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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 161 KB, 1920x1920, 0651077_lalique-encre-noire-sport-eau-de-toilette-100ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17744923 No.17744923 [Reply] [Original]

Discontinued: >>17740637

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For /ourguy/ Luca Turin's books look up Library Genesis

>> No.17744924
File: 3.36 MB, 5233x3383, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fragrance groups 101 chart.

>> No.17744926
File: 3.02 MB, 4000x3000, flowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fragrance flowchart for beginners.

>> No.17744930

garbage as always

>> No.17744934

Let's let first the previous edition to 310 >>17742894 >>17742894 >>17742894

>> No.17744935

Guerlain vetiver is the best fragrance and contains an orris root accord and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.

>> No.17744941

why do you insist on being a moron on purpose?

>> No.17744943

You promised to stop coming to these threads, don't you remember, Pajeet? You even announced it ten times. Maybe do so. It'll be truly a relief for everyone

>> No.17744949

Luna Rossa Carbon. Worth the sample?

>> No.17744950

if you have to ask

>> No.17744989
File: 160 KB, 975x1024, 1661298244585716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is that a yes?

>> No.17745054
File: 157 KB, 750x1000, 1686055696855139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re the moron here. Everyone smells orris root in Guerlain frags. And I’m not Indian I’m Serbian and have blue eyes. Just tanned because I don’t stay inside all the time like a nerd.

>> No.17745060
File: 2.85 MB, 640x401, 1666740956163321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I’m not Indian I’m Serbian and have blue eyes. Just tanned

>> No.17745071

>>17744598 #
What kind of frag will get me qt azn girls as a white male?
I really don’t think they’ll like Sauvage

>> No.17745076

Work on your personality, and ask them out, no frag will ever get you laid.

>> No.17745091
File: 169 KB, 750x1157, 476F83DB-053E-45CC-A30D-7566570AD129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for being consistently good vibe, fragrance thread OP.

>> No.17745122 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 637x1024, 1686056495636342m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guerlain heritage. Smells rich.

>> No.17745155

why do you retards insist on making so many threads

>> No.17745328

why do all the retards in these threads resort to disingenuous concern trolling? what happened to good old fashioned shitposting?

>> No.17745704

What a shit troll thread.

>> No.17746284

idk where to go in terms of colognes, ive tried wearing tom ford beau de jour and tobacco vanille, just picked bc i liked the smell/off friends reccomendations, but i think i've only ever had one person comment on it, which leads me to think that maybe they dont "suit"me or something like that. I didnt try out too many before i picked those, altho i did try to follow >>17744926
any advice for picking fragrances that may work better for me/fit my personality(? or clothes, idk what or how theyre supposed to match with) better?
inb4 you're just ugly, i really just notice this for cologne bc i'll get complimented on body/face/outfit very regularly, yet never cologne when i'd wear it, but I see people on here talking about how much their fragrances get complimented, which makes me think i must be missing something

>> No.17746354

you sound insecure, confused and lonely.

>> No.17746367 [DELETED] 
File: 3.84 MB, 1280x720, Sexo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you niggers plan for saturday? SOTD was Drakkar Noir, while i was chatting on 5 dating apps simultaneously i scored a handful of interested girls. Some even ask for sex openly.
I guess, my SOTD is Aventus tomorrow.
Going to utterley destroy the gym in the the morning, then going to bareback fucking a stranger pussy. Ask her to omit the condom.
>i'm divorced and i fucking love the new freedom

>> No.17746373
File: 403 KB, 1284x1226, 5F393C53-35B7-47CD-B5D5-0C8191771CA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally tested picrel, I must say this is a masterpiece for me - by far the most balanced and well blended post 2020 dior Homme. Natural lemon, mixed with metallic effervescent modern woods. The dry down reminds me so much of AdG Profumo, it has that slightly Smokey, almost lotion like quality that blends perfectly into the top notes and then is pulled forward alongside the woods and citrus in the background. Very complex overall, 3 definitive stages to the frag, very very well made. One of the very few designers that will make you stand out whilst also being non offensive or replicable. Francois Demachy did it again, like sauvage I foresee this DNA being copied by other houses once people catch on to just how good it is. Truly nothing else like it on the designer market. By far the best of the post 2020 Dior Homme line, and in all honesty i personally would wear this over Dior Homme Intense because it is a year round scent, that is more mature and way less sweet. all in all 9.3/10 for me after testing once. All in all, if Tierre D’Hermes has a cooler younger brother who actually fucked, it would be this frag right here.

>> No.17746375

Dior Homme 2021 Sport is dope, desu.

>> No.17746376

Brother this is literally a generic citrus freshie that smells like body spray. You have been duped by the Dior branding for $120 when you could have had the same effect by spending $20.

>> No.17746379

It is not, I have over 100 frags and this smells nothing like anything I have. It’s actually the polar opposite of a typical freshie, barely could even be considered a “sport” fragrance. Thanks for your input though.

>> No.17746380

>failing to use a flowchart which was made to educate total newfags

>> No.17746382

It’s great, saw another anon post about it here about a week or so ago and gave it a shot. No regrets, it’s fantastic juice.

>> No.17746384

Yawn. Nice blog faggot.

>> No.17746388

so many words to say so little

>> No.17746390

just don’t try it. your loss, not mine.

>> No.17746393

Based chad jeet
Seething virgin soijack

>> No.17746395

reverse psychology doesn’t really work when the item in question is generic demachyslop

>> No.17746400

it’s not reverse psychology anon, I gain nothing whether you try it or not - those who appreciate fragrances of that style will be pleased after they try it. Those who don’t, will not try it. Simple as.

>> No.17746406

i’m sure those who appreciate demachyslop will be pleased to consume new demachyslop and get excited for next demachyslop

>> No.17746413

to each their own, no reason to get worked up over fragrances. Everyone has their own tastes, many of those tastes are dependent on their environment. For example someone from Arizona who lives in high heat nearly all year will have a completely different preferences to a guy who lives in the UK or NE United States. No need to try and force preferences onto others, just enjoy what you enjoy and move on fren. Imagine letting fragrances make you angry, actually retarded when you think about it.

>> No.17746418

a post so rambling and irrelevant, it could have been written by chatgpt

>> No.17746419

it’s actually very relevant to someone like yourself. fragrances are meant to be enjoyed, and if you ever find yourself actually mad about a frag you should probably take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities. You sound like an actual loser, not an insult but the real life kind of loser.

>> No.17746420

i’m mostly just curious if dior pays you per post or per reply? blink once for the former and twice for the latter.

>> No.17746422

no, yes, no (albeit terrible with women). just help me understand how to pick a cologne other than "i like the smell" lol, i feel like i'm missing something

>> No.17746425

See my advice: >>17746367

>> No.17746426

believe it or not anon, many people enjoy designer fragrances - including myself. Do I like niche as well? Of course, but I have no shame in liking either, and the fact that you’re implying that I should be ashamed of liking a dior frag shows me how far down the rabbit hole you have gone. I suggest you stop taking yourself, and fragrances so seriously. Again, it is meant to be enjoyed. People enjoy different things, Simple as.

>> No.17746430

why do you insist on being a moron on purpose?

>> No.17746431

didn’t read a lick of that, so was it one blink or two blinks?

>> No.17746435 [DELETED] 

>just help me understand how to pick a cologne other than "i like the smell"
for someone on your playing field, nothing more is needed. you can worry about advanced calculus after you’re comfortable with mathematics 101.
no one asked you for advice, mulatto dog.

>> No.17746437

either way you’re a sexless incel who hyper focuses on “masculine” frags to compensate for your feminine genetics. so it doesn’t matter. 3 blinks btw

>> No.17746440

so they don’t pay you at all? what’s it like doing it for free?

>> No.17746441

>being reasonable and understanding that fragrance preference is personal and subjective is akin to being a moron.
based retard.

>> No.17746442

>being a comically unsubtle LVMH marketing intern is akin to being a moron
exactly right!

>> No.17746451

ty, thats pretty much what i was wondering, i don't plan on delving into the autism of this kinda stuff anytime soon. will keep at the trial and error

tried aventus creed today bc there was some on display at a store i was in, liked it a lot so mayb i'll buy some

>> No.17746452

>caring about what other people buy and enjoy to the point of sliding the thread everytime
based friendless & sexless autist

>> No.17746453

mein freunde, arguing on 4chan is not going to help bernard arnault sell more bottles of demachyslop. best to start prostrating yourself like any good salesman should.

>> No.17746455

you’re actually schizophrenic if you believe someone enjoying a dior fragrance renders them a paid shill. genuinely seek mental help brother, not even trying to insult you but damn.

>> No.17746459

see >>17746453

>> No.17746460

you do realize that people enjoy things for the sake of enjoying things right? Not everything is a conspiracy? brother, take a step back and really take a break from this mongolian basketweaving forum. You are not in a good place mentally if you truly believe what you are posting right now, not saying this to demean you but to help you. Not a healthy mind set at all.

>> No.17746464

is this how they teach you to sell things at LVMH these days? like going for the hermes angle, but instead of convincing the customer that they haven’t “made it” without a birkin, you call them mentally ill unless they cough up 100 bones for the latest demachyslop. guess your stock price will tell us how well it pans out for you, huh?

>> No.17746468

ask yourself this. If someone like myself convinced another anon to buy a LVMH product, how would someone like myself collect the commission on that? What’s the benefit? Genuinely, start using basic logic and you will realize how schizophrenic you sound right now. Again, not trying to insult but holy shit I didn’t realize you were being serious until your last couple posts. Hope all is well, take care of yourself man and stop taking things so seriously. Not everything is a “conspiracy”. In fact, the vast majority of things you see are not at all.

>> No.17746469

back in my day, trolling meant something

>> No.17746470

you are both retarded, please go and suck each other off somewhere else

>> No.17746471

>ask yourself this. If someone like myself convinced another anon to buy a LVMH product, how would someone like myself collect the commission on that?
not sure, why don’t you tell us how your salary works? i’m sure we’d all like to know.

>> No.17746472

dude I’m actually concerned for this faggot, he’s legit schizo and I thought he was trolling the entire time kek

>> No.17746475

no need to feign concern, mr intern. it takes little effort to see past the niceties.

>> No.17746477
File: 638 KB, 1263x1102, 352050B0-CA99-4991-A125-83C80DE22C77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga actually needs help.

>> No.17746479

curious, does LVMH endorse you using the N word? just so we have it on the record.

>> No.17746481 [DELETED] 


there, screenshot it and sent it to LVMH. Whatever it takes to get you to break away from your Schizo delusion. Genuinely starting to feel bad for you man.

>> No.17746483 [DELETED] 

guerrilla marketing really is something these days, huh? bernie is desperate to dump his bottles of demachyslop on those hungry hungry consumers.

>> No.17746487

I actually feel bad for you, not even fucking around. Take some time off from this place dude, not worth sacrificing your mental health. There is no shill, there is no employee pushing a guerilla marketing campaign for a multi billion dollar company (kek) you are simply delusional and you are beginning to believe your own delusions because I assume you are very isolated. Take care of yourself man, and again take a break from this place you are making me depressed

>> No.17746488

>fragrances now have barneyfags

>> No.17746491

oh, i’m sorry, am i allowed to call your boss bernie? i hope he doesn’t mind. tell him his suit doesn’t fit him and that he needs a new tailor.

>> No.17746502

Reminder that you can report the fake arguments the Indian schizo kid is having with himself for Spamming/flooding

>> No.17746518
File: 21 KB, 500x361, 1686842521343767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are monitoring the situation closely, our brand does not endorse this kind of behavior

>> No.17746532
File: 1.70 MB, 576x1024, 7244885372163951899_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one asked you for advice, mulatto dog.
Keep seething
Aventus is the panty dropper #1 next to GIT

>> No.17746539

GIT is rip off, Olivier Creed simply copied Davidoff in 2000 after the original perfumer left and recreated it in 1991. Aventus is good.

>> No.17746548

Chinese girls love status symbols, so BR540 is the only real answer. sprayed lightly

>> No.17746553

compliments don't matter and you can't really control when you get them. just wear whatever fragrance you like. you can try spraying a bit more if you want more attention

>> No.17746559 [DELETED] 

stop replying to the guy, he is both trolling and genuinely deranged. he's been doing it in these threads for some time now. just report and move on

>> No.17746596 [DELETED] 

you're still a twiggy 16 years old indian teenager

>> No.17746597
File: 24 KB, 314x295, 1641934989308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any advice for picking fragrances that may work better for me/fit my personality
just wear whatever frag you like and you feel comfortable wearing. Who gives a fuck if you're wearing a "normie" frag like Bleu de Chanel or a "niche" frag like New York Intense?

>> No.17746619

It might be my fave frag in my collection. Been wearing it all Spring/Summer.

>> No.17746638

ty, was really just wondering if theres some way i should approach this stuff other than just picking what i think smells nice, good to know that there isnt

>> No.17746678

best gym fragrances

>> No.17746683

azzaro pour homme

>> No.17746710

azzaro chrome sport

>> No.17746713

I like it but it goes so incensey on me that I’ve been hesitating to wear it on hotter days
Will prob alternate it with DH2020 all fall and winter

>> No.17746724

I wear Dylan Blue to the gym usually

>> No.17746745
File: 74 KB, 768x768, oud-wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any "fresh" oud fragrances out there that are not build around creamy amber on the drydown? Something like a "Oud Wood Sport" that you could wear in warmer weather?
Bonus points if there are some leather accords in it as well

>> No.17746792

Yea Guerlain habit rouge edp has some oud in it. Natural oud too not the synthetic garbage in Tom bored

>> No.17746820

It needs an update to remove Bulgari Black and add Bois Imperial and Ganymede

My suggestion: replace BB with Fahrenheit, get to the tea frags by connecting Burberry London to Five O'Clock Au Gingembre, and connect BI and Ganymede to Bentley Absolute

>> No.17746834

That's the indian schizo teenager with his baseless bois imperial shilling. He has never had any idea what he was talking about. Just ignore him

>> No.17746898
File: 33 KB, 800x850, M.-Micallef-Desirtoxic-EDP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried picrelated? Will it get me more pussy than Layton?

>> No.17746970

what does fragrance have to do with fashion? You cant see it

>> No.17746980

Gris charnel extrait slaps so hard.

>> No.17747016

my problem here is that a) I want to try a lot of stuff, b) I like a lot of things easily, so I try to restrict myself by categorising the fragrances and making guidelines when to wear them.

>> No.17747021

Perception, you absolutely ignorant bitch. Perception.

>> No.17747076

why do they call it invincible if you can see it?
because you xbox 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.17747095

nichetrannies are such fucking faggots

>> No.17747105

you are just making shit up aren’t you

>> No.17747107

so true LVMH intern

>> No.17747114

theres no need to be a dick bro
Um . . .

>> No.17747122

let's see how many summer fags take the bait

>> No.17747138
File: 483 KB, 512x512, 5b7b2c5cc102da451bcf1a32771ebfe9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys hate oud so much?

>> No.17747139

because i don’t like getting jewed

>> No.17747146

What does that even mean?

>> No.17747148

with oud, you lose

>> No.17747186
File: 31 KB, 381x396, 1673648551237804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On its way into my hands in a couple hours
Use case?

>> No.17747190
File: 3.22 MB, 3618x3619, IMG_20230610_175040_061[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.17747191

the perfect perfume for someone who hates perfume

>> No.17747194


>> No.17747195

i don’t know, why don’t you tell us why you hate fragrance?

>> No.17747196


>> No.17747197

go on, we all want to know.

>> No.17747210
File: 3.40 MB, 720x1280, Ask Me Anything - Getting a GF 💙 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best: Cool Water, Green Irish Tweed, Aventus, Silver Mountain Water, Nautica Voyage
Worse: Azzaro-line, Sauvage, BdC, Light Blue Intense, Invictus(all smells somwhat similar)

>> No.17747212

>Cool Water
fuck no nobody wants to smell like that in the gym

>> No.17747220

La Curie Faunus

>> No.17747229

SOTD: Fat Electrician
this is too odd and creamy for me, my favorite vetiver centric frag is still Grey Vetiver EDP, but I'm glad I finally sampled it
it would be splendid on a woman layered with a white flower frag

>> No.17747244

your own body odour

>> No.17747246

>in the mall
>middle aged couple looking at CK Defy because it's advertised
>wow that smells so interesting
>oh, the price though
>they walk away
this really baffles me, because it smells rather bland in my opinion

>> No.17747251


Blue fragrances are popular for the gym, but for me they smell like you're trying to be sexy-clean which doesn't smell great in the gym.

I personally usually wear a Le Male clone (Cuba Gold or Milton Lloyd Bondage) because it smells like pure cleanliness.

>> No.17747277

getting pumped up the shithole isnt particularly clean, but sure.

>> No.17747293

Voyage d'hermes just arrived
Wow, green tea freshy

>> No.17747342

No cap, Guerlain habit rouge edp has oud

>> No.17747344

Caron pour un homme. Doesn’t smell like perfume. Smells natural and clean like yardleys soap

>> No.17747345

It's nice, really easy to wear for anyone, easy to like but doesn't smell like 50 different popular fragrances. Doesn't overdo it on the harsh synthetics. This is what an all-year designer fragrance should be.

>> No.17747346

It sure is
I'm not too sure if it might be even too nice for work
But great for going out in summer spring i reckon

>> No.17747350

Any good cherry fragrances for men that don’t make me seem like a homo? Tom Ford’s Lost Cherry is delightful but I don’t think I’ll be able to pull it off

>> No.17747351

That's the indian schizo teenager with his baseless anti Dior shilling. He has never had any idea what he was talking about. Just ignore him

>> No.17747353

please stop shitposting, we’re worried about you.

>> No.17747356

you have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.17747372

That’s the noodle arms indian teenager who is relentlessly shilling vintages here.

>> No.17747380

+1 on perfume that doesn’t smell like perfume. Or maybe straight super iso e

>> No.17747381

Grand Soir, BR540, any of Bianchis extraits, Sausage Elixir, Giorgio for Men, Dior Homme Parfum, something like that. Light "sport" fragrances are for noodly armed zoomers. Go heavy or go home.

>> No.17747389 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it fucking me or are WMaf couples very unstable. Since i'm lifting weight i notice that the asianwives/GFs always look after me. And since those couples mostly involves some pencil neck white dude he stares in shame.
I slowly don't believe the WMAF hype, i totally should hit some asian countries when i'm fully hit SJJ levels. Seems asian women love uber masculine men, since skinny whites are more masculine then even more skinny asian dudes.
CW really smell good AF, everytime i smell it after a long time i realise how fucking this DNA is. Even after all the years. Besides that Polo blue is my goto blue scent.

>> No.17747396

I am an almost 30 year old /fit/ guy. I need something I can wear for any occasion, primarily to work where I am often 1 on 1 with clients (often women), but also out. Something I can wear regardless of the season.

>> No.17747397

bleu de chanel edp

>> No.17747400

thank god /fit/ posters feel the need to inform everyone. i'm not sure i could carry on if i didn't know.

>> No.17747401

post body

>> No.17747402

L'Homme Ideal EDP
Also, Bogart pour homme kind of reminds me of cherry tobacco

>> No.17747403

Guerlain vetiver. You’re welcome.

>> No.17747404


>> No.17747406
File: 1.09 MB, 828x1028, 1690328681945658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate my fragrance collection. What should I add to it?
Age: 18
Sex (assigned at birth): Male
Gender identity: I'm experimenting now
Ethnicity: Indian

>> No.17747407

That's the indian schizo teenager with his baseless Guerlain shilling. He has never had any idea what he was talking about. Just ignore him

>> No.17747410 [DELETED] 

If you want other recommendations from a fellow /fit/cizen than >>17747403, you can have a look at my collection here for some inspiration: >>17747406

>> No.17747412

>4 bottles of Guerlain Vetiver
You seem to really like that fragrance. Why? Don't you think that it's not appropriate for your age?

>> No.17747418

As much as it was funny to bully the brown Guerlain twink at first, it's derailing threads now. Doesn't help that someone is pretending to have an offtopic argument with himself every thread.

>> No.17747421
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 143B34C7-5BDA-488E-81B5-218253AF3F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you been messing with colognes from my bathroom cabinet again son?

>> No.17747422

Citrus, vetiver, tobacco, and sandalwood works for all ages. So does polo green. I also listen to classical music and prefer manual transmissions because I’m not a try hard and like refined things.

>> No.17747427

This general sucks. You all suck.

>> No.17747429
File: 2.48 MB, 2280x9481, indianschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon, if we only knew who could be behind all the shitposting, trolling and derailing of these threads

>> No.17747433

that's the noodle arms indian teenager who is relentlessly shilling vintages here.

>> No.17747434

Are you rage quitting again? You announce your departure from these threads every single time someone pulls your leg or reposts your accidental selfie. Don't worry, your photo is not going anywhere, and be sure that it's going to be reposted here every time you try to stir shit and troll again.

>> No.17747435

the funniest part is that there are people on here actually dumb enough to believe that there ever was any “vintage indian”.

>> No.17747440

I think the BI shill and Guerlain guy are two different schizos. One is a brown twink, the other a more /fit/ brown guy.
Is there solid proof that the anti-chart spammer is the Guerlain guy and the anti-Dior poster?
And what is it with this general and attracting obnoxious, obsessive schizos?

>> No.17747452
File: 53 KB, 325x305, 1690409242385924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes sirs exactly look at that post! it's not me on that photo!! but can you pls sirs stop reposting the photo??? i think it really derails this thread unlike my shitposts.. just delete it from your hard drives and let's forget about it ok haha..?
BI shill is alright, I think the biggest offence with him is reposting the same boring ass screenshot of him fucking some 4/10 blonde pig.

>> No.17747454

DG Light blue eau intense
Very inoffense, fresh, a good work fragrance imo

>> No.17747458

who are you quoting?

>> No.17747469

Is it autism?

>> No.17747470 [DELETED] 
File: 3.26 MB, 1280x720, 2023-08-05 14-57-13.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.
Cool Water, GIT, Polo Blue

>> No.17747472

What's the reasoning behind girls loving sauvages smell but not wearing sauvage themselves? It's a fucking smell

>> No.17747475

is he also the one who creates parallel threads all the time or are those the chart schizos?

>> No.17747477

Sauvage is designed to smell like a higher quality, much more powerful version of a common men's 2 in 1 shower gel, the type people take to a gym or swimming pool. It's supposed to smell like a "sporty Chad", which is why women don't wear it.

>> No.17747479

It’s him >>17746357

>> No.17747482 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, 2023-08-05 15-03-28.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The indian schizo should hit the gym. He looks pathetic.
This guy gets it.
Cool Water, GIT, Polo Blue

>> No.17747489

But they like the smell, so why not wearing it. The association is just retarded

I bet that it sauvage was marketed for women it would also sell like crazy

>> No.17747492

woody ambers don’t sell well with women for the same reason that florals don’t sell well with men, even though many have tried their hand at it.

>> No.17747497

>if you are into vaginas why not to get a vagina yourself?

>> No.17747499

what do you think niggas buy fleshlights for

>> No.17747516 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 264x480, 1691194020741744.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just ignore him and report his posts.

>> No.17747524

I mostly wear shit like LUSH Sakura.

Now that it's coming into fall / winter, what should i wear if i still want to smell like a flowery faggot, look for roses and etc?

>> No.17747533

that's the noodle arms indian teenager who is relentlessly shilling vintages here.

>> No.17747548

What's the starting strength of fragrance?

>> No.17747551

The flowchart >>17744926

>> No.17747552

Drakkar Noir

>> No.17747554

all the ouds i've smelled are disgusting

>> No.17747556

Actually not bad tbqh 7/10

>> No.17747557

This desu >>17747551
That's the appeal

>> No.17747570
File: 178 KB, 720x720, 1678581497645558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Guerlain habit rouge edp. It’s a good oud frag

>> No.17747577

anyone try 24 rue de l'Université ?

also just spent 30 bones on 5ml of gaiac 10

>> No.17747583

garbage as always

>> No.17747609

One more troll like that and this is what is going to happen to you, Pajeet jr. >>17747516

>> No.17747623

this must be so good with sound kekekeke. the guys in the middle were getting all the punishment and the guy in the white pajamas on the far right was just chilling

>> No.17747637

Oud smells like shit why do people wear it? You can just rub shit on yourself and then spray some fragrance on it so it protects better and you got an all natural oud that way.

>> No.17747674
File: 192 KB, 1728x1152, 118703244_1649129175263582_5893978884663380882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some species of oud can smell faecal (most are not) during some phases of development, but there's much more to it than simply shit's smell. One of the most powerful means of expression in art, not only perfumery, is contrast. Light-dark, loud-quiet, clean-dirty. It has been French who realised that a long time ago, and for that reason they're the fathers of modern perfumery. That's why civet paste or castoreum had been really popular within otherwise clean, floral dandy perfumes. It also depends on the distance from which a perfume is smelled. Even the most faecal ouds (e.g. Oudh Infini by Dusita) at an arm's length smell rather pleasantly warm-spicy with some unidentifiable but magnetic animalic fuzz about it. From 2+ meters, you would not even pick up anything faecal about it. In a way, it is a really inviting fragrance. It triggers our lizard parts of the brain, and you want to learn more, come closer, but at the same time there's something dangerous about it. Some mystery. "Why does he smell like a wild animal would?". That's part of the allure. All that being said, it's not the type of fragrance for everyone. You must exude certain character traits and carry yourself in a very particular way just so an animalic or heavy oud fragrance doesn't wear you instead of you pulling it off. Most of the people don't really have what it takes to do that, and it's just LARP. The #1 rule of fragrance matching still stands true: if you have any doubts about wearing a fragrance - don't wear it.

>> No.17747678

Are you also white or is this a subtle BBC post?

>> No.17747688

he’s a gay negro mutt

>> No.17747715

how can you effectively sample a fragrance in combination with your sweat? It behaves differently, for example I think that you get more projection and a slightly different smell overall, but when sampling in a store you're typically calm and not sweating at all

>> No.17747727

On a similar note: I've started appreciating my own natural smell after I got into this hobby. There's nothing better than sticking my nose under my t-shirt after a day of not showering.

>> No.17747740
File: 82 KB, 634x722, article-2314076-1975E883000005DC-697_634x722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By my observation most Wmaf couples consists of a skinny wimpy dude and an asian girl. Somehow when this couple walks by a huge muscle Berserker the asian girl get wet as fuck.
Gets to my conclusion that the skinny asian was seen as a chad in asia because most asian guys are probably short and skinny.
But when that couple move over to the west the white skinny dude gets mogged as fuck.
Keep seething

>> No.17747752 [DELETED] 

why would i be mad that you’re a coon mongrel? that sounds like a you problem.

>> No.17747754

How many fragrances do you need for a decent luxury/niche minimalist collection? I'm thinking maybe 4-6?

Fall/winter: 1-2 fragrances + 1 evening/formal
Spring/summer: 1-2 fragrances + 1 evening/formal

Here's what I currently have:

Fall/winter: CDG Hinoki, Baccarat Rouge, Tobacco Vanille

Spring/summer: Molecule 01, Juniper Sling, Aventus

>> No.17747804
File: 71 KB, 714x575, 1667682771782146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any good frags that arent the price of a mortgage
hate being poorfag

>> No.17747813

Because you get infinitely mogged by muscles and minty green aquatic fragrances. I would be mad if i where you with Sauvage on.

>> No.17747822

Bois Imperial is a niche fragrance that is loved by women and costs less than your average Dior from Sephora.

>> No.17747831

you can try zara's

>> No.17747848

I think that's a good guideline. For me it's 1-2 toned down daily scents that I can wear to the office and one evening/casual scent. The reasoning here is that I can wear the office scents on a formal occasion and reserve the louder ones for my spare time. Probably I'd still have 1 or 2 more just for fun.
Sort of related: what do you feel can be worn to a restaurant with your spouse/family? I think it depends on the occasion, but generally I'd wear even something casual among family.

>> No.17747869
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, 51P1VX2vRVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sniffed Tobacco Vanille today at the store where they hate me.
It smells like a very expensive cigar but no cocaine perceived (yes I do know how it smells).
Very good but a bit plain conceptually. If there was cocaine smell in it I would buy it.

>> No.17747910

Any company that uses the horseshit service that goes UPS the whole way then transfers to USPS for delivery adding two days can go fuck themselves

>> No.17747911

How are his bottles so tasteful but this video is so tasteless?

>> No.17747913
File: 14 KB, 235x450, dior-fahrenheit-parfum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sniffed it today and OMG THE BOOZYNESS
anything similar but cheaper?

>> No.17747930
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>> No.17747956

Bvlgari Man In Black maybe but I'm not sure of it

>> No.17747967
File: 97 KB, 900x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17747972

ungaro pour l'homme III is said to be boozy, I'll report back once it arrives

>> No.17747976

New to fragrances and I want to get something casual for daily wear and school. I’m 20m. I tried the flowchart but I’m not familiar with many of the smells so half of it was a mystery to me. Eau Sauvage and Terre D’Hermes sounded interesting. I want something light and not offensive or overpowering. Any recommendations?

>> No.17747977


>> No.17747980
File: 445 KB, 828x819, IMG_6714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, trust me
Captures that gasoline-leather violet leaf meets sweet floral, with a healthy dose of cardamom

>> No.17747982 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 284x177, 1690781046739191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if ..... instead .....of shitposting and gimmickposting.....you used love instead?

>> No.17747985

YSL Y EDT is what you want
Save the TDH and Eau Sauvage for your 30s

>> No.17747999

Is OP´s pic long lasting?

>> No.17748000

Yatagan and Muscs Koublai Khan

>> No.17748004

Tuscan leather is the one which smells like cocaine.

Tobacco Vanille smells like tobacco, vanilla and cloves.

>> No.17748007


>> No.17748011

I need to smell like "warm hug in a sweaty opium den by the only cute guy there".
What do you rec?

>> No.17748035

Are there any good rose fragrances for men?

>> No.17748046
File: 32 KB, 425x570, IMG_3619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anons. relative pleb here and looking for something for everyday wear this school year. For a while i used the glossier "you" perfume. Really enjoyed that but for the past year and a half ive been using a jar of anointing oil. I stole it from a jewish guy (long story, stg im not lying). but im almost out so i need something new.

i really enjoyed the oil, probably my fav scent ive owned. im bad at identifying notes but heres a recipe for anointing oil i copied from the torah so i assume its probably close to this:

23 “And take for yourself top quality balsam oils, five hundred shekels of flowing myrrh, half as much—two hundred and fifty shekels of fragrant cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty shekels of fragrant reed, 24 and five hundred shekels of cassia, according to the sanctuary shekel, and a hin of olive oil.

pastebin says i should also include this info:

>season of wear
year round but where i live it never really gets cold
>price range
im willing to spend a little more than i usually do, probably around 200 dollars is the most id pay?
>type of scent you are looking for
i like spicy scents (as you can probably tell from the ones ive described here). im a big fan of sandalwood, amber, cinnamon, and i love vanilla (though not sure that would fit with the rest). i hate the smell of roses specifically, and i dislike florals in general on me. i like jasmine and lavender, but most other florals i dislike on myself
>intended aesthetic and setting for wearing a scent
mostly school, but itll be worn basically all the time. i like having a "signature scent" that i wear every day.
also, almost forgot to say this somewhere but im a woman, however tomboyish, so id prefer something at least gender neutral.

thanks in advance! i read these threads a lot and admire how into this stuff the people here are, so i really respect you guys opinions :)

>> No.17748054

Bortnikoff Triad and ELDO Hermann are both good roses.

>> No.17748071

What are some vanilla fragrances i can wear year round? Most are usually warm

>> No.17748085

I don't want to be the token Guerlain shill, bit Shalimar has a lot of the notes you like. It's beautiful if somewhat old school. But then again, so is biblical ointment lmao. Try it and see if you like it.
Most of the fragrances with those notes I know are men's, but could be unisex. Eau des Baux and Jaipur Homme are two good ones. Divine Vanilla is unisex.

>> No.17748107

>I would be mad if i where you with Sauvage on.
try that one again in english, mutt.

>> No.17748131


>> No.17748144

I got my bottle of lattafa ramz silver. The dry down on this smells amazing. Im gonna get the real le male at some point but jeez does this smell crazy good like an hour after being sprayed. At first it smells like a pear bubble gum.smell but at the end idk what to describe it as but smells good

>> No.17748146
File: 2.74 MB, 3024x3024, 20230806_024715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to post pics of my cheapo shit.

>> No.17748155
File: 67 KB, 413x440, ggphedp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gucci Guilty Pour Homme Eau de Parfum is an interesting rose frag (pic related)
you can also check out Tauer's rose frags (PHI Une Rose de Kandahar, Rose Flash, etc.)

>> No.17748175
File: 81 KB, 531x800, aaliyah-jolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does anal with passion
>pale blonde slender
>mostly smiles, outgoing, fun to be around
I'm in fucking love. What fragrance would she like?

>> No.17748247

For me it's Stetson Original

>> No.17748273

>How often does a perfume make you giggle uncontrollably? Stetson, bottled since 1981, is plainly for men. The box is a sober, manly box in two stony, manly colors. There are pictures of manly cowboys lassoing (manly) horses. The manly promo copy on the manly back says, “The legendary fragrance of the American West. A rich, masculine blend of rugged woods and spice." Well, shine my spurs, this is a masculine? I could've sworn it was a crisp, classical feminine oriental in the style of Tabu and Youth Dew, with that classic Coca-Cola brightness, an animalic jasmine to fill it out, and powdery, leathery balsamic woods to finish: an old-fashioned structure that still works a treat. It's gorgeous, as rugged and masculine as the lingerie level at Saks Fifth Avenue, and about ten bucks per ounce. I'd truly love a man who wore this, but in the absence of one, I'll gladly wear it myself.

>> No.17748281

shalimar. you want shalimar.

>> No.17748284

What's a decent masculine cologne for $50 or less?

>> No.17748286


>> No.17748288

I don't know fragrance jargon and I will never learn it.

>> No.17748292

fine, then you’ll just have to stick to 4711 forever if you’re so dead set on eau de colognes.

>> No.17748296

what are you talking about? There’s no rose in Gucci guilty.
This is the noodle armed indian. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Ignore him.

>> No.17748301

This is the Indian teen. He doesn’t know anything about fragrances. Ignore him and he’ll go away.

>> No.17748303

show us on your bottle of le male where jacques guerlain touched you.

>> No.17748304

the names are fucked up:
>Gucci Guilty Pour Homme (https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Gucci/Gucci-Guilty-Pour-Homme-Parfum-71378.html))
no rose
>Gucci Guilty Pour Homme Eau de Parfum (https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Gucci/Guilty-Pour-Homme-Eau-de-Parfum-59987.html))
rose is actually the main note

>> No.17748305

Thanks to the anon that recommended Guerlain vetiver. It slaps! Only thing is that it’s too expensive. So hopefully my mom will buy me a bottle for my birthday.

>> No.17748307

Gucci Guilty Pour Homme *Parfum* ofc

>> No.17748309

>yes sirs exactly look at that post! it's not me on that photo!! but can you pls sirs stop reposting the photo??? i think it really derails this thread unlike my shitposts.. just delete it from your hard drives and let's forget about it ok haha..?

>> No.17748312

who are you quoting?

>> No.17748316

The Indian twig that keeps derailing my thread. Just ignore him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

>> No.17748317
File: 26 KB, 523x165, zez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted the Gucci Guilty rose frag, nothing to do with India or vintage Guerlain frags desu
please also take your meds and/or book an appointment with a mental health professional, anon

>> No.17748322

you seem mistaken, this is a general on an anonymous imageboard. no one owns the thread. maybe try reddit instead if you want to be recognized as owning a thread?

>> No.17748323

Damn , since I tried that oakmoss fragrance, I'm starting to literally hate most of my collection. Cannot wear battito D'ali anymore.

We should make a chart about cheap staples of every fragrance family, at least so people like can know what they like before trying to get more into this hobby

>> No.17748324

>doesn’t modify html
Sure it wasn’t jeet

>> No.17748343

All I want is a version of CK Be that isn't weak and short-lasting.

>> No.17748377

You’re welcome. I’m going to splash out of my vintage bottle of Guerlain vetiver for you today anon.
It seems that my existence is causing perpetual seething.

>> No.17748380

for me it's bois imperial

>> No.17748382

No, my existence is causing perpetual seething - from you. You're just obsessed with me as that other anon is with you, and it doesn't make either of you look sane. I hope you manage to reflect on that.
SOTD DHI of course.

>> No.17748388
File: 889 KB, 716x714, Gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing homo

>> No.17748390
File: 338 KB, 410x870, greene_street.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOTD: Etro Greene Street
unisex (imo at least) spicy amber frag with nutmeg quite forward in the mix, good comfy fit for the shitty weather this weekend
performance is good

>> No.17748504

He's just trolling, pretending to be two different people. Report and ignore.

>> No.17748507

that much is clear, though what isn’t is how anyone could be so easily entertained.

>> No.17748508
File: 159 KB, 640x1136, 94C90210-A833-435B-986E-25FC2E11229C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most recent thread? Is the other thread made by the cringe vintage Indian spaghetti arm kid??

Rate my order boys, I considered blindbuying a bottle of Instant Crush because it apparently smells similar to Baccarat Rouge EDP but ended up ordering a shitload of decants instead but I don’t want to to waste my money.

My retakes hot takes from my last decant haul:

Ganymede: I prefer Bois Imperial, it’s basically Ganymede but without the expensive car smell, I woke up smelling like Ganymede and it was annoying. Also there is a curry note in there on the drydown at the end of the day that made me feel like slighty dirty indian man who enjoys cumin and works in a tannery.

Baccarat rouge EDP: I really like it, it made me realise that I really enjoy amber or Safron or Jasmin or whatever the fuck it is.

Ariana Grande Cloud: it’s a dupe of baccarat rouge but smells less unisex and leaning more feminine. The notes that make baccarat rouge smell expensive are missing (Jasmin???) so smells cheaper but still really good.

Juliet has a gun this is not a perfume: a „your skin but better scent“, this reminds of the the chemical smell that some new clothes have. I sprayed some on my wrist and it smells like hot sweaty ass in a dumpster. I suspect some serious fuckery is at work.

Le labo another 13: this is also some „your skin but better, you can’t smell yourself but other people smell you and it’s amazing fuckery“. there is some pear and baby vomit. I don’t know if I can smell anything. It’s just somebody chewed some wrigley gum and stuck it on a table. I don’t dislike it.

>> No.17748510

Holy fuck these prices. I'd KMS. Is 2ml the smallest you can get?

>> No.17748516

babby's first masstige purchases. gentle fluidity silver and oud are the only two things from MFK i like but good on you dude

>> No.17748518

how embarrassing, christ

>> No.17748526

Yes it’s expensive as fuck. Yes but I hate those gay little 1ml vials that you try to apply a dose of 2 sprays by stabbing it onto your skin like some kind of crack junkie getting his fix and you either apply to little or too much and it drips down your shirt and then you are paranoid that you oversprayed or some shit

I think to really do a fragrance justice,
you need a sprayer to really get a idea of it’s performance, projection and spillage.

>> No.17748527

this decant batch will tell if you let your taste settle on masstige or you keep going down the rabbit hole.
that being said, I like instant crush even though it's not a well executed perfume. you missed my fav killian's (black phantom and dark lord) and the only good le labo (patchouli 24).
egoist is extremely good, hope you like it. ombre leather is not bad either.
btw what the fuck are those prices dude. idk if it's the best out there but fragrant world is much cheaper, check them out

>> No.17748533
File: 203 KB, 759x408, Screenshot 2023-08-06 174752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, why shouldn't i?

>> No.17748542

I would wager its longevity is shite.

>> No.17748564

You bought into le old school masculinity meme. You smell like you're using your grandpas cologne. Do yourself a favor and buy something from sephora because as it is, youre repelling all the bobs and vegene

>> No.17748571

>bescheuert take on perfumes
Yes you’re a retard. Almost as retarded as the jeet

>> No.17748572

picked this up a few months ago, not exactly what I expected out of a “sport” fragrance but I personally enjoy it.

>> No.17748575

if you have to make yourself more “manly” by using “manly” fragrances, you have issues and are likely gay. That being said, not a fan of DHI dna.

>> No.17748577 [DELETED] 
File: 3.58 MB, 3472x4640, IMG_20230806_203903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is godly

>> No.17748578

i think you could test most of these (chanel, valentino, prada, lv, mmm, tf) in literally any dept store instead of buying expensive samples
the order itself is desiger/masstige 101, but not too bad, my favorite from your list is Naxos (>inb4 jerkoff)

>> No.17748580

>top tier
Cool water, Caron pour un homme, caron le3 Tom Ford oud Minerale, polo green
>mid tier
Guerlain vetiver, guerlain homme
>bottom tier
Guerlain habit rouge
Overall based and old man pilled. 9/10
How are l’anarchist and the pour un homme flankers? I’ve been wanting to try them. Also what is the bottle in the middle row far left next to habit rouge? It looks cool.

>> No.17748583
File: 59 KB, 541x457, boucheron-pour-homme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is godly

>> No.17748587

I’m just attracted to classically masculine scents. Reminds me of the men that were influential in my upbringing. Dior homme smells like a try hard poser to me. Not necessarily gay though.

>> No.17748589

Yeah I’m just referring the guy who spams the gay dior picture he made here 24/7. Yeah I agree it’s quite unisex, not a huge fan myself. Same with Valentino, simply too feminine for me but it’s not serious enough to make edits over calling people fags who like it ya know kek

>> No.17748590

Thanks yeah I will probally try out those two in the future.
Yeah I regret not ordering black phantom and dark lord. I should of got those instead of cedrat Boise and lazy Sunday morning that I probally won’t enjoy.
If you think that’s embarrassing, I also ordered 5ml of Replica Bubble bath lmao
Why? I order fragrances based on fragrances that I like but I like trying new things that I may like just for shits and giggles to find out, even if I don’t like them it still helps me on my fragrance journey. The only thing that is bescheuert is your lack of openness for the fact that different people like different things and that’s ok.

>> No.17748594

It’s amazing how angry fragrances can make smelly water autists become

>> No.17748601 [DELETED] 

Tell me your indian without telling me your indian/10

>> No.17748606 [DELETED] 

you just be new here. that’s the Indian schizo twink who is hyper obsessed with “masculine vintage” frags. He reports anyone he hates and creates thread wars everytime a new thread is made. He is the bane of /frag/‘s existence.

>> No.17748610

What are you talking about? I’m the opposite of angry. I’m very thankful for the anons that help me on my fragrance journey, I’m even thankful for anons who take the time to read my essay and reply even if it’s negative and not helpful.

>> No.17748628

Bescheuert bescheuert bescheuert. Du bist bescheuert.
Yes we get it. You hate Guerlain fragrances and Indians. You’re the most annoying poster on this general. Congrats. I thought nobody could be worse than the homoerotic webm poster, but I’ve mistaken.

>> No.17748634

He doesn’t even look Indian. And you spam the entire board seething and reeeing. You’re an embarrassment of a human. Obsessing over this kids based taste in fragrances. Peinlich.
Peinlich. Du bist bescheuert. Buy rope and quit seething so much over Guerlain kid.

>> No.17748640 [DELETED] 

Are you the same person making these post? The Indian guy who is apparently schizo? You do realise all these posts are different people.

>> No.17748646

Take your meds and take a break anon. There are only four posters on this general.

>> No.17748648

I bought the 2ml from decantx with the atomizer because the nasomatto frags I wanted were like $1 more there than luckyscent. The atomizer itself actually latches onto luckyscent's 0.7ml vial, so I just reuse it.

>> No.17748660 [DELETED] 
File: 650 KB, 1284x1159, 609FF595-7F8A-444B-9CFB-180AFE7F666C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do this every thread man, I don’t know how it’s so difficult to believe that you annoy the fuck out of everyone here. I don’t know how many anons you’re responding to, but it’s more than one. Additionally, I have nothing against guerlain and I love quite a few of their fragrances. You’re just irritating, and you don’t realize that people enjoy discovering new frags and talking about things they have yet to try/hear about. We’ve all tried guerlain vetiver, leau boisee, habit rouge etc. talking about the exact same house, and the exact same frags thread after thread is boring and redundant. Try some new stuff and post it here and I guarantee you won’t get as much hate.

>> No.17748663

what does it smell like? I’ve almost blind bought it a few times because of the price but never got around to it because I’ve never tried this house

>> No.17748674

How is leau boissee? How’s it compare to tdh. Are they redundant?

>> No.17748676 [DELETED] 

Don’t respond to him. That’s the Indian noodle arm bitch. He tries to compensate with vintage masculine fragrances.
Based. Everyone is fed up with jeet poster

>> No.17748679

not at all, they’re similar in style but smell pretty different from eachother. Leau boisee is a green, mojito lime vetiver. Very refreshing yet refined and still has great depth. It’s more of a clean vetiver than a dirty earth vetiver like TdH. Definitely worth trying, and even signature worthy for a lot of people. If you like TdH you should deficiently give it a shot.

>> No.17748680

As others have said - that's a lot of stuff that I have tested at stores here in Düsseldorf. Only Le Labo has eluded me as a whole so far, and besides them, of all of these, Prada Amber Pour Homme is the only that I've also never seen at a store around here. In any case, before you buy Pierre Montale Mancera's chemical waste, consider the original. BR540E mogs them all, Andrew Tate wears it, but it's totally best left to cute girls. Egoiste is the best out of all of them. Simple as.

Same. They don't have it at the stores, I came across it so often in discussions now (even outside of this thread) that I totally have a need to test it. I got Cerruti 1881, Eau Sauvage and Lauder for Men, I should totally like it, but I don't wanna go in blind. Also can't find Jaipur from the same house, even though I want to test that as well.
Is blind-buying reasonable if I like and own half the "reminds me of" section on fragrantica?

>> No.17748693

spicebomb more like bubblegumbomb

>> No.17748698

Low iq post. Nice try tho

>> No.17748702

it is always the moral crusaders who are the most gullible in these threads

>> No.17748721 [DELETED] 

>makes everyone hate you
>bro I was just trolling!
many such cases, also it has nothing to do with morality it has to do with being annoying as fuck and sliding the thread everytime you post here.

>> No.17748725 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 576x745, 070B0DC3-C079-48B5-B4CC-099AC1BACF06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my apologies master perfumer, I hope my next explanation of a basic 40$ Fresh vetiver fragrance will please you. Please forgive me. Can i redeem sir? I will do better next time and not be as much of a bloody bastard bitch.

>> No.17748726

who are you quoting?

>> No.17748728 [DELETED] 

>who are you quoting sir?
I’m translating your Indian gibberish cope to something legible, currynigger.

>> No.17748731

gibberish? i don’t know, it all seems pretty legible to me. if you’re struggling with reading basic english, perhaps the problem might be you.

>> No.17748733

I never trust the “reminds me of” simply because the people who post on fragrantica are statically between the ages of 18-25. Same reason that DHI is rated as the best men’s perfume of all time. I probably wouldn’t blind buy, but to each their own

>> No.17748734 [DELETED] 

The fact that you’ve convinced yourself that everyone here is the problem and it’s not (you) actually makes me audibly laugh. Just imagine making an entire thread of autists despise you 10+ times and thinking “wow, these guys are so retarded”. Perhaps you should attain some social skills, maybe strike up a conversation with one of your neighbors as you are both shitting in the street in the morning. It may help you Raj.

>> No.17748735

not sure what any of this has to do with your piss poor reading comprehension, but i guess if it weren’t piss poor you’d have said something relevant to begin with.

>> No.17748739

One person
I think this anon is correct. It’s one or two anons seething over the kid that use to post about Guerlains. I don’t think he’s posted here in over a year though and some random person reposted that old image. But what do I know?

>> No.17748743 [DELETED] 

It’s not reading comprehension, I understand what you’re saying you’re just a faggot. It’s ironic because you’re using reading comprehension incorrectly, which in turn proves you don’t have very good reading comprehension kek

>> No.17748745

i’m fairly certain he used to post here until the shitposting about his picture kicked into full swing 2 or so weeks ago. i did talk to him about vintage vs current guerlain a couple times. not sure about now.
semantic drivel

>> No.17748747 [DELETED] 

>I think this anon is correct
You’re samefagging to try and make it seem like everyone here doesn’t hate you. Actually sad.

>> No.17748749 [DELETED] 

you literally just tried to make fun of me over semantics (incorrectly) and now are using “muh semantics” argument once I showed you that you used your own insult against me, incorrectly. New levels of cope, you truly are a fucking retard.

>> No.17748753

reading comprehension and semantics are two entirely different concepts. of course, if your reading comprehension didn’t suck ass, you’d know that.

>> No.17748755
File: 637 KB, 220x211, 1622652960588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low iq post strikes again. peinlich. Sad. Bescheuert. Very dumb. Come on anon. Take your meds. Come back to realty.

>> No.17748756 [DELETED] 

You don’t even know how to use reading comprehension correctly? You just passed off someone hating you for being a faggot as lack of reading comprehension because it’s impossible for you to believe how unlikeable you actually are.

>> No.17748757 [DELETED] 

you want to be european so badly kek. Typical brown poonigger fantasies, try bleaching your skin, Raj.

>> No.17748759

it appears you’ve lost the plot, which seems about par for the course for someone with the reading comprehension of an kindergartener.

>> No.17748763
File: 163 KB, 637x1024, 1686056495636342m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, everyone he disagrees with is a pajeet. Seeths and rees for days. It’s actually comical but at the same time, Sad.

>> No.17748770 [DELETED] 

No I can just tell by the way you’re typing, and your speech patterns that you are in fact the pajeet street shitter. I’d bet my life savings that you’re brown.

>> No.17748772 [DELETED] 

All you have to do is scroll up and read your first post and my response. You’re too retarded and in denial to realize that if someone disagrees with you or calls you a faggot, it doesn’t mean they didn’t understand what you said. It means they read it and thought “wow this guy is a total faggot”. You’re deluding yourself into believing that anyone who doesn’t agree with you can’t read, it’s actually quite sad.

>> No.17748773

I wish I could redeem that bet but I know you wouldn’t follow through and rope yourself.

>> No.17748778 [DELETED] 

>I am going to find a creative way to admit that I am brown without actually admitting that I am brown.
There I fixed it for you, poonigger.

>> No.17748779

ck one

>> No.17748780

going off on obsessive tangents is unfortunately not a substitute for reading comprehension ability.

>> No.17748786 [DELETED] 

>nobody likes me because I am annoying faggot, but it’s because they don’t understand what I am typing. Not because I am unlikeable fag with zero social skills.
There I fixed it for you.

>> No.17748787

are you the one who went to schnitzler whenever it was closed?
not like le labo is worth testing anyway
ironically schnitzler might have jaipur, it was either either both edt and edp pour homme or one of then and the non-homme, i don't remember.
redpill me on lauder for men, any store where i can test it? been thinking of either (blind) buying aramis tuscany per uomo, lauder for men or cacharel pour l'homme.
>I don’t think he’s posted here in over a year though and some random person reposted that old image
yes, it's an old image. maybe it was reposted by himself or by a troll, who knows. i've said this before but i just got accused of being the indian kid myself. they won't listen, or at least reverse image search

>> No.17748788

who are you quoting?

>> No.17748790 [DELETED] 

>not understanding basic humor
Is there an IQ cut off for people who take everything literally? Has to be around 80-90.

>> No.17748792

the prerequisite for humor is being funny.

>> No.17748794 [DELETED] 

Exactly, it’s hilarious that you think people not liking you is akin to them having poor reading comprehension. You’re so self absorbed and low IQ that it is incomprehensible to you that anyone here simply thinks you’re an annoying faggot - even when that’s the resounding consensus everytime you post here.

>> No.17748797

an admirable attempt to segway into yet another obsessive rant, but all the same irrelevant to your crippling inability to read and comprehend.

>> No.17748799

Boucheron PH does smell a lot like Cerrito 1881. But with a heavier base, it's less refreshing but lasts longer. I prefer Cerruti personally, but you're likely to enjoy both.
Jaipur is great.

>> No.17748803

How would I be creating a segway when I have consistently told you that you’re a faggot this entire time? kek we’ve stayed on the same subject the entire time, you just can’t accept it because you’re a low IQ poo who can’t seem to come to grips with the fact that everytime you post here, you make other anons hate you even more. You’re coping, and I am consistently telling you the same thing over and over. If anything, your reading comprehension is poor because you can’t even read a simple sentence and accept it for what it is.

>> No.17748806

Who are you quoting? All you do is obsess over that kids Guerlain and Caron collection. I’ve yet you see you post your collection and time stamp.

>> No.17748807

i’d almost admire your singleminded obsession if it weren’t over a topic so banal and manufactured, and especially if it didn’t come at the cost of your ability to comprehend the english language.

>> No.17748816 [DELETED] 

>that kids
we know it’s you poonigger

>> No.17748819 [DELETED] 

delusional Indian, you’ll keep being a faggot for the rest of your life undoubtedly. This is exactly why people from the west hate Indians, you’re all stupid faggots with a false god complex. You aren’t smart, you aren’t funny, you aren’t likeable, and you live in a shithole.

>> No.17748825

show me on your bottle of le male where the gay indian family friend from your childhood molested you.

>> No.17748829 [DELETED] 

>Indian poo fantasizing about raping another man
Yup, there it is. Raj is back, Indian street shitter confirmed. You shouldn’t practice your countries tradition and go rape an elderly man.

>> No.17748832 [DELETED] 

Poo fingers wrote this

>> No.17748834

hardly a fantasy, more akin to therapy. no need to be shy.

>> No.17748838 [DELETED] 

Raping other men is basically therapy in India, I’m glad you’ve decided to reveal yourself Raj.

>> No.17748844

i wore oud for the first time, this shit lasts forever

>> No.17748847

it’s okay, we’re supportive of you coming out of the closet. you didn’t choose what happened to you. the first step to recovery is admittance.

>> No.17748848


>> No.17749010

Share age, some details about your style and where are you wearing your fragrance

>> No.17749184

fuck off I blind bought this trash because of this thread and it sucked, ST dupont is an irrelevant brand for a reason

>> No.17749198

>based on post 24 hours old
Overnight rush shipping on that cheapie blind buy? Lmao

>> No.17749211

no people have mentioned this fragrance for months in here, this was awhile ago. I just seethe every time I see someone mention the fragrance now in the hopes other anons wont be tricked

>> No.17749225

Got tired of Clinique Calyx as the only green I have
Looking for something new with white floral and green in it, maybe some vetiver and citrus too
Preferably unisex
Any recs?

>> No.17749232
File: 5 KB, 212x238, IMG_6716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want you to know it was me, anon. I’m the only one who’s ever mentioned it in these threads. I blind bought it too and didn’t even like it that much. Literally left it for the homeless outside a church where people drop off stuff they don’t want. But I’ll keep bringing it up when people ask for recs, just for you

>> No.17749272

bond villain tier evil..
also, who got banned this time? I can't really tell anymore

>> No.17749432

>still plan on pruning collection
>just the work itself of packing up boxes and sending them out already annoys me
just gonna drop these bottles into the basement and have my offspring deal with them

>> No.17749685

it's not too much work, just take the following hint: if you plan on selling on eBay, they strongly are against used bottles and dupes. Never mention "smells just like X" or that it's used. Just write perfume name, bottle volume.

>> No.17749734

Oud Essentiel by Guerlain is awesome. will be my next buy. Kinda pricey tho

>> No.17749739

alright alright i'm gonna do it (soon), starting with the stuff that i stopped enjoying the most

>> No.17749746

Just sell on r/fragranceswap if you’re in the us desu

>> No.17749750

i'm not and i will probably choose parfumo as the main platform for selling my stuff and then auction the remainder off on ebay

>> No.17751361

What is the /tip/ fragrance?

>> No.17751435
File: 32 KB, 636x375, 1439896144337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good pistachio frags?
What about almond?

>> No.17751670

this morning I tried platinum égoïste by chanel and holy shit, it smells so great. I've been using terre d'hermès edp for a couple of years but I think I'll start switching between the two.

>> No.17752529

no, and theyre not the price of a mortgage. save up or kys