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17912142 No.17912142 [Reply] [Original]

It's over - /balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
>Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
>Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
>Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
>Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

>> No.17912160
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Why aren't you blasting topical min orally?
It's like you don't want more luscious anime hair than you know what to do with.

>> No.17912162

Just taking 2.5mg gives me terrible fatigue. I was gonna try to endure and see if it would go away after a few weeks but then one day I woke up with a swollen face and nope never again

>> No.17912169
File: 36 KB, 445x556, C593C669-4E14-417C-A495-DC0668CCAF2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she’s ugly outside and in

>> No.17912278

I drank a tiny drop and felt like shit all day

>> No.17912281

Remember to use an insulin syringe for proper measurements and not the fat dropper that comes with your bottle. Don't poke yourself.

>> No.17912307

Just how much are you supposed to drink if even a single drop is 2mg and too much for some people?

>> No.17912310

I am going to dilute it in PG free solution since these micomeasurments are a challenge. Will also be diluting my RU until it doesn't cause ED, possibly in a retinoid serum.

>> No.17912388

I am not bald, but recommend the superior hair trimmer nonetheless. BaByliss PRO FX3 FXX3CBE? Panasonic ER-GP80?

>> No.17912393

but she's pointing through the door to her bedroom across the hall, so she clearly wants the bald guy

>> No.17912510

Ah feels good to have good genetics

Don't need to shrink my balls to keep my hair

>> No.17912528

Was scared I was balding and was in these threads a lot even 4 years ago. Stopped thinking about it and hairline has barely changed since.

>> No.17912602

>tfw .25mg eod

>tfw no sides

>tfw still not bald

feels good. i really hope theres a new treatment in the next decade though, id rather not take fin

>> No.17912764

oral min? not worth it

>> No.17912777

Scalp is alittle greasy, white flakes and if I scratch them the scalp gets irritated and becomes red. What is?

>> No.17912804


>> No.17912825

How do I know if 1mg Fin is causing lower libido/ED or if I'm just getting older and more porn-addicted/desensitized? I'm 23.

>> No.17912849

Who makes a good watch cap? I want to change it up from baseball cap on cloudy days.

>> No.17912853
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*cures your scalp*

Thank me later

>> No.17912854

You should be waking up with morning wood daily. If morning wood becomes painful that means the skin is shrinking which occurs from lower DHT.

>> No.17912889

Remember balding looks better than bald, unless you look like Agent 47 never shave. No ironic facial hair, no tattoos.

>> No.17913001

Why do people nocebo themselves so hard about fin?
Ibuprofen legitimately has higher incidences of side effects than fin does, yet you don't think twice about it.

>> No.17913007

why does no one talk about min foam sides?
i read the leaflet that came with it and the sides seem really bad shortness of breath was listed as common? i don't really want to do it now

>> No.17913012

i have a perfect hairline and great hair at the moment, but take minoxidil preventively because i am just that scared of losing it

>> No.17913014

Did young people just start balding faster or is it just more visible now?
Maybe because I started seeing the signs but now I see them everywhere, I'm now seeing 30yo women with thinning hair and inches of scalp visible, is it the modern carb-rich diet?

>> No.17913017

It shrinks your prostate and weakens your erections.

>> No.17913020

Shortness of breath would happen if you ODed on oral min, you're not going to get that topically unless you nocebo yourself, it's fucking topical, you're slathering 50mg of it on your scalp and hair, if it was this easy for it to go systemic, not only would it be dangerous, it would actually grow hair in 100% of people.

>> No.17913069

>minoxidil preventively because i am just that scared of losing it
should be taking fin not min in that case
your hair might just end up dependant on min lmao

>> No.17913096

I already stopped getting daily morning wood years before starting fin. It was typically 1-3 times per week, and that hasn't changed after starting fin. But when it does happen, it doesn't hurt, so I guess there's that.
The only thing that's changed is masturbating slightly less. Before fin, I did it once every 48 hrs pretty consistently. Sometime after starting fin, my desire to masturbate after 48 hrs has decreased, and I sometimes wait 72 hrs instead. But again, idk if that's the fin, just getting older, or desensitization.

>> No.17913124

>just getting older
>and more porn-addicted/desensitized
Nigga you are 23 wtf
Quit consuming that brain poison, and workout+eat healthy if you dont already.
Its hilarious how many people claim to get side effects from fin while its their fault for their poor life choices. Luckily i am here to tell you you are stupid

>> No.17913153
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How over is it?

>> No.17913173

so do those leaflets just list all potential side effects agnostic of the administration method?

>> No.17913193

I do workout and eat fairly healthy. Quitting porn is easier said than done tho. And why can so many other people watch it without issues, but I can't anyway?

>> No.17913201

When shes dried up

>> No.17913208

Its all about perspective. And I would reccomend not quitting outright, but try scaling it back a bit. Or take "off days" then the next day jack off to something vanilla, say, girls in bikinis.

You'd be surprised how quick you can reset yourself.

>> No.17913211

Yeah, I've tried something like that before, but typically I have to go like 4+ days without masturbating before I can even get off to vanilla stuff without losing my erection. Fml

>> No.17913220
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I haven’t had morning wood even once since I was like 15

>> No.17913223

I gained a lot of weight recently and I’m worried fin will give me bad sides like man boobs

>> No.17913225

If I tap out on fin while I’m shedding will it grow back to normal levels or would it just be stuck in the shedded phase forever?

>> No.17913239

If you're white just take finasteride at 18. Best advice I can give ya.

We don't know. If you "tap out" slowly it probably won't.

>> No.17913268

I'm 30 and wake up with a huge aryan cock even on RU.

>> No.17913393

>Holy trinity:
Clippers are cheaper, and you'll look much better with a number 1 buzz cut or a no-guard cut.

>> No.17913403

>Nigga you are 23 wtf
Testosterone levels stop rising at 20. At 23 T levels may actually be 5% lower.

>> No.17913441
File: 344 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1311905437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when I'm losing hair all over, the sides, the back, the top, everything. Recently the thinning on the top and sides stopped somewhat and now I'm losing more from the back than anywhe else. I'm thinking it could be a vitamin deficiency. Anyone else experiencing this?

>> No.17913455

Are eyebrow problems accepted here? Do essential oils work for anyone else here? Want to know before I try

>> No.17913464

get your thyroid checked

>> No.17913482

It was fine, doc said it’s probably stress levels but even when it’s normal they haven’t come back. It’s sparse now

>> No.17913729

I blame the baldness epidemic on processed foods, sedentary lifestyles, and carb based diets imposed on us from an early age.

>> No.17913735

Myself and any other woman I have ever known would heavily disagree with this. Balding is a terrible look, bald is perfectly fine

>> No.17913839
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>Myself and any other woman
Foid.. no one asked.

>> No.17913845

Transplant + finasteride

>> No.17913847
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how well does this stuff lather? i'm worried i'd have to use like half the bottle just to get a decent lather going that can reach my scalp. or do you mix it with another shampoo or something?

>> No.17913853

utterly ridiculous thing to say
balding is argus filch mode paedophile priest mode cope
bald is being an adult
this is true, do not reply unless you have had sex in the past 10 days

>> No.17913918

people always went bald early
its just more obvious now with the advent of social media.
its easier to blame it on an external source because then it seems like you have some control over it but it really is just a shit genetic dice roll.

>> No.17914899
File: 54 KB, 736x736, 4305aaf7f8f410b0ccaabc2f2299070d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 months on fin, i think the shed is over, my hairline has never looked worse.

>> No.17915009
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>If morning wood becomes painful that means the skin is shrinking which occurs from lower DHT
I've never thought about this shit at all and now I'll be worrying about it every single day thanks cunt

>> No.17915086
File: 457 KB, 746x1054, 1693618475157265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man my hairline is the only redeeming quality of my bitch ass thinning hair. You're telling me that shit is gonna go if i hope on fin?

>> No.17915112

Fin puts your hair in the resting phase, you should begin seeing results by the 6th or 12th month.

>> No.17915166

enjoy your nocebo

>> No.17915168

you mean skip to the anagen phase right?
I'm starting to seeing new growth already but it's not as thick or dense as I remember, will it get thicker as it grows?

>> No.17915192

>you mean skip to the anagen phase right?
>will it get thicker as it grows?
Depends, some people don't react well to finastride, and some do, only time will tell. From what I understand, it works better on diffuse thinners than with horseshoe pattern baldness.

>> No.17915195

if it makes you feel any better, just remember that if you weren't on fin that would have happened anyways and it would never grow back
my shedded hair will grow back, right guys haha

>> No.17915500

dude just trust me bro, shave it instead, chicks love that shit. finasteride literally castrates you and turns you into a tranny

>> No.17915506
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any bold guys here who actually embraced it? Im thinking of getting a laser surgery to permentantly remove my hair so I don't have to shave every 3 days. Is it truly permanent or would I still have to the treatment every year or so?

>> No.17915510

I meant bald, fuck Im retarded.

>> No.17915724
File: 17 KB, 279x279, F-IvA_pWgAA6MRK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicks love that shit
My thought processes don't involve this.

>> No.17916124

Two months into massive hair shedding and psoriasis symptoms, that I'm starting to believe I might have developed alopecia areata. Initially I thought it was just a case of telogen effluvium but now, it's so fucking over for me, a couple more months and I'll be bald.

>> No.17916234

Why don't you go to a dermatologist before you jump to conclusions?
You probably just have a fungal infection and your hair is falling out because the skin stays greasy and you're scratching out any new growth.

>> No.17916370

been meaning to order oral fin + oral min for months now but keep procrastinating ffs

>> No.17916420

because it contains bitterants so you don't drink it, you mong

>> No.17916428

It takes at least 3 months before you can see any real meaningful change, shedding or otherwise, just start now before your hairline gets worse, the longer you wait, the worse results you'll get.

>> No.17916430

it's water, polypropylene glycol, and alcohol, and not the denatured kind either.

>> No.17916523

wtf how did you get a pic of my hairline??
go to a dermatologist and get on fin yesterday

>> No.17916606
File: 598 KB, 1080x950, fin_3mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fin shed is real, but I can see my hairline slowly growing back at 3mo in, debating starting oral min cus I don't want another massive shed, I already have enough body hair as it is, maybe just fin will be enough.

Btw no sides, my libedo and morning wood is the same as ever.

>> No.17916608

I don't think you need min it looks good enough

>> No.17916624

When women think balding they think bald with some scraggly strands of hair glued across a shiny scalp like a cartoon character. They do not think Henry Cavill, the guy who plays captain America who are balding and would not look better shaving it. Becoming another bald clone should be the last resort, most men look better with some hair even if not all of it

>> No.17916790

Good point, but then again, most guys don't look anything like Henry Cavill.

>> No.17916816

You have what I have and I call it creeping dread.
You still at least have hair though too.
My barber gave me advice and that was to keep my hair shorter than previous cuts so that over time I’d feel far less anxious about seeing less hair. Though I still get that occasional sense of loss I don’t nearly feel as anxious as I did about it.

>> No.17916840

You still have hair but it's looking really thin and there's little to no volume on top

>> No.17916861

cavill is not balding lmao thats just his hairline

>> No.17917074
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Rly nigga

>> No.17917090

he's in his 40s

>> No.17917112

>applied RU last night
>woke up with a six inch chub
I can't tell you if it's working but this feels better than topical 0.1mg fin.

>> No.17917114

>another bald clone should be the last resort
Exactly. Allow yourself to be individuated, and stop being motivated by "dude chicks love that, I'm a woman trust me!".

>> No.17917595
File: 3.59 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_7203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair is starting to recede. Should I grow my hair out longer or go shorter? Already on fin

>> No.17917669

Longer will hide the hairline but how long have you been on fin?

>> No.17917684

1-2 years

>> No.17918296

Is it normal to have still not gotten any shedding at almost 5 months of 1mg/day? Does shedding only happen at higher doses? Or does it take longer than 5 months? Or does it just not happen to everyone?

>> No.17918303

She's pointing to her bedroom.

>> No.17919265

I've been getting pretty bad brain fog recently on fin, should I move down to 0.5mg?

>> No.17919350

That's a nocebo, chill

>> No.17919720

Depends how many of your hairs were being attacked by DHT. If your balding was early enough you probably didn't shed enough to notice. She'd 1 month in and good results by 4

>> No.17919865

>If your balding was early enough you probably didn't shed enough to notice
Oh, that might be it then. I do have some very early signs of recession (like Norwood 1.5), but I was mostly taking fin preventatively.

>> No.17919902
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Who cares, she's ugly as shit anyways, guys will simp for anyone women who isn't fat nowadays.

>> No.17919910

didn't know /fa/ had a balding general. i'm saving up for hair transplant. hopefully will get it done next year, as in 2025

>> No.17919913
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So it appears brushing my hair makes it harder to hide my receding temples
How does pic rel looks? They're not brushed and I think I managed to hide it well
(I'm Norwood 2)
However my hair on the back are all stuck together which sucks
Maybe I'll wet them a bit I'll see

>> No.17919919
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How much would you bald losers pay for my 36 year Olde head of hair?

>> No.17921113

Some people get this, I still have the working theory that only your DHT cooked follicles in telogen are what fall out during a shed so if you have very few in telogen then you won't have a noticeable shed.

>> No.17921203
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you got the loser attitude dog if you think hair is that important.

Boys I'm very fucking bald and have no problems at all attracting women. I've always been handsome with good facial structure so obviously that helps. Other than that, just love yourself, lift, and be someone worth admiring and following and women will naturally be drawn to you. Of course there are women that being bald is a deal breaker but so what? Everyone has different taste and preference anyways.

>> No.17921231

Post face

>> No.17921237

You look handsome.

I took fin at the earliest sign of my hairline receding.
It's not like I hate the bald look or think that everyone looks like shit without hair, but for myself, I can't stand the feeling of losing options, losing something which I have now in the future. I would probably hate getting old in general. I pray to God to deliver me an opportunity to die a heroic death before I essentially die, and then am pronounced dead and buried 50 years later.

>> No.17921268
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Sure. I have made huge gains, changed aesthetic+don't fully shave since this was taken but not about to post my face completely uncovered
Yes he's handsome but is the male social reject equivalent of an insecure, washed out millennial roastie thrist trapping on Instagram. Bad post. I probably could have saved my hair if I had cared enough to be proactive but have no regrets. Time will change your views and values. One can be old/ugly but still be /fa/ because its a lifestyle and not simple vanity.

>> No.17921386

You look good bald, if I shaved my hair and looked good I'd be ok with it, but when I shave my hair my giant nose and ears look ridiculous, my hair helps hide this, I also have a shitty jawline

>> No.17921399

Is the topical lotion safe to ingest?

>> No.17921409

read the ingredients and do your own research

>> No.17921416
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thanks anon. Definitely not everyone gets it right out the gate without looking like basedjack and you are likely the best judge for yourself. But I think you're focusing too much on your imperfections. My face is fairly asymmetric from fighting, but nobody really notices unless I point it out. We're all flawed in one way or another but that is our human condition. Bald or not, ugly/beautiful you have features, personality and talents by which you are redeemed. Love yourself and happiness will follow

>> No.17921417

basedjack* phone poster :(

>> No.17922817

How the fuck do you let it get this bad in this day and age?
I didn't even know about fin or dht but I went and looked into it after I noticed there were never any tranner pics with MPB, surely it must be male hormones causing baldness, I thought, you google one or two things and you're led to finasteride and tons of shilling telling you it works, its hard to ignore.

>> No.17922915
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Never shave

>> No.17923440

Is 0.7mg finasteride too mich for a beginner? I don't want to hop on 1.0mg all of a sudden and my clinic offers 0.7 as the lowest and it's in capsule form

>> No.17923446

Wtf fin grows back your hair? I thought you needed min for that

>> No.17923484
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It's over fellas, right?

Just started noticing the thinning within the past few months really. I'm almost 28 so I guess it's not too abnormal for this to happen at this age but it did feel like it hit me pretty suddenly.

So what's the shit I need to start taking. I don't fuck anyways so I guess it doesn't matter if my dick doesn't work.

>> No.17923571

topical RU1488 + drinking topical min + Derminator 2

>> No.17923601

oh okay, would drinking bleach help as well?

>> No.17923628

Go to a derm, get a blood test, get on fin if blood test says you're healthy.

>> No.17923641

no, that is unhealthy.

>> No.17923646

fin is the nuclear option, RU is less severe while still being efficacious.

>> No.17923675

stop being a pussy
1mg isn't harmful to anyone

>> No.17923694

>stop being a pussy and take your titty skittles

>> No.17923723

fin raises testosterone so I'm not sure why you think it's titty skittles, HRT guides don't even include it anymore now that the current meta is just flooding your body with E regularly to make it stop making all it's own T, eliminating the need for androgen blockers and leaving no T available for 5α-reductase to make DHT.

>> No.17923726

It's just like reading tressless, pretty good.

>> No.17923749

fin gave me breast development under one nipple, it's definitely not 100% safe

>> No.17923855


>> No.17923935

Literally EVERYONE notices lower libido and watery sperm you fucking tranny
Side effects are not rare, not 1%, not even 50%
It's guaranteed to make you a tranny and i read that 0.25mg is just as effective as 1mg while being less risky

>> No.17923952

>blasting topical min orally
Why wouldn't you just take oral min instead? AmI missing something?

>> No.17923955

topical min liquid 5% doesn't require a prescription and is readily available, doctors are less likely to prescribe oral min tablets because of the non-zero health risks, some won't even prescribe fin without wasteful blood tests because of hypochrondriatic spergs like >>17923935

>> No.17923957

>carb based diets
Blaming carbs for baldness? Is this some new schizo meme? People have been eating mostly carbs since the neolithic revolution. If anything we get a lower percentage of our caloric intake from carbs than we did a few generations ago

>> No.17923960

You can just buy oral min on the internet though. Why even fuck around trying to get a prescription?

>> No.17923974

some people don't want to cross the line of ordering pharmaceuticals online via gray market sites, the "legitimate" sites that go through the legal means of granting you a prescription on paper are all overpriced.

>> No.17924233

Why spend more when you can spend less?

>> No.17924279

I use an insulin syringe to extract a bit of minoxidil and let a few tiny drops fall into my nightly bedtime drink, it's probably less than 0.05mg which is less than a drop of the dropper. I will see if it does anything, but the idea is to avoid side effects which is why drinking topical is a good idea because you can more easily ingest tinier dosages than you might otherwise.

>> No.17924329

A 0.3ml syringe?
You're not gonna see any appreciable effect at a dosage 40x weaker than a single unmeasured drop.

>> No.17924332
File: 829 KB, 1933x2309, Life=pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my embrace gang at? But seriously I'm just lazy to shave it.

>> No.17924340

You've attained a natural halo

>> No.17924342

Btw a drop is gonna be 1-2mg if it's 5% topical, I'm not sure you're taking such a small dosage, 0.05mg is basically an aerosol droplet, it would be difficult to even see it land in your drink.

>> No.17924483

Does it matter if you take propecia or generic or is all finasteride the same?
I live in japan and local finasteride generic brands are much cheaper

>> No.17924498

what exactly do you think generic means?

>> No.17924499
File: 23 KB, 220x293, Jeffrey_Dahmer_HS_Yearbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found you

>> No.17924511

It means they made the finasteride molecule as publicly known. But how does generic differ from propecia? Does propecia do something secret? Why do people buy propecia instead of generic if generic is supposed to be the same? So many questions

>> No.17924524

Every medication is like this after the patent runs out, anon. It's the same thing.

>> No.17924528

Oral min is like 11 cents per mg though

>> No.17924532
File: 296 KB, 1080x750, Screenshot_2023-12-07-00-06-37-77_82b9bfede139df0d2f4384cd02688c66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

topical min taken orally is like 0.0014 per mg though

>> No.17924533

got a transplant. Kind of regret it since they filled the front but the back is still thinning. Fin gives me side effects so hopefully min can fix it. Otherwise I'll have a weird halo or have to shave it

>> No.17924541

Min won't fix shit. EXTREMELY DUMB move getting a transplant without finasteride.

>> No.17924544

Nta but I thought the hair follicles froma transplant were dht resistant?

>> No.17924545

You're thinning from the back, what kind of trashy place didn't force you to get on fin before the transplant?

>> No.17924546

I won't claim that excessive masturbation will exacerbate hair loss but I've yet to see any significant hairfall since I stopped jerking off a week ago.

>> No.17924550

The safe area is really small, but yes, they're usually resistant. Although there's not enough of them to cover the whole scalp. Everything behind those hairs will go slick bald if you don't stabilize with drugs.
Because it's what works, and they're probably rich if they take the brand one. Shit's expensive. The main ingredient is the same sure but everything else is different. It shouldn't affect you in any way though. Stuff's regulated.

>> No.17924551

Like I said: nta. I'm trying to work out if fin is necessary for typical mpd sufferers that get a transplant. I was agreed under the impression the transplant hairs came from areas that were dht resistant. I'm already on fin btw.

>> No.17924553

Ah cool, I see. It's interesting to be because since I started using steroids I got insanely hairy all over my body, my hair started to thin so, so I got on fin and that seemed to have corrected it. I'm almost 40 so it's not a huge deal to be slightly thinning at my age.

I do find it strange that dht both causes hair growth (my upper arms, back, shoulders all went from hairless to like a gorilla) and hair loss on the scalp at the same time. I don't fully understand why.

>> No.17924565

> The main ingredient is the same sure but everything else is different
I looked it up and even the additives are pretty much the same
Just ordered some generic

>> No.17924641

>take accutane because acne
>on much lower dose now, never had huge one to start with though
>hair noticeably receding several years later
any correlation? neither parent is balding at ~60 and idk what else it could be

>> No.17924819
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>he doesn't know

>> No.17924842
File: 103 KB, 775x1005, IMG_1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest is it over for me? not even 22 yet and my hairline is fucked

>> No.17925218

Took .5 mg fin every other day for awhile but bumped up to every day like 4 months ago. Now my erections are weak as fuck and I have to piss all the time. Gonna hop back down to every other day. Am I gonna lose a shit ton of hair?

>> No.17925241

Just take finasteride at the womb bro.

>> No.17925269

Follicles will spring back on fin if they haven't been killed off by DHT, you need to catch it early, no more than a year after you notice thinning and receding.
Taking fin preventively isn't even a bad idea, they used to market Rogaine this way.

>> No.17925304

Tried every other method out there and I refuse to take the shave pill, so I'm looking to get a transplant in Turkey within the next month or two. Any advice from someone who went? Looking for things to go for or avoid, beside the usual Turkish trickery.RXYG4R

>> No.17925330

Where do you people buy fin online?
I feel kind of weird going through /lgbt/ threads looking for the online pharmacies they use to get their hormones, but they also do fin 1mg and 5mg.

>> No.17925343

Any Quebec anons here? Where do you get your fin? I got a prescription for 5mg of fin (to be cut in 1/4) and, because I'm going to be taking it forever, I want to know what pharmacies have the best prices.

>> No.17925386

Is doing blood work before starting fin just a youtuber self promotion autism fear mongering?

>> No.17925451

Sounds like a good idea in case you've got something other than AGA going on. I went to a doctor for hair thinning and it's the first thing he did.

>> No.17925473

I got back from the dermatologist and he told me that minox and fin are equally effective but he recommends minox first because it has less side effects and he only prescribes fin when minox doesn't work. I thought people usually started fin and then added minox when it wasn't enough and not the other way around. What's the lowdown on fin vs minox? Should I start minox like my dermatologist recommends or go straight to fin?

>> No.17925501

Why do people still trust doctors for this kind of thing?
We're literally years ahead of the medical literature, they're only just now starting to do controlled tests of low dose oral minoxidil.

>> No.17925504

Read the thread, fin blocks the reason your hair thins out and stops balding from advancing, sometimes resulting in regrowth if you're not too late, min accelerates hair growth by short circuiting potassium channels and increasing blood flow everywhere.
Staying on only min will eventually lead to your hair loss outpacing anything min can do, you do only fin or both but never just min.

Also please read the thread.

>> No.17925544

Not a doctor or medical advice but your dermatologist is a retard
Minox has way worse sight effects, even affects your heart
Also minox won't work if you don't also take fin

>> No.17925668

Coal tar lathers the best and works better than zinc

>> No.17925682

It's typical CYA stuff a dermatologist would do.
There's always a non-zero chance your hair loss is being caused by hypothyroid issues or extreme vitamin deficiencies but that's not really common.
How do the telemedicine sites get away with it?
You just send them 2 pics of your forehead and crown and you're insta-approved, they'll give you a chatGPT doctor and you're now signed up for a a $30/mo subscription to keep your hair for life.

>> No.17925685

Women cry when you criticize them for being fat. Women are such cowards.

>> No.17925686

I bet you complain when they hit you even though they never hit you hard enough for it to actually hurt.

>> No.17925688

It depends. If you develop a widows peak late then it's sus. I've had a widows peak since i was very young.

>> No.17925693

I don't. It's annoying when women act tough, but obviously aren't. They talk so much shit, but can't handle being criticized. They're weak larping as strong. Women != men and never will. They love to throw shade at men for every little thing, but they can't handle the level of shit we're expected to just put up with. Whether it's criticism or signing up with the possibility of being drafted and then spouting off against politics. Feminists are the weakest women. If women had to face any of the challenges men do they would wilt. That's why people have been saying for years that we aren't equal. Judging women by male standards is unfair. A woman by male standards is a pathetic cowardly pussy.

>> No.17925700
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Is it over for me or is it just blonde regrowth

>> No.17925707

Could be a regular copelick. Wouldn't worry about it unless it's growing or you're losing density.

>> No.17925708

transplanted hairs generally tend to be DHT resistant and you will keep most of them if the transplant is successful, but it doesn't stop the process of balding. that's why you should be on fin for a while prior to a transplant, because your hair will continue to fall out around the transplanted hair if you aren't, not because the transplanted hair will fall out.

>> No.17925788

Jerking off and cumming three nights in a row while on RU, couldn't do that on fin. I hope this stuff is working.

>> No.17925817

Look on bodybuilding forums

>> No.17925830

i use hims' service, there are a few like that

>> No.17925838

They're really overpriced, anon. Do what you want obviously but the grey market sites are fine.

>> No.17925839

Bald men are disgusting, it's the woman version of "no fat chicks"

>> No.17925845

Guys what kind of min do you recommend? Is regaine fine? Also whats better or easier to apply? The solution or the foam?

>> No.17925882

they're all the same at the end of the day, use whatever is most readily available and affordable to you. i find that topical min is often sold out at the stores i shop at, so i just grab whatever, might be similar for you. i'd say buy online, but the one time i tried buying topical min on amazon, it never arrived and i had to get a refund.
i mostly use rogaine, i've used hims and keeps as well, some people like costco kirkland.
on foam vs liquid - i use both for different situations. i personally believe that i'm getting better results with the liquid, but that might be a combination of factors. i used foam for years with 0 results, around when i got on fin i tried liquid and have used that when i am able to (though i may not be a strong responder to min anyway - many guys aren't).
liquid will make your hair look and feel greasy for several hours after application, so i use it when i know i'm not going anywhere that i need to look presentable. so if i know i'll be sitting at home all day, i put the liquid on when i wake up, then a few hours before bed. i use the foam when i'm going somewhere, or if i forget/get lazy about applying the liquid. say i'm getting ready in the morning to go to work, i use the foam, or i'm about to fall asleep and didn't put the liquid a few hours ago, also foam. the foam is definitely easier to apply but when it dries i find that it leaves a dander-like residue that can build-up that the liquid doesn't. they both have their pros and cons and specific applications, so i keep both on-hand. these are just some examples of how i use it to give you a framework of how to fit it into your routine and decide what would be best for you.

>> No.17925889

thanks for your thorough response, do you and how would you combine it with dermarolling/needling?

>> No.17925919

i used to microneedle but i discontinued that when i gave myself a scar of some sort from it. hair still grows on the area, but you can see the bump, unsure if that's because of thinner hair on it or just the raised surface or what, will ask derm if anything can be done next time i'm in. but when i was microneedling, i would always do it at night and after a shower, then skip applying minox that night and skip the morning application as well, reapplying the night following the needling.
i know some that advocate for applying the very night of needling, while your scalp is still raw, and you very well may be able to, but i always just wanted to let my scalp heal first.

>> No.17925929
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Anyone used this brand?

>> No.17925975 [DELETED] 
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Fin blocks testosterone conversion to DHT, but the question is ultimately why DHT is miniaturizing the follicles of some men but not others.
>different genes among men, bro
That would work if ALL follicles on the scalp were getting miniaturized rather than only the top follicles in the typical MPB pattern, but I challenge you to try to find some concrete known genetic difference among these follicles. Look through all the dermatology journals you like. Not only is there no answer to the question of why the side follicles are spared -- the one-world-think obvious question doesn't even seem to register.

All treatments that have some evidence of actually regrowing hair (minox, microneedling, massage) are connected to blood pressure / blood flow. Minox, remember, was formally designed as a blood-pressure drug, and the hair regrowth was an unintended outcome. Microneedling and massage have obvious connections to blood pressure / blood flow. Most important, it's known that the sides of the scalp tend to have better blood pressure / blood flow as a matter of basic biophysics.

I don't have the ultimate solution, but I feel that something very simple is being overlooked.

>> No.17925976
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Fin blocks testosterone conversion to DHT, but the question is ultimately why DHT is miniaturizing the follicles of some men but not others.
>different genes among men, bro
That would work if ALL follicles on the scalp were getting miniaturized rather than only the top follicles in the typical MPB pattern, but I challenge you to try to find some concrete known genetic difference among these follicles. Look through all the dermatology journals you like. Not only is there no answer to the question of why the side follicles are spared -- the one-would-think obvious question doesn't even seem to register.

All treatments that have some evidence of actually regrowing hair (minox, microneedling, massage) are connected to blood pressure / blood flow. Minox, remember, was formally designed as a blood-pressure drug, and the hair regrowth was an unintended outcome. Microneedling and massage have obvious connections to blood pressure / blood flow. Most important, it's known that the sides of the scalp tend to have better blood pressure / blood flow as a matter of basic biophysics.

I don't have the ultimate solution, but I feel that something very simple is being overlooked.

>> No.17925988
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picrel x10 daily, increases bloodflow to target areas. Doctors hate this one simple trick

>> No.17926003

I unironically know someone who claims to have regrown all his hair with daily yoga headstands, though I suspect he got a transplant and is ashamed of being 'vain'.

>> No.17926012

I also want to understand this. Why does dht encourage thick hair growth on places like my shoulders yet sissy causes mpd. I don't get it. Surely the ultimate cure for baldness would be somehow swapping the dht sensitive follicles for ones that grow from dht.

>> No.17926058

interesting. I think I'll try using an inversion table as part of my routine. Can't hurt, right

>> No.17926071
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What's wrong with getting a buzz cut if you're balding though? And growing a beard and maybe getting fit if you're skinny or fat?

>> No.17926074

If you're gay go for it
Bald + beard is the opposite of what women want

>> No.17926105
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This is the way to go if you aren't insecure and don't want to be chemically castrated by zog slop. Some women care, most don't. As a man, would you select a partner based solely the shape of her ass/tits? Again, one might but what kind of man does that make you

>> No.17926125

Nothing if you can pull it off.

>> No.17926158
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That's the textbook balding cope, yes. Better than looking like picrel I guess

>> No.17926181

Natural tonsure

>> No.17926261

Is splitting a 5mg fin tablet in 8 realistic or is it too small? If it's possible, what's the best way to do it? I want to take 0.625mg every day to start and see how I respond.

>> No.17926317

Just buy 1mg and split in half
Where did you get 5mg? 1mg is the max dose for AGA

>> No.17926332

>Where did you get 5mg?
That's what the doc prescribed. He wants me to split it in 4. I think he just did that because only 5mg is covered by insurance.

>> No.17926339

I'm sure the side effect profile of 1 and 1.25mg is negligible.

>> No.17926355

billions have been spent in hair loss R&D and the most they've gotten is knowing the hair loss and anagen acceleration is caused by multiple adrenal changes triggered by minox and fin and not just widened potassium channels.

>> No.17926388

Shes pointing to the bedroom

>> No.17926419

Yeah, the DHT explanation makes no sense as an ultimate explanation when genetically identical follicles (such as top vs. side scalp follicles) are responding differently to DHT for no known reason.
Healthy follicles seem to handle DHT just fine.

>> No.17926432

He's probably prescribed you Proscar 5mg tablets instead of Propecia 1mg tablets. They're both finasteride, but Proscar is much cheaper (the drawback in my experience being that it's a coin toss whether any particular doctor will prescribe Proscar off-label for hair loss).
Just split one tablet into four 1.25mg tablets. 1-1.25mg daily is the standard dose, and you're not really gaining much by using 0.625mg as a test dose instead of 1.25mg.

>> No.17926510

What doctor I go to if I noticed my hair thinning and starting to fall out? There are specific doctors called "Thricholog" here, but they only work in centers that specialize in hair transplants, so I assume they are salesman more than doctor. Because you come to the center -> Ofc you need a transplant -> Give us money.

>> No.17926542

skip doctor and get oral fin and min from gray market pharmacies, ignore the shills it all works, the side effect profile on both is about 2-4% of the population and the effects always go away when stopping the drug

>> No.17926567

I just went to a generalist and told him about my concerns. He said there's a high chance it's just AGA but sent me to do a blood test to be sure. Once I got the results and saw they looked good, I made an appointment to a dermatologist who gave me a finasteride prescription.
Sure there's a 90% chance he's just got AGA but I think it's worth it to be seen by someone. Fin or min aren't going to help if his hair are falling off for some non-standard cause that he's not actually addressing.

>> No.17927102

My forehead is almost 4 inches long. Do finasteride and myxodril or whatever need prescription?

>> No.17927104
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I guess I should've read the thread. So amazon sells scam drugs?

>> No.17927117
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Been taking 0.5mg fin and 5mg oral min daily for a week shy of two months now. Possibly my imagination but I'm pretty sure I'm already noticing my temples thickening back up and new little hairs around my hairline. Hoping that this improvement starts properlly accellerating now as people suggest it does between the 2-6 month mark.

I'm feeling hopeful that I've finally hit upon the winning formula for my body after several false starts over the last few years:
>Used topical rogaine for a few weeks and it gave unbelievably bad dermatitis around my eyes which I'm still gradually recovering from now.
>Took 1mg fin daily for about 5 month previously. Good results on my hair but gave me bad limp-dick after a while. So far none of that on 0.5mg daily.
>Took 2.5mg oral min for a couple of months previously but it made my heart race like a jackhammer to the point that I got scared and stopped. I've now gotten on the treadmill and am in much better cardiovascular shape and it's meant that the 5mg only has a tiny tiny effect on my heart-rate now.

I'm aslo enjoying the eyebrow and beard gains from the oral min too as I desperatley needed a buff in those areas as well as the top of my head.

>> No.17927123

I am taking oral fin for 4 years now, also applied topical min plus needling for like 2 or so, nothing helped. I guess I kind of stabilized, but my shit is all fucked up. Hope it stays like this so I can get a transplant and have enough donor hair so I can atleast get a filled in top, I dont mind the high hairline too much in comparison.

>> No.17927204

Yes, there are a lot of counterfeit products on Amazon. If you're a shart you can just go to your local Walmart and buy it there to be 100% sure of what you're getting.

Finasteride is the more important drug. You should start it first and see if it works.
>grey market pharmacies
wtf? If you want don't want to pay for a derma just use telelmedicne instead of some indian rippiong you off.

>> No.17927241
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Name 1 reason to take 1mg instead of 0.2mg and have 5 times the risk of side effects when they have pretty much the same effectiveness

>> No.17927248

Unlikely fake as 6 months worth of minoxidil costs like $20 at Costco. If you see min being upcharged its genuine. I have to pay about $40 to get it from the states

>> No.17927265

There's no real margins to making fake pharmaceuticals that are already generic, maybe that shit would fly in china but the cost of dropshipping that fake stuff out of china would eat into meager profits for what is effectively wire fraud.

>> No.17927268

Serum DHT?
What about scalp DHT?
Stop being a pussy and take the whole full 1mg like a man.
How the fuck are you zoomers so endocrinologically screwed up that a little androgen blocker is enough to give you gyno

>> No.17927287

I took a deep dive into pattern baldness a couple of years ago and couldn't get an answer to my straightforward question of why the side hair isn't affected. It was also quite concerning that I could find tons of autism on le /r/tressless, the cure 2020 site, etc., but couldn't find anyone else even asking such a straightforward question. Total Bizarro World.

>> No.17927291

Ultimately I think DHT is just the final link in the long chain of reactions that eventually causes the horse shoe pattern baldness in (some) men. Targeting DHT obviously helps, but there should be other factors along the chain that non-bald people somehow manage to interrupt, without affecting their DHT.
I think blood flow is absolutely a vital part of the equation, but something that throws me off is why transplanted hair follicles are not affected by DHT afterwards. Shouldn't it get the same flow of blood as before?

>> No.17927297

Ah the usual shill fallback tactic to attack your manhood and call you names
>just take high doses of hormone altering drugs bro it's just a little infertility bro
no thanks pharmatranny i will take the minimum effective amount to solve my problem

>> No.17927301

>Results: Scalp skin DHT levels declined significantly by 13.0% with placebo and by 14.9%, 61.6%, 56. 5%, 64.1%, and 69.4% with 0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg doses of finasteride, respectively. Serum DHT levels declined significantly (P <.001) by 49.5%, 68.6%, 71.4%, and 72.2% in the 0.05, 0.2, 1, and 5 mg finasteride treatment groups, respectively.
There are other studies that found that likeliness of side effects increases by 4 times from 0.2mg to 1.0mg
Any rational man can put 2+2 together to see how 0.2~0.5 is the optimal dose, depending on how you respond. Imagine risking 4x times having a limp dick for an insignificant increase in DHT reduction effectiveness

>> No.17927302

If that data on effectiveness is legit, the argument for taking 0.2mg instead of 1mg is cost -- it would be a lot cheaper to take 0.2mg instead of 1mg.
It can't be inferred that the 1mg dose has five times the side-effect risk of the 0.2mg dose just because 0.2 * 5 = 1. In medicine/nutrition/etc., a dose-to-risk graph is often nonlinear and has a relatively flat line followed by a sharp rise followed by a tapering off to another relatively flat line when peak risk has been obtained. It's conceivable that peak finasteride risk could be reached with 0.1mg.

>> No.17927313

Watch, you're gonna nocebo yourself on 0.01mg finasteride and complain that your skull is collapsing and shrinking and you can't do mental math anymore cus of all the brainfog.
Ibuprofen has a higher risk profile for sides than fin does.

>> No.17927315

you are taking a hormone altering drug with known side effects that almost everyone experiences (1% is a lie, EVERYONE experiences even a small decrease in libido). taking x amount is very likely to be much safer than taking 4x amount, and a lot of people who had side effects and minimized dosage say so in the youtube comments here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=I62FbXTRjYg
unfortunately there are not a lot of studies on lower doses for investigating how it affects side effects since most studies focus on the "recommended" dose of 1mg
> likeliness of side effects increases by 4 times from 0.2mg to 1.0mg
i don't remember where i saw that. i think it's one of the studies in that video. 1% reported side effects on 0.2mg and 4% reported side effects on 1.0mg iirc
for me, the rational choice is 0.2 or 0.25mg. maybe if you're balding aggressively consider 0.5mg but 1mg is not worth the risk

>> No.17927319

nonsense and not an argument. i'm looking at published studies and comments by people with personal experience on it
0.01mg is not significantly effective and i never take ibuprofen or any other artificial drugs not found in nature. finasteride is my first artificial drug that i decided to take so i want to do my best to minimize side effects from it
i understand that most of you here don't give a crap about your body and take various cocktails of god knows what manmade chemicals but i want to take care of my body

>> No.17927321

Here's my conspiracy theory.
Hypothesis 1: The invasive act of surgery itself triggers the body's healing process which causes it to reset the blood flow that has weakened over time in that area. (There was that anecdote about that guy whose scalp burned and he started growing hair back over it.)
Hypothesis 2 (my choice): Hair follicles grow at various depths in the scalp (between 4 and 7mm according to google). Through surgery, the newly implanted hair follicle is actually placed deeper than original hair follicle that withered away, which causes it to benefit more from the body's blood supply.

In theory you could test Hypothesis 2 by finding someone you know is going to go bald, surgically removing his hair follicles and implanting them in *the exact same area*. If a couple of years later the "reimplanted" area does not miniaturize, then you've confirmed that the hair follicles themselves are not "DHT weak or resistant", but rather it's their proximity to blood flow that matters.
If you think about it logically, because of gravity, the top of your head is the area that has the least amount of blood flown to it. The side hair never miniaturizes because it gets plenty of blood as the flow tries to reach the top of your scalp and forehead.

DHT is still an element though, because I've seen FtM's who started balding like their fathers after taking testosterone, even though they obviously didn't bald as women. So does increased blood flow somehow mitigate the damage of DHT? Or does DHT block a certain amount of nutrients from reaching the hair, and combined with a poor blood supply access, it causes the hair follicle to slowly starve to death? I dunno but I feel that if human experimentation on prisoners was legal, we'd have solved this by now.

>> No.17927324

If you took care of your body you wouldn't be losing your hair.
Everyone knows people are now losing their hair younger and younger, even women now walk around with thinning hair, all the subsidized goyslop and additives people eat will be found to be incredibly inflammatory in a few decades from now.

>> No.17927325

>If you took care of your body you wouldn't be losing your hair
nonsense, being healthy does help but you can't stop receding after a certain age without intervention. doctors say it's genetic
i had perfect hair in my 20s but i started slowly receding in my 30s, currently NW2 but i want to stop it from progressing, at least until i have kids
0.25mg or so seems like the sweet spot but i will report back in a few months

>> No.17927326

If that's the case we could solve balding by doing 3 minute head stands every week by increasing blood flow to the head.

>> No.17927327

I'm sure that helps to do anyway.

>> No.17927331

Possibly. But there are some factors to account for
1. How much blood flow is necessary to counteract miniaturization? Maybe 3 minutes a week is not enough but rather 3 minutes a day? Or 1 minute 3 times a day in the morning, noon and evening? You'd need to find multiple people predisposed to MPB and ask them to do the headstands for various amounts of time to identify how much is enough.
2. You'd need to convince these people to be consistent in their routine for YEARS. This is by far the hardest part of any long term study.
3. It's hard to get an accurate measurement just by doing it yourself because there's always the possibility that even if your father was balding, you just lucked in genetics, so going online and saying "hey guys I do headstands and I didn't bald, it works" might not be necessarily true, you'd need a much larger sample to verify.

That being said, I'm going to give it a shot anyway since I don't have anything to lose. I wonder if headstands vs handstands would be better. Headstand applies friction and pressure on the skin which could tear some hairs away, and doing a handstand would avoid that while still pooling blood to your head. But maybe that pressure on the skin helps stimulate blood flow more than just pooling blood by itself? Man why does it all have to be so complicated, I just wanted my bangs back.

>> No.17927339
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2500 grafts cost around 50k pesos (mexican here) which is around 2k dollars. should i do it? i only want an extra cm in my forehead and close up my whatever pic related are called in english. Everyone wants to go to turkey for hair transplants but i'm sure the procedure shouldn't really be that hard to perform for doctors from any other third world shithole like mine, right?

>> No.17927351 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17927362

might as well get on fin+min before anyway and maybe you can recover it before dropping $2k. the doctor will make you get on those meds after the procedure regardless

>> No.17927365
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>> No.17927373

The only reason your hear about Turkey so much is not because of quality but because wypipo bald the most and hte most people are in yurop and since everyone in this shithole is poor we have to go to the turks for operations.

You should go the closest you can. If you're inaustralia go to thailand or korea etc

Choosing a local doctor is not a bad choice at all. They're familiar with your hair type and there's no language barrier .Tell us the name of the clinic if you can. Oh and be sure to get on fiansteride before this thing. A transplant is not worth it without meds.

>> No.17927654
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How did he pull off the bald look bros?

>> No.17927728

He was a fucking hideous goblin just like all the people he worked for and who murdered him in the end. So the baldness was quite fitting for the overall image.

>> No.17927784

keep seething nafo fag

>> No.17927939

>reee stop saying bad things about the meme terrorist my classmates adore!11
Zoomer, chill.

>> No.17927955

> much counter-offensive
> to the last hoho
No, you and your fellow redditors are complicit in the death of thousands of Ukrainians; advocating they throw away their lives so you can feel like you're sticking it to Putin. You're a fucking disgrace

>> No.17927961

Lmao, just for how long have you consumed pro-putin content that your brain's now such a mess that you don't even see the insane hypocrisy in your own words, while attributing some opinion I don't hold to me.
How old are you, 15? Or perhaps 50?

>> No.17927970

Go back to the nafo sub-reddit. And get another booster; I hear COVID is gonna be super duper deadly for real this winter. You fucking disgrace

>> No.17927977

>thinks vaccine is some global conspiracy shit
Yeah, that adds up. I think it's safe to assume you're a commie longing for the return of USSR, am I right?

>> No.17927980

>conflates normal vaccines with the shit they created for COVID
> doesn't understand the difference between decades proved vaccines and experimental gene therapy
Seriously, go back. There's no karma here for you

>> No.17927986

>experimental gene therapy
Lmao, what a fucking dumbass. You haven't studied the subject yourself, have you? Or biology in general for that matter. Don't forget to put on a foil hat to protect you against the 5g waves.

>> No.17927988

Go look up what happened to the test animals, retard

>> No.17927993

You mean millions of people who got vaccinated? Well, they are doing fine, believe me or not.

>> No.17928000
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> implying they were the test animals
Fucking lol. And no. No they are not.

>> No.17928012

>a global trend despite vaccines being different in different countries
You'd be better off bringing this up in /zog. I don't buy that shit - that statistic potentially involves much more than just vaccines but you're free to believe whatever conspiracy you want.

>> No.17928023

Most of the rest of the world used mRNA shots, dipshit. You can deny reality all you want. It doesn't change the fact you just cut your life expectancy down by as sizable percentage.
But please go ahead; name another variable that was introduced the same time during the shots that could be causing this trend

>> No.17928027

Sedentary life styles, high amounts of toxic metals and minerals in the water supply, processed food containing high amounts of refined sugars and sodium, polluted air, no sense of community/family, etc. And yes, that last one is valid, mental health is a lot more important than people think, it's one of the major reasons why teen suicide has been steadily increasing over the years. .

>> No.17928028

You made the statement, so it's on you to give convincing proofs. That article doesn't prove anything at all, it doesn't even mention vaccination. And it doesn't take into account other countries like Russia that developed their own vaccine using a different method.
Even if you're right, and it will put me out of my misery early, so be it, there's no life after 50 anyway.

>> No.17928030

Oh all that shit was introduced way long before 2021. But whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.17928038

>Even if you're right, and it will put me out of my misery early
This we can both agree on. I don't want you to have another chance to drag me into enslavement with you

>> No.17928040


>> No.17928042

If you don't feel the chains and shackles, it doesn't mean they aren't there, slavie.

>> No.17928045

As if you cattle understand the conception of freedom.

>> No.17928049

Kek. There's not a single person who's truly free, kid. You'll realize it one day when this childish rebel spirit wears off.

>> No.17928064

Honestly, its over. There is no going back. It does not look good and you should just buzz it bro. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

>> No.17928090

If you got the shot because you have a family to support. I truly do feel sorry for you. I don’t so I had no reason not to refuse; money lost can be regained. That’s harder with a family. Just keep in mind that the same government that lied to you about covid is most likely lying to you about other shit. Like the Russian Ukraine war

>> No.17928092

I don't have a family, and got a shot for other reasons, don't know what you mean by doing that for the family.
I don't really care what any side of this war says, all I know is whoever attacks first is the aggressor and the one to blame, it really is simple, no need to overcomplicate.

>> No.17928155

Got fin at the closest pharmacy. $12 for the drug plus $30 for the pharmacist. 70% overhead. How does that compare for the other Canadians here?

>> No.17928171

When people talk about .2mg of fin are they actually cutting pills? I have the standard 1mg pills but just take one two or three times a week, not everyday.

>> No.17928191

They must be because I'm pretty sure 1mg and 5mg are the only official doses that are being sold

>> No.17928213

This doesn't even look bad anymore after I saw shots of that Ilya guy from OpenAI.

>> No.17928242

Man VS Twitch Fortnite streamer

>> No.17928311
File: 1006 KB, 1079x1239, Screenshot_20231210-012443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What norwood is this? 3?
How many grafts would it take to make it look normal'ish?

>> No.17928327

It's hard to tell from that angle. We're only seeing half of your hairline.

>> No.17928351

This. Pic on the right looks like he takes it up from the ass from pic on the left

>> No.17928372
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20231210-023433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17928530

What kind of doctor should I go to get prescriptions and maybe schedule a hair transplant later next year?

>> No.17928617
File: 37 KB, 373x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just wanted to keep my hair a little longer

>> No.17928746

Any doctor should be able to prescribe finasteride, but make sure it's a generic, cheaper brand of finasteride and not Propecia.
If there's no rush, you should get on finasteride and minoxidil for at least a year before getting a transplant. If you get good regrowth, that reduces your transplant expenses, and you should be on finasteride and minoxidil after a transplant anyway, so may as well start the habit early.

>> No.17929296
File: 13 KB, 264x300, Dr-Gary-Linkov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's the surgeon for your hair transplant, bro

>> No.17929808

the dealer never consumes
Same how all lasik surgeons wear glasses

>> No.17930006

>>Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
>tfw started having breathing problems in 2021: sometimes taking a 2nd deep breath because 1st one doesnt give full air needed
>start oral minox in 2023
>2 months later, cardio ability drastically reduced and breathing feels like at 50% efficiency like something's obstructing airways

Doctors said lungs and heart are functioning much better than the average person. Would minox side effects really take a whole 2 months to manifest? This is the biggest making me question it being the minox

>> No.17930017
File: 61 KB, 700x934, 20231106_181303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does hair ever go back to normal after a bout of telogen effluvium?

>> No.17930034

me too, but for both. can see my nipples protrude through clothing nowadays

>> No.17930043

topical made my chest hurt for a year. wouldn't doubt oral would compound the sides significantly

>> No.17930049

how long after taking topical did you notice the chest pain? i'm just really surprised symptoms could take 2 month to show. It started when I got a bad cough while doing sports that eventually went, but the hit to my cardio remained.

>> No.17930062

started out as palpitations after a few days and noticeable pain every day maybe a month later. switched to only using once a day and it's been very slowly getting better since

>> No.17930193
File: 223 KB, 951x1294, Snapchat-778739845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this normal hair loss? Shed a ton of hair all over my head for two months straight, I think it may have calmed down a bit but then again I'm not sure.

>> No.17930581

See your symptoms started within a clear window. People always stressed how shortly after use, the worst symptoms would happen (if they happen) and get better from there. 2 months just seems far too long to confidently put it on the minoxidil, but guess I don't have a choice and need to eliminate this being the cause.

It also doesn't help me at all that, despite being quite physically capable, I already had typical symptoms like palpitations, massive eye bags and breathing problems prior to starting minoxidil.

Think I'll switch to half a tablet first and monitor any changes

>> No.17930587


>> No.17930617

Dermaroller+Essential Rosemary oil
Tell your intact testosterone and unshrunken balls to thank me later.

>> No.17930760

That just probably increases blood flow, it won't stop progression

>> No.17930812

My doctor gave me recipe for 1,25mg Finasteride right away. So far haven't noticed any difference in good or bad. It gave me a little nausea in the first week

>> No.17930827

If only hair loss was the only hardcoded problem. At least you can get transplants and there's hope for more progressive methods to be found.
Another thing is having an asymmetrical face due to the bone structure. This sounds like a game over.

>> No.17930834
File: 36 KB, 261x514, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just here to tell all my follicly challenged brethren that there is life after twink-death

>> No.17931197

Are those white things dandruff? Sometimes it can make you thin. If you're losing your hair without a pattern, it might just be a scalp issue. See if you need to use Nizoral for a bit to kill the dandruff.

>> No.17931238

>used to have a go to hairstyle in the past 5 years
>would always just 'werk' and I'd like it
>can't remember how to replicate it like before
>realize its because I'm thinning on top it doesn't hold form as easily
I honestly think if I didn't live such an unhealthy lifestyle I'd be far better off in the hair department. god I need to move out

>> No.17931291
File: 91 KB, 900x900, ESK7aRaU0AAMdZ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like my fin shedding has started after a bit less than 3 months.
It's only uphill after this.

>> No.17931311
File: 758 KB, 870x804, Schermafbeelding 2023-09-27 014359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my grandmother poisoned my grandda , and he just sat it
my father was a junkie all his life and yet he made it
i do what what i want
and i dont sweat it
hear me now dreadlocks


>> No.17931571

Found the trick to use a beanie right after washing your hair, it makes a magnificent job at hiding my receding hairline
From 1 hour to do them to less than 10min now

>> No.17931578

Does anyone have greasy/waxy scalp? If I don't wash for a day or two my scalp gets really oily. I end up scratching my scalp and scooping out wax under my nails.

>> No.17931590

That's not wax, you have a fungal infection.

>> No.17931753
File: 185 KB, 784x750, IMG_1351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a bitch.

>> No.17931878

It's genetics. I have some of my grandpa in me (legs, general proportions) and the dude was bald at 45 and so am I balding early. It is what it is.

>> No.17932405
File: 972 KB, 7680x4320, 97a8573dc4db72e11247f1369fb353d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and agent 47 pilled

>> No.17933234

Elaborate. And how long is your hair?

>> No.17933304

2 years long
But I put a beanie right after washing them
I'll draw a pic once I'm back home
But this definitely helped me on how I do my hair the morning, I just wake 15min earlier to wet them and let them dry with the beanie as I'm having breakfast and take a shit

>> No.17933410

I'll be waiting anon. Also let me know if your hair is curly/straight, and what shampoo routine you use.
I'm also trying to grow my hair out to better hide my receding hairline (NW3) since it's curly, but I'm not really sure it will actually work out for me. Maybe I should just stick to some zoomer brocolli style.

>> No.17933534

Okay so I tried making a drawing but I can't draw for shit
So basically what I do
Wet my hair
Dry a bit with a towel (gently tapping few seconds)
Do a middle parting
Then wear a beanie for ~30minutes
And my hair good to brush a little bit, just to get my temples hidden and my tie them with a quick manbun

>> No.17933831

this little asian nigga will give you back your temples for a modest price.

>> No.17933877

Just blast min and you'll get enough hypertrichinosis that you'll get your temples back.

>> No.17934780

why is the "fin/min only maintains" meme so prevalent when it's clearly wrong?

>> No.17934789

Why did you post an ugly bitch then?

>> No.17934792

If I was gay I'd let you fuck me. Heck, I'd let you fuck my girlfriend if you're into that

>> No.17934886

redpill me

>> No.17934892

Have you ever heard of Crescina? This shit advertised everywhere here for hair loss, and there is no information about it onlibe, seems like snake oil.

>> No.17935807

New thread: >>17935806

>> No.17936146

Im looking to go to him this summer. I had a transplant in turkey last summer, and had massive quality of life improvements, but not 100% satisfied with the design. Laorwong is cheap, has a short waiting list and is probably among the best surgeons in asia.