and then chose one with more ingredients and with some studies backing it up. It worked perfectlly as advertised, removing my issues in a few days and keeping it away for a few weeks after discontinuation. So you can try to apply the same logic to your ointment: look up whatever's available otc at your local drugstores, see which one has the most relevant ingredients (look it up on wikipedia and pay attention to their relative importance), and check whether it's from a reputable manufacturer with studies backing it up.
Try to reduce stress too. Not really a reliable solution as I don't know whether it's possible in your life but if slowly falling behind at some things that don't matter as much is the price for your life quality to be at an ok state, it's actually an option. You can catch up after getting the prescription.

Again, hoping this helps but my advice is probably too vague. My sister has this issue, she has some special extra moisturizing cream for flare ups of excessive dryness. You could try starting with that. Note that it doesn't snow here, so you might have to consider with some shit we don't regarding moisturizing in the cold or dry seasons.

>> No.17951547

I have an issue with my fingers. The skin to the sides and corners of my nails peels a lot and causes me to bite it, which sometimes leads to red spots in the corners. My cuticles are fine, it's just the skin in the corners and the sides. I moisturize my hands and that has helped with the skin on my fingers and hands in general, but the peeling skin around the nail persists. Is there some kind of specialty product for this or some other way to deal with it?

>> No.17951841

So I want to use
>Vitamin C
but I hear you shouldn't use any of these on the same day (maybe the two exfoliators but my skin can be a bit sensitive). So the plan is do a three day cycle retinol, vitamin c, exfoliator. But I'm wondering is using retinol and vitamin c only just over twice a week kinda bad? Like I hear you should be trying to progress to using retinol every day eventually but idk how to work that in with other products ig. Anyone else know what's best to do?

>> No.17951901
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Does anyone have any sunscreen recommendations for near skeleton skin tones? For a while I was just using CeraVe SPF 30 Moisturizer but I recently switched to Aveeno SPF 60 because my skin is always more red/orange colored even if I have avoided the sun like a vampire.

>> No.17951915

We have the SPF 15 version in Australia. Goes on nice and doesn't leave any sheen.

>> No.17952301

not fuckin usin anythin below 50 in this godforsaken country

>> No.17952310

Depends on what part of the country. If you're on the lower East coast, you're fine. But you'd probably want more SPF if you're in Perth or Brisbane.

I live in Canberra and SPF15 has been just fine for me when I work outside, and I'm white as a ghost.

>> No.17952550

Use tretonin instead of retinol, you can use it every night once your skin gets used to it, also if your skin can handle it you can exfoliate once everyday or like 3 times a week, i am using medicube pore pads they have aha + bha. Vitamin c can be used everyday, it is better to use it in your AM routine directly after cleansing/toning, if your skin is sensitive to it use Dr Althea vitamin c serum.

>> No.17952673

CBA getting a prescription desu, but can you really just use them all together? Idk I heard you shouldn't mix say retinol and salicylic acid. Also I thought that vitamin c gets broken down in the sunlight? If if I could do vitamin c in the morning it becomes way easier, since I can do that in the morning, retinol in the evening and split it wouldn't be as irritating.

>> No.17952675

anywhere to get tret in the UK? heard of Dermatica but it's steep

>> No.17952680

Not sure this applies to serums, but I actually got mild skin burns when I used a vitamin C (+ sac acid, which might have most of the blame) based product and went into harsh sunlight. Young and dumb, it happens.
So yes, it will react and break down, maybe attack your skin even. However, the extent to which it happens will probably vary, as most vitamin C could be deep under your skin very quickly for example, and the product might have some anti-UV/anti-oxidation components that protect it long enough. And mild sunlight might not destroy it at any appreciable rate anyways.
In short, I would avoid sunlight, but it might not matter in practice. Maybe the guy you're replying to just expects you to not really go out into the sun as part of your routine though.

>> No.17952686

No need to get a prescription just get it shipped to you but get the 0.025%. Yes it is fine to use all of those together but yes for example salisylic acid 2% which is a BHA and then directly putting tret directly on top of that can irritate your skin and dry it out so you can use a 'cushion' of moisturizer or other product to make it gentler on the skin, this however will reduce its efficacy. Personally the exfoliating pads i use are 4.5% AHA and 0.45% BHA after 10-15mins i use tret and then after 30mins i finish off with a serum then moisturizer. Vitamin C serums are usually applied in the AM routine, yes if you continuously expose vitamin C to sunlight it will reduce its effectiveness that is why you have to finish with a sunscreen on top, and the vitamin c can actually complement the sunscreen increasing your protection against the sun.

>> No.17952697

Yeah I'm not usually outside much in the mornings so could be fine and absorb in by then
Pretty sure I'll need a prescription, at least where I am, idk cosmetic ones like the cerave should be fine at least to start, I can maybe move up to tret if it doesn't seem good enough. Yeah idk if I'll be able to use exfoliants and retinol on the same night, my skin seems pretty sensitive, I don't even wash in the morning anymore cuz that was a bit too much. I might do the vitamin c in the morning, retinol at night though, cuz maybe the c Will be fine in the morning. I'll work out how to properly space it out then based on how my skin reacts, rn seeing how sensitive it is to just retinol.

>> No.17952709

While skin sensitivity varies, I initially couldn't handle exfoliating every day but now do and use a vitamin C serum too. If you just tried doing it more often once at the start and assumed your skin couldn't handle, you might just not have given your body enough time to adapt. It's ok if you already tried to increase the frequency after letting your skin get used to it and it still didn't work though.

>> No.17952713

Where i am from you can get tret otc, but when i was abroad i used to just order it online and get it shipped from other countries. Using exfoliants on days you dont use retinol is a good idea. It might be worth it to try using a mild exfoliating toner after cleansing this will help gently exfoliate, soothe your skin and prep it for more reactive products you plan to use after. examples: anua heartleaf toner, roundlab Dokdo Toner

>> No.17952714
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So I'm getting nice results but the only part of my face that doesn't seem to change is my nose. It has all these filaments and some pore are FILLED deeply with that shit. Any advices? I'm already exfoliating like crazy, using niacinamide and retinol. I'm wondering if I should either
> go to a salon and get a facial cleaning treatment for this and black heads
> pop them while putting some heat of my face
> using them nose pads or something similar
What to do?

>> No.17952720

I used to be like you, you do not need all those useless treatments they will just enlarge your pores, just use an oil cleanser in your routine (try ma:nyo Pure Cleansing Oil) then follow up with a water based cleanser, trust me you will see results instantly.

>> No.17952750

If you're willing to do something besides direct skin care, I got some progress by exercising, cardio being the best. The heat and the sweat helped displace sebum, and the hormonal and vascular improvements also decreased my sebum creation and clogging rates.
Saunas also helped a lot, probably because of the same reasons as exercise. Pretty much all saunas where I live are either gay or in expensive pool clubs however, so if your city is anything like mine you might have some issues getting to one if neither work for you.

>> No.17952829

Idk, reducing stuff has consistently led to improvements in my skin
>Went from cleansing morning and night to just using water in the morning cleanser at night
>Went from using TO 7% glycolic acid twice a week to once (in fairness, formula might just be too harsh for me, gonna use lactic acid instead once the bottles used cuz it's gentler and less drying)
>Went from SA every second day to twice a week
Maybe if I increased it over time I'd get used to it and even improve, but idk I'm pretty happy where I'm at with exfoliating, I just want to add retinol and vitamin c, issue is they are both most effective daily
Yeah like I said, I'm using up the glycolic acid toner and will use something less harsh, I've got a small bottle of TO lactic acid, but I'll look into your ones too. Something lighter I can use more often is probably ideal. Idk how expensive your ones are though, I mostly buy pretty cheap stuff

>> No.17952902

recommending tret to someone completely new to skincare is just straight up retarded
let a nigga get used to basics first and get to know all types of products before going for the most harsh shit. most people trying out skincare for the first time would stop doing it after trying anything that gets their skin fucked on first use
it is sensitive to light. use only at PM
>Vitamin C
best to use at AM
shouldn't be used in the same routine as retinoids or vit c. most people use them once or twice weekly instead of retinoid
shouldn't be used in the same routine as retinoids or vit c. use with AHA I guess
>shouldn't use on the same day
*shouldn't use as part of the same routine. so if you use vit c in the morning then retinoids are fine in PM
>Anyone else know what's best to do?
a good template is:
- cleanser (optional; can use just water to wash face)
- toner (optional; usually a BHA, AHA or a moisturizing one)
- serum (optional; to treat problems you have; most popular here is vit C (only if no AHA/BHA in previous step), some moisturizing serum or AHA/BHA/LHA/PHA/whatever acid there is (if no AHA/BHA in previous step))
- moisturizer
- sunscreen
- cleanser (to wash off sunscreen)
- toner and/or serum that does not clash with your retinoid
- retinoid
- moisturizer

once or twice a week instead of retinoid in pm - exfoliator like the ordinary 30% AHA 2% BHA (harsh as fuck and is to be washed off after just 10 minutes). try something like glycolic acid 7% toner or something that has like 10% aha/2% bha if it's your first one

if you are just starting introduce one product/change every 1-2 week period, especially if your skin is sensitive. that way if something fucks your skin you will know what product or combination of products it was. and remember: the most basic routine anyone can benefit from is just moisturizer, sunscreen and retinoid. also take a look at this if you have time

>> No.17952916

start using hand cream when leaving and/or before going to sleep. a heavy one if possible, with shea butter for example. or anything that holds on your skin for longer (2h+).
idk but post pics someone might help
there was a diagram showing that after applying the sunscreen the actual spf factor is halved once absorbed into skin. some routines posted here included 100spfs (Pharmaceris i think). maybe check archives
go to derm, ask for epiduo. thank me later. or >>17952720 and report back. curious about double cleansing too
>reducing stuff has consistently led to improvements in my skin
certain effects are sometimes visible after a few weeks of usage even if using twice weekly. no need to use every day in order to see results

>> No.17952925

Any alternative to retinol?

>> No.17952933

retinal, but is not so good for acne as retinol is

>> No.17952999

Sounds good, yeah for now I'm just doing retinol, later will add vitamin C, maybe a hydrating toner if I want, and also swap my glycolic acid for lactic acid. Also gonna go to a SA toner like the Paula's choice one instead of the cleanser j have rn. Thanks for the help. Also not that new just looking to add some stuff and not sure how to best layer multiple actives

>> No.17953017

>not that new
yeah sorry for assumption, it gets complicated and confusing the more products you see/use when learning about skincare
>swap my glycolic acid for lactic acid
all AHAs have their different advantages and disadvantages. some people choose them depending on their skin type. lactic acid is nice and gentle, in lower concentration also moisturizing. I think this is great especially for dry skin types
>gonna go to a SA toner like the Paula's choice one instead of the cleanser
a few youtube derms recommend to use SA as ingredient in other products than cleansers. and for cleanser to use something more gentle (for normal or dry skin) like hydrating cleanser from cerave or similar. probably depends what one would like to achieve. most active ingredients in cleansers simply don't stay long enough on your skin to have the desired effect.
although I heard salicylic acid helps ketoconazole (nizoral) penetrate skin barrier to be more effective against yeast/fungus that causes dandruff

report back once you get vit c and how it goes. been thinking of getting one myself but not sure which one

>> No.17953184

This is two days in a row I've wasted trips
Anyway yeah I'm going with the lactic acid cuz I've drier and more sensitive skin, and I can probably use it more often. And yeah the cerave blemish control cleanser for the SA, which was a poor choice in terms of value for money since you're washing it all off, but it still works well for me to be fair. I'll get the Paula's choice one next time though.

>> No.17953256

>I basically sought whatever shampoo had the most active ingredients used to treat psoriasis.
What shampoo did you find? I have some scalp psoriasis that i noticed has been improving by either using a new shampoo or doing no poo. What ingredients did you look for in shampoo?

>> No.17953836

The main ones were Coal tar and ketoconazole which are actually mainly for dandruff, but can make the condition better. Pretty sure I had both now that I think about it - the small flakes of dandruff were present, but it doesn't create 2 cm scales like I had. Anyways, according to wikipedia Coal tar probably doesn't help with Psoriasis, woops.
Here's the ingredient list for my shampoo:
Sodium Laureth Sulfate*, Glycol Distearate*, Dimethicone*, Coco-betaine*, Glycerin*, Selenium Sulfide**, Carbomer*, Citric acid (vitamin C), Menthol***, 2-oleamido 1, 3-octadecanediol, PPG-5-CETETH-20*, Salicylic acid, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Chloride (salt lol), Sodium Hydroxide*, Tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E)
*Are probably not active and just for emulsion or desireable shampoo qualities (foam, viscosity, hair quality, etc)
** Mainly for dandruff, but wikipedia says reasearch showed improvement in psoriasis as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selenium_disulfide#Research
*** Reduces itching
Note that many ingredients can be "useless", but make the treatment less annoying. As put here, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8151792/, part of the issues with treating Psoriasis is low patient compliance and discomfort with the treatment. This is a good article and you should probably read the first section (before they start talking about gel properties), as it also highlights some important ingredients such as "corticosteroids (in creams, ointments, solutions), vitamin D3 and its derivatives, retinoids (tazarotene 0.05–1% as ointment or gel) ". It concludes with "the gold standard for topical treatment of psoriasis is a combination of vitamin D derivative and corticosteroids". Note that things like vitamin C and Salicilic acid are still useful due to helping with skin turnover. They are keratolytics the article mention. In fact, that might be what the Sodium Hydroxide is for, as alkalis can also help with that according to wikipedia.

>> No.17953838

By the way, outside of creams it seems UV exposure (either artificial or sunlight) also aid with the condition, as does salt water exposure. So you could try to add that to your routine. If you live near a beach go for a swim in the morning or midday if you can handle, or just go for a short tanning session. It will probably help you.

>> No.17953888

How often should you slug, and is it fine to use gentle retinol like the cerave one while slugging. I know tret will be too way much with it locked in but will a gentle one be fine?

>> No.17953959

I am slugging with adapalene 0,3% and all is good

>> No.17953960
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New here, sorry if this is a dumb question but how do I reduce forehead wrinkles? I'm nearing 30 and never did fuckall for skin care aside from daily washes with some Dove sensitive face soap and sunscreen for days on the beach. The lines aren't that deep yet but I'd rather start being proactive, would just basic moisturizing be enough to keep things in check?

>> No.17953999

I have pretty severe backne and have for a few years now. It was never this bad when I was going through puberty. I rarely get pimples on my face now but I get them all over my back. Blackheads, whiteheads, even really big painful ones. I have to wear dark clothes because I'll just bleed through everything. I've talked to a doctor about it and got prescribed antibiotics for a month. It helped a little bit but once they ran out it came back full force. I am very clean and I can't just take antibiotics forever. I've tried different soaps and ointments. What can I do?

>> No.17954005

Fuck sake I've wasted trips 3 days in a row now
How often are you slugging with the adapalene?
Retinol/adapalene/tretinoin (same thing, different strengths/levels of harshness) is great for wrinkles, as well as other skin issues. Probably the most effective thing you can use. Moisturizing will also help a lot, especially since the retinol will dry out your skin more so you'll Def want that. And for prevention, use sunscreen daily unless you do not plan on going outside at all just in case. The three most basic things to use for any issue is retinol, moisturizer, sunscreen. Cleanser would probably come in fourth then since you can just use water but cleanser is better.

>> No.17954030

>And for prevention, use sunscreen daily unless you do not plan on going outside at all just in case.
Is this general advice for everyone everywhere? I live in New England and am lucky to get more than 20-30 minutes of sun outdoors for a good chunk of the year.

>> No.17954050

mostly as a just in case kind of thing. Sunlight is not what is important, you can still get sun damage when it's cloudy, even if you don't get burned. During the winter sure you can maybe skip it, but I still do just in case for prevention of long term damage. Easiest way for me is to use a moisturizer with SPF in the morning, cuz I'll be using a moisturizer in the morning anyway.

>> No.17954089


>> No.17954266 [DELETED] 

If you never used retinoids, it is good time to start. Expect first improvements within 3-6 months. If you are not satisfied with retinoids for anti-aging, there is also retinal, adapalene (OTC in US) or prescription retinoids. Some anons here recommended eating collagen. There is also botox and other anti wrinkle procedures you can ask for in beauty saloon. Good luck anon
Get a body moisturizer that contains niacinamide (LRP Lipikar Baume AP+M contains 4% niacinamide and is a large boi) but most importantly get a tube of benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid. Retinoids might be kinda expensive to put on back although it is possible to do so.
Note that benzoyl peroxide on your back will bleach whatever it gets in contact with (at least my 10% BP does). So after applying let it dry, then apply body moisturizer, let it dry again and wear white tshirts. This should be done in PM routine. Works well for me. If you don't want to fuck with BP for bleaching reasons, consider azelaic acid instead.
This is topical, it can help but your derm knows your situation a little better and those antibiotics might not have been completely wrong. I strongly recommend going back to him or some other one regardless of this blog post you just read from anon on a 4chan board.
>How often are you slugging with the adapalene?
Like ~5 times out of 7. Sorry the adapalene 0,3% I mentioned is actually Epiduo Forte, which is 0,3% adapalene + 2,5% BP
>Is this general advice for everyone everywhere?
UVA and UVB rays are not visible. They still go through easily on a cloudy day. Some people make a rule that if they go out for longer than 15 or 30 minutes during day they use sunscreen.

>> No.17954271

If you never used retinol, it is good time to start. Expect first improvements within 3-6 months. If you are not satisfied with retinol for anti-aging, there is also retinal, adapalene (OTC in US) or prescription retinoids. Some anons here recommended eating collagen. There is also botox and other anti wrinkle procedures you can ask for in beauty saloon. They will give you recommendation. Good luck anon
Get a body moisturizer that contains niacinamide (LRP Lipikar Baume AP+M contains 4% niacinamide and is a large boi) but most importantly get a tube of benzoyl peroxide or azelaic acid. Retinoids might be kinda expensive to put on back although it is possible to do so.
Note that benzoyl peroxide on your back will bleach whatever it gets in contact with (at least my 10% BP does). So after applying let it dry, then apply body moisturizer, let it dry again and wear white tshirts. This should be done in PM routine. Works well for me. If you don't want to fuck with BP for bleaching reasons, consider azelaic acid instead.
This is topical, it can help but your derm knows your situation a little better and those antibiotics might not have been completely wrong. I strongly recommend going back to him or some other one regardless of this blog post you just read from anon on a 4chan board.
>How often are you slugging with the adapalene?
Like ~5 times out of 7. Sorry the adapalene 0,3% I mentioned is actually Epiduo Forte, which is 0,3% adapalene + 2,5% BP
>Is this general advice for everyone everywhere?
UVA and UVB rays are not visible. They still go through easily on a cloudy day. Some people make a rule that if they go out for longer than 15 or 30 minutes during day they use sunscreen.

>> No.17954362
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Is there a good reason why I should pay $400 for an FDA cleared phototherapy device like this as opposed to a Chinese manufactured mask that is much cheaper?

>> No.17954364

You don’t need either. But the Chinese one will fuse to your face, so I hope you have a good supervillain schtick ready.

>> No.17954365
File: 126 KB, 1066x1100, FC32B98B-D8F0-4DE8-81E2-EAE2261A01BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheap as fuck
>only need a tiny amount before bed
>skin looks and feels incredible and super hydrated in the morning
This shit is great.

>> No.17954396

Does anyone have any good stuff for Fordyce spots?

I'd like to see a dermatologist but my area is 5+ month wait. Thanks.

>> No.17954560


>> No.17954621

Have two questions for you guys.

1) Is Adapelene gel effective for the anti-aging/hyperpigmentation benefits of retinol, or is it only effective as an acne treatment? I bought it because my GP told me it would be viable for treating my acne, but I've seen a lot of advice online claiming the amazing benefits of retinol, so I'm wondering if adapelene also has those effects. If not, should I drop the adapelene?

2) As a rosacea (vascular) haver, is there anything I can do besides Azelaic acid. I have tried it for about a month now and cheeks are still rosy + it gets a lot worse after workouts for about 2 hours. I haven't really noticed a difference.

Right now my routine is:

Cerave Gentle Cleanser
Paula's Choice Azelaic Acid
Cerave Moisturizing Cream
SPF 30

Cerave Gentle Cleanser
Adapelene Gel
Cerave Moisturizing Cream

I have both mild/moderateish acne and rosacea so I'm trying to treat these both but I also want my skin to be healthy and good in the long-term.

>> No.17954640

Is CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser (normal/dry skin) enough at night to remove sunscreen (whether from the CeraVe AM moisturizer or, what I use, a Nivea sunscreen)?

>> No.17954668

What’s a facial sunblock that I don’t have to reapply?

Or do you really have to reapply every fucking 2 hours no matter what? Sounds like such a hassle.

I’m currently using Biore Aqua Rich but just in the morning and apparently I’m not safe for the rest of the day? Damnit.

>> No.17954801

Did not know they do rice cream. Might actually grab a tube once I finish my current PM moisturizer. Thanks
I'm sure there is more, these are just first three results from google. Personally it reduced my nasolabial folds by like 50% during 5 month period but I'm 29 so they were not that bad to begin with.
It often flares up with sudden temperature changes (especially when hot), after alcohol, when stressed or during/after workout. There are certain topical ingredients that might interest you like hesperidin. Look for rosacea creams if you never tried them before. Consider going to derm if you haven't already because after all nothing might help you. On a side note, keep in mind some people find red cheeks attractive.
There is a pocket mirror with UV camera you might be interested in
2 hours is maybe over generalized. It depends on your skin, whether you sweat, external factors like rain, humidity etc.

>> No.17955008
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Is there anything out there equally as strong as Avene RetrinAL but without the coloring? Shit rubs off on my clothes and bed sheets.

>> No.17955133

i dont know what is my skin type, im bouncing between dry and oily
basically what happens is after i shower and moisturize, everything is gucci, but at the end of the day its pretty shiny and oily but its not super oily, just when i run my finger over my face, the shiny is transferred to my face
if i were to really track the time it takes for my face to behave that way, i'd say if i leave for work at 7am, around lunch time its shiny already
the worse thing about this is if i stay out late with friends past lets say 10pm, its just fully oily and sometimes if im really tired by 10pm, my eye stings from the oil dripping into my eyes or something (really dont know how to explain it)
and no matter how i use my hands to rub my eyes it wont stop the stinging until i actually wash my face with a cleanser
so i really dont know what is up with my face
oh, if i use a super thick moisturizer, it will cause breakouts on the same day so ive been using gel type moisturizer as my daily driver
if i use a watery asian sunscreen, after 4-5 hours it will be shiny and the oil will sting my eyes if i yawn and tears comes out
thanks in advance for the advises and sorry for wall of text, needed to give context

>> No.17955419

Try sleeping on your back and cutting out processed foods

>> No.17956120
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Considering this. Any opinions?
Basically Im looking for a LED light therapy mask that also has either a heating function or a massage function, or both.
This one has massage.
I have found a few options with heating, but those are basically on Temu and such, so I dont really trust those.

>> No.17956136

After 2-3 years of experimenting with CeraVe/Cetaphil skincare and backing off after month-long breakouts (not purges), I think I've finally had the aha moment, at least for my skin. Use a gentle cleanser once a day for a month to let it clear the crap build-up. Only then start adding a moisturizer. My skin that leans toward dry seems to tolerate the lack of hydration, plus the cleansers have hydrating ingredients anyway. Now I can use a moisturizer with no break-outs. My theory is that the moisturizer was simply locking in the crap from the last skin cycle.

>> No.17957548

maybe because its cream based? not entirely sure how heavy it is. look for retinal serums, these tend to soak in much better.
>use my hands to rub my eyes
dont, it will only get worse since you are adding whatever there is on your fingers to the mix
>my eye stings from the oil dripping into my eyes
post routine. are you sure it is not any of the products you use?
>super thick moisturizer
would not recommend if you get that oily

do you use make up? if not, i dont see any problem to have an occasional splash of water in the face whether at work or going out, for example when going to toilet.
is your scalp/hair oily as well? maybe thats where the problem is
never used one. all i can say it is not super popular among youtube derms, i saw maybe one mentioning it
yeah there was similar case a couple of threads ago where anon started cerave pm moisturizer and it broke him out. hence why the general rule is to introduce new things every 2 weeks but looks like it took a month for your skin. or maybe experiment using even lighter moisturizers

>> No.17957556

new bread



