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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 281 KB, 1536x1564, oa4rnCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17750611 No.17750611 [Reply] [Original]

Green Fatigues Edition







Not being updated anymore



Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: http://web.archive.org/web/20200926215557/https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing

Spier and Mackey
Polo Ralph Lauren
Mr. Porter
Brooks Brothers
J. press
Jamiesons Shetland
L.L. Bean
Eastland Shoe
Russell Moccasin Co
Oak Street Bootmakers
Bill's Khakis

>> No.17750612
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>> No.17750617
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>> No.17750618
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>Green Fatigues Edition
Reporting in

>> No.17750636

Never cared for olive pants.

>> No.17750639

Brown shoes with a black belt?

>> No.17750646

most of these links are dead

>> No.17750651
File: 1.28 MB, 2730x4096, F2Fa2s9WUAAMUJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we want to add another blog to the OP, definitely do Necktie Salvage, that guy always has great fits and some interesting thoughts.

>> No.17750652

green fatigues are ugly

>> No.17750687
File: 733 KB, 2279x5358, baldpedofaggot080723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldies latest reddit masterpiece

>> No.17750690
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>> No.17750691
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realized it looks better with the collar under the sweater

>> No.17750702

Wheres your awesome fit buddy?

>> No.17750703

lookin good doug

>> No.17750705
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, 20230807_194802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocked up on seersucker shirts.

>> No.17750708

Oh? Whats that? The chan thinks it should be sideways? Doesnt matter. Not deleting or retrying.

>> No.17750710

I'm looking for a quality cotton chamois button up and a wool flannel shirt. Any recommendations?

>> No.17750717
File: 404 KB, 1440x1800, 351264900_1030453185032429_5103526618809305575_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on instagram, asians seem to appreciate madras more than americans today.

>> No.17750721

Can someone explain to me why Japs love preppy style so much?

>> No.17750723


>> No.17750724

Fuck you baldie you pedo grooming sodomite faggot, no one can look at that and say it looks good.

>> No.17750725

when you weebs larp as nips, do you larp as hikikimori losers or their upper class?

>> No.17750727

Stockholm syndrome after getting nuked twice. Ingrained societal fear of a third one so they dress like Americans in a bid to appease them. A third nuke hasn't dropped, ergo it's working.

>> No.17750729


>> No.17750731

There’s a subculture of Japs who also dress like Cholos, they just latch on to subcultures.

>> No.17750733

Same why americans like anime or why brits liked reggae so much? Everyone wants to be a little 'exotic'.

>> No.17750737

So is that an actual lifestyle or they're just LARPing for photoshoots and while hanging with other LARPers just like weebs? Are the preppy wearers in Japan perceived as low status and weird, just like weebs in the collective West? I'm trying to understand that phenomena.

>> No.17750738

My Berg&Berg and NoManWalksAlone orders should arrive today.

>> No.17750740
File: 105 KB, 687x1024, bowie14_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i get what people mean when people say baldys fits are disjointed, in isolation all the pieces are good quality but the despite that he often looks like he got dressed in the dark. the main problem here is the tie I think, it doesn't go with anything
I'm begging you baldy, if you're here, please try a full suit and try to limit the amount of different quirky shit happening at once, less is often more.
I feel, if Doug had the money for proper /tip/ clothes and not Aliexpress/thrift store shit, he'd dress a lot like baldy, for better and for worse. It's like the kind of stuff you typically see /sprezz/ dandies wearing at pitti uomo, but at least with their stuff, it seems like a planned look and not just a random assemblage of things, again, for better and for worse. Theres like a sliding scale of too disjointed to too matchy-matchy and I think once you've got your essentials of fit, formality, and quality down, that's the main sweet-spot you've gotta find in order to put together an unassailably decent fit

wheres that one pic of prince Phillip in a navy pinstripe sack suit and ice-blue ocbd?

>> No.17750744

>if Doug had the money for proper /tip/ clothes and not Aliexpress/thrift store shit
he regularly buys designer clothes

>> No.17750750

like what
name one example

>> No.17750751

What did you get
Agreed. I dont think his fits are bad enough to stalk him and go on reddit for, but theres always just something a bit off, a bit uncohesive.

>> No.17750752

I only met a couple when I was in Tokyo. But they were more workwear, denimheads. They were kinda artsy hipsters but seemed pretty normal all things considered. Their English was fucking great.

Yeah they stuck out but not *that* much. Like a black guy with a daishiki on, it's eccentric blends in enough.

>> No.17750753

Anyone have RRL-ish inspo? Basically yeehaw-tip?

>> No.17750756
File: 305 KB, 1200x800, 1633479742215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuck taylors are /tip/
sorry, but i'm right
wearing them with a sport coat/blazer, much less a suit is definitely pushing it, but with casual /tip/ fits, like with polos and shorts, or sweaters/cardigans being the top layer, or with a cuban collar shirt, they are pretty much a staple.

>> No.17750758

Plenty of Lemaire stuff

>> No.17750763


>> No.17750767

He writes about them in plenty of posts on his blog. Go find them you lazy faggot

>> No.17750768

looks good

>> No.17750769

what blog?

>> No.17750773

Baldy dresses like a Columbo villain most the time. I scarcely see a fit of his and think that his reddit pop of colour would work better than going with something more muted. Doug on the other hand has the ability to constantly look like he's cosplaying as something no matter what he wears.

>> No.17750774
File: 2.74 MB, 2268x3956, 20230807_151542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the op for this general is a joke
plz keep his stuff on reddit
newfag. crop photo first
kys doug you pathetic faggot
not /tip/
no doug only buys cheap garbage as he's a 19 year old neet

>> No.17750777

>the main problem here is the tie I think, it doesn't go with anything

I'm in agreement here, going to expound on this a bit but if you go back and look at some of his fits where he's not wearing a tie, they're fine. Everything fits properly, they're not too flashy or understated, they're actually decent. When he puts a tie on somehow things start falling apart. And I think you're on to something with this comment but not how you think:

>It's like the kind of stuff you typically see /sprezz/ dandies wearing at pitti uomo

In my opinion /tip/ fits follow a set of rules. I've seen baldie put on the most stereotypical /tip/ fit in existence, navy blazer, blue OCBD, Repp tie, chinos. It looked good, but it would look good on nearly anyone. It's a recognizable /tip/ look, it's classic, it's traditional, and it doesn't take alot of thought to put it together. I think he knows the "rules". The problem is there's often an element of flamboyance in his fits that don't fit well with trad style: The loud clashing ties, the cowboy boots, the cravats, jewelry, hats, etc. They aren't bad by themselves, but they don't work in a trad fit.
You're recommending a full suit, I'm going to go a step further. I think a suit is a great idea but I also think breaking the wardrobe down in two styles can help. Have a trad side and a more experimental side. Put the solid color OCBDs, the navy blazers, the repp ties, the chinos, etc on one side. Only make trad fits from this pool. The other side of your wardrobe put loud pants, hats, cowboy boots, patterned shirts,ascots, etc. Ask yourself "Would I stand out wearing this in 1970s New England?" If the answer is yes, it goes into this side. Don't wear pieces from one side with the other. Will this prevent you from making a few good and interesting fits? Absolutely. But it will also focus your choices and creativity and prevent you from making clashing, disjointed fits.

>> No.17750780

>pic rel
This doesn't look good bro. You look as if you were coming back from a MAGA rally. Nothing wrong with that, but it's as bland fit as it gets.

>> No.17750782
File: 1.35 MB, 2075x5509, 1672850539163084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only started posting in January, which explains why he has so many awful fits

>> No.17750784

Genuinely horrendous drip, looks like he prowls around gay clubs.

>> No.17750789

change the shoes out for moto boots or chucks and also change the guy in them out for someone a lot more buff and this becomes a great fit

>> No.17750791


>> No.17750793

>Doug on the other hand has the ability to constantly look like he's cosplaying as something no matter what he wears.
maybe that's just because he's 19 and we typically associate /tip/ style with grown adults?
him being a skinny, chinless nerd only makes it worse, you never see any inspo pics with people like doug, and that's why its hard for him to look like anyone but doug. The mind just doesn't draw the connection. Doug is doomed to look wholly unique in all of the worst ways.

>> No.17750796

>Thinks shitty walmart fits on a fat bald slob is decent
The absolute state

>> No.17750798
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this one is my fav

>> No.17750820
File: 151 KB, 409x516, copilot-style-photos-201312-1387210879793_Peter-OToole-Style-193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not so bad
with a hair transplant and jaw adjustment I could easily see him looking a lot like peter o' toole
there's hope, however faint

>> No.17750822

I honestly really like the look of sneakers with prep. I've been debating getting something like Mexico 66 or Diodora Equipe.

But the former is sold out of normal colors and the later is a bit high for a sneaker

>> No.17750836

I don't think his fits are great, I've explained why. Calling his clothes "walmart tier" is off base, can't argue the fat and bald part. I don't think his style is appropriate for the thread and I've clearly explained why, but it's also not beyond correction. If he loses 30lbs and tones down some of the misguided flamboyance I don't see why he couldn't put together a good fit.
I do question the logic of disliking an anon so much that you follow him to another platform and then post the content here to derail the thread. Look at how many of the posts are now about baldie. Same question applies to saving his pics from months ago.

>> No.17750857

Me too. I'm thinking I'll most likely get reebok club C sneakers. I remember seeing it in the Preppy Handbook, too. The only thing is I hate reebok and most other sneaker brands. I'll probably buy a barely used pair so at least I'm not directly giving them my money.

When I have some more money to spend I would consider some of those trainers made in the UK I've seen posted here.

>> No.17750862

learn 2 archive
anyways glad it seems hes stopped posting on /fa/

>> No.17750874
File: 574 KB, 1519x633, nothingnew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothingnew is a pretty good brand, the sole on their sneakers are stitched instead of glued

>> No.17750878

>true stitch construction
who cares. stupid buzzword nonsense

>> No.17750887
File: 57 KB, 1024x1024, 1024x1024-Mens-SagaOne-Navy-102522-3.4_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not ideal and honestly not very /tip/ but at least some of their sneakers are made in poortugal. The canvas ones are from china so to me that's not much better than the other options.

These look decent, I'd wear with a more casual outfit

>> No.17750890

Why does it matter whether or not I buy a 90 dollar ocbd from brooks brothers versus a 30 dollar ocbd from uniqlo if they're both just chink shit made in banglanamistan.

>> No.17750923

whether or not its 100% cotton and has a collar you can actually hang a tie under is really my only criteria for a good shirt desu
but there are differences, like the stitching, shanks on the buttons, the buttonholes, and if the underside of the collar is lazily pressed or not

>> No.17750927

There's this guy at work, who will only wear these nice Italian 3 piece suits with matching retro Jordan's. But he's black and in shape so it works for him

>> No.17750930


>> No.17750980

It really doesn't matter.

>> No.17750987


>> No.17751004
File: 1.23 MB, 2026x3601, 8E107F6D-F1DB-4163-ACB4-1B02A70BD869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What did you get
An OCBD and their linen high waist double reverse pleats. The shirt is great quality cotton and twill and is going to stay with me after taking a bit out of the excess material from waist.

>> No.17751010
File: 998 KB, 1709x3038, 2919E4E2-5DDE-444F-83D6-AB0D3AE1EFC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure about trousers. Linen is great quality, plenty of good details. However I deliberately have chosen their most roomy and classical style, but those are much slimmer than I thought. They sit nice and tight on my belly without having to use the side adjusters but I feel like my ass is really filling them out completely. Couple more months of heavy squats and I might need to say bye to them. But a size up won’t fit so nicely around my belly. What do you think about them people? I know that Berg&Berg’s inspirations are Neapolitan but isn’t this borderline sex-core? Btw their trousers come with unfinished legs, so ignore that.

>> No.17751012

I bet a woman draw this souless shit.

>> No.17751013

What's the brand of your sweater?

>> No.17751014

is this what pathetic whitoids think lmao

>> No.17751015

just a simple drawing makes you seethe lmao,what a pathetic cuck

>> No.17751020 [DELETED] 

>Cum over globohomo imagery
>Call others "cuck"
Enjoy your ivy league fantasy while stipping your daily Starbucks Cumee Latte, troon.

>> No.17751022

No. Having a great ass in pants doesn't make it sexcore.

>> No.17751024

nobody drools for Starbucks or ivy here you Amerimutt or Amerimutt bootlicking cuck

>> No.17751026

Very nice collar roll

>> No.17751030

Two Drake's shirts from the archive sale in the mail today. Adds to the two I already copped those past months.

>> No.17751046

how is drake's "ivy"? it's britshit ffs

>> No.17751087

they are still glued though, the stitches alone aren't gonna hold the sole to the uppers.

>> No.17751111

Stop spamming this garbage Doug you subhuman piece of shit

>> No.17751133
File: 128 KB, 442x612, 0F0B9669-952E-4824-8989-2F910AB55D15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, is that shirt LL Bean? Can I get an ID?
Hi Doug. Can you quit talking about yourself in third person? I get secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.17751146

he's got 75% good content and 25% the most annoying banal horseshit I have ever heard.

>> No.17751215

It is, good eye.

>> No.17751251

Jesus Christ, this one really hurts to look at.

>> No.17751255

LOL dude's a fag.

>> No.17751311

>Panama soles on loafers
Bruh. I like the color scheme though.

>> No.17751315

A plain shirt would look better here, but I really don't see why people hate this guy so much.

>> No.17751321

Because its an Anglo style and Japs are the Anglos of Asia. Think about it.
>Polite, obsessed with manners
>Island country that has far outpunched its weight historically, building empires
>Cultural rivalry with a peninsula full of garlic eaters (Italy/Korea)

>> No.17751325

I somewhat agree, though I would contend that low-top tennis shoes, such as Tretorns and Sperries, are the more TIP choice for sneakers.

>> No.17751327

Britfuck only wish they would compete against Italy.
Italy left us the pillars of the whole western civilization, the best art, the best food.
The UK is just chavs, slags and paki farts.

>> No.17751334

>He typed in English

>> No.17751422

Does that look good? Any thought on those pants?
Thanks I guess lol

>> No.17751464

He's great, quite insightful as well. A very pleasant account.

>> No.17751483

Sure, anything goes
Like it or not, this is the period accurate look

>> No.17751497

Not that other anon but I like them. Might look great also with slightly darker shirts for a good business casual look. Are you gonna go for a simple hem or a folded hem?

>> No.17751512

Brooks Makers shirts are made in USA, costs more, youre right not to buy their foreign made clothes
J Press is also made in USA, their ocbd's are a reasonable price
Feel free to try the uniqlo one if youre too cheap and above buying used... They probably have no collar roll, bad fit, and arent made to last

>> No.17751526

Redbull me on suits. Want to get my first nice suit.
Was thinking suitsupply. My thinking goes
suitsupply -> onions overthinker overspender midwit option
mens wearhouse -> retard/high IQ option. idk if they have tailoring

>> No.17751539
File: 2.14 MB, 709x1875, effay1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, I got this shirt from custom shirt maker Proper Cloth and plan to order another. What do you guys think about the fit? What should I change before I order another? (Chest Width, Midsection Width, Shoulder Slope, Sleeve Length, Cuff Size, etc). One of my arms is slightly longer than the other, I don't think they can change that in house, should I order up in the arm size and bring to a tailor or order normal size and lengthen one arm? Thanks for your time.

>> No.17751556

take the thighs in a touch

>> No.17751605

Looks good to me

>> No.17751633

it's his know-it-all, arrogant insufferable attitude. It's his creepy way of practically living here at 50+ years old. A man that isn't married and no kids and this into his crappy taste in fashion are redflags of degenerate homosexuality. He most certainly gets off on all the fit pics people on /fa/ takes. Very strange and creepy mother fucker. Groomer vibes. Also, he can't take criticism worth a damn. Never does. Immediately goes on the defense and lashes out. that alone is reason in itself to dislike him.

>> No.17751639

Where did you get all this from?

>> No.17751644

his behavior in the waywt threads. But keep defending a child fucker, you weirdo.

>> No.17751648

I'm not defending him, I'm just curious. I don't really browse the WAYWT threads, so I had only seen him post his fits in these threads without saying anything.

>> No.17751666

There are one or two people who are so obsessed with him that they are literally stalking him on different websites. I wouldn't trust anything these people say on the matter, they're severely mentally ill.

>> No.17751678

most of that stuff is made up, but baldfag was a creep and whined way too much. way too verbose for such a newfag

>> No.17751723

Could take in the waist. Its a good look to have a full chest, tapered at the waist/hem so theres less excess material when tucking. It doesnt need to be like military tuck tight, but in the pic it looks like a lot of excess.
I dont know if shirt sleeves can be lengthened, they don't have extra material in the cuffs like jackets.

>> No.17751811

doug here, i literally have never bought any designer clothes, you all already know all my shit is second-hand or passable quality chinkshit, i have no fucking clue what this anon is on about or what they're trying to do
whats the bet theyre the same schizos who obsessively despise me?
i think these people live inside their heads too much and connect dots that arent there, like a typical paranoid schizophrenic
also nice trips satan

>> No.17751818

>50+ years old
>is ALWAYS posting
>not married
>no Kids

Prove it's made up, you absolute pride flag saluting faggot

>> No.17751830

>whats the bet theyre the same schizos who obsessively despise me?
I would bet money that is the case.

>> No.17751831

I'm one of the baldfaggot haters and I have NO idea who or what a doug is

>> No.17751847

doug is a lolcow 19 y/o neet who also is very annoying like baldfag.

>> No.17751955

Italy is so superior but they needed the Germans help to fight the British in North Africa, and then they got invaded by the British. So much for “Med Excellence”.

>> No.17752072
File: 1001 KB, 867x1679, IMG_5092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at /tip/ I don’t get the difference between the three.
Knit cotton polo and corduroy pants
All white Stan Smiths not pictured

>> No.17752081
File: 201 KB, 431x1844, 53E4DE79-C242-4B1E-8AAF-D3EE6CCA5FC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order from Brooks is coming in tomorrow

>> No.17752113

How's the relaxed fit on their friday shirt? I ordered a large and now I'm worried it'll look like I'm wearing a tent

>> No.17752130

The relaxed fit on their ocbd's is pretty gigantic, a relaxed shirt in my neck size could fit my torso 3 times over
I like the tent look though

>> No.17752132

take my advice with a grain of salt
not too bad, although you look a bit pudgy. Also I'd go with a darker colored belt and consider switching out the sneakers for loafers or something else later on. Personally I like chukka boots

>> No.17752134

I'm on the fence about loose fitting shirts but my gf raves about it, so I wouldn't mind either way. If anything I suppose i could always get it tailored

>> No.17752144
File: 2.95 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230809_024555263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impromptu photo of my golden sleeping next to my 7 year old sperry gold cups I just put some polish on earlier today

>> No.17752277

Thanks. I think I will keep them. I’m going for a double fold most likely

>> No.17752354

What are your thoughts on Suitsupply?

>> No.17752365

I'm still in school and looking for a part time job, do you think it might be worth it to work at J Crew for the discounts?

>> No.17752862

pants could be a bit shorter. they shouldn't be dragging on the ground when you're barefoot/wearing socks

>> No.17752864


>> No.17752875
File: 910 KB, 2771x3464, 102309-1-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Btw their trousers come with unfinished legs, so ignore that.
They still need to be hemmed. I think I am going for double fold (to give it some structure) of ca. 4cm width like in pic rel. What is the classical size for hem "cuffs"?

>> No.17752932

>At Goodwill the other day
>Find a nice Brooks Brothers gingham buttondown in my size
>"Finally, I'll be able to upgrade from my shitty Old Navy gingham shirt"
>Look it over
>It's missing a collar button

>> No.17752949
File: 1.76 MB, 900x1029, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? who cares just get your girlfriend to sew a new one in. It might even have a spare sewn into the inside seam already. You do have a girlfriend, right anon?

>> No.17752980

It's really preference and also how tall you are. I normally get 1.75 to 2 inch cuffs, but I'm 6'1". If I was shorter I'd probably go with 1.5 inch. Regardless of your size I would probably keep it within 1.5-2 inches.

>> No.17753011

Takes 1 min to sew a new button retard

>> No.17753017
File: 2.63 MB, 1628x1414, Screen Shot 2023-08-09 at 2.30.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is coming in the mail. Please share your favourite plaid patchwork Madras shorts inspo thank you.
Brooks Bros has got a sale going on right now btw

>> No.17753032


>> No.17753036

Oh, look who's talking! Habeeb!!!

>> No.17753051

At least get your housekeeper to iron your clothes, wtf anon. Also, tacky tats are not trad.

>> No.17753228
File: 407 KB, 1150x2289, 605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same vibe

>> No.17753248

Even if you can't find a spare button you could always just replace all the buttons with some new ones
Based retard /10

>> No.17753250
File: 899 KB, 2548x5889, baldpedofaggoy080923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the bald sodomite faggot's fit of the day.

>> No.17753257

Lol. Might have to figure out how to use one. I hoped that hanging all my shirts would be enough.
Also regret the tat. I’ll probably get it removed soon when I can afford it

>> No.17753264
File: 689 KB, 1520x2688, ZAop1CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting a dark brown belt soon

>> No.17753274

i'll hope to live up to your expectations

>> No.17753288

why no wedding ring

>> No.17753293

Cause he's a fat bald sodomite groomer who fucks kids of course! Lol.
Look at that fit, god I hope none of you dress like that.

>> No.17753295

Am I going crazy or is that actually decent?

>> No.17753341
File: 428 KB, 600x582, 469 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time for the bald sodomite faggot's fit of the day.

>> No.17753348

You look dorky as hell

>> No.17753382

Hey guys. Poor graduate student here. Need to look /TIP/ on a short budget for this semester. Help me build my wardrobe -- I need shirts and pants for hot weather.

>> No.17753392

anyone here actually go to an ivy?

>> No.17753395

lol right?
This general is the biggest fucking LARP I've ever seen. I put these characters ITT in the same vein as furries. fucking costume dress up

>> No.17753400

I'm not even trying to be rude, I'm genuinely curious, at an ivy rn and probably 80% wear athleisure

>> No.17753402

I really like this outfit

>> No.17753404

why is this bad?

>> No.17753421

Why do you need to look /tip/? Dress code is not enforced anywhere in academia any more. If you're poor, then this style is not for you.

>> No.17753422

Ivies don’t cater to yuppies anymore.

>> No.17753425

Go to thrift stores near your campus. They’ll have polo shirts, slacks, chinos, button downs, everything you need.

>> No.17753435

Thanks anon

>> No.17753439
File: 223 KB, 1200x1200, FbmeKG1XwAAgASr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and it shows every time someone from an Ivy or Oxbridge posts here. This is just a LARP general for poor early 20s NEETs.
They absolutely do. You'd know this if you went to one. However, what is true is that being /TIP/ would be an impediment for any (not entirely socially clueless/autistic) career-oriented individual. All pimply guys posting their librarian outfits here would be laughed at in any competitive professional setting. Yuppies these days don't wear 3-piece Reviewbrah suits but Patagonia vests and sleds.

>> No.17753440
File: 103 KB, 474x875, OIP (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trad enough, by my measure.

>> No.17753447

/Trad/Prep/Ivy General

>> No.17753453

I slummed it at a state school on scholarship, but somehow ended up working at an investment bank as an analyst, then associate for a few years after I graduated, so I had to fit in. I'm not even a WASP, so I don't bother joining a country club lest I be confused for the help when I get tanner in the summer.

>> No.17753458

Not bad for the price, but even then you could probably have something decent mtm for the same money or a little more.

>> No.17753459

Who here is wearing a baggy 3 piece suit? Who here has pimples? What imaginary characters are you raging against?

>> No.17753465

This looks terrible and belongs more to WAYWT than /TIP/.
>reddit shoes
>skinny fast fashion pants making them look like clown shoes
>platic leather orange belt which
>wider than your feminine 6' wrists and throwing off proportions
>Zara acrylic cardigan
>unbottoned shirt while wearing a cardigan
Also trim that patchy beard, gingerman. I cannot offer any fashion advice because you thinking that your fit is worthy of posting it online tells me that you're a lost cause. The single advice I would give to an individual like you is to start working out. Clothes will never cover up your twiggy physique. You look disgustingly weak. Treat it as a wake-up call.

>> No.17753472
File: 237 KB, 750x736, 2ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17753483

Are they in the room with us now?

>> No.17753517

Well, while you're largely true, notice that we are talking about a fashion general on an anime imageboard. What kind of people do you think this thread brings here? If you don't like it, don't post.

>> No.17753521

looks pretty good IMO.

good, a darker belt will help. I also do think the pants are a bit too slim but just keep at it

>> No.17753527

You've created a strawman in your head. We're not trying to larp as modern yuppies. If we were, it would be trivially easy to buy an ugly patagonia vest off of ebay and wear airpods and look like a screen-addled asshole. Have you considered that the people who like this look like it for other reasons? Maybe we're just tired of sweatpants and dreadlocks as far as the eye can see.

>> No.17753528

Hell I never went to any college

>> No.17753541

Is it a bad idea to buy a secondhand suit online given that I can't try it on first? If I know my suit size, I expect it to be a relatively safe choice and I can have it adjusted later. I haven't done this before, so I'm not very confident. Does anyone have any advice?

>> No.17753549

No, they don’t. I did not go to an Ivy but I’ve spent time at Ivies and as a former investment banker I knew a lot of people who went to Ivies. The sort of WASP upper-middle to upper class yuppie Ivy Leaguer is a relic. That’s not their demographic anymore. Everybody knows and sees this but only a small handful of the wannabes still deny it.

>> No.17753550

no lleves calcetines de colores, menos si no pegan con el color de tu zapato, parecerás maricón.

>> No.17753556

Ask for all measurements, see if it can be returned, and understand what can & can't be tailored

>> No.17753575

I honestly think all the baldfag hate is just retards here seething because there's a guy here who consistently posts good fits, and it isn't one of them.

>> No.17753579

I went back and bought it, was just a dumb snap decision lol

>> No.17753589

I only really expect that the sleeve length can be tailored, and for a bit more money, the suit can maybe be taken in slightly, but that's it. Do you know of any places that'll measure me without being bothered that I won't buy anything there? I'm thinking Nordstrom.

>> No.17753590


>> No.17753602

> what is true is that being /TIP/ would be an impediment for any (not entirely socially clueless/autistic) career-oriented individual. All pimply guys posting their librarian outfits here would be laughed at in any competitive professional setting. Yuppies these days don't wear 3-piece Reviewbrah suits but Patagonia vests and sleds.
Mindless striver bullshit. Most “career-oriented individuals” aren’t the same as WASPs who dress /tip/, you have outed yourself as a middle class boor, delete this post NOW.

>> No.17753604

90% of the posters on /fa/ are literally mentally ill trannies/gays who will hound you for imaginary infractions against them.

>> No.17753615

>>17750717 are Koreans
(inb4 arr rook same)

>> No.17753616

>WASPs who dress /tip/, you have outed yourself as a middle class
NTA but class discourse hardly applies to this general because most posters live in their moms' basement. Having 10s of saved photos of Kennedys on your disk doesn't change that.

>> No.17753627

Obviously no one here is a billionaire wasp but there are guys who still dress like this (mostly aging now).

>> No.17753643

not the asshole but

>> No.17753648
File: 40 KB, 1020x748, looking closely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont live in my mom's basement.

>> No.17753660

>we're just tired of sweatpants and dreadlocks as far as the eye can see
>Obviously no one here is a billionaire wasp

You people really love to defend your arguments by providing the most extreme opposite example lmao. There is lots of space between wearing sweatpants and larping as Kennedys. No socially well-adjusted person does either. There are lots of possible income brackets between being a white NEET and a billionaire wasp. No person here qualifies as anything more but the former from what I've seen. Larping as some inspo photos from 60s is not making you a proper wasp. You're white NEETs of precisely the same kind as the guy flipping burgers at McDonald's from your class. Shit, we are not even talking billions here. We're talking being well-off enough to don't have to thrift some second-hand clothes.

>> No.17753671

Where are these NEET's you're talking about?

>> No.17753677

>middle class boor
Says who?

>> No.17753681

>most posters live in their moms' basement
most posters are probably just middle class with normal jobs or are going to school.

>There are lots of possible income brackets...
You're making this a money thing--it's not. It's not the 40s anymore, and the rich don't dress like this. They wear hoodies and pretend to be steve jobs or rappers, and they act like retards for the world to see. What's more, most of them are despicable people who don't care about society beyond how much they stand to profit from it. The posters here don't care about looking like billionaires, or WASPs. Nobody would bat an eye at someone wearing a repp tie and an ocbd in the 80s. It wasn't reserved for millionaires then and it still isn't now.

I really don't understand why you're so riled up about this. If you have nothing constructive to say then simply leave this thread.

>> No.17753687

The ivy style also wasn't reserved for new england and literal ivy league colleges either, it was popular for the middle class and up all around the country, then of course preppy style got even more widespread appeal, became diluted too much eventually

>> No.17753700

Exactly. It's not like we're wearing ties with a harvard crest on it or trying to convince people that we go to a certain country club. If I went to even a community college sometime in the 20th century (probably all the way up until the 90s) I would probably see people wearing this style. Hell, my public high school's class photos would have looked like everyone's trying to look like a "billionaire WASP" according to the other guy's definition.

You can take it too far and look like you're trying to look like someone you're not, but by and large this style is just a good looking American style and it suggests that the wearer has a certain personality and certain interests, and that appeals to people. You don't have to be a billionaire to wear a knit tie and boots from LL Bean, lol.

>> No.17753775

I just scrolled around kjp's instagram profile and i'd be lying if i didn't say it depressed me a little. Some people just live a life you and I will
never know.

>> No.17753840

So what kind of events/jobs do you go to where dressing like this makes sense?

>> No.17753849

Work, groceries, walking around with my gf
Everything except the gym

>> No.17753884
File: 144 KB, 1024x678, Heidi Palmer The Waiting Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful, for posters here "getting groceries" is the go-to activity that it's inappropriate to wear decent clothes for. Any time menswear is brought up, someone will say it's a LARP to wear it while getting groceries.

>> No.17753894

honestly this looks fine. maybe three different shades of blue for the upper body are a bit much.

>> No.17753906
File: 6 KB, 255x220, 1655829771972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be a new form of trolling
I hate this style and I by default have nothing but contempt for the people who wear it

>> No.17753915

that's dale cooper, zoomie

>> No.17753922

no, i'm talking about the spammer who keeps posting tieless fuckboys in fugly stretch suits and no socks

>> No.17753948

>You people really love to defend your arguments by providing the most extreme opposite example lmao
You’re the one who began your post by invoking Ivy League schools.
>No socially well-adjusted person does either. There are lots of possible income brackets between being a white NEET and a billionaire wasp
Not the point I was making retard.
> You're white NEETs of precisely the same kind as the guy flipping burgers at McDonald's from your class. Shit, we are not even talking billions here. We're talking being well-off enough to don't have to thrift some second-hand clothes.
Then why are you in this thread? Oh I guess you work a dead end job as a consultant in some city somewhere and think you’re hot shit and want to lord over the plebs. Grow up.

>> No.17754216


Stfu baldie, you larping old fat samefagging pedo groomer. If you aren't him, you're as bad for being a faggot enabler.
The incels like you in this thread are the easiest to troll and the easiest to make run away: Sad middle class white men with dreams of grandeur for a past you were born too late to be part of in a society you no longer control. You think putting on a Brooks Brothers shirt you got on sale will make loser ass white "men" like yourselves matter. You didn't go to an ivy school, you don't work at an important job, you have nothing to offer society and your LL Bean chinos (lol) won't save you from your declining racial demographics and won't make a girl prefer you to a man with a real cock.
That's why I keep posting baldfag pics; I use his old mayo skin ass as an easy reminder to throw in your faces about how much of a LARP this "style" is and how sad you all are for following it. He's an old man who was easy to trigger, his sport coat won't save him from irrelevance and lack of a family, and then he ran away to go pretend to be happy on Reddit while his style "improves". You will all end up like him, and I'll keep posting his pics to make sure you understand it. Look at how easy you were to trigger by mentioning that none of you went to Ivy schools or work as finance bros lol. It's just too easy. This general is just a monument to failed ideology, that's why all your inspo pics are 30 years old. You can't post any new ones since there's actual diversity in them now and you freak out at a nigga in an OCBD, how dare he wear masters clothes!
Anyway I've got shit to do, see you all later when he posts another pics I can share.

>> No.17754250 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 199x253, 31e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stfu baldie, you larping old fat samefagging pedo groomer. If you aren't him, you're as bad for being a faggot enabler.
The incels like you in this thread are the easiest to troll and the easiest to make run away: Sad middle class white men with dreams of grandeur for a past you were born too late to be part of in a society you no longer control. You think putting on a Brooks Brothers shirt you got on sale will make loser ass white "men" like yourselves matter. You didn't go to an ivy school, you don't work at an important job, you have nothing to offer society and your LL Bean chinos (lol) won't save you from your declining racial demographics and won't make a girl prefer you to a man with a real cock.
That's why I keep posting baldfag pics; I use his old mayo skin ass as an easy reminder to throw in your faces about how much of a LARP this "style" is and how sad you all are for following it. He's an old man who was easy to trigger, his sport coat won't save him from irrelevance and lack of a family, and then he ran away to go pretend to be happy on Reddit while his style "improves". You will all end up like him, and I'll keep posting his pics to make sure you understand it. Look at how easy you were to trigger by mentioning that none of you went to Ivy schools or work as finance bros lol. It's just too easy. This general is just a monument to failed ideology, that's why all your inspo pics are 30 years old. You can't post any new ones since there's actual diversity in them now and you freak out at a nigga in an OCBD, how dare he wear masters clothes!
Anyway I've got shit to do, see you all later when he posts another pics I can share.

>> No.17754252

Lmao you old ass dumb bitch you can't even greentext

>> No.17754268

can you put on a trip so i can filter you? no one cares

>> No.17754275

Lol someone's triggered I hit a little too close to home. Don't worry little bro, go blog about how good your collar roll looks while everyone else at work laughs at you. I am of course being generous and assuming you have a job.

>> No.17754276

have some mercy bro you didn't don't have to destroy him like that

>> No.17754295
File: 1.39 MB, 1125x1558, 07199592-480C-40F8-BD49-D2B7A08FC935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does RL use a polychrome embroidery vs the monochrome ones? It is just done randomly or does it for some lines and not others?

>> No.17754315

Did you get bullied by the preppy popular kids or something? You're far too bitter about some random redditor and a fashion style, like you need to touch grass and seek mental help

>> No.17754339
File: 126 KB, 499x280, whiteylarp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're far too bitter about some random redditor
He's not a "redditor" anymore than he's an anon, he's just a faggot. No I didn't get bullied by prep kids, we would have beat their punk asses at my school. Y'all just easy to make mad. See the pic? Change the viking to an old white man in a Norman Rockwell painting and that's this thread.

>> No.17754366
File: 1014 KB, 1125x768, 5C0E306B-65EB-4069-8723-EDB7AA2885FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockwell depicted working class americana. Had you said Leyendecker you would have had a point. Instead you just seem ignorant and bitter.

>> No.17754423
File: 290 KB, 961x1280, 1691411193024275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on his fit

Speculating strawmen about niche fashion and being obsessed with a 50 year old validation seeking redditor is a testament to your credibility. Thank you for pissing your poc autism complex diaper in these threads.

>> No.17754442
File: 420 KB, 747x986, Undecided-Norman-Rockwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead you just seem ignorant and bitter.
God I love how confident and dumb white people are. Here, let me hold your hand.
Behold, Rockwell painting an old white man in a suit.

>> No.17754454
File: 2.00 MB, 1125x1412, BF9EF04F-48B6-4E24-948D-C6655CBFBB60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not TIP you dingus. It's just a guy in a suit. If you can't tell the difference you have no credibility and there's no hope for you.

>> No.17754615

>this thread

>> No.17754630

yeah you guys need to relax. Regular people will just compliment the way you dress lol take it easy and listen to some vampire weekend and drink a cosmo or something haha

>> No.17754664

Right? Why would someone go out of their way to shit on o thread about something they neither like or know about i'll never understand.

>> No.17754680
File: 144 KB, 500x483, 33979c402223dd81124f4bd49d263b4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a really good fit

pants could fit better

jacket is also overkill idk what your visualization was here, it deosnt look as cool as you thought

dayum thats good, you will get married def and have a quality family one day bro keep on

shorts are good honestly but shorts fit men with quads better so yea hit the gym do leg day, women like dudes with nice quads even tho there will be retarded dude bros that will tell you to only do upperbody. Train symmetrical, those retards have no idea what is aesthetic try to be like a greek statue.

not gonna read all that

>> No.17754700

>doesnt even half understand what he thinks hes railing against
unbased retard

>> No.17754731

retard cant understand context clues

>> No.17754735

>implying imma read all the shit you guys write
keep that shit short and i might

>> No.17754740

kek not that post retard

>> No.17754886

Hehe good thing I don't give a rat's ass about internet autists
I hate wearing sneakers, I think I look good with a blazer on, or with leather shoes, or with a Harrington/oxford combo, or with fine classic knitwear. So this is what I wear, simple as
The key is not to overdo it, but adding trad elements to casual-ish outfits goes a long way - and is easy to adjust according on mood and situation
Just find the trad pieces you like and feel comfortable wearing, and add them to your rotation.

>> No.17754889

Not sure I understood everything but I do agree the color of these socks seems wrong

>> No.17754918

if you have bright colored socks you will look like a faggot, it must match the color of the shoe or pants or be black

>> No.17754955

I wear light blue gammarelli socks with denim and it goes very well with it. (A must visit if you are ever in Rome)
Generally I think Americans tend to have an over-formal (dare I say... protestant?) idea about dressing up. Your socks don't have to be black - how about brown ? Navy ? wearing straight leg raw denim with oxfords (usually with a tie!) is a perfect and very classic dad-80sparisian-ivy look

>> No.17755145

I see a mansard roof through the trees

>> No.17755242
File: 372 KB, 748x1487, 887A3D86-9F3B-4326-8AA5-370183527873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got an actual good photo of the fit from yesterday

>> No.17755302

Excellent fit

>> No.17755364
File: 2.66 MB, 2560x1440, sterling-collar-bars-scaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver/cream/off-white ties are underrated
i think my favourite would have to be the shade of silver that's slightly lilac-tinged

>> No.17755593
File: 117 KB, 564x900, c56ee52d8d6eb35f39640c034ac15333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this bow tie?

>> No.17755946

What do you like to wear to the gym or walking the dogs or whatever?

>> No.17755963

It’s a bit random I’ve found, I own many RL pieces and it just seems some years are different. Most of the polo style shirts will be mono, a lot of the oxfords will be mono, but the heavier weight stuff is where you see more poly

>> No.17756288


>> No.17756331

Is it retarded to spend $850 on a suit when I never need to wear one except for an upcoming wedding and maybe when somebody eventually dies? I really don't want to buy cheap shit, Brooks Brothers seems like the lowest non-shit tier

>> No.17756338

OG 107

>> No.17756339

Go to Mass. I wouldn’t have anywhere else to wear suits. Bring the height of all Christian worship helps.

>> No.17756341


>> No.17756387

>Go to Mass
I'd really rather not

>> No.17756542
File: 148 KB, 736x1991, baldpedofaggot081123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time again, thats right it's time for bald pedo groomer faggot's fit of the day! Uh oh, stinky!

>> No.17756548

pants dont fit well socks are white lol... why everything is off.

>> No.17756554

>socks are white
to be fair it's an Ivy staple.

>> No.17756556

Very nice anon. You pull off chuckas without looking like a redditor.

>> No.17756575


Samefag obsessed shitskin retard. You keep posting in a thread you clearly hate (see your above melaninated sperg out) obsessively dick riding a man who mustered the brain cells needed to fuck off. The reason for this, by your own admission? He's white and seems to be enjoying himself. I know you don't actually care about this thread or the style but the pants fit fine. He's fat, you don't want sexcore style skin tight fag leggings.

>> No.17756586

wow this anon cant even speak english

>> No.17756591
File: 680 KB, 4500x2800, 20230811_144338_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another seersucker day.

>> No.17756592

>clown shoes
Also, that short sleeve shirts is really not doing your noodle arms any favour

>> No.17756593

Reminds me of the fits Slater wears a bit, he is better at it though

>> No.17756594
File: 95 KB, 625x635, bass weejuns with socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17756595

he can't help it anon, not his fault he was born with hobbit proportions

>> No.17756608

Being skinny isn't bad, i want to lose a lot of weight if anything.

>> No.17756612

He can hit the gym
Maybe it's not as bad as being morbidly obese but he looks weak and feminine

>> No.17756641

I don't like the shirt. Replace it with a polo or a long sleeve OCBD
Uncuff the pants
Those boots are ugly in combo with this outfit

>> No.17756658
File: 294 KB, 1440x1798, 1988 357664860_226701883069879_4075008778891140685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shoes would you like? Ive been wearing boat shoes and mocs almost all summer and wanted a break.

>> No.17756705

They are nice boots, I just don't think they go with this outfit. They look more like fall-time boots.

Saddle shoes, penny loafers, white plimsoll sneakers, white bucks, brogues, or any kind of summer preppy shoe outside of boaters would be better.

That said, it's a good outfit, and although I don't personally like the shirt, it does look good on you.

>> No.17756707

I don't like the shoes, and I like a pastel as much as the next guy but pants and shirt is a bit much. I don't love short sleeve tucked button downs, personally. Nice pants fit and rise, though.

>> No.17756740
File: 361 KB, 3264x2000, 20230811_165616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Actually forgot i had thrifted some suede derbies, they dont leave the closet often because they dont pair with most pants. How do you think they work here?

>> No.17756764

Much better bro

>> No.17756975
File: 106 KB, 1600x1000, both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to get an unstructured cotton jacket for summer. Found these two (used, on a budget). Both are unstructured and only the sleeves are lined. Which would be better? Obviously they have darts which isn't ideal. Right looks less formal due to the color and seam style. But left has a textured weave. Right looks kind of reflective in the photos but it's 100% cotton. Left seems nice but im worried it looks too formal, which would defeat my goal with a cotton jacket.

Also, found this interesting blazer while searching. Tan seersucker sack with all patch pockets, 2 button sleeves, and a madras upper lining. Not going to buy because it wouldnt go with khakis, so not the most versatile.

>> No.17756989
File: 3.24 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrifted suit and tie. Sid mashburn shirt. AE park avenues on the feet

>> No.17757086

Where do you niggas get your shoes. Im in the market for a pair of brown dress shoes and black loafers

>> No.17757130

If only you’d read the OP man… I mean come on it’s right there under your eyes and you don’t fucking do it. If only you’d spend 5 minutes doing a tiny bit of research by yourself.

>> No.17757224
File: 215 KB, 585x585, Kennedy_Socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socks are white

>> No.17757241
File: 127 KB, 920x1321, png-transparent-illustration-of-baby-wearing-black-suit-marla-frazee-the-boss-baby-how-to-be-a-boss-the-bossier-baby-infant-the-boss-baby-child-face-head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17757270


>> No.17757279

Vintage: Florsheim, Sibley, Hanover, French Shriner. MiUSA/Italy Cole Haan &Johnston Murphy

Modern: Allen Edmonds, Alden.

>> No.17757317

Please tell me that’s navy and the lighting is just horrendous

>> No.17757330

You all looks like cucks, who the fuck dress "trad" lmao, get with the times grandpas

>> No.17757332


>> No.17757343
File: 77 KB, 867x1390, growing-up-like-dad-a-young-boy-wearing-his-fathers-suit-and-pretending-to-be-a-businessman-2PTA4C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good, little man. You look like a big time businessman. Respect and keep it up.

>> No.17757391


>> No.17757436
File: 11 KB, 200x250, john-fetterman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah c'mon y'all get with the times

>> No.17757437

Cant see very well, maybe take a close up pic for color and texture next time
Looks like a bit much fabric in the thighs

>> No.17757488
File: 107 KB, 650x863, tumblr_m0ah2qmZN51qery13[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good advice

>> No.17757496

Don't wear drape fits if you have chicken legs and have an overall physique of a 13 years old boy. Slimfit was created for guys like you so you don't look dorky.

>> No.17757546

Bro it’s called trad. It’s a roomy fit

>> No.17757550

It’s more like a gray. With checks

>> No.17757553

holy shit garbage physiognomy

>> No.17757597

girls loved ezra koenig

>> No.17757919

Allen Edmonds are my favorite personally. You can get factory and outlet shoes for half the price but are hit or miss with defects.

>> No.17757924

What shoes do you wear that are kind of more “formal” than white sneakers but less “formal” than loafers?

And I say “formal” because we know that neither are really formal but I think you understand what I mean.

>> No.17757963

saddest part is this how the majority of /tip/ lurkers look

>> No.17757982

are you the guy that doesn't want to wear jeans, only pants? boat shoes, driving shoes, moccasins, unlined loafers, ironically smoking slipper. I say ironically bc these are traditionally formal slippers, but you can be chic-core and break the rules and wear these casually. I don't know how they're viewed today, they were all over instagram several years ago, maybe they're cringe now.

>> No.17758035

Nope. That’s not me. I have all of these but they’re not quite what I’m looking for.

>> No.17758070

Mank is an all inclusive premier 4 day educational BDSM kinky fetish event with 50+ workshops from presenters all around the country where people come to explore, learn, play, socialize and have fun in a safe environment!

>> No.17758109

I'm not really sure there is an in-between other than what the other anon said. Check out blucher mocs or camp mocs, more specifically. If those are not what you are looking for, then whatever this level of formality (or informality) is you hope to obtain is beyond me

>> No.17758111

Nigga, you look like a mormon.

>> No.17758117
File: 2.22 MB, 3146x1200, shoe formality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of loafers do you have? Khaki suede loafers are pretty informal.

>> No.17758123

lol stupid newfag trying to troll

>> No.17758165

Silence nigger.

>> No.17758177
File: 631 KB, 1920x1440, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggled with the same question for a while and ended up with these

>> No.17758179

belgian loafers in a gaudy print

>> No.17758204

Boat shoes my answer
Other anon answer was perfect too
>boat shoes, driving shoes, moccasins, unlined loafers, ironically smoking slipper.

>> No.17758230

>belgian loafers
>smoking slippers
are these effay?

>> No.17758243

One of the old fit posters wore them

>> No.17758310

>vampire weekend
>a Jew
>a wop
>a mick
>a Persian


>> No.17758311

I dare you to name one thing wrong with the fit. And unlike anyone else here, I’m actually a WASP

>> No.17758335

>actually a WASP
Stop clinging to something that doesn’t exist anymore. Times have changed.

>> No.17758719

I pray for our reunification, that we may be one as our Blessed Lord prayed in Gethsemane.
“And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to thee. Holy Father, keep them in thy name, which thou hast given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and thou in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me.”
John 17:11, 22-23 RSV-C

>> No.17758723

Sure but it doesn't mean that everyone can wear it. He looks like dressed up in a costume. That's why wiggers are cringe, too.

>> No.17758875
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>> No.17758900

I like the socks, and the fact they match the pants 10/10.

I like the version without tassels

>> No.17758988

Boat shoes and camp mods aren’t really an in-between. Like sneakers, they have a specific purpose. You’re supposed to wear them in certain environments. If you’re walking around a city, sneakers would be appropriate casual wear. So would loafers. You could wear boat shoes, but they’re not really for that. So imagine you’re walking around a city. Baristas will be walking around in sneakers. Bankers will be walking around in loafers. Surely, there is something in-between these two that isn’t a shoe made for a dock or a camp.

>> No.17758989

Any idea where I can find quality chinos with a higher rise and narrow leg opening? I like the leg opening on Banana Republic's skinny fit chinos, but the quality is awful, the rise is low, and they fit way too snug in the thigh.

>> No.17758998

Moc toe penny loafers are pretty much standard for me.

>> No.17759005

Anons, I have been trying to dress better. More like an adult in the 'trad' sense. I have invested a lot into nice dress shirts which show the most 'wear'. How can I launder these shirts without destroying them with the laundry machine. I heard that dry cleaning is not something meant for all the time cleaning if that makes sense.

>Lately I have been looking at investing into a really nice garment steamer, It appears that it will take wrinkles out of clothes like an iron but also kill odor and bacteria, I think there might even be soaps and things that can be added to the steam.

Does anybody have experience with this or like handwashing their shirts?

>My slacks are cheap so I don't mind putting them in the wash, all my undergarments I expect to replace so no big deal in the laundry machine either same with towels. I just can't bring myself to put my $100+ shirt in the wash and see loose threads, shrinkage, fading when I take it out.

>> No.17759008

I used to hang dry my shirts and then steam them straight. I don’t know that it necessarily preserved my shirts any. If they’re non-iron shirts just tumble dry on low or no heat. Most dress shirts are terrible quality now so there’s really no way to make them last and if they’re white they’re just going to yellow eventually. This is why I just buy budget white dress shirts every year and the rest of my shirts I dry on low or no heat or hang dry. I only dry clean suits.

>> No.17759010

you take your shirts to the dry cleaners, but they will actually launder (regular wash with water and soap) your shirts. you can tell them that just to be sure, but they all do that you don't need to ask. they only dry clean wool, silk, etc.

>> No.17759018

They are a twig wearing oversized clothes. Really thin people should not be trying to achieve "le drape".

>> No.17759019

I don't buy non-iron b.s, 100% cotton. I don't mind air drying but hang drying seems like they will stretch. That is why I am thinking steam cleaning could be best. I am just worried it will not remove some of the wear marks around the cuffs and collar.

>> No.17759022 [DELETED] 

I don’t know why you want wear on your shirts. They’re not leather boots. They’ll just look dirty and old.

>> No.17759023

Interesting, I do have some wool...etc that is dry clean only but I don't have much of a problem with those garments.

>I felt like for how much dry cleaning would cost over a year, surely a few hundred. I could just invest in a nice garment steamer. I am just concerned that they may not take some of the wear marks out around the collar and cuff which is why I want to clean them in the first place since they don't smell/ not wrinkled since I wear like two undershirts underneath them.

>> No.17759027

I don't want wear marks that is were the inclination to clean them comes in. I just would prefer not to laundry/ dry clean them. I think a steam cleaner would be best option but I am worried it will not 'clean' the shirts as much as I would like. I am just curious if anybody has experience in this regard.

>> No.17759028

It won’t. You need launder then, sometimes vigorously. There is really no alternative. Try steaming and if it doesn’t keep them clean, then resort to laundering I guess. Shirts are not meant to last a lifetime. You wear them until they’re tattered or dirty and then you buy new ones.

>> No.17759038

But why? Steam cleaning is just a gentle alternative to dry cleaning and ironing. The heat from steam cleaning will still damage your clothes more than a cold wash cycle in a drum washing machine with the rest of your laundry. A gentle laundry with cool water and a gentle soap or no soap is about as delicate as it gets.

>> No.17759040

Sure, maybe. I will have to launder and then air dry them or something. Makes me wonder if a steam cleaner would be worth it at that point. I have just spent upwards of 1k on shirts in the past year, which see almost weekly use. I foresee them lasting for awhile if they don't stretch or fade. I plan on buying more over time but I kind of want to maintain the wardrobe I have built up and get a return on the investment before having to buy more. If that makes sense.

>> No.17759042

Why would a steam cleaning damage more then laundry, I have heard the opposite. Maybe, more so it sounds like the dryer is the potentially damaging part.

>> No.17759043

Don't baby your shirts. They're going to age and that's ok. If your stuff is really getting destroyed by the washing machine mess around with the settings. Try it on a gentle cycle with cold water if you haven't already. If a button falls off, sew it back on.

>> No.17759050

Appreciate the attempt, we are clearly not able to find a middle ground.

>> No.17759059

Wear ocbds day to day and save the nicer fabrics for special occasions. Machine wash those mfs and hang them to dry. Or throw them into the dryer. They're meant to be worn to shit and look best when they're thinned out and a little frayed.

>> No.17759103

It’s the heat that damages it. That heat is preferable to heat with harsh chemicals, but not to just cold water and soap.

>> No.17759107

There is no middle ground. Steaming will destroy your clothing faster than machine washing and slower than dry cleaning. That’s just how it is. If you’re not willing to spot clean dirty clothes by hand, then your second best option is a gentle cycle in a washing machine with cool water.

>> No.17759140

What're ocbds?

>> No.17759144

Interesting, would have to look into that.

>> No.17759221

>Any idea where I can find quality chinos with a higher rise and narrow leg opening?

Absolutely! Build a time machine and go back to 2011, you'll find plenty of slimshit there. Added bonus will be you'll be out of this thread so there will be one less faggot trying moaning about trad clothes not being sexxxcore enough.

>> No.17759283


>> No.17759312

I literally have no idea what that faggot ass shit is you sub human nigger.

>> No.17759388
File: 250 KB, 1000x563, OCBD-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oxford Cloth Button Down, an Trad/Ivy/Prep staple.

>> No.17759448

High rise + tapered? Ive been looking for that too and havent had much luck. You can buy high-rise like Bill's Khakis or Donnelly's and have them tapered. Or you can get custom made pants. The latter will around be the same price or possibly less.

>> No.17759452

If there's visible dirtiness on the shirt, I would be worried that this steam cleaner would set the stain in like an iron does.

>> No.17759482

Nah, theres a middle-ground between skinny jeans and formless grandpa-core.


>> No.17759592
File: 20 KB, 650x650, 1691968439210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black dress shirt. Yes or no? Also how should it be worn if not for a funeral?

>> No.17759598

That's a no from me, chief

>> No.17759725


>> No.17759734


>> No.17759737

here's one for you, it's ugly.

>> No.17759742

Was kind of interested in these but they're expensive for what they are, and can't be resoled. the velvet ones can't be cleaned. you're better off paying 2x these >>17758875
for oxfords that will last 10x as long.

>> No.17759774

Belgians can't be bought outside of NYC. They also aren't meant to last long, the leather is too soft

>> No.17759810

>Belgians can't be bought outside of NYC.
you can buy them online tho and have them shipped to you outside of nyc

>> No.17759848

>saying nigger on 4chan makes you racist
the only newfag here is you

>> No.17760395

unless you are waitstaff or a priest you should literally never wear a black shirt or black trousers.