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/fa/ - Fashion

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17890168 No.17890168 [Reply] [Original]

Here we go again - /balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
>Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
>Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
>Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
>Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

>> No.17890208

i'm not balding but i'm not afraid to either. unless you're going seriously bald before your mid 20s there's no reason to freak out about it. just grow up and accept it

>> No.17890264

I'm going to go on dutasteride and estrogen to stop this thinning. My dick is less important than my golden hair.

>> No.17890265

Nope I'm in my 30s and have always had a girl hairline it will not go back i refuse.

>> No.17890271

Why when you can take meds and/or get a hair transplant if it gets too bad.

>> No.17890288

21 on fin/min for about a month and a half. Half dose fin and 2 drops liquid min. Morning wood is a quarter what it used to be. Still can get it up though. Lost ~0.5 an inch, 6 -> 5.5. No shedding I noticed. Baby hairs are exploding, got some new ones along my front hairline. Can’t really tell temple progress. Best thing is no more anxiety about it.

>> No.17890307

be a man
on principle

>> No.17890317

What principle? Hair is better than no hair at any age.

>> No.17890321

One of the most scathing and gaslighting terms in human language. No, i refuse to "man up" or "be a man" because it's a shit gig.

>> No.17890492
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Why not just shave it all off and grow a beard? Women love that shit.

>> No.17890554

At 21 dude I wouldn’t even take minoxidil yet. That could be what’s killing your boners even more than fin and it’s also sort of dangerous.

>> No.17890556

No, men love it. Women aren’t attracted to it even a little bit. Modern women with fucked up birth control hormones least of all.

>> No.17890597

I've always had a shit hairline since I'm born so I don't give a shit if I'm one day bald

>> No.17890880

what everybody says before they actually start balding

>> No.17890883
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>its an /fa/ or /fit/ balding thread

>> No.17890905

Men have gone bald for several millennia. Just accept it you tranny fucks

>> No.17891096

Modern medicine now allows men to manage the negative side-effects of high-T and high androgen sensitivity, including non-cosmetic, more life-threatening effects like hypertension.

>> No.17891111


>> No.17891150

I bet it works just as good as corona vaccines.

>> No.17891765

If you're balding, there's two options.

1. Accept it and keep it neat while balding or shave it
2. Go and get hair transplants

Anything else is beta cope. Imagine putting chemicals on your head and rolling yourself with needles and taking drugs daily just to have your receding hairline recede 20% slower.

I had a receding hairline in my early 20's, wasn't that bad. Late 20's, I had two people unprompted tell me I'm balding at the back of my head, so I just shaved it off and have kept it that was since.

>> No.17891777

>just go bald bros be a man

>> No.17891781
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>> No.17891790
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I'm keeping my hair with zero (0) side effects.
Cope harder cue ball .

>> No.17891836

Right looks like a man, left like a kid. Depends on your age really, I would hate to look like a kid when I'm older. I also understand 18-25 year olds who are afraid to lose their youthful looks. Spoiler: you will also be old one day (unless you die before)

>> No.17891886
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How does ketoconazole helps with hair loss?

>> No.17891918

I want to start fin but I’m worried about gynocomastia since I think I’m predisposed to that and also have higher than typical body fat at the moment

>> No.17891945

A lot of hair loss I've noticed is people with bad sebderm and dandruff, ketoconazole is an antifungal, some people claim it's also anti-DHT but nobody has been able to prove it, it's just easier to assume it clears up your scalp conditions leading to hair loss, like excessively itchy scalp, you will literally scratch out your hair leaving dandruff untreated.

>> No.17891952
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as always

>> No.17891986
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Is it possible to fix those circular "holes" of lack of hair in the side of the head (like pic related) with finasteride and/or minoxidil?

>> No.17891990


>> No.17892003

Those are called temples and many people on oral min report regrowth in the temples.

>> No.17892014

I have one, but at only at the right side of my head.

>> No.17892024
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>balding general

>> No.17892036
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>> No.17892037

I made that /hair/ general to avoid more doomposting balding cope generals full of ppl either telling you to go troon lite or that men shouldn't have hair past the age of 20.

>> No.17892041
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>oral minoxidil
>minoxidil + dermastamp

Which one is better?

>> No.17892594
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Would tea tree oil castile soap with it's anti DHT properties pair well with finasteride when used as shampoo or is it just placebo?

>> No.17892607
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New hair growth or is it over?

>> No.17892613

Bro fix your scalp, ketoconazole that shit

>> No.17892617

Already did but I ran out, also worth noting I have hypothyroidism, my hair began shedding like crazy around late September of this year, wondering if it's from stress/my thyroid or of it's just over.jpg

>> No.17892756
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>> No.17892818

Baldlet, here. This is the truth that lookists don't want you to know:
Typical case of MPB won't be so bad at 30 and will have probably JUSTed your shit by 35.
If you haven't got a wife sorted out by 30 then MPB is not the worst of your problems.
Shit is going to be bad for you even with a full head of hair.
So, if you're looking at 30-35 with no wife it is likely a good move to maintain your hair.
But planning to be 30-35 with no wife? That's a shit plan. You're not going to looksmaxx and be a Slayer.
If you had it in you to be a slayer you'd be slaying already.
You are choosing to be something else or have had something else chosen for you and the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour.

>> No.17892958
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I am diffuse thinning right?
it's hard for me to know for sure because my family all has thin hair.

>> No.17892989

Balding is natural. If balders had a full hair of hair they'd find something else to bitch about. People like that will never be happy with their body and live a life of perpetual insecurity. Imagine living like that. Fucking losers.

>> No.17893019


>> No.17893022

Just undergo transplantation multiple times, it's not that hard.

>> No.17893195

>implying that run-through women care much about looks after the age of 30 and (possibly) a divorce behind their back
>implying that getting married is a good idea in general
Heh, you must've lost some of the brain cells with that hair, fren.

>> No.17893292
File: 166 KB, 1500x1500, IT935703001-p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started taking a pharmacy mixture of min (2%), fin (0.025%) and a few other things + a shampoo for sebhorroic dermatitis and a hair loss supplement called Trigan (https://www.redcare.it/dieta-alimentazione/IT935703001/funziona-trigan.htm))

I've yet to see any sides, but i'm mostly curious what you guys think about the supplement since i've always been skeptical about such products but this one seemed good to me and the thricologist i went to

>> No.17893478

you have more meat on your frame now

>> No.17893483

waste of money
>min (2%), fin (0.025%)
doses are too low
>I've yet to see any sides,
donkey, I take 1,5 mg dut every day and nothing changed

>> No.17893486


>> No.17893599

Your percentages are meaningless without dosage size.

Anyways, you really shouldn't go below 1mg fin and 2mg minoxidil per day do you want to see actual results in a timely manner.

>> No.17894186

Hair cloning is coming soon, so focusing on becoming a millionaire is a better option to solve your baldness instead of focusing on cope like medications or transplants that will not give you back the hair you lost

>> No.17894210

Does min work for diffuse thinning? Mine has been slowly thinning over the last 4-5 years and it's the point now where I see my crown around my cowlick if I don't comb it back.

>> No.17894211

Balding won't be a thing in 10 years for people who aren't very poor, I'd just like to not spend my 30s looking like shit in the mean time.

>> No.17894238

whatever gave you that impression?

>> No.17894304

>the sole motive behind any of his actions are “getting a wife”
Lol. Lmao, even. gtfo with that simpy shit. I got into fashion because I wanted to cultivate my taste, because looking good is a pleasant aesthetic experience to *my* eyes first and foremost, if other people share my tastes thats nice but they will always be secondary. I care about maintaining my hair because I find big ugly foreheads absolutely hideous and I would commit seppuku before becoming ugliness incarnate.

>> No.17894355

if you're a spergy over 30 guy you could use any advantage you can cultivate to be able to get non-busted women. hair definitely is one.
if you're not planning to get married, have kids, etc. then why do you need to looksmaxx at all?
by the way: if you're the kind of guy that is into this shit but arguing the purpose is NOT to get women: you are a tranny. you might not even know it yet but you're gonna troon out and then rope.

>> No.17894368

>gurls gurls maidens ohhh booba need more booba!
What a fucking simp you are, disgusting. Just so you know: women don't have to be the ultimate goal in everything you do. Looksmaxxing, first and foremost, gives a sense of progress that makes life a bit more interesting. If you're into fashion only because you crave more pussy - you're a retarded mutt. No hair or clothes will get you more women than the right mindset. Better work on that first.

>> No.17894491

Min works better for diffuse thinning than it does receding hairline/bald spot

>> No.17894723

I‘m 30 and on oral fin since august. Ihaven’t noticed any side effects except for bad skin. I regularly have 1-2 pimples on my forehead and/or chin, I thought that this was a result of my body’s adaption to the changed hormone level and that it get better over time, but it hasn’t so far.
Do I have to choose between keeping my hair and clean skin?

>> No.17894829

I respect your decision to not take hormone altering drugs your whole life for vanity, but it only works for you because your receding stopped in that stage. If you reached NW4 or 5 you'd be singing a different tune.
Personally I'm just saving up money for a hair transplant.

>> No.17895356

>Oily Scalp
>White flakes on my hair
>Itchy scalp
>Some red pimples here and there around my head
>Hair loss
Diagnose me /fa/m

>> No.17895365

Oral minoxidil by a mile. You need a certain enzyme for topical min to work whereas oral will work even if topical didn't work for you.

>> No.17895397

>Looksmaxxing, first and foremost, gives a sense of progress that makes life a bit more interesting.

getting a woman (or a better class of woman) is a concrete, understandable and natural goal.
i'm not saying it has to be your reason for doing anything.
what i want to point out is that if you lookmaxxers are doing it for deviant reasons, rather than natural ones, then i expect you to fall into increasingly deviant behaviours.
ie. becoming a tranny.
one day someone is going to put it to you that the best way to slay the norwood reaper is to troon out and that it's way more interesting and cute to be a woman and you will fall for that because you're already a deviant.
it's kind of like how there are so many cases of accomplished bodybuilders that gave up their physiques and became skinny trannies.
they're obsessed with their bodies for weird reasons rather than for natural goals.

>> No.17895437

Wait, you can get erection problems from topical minoxidil? I thought that was only for oral.

>> No.17895681

He probably noceboed himself, even during finasteride controlled tests, the placebo participants reported having ED issues, an almost identical amount to the people taking the fin.

>> No.17895727

I was told i have little miniaturization on crown/hairline and my temples are pretty bald right now but I still have a lot of hair. Derm said use minoxidil along the hairline but
1. She's a old woman
2. She said fin had a 50% chance of making my dick broken
3. I'm worried about shedding since I have pretty long curly hair. I don't want my hairline getting worse.
I have a full head of hair but along my hairline it's getting uneven in the middle and I see thinning center and near corners of temples.
Should I go to another derm? Im just really scared of shedding. I've seen crazy shit happen to others.

I'm 31 btw

>> No.17895729

I have them on both sides so I can't just do a side sweep fml

>> No.17895911

Nice schizo fantasies, bro. It's the same as saying that you'll definitely become a rapist because your goal is to get women.

>> No.17895917

balding is literally just hypothyroidism lmoa

>> No.17895927

It's nowhere near 50%. Even the PFStards who sued Merck were only like 1500 people out of 8 million prescriptions in the US. You'll likely shed either way. It's just how it goes if a shed does happen STAY CONSISTENT. If you get off it you might actually accelerate the miniaturization process. Finasteride is non-negotiable, imo. You have to take it. Minox alone is just not enough.
There's a variety of hair loss. This general is mostly about MPB the most common one.
Hypothyroidism is a completely different thing.

>> No.17895936

Why are you hopping on dick-disabling hormonal pills if you can just get a hair transplant? It's not even that expensive.

>> No.17895943

First of all, they don't disable your dick. Second, there's a finite number of grafts in the back they can take. Third, multiple surgeries will cost you way more even at a Turk. We're looking at ~9 grand at least. Fourth, because you can only really create an illusion of density the density will be shit unless you saved a decently thick NW2 or 3. Again, finite supply of grafts.

In short: the more hair you save, the better your transplant will be. Do you want your transplant to look like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhROJqabNN8 or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_5sE9-zRXA . The less density the more pluggy it looks the harder it's to style half-decently as well.

>inb4 Verteporfin
The current 'studies' are shaky at best. We don't know true efficacy of this shit for vast majority of people. And doctors might charge extra for that shit so add more money.

>> No.17895968
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So how would you explain this transition? He allegedly had a transplant too, and should've ended up with shitty hair anyway if we consider your examples.

>> No.17896000


I bet in around 10 years we'll have an effective treatment without the limitations of transplants and fin.

>> No.17896011

Sorry tranny, but we won't be sacrificing anymore anymore babies to Mammon just because you don't want to go bald, I reject the anti-christ.

>> No.17896013

hair system

>> No.17896023

What? Translate to non-schizo please.

>> No.17896026

Stem cells are obtained through human embryos i.e. aborted fetuses

>> No.17896027

Who cares? They are not even technically human.

>> No.17896222

>I bet in around 10 years we'll have an effective treatment without the limitations of transplants and fin.
I bet that's also what people said 10 years ago.

>> No.17896430

how likely is regrowth from just fin alone?

>> No.17896437

no they dont thats for redpill basedjaks

>> No.17896539

it's what they've been saying since the 90s when fin first came out lmao. if you find real early hairloss forums you can see posts talking about this shit in 2003

>> No.17896604

he'd be fine with a more reasonable short beard or even a beardstache. Those big ass beards only work for certain trades and truly old ass men going wizard/santa-core

>> No.17896813

Just embrace looking like a retarded egg bro! masculinity bro! based zyzzpilled 1STMan tate penis

>> No.17896971

I started noticing that I'm balding at 15. Started buzzing at 17. Am 20 now, I have a pretty receded hairline for my age.
I had long hair for the majority of my life and it was a big part of my identity, so it was hard to accept not having it anymore and to accept not looking as young. It was easy to show pity to myself. But in the end I realised that it's better to accept myself. It's just the way I am, so I'll embrace it. I accept not looking young, people can't be young forever. And I accept hair not being part of my identity, it's not like it's all there is to me. I can be free of that problem and focus on other things. And I know that if anyone thinks less of me for being bald or smth then whatever, I think of it as a filter to talk to less superficial people lol.

>> No.17897014

I got gay alien skull it's tragic how bad it is
I had long hair like you and it was the only things girls would compliment me on but when I balded at the end of high school and had to start shaving
I would walk into a room with people who knew how I look before and it would just go silent and stares
it's pretty bad I've even had random girls stop me on the street to comment how bad or goofy I look

>> No.17897171

I too am losing my hair and am typically used to having it longer, though women have told me I look better with shorter hair, I wonder if no hair also qualifies.

>> No.17897237

Judging from r/tressless pictures, I'd say about 25% chance of signficant regrowth, these are the "fin hyperresponders", get on oral min if you want growth.

>> No.17897260

Most people posting pictures on r/tressless are doing it to brag so the true chance is much lower than 25%. Assume it'll only slow things down.

>> No.17897372

I'm using the topical fluid min but it gives me dandruff, which makes no poo almost impossible.
anyone try the foam version? does it leave your scalp less dry or is it at least better in terms of dandruff?

>> No.17897435

Reposting this cause I didn’t realize there was a separate baldgenny. I have super noticeable shedding which is super encouraging but it doesn’t change the fact that currently I look like shit

>> No.17897439

I think a big part of it is how you act. If you keep being your normal self then no normal person will care. You'll have the same conversations and have the same personality, just without hair. They can say whatever about your head, if people come up to you on the streets to insult you then they're not good people and so you shouldn't care. If it's in jest, then laugh. People joke about me being bald and I joke myself and it never hurts, because I'm not insecure about it. It's like if people made a joke about me having eyes or something. At least that's how it feels like to me. It's a difficult battle to go through initially but you'll come out a stronger person, believe in yourself and that you're not just your head.

>> No.17897449

Tried 2.5mg oral min and cant handle it. Constantly feel fatigue and wake up with fat face. Do the side effects go away after time? Does anyone get results from 1.25mg or less?

>> No.17897459
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Are these black dots a sign of regrowth?

>> No.17897495

You will have sides though. Taking androgen blockers meant for trannies absolutely WILL give you sides. If you want to choose having a teenage hairline over having a working dick, that's fine but don't lie to yourself.

>> No.17897501

Nah just cut your dick off bro!

>> No.17897585

>yeah I dont have any sides, neither do the vast majority of men who just take it and get on with their lives instead of eternally posting on forums
>bwahahahaha you actually do have sides! I got you I got you I got you!
nobody that posts in these threads isn't either bald or balding, post hairline chromedome

>> No.17897588

I want to get my dose of stem cells into the forehead. What can go wrong?

>> No.17897871

stop saying "sides" you fucking freaks

>> No.17898262

Post clitty limpdick

>> No.17898279

Rip every weak hair out by four each day for thirty and it grows out again. You get an mil if untrue. Twenty-five percent max drag force.

>> No.17898312

very autistic post

>> No.17898827

i've been taking oral minoxidil for about a year and i gotta say i'm pleased with how it's kept my hair, i literally can't really discuss it anywhere online because i'll get people screaming at me saying im retarded for not jumping on fin and oral minoxidil isn't enough on it's own and you know, maybe that's true, but it's managed to keep my hair from falling daily and while i've got a small bald spot whenever i tie up my hair it's nowhere to be found

i'm considering trying out fin at my next dermatologist appointment just so i can maybe extend my hair for a coupe more years but overall i'm pleased with my results, just wish it didn't make my facial hair grow back within a day

>> No.17898841

What does fin even do for you if your min gains can't even get locked in with fin, stopping min will nuke all your min-dependent new hair within 6 months.
Surely, any hair you would have gotten on finasteride would have appeared much quicker on minoxidil?

>> No.17898914

what the fuck are u jabbering about

>> No.17898986

Minoxidil isn't just "not enough". It's not doing anything whatsoever to halt your hair loss.

DHT is still assaulting your hair follicles unchecked and if you allow it to continue not even Min will be able to save them.

>> No.17899023

It has never been tested in transitioning. The main studies are for prostate reduction in old men to alleviate BPH which doesn't allow you to piss. Any doctor giving to a person who's trying to transition is just trying to prevent hair loss.

>> No.17899083

>i dont have aids, but i wouldnt mind having aids
The norwood reaper will come and teach you humilty

>> No.17899161

How can you compare aids to balding you melodramatic moron?

>> No.17899204

fin completely halts the hairloss for a lot of people. thats its main purpose. you cant really expect a lot of regrowth on fin. thats why you wanna catch it early

>> No.17899332
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how do i man up and take the fucking fin
i don't even care about the sides desu i'm just too much of a bitch to take medicine that wasn't' predicted by my doctor.

>> No.17899337

Alright, hows this:
>i am not short but i wouldnt care
>i dont have a small dick but i wouldnt care
Although these issues are much worse since they cant be fixed aside from risky surgeries and big coping

>> No.17899339

What is the issue exactly? Besides you need a prescription to get finasteride
What did i do?
>go to dermatologist
>help im balding and want finasteride
>he sees i am indeed balding
>ask him for proscar instead of propecia to save money
>alright there you go
End of story. If it goes differently then the doctor is a moron who is either ill informed or puts his personal ethics above other's needs.

>> No.17899369

i already got the fin from an online pharmacy where they just make you fill out a questionnaire.

I think its the fact that i'm diffuse thinning that's putting me off, the idea that it's simply caused by a mineral deficiency or an undiagnosed auto immune disease is lingering in my mind.
I know it's probably just dht fuckery since i've been slowly thinning since like 16.

>> No.17899385

Just to be safe before starting get a blood test and check levels of important nutrients, as well as testosterone/estrogen and liver enzymes.

>> No.17899434

>unless you're going seriously bald before your mid 20s
Well yes, but that is exactly why lots of people care. 50% of all bald men went bald in their mid 20s.

>> No.17899602

What? AFAIK, MPB is caused by DHT, diffuse thinning is not. Or is it?

>> No.17899684

This post should be the dictionary definition of cope

>> No.17900068

around 10% of MPB cases are diffuse thinning.

>> No.17900188

Diffuse thinning can either be balding or caused by issues such as iron deficiency, stress or scalp illness. In the latter it can be reversed by just fixing the issue

>> No.17900229
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Some guys can pull off the balding look. It's all about swagger.

>> No.17900237

you will get it back. your dick won't stop working but your mental stability will good luck

>> No.17900261
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Maybe a weird question, my head is fine and everything, but is it possible to experience hair loss on your legs? I'm like 99% sure my leg hair was normal, but now I'm noticing a weird spot where it looks and feels like I straight up shaved it

>> No.17900264

My hair has started diffuse thinning recently. It feels and looks fine after I wash it but about a day later is when my hair gets extremely greasy and my scalp becomes inflamed and very very itchy.

I'm not as upset about the actual thinning (because I can still style it and make it look good) than I am about the itching/inflammation and feeling like I need to constantly wash it. The discomfort is what's making me consider taking fin.

Is this what it feels like for all guys experiencing MPB? It's just thinning that's causing this discomfort? Or is it some kind of yeasty infection that's causing the discomfort and/or the thinning?

The scalp isn't red and I don't have that much actual dandruff, but it just feels inflamed in the sense that I can't even wear a hat because it almost hurts to move my hair.

Just started using Nizoral. I hope it will help me.

>> No.17900271

>and be sure to post it on r/beards!
>did you see rick and morty last night? So good

>> No.17900288

I'm going through the same thing, I'm pretty sure we both have seborrheic dermatitis, I have some white build up near my crown where if I scratch it I'll get this greasy white build up under my nails that smells awful, as well as some red pimples in various places around my head, have also been shedding hair like crazy since late September of this year, it slows down on some days but then a day passes and the hair starts falling out again. I too wonder if I'm balding or if it's just the condition I mentioned earlier, I see some black dots on my hairline with some small hairs growing in so maybe it's growing back? Who knows, I think visiting a derm is the best possible option.

>> No.17900297

I am expericing the same thing over last months or so. Diffuse thinning, and almost constant itching in scalp. Same with the greasy white stuff. I have tried no shampoo for the last six weeks and the white stuff is less now but the itching remains

>> No.17900308

Dudes will do everything but go to a dermatologist for treatment

>> No.17900310

Specialists are fucking divas and will waste your time with no guarantee of walking out of there with a fin script

>> No.17900319

If you have some kind of fungus or whatever your hair will grow back on its own after they give you antibiotics or anything else that may kill off whatever toxic waste you have brewing on your scalp.

>> No.17900321
File: 1.45 MB, 2159x2160, john-adams-gettyimages-3246312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embracers are based.

>> No.17900335

>derm said don't use fin because 50% chance of dick breaking
>told me to use min instead
>said drops are better than pills
>hairline is getting thinner, can start to see my scalp in one spot
>terrified of the shedding because I have long hair
>ever since I started using ketoconazole shampoo I've had minimal shedding
>no one in my family ever went bald
>been dealing with seb derm for 34 years and never knew until two months ago
I donnt really want to hop on meds if I don't have to. My derm said I have slight miniaturization in the front and crown but it's not bad. Idk what to do. I'm finally taking care of my hair but now it's thinning. I'm just really terrified of shedding since I hardly ever lose hair right now

>> No.17900480

John Adams was a successful man. I've got nothing going for me other than my hair.

>> No.17900484

>blood test
What should I check specifically? My GP gave me a bloodtest and I have the results but I don't know what I should be looking at.

>> No.17900486

I started fin at 19 I’m almost 26 and still cooming like crazy everyday. I’m a lot gayer now for sure but that could be due more to bbc sissy hypno porn

>> No.17900503

I checked and testosterone/estrogen isn't even on there. Is that a separate test I need to ask for?

>> No.17900526

What dose do you take?

>> No.17900602
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You still have hair though. Just on the side.

>> No.17900617

Depends, are you diffuse thinning? If so check for vitamin deficiencies, low iron levels, and thyroid levels or TSH/T4/T3 levels, thyroid levels especially since hyper/hypothyroidism can cause hair loss.

>> No.17900633

Yes, diffuse thinning. Iron levels are normal. No vitamin information. The thyroid part is just one line which I assume must be the level. It's right in the middle of the normal range. I'm going to see a dermatologist in a couple weeks and will show him the results. I'll keep in mind the vitamins and hormones part in case he wants to give me more tests before putting me on fin. Thanks.

>> No.17900675

Good luck anon, my thyroid levels came back at 7.96 which is pretty high, they prescribed me 75mcg levothyroxine, but those retards didn't check my iron or vitamin levels so I have to go back and do my labs again because apparently I wasn't specific enough. Anyways, hopefully.y hair starts growing back after a couple of months, regardless I need to visit a derm for the all the white build up and scalp irritation.

>> No.17900689

That's a hormone check dumbass and yes you should do that before u do fin because fin is a drug that affects your hormones retard

>> No.17900704

"Why lose weight? Just grow up and accept it."

>> No.17900720

Shave your head bald and try it out for a week

>> No.17900724
File: 32 KB, 640x439, peter griffin dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you're going seriously bald before your mid 20s there's no reason to freak out about it
>mfw norwood III at 21

>> No.17900796
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 443301_8gaY5V3v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started balding badly at 18, shaved my head after 2-3 depressing years trying to keep it. changed my life really, once you say "fuck it" and embrace it, as long as you're confident and not hideous you'll be fine.

shaved head (especially the younger you are) is just a gambit. you will stand out in a room. if you doubt yourself then people can sense it, but if you are confident then people are drawn to you. once i shaved my head, i never really had a problem with women or making friends again, people are shallow and are drawn to the bold. it's the whitepill forreal.

>> No.17900807

I'm nw2 at 33 and i pretty sure i was nw1 last year
Should I hop on the tranny drugs?

>> No.17900865

It's not a weird question. Yes, though it depends. You could have Alopecia Areata that's manifesting in the near future it could lead to you losing hair ALL over. There's another hair loss I've experienced on my legs, I think we call it traction alopecia. For a long time, my desk was too small, so my thigh was pressed up to one of the poles consistently and frequently. and the hair there has thinned out considerably but not completely.

>> No.17900888

>Alopecia Areata
Now that's the top level demoralizing magic.

>> No.17900966

This might be due to the socks you wear depending on where it is

>> No.17900969

i am short and my dick is small and i don't care

>> No.17901405

its not halting the hair loss but it's at least slowing it down, i would lose upwards to 100 hairs a day and not i lose about a dozen or so in morning.

i'm gonna try fin to combat the dht stuff and maybe i'll get a couple more years of having hair but at 25 i'll be fine to shave it all off, i dont wanna take these pills forever i just want to enjoy the long hair that i've grown and thankfully been able to keep for an extra year

>> No.17901476
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>> No.17901715

at least that's an actual disease and people will feel sympathy for you. plus you can get a hair system and it'll never get gross under it

>> No.17901763

>implying MPB is not a genetic disease
>people will feel sympathy for you
they won't. There's a study showing that old and disabled people are perceived as less human by people in general. So if you're visibly ill, why would you expect others to feel sympathy?

>> No.17901776
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Do Cialis induce hair growth in people since it improve blood flow?


>> No.17902268

Dermatitis. get a bottle of Nizoral. Use it once a week. Do you also get inflammation on any spots of your scalp?

>> No.17902321

I've used Nizoral twice and haven't noticed any improvement. In fact, I think my hair is shedding more. Should I just stop using it or keep going?

>> No.17902349
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>Holy trinity:
>Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
>Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
>Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
I don't take drugs.
Just a toupee for me, thanks.

>> No.17902352
File: 2.45 MB, 2208x2944, 23-04-06_05-00-55-665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The before picture

>> No.17902392

Yeah, there's a slight pain on my scalp every now and then. I'll check out nizoral and see if it can help.

>> No.17902524

Because you’re young and diseases that make you ugly are far scarier to most people than diseases that fuck up your leg or something

>> No.17902543

how much per month do you spend on finasteride and minoxidil? around 100$?

>> No.17902574

I pay around 5 euros a month for finasteride. One of my relatives is in medicine so I can get the 5mg version which is in fact compensated. I beleive in teh US tehre are places like GoodRX where you can get it quite cheap.

I don't buy minox it's out of my price range like 50 euro absolutely unreasonable.

>> No.17902582

That sounds like a very reasonable price.
Id probably not get so lucky to get my autistic doctors to prescribe me the 5mg version instead of the more expensive 1mg one here in germany but ill try nonetheless.

>> No.17902603
File: 375 KB, 1378x638, Minoxodil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found 6month of Minoxidil for 70€ that doesnt seem too bad or how long does 1 bottle usually last?

>> No.17902661

>I've used Nizoral twice
What do you mean by that? You're supposed to use it once or twice a week long term. I've used Nizoral and it worked great. No more flakes. I think it took months to notice an improvement though. I still lose hair albeit at a slower rate but I think it's just because I have AGA on top.

>> No.17902665
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Become one with nature and embrace the baldness

>> No.17902667

>I still lose hair albeit at a slower rate
How many hairs? You're supposed to lose around 50-100 hairs everyday.

>> No.17902674

I can't count them because I can't catch them all but my hair is still losing density. But if I pass my hand through my hair I notice less hair on my hands so I think there's still a small positive effect in that aspect.

>> No.17902676

Okay I have a dumb question but I'll ask it anyways. Can constant wind cause traction alopecia? I typically sleep with a fan blowing directly in my face every night and I'm losing hair on the exact spot where the wind typically hits, which is my left part, again, it's a dumb question but I've been rather curious about this for a while now.

>> No.17902680

I doubt the wind is strong enough to uproot healthy hair. Your hair must already be brittle because of something else.

>> No.17902755

anyone else noticing more and more women thinning irl?

>> No.17902777

Yup, now that you mention it. What's going on?

>> No.17903175
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How long it took to growth it?

>> No.17903178

eating processed shite, garbage ingredients in cosmetics

>> No.17903457

Balding and hair thinning in general has been on the rise for quite a while now, supposedly it's a combination of sedentary lifestyles and horrible eating habits.


>> No.17903461

Whoops, wrong link:

>> No.17903756

No clue, some Chinese hair donor. It starts nong then I get it cut down and styled.

>> No.17904034

Can we talk about how evil balding is? Why does it have to bald in the horse shoe pattern starting with the temples? Why can't the sides bald first, people are already getting fades anyway. Why isn't my asshole or armpit balding instead? Fuck you god/evolution/demiurge.

>> No.17904049

>Fuck you god
Reeeeee it's not His fault!111 Nothing is!111
>t. any religious person

>> No.17904063

It's a test from God, let's see if you can pass it.

>> No.17904338

>cursing God

enjoy your generational curse

>> No.17904342
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The only thing he's testing is my patience.
Yeah well there's not gonna be any generation after me with this hairline. Didn't think of that one, did you God?

>> No.17904419
File: 46 KB, 500x333, nadal_calva_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were like this and you were going to get a hair transplant, what technique would be more suitable?
Would you lose the good hairs that are close to the area where you are balding or they will continue to stay there? Or will they be affected?

Or is there a technique that can put new hairs very close to old hairs and everything will be fine?

>> No.17904638

if you're in your 30s and look like the left you can then still date 18-24 year olds. why would you not want that?

>> No.17904745

Dutasteride and oral minoxidil WORK

>> No.17904757

Even a few drops of highly diluted (0.1mg) fin completely kills my morning wood the next morning and causes brain fog, uncertainty, lack of energy and motivation to exercise. I really ought to pay for blood tests. I feel I'm more dependent on DHT than other men who claim to feel no difference while on 1mg oral fin. I only feel functional when my DHT is through the roof, but my hair continues to thin. I also have a large penis which leads me to believe that DHT plays a larger role in my body in particular. I am going to try switching to RU again however I will dilute it to 2.5% or lower. A general anti-androgen seems like it would be better than a 5AR inhibitor which systemically removes DHT production and other neurosteroids. I am hesitant to try oral min, because even topical gives me brain fog and makes me physically weaker.

Don't reply to my post with "nocebo" by the way, or make any attempt to reiterate the false idea that fin requires two whole weeks to produce side effects which is not pharmacologically true.

>> No.17904785

Have you tried applying high strength tretinoin to your temples?

>> No.17905000

this dude needs oral min stat

>> No.17905002

Are you on SSRIs?

>> No.17905019

I've never tried any SSRIs

>> No.17905033
File: 180 KB, 431x578, 2023-11-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for it...

>> No.17905035

60 days on fin now (1mg oral per day, my hairline only started receeding slightly, but I wanted it to stop), no regrowth yet, but hair loss down significantly from what I've seen (1 loose hair on my hands when shampooing vs 10+ before).
Side effects, none right now, I still get random boners and morning wood, my balls felt sensitive the first week but that went away.
Also, could it be that finasteride cured my dandruff? I haven't changed anything else about how I treat my hair and it has gotten much better over the last few weeks, better than it has been in years.
In terms of mood, no change, only less stress about losing my hair.
Right now, I'm hoping that the areas that only started thinning will recover, if I can maintain this hairline, I would be absolutely happy.

>> No.17905037
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If I hop on fin now is there a good chance ill keep what I have left?

>> No.17905042

Probably yeah. Would also consider adding min once a day because it usually works great for diffuse thinners.

>> No.17905045

FUE with a good surgeon like Couto, De Freitas, Pinto, Ferreira, Vila, Burgos, etc.

>> No.17905048

I have an appointment with a dermatologist in january
should I just try get a finasteride prescription from a regular doctor or are they hesitant to prescribe it before having done any tests?

>> No.17905058

In my country (Western Europe), the doctor was kind of careful, he took my blood and checked my liver stats and only prescribed it when I was found to healthy. He also checked my liver stats when he renewed my prescription, they even got better. Yeah, there are doctors who are more careful, this stuff is purely cosmetic after all, but I think they should give it to you if you don't have any major problems. If you want to take it, the sooner the better, might be worth a try.

>> No.17905078

Most retarded post I've ever read here

>> No.17905083

A thought just crossed my mind: living beings didn't have to actually feel pain to survive. Pain could've caused the same reaction as seeing an ugly person or big angry doggo - disgust or fear, which would trigger an automatic instinctive reaction to avoid it in animals.
But no, somehow pain ended up being the only physical reaction to external stimuli. All cravings like hunger, sex or dominance, all life-threatening and irritating things simply evoke an emotion. But not physical pain - this shit is specifically designed to make you suffer first and foremost, not to help you survive.

>> No.17905100 [DELETED] 

Actually, there's also postnut euphoria, that's another physical response to an external stimulus. But whatever, the point stands.

>> No.17905111

pain kind of also is only an emotion
the same way neurons fire and cause emotions to manifest
pain are just neurons being sent from your pain receptors to your prefrontal cortex to be processed

>> No.17905124

Yes, but one unnecessarily painful, badum-tss. In monkeys, pain and fear would trigger the same reaction, so there's no point in having that roided out big brother of fear other than to troll humans.

>> No.17905154

By the way, the fact that such a thing as CIPA exists also kinda proofs that this is a viable, potentially better design. However, with this condition there's no feedback at all which takes it to the other end of the spectrum making it dangerous to life.

>> No.17905393
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are these any good or do they suck? any brand recs?

>> No.17905419

That looks like it's for volbalds, this thread is primarily for inbalds.

>> No.17905449

It's better to use an insulin syringe instead of a dropper for improved topical applications and to avoid overdosing.

>> No.17905539
File: 50 KB, 582x819, F_q_kzkXcAAO8MS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am running finasteride only, and I think it might (not sure) be lowering my libido. Would it be a good idea change to Minoxidil + rosemary oil?

>> No.17905685

so what? you can be both

>> No.17905770

Ok, thanks. But, will they put the new hairs surrounding the old ones and the old ones will not be affected? Or will they get "destroyed" because of the new follicles next to the old ones?

Will some surgeons not accept the surgery because it is easier for them to put new hairs in a total bald area instead of putting new hairs next to old ones? Because they earn less money and the risk is higher (old follicles could be affected).

>> No.17905933


>> No.17906035
File: 865 KB, 1440x572, 1339044903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok, thanks. But, will they put the new hairs surrounding the old ones and the old ones will not be affected?
Yes, but you should be on finasteride to reduce the risk of shock loss.

>Or will they get "destroyed" because of the new follicles next to the old ones?
No, diffuse thinning is not an issue for good surgeons. Some bad surgeons may not accept diffuse thinners, though.

The surgeons I listed have a ton of diffuse thinning cases with good results. Spanish and Portuguese surgeons in general are the best with diffuse thinning.

>> No.17906068

>why isn't my asshole or armpit balding instead?
Clearly your CPU needs better cooling to avoid overheating. Women don't have this problem because their CPU is running on energy saving mode always.

>> No.17906079

28 (fuck me) on fin for a few years. Prolly between nw1 & 2. Thinning at the crown but still have a full head of hair. Hair was always fine which has been the bane of my existence since I was 16.
Tbh I'm just hoping it's been slowing the whole process down. My advice is to upskill irl like crazy and then just pay for new hair (transplant) because the whole fin min laser dermaroll reddit shit doesnt work except on a few particular cases.

Remember: you arent ugly, youre poor.

>> No.17906087

what derma pens do you use?
is there a lot you can do wrong with buying microneedle devices?

>> No.17906116

Holy based.

>> No.17906118

White flakes in the scalp
if I rub em of it gets red and irritated
Tried keto and everything known to man, what the fuck?

>> No.17906221

that one generic one amazon, its the chink same pen rebranded

>> No.17906226

Dandruff shampoo or a shampoo with Biotin & collagen probably

>> No.17906353

I want to get a Derminator

Anyone here derm their face, scalp, and hairline in the same session?

>> No.17906356

Nizoral or Tar/Zinc shampoo

>> No.17906446

>shaved head (especially the younger you are) is just a gambit.
what age is it not considered a gambit?

>> No.17906467
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 61P1SSiYMrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until this shit works?I've been using it for like 4 weeks now and nothing is happening?

>> No.17906541

12 weeks is a good estimate

>> No.17906561

You're supposed to drink it

>> No.17906613

Women most certainly don't love that shit.

>> No.17906616

2 more weeks

>> No.17906669

Right. Women don't know what they love, they are generally passive and expect a man to come and tell them what is good and what is bad.

>> No.17906681



>> No.17906706
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just saw 2 balding females today
you are loved aswell hang in there

>> No.17906744

Where do you even find them.. I don't see any around.
>t. eurobro

>> No.17906762
File: 2.69 MB, 1600x2400, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this MBP or something else? 25M. Hairline stable. Thinning only. It started on the right-side a couple years ago (bottom left). Then temple started thinning (middle left). Then last year left-side and left temple started thinning (bottom & middle right). Absolutely no action on the crown. I'm seeing a dermatologist in a few weeks but he doesn't list hair as one of his specialties on his website so I worry he won't cover all the bases and want to know what I should ask him to check.

>> No.17906775
File: 27 KB, 360x480, alopecia_androgenetic_2_high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can look on top of pretty much every females head and its very noticeable when you can see their scalp through their hair

>> No.17906928

I think this has more to do with the sheer amount of damage done by bleaching and hair product over a short period.

>> No.17906949

I'm going through the same thing, , I shed a ton of hair in the span of just one month which led me to believe it could be Telogen effluvium, though for me it started off on my left side part and it moved down to the crown. BUT I have hypothyroidism, so who knows, go get your labs done and maybe you'll get an idea of what's going on. If you're lucky it's reversible due to an autoimmune disease, or if not, you're just diffuse thinning .

>> No.17906951

Tranny's don't count

>> No.17907017

Might be DUPA. The sides should NOT thin.

>> No.17907076

what the other anon said. could also be thyroid or a deficiency of something

>> No.17907435

but only the liquid form, it's only ethanol and propyline glycol, all food safe.

the foam version has lots of toxic shit that isn't food safe

>> No.17907554

I'm 32 and my hair is thinning at the hairline slowly but at the same time I don't ever see hair falling out unless I shower. And even then it's not a lot. I have long hair and a drain catcherb so I know how much falls out. I'm a Norwood 1.5 / 2. Should I still take fin? Would that make my hairline worse?

>> No.17907568

Got a nice thin soft erection at the moment

>> No.17907721
File: 57 KB, 768x961, a.bossbaby-mullet-temple-fade-768x961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17907554 thank you
Interested on starting been growing it out since winter thinking around March go get something like classy mullety

>> No.17907740

How does it look? I'm currently growing out with NW ~2, interested to know if it's gonna be decent.

>> No.17907743

What's nw 2?

>> No.17907752
File: 69 KB, 800x762, 800px-Partial_Norwood_scale_for_male_pattern_baldness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17907802

26 here. Taking finasteride and Got a transplant a few months ago, i always had a horrible hairline, which made me look like a balding freak. Now i can freely walk around proud of my hair, for the first time in my life. I even see some teen girls smiling at me at the gym

>> No.17907807

Nw2 seems like a conflicting word. In that pic (the original) it looks like a normal healthy hairline, while some dudes use that word to refer to obviously balding dudes

>> No.17908110

It is what it is. You can argue as much as you want, but if you have the same hairline as on pic under number 2, you are a hairlet.

>> No.17908113

>I even see some teen girls smiling at me at the gym
It's not because of your hair. It's because you got more confident, and actually started paying attention to girls around you. Glad for you though.

>> No.17908519
File: 173 KB, 322x321, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 months fin
when does it get better

>> No.17908522

have you shed yet?

>> No.17908534

I'm shedding pretty bad so i'm optimistic, but at the moment i do look like complete shit

>> No.17908637

i've been on oral minoxidil for a year with keto shampoo, i started taking it a couple months after my hair loss was noticible. its not gonna help you return to a full set of hair but it slowed down my balding and i dont shed as much as i used to. it helps that i have long hair so it's more easy to cover up

>> No.17908673

No, no love for them, they have no excuse

>> No.17908780
File: 3.33 MB, 2000x2000, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys recommend I do with my hair? Here it is without styling fresh out of bed. Already taking 1g of fin daily

>> No.17908840
File: 15 KB, 739x415, images (56).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minoxidil dehydrate my hair and make me look balder than normal. How do I fix this?

>> No.17908878

Ok I'm in need of some advice hopefully someone who has done similar. Been on minoxidil 1.5 years alone and never saw regrowth just an overall halting of the bald spot I had. Go on fin ~3 months ago and the bald spot is completely gone more or less now. Would it be safe to discontinue the min since I never responded well in the first place?

>> No.17908879

Why do people post stuff like this and then never mention dosage?
I see r/tressless retards who complain that nothing is working and then they admit to taking like 0.2mg of fin and min like once a week like that's gonna do anything

>> No.17908880

1mg fin daily + topical 5% minoxidil daily

>> No.17908884

>Telogen effluvium
That's exactly what I thought I had at first. My hair were falling like crazy and I had big flakes of dry skin coming off (up to 3-4mm) for a few months. It all stopped soon after I started using a Nizoral shampoo but I still kept noticing my hair becoming thinner and thinner over the months. It took me a year to realize this wasn't just TE and I was definitely balding long-term.
>Might be DUPA. The sides should NOT thin.
I hope not but I'll make sure to stress that I'm not receding and that I'm mostly losing ground on the sides so the dermatologist actually checks for that.
I did a blood test with the GP that gave me the dermatologist referral and thyroid levels are pretty much in the middle of the normal range. But the report doesn't mention vitamins and such so I'll see if I can get something more thorough when I see the dermatologist.

>> No.17908885

some people don't respond to topical min at all because their scalp lacks the enzymes to convert min to the active metabolite, the good news is your liver always has this enzyme and you can take liquid topical min orally if you're ready to give up on topical min.
Remember that 1ml is 50mg of minoxidil, try 1-5mg daily, that's 1-2 drops on most droppers, though you should measure yours out to be safe.

>> No.17908894

Well the whole thing is that I'd like to get off the min as a whole if I'm not a great responder. The fin has worked great in terms of regrowth and I'm just afraid that the min was reducing the amount I was losing instead of regrowing and should I quit now I'll be far worse off

>> No.17908901

I'm saying you can become a great responder if you take it orally

>> No.17908904

it wont make hair regrow. it claims to stop balding, but it doesn't really stop it either. may possibly slow it down, idk, but it doesnt stop it.

>> No.17908921

Taking low dose oral min of 1-5mg for androgenic alopecia is decades ahead of the medical literature, it's probably literally never going to be explicitly FDA approved because there's no financial incentive as it's already generic.

Even in less formal studies you only see side effects in 1% of participants taking low dose oral min.

>> No.17909070

What the hell is DUPA?

>> No.17909072

I've read somewhere online that white flakes are a sign that hair follicles are miniaturizing, couldn't find anymore information on than that though

>> No.17909102

My hair stopped shedding from the scalp and sides and now the majority of the hair loss is happening through the back, what the fuck do you even call it at this point?

>> No.17909112


>Topical Melatonin for Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia

Anyone look into this? Melatonin is cheap.

>> No.17909171
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I put minoxidil on my head last night and now I have this weird rash on my scalp

>> No.17909217

Shave your ballsack you unkempt baboon

>> No.17909364

lice eggs under the skin.

>> No.17910113
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Noticed quite a while ago that I have an uneven hairline. Got a short haircut, and confirmed it. I am 35 yo, what are my options? How bad is it? Should I start taking finasteride? It's not that bad but I am think I am getting there.

>> No.17910121

DHT blockers are not "for trannies" you are retarded. They might take them because they don't want to go bald either, just like they might take some ibuprofen it doesn't mean ibuprofen is for trannies, or because they drink water that water is for trannies.

>> No.17910172
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>Remember: you arent ugly, youre poor.
actually I'm young, there's honestly no point in me getting a transplant since I started losing my hair in my teens, by the time I'm in my 30s even with drugs it's gonna receed behind the transplant and look disgusting

>> No.17910183

Yeah transplants don't work unless you have stabilized your loss. They also aren't that expensive afaik, like $10k, a lot but not like unachievable for the average income. But it doesn't stop you from losing more hair.

>> No.17910200

looks goofy, would prboably look better if he shaved

>> No.17910205

Being bald is not that bad especially if you are confident no one really cares.
If you are a manlet though. Well, women despise confident manlets.

>> No.17910216

Some guys look good bald, but a lot don't. If you have some what of a baby face, or just big cranium, you can basically go from a 8/10 to a 2/10 by going from a good hair cut to bald. Maybe you can half way pull it off, but its so much of a downgrade that is the problem.

>> No.17910239

>norwood 2/3 (bald temples)
>almost 2 months on fin (1mg)
I also have min (topical 5%) but I haven't used it yet. I'm afraid the shedding will fuck my hair up (it's shoulder-length) and I'll never recover. Should I start min on my temples? Is the shedding going to cause the long hair around the temples to fall off?

>> No.17910242

Being a manlet is a lot worse.
I've never heard that women won't date a bald man. In fact, I personally know a tall blonde chick, very fit who is dating a bald dude. The dude is tall and has nice eyes.

>> No.17910251

And? You can't change your height, but you can stop balding to a certain degree.

>> No.17910254

Shedding only happens because the hair goes back into growth mode, so you can't "fuck up" your hair with shredding as long as you keep using fin, it will just temporarily be thinner.

>> No.17910287

Does having longer accelerates hair loss?
I swear since I started growing it I cant help but notice a shit ton of hair everywhere...

>> No.17910296

You're shedding all the time, it's just more noticeable.

Even worse if you're on fin and have long hair, I have to sweep every day now.

>> No.17910298


>> No.17910681

That's the point though. There are things you can do to stop hair loss.
Also, on dating apps, women, even young women, rarely won't date a balding/bald man. On the other hand, "6 feet tall" is not just a meme, women do prefer taller men in general.
From my life experience I can tell you that if a man is tall he won't have that many problems in dating.

>> No.17910790

1 fucking hour
That's how long it took me to properly do my hair to hide my (slightly receding temples)
A fucking hour because suddenly I can't properly hide it
I have long hair (2 years growth) and I'm seriously debating going short, it's too stressful for me

>> No.17910792

Yesterday it was fine, but for some reason today I cannot do them properly, as if I suddenly lost bunch of hair in one day

>> No.17911290

Where are you on the norwood scale?

>> No.17911359

Norwood 2 I'd say,
But i manage to hide it but god it is so much time consuming to properly do it
And for some reason I'm thinking it has to do with masturbating, might be placebo but i feel like my hairline is worse when I fap than when I do not

>> No.17911371

Lol. It has nothing to do with fapping, your hair doesn't grow over one night.
NW 2 is not that bad, I don't know why you're so conscious about it. I'm almost NW 2 and still grow out, want to see what it's like when it's long. Post hairline.

>> No.17911431
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Shitty pic but here
But when there falling down there's hole on the side because it's missing some hair
I know it's not as bad as it looks, although it looks worse irl than in picture but it's annoying me and the start of the downfall I'm sure

>> No.17911441

How long has it been since you last discovered you were balding? Did you notice any excessive shedding or was it just a slow process over the course of a few years?

>> No.17911459

Someone pointed me out I was balding back in 2017 (16yo)? But i have no pic from past years to look at
My hairline is still parallel to my forehead curve so I'm guessing it's just my hairline that's shitty since always
I did lost more hair few months ago when I wasn't brushing my hair and usually wash them twice a week (since I barely go outside), since i started brushing them I've seen less shedding but there's still some, although it's not on the front only but the back too
But I know the Norwood reaper is coming for me, my brother has been Norwood 4-5 since his 21's, my dad is Norwood 7, his brother full bald

Maybe that's a mature hairline I'm getting and I'm lucky, who knows
I had long hair previously (1 year long I think) and I was also self conscious about my hairline but when buzzing it it looked normal, so maybe it's the long hair amplifying the effect

>> No.17911474

Shouldn't fin stop you from losing so much hair?

>> No.17911515

It puts the majority of your hair follicles in the anagen phase, which means the growth is starting all over again from the very early beginning, but then again, some people have little to no reaction to fin, so while it may work for some, it won't work for others.

>> No.17911522
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>medium hair length that's slightly curly
>spend 1 hour arranging my hair and curls to hide my thinning and receded hairline
>constantly paranoid outside that the slightest gust of wind is going to ruin it and turn me from 8/10 to 3/10 in 5 seconds flat
This ain't no way to live. I'm waiting a couple more years to see how far my hairline goes and then I'll go for a transplant. Once I do that I'll go 100% for slicked back hair styles that I could never pull off before, just to compensate.

>> No.17911556

Same bruv
Wish I could wear a beanie all the time but work don't allow it, those fuckers
Have to spend hour trying to properly tie my hair otherwise if I let them down it shows I'm thinning on the temples
I think I'll see 2 more years if it changes, then shave it and be good
Luckily I have a bear so it'll look alright if I shave

>> No.17911558

Also for the wind part, I use hairspray to help fixes them for the day, it helps unless there's big wind in which case it's game over

>> No.17911749

Is it true that transplants require fin/min?

>> No.17911763

No, but also yes. Refer to: >>17895943

You can do the procedure without meds, but more likely than not results will either be mediocre or will leave you looking weird in the future. Most doctors recommend taking finasteride. Min is just an additional thing that helps promote hair growth.

>> No.17911765
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I don't want to take drugs so I guess I'll just slowly go bald. I wish I could go bald quickly. I plan to have a skullet.

>> No.17911809

Does it mean anything if my crown is balding by my hairline is good?

>> No.17911814

I literally still only grow peach fuzz.
I can grow a thin mustache and barely any hair on my chin.

>> No.17911823
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would i see results by derma rolling oils into my head? rosemary? lavender?

>> No.17911827

Same boat here man, I’m 24 and legit nw3, long curly hair. Fat bald spot on crown, shit looks disgusting. Started balding at 17, and I haven’t left the house without a cap on in like 6 years or so. I’m gonna get a hair transplant next year. It’s hair or suicide for me.

>> No.17911833

No, trus me I’ve tried them all. Finasteride and minoxidil. I recommend a derma stamp instead of a roller. Apply minoxidil after. Yes you can use rosemary oil, but make sure you don’t overdo it, it can really irritate the scalp and increase hair loss. And make sure to use a carrier oil.

>> No.17911899

That's called diffuse thinning

>> No.17911973

At this rate I'm not even gonna have enough hair left to pull off the custodian ascend

It is truly over

>> No.17912016

This nigga has alopecia totalis

>> No.17912085

25 but noticed my hair starting to thin at 24 after a particularly stressful breakup, my company going under, and a violent death of a friend. Mostly in the hairline and the top right of my scalp. Since July I've changed my shampoo and conditioner, started a more consistent washing schedule, and have begun using rosemary oil. Have definitely noticed some improvements on my hairline with lots of baby hairs sprouting up over the last two months or so.
The other day I saw the derm and for me he recommended a dermaroller, a daily massage, and fish oil in addition to what I've been doing lately. When I asked about mix and fin he said to follow his directions for 9 months and if I haven't seen more improvement, come back and see him then. He was very insistent and said that this was the treatment that worked for him.
Mostly here because today while out shopping I noticed my scalp in the self-checkout security monitor, and I don't know if it was the direct lighting or my hair being unstyled today or what, but it was looking pretty bare.
Gonna keep following the doctor's advice for the next several months and see how it goes. The fact that he didn't want to immediately prescribe anything and to try out alternative methods first makes me hope that I'm not too far gone. I guess the biggest question I have at this point is if I lost hair due to stress or if I'm in the starting stages of MPB, or if its both.

>> No.17912109

>stressful breakup, my company going under, and a violent death of a friend
Buddy, I think your hair is the least of your problems. But to answer your question, it could be telogen effluvium, depends on how long this has been going on. Though personally I have a theory about TE just activating baldness prematurely, meaning you were going to go bald at some point in time anyways but because of the stress or whatever other factors were at play, your body started the process earlier. In any case, TE is typically temporary, as it puts your hairs in the telogen phase and it typically takes somewhere between 6-12 months for your hair to grow back to normal, but I'm not a derm, so take my advice with a grain of salt. If your current regimen is working for you then I don't see any reason why you shouldn't continue.

>> No.17912145

New thread >>17912142

>> No.17912704

Fin is lowering my blood pressure and making me want to jerk off less

>> No.17913083

I'm bald asf, and I have the dreaded horseshoe. I don't think a hair transplant is worth it since I'm fine without hair. but the horse shoe hairline really bothers me. what can I do?

SMP? or Laser? are there any other options?

>> No.17913387


I've been seeing plenty of females with alopecia. They make me sick to my stomach