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17733012 No.17733012 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to goth girls? Or alternative fashion at that?

>> No.17733018
File: 210 KB, 1080x1166, IMG_20230217_223012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're called opium and destroy lonely fans now dad

>> No.17733033

The look is more popular than ever, easily found online. The actual subculture of being goth/metal seems to be struggling.

>> No.17733034
File: 106 KB, 1179x901, photo_2023-07-27_17-47-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They grew up.

>> No.17733046

She was cute af, now she looks like another onlyfans fake goth whore.

>> No.17733069

>The actual subculture of being goth/metal seems to be struggling
I'd believe this, I like in a decently sized city and get I've never ran into another person IRL that likes joy division, even if they know who they are. when it comes to stuff like bauhaus and the chameleons they've never even heard of them

>> No.17733088

It's a 40+ year old subculture, what do you expect. Some original goths are now 60 years old, they have had there day, even the poser mall goth shit was 23 years ago.

>> No.17733099


>> No.17733102


>> No.17733123

This image is the definition of wholesome. I wish every anon a family like hers, that they supports you and you can be just happy

>> No.17733159

I still listen to some old goth and some newer goth. The music isn't bad but it's not the type of music that will bring out crowds these days. There's like two goth or punk clubs in my city, people seem to get dressed up for shows there but they are otherwise MIA in daily life. I think if the subculture wants to truly survive it's needs to adapt a bit. There are moments where I think that goth fans and bands need to ride the wave of music that's not goth but gives off goth vibes. Like when MGMT's Little Dark Age was popular on Tiktok. If I made goth music I would have made a similar song to gain fans. Hip-hop is actually really good about this, the genre goes through trends where a sound, or even a particular producer, dominates for a couple of years. Artists are still creative and original with the rest of their music but also understand what a hit record will do for them. You can't have a subculture without reasons for people to meet, and that reason is coming out to a dance worthy live show.

>> No.17733163

Almost all subcultures have receded. Young people minds have been colonized by oligarchs-mandated, radicalized and politized new forms of identity that will never challenge the establishment.

>> No.17733173

Poser whores made them disappear. I miss real subcultures, now we have real culture and anti-culture.

>> No.17733178

Goth is just fucking cringe. Imagine taking yourself seriously while dressing like this and living in western society. Every simp out there wants the goth girlfriend, but they don’t realize that most of these chicks are just as shallow of a whore as the blonde Stacy

>> No.17733185

>they don’t realize that most of these chicks are just as shallow of a whore as the blonde Stacy
eh, I don't care
I just want to find someone else that intuitively understands why New Dawn Fades is the greatest song ever written

>> No.17733210

Alt fashion is peaking at the moment? If you can't see that you're genuinely too old to be in those circles.

>> No.17733232

many perhaps most of the goth & alt girls I see now are hispanic, middle eastern or indian, so if you still live in whitesville you might not see many at all

being goth & alt is a rebellion against traditionalism. most people in the original waves of goth & alt had at least vaguely christian parents, who the goth thing got a rise out of - so immigrants & thirdworlders who still have traditional parents still find it appealing as a rebellion.

but for white kids in the west growing up now, being goth or alt wouldnt upset their parents in the least, it doesnt feel like any kind of rebellion, whether your parents are liberal or conservative. so the zoomer kids of conservative parents have to go tranny or onlyfans to get a rise out of them and feel rebellious, while the zoomer kids of liberal parents have to go andrew-tatey or trad.

so if you dont want your kids to be trannies, just act all maaaad about goths, and theyll go that route, which fortunately just involves makeup and a few piercings, rather than life ending endocrine mutilation.

>> No.17733235

nothing is more cringe than unironically saying cringe

>> No.17733243

post some current peak alt fashion for the class then

>> No.17733246
File: 38 KB, 550x550, a76c550fd4a1fbb11f7df0a969fde71a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being goth & alt is a rebellion against traditionalism. most people in the original waves of goth & alt had at least vaguely christian parents, who the goth thing got a rise out of - so immigrants & thirdworlders who still have traditional parents still find it appealing as a rebellion.
I think outside of just rebellion, it appeals to people from a catholic background who no longer buy into the belief system but still love the aesthetic because man's attempts to reach god through art are inevitably just cool as fuck

>> No.17733267
File: 141 KB, 1180x1040, softgrunge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one current iteration of this is "soft grunge" which is people already throwbacking to 2014 tumblr girls - there's a lot of unspoken overlap with tradcath aesthetics though. but "soft grunge" has only been around for half a year and already generic fat zoomie thotgoths are taking over the tag. these people have no shame.

>> No.17733273

I still listen to the sisters of mercy, Bauhaus, fields of the Nephilim and the cure etc but i wouldn't wear the gear anymore, it's too limiting imo and i'm too old now seeing as i'm nearing 40 not 20, it's a subculture for teens imo.

>> No.17733274

She cute

>> No.17733287

>it's too limiting
no you're literally just a pussy. why the fuck would random teens have more of a right to wear YOUR generation's music & clothes than you do lol? its literally the zoomers who are lame, theyre so devoid of an alt culture of their own that they have to wear past ones like costumes.

zoomers should be wearing zoomer band tees not stealing yours. except even they think theirs suck. you can tell cause they dont wear them. like, when i was in middle school, slipknot and misfits clothes were everywhere - and they fucking still are. what even is a zoomer alt band, 1000000 gecs? have you ever seen someone wearing one of their shirts? i sure havent. even zoomers are embarrassed of their own celebrities lol.

>> No.17733291

you have no idea what she looks like now because the "now" pic is filtered to hell and back

>> No.17733292

Dude I'm 35 and still wear all black. It's not limiting at all. Maybe as a guy it's a little tougher to dress goth without looking like a flaming old homo but 100% can do varied "elder goth" fashion.

>> No.17733294
File: 139 KB, 516x909, 1654144957538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even zoomers are embarrassed of their own celebrities lol
you probably would be too if social media and internet social justice brainrot existed in full force back in the day

>> No.17733296

You and me both, brother

>> No.17733299

they're right though, why would you want your fan base invaded by a bunch of gate keeping shit heads?

>> No.17733302

anon she was a child

>> No.17733312

pretty sure anyone who uses the word "transphobic" seriously is going to be more of "gatekeeping shit head" than anyone who doesn't make dumbass political causes their entire personality

>> No.17733326
File: 336 KB, 1024x929, 11709988_879287408792186_2042156184418774431_o-1024x929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny thing is, its literally only white celebrities that feel the need to do this. rappers & latin musicians still get away with being as -phobic as they want because their fans dont give a shit. this is a big part of why most normie zoomers think white people are so lame imo.

if i were born today i would probably be into latin pop like natalia lafourcade, and thirdworld grunge like the caulfield cult (picrel). as it is I already get this one "escena pop punk" spanish scene playlist recommended on spotify all the time.

>> No.17733333

ikr? since when did going to fucking therapy and listening to le psychology like a good little coglet become part of "alt culture"? since when did alt culture become about taking your meds instead of doing drugs? since when did alt culture become about forcing yourself into prescribed social roles aka "transitioning"? its such utterly disgusting conformist horse shit.

>> No.17733337

Women 100% can pull off the goth look more as they get older, even into their forties honestly, men not as much.
I just got bored of wearing the same thing all the time, nothing to do with being a ''pussy''. I still like the music and the culture, but i don't make it my entire identity.

>> No.17733354

>i don't make it my entire identity.
youre artificially excising a part of your identity to hide it, which is just another kind of being fake.

in high school i wore band tees every day (and much cringier things) and now I have more varied & season appropriate clothes as an adult, but that doesnt mean totally hiding your interests just because youre older.

>> No.17733360

>youre artificially excising a part of your identity to hide it, which is just another kind of being fake
nta but by this definition, not tattooing every single interest you have on yourself visibly is "fake" because you're "artificially excising a part of your identity to hide it"

>> No.17733371

black & white autism thinking to a T. there is a wiiiiide gray area between getting le nostalgia tattoos all over yourself and eliminating any trace of your interests from your appearance.

for the record, tattoos are ultra gay if you didnt do anything to deserve them like military service or prison time, or getting a record deal or some shit. if you had cancer or a near death car crash or your friend an heroed or something, thats a different story too. but fuckin suburban whitekids with tattoos from the tattoo shop wall are so fuckin lame...

>> No.17733380

It's a teenage subculture, I'm not a teenager anymore but an adult nearing middle age, most people grow out of it, it's normal. My mother was a 1980's goth, that's how i found out about it, but does she still dress like a goth 37 years later? no but she still appreciates the culture and music.

>> No.17733383

>eliminating any trace of your interests from your appearance
except for the fact that broadcasting your interests through fashion usually isn't really a "passive" thing, and is something you actively have to pay money and put effort into it if you want to do it. like, you're not obligated to dye your hair black and wear combat boots because you really like the Cure's early stuff

>> No.17733399

this mindset is literally why you are unhappy. its not "a teenage subculture", its YOUR subculture. current teens can get their fucking own.

boomers have no issue keeping their own culture which is why they are so terminally happy much to the chagrin of miserable self hating genXers and people like yourself. for reference, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph7oZnBH05s

>> No.17733402
File: 235 KB, 1080x1349, 1690486034483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have no idea what she looks like now
This is what she looks like now.

>> No.17733408

obviously not what we're talking about. he already owned the stuff as a teen. quite possibly he still has the band tees in the back of his closet. but he either refuses to wear them or got rid of them out of embarrassment.

and in any case, what would be so wrong with dying your hair black if you felt like a change up? its not like people will know you dont have naturally black hair lol, especially if you use something more natural looking like henna. I did that earlier this year actually on a lark, only a few people even mentioned it and i told them my hair just did that on its own, since it was already pretty dark brown. idk if they believed me but also idgaf kek

>> No.17733410

nigga...do you understand that filtered pics arent real life? this is like showing me a boardwalk caricature and telling me its what the person looks like.

>> No.17733417

I'm not though, i look on the time i was one with fondness but i realize it is the past, people change anon, i doubt many people who were goths in the eighties are goths now. No one signed a contract saying you have to be a goth for life. It literally was a teenage subculture for the mass majority of people.
>current teens can get their fucking own
It doesn't belong to you or me or anyone else, let them do whatever they want, literally who cares.
>except for the fact that broadcasting your interests through fashion usually isn't really a "passive" thing
Exactly, it takes time, money and effort to dress like a full on goth, and it IS limiting, i like clothes what were not typical goth clothes but i felt like i couldn't wear them because it wasn't black or goth.
>you're not obligated to dye your hair black and wear combat boots because you really like the Cure's early stuff

>> No.17733423

youre really obviously constructing a false dichotomy between being "le full on goth" and being zero percent detectably goth. who said those were your only two options?

>> No.17733424

>quite possibly he still has the band tees in the back of his closet
Nah, wore them out a long time ago going on 15 years and i don't wear t shirts anymore, in fact i preferred black button up shirts and black velvet medieval style shirts when i was goth, i painted the sisters of mercy logo on the back of my biker jacket
>got rid of them out of embarrassment
If i had a goth t shirt now, i would probably wear it in the house but like i said i generally don't wear t shirts.
>and in any case, what would be so wrong with dying your hair black if you felt like a change up
Nothing, but i personally don't want to.

>> No.17733431

Whatever mate, why do you find it hard to understand that most people grow out of youth cultures, while still being able to look back at them fondly in some manner. It doesn't make them ''fake'' it just means they have changed as they got older. I would still go to a goth club now if they were any around me what played the old stuff but would i go dressed as a goth to go there? no.

>> No.17733444

this is an issue i feel strongly about for a couple reasons. when people see "adulthood" as incompatible with subcultures, not only does it make them feel like their life ended at 25, it also transmits the message to young people that life ends at 25. i think this mentality is a large part of why zoomers have the suite of peter pan type syndromes that they do.

i know that as a weird kid I was always very happy to see weird adults, like the guy with snakebites, tattoos and a coke nail who always worked at my local rite aid. in comparison I knew that my own parents were kind of deadheads in their youth but...you would never know it, and I think that's sad. well you might guess my mom was a hippie but you'd never think it of my dad. he just seems to dress in the most boring possible clothes. and i think it's really depressing to look up at adulthood and think it means you have to give up all the things you liked.

so rather... i'd actually go so far as to say that adults *should* demonstrate to kids that you don't have to "grow up and turn normal" if you don't want to, and that even if you have to dress more normal to have a career you want, that doesnt mean you can't be yourself other times.

>> No.17733446

>I would still go to a goth club now if they were any around me what played the old stuff but would i go dressed as a goth to go there? no
i don't think it's a leap to say that you probably wouldn't go dressed in an oxford and slacks either though. you would probably dress somewhere in between. which is exactly my point.

>> No.17733448

e-girls and e-boys are the new emos i guess. punks and skinheads are almost completly gone now and are only a really small niche

>> No.17733456

pretty sure i saw a post that said that shes only like 2 years older so no they havent grown up yet.

>> No.17733459

I agree with this anon. There are still a lot of original goths living, they are still very much goth. You shouldn't feel like it's something that should be relegated to your youth. When I was a kid people used to say "Don't get tattoos how will they look when you're old? They'll age badly and look like shit." Well now we have a bunch of old people with tattoos and they still look cool as fuck.

>> No.17733462

Anon you can’t just bunch words together and expect us to think youre smart when nothing you say makes any sense

>> No.17733463

>e-girls and e-boys
this is a completely mainstream zoomer thing though. funnily thats something zoomers really dont seem to understand - emos and goths were NOT considered cool in the early 2000s. emos were considered incredibly lame. "cool" normies were into eminem and stuff.

these dolled up self-obsessed thotfacing filter abuse case ekids would be the ones literally bullying emos for being "cringe" and "weird" if they were around then. seems like zoomers think if something existed it must have been cool, because they have no concept of losers' pride and dont themselves have the nads to be part of a subculture as widely goofed on as emo.

>> No.17733466

somehow i dont think "le cute uwu snail" zoomer tattoos are going to age very well kek

>> No.17733473

Youre legit fucking braindead, its painful reading your replies to the other normal anon lmao, touch grass

>> No.17733483

when will zoomers get tired of playing this "lolll whatttt i dont even le understaaaaand" game? you know very well what he means. subcultures like "trans" that are inextricably linked not only with consumerism but also with acceptance of normative psychology are literally incapable of meaningful rebellion. i mean how the fuck you gonna be a rebel when you need hormones to live, either figuratively because youre le trans or literally if you get unballed?

show me the zoomers who dont full on swallow normative psychology and I will show you the alt kids of today. so far, the only ones i've seen are "i love my untreated bpd" girls on tumblr and thats only really halfway there.

>> No.17733486

why do zoomers always do this? are you really out of things to say already? is typing really that hard for you? does thinking make your little brain hurt? is all you can think of to say really le touch grass? why are you little piggies so venally stupid?

>> No.17733501

>There are still a lot of original goths living, they are still very much goth
Of course, but the majority of them will no longer be goths statistically speaking, it wasn't an unpopular subculture. Most of them moved on not because they felt they had to, but because they found interest in other things and changed as people.

Personally i think you should be able to dress how you want, I dress like someone from the 1970's these days, sideburns included. So i'm not ''normal'' whatever the fuck that means anyway. I'm just saying most people don't keep dressing like they were when they were teenagers, my mum who was a 80's goth now dresses like she is from the forties.

>> No.17733517

it was replaced with an obsession with gender

>> No.17733518

this is really a very different scenario from what you presented at the start though. you & your mum are both still "subculture people" who dress quite differently from the norm. and really there's not so much distance between your current & past selves, considering the roots of goth in earlier subcultures including rockabilly, noir & 30s "arabesque", art-nouveau neogothic, etc...we could perhaps say that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gAYiUmir_w has elements of your past & present aesthetics. johnny cash's deaths-door albums from the 90s are also similar in aesthetic. my point is that this is all very different from "growing up and turning normal", and while its not like you said you were "normal" now, you didn't say you were doing a full on 70s thing with sideburns, so id call that a significant omission...

>> No.17733552
File: 88 KB, 276x204, E8A123A1-338F-4D52-9451-B2E3B43070D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do zoomers do x
You must be the newest schizo to post because i havent come accross a speciment like you before, nice to meet you, cant wait to read more insane rants

>> No.17733558

They tend to be introverts so they stay indoors. It's also why they're pale. It's also a look that takes a lot of dedication, time and skill, so it has a steep learning curve. Even then, because of the time it takes, it's not an everyday look. Plenty of goth chicks you see out and about don't look it.

>> No.17733585

why dont zoomers ever actually discuss anything? always this "youre retarded" "youre le schizo" "youre so weird" but never any actual argument or discussion of the subject at hand. why is this? is the adhd?

>> No.17733587

"zoomer goths" who stay inside like every other zoomer are not goths. actual goths go outside, just at night, and usually alone.

and girls who only put on le goth costume to take le sexy thotgoth selfies are not actually goth in any sense of the word.

>> No.17733590

It's the phoneposting

>> No.17733615

lol, as someone on the younger side I can confirm this is what "alt" means now. It means going to therapy, also just noticed HOLY smokes digits. -It means going to therapy, taking your meds, being trans, wearing anime patches, pink hair, having no friends.

>> No.17733711

Was with you right up until the niggerlove. Hip hop isnt music.

>> No.17733719

kill yourself NOW. NOW NOW NOW.

>> No.17733746

not everyone is as easily tricked by filterface as you are, mongoloid

>> No.17733771

he said "hip hop is actually really good *ABOUT THIS*" where "this" meant adapting to new trends to stay popular. get some fucking reading comprehension you utter moron. saying "mussolini was good about having trains run on time" doesnt mean you think mussolini was good. he referred to hip hop artists as "creative and original" which you could argue isnt true if you like, but it isnt inherently a positive value judgment because you could say lots of terrible things like idk the cartels are creative and original in their own ways.

anyhow...to discuss the actual subject of your post, i find earlier more r&b-ish hip hop like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTMgX1PDGAE to be pleasing, but i never really found rap suitable for casual listening - i would argue, relevantly to the post you responded to, that most rap really isn't that danceable, but rather "leanable", in other words, "for chilling", which is the more important "vibe" in a modern context, because people really don't do all that much dancing these days. sometimes they "bump" or "jump", and people will make "hip hop dance videos" to rap songs, but its always an awkward fit, and not something people really do much of irl. in fact dance-based scenes like miami club stuff are very different from mainstream rap.

so i don't think you should group hip-hop & rap together, as hip hop is (was) eminently danceable and musical, while rap serves more of a soundtrack/ambient noise purpose, as in its what you put on at a zoomer party while everyone xans out on the couch, and is thus, as you said, not really music.

>> No.17733796
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desperately trying to find a goth gf
but all I manage to do is attract old black ladies who call me pet names
>inb4 god I wish that was me

>> No.17733823

Goth ? That's just mental retardation touched by Western values into a culture.
Kys faggots

>> No.17733880
File: 164 KB, 1500x1500, GettyImages-604395517-ab3c2b6598b04fc2a9faee6def034b39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy doesnt know literally anything at all does he

>> No.17733906

Gotta admire the consistency

>> No.17734018

>in the young adult age she show her cleaverage
All women are sluts

>> No.17734025

Shut up

>> No.17734054


>lmao foids being plastered in make-up

also men:
>tfw no big tiddy mommy gf

>> No.17734079
File: 834 KB, 96x96, ezgif-2-99dae7a1d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if looks could kill

>> No.17734081

ahhh, those were the days. now, cue farquad.jpeg, the zoomer has fallen in love with the filter!

>> No.17734127

I think i said it's normal to move on to other things, not that goths become ''normal''(from my experience most goths are oddballs) then again i might not have, going senile.

>> No.17734257

I like black hair + pale skin and have a fetish for black lipstick.
ofc they're just as shallow as others, probably more so.

>> No.17734325

>Muh society
slave mindset

>> No.17734585

13 candles on that cake, i want to peel off your skin

>> No.17734601

Not everyone here is an adult. It's okay to call a teen cute. Saying that, 13 or 14 year old me would have thrown myself in front of a bus if it would have helped me get her as a girlfriend.

>> No.17734617

I was a metal head in a band - our hangers ons were all Goth girls from PGH. I was awash in real big titty goth girl pussy from 95-99.

It was the greatest time of my life.

>> No.17735057

Playing dress up isn't culture.

>> No.17735257

and then you woke up.

>> No.17735304

these little zoompigs really think every generation was as dead as theirs huh

>> No.17735310
File: 155 KB, 1000x665, gothic-architecture-Dec82020-1-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he says on the board for playing dress up

btw gothicism is literally one of the oldest aesthetics lmao. you need to play more dress up kid

>> No.17735377

>ofc they're just as shallow as others, probably more so.
why cant you faggots ever say you like a girl without negging her in the same sentence

>> No.17735402

Because that's how you talk about women around the boys, you can't seem like too much of a sucker. Didn't you learn this growing up?

>> No.17735464

Would be so cute without gross piercings

>> No.17735671

i was noticing this as well

a lot of “femcel” shit is like this now, and they have an obsession with older men or tatt'd up stereotypes, probably gonna be the next trend

>> No.17735879

when i was growing up we said things like "dude shes hot" because we werent insecure cucks like you zoomie poos.

>> No.17735880

Aww cute

>> No.17735881

yeah lol, the '#femcel #coquette #gaslight gatekeep girlboss #lana del ray aka lizzy grant #female manipulato #just a girl going crazy in her roomr' people. they have a powerful vibeline going but i wish they would like, do things other than 'girlpost' at least now and then.

>> No.17735882

Well I found a few. Just got back from Remember Sports at the Bowery. Hot show & pretty girls.

>> No.17735904

>admitting you're underage
Rule 2 b&

>> No.17735905

Looking at it from a different perspective when you go out you are always wearing a costume anon, whether it's what you like or what ''society'' expects you to wear.

>> No.17736064

they all started taking testosterone or going bald

>> No.17736069

The amount of mentally ill girls who just go on testosterone is fucking terrifying
I've dated two who still enjoyed being called little girl and princess in bed. Women will literally inject shit into their bodies just because it's a TikTok trend

>> No.17736071

I thought about this for a minute and I will be fair and acknowledge that the emo girls of my day smoked cigarettes and did psychedelics which definitely aren't good for you, I'm not going to try you rationalize which is better or worse but it's historically a trend that misfits don't pamper their body.

>> No.17736072

this genz+tiktok looks insanely bad

>> No.17736073


>> No.17736082

it goes back to the victorian era.

>> No.17736401

>I'm not going to try you rationalize which is better or worse
stop being a pussy ass nigger. its really really obvious that testosterone is way the fuck worse lmao. aside from appearance effects, it literally shrivels your womb to the point where most need hysterectomies in about 10 years or their womb will literally rot inside them - and having a hysterectomy alone is massively damaging to womens health, even aside from whatever else the T does (and it does a lot.)

in comparison - psychedelics dont harm you physically at all so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you dumb nigger, and smoking just gives you regular old cancer in your 50s/60s/70s if you smoked for decades and decades....girls smoking a few cigarettes for the aesthetic is not a serious health danger (although of course they *should* be smoking weed). the vast majority of people over 50 alive today smoked in their youth and quit later, its not a huge deal.

stop fucking equivocating you tepid little shit for brains. sex hormone abuse is murderously dangerous, it essentially makes your body rot in place. add in the typical cocktail of SSRIs + other psych meds, and the level of damage is closer to serious, serious alcoholism or an opiate addiction.

>> No.17736592

what does

>> No.17736602

>grew up
>thirteen to fifteen

>> No.17736605

You're both kind of missing it. The actually harmful mental disease of the Emo/Scene era was anorexia and bulimia. The interest in smoking was actually mostly as a hunger suppressant, and part of the "thin aesthetic." Anorexia & bulimia actually have the highest death rate of all mental disorders, if you don't count hard drug addictions. The death toll is partially from malnutrition & anemia and partially from suicide.

Now I do think there is a huge difference between anorexia and FTMism, as being severely anorexic would actually get you institutionalized and treated, whereas the toxic testosterone injections ARE the treatment. But nonetheless, I think they're very similar in their origins in body image issues & being a social misfit - and funnily, having anorexia actually strongly correlates with being a high-T woman, because high-T women are more competitive and perfectionist, including about their appearances.

(Zoomers do talk a lot about having anorexia, but the plain fact is that anorexia & bulimia rates for women are waaay down since the 00s/early 10s...and the anorexia zoomers being liars or, charitably, grievously misinformed is obvious because they aren't even thin. They think an "eating disorder" is literally just wanting in your mind to lose weight or to be skinny even if you don't actually under-eat or purge. I mean, they may well have binge eating disorders, but they don't have anorexia or bulimia, that's for sure. But as with FTMs, a lot of fat zoomers have actually been "affirmed" in their self-diagnosed anorexia by their paid therapists. These fat little bastards calling themselves anorexia survivors is actually disgustingly disrespectful to people with real problems.)

>> No.17736616


>> No.17736806

Who dis bitch?

>> No.17736869

why are you chodes always so obsessed with finding random people's social media? why does it matter "who" she is? have your painfully acute insecurities been tweaked, and now you need to scroll her socials so you can comment "mid" on all her pictures?

>> No.17736875

That is basically when precocious puberty archetype zoomer girls stop growing up. Because of obesity's estrogenic effects, many of them start periods before 10 and finish their accelerated puberty very, very early. This is why you see so many of those short, fat, pig-faced zoomer girls who walk like overgrown toddlers instead of adults. Not that the girl in OP is that way necessarily, since you can't really see anything in the "after" picture with all the filtering.

>> No.17737095

god im diamonds, if only the zoomies wern't fat

>> No.17737113
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>counted the candles

>> No.17737130

i still asdjfhaklsdjlfl about when this one girl wore fishnets & converse to school senior year, god.

>> No.17737351

Not really. I find her quite attractive, so I wanted to masturbate to her pictures, that's it.

>> No.17737453

please see a therapist to treat your paraphilia i'm so serious.

>> No.17737570

We all left 4chan because you're all a bunch of lonely losers that get no pussy and ape our style without any of the underlying cultural context. You cannot simply become goth/alt. You either are or you aren't, and most people from this site aren't. Simple as.

>> No.17737579
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Slave morality gonna slave morality

>> No.17737584
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Casually there was not this differentiation between millennials and gen x. Even boomers was infamous back then, but not really called out on 4chan as so consistently as 4chan quarters wants now. There's a steady flow of thread used to clearly split people here

>but hey, let's get here to tell them
Goth was never here, and op didn't ask specifically on 4chan

>> No.17737587

Crying because a current 15 year old is no longer 13

>> No.17737590

You obviously haven't been here long

>> No.17737609
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Au contraire, anons were arguing about being a newfag or a faggot, but not for anything else in 2009. It counted ideas and people around those, not the opposite

>> No.17737618

You clearly dont see the irony in what youre saying do you?
>is the adhd?
Confirms what I suspected, culture wars brainrot

>> No.17737620

>You cannot simply become goth/alt. You either are or you aren't, and most people from this site aren't. Simple as.
Gatekeepers are the biggest posers around, i was a goth i don't give a toss if young people adopt the look, more power to them.

>> No.17737623

Idk i just find it hilarious that the people who were whining that older people talked shit about them instantly did the same to younger people once they started aging (badly might I add). I mean millenials got shat on by pretty much everything under the sun so i can understand their bitterness

>> No.17737746


>> No.17737859

if you didnt have a vampirefreaks profile you are not goth

>> No.17737876

Haven't heard of that site in years

>> No.17737992

her fucking face just expanded 3x

>> No.17737996

>i'm so serious. i am like, soooo serious. okay? i'm sooooo serious. seriously, like, i'm so serious! listen to me, i'm serious. so serious. i am.. so serious. i'm really serious! i'm so freaking serious!

>> No.17738142

there is cute goth girl cashier at a store I go to.
She is so cute and shy I just want to put her in my pocket. :)

>> No.17738434

and who are you? making fun of losers is distinctly un-alt, considering alt people are literally losers above all else. if you want to be le cool go join broccolitok.

4chan & tumblr users are unironically the alt people of our time by default, even if they dress totally normal, solely by virtue of NOT using normie social media.

also what? "we all le left" but you're very evidently still here. so what the fuck are you talking about, bonehead?

>> No.17738437

can't wait til gen alphas start making fun of balding broccoli zoomers in abt 5 years. it ought to be a laugh.

>> No.17738445

nigger you haven't actually said literally anything other than trying to call me stupid or a schizo. you literally don't have anything going on in your head, which is why you find it so hard to write more than twenty words at a time.

do you care to actually make a substantive contribution to the discussion? no? okay, why are you even here then? literally why are you posting? nothing you post contains an iota of meaning.

like i said earlier, what REALLY depresses me is not the zoomer behavior I'm criticizing, but the fact that you don't even fucking try to argue with me about it. you're literally just a zero effort person, but you want to feeeel like you're a spicy and intellectual poster. well ya don't get that without actually fucking saying something, so maybe try it, you might like it.

>> No.17738446

its filters you stupid fucking dog brained retards, holy shit, how can you not recognize bog standard filtering in current year?

>> No.17738449

literally like over half of checkout girls are alt chicks it seems like lmao. i think normies just dont go outside at this point. soooo many latina alt chicks working retail especially.

>> No.17738901

Honestly both aesthetically and sonically I find that the more oldhead type crowd likes to cling on to what “real” [genre] is, but attempting to distill subculture to a specific set of conditions just makes it easier to be commodified. Most kids will just accept the costume as it is sold back to them, but even a lot of the ones that see through the veneer of consumerism mainly assume DIY alone is the antithesis to it. I get no one’s first DIY is excellent, but it all just has this feeling like they rushed through the craft of it all so they could get their totally not a poser cred faster. Overall this does contribute to a lot of stagnation in any genre, but honestly if you know where to look there’s definitely still people that care about their scene.
It’s always so interesting to me to hear perspectives on this from people who mainly work with other genres desu. Rock music actually does get the same kinds of cycles, right now in hardcore there’s a huge thing with karate pits and caveman riffs. We also been seeing a resurgence in both shoegaze and emo revival, both of which were also insanely popular about a decade ago. I can see some hype in post punk (read: goth) and noise rock happening rn too, but it’s still not quite popular as bands like Pinegrove or Sunami blowing up on TikTok lol…. Also imo there is a ton of crossover between hip hop and rock music. Even if you ignore the whole history and stylistic origins, there’s been a ton of crossover lately. Tbh the whole emo rap thing had so much potential until most of the figureheads from that subgenre croaked…. Plus more recently you got Suicideboys bringing out bands like Turnstile and Knocked Loose. Personally I’m not huge on SB but I severely respect that the crowd they introduced to hardcore gets more into it at shows than most of the actual hardcore kids that just stand around bitching about TikTok fans lmfaooo

>> No.17738914

Making overt expressions of oneself with the goal of sticking out like a sore thumb only reduces your ability to function and reach your goals in life. If you want to succeed, blend in with the crowd so nobody fucks with you and tries to block your progress. I wouldn't consider that a slave mentality, I'd call it being mature and strategic

>> No.17738935

>If you want to succeed, blend in with the crowd
nigger why are you even posting on a fashion board? just go to fucking target. lmao, what the fuck.

money mind = system slave, like the man said

>> No.17738937

you genrefaggots are exhausting. anyone pulling out a phone at a show deserves to get it smashed btw

>> No.17738956

Spoken like a true slave.

>> No.17738965

ignore this anon , /pol/ users feel intimidated when they realize they're behind on modern culture, especially when it concerns something that both black and white people like.

>> No.17739008

real larper shit lol i bet u only ever do push pits loser

>> No.17739829

>If you want to succeed
Define "success"

>> No.17739885
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Putting your phone between you and an artist is just...I cant even.

>> No.17739898

Are you saying anti tiktok is anti black? why do you say that?

>> No.17739987

It's fucking cringe when your generation is the reason why Zoomers generation sucks, yet you thresh and spit around in a fit: zoomers, zoomers like a rabid dog. Get some self awareness.

>> No.17739990

>black & white autism thinking to a T.
This you, nigga?
>>i don't make it my entire identity.
>youre artificially excising a part of your identity to hide it, which is just another kind of being fake.

>> No.17740022

why is it always someone elses fault lol? holy shit whats wrong with you people? of course you have the right to say im just being a fucking boomer and dont understand. Millennials were called lazy and pussies all the time and we just said "That's not true" and didn't sweat it. You literally aren't even disagreeing with what I'm saying, you're literally being mad that I said it. Why won't you even defend the people youre trying to defend? of course theres nothing like literally genetically wrong with people born after 1998 i just think they look retarded and are fat and annoying.

whats so weird is you font seem to actually gave a shit about changing the situation youre talking about and defeating le evil millennials because youre just saying pure defeatism. If I were you I would say that even if some zoomers are made into pig people by le evil millennial tech wizards, there will still be a lot of zoomers who escape that, and they will be even better at doing millennial tech wizardry because they were born in it. And then they wil control millennials, just like millennials now control boomers with facebook.

>> No.17740029

obviously, why? did I stutter?

>> No.17740033

What you don't get is that Zoomers don't have to fit into your own view of what is good culture and what is not, but on top of that you're shitting on zoomers because of shit that you and your shitty generation has caused. Why is it someone's elses fault? Because the downfall of different subcultures was caused in your own peak years, the fuck are zoomers supposed to do with ashes of cultures you have burnt?

>> No.17740038

So I take you are aware of your own hypocrisy?

>> No.17740047

how do those contradict each other? having broader interests over time isnt the same as acutely hiding your le blunder years.

>> No.17740049

>the fuck are zoomers supposed to do with ashes of cultures you have burnt
why do you expect to just be given things? millennials adapted mostly dead earlier subcultures and revived them as emo, twee and soft grunge, and kind of invented scene out of thin air. there literally are zoomers doing revivals of all of these millennial subcultures already lmao, why are you not part of that? go and help. imitate then generate. youre literally just doing nothing as far as I can tell.

>> No.17740057

You contradict yourself by accusing the other anon of black and white thinking, while falling into the very same thinking
>you can't just be more relaxed about about the culture you liked in your youth because you are le artificially excising a part of your identity!

Btw how the fuck did you even write out that shit and read it afterwards and didn't just delete it out of pure shame about how stupid that sounds?
Just because you haven't heard about them doesn't mean they don't exist. Punk rap/Goth rap are zoomer genres with their own subcultures I myself participate in. It okay to be out of touch but ranting about shit that isn't even like it in reality is a waste of your own breath.

>> No.17740084

Lmao so good, please never stop ranting about zoomers and whining no one wants to engage with you. Top fucking kek

>> No.17740091
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>> No.17740172

being more relaxed about your youth subcultures would not be artificially excising a part of your identity. do you not know what the word excise means? i think that might be the problem here. "excise" means "entirely remove". if you're being more relaxed about something you're not excising it. does that clear things up?

if youre saying zoomers have their own subcultures thats literally exactly what i wanted to hear. why were you nattering on about how millennials killed all subcultures then lol?

>> No.17740174

well you are engaging with me arent you? so it worked. i have to rant this hard to get zoomers to engage, idk why.. it literally took this much ranting to get you faggots to even defend your generation instead of whining about how millennials ruined everything

>> No.17740980
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Okay I'm now realizing I definitely caught a cold or a mild covid from going to this, but it was still 100x worth it.

Come on you faggots, what shows are you gonna go to? Catch some disease, it's good for you.

>> No.17740990
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>> No.17741021

Kill yourself

>> No.17741039

literally everything i said is true zoompig

>> No.17741043

really i'm letting them off easy because it depresses me too much to see how pathetic they really are. I mean "punk rap/goth rap"? can zoomers please do one thing that isnt following le cool blackman around like puppy babies?

>> No.17741057

What are you gen x? Millennial? I don't know if you remember how fucking stupid you people looked back then but I do. Sub cultures completely impede on the youth's ability to think for themselves. Because inherent in being in a sub culture is the mentality that since you're in one you're already thinking for yourself and thinking critically as a whole. And don't get me wrong, I fucking hate gen z but at least they're letting go of punk for the most part.

>> No.17741106

so...what, to you, is an indication that someone is thinking critically? i don't entirely disagree, it's always irked me when it feels like someone decides to "identify as goth" and then artificially builds the rest of their interests around that predetermined self-identity. people talking about their "identity" - instead of just liking what they like and doing what they want - has annoyed me since I was like 7, so I kind of feel prescient considering how awful the "muh identity" thing has become in current year. so I don't identify as anything and I never have. by birth I'm one of youngest people to count as millennial.

believe it or not, "identifying in" is not the only way people end up in a subculture. back before everyone including kids was online all the time, people would just accidentally end up part of a subculture by following their own preferences. i didnt buy cargo shorts because i already identified as an 11-year-old neckbeard, its just that 11-year-old neckbeards like cargo shorts and we all independently decided to buy them. likewise over the summer between 3rd and 4th grade the majority of my friends started playing runescape without even knowing anyone else was. every elementary school edgelord independently liked courage the cowardly dog & south park just from seeing them on tv, they weren't imitating anybody.

so there is a kind of "natural subculturing" that happens, because if 100 kids go to the mall with no knowledge of any subcultures, one or two of them will end up independently buying the same gothy spiked belts, because some people are just like that. those people will then end up feeling kinship with each other and forming a subculture. some other people, we may call them "le posers", may imitate them later, but that doesn't mean the initial people weren't making independent decisions. people who organically end up in subcultures don't do it intentionally and often resent being classified as a subculture.

>> No.17741110

and i feel like this is something that zoomers were to some extent robbed of, because most of them have had fewer opportunities to make these kinds of independent choices. rather than going to the mall - where you walk by hot topic & journeys just the same as you walk by abercrombie & fitch - they shop online, where you only see what's already popular, unless you find goth clothing by searching for goth clothing. that's a major difference - that means the only zoomers who end up dressing goth are the zoomers who self-identify as goth and search for it, rather than before, where future goths were just the kids who always picked black clothing before they even heard the word "goth.". zoomers didn't get the opportunity to be one of the few kids who organically goes into journeys over abercrombie and accidentally ends up "emo" because of their natural preferences.

from what I can see personally, a zoomer subculture that's very organic is the people who are into early-internet and "deep youtubecore", since these are the zoomers who, while being raised on ipads like most of them, organically sought out the weird and the old instead of just watching logan paul's latest like their normie zoomer peers. i'm sure among this group there are now "posers", who werent organically into that stuff but who identified into it after watching a pewdiepie video on creepypasta or some such. but again that doesnt mean the real ones arent real.

>> No.17741122

There needs to be no indication of thinking critically, just do it. And do it often. What I'm saying is it stunts your ability to do, after you get brainwashed. Anyone could think for themselves, but when you get told that simply being punk makes you special you just become stagnant and uncritical. Especially of the media you enjoy. Doesn't matter how you end up there.

>> No.17741138

i mean, that's kind of exactly what I said. people who are actively trying to "be punk" are not making thoughtful taste-based decisions, as you say.

but on the other hand, there are also people who just organically like punk things, and thus "are punk", but because they are making taste-based decisions rather than "identifying into punk", they're not going to just uncritically like all punk things.

you can usually tell based on how strong someone's within-subculture preferences are, as in, do they just like everything within that subculture, or do they like some things and hate some things? me personally, since 3rd grade i really liked green day and really hated fallout boy.

>> No.17741210

Right, but they won't be critical of the punk things they actually like. That's the problem. 'Organically punk'? That would make you kind of a boring person, right? And certainly if you lean into that and make that a very big component of yourself (which you clearly do Mr. It Just Runs Through My Blood) you probably don't think critically of the stuff you like. I mean, it's really not a big deal if you don't and you don't care and you know that about yourself, but don't lie to yourself and tell me you do because when you believe those lies you open the door for mental stagnation.

>> No.17741263

why would being organically punk make you boring? literally what do you mean? if some random 8 year old found a black flag cd at fye and liked it, that's them being themselves, and indicates they're 'different' to some extent. why would that be boring?

youre kind of blurring the line now between thinking critically about "stuff you like" in terms of entire genres or subcultures, and "stuff you like" in terms of individual artists or things. with the former, what I said is that someone "identifying into" a subculture will uncritically like all parts of that subculture, whereas someone "organically" a part of that subculture by nature will really like some parts and be critical of other parts. (as in liking green day but not fallout boy.) usually people naturally within a subculture will be very, very critical of parts of it that they don't like.

with the latter, of course someone who likes green day is going to be less critical of green day, but that's just kind of a universal truth, isn't it? people are more forgiving of people that they already like? not that that makes me like uno dos tres, those albums are boring as hell. but i'm really not sure what you're trying to say.

in any case, what's your reasoning for making out subculture members to be less critical than normal people? do you really think normal people think critically about things? obviously they don't, see trannies.

>> No.17741269

what's the equivalent of this for the female gaze? like a little niche of fashion that women go crazy for when men wear it

>> No.17741284

First of all, a lot trannies are 'punk'. And normal people might not think critically, but they don't think they're special for literally nothing. You are not giving yourself the opportunity to be an interesting person and building your personality off of your life experiences instead of your music taste because you won't acknowledge that being in a stupid sub culture does not make you a fully complex person. And when I say 'think critically', I mean think about what these songs are trying to force you to believe, make sure you're not being stunted and brainwashed by it not if the music is well made or not, but that's also important. Most of them don't fucking care. It's all cult bullshit to me.

>> No.17741292

>rants autistically about random shit alone and thinks it has any correlation with the real world
Just fucking go outside

>> No.17741317

>a lot trannies are 'punk'
depending on the medical and worse the psychological establishment for your identity is literally antithetical to punk lmao

there's an important distinction that you keep blurring. there's one kind of person who "naturally" does things that end up making them part of a subculture, whether they wanted to be or not. some goths would still be "goth" even if there were no other goths on the planet.

however other "goths" only became "goths" once they had already heard about the concept of "goth", and just set out to imitate that culture to find somewhere to belong.

i feel like you think only the second type exists. i could see an argument that the second type is so much more numerous that they represent "goth" wholly, but I think that's stupid, and in any case, how are these people being "less critical" than normie zoomers who live in paralytic fear of being called "cringe" or losing "normal" status? "normal" people are trying just as hard if not harder to be "normal" as "subculture people" are trying to be "subculture."

so i think what you're saying is frankly just stupid and myopic, and perhaps touched with jealousy even. do you think normal people think critically about the messages in their music? do you think normal people self-analyze to make sure they aren't falling into an uncritical rut? the vast majority of people are not "fully complex people" by your definitions and it's just bizarre to imply subculture members, even those who identify in artificially, are any less so than normal people.

>> No.17741321

why do zoomers only have like 6 canned responses to everything? have you considered actually typing out why you think I'm wrong and what you think I'm wrong about? do you even have the ability to stay on the same task for long enough to do that?

>> No.17741350

Jesus Christ, number one, most trannies don't even transition they just dress in drag so even if what you said was true, it'd still be stupid. You think that way, why do you have to tie that into your sub culture? That's what you think, and it's a good way to think. You formed that opinion based on your life experiences and what you've seen in your life. And also, I'm not saying the problem is that they are in the sub culture, what I am saying it is that they use it as a way to feel like they are an interesting person when what makes someone interesting or free thinking is their life experiences or the fact that they do it. And until they let go of that, they will never be FULLY complex. That's the issue. And that's the shit that's pushed in the fucking music, and they don't care. And that it doesn't matter whether or not normal people think for themselves or not (which you're right, they don't most of the time) but they're not being told that they are. That's my whole fucking point. And even there are exceptions, it's a slippery slope.

>> No.17741352
File: 179 KB, 1986x1327, tumblr_222a8a886fc4092af72191a02d2e916f_8685a747_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are more varied than men in their tastes, its not like theres a direct single equivalent of "instaho" for men either. but to answer your question to the extent possible, i would say "sensitive preppy intellectual guy" is fairly common for women to like, pretty much just morrissey. lots of women are into skinny tattooed alt guys too though. (hate to say it but lil peep.) there's a lot more women than you'd think into metalheads also. as I said, more varied.

>> No.17741357

Sorry, I meant to say even IF there are exceptions it's a slippery slope. FUCk

>> No.17741358

they are the most brainwashed and conditioned generation. their schooling tries to make it seem like the entire world is wrong about everything except the enlightened high schoolers and college retards.
anything that goes against their programming confounds them to the point they repeat their magic words.

>> No.17741382

>most trannies don't even transition they just dress in drag
that would be a drag queen retard. faggots are punk, trannies are not. having cryfests because people dont respect muh identity is literally the opposite of punk...advocating to castrate children to trap them in your medicalized pseudoreligion is uhm...just evil, actually.

so i guess your whole point can be summed up as "a lot of people are less interesting than they think they are"? hard to disagree with that really. although people who are in a subculture really are different solely by virtue of being not normies.

ita actually hilarious that youre defending tranny identity games while criticizing others for playing identity games. "ooohh i feeeeeel like le woman, that makes me soooo special i'm literally not even a man, i'm a special new category of person" like what is that shit? how does that fly with you but someone being unoriginally emo doesnt lmao?

>> No.17741398

i can literally hear the mental gears grinding from here. "he wrong....because....he wrong!" like if i'm saying the dumbest shit on the planet then shouldnt it be reaaaaally easy to explain why I'm wrong? but it seems like they literally don't have the attention span to write two sentences in a row.

>> No.17741429

What? Cutting one's cock or tits off is worse, obviously, but there are trannies that don't, asshole. It's still wrong even if they don't mutilate themselves. Besides, if it's fine to be a faggot in your eyes, fine hope you get AIDS. Bet you think that's punk too.

>> No.17741434

And you're not fucking different and you never will be and you shouldn't even want to be it's just important that you don't let yourself be brainwashed, and you will never change. you look funny and you listen to stupid brainwashing music.

>> No.17741437

the meaningful difference is the pronoun thing. trannies do it, gays don't. i don't think buttsex is a healthy or safe thing to do but i'd put it under "adults can do what they want." entirely different ballpark from telling children they were born in the wrong body and need to be medicalized and possible have their tits or dick chopped to be happy. that would be like telling kids you think are gay that they need buttsex to be happy, which is not something gays do or ever did.

>> No.17741440

>you look funny
>you listen to stupid brainwashing music
as if normie music isnt 1000x worse. is everyone who listens to any music being brainwashed? is only jazz safe?

>> No.17741471

Insightful, good post

>> No.17741478

>pretty much just morrissey
I dress like this but only mentally ill teenage alt girls like it KMS

>> No.17741481

>i don't think buttsex is a healthy or safe thing to do but i'd put it under "adults can do what they want."

>> No.17741534
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clearly the counterpart then considering its mentally ill teenage boys talking here.

ironically, my girlfriend just read me some posts from a certain female imageboard that went basically, "any gen z girl who was an outcast knew at least a few girls in high school who had 20 something european online boyfriends" and another person said they were a young millennial and this was true for them too. but i suppose whether those bfs looked like this or like slavvy lads is not known for certain. feel like this look would rate pretty high for weird girls as a group desu.

>> No.17741557

i'm not familiar with that scholar...what did he write that bears on this situation?

>> No.17741613
File: 15 KB, 225x220, howhorrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like, we just thought she was hot? And maybe because theres two photos refencing each other she had like a tiktok or something because its 2023 so fuck it.
but yeah I guess there are incels here that probably could do that.
What losers have issues with goths?

>> No.17741735


>> No.17741763
File: 399 KB, 999x1492, tumblr_2cc0279520f18cdcbf822999ecbd073d_3fa188b8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call girls who aren't trying to be different, they're just odd?

>> No.17741765

>theres two photos refencing each other she had like a tiktok or something because its 2023 so fuck it.
what would you do if you found her le sexy tiktok?

>> No.17741804


>> No.17741805

why are you so uncomfortable with difference?

>> No.17741806 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17741808

it's time for R A P E

>> No.17741910

I'm not gatekeeping the kids I'm criticizing the weirdo mid 20's to early 30's dudes here doing what you accuse me of. I'm going after the alt right dicks that hate us but also want to be us, but with their weird alt right politics shoved into the mix.

>> No.17741913

We mostly left, remember those alt fashion threads started by LSDanon? When was the least time you saw one of those? I haven't seen LSDanon in nearly two years now. A bunch of alt right losers barged in here and started insulting anybody who wasn't wearing busniess casual wannabe Ben Shapiro shit.

>> No.17741948

I'm a zoomer and I wear a 100 gecs tee. Zoomers will wear contemporary music clothes almost as much as older music. Even the old bands like slipknot and deftones are still going so we technically aren't stealing from the past.

>> No.17741955

pedo piece of shit, kys.

>> No.17741973

>A bunch of alt right losers barged in here and started insulting anybody who wasn't wearing busniess casual
if a bunch of le losers can make you all leave...maybe you weren't much to begin with. if youre saying you need a new namefag to cocksuck or you feel lost, fine, it'll be me. fair warning though, i have a really fat chode.

>> No.17741977

>Zoomers will wear contemporary music clothes almost as much as older music
[x] doubt, not that i entirely blame them, as contemporary bands usually do crappy ass digital printing on bargain bin bella canvas tees

what a gay ass band that one is though. literally just aping mid-2000s screamo/crunkcore but using autotune like pussies instead of actually going hard

>> No.17742016

I miss 4chan way back when the average IQ was higher than 95

>> No.17742031

Not that anon, but fap obviously.

>> No.17742037

>blend in with the crowd
The battle cry of the coward

>> No.17742053

LGBT replaced goth as the mainstream movement for nonconformist teens.

>> No.17742086

Sure but it's not posing itself as though it's got something to it's critical of society, and people that like that kind of music aren't being told they're free thinking for no reason. That's why the brainwashing done by pop music is different, and easier to see through for a lot of people. Also, no people also viewed jazz as counterculture (that's why jazz played such a big hand in ruining society), so that argument makes no sense, you clearly do not understand. Any music, or media could warp your mind, (especially faggoty jazz music) but the problem is how people think about the media. What is hard to understand about that? I'm not too well spoken, so it might be on me.

>> No.17742162

Something about him being in a shop makes me chuckle non stop

>> No.17742166

Dunno where you live but I've noticed the teens around my area seem to all be in shape which is positive. The only fat ones are the council house class.

>> No.17742215

I love how you can just make shit up on 4chan and people will believe you. Its kind of magical really, its also hilarious that you’re mad no one takes you seriously and wants to engage with you. When every single thing you say starts with «zoomers are retarded» it clearly communicates a black and white worldview, and theres no point arguing with someone like that. I read all that back and forth and at first I agreed but then I realised that other anon was right to troll you, no valuable discussion can be had itt, its just a bunch of middle aged dudes ranting about a fucking child in makeup.

>> No.17742239


>> No.17742461

nah opium is just zoomers thinking they created a new thing that's literally just the rick owens, yohji and gothninja memes from ten years ago

>> No.17742470

zoomer goths like deftones and sleep token and shit like that

>> No.17742536

theres literally billions of people to fap to, trillions if you include the power of your imagination. why are you wasting everyones time with LE SOURCE on random chicks. its just fiucking bongo stupid.

>> No.17742540

euro upper classes do seem to have kept it together a bit better.... the other thing is, increasingly, the phone addicted pig people literally just dont go outside, whereas the humans still do.

so even as average weight increases - which it is doing - the people you see in real life may appear to stay thin. it's just that you have no idea how many pigfats are isolated in their rooms.

>> No.17742556

that one wanst even me, which should be obvious if you follow the conversation. i don't think the issues are as intentional as le conditioning le brainwashing le programing. its literally just the inevitable effects of smartphone use from an early age. considering the power of the technology for social control, i don't think its even being used to 1% of its potential for evil.

i think another component is something that we may call "overcompensatory hypergendering" and "overcompensatory normalcy enforcement" - that as troons & other weirdos have been permitted to increasingly run amok and to do it in the public eye, people who don't want to be associated with troons or weirods feel a push to be even more "normal" or "cis" just to make sure they aren't associated with trannies.

as a kid i had rather long hair for a boy, and there were always a few people being like "you look like a girl!" which didn't really bother me. now if it had been current year, and those other kids were saying "you look like a tranny" - or WORSE, some well-meaning gender psychos had been like "you're traaaaans, one of us one of us!" that would have bothered me way the FUCK more, and I would've tried to look more normal so that didn't happen.

i mean look, zoomers were children. they can't really be blamed for being fucked up. so the question is who failed to protect them? the answer is obviously their genX parents, who are just a shit generation overall, with the lowest rates of voting and public participation. the raised-on-cable generation produced the raised-by-iphone generation, which I guess shouldn't surprise anyone.

>> No.17742699
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>> No.17742702

He's right though...

>> No.17742911

how in current year are you goblins still unaware that one is pre filter and one is post filter?

>> No.17742913

t.roastoid, you're never understand

>> No.17742927

my dicks bigger than yours. its some kind of mental cuckery youve got where when you see a random hot chick you neeeEEEEeeeEEEeeed to fap on her, because thats the only way you can regain the mental upper hand

>> No.17743242
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feminism and gamergate
fucking ruined it. goth girls used to be into neo nazis who wore the old black uniforms. then it got infected with woke bullshit.
t. metal goth from 2004

>> No.17743297

>goth girls used to be into neo nazis
Not ever in the history of goth has this been a thing.

>> No.17743538
File: 189 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_b7d29d510e535e7f54a57ac67394abf0_88eaa530_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man, theres some very aesthetic alt chicks on tumblr these days. and some of them arent even shilling an onlyfans, just posting like normal people.

>> No.17743561
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la filipina mas gothica

>> No.17743577

I wanna hear about alt fashion, not motherfuckers complaining about zoomers

>> No.17743581

then you came to the wrong place. There’s plenty of threads about balding around, though

>> No.17743654

Alt fashion is as prevalent and recognizable as ever. If you don't see this, you should wonder if you're just growing old and out of touch

>> No.17743893

Kinda looks like Boris Jhonson.

>> No.17743927

Unfortunately 4chan is slowly aging and entering the «fuck them kids» stage, something bound to repeat for eons. Im sure ill dog on young people too when im older desu

>> No.17743933

>my dick's bigger than yours
How much arm flesh are you missing now though?

>> No.17743958
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You will, it's normal.

>> No.17743988

Yeah that is utter BS, goths were more liberally minded if anything, even going back to the eighties.

>> No.17743998

idk maybe it was the town I grew up in but the alt girls I knew in the 90s and 00s absolutely hated negros and mexicans.

>> No.17744006

NTA but I'm my very racist town the few brown people were goth BECAUSE of how liberal minded and accepting goth communities tended to be. I always assumed goth and punk were more liberal for their time, even if there was skinhead overlap.

>> No.17744013

Goths were always outcasts pretty much, and as a result they usually related other underdogs and ostracised people. Not all skinheads were racist either and that is a subculture going to the sixties where they listened to ska/reggae, before punk was even a thing.

>> No.17744084

be the change then you little faggot. phoneposting no balls zoomers dont post fucking images and thats the #1 reason theyre fags

>> No.17744086

ironically my dick is naturally thicker than my wrist. satyr blood

>> No.17744094

damn I WISH zoomers were bold & brash like that. the problem now is the opposite: theyre gutless, nauseous, anxiety ridden worms

people dont yet recognize that widespread juvenile smartphone addiction is much more akin to generational juvenile alcoholism in its malformative mental effects

>> No.17744100
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2000s alt element: maximum overbeads. hot or not?

>> No.17744147
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black scene girls, hot or hot?

>> No.17744162
File: 20 KB, 136x102, D34D6C6D-C6AC-445D-8AC8-DD100CA95E50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre litteraly doing the same shit in picrel holy fucking shit how do you people not realise this. If youre a bunch of old fucks im sure you remember the moral panic around video games or the internet or some shit youre doing the same fucking thing.

>> No.17744165

Personally not my preference

>> No.17744176
File: 577 KB, 1035x553, Screenshot 2023-08-03 103448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah man, if they look like her. I love Germaine more, obviously she's the best ever and has been since the comics (she was more relatable when she was a lonely bitter bitch) but Suzy's really cool too.

>> No.17744179

shit meant to reply to>>17744147

>> No.17744222

its obviously a different caliber of issue because zoomer suicides are through the roof and zoomer SAT scores are in the toilet. well for white people anyway. none of those previous things you mentioned were a big enough deal to have these effects.

previously it was very common for alt and punk people to be very anti-tv, anti-commercialism, etc...but zoompigs will defend to the death their soulsucking smartphone addiction even as its literally killing them. you are literally not punk if you experience the entire world through a filtering corporate window.

>> No.17744226
File: 50 KB, 640x480, tumblr_4e39ba5fd3bb416422f4e082e5b619d9_b858af71_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a gf like this but more weeby in 8th grade, well sort of, we held hands but i was still le clueless and she started thinking i didnt like her because i didnt kiss her

>> No.17744227
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now heres the hard question.

septum piercing, hot or not?

>> No.17744240

hope you guys kept in contact, i didn't keep in contact with my first love even though we just broke up because we went to different schools. i still love her so god damn much. I wish there was a way to tell her the thought of her is the only thing that gets me out of bed, and that she's the only person that truly makes me feel like there's some good in humanity and there's literally nothing she could do to truly make me dislike her. Fuck, she's a fucking angel, the only reason I even try to be a decent human being why didn't i just try to get into her college? FUCK

>> No.17744250

I feel that anon. My first love was maybe 3 years ago now. I broke up with her because we weren’t getting along and she lived 2 hours away. She still tries to contact me even now, she added me on Snapchat like two months ago and added my parents on Facebook. I still think about her every day and I feel like I love her more now than ever.

>> No.17744255

Yeah, I mean, I guess it's better on paper to keep in contact, I'm sure it's hard to have that kind of reminder in your face.

>> No.17744289
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nope lol. we were at the same high school the whole time after and didnt even talk that much. she would occasionally hug me when we passed though lol. she was a cheerleader in high school actually and then she went to one of those scammy art institute places to study animation I think. can't even find her on google now despite a pretty weird name. maybe she moved to japan. wouldnt be the only one of my school friends to do that actually....

>> No.17744297

I’ve always been no contact after a breakup. Harder to get over it if you stay in contact, and what’s the point. I guess that’s a funny thing to say because I still love her even now.

>> No.17744316

Still the wise choice, it does take time to lose feelings for someone but it would take even longer if you kept in contact.

>> No.17744326
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terf bangs, hot or hot?

>> No.17744347
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>> No.17744357


>> No.17744366
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kiss my rats ass

>> No.17744373

That's not the expression

>> No.17744435

Very hot
Why are they terf though

>> No.17744441

>he doesn't know

>> No.17744442

maybe like Astroturf? idk like fake grass? because it's kind of choppy?

>> No.17744452

>kiss my rats ass
better now than ever

>> No.17744482
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moot aesthetic

>> No.17744512
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lol its some genuine 2012 tumblr discourse shit actually, real feminists did not accept troon takeover of womens spaces nor play their pronoun games, and many of them had these chopped bangs - on the other hand, pickme "inclusive" feminists were rapidly entering the yaaaasss "makeup is power" era of corporately captured feminism. (barbie movie.) they thus joined in on making fun of "ugly terf bangs" because they have no solidarity and would agree with anything for male approval.

also. reporting a pic with just half an inch of visible penis stem is a jagoff move

>> No.17744658
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>> No.17744828

ikr? lately ive wanted to plow a tatted up bulldyke type good and hard. some real fight sex you know wrasslin. not rape...just wrasslin.

>> No.17744831

i also have been wanting to play dora again and larp as like the amazing atheist with my best neckbeard voice on the vc. so youre really getting me anon.

>> No.17744871

You are still whining about youths anon just about other things, just admit it and join the old man club, we will welcome you.

>> No.17744901
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>septum piercing
always looks dumb, or at least worse than without it

now SNAKE BITES are the patrician's choice

>> No.17744905

Based and truthpilled

>> No.17744964

so no one is allowed to criticize anyone younger than them for anything ever? nah, youre gay. i only care what older people think myself so its not like im being hypocritical

>> No.17744966


>> No.17745001

> nah, youre gay.
4chan discourse.txt

>> No.17745008
File: 43 KB, 433x270, CEABA51D-C810-4957-A5BF-82A942CA9204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goth girls are thriving

My people avoid communities with people they don’t love


>> No.17745073

what type of clothing attracts goth girls

>> No.17745160
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>> No.17745162
File: 113 KB, 387x1152, 1F65A44B-91B3-49A4-9E89-7E7C887D7BC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

often goth clothing

People who express their true love will get their true love

>> No.17745163
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>> No.17745165
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Goth and Punk UNITE

>> No.17745172
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This girl looks like she has a lot of hours playing the Fallout Series, Dark Souls etc while on psychedelics

>> No.17745176
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>> No.17745186

this girl looks like she has a lot of FUCKING FILTERS is what she looks like. its literally as real as a person wearing a fucking rubber mask. stop posting these fucking pictures.

>> No.17745339

Goth is a music trend and no one young listens to that anymore
Actual alternative girls listen to metal and/or edgy hip hop/edm and they would rather call themselves emo than goth.
>what about men
What about them?

>> No.17745369

what? you mean like pygmy?

>> No.17745390
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are terf bangs different from a hime cut or are they synonymous?

>> No.17745625

oh look another 2 iq chode. let me explain.

gothicism is an aesthetic movement with a focus on death, mourning, dark colors, and pointy things, and it dates back to the literal 800s. important elements of goth are a fascination with pain and mortality and an interest in long dead people.

Emo is a distinct style that evolved from 90s grunge, which evolved from 70s bohemian & rockabilly style, which evolved from 50s beatnikism and occultism, which actually has aesthetic roots in 1930s bohemian and gothic culture, which themselves have roots in 19th century utopianism and spiritualism.

Zoomies who listen to modern corporate easy listening, alone in their rooms, taking their meds, scrolling on their phone...are literally just nothing, regardless of what theyd rather call themselves or what costume they wear

>> No.17745629

how behind are yall? "pickme" means a "not like other girls girl" who puts down or takes advantage of other women for male attention or approval. in this case, letting tranny men into womens spaces because they dont want to be called "le evil mean ugly terf" for saying no like an adult.

>> No.17745638

terf bangs is not really a defined style lots of styles involve bangs the typical style associated with "terf bangs" in like 2013 was more like peak twee, these kind of 70s inspired cuts with long straight hair everywhere else and then bluntly chopped bangs. its kind of a kinderwhore derived, kind of "man hater" style. hime cut in comparison is bangs with normal girl haircut stuff like layering to reduce the impact of the bangs and "cuteify" them. terf bangs were supposed to be a bit ugly. thats a big part of why men (troons) hate them - men hate women who wont perform and "be feminine", troons moreso than most men. its because these people give the lie to their sexist gender ideology: a girl with ugly bangs is still a girl, while ywnbaw.

>> No.17745689
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Goth died in the 90's with a shitton of other subcultures when Bill Clinton passed the Telecom Act that allowed monopolization of media. First thing that happened is that radio got nuked and paved with boy bands and disney whores. Today, the interwebs have given control back to listeners.

>> No.17745701

That doesn't explain why it pretty much went away in the UK too where it began in that time period, the truth is all subcultures have a shelf life and the people who were goths in the eighties were now in their twenties in the nineties and moved on. Goth was never mainstream music either so it's not something you would hear on the raidio often.

>> No.17745719

r9k lmao

>> No.17745746

Wow this was actually really stupid don't post again

>> No.17745888

care to elaborate on what specifically you disagree with? no? youre just gonna make another zero effort "your le stupid" zoompiggy bleating sound? okay. bye!

>> No.17745896

>Today, the interwebs have given control back to listeners.
fucking lmao. maybe this was true in 2009 when people were pirating weird old music and browsing weird deep cuts on old unfiltered youtube

that period of freedom from corporate influence was extremely brief. now the vast majority of people listen to what the algorithm serves them. this means that artists are beholden to the algorithm or theyre fucked. nobody goes to shit in real life - revenue from tours is way down. artists are 100% dependent on social media to reach people, which means they cant be controversial or theyll get banned or le cancelled.

this is why almost all zoomer music is literally easy listening: getting your songs skipped means the algorithm punishes you, so your songs do better if theres no harsh sounds, nothing controversial, nothing unexpected, so people just let the algorithm play it.

>> No.17746043

All black and cakeup is hot, and you retards won't vote for green energy so it's too hot to wear it outside. At best we dress up once a month to go to the club, but we wear regular clothes otherwise and just listen to shit like Hocico while doing chores and driving.

>> No.17746050

>we wear regular clothes otherwise and just listen to shit like Hocico
lol you are literally a poser

what do you think is gonna happen if you sweat a bit? youll fucking die? can zoompigs stop blaming le corporaaaations for everything for ONE FUCKING SECOND? you dont go outside because you are a phone addicted shit for brains, end of story.

literally whining about other people not being green and then talking about driving around in the very next sentence. how hypocritical can you get?

>> No.17746136

never. nigs appropriating my culture once again.

>> No.17746149

youre barking up the wrong tree. og 2007 black scene girls were scene because they didnt fit in with ghetto culture, just the same as white scene girls vs white normies.

the new "emo rappers" and such like, who despite all their supposed edgy feeeelings and their skinny jeans and their not-like-other-blacks-ness, still engage in shooty gangy retardation as much as the worst of them...you have a point there.

>> No.17746205
File: 544 KB, 2048x1536, tumblr_b3bdf38bbc4ad85fda19c99081493a16_8cc4f832_2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another hard one...face tattoos. hot?

>> No.17746774
File: 519 KB, 495x461, 1437198836883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truth is all subcultures have a shelf life
That can be said of any cultural movement. I don't know what was going on in the UK that produced the kind of corporate driven cultural consolidation like the US

>now the vast majority of people listen to what the algorithm serves them.
How is that equivalent to the radio and other media of the 90's? Back then, your choice of media was tune in or turn it off. The algorithm isn't the only option in town for those looking for something else. The internet still offers options for those taking a different path and doing things like grabbing whole discographies never went away. Finding people with like interests isn't that hard either. Fact that algos exist and the average normie doesn't care is completely irrelevant

>> No.17746777

wtf is this
She looks so normie tier besides the ugly metal in her face and the tattoo. I don't get it.

>> No.17746817

I think thats a tranny, his nose mouth ratio is like somethings off even after all that photoshop

>> No.17747116

>Back then, your choice of media was tune in or turn it off.
Youre literally fucking dumb. Have you not heard of records, tapes or cds? Everyone had them in addition to the radio. Normies had mostly normie cds but everyone ended up with at least a few weird ones, and of course hipsters would collect weird things.

the difference with streaming is pure ease of access. it has an immense number of available songs for free compared to previously. youre right that algos only kill normies, sort of, although thats still bad - but this also affects more niche communities. literally everyone just uses spotify now. activity on private trackers is way down which actually does make grabbing weirder discographies and stuff harder.

plus, almost all radio is globocorped now, but different stations used to do different stuff and there was regional variation, allowing local radio djs to elevate local acts. with nationalized radio ownership and centrally controlled streaming services, this doesnt happen. they elevate whoever globocorp wants to elevate, resulting in the umpteen clones of phoebe bridgers we have making up spoitfy's chill beats mixes.

>> No.17747118
File: 638 KB, 1152x2048, Tumblr_l_101710133402123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont think so but you can sub to the of and find out for us

>> No.17747121

this is a thing actual goth girls do sometimes, they "dress normie" to kind of larp as a fucked up good girl, its weird. this goth girl at my HS would also was come to halloween as a normie abercrombie girl lolll

>> No.17747164

Terminally online

>> No.17747199

somehow not online enough to recognize thats its literally just fucking filters. CHRIST you people are stupid.

>> No.17747287

True, and the root of the problem is the system, unfortunately there's not much we can do but point it out and hope some people snap out of it and become more genuine

>> No.17747386

That's not relevant to what he said

>> No.17747538

>gatekeeping is... le bad!!
lmao suck a cock faggot

>> No.17747572

god that beer tastes like shit

>> No.17747643

thats what i'm here telling you honkies. smash de phone, save de world.

>> No.17748455

>emos were considered incredibly lame
To who? You? Who the fuck are you little man? We didn't pay attention to losers like you, we were too busy smashing girls you'll only ever simp on tiktok for lmao

>> No.17748460

Shut the fuck you incel faggot zoomer prepcore wearing loser, I swear you little Ben Shapiro wannabe motherfuckers are the most annoying people on the internet. Everyone fucking hates you too lmao

>> No.17748466

You're just mad a girl like that will never fuck you lmao

>> No.17748489

you severely misunderstand. i was a fourth grade emo. what i meant was that at the time, "normies" were not emo. normies at the time listened to like, eminem.

>> No.17748493

???? what? i havent worn khaki pants since my 8th grade dance. i was calling him a loser for getting chased out by brn shapiro losers. i'm different.

>> No.17748495

nor you either because a girl "like that" is literally a product of a computer program. you have literally no idea what that girl looks like in reality. it could be chelsea clinton for all you know.

>> No.17748567

They're all over the place. I literally just saw a big tiddy goth girl at the grocery store yesterday, in bumfuk nowhere USA. I was buying vodka and she was buying gin. She was obviously checking me out because I was dressed rivethead, so I smiled at her and she smiled shyly back. Go outside you terminally online dorks might be amazed by what you can see out there.

>> No.17748854

>in bumfuk nowhere USA
well this is actually kind of why you see lots of goths...more normie places have fewer. i see a lot but its because i live around filipinas...