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File: 889 KB, 716x714, Gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17730996 No.17730996 [Reply] [Original]

Here’s a place to discuss frags. I’ll start the purple florals in dior homo smell like lipstick and is gay

>> No.17731025

Suck cocks faggot faggot Jew gothrock for me it's Aventus musky gym masc for masc rubdown reddit charts reddit graphs I HATE CHARTS AND GRAPHS Bois Imperial is best if was revealed to me in a dream here's some mid white whores jealous yet whyte boi no I won't post my collection is the smell of smegma goth rock hey guys anyone hear of this little known gem know as Sauvage no faggot that's masstige I only wear oils from the finest swine rectums 1 spray 2 spray 3 sprays HUT HUT HUT what will make me smell like an Italian twink swaddled in linen while two huge turk cocks ravage my mouth and ass anyone who buys frags after 1990 is a faggot WHERE ARE THE CHARTS

There, a speed run of the last fifty threads for your tasteless, mindless fucking morons.

>> No.17731030

Seething autist. Today I will splash from my vintage bottle of Guerlain habit rouge edc. The edc is the best formulation by far.

>> No.17731036 [DELETED] 
File: 3.16 MB, 1280x720, 2023-07-26 13-48-17.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Cool Water so based? My recent best Gym fragrance, btfo the high volume, fast reps faggots and boots the based Mike Mentzer HIT training CHADS,

>> No.17731041
File: 3.16 MB, 1280x720, 2023-07-26 13-48-17.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Cool Water so based? My recent best Gym fragrance, btfo the high volume, fast reps Arnold faggots and boosts the based Mike Mentzer HIT training CHADS.

>> No.17731046
File: 990 KB, 715x773, 16897824147579612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you need to go back to rėddit, seethester

>> No.17731048

I'm not seething, you're the one so triggered by my post that you had to come flying in to tell me what wonderful, mystical, precious VinTaGe fragrance you splashed on.
Don't worry you'll be getting more splashes through the day. They'll be piss and cum of course when you frolic with your fellow faggots. Run along now and post a pic of an old bear you want to top you and super impose your fantastic Guerlain bottle on it.

The bee bottles were designed with their characteristic shape to make rectal insertion easier. Careful though, sometimes accidents happen, just ask Đorđe Martinović.

>> No.17731049

Lmao. Clearly your fragrance is perfect for your level of wit and comprehension

>> No.17731053
File: 190 KB, 828x1227, Guerlain .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that was very gay. I don’t know what you have against my Guerlain shilling, but I’m not the homoerotic anon.

>> No.17731065
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 2023-07-26 14-25-12.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool Water mogs Sauvage and BdC onto oblivion, i kinda see how pencil necks wear Sauvage and BdC in the gym. They try to hide they weak training workout.

>> No.17731067

You faggots genuinely can't help themselves can you?
>Le based Frenchman said nigger
>Here's a 50 year old white woman suckling my sad man tits. Jealous yet whyte boy?

>> No.17731074
File: 367 KB, 746x943, Last Real Guerlain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guerlain was based. Sad that the Jews own most of perfumery now.

>> No.17731179

why does this look gay even though it's a man and a woman?

>> No.17731181

Men having sex with women is the ultimate form of gay.

>> No.17731226

Got the full video?

>> No.17731227

Because he's trying to hard, visually and mentally.

>> No.17731240 [DELETED] 


>> No.17731247


>> No.17731261

Is there a better rose masculine fragrance than habit rouge edc?

>> No.17731263

Thank you!

>> No.17731265


>> No.17731332

Davidoff Zino has a nice rose accord too. But I think habit rouge is nicer

>> No.17731548
File: 1.46 MB, 828x982, Imperiale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bee bottle is gay to you?

>> No.17731630
File: 1.60 MB, 828x1028, Shilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s this?

>> No.17731788

what's the matter, no milly in sales for your faggy arthouse cologne ya nichetranny?

>> No.17731792

>cool water
>not the best seller

>> No.17731799

it looks like you’re taking advice from autists and buying old man frags because they say they’re “masculine”. The guerlain on the bottom left is quite good, the bvlgari aqua is also pretty good but aqua atlantique is far superior and arguably the best performing freshie ever made (18-24 hrs easily)

>> No.17731803 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 325x305, 36CE10DF-4CED-49A3-8D58-6A2FD6531121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would someone as young as you wear habit rouge let alone half of the stuff you posted? You look 18 max, wearing frags like that at your age is weird and throws off your entire vibe.

>> No.17731805

you’re mentally ill, take a break from the Internet

>> No.17731812 [DELETED] 

so the guy riding these threads is an indian teenager?

>> No.17731815 [DELETED] 
File: 559 KB, 1018x1070, Screenshot 2023-07-27 at 00.13.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17731818

yeah he’s a schizo poorfag teenager who shits up the thread and causes thread wars because he can’t afford to try anything other anons post, been happening for awhile. Also, learn how to greentext brah

>> No.17732146

>It sold a lot
>There it is....LE GOOD

The most reddit opinion ever you fucking moron.
By your own logic then Aqua Di Gio and Cool Water shit all over Sauvage because they've sold many more millions of bottles.
Hell Axe has outsold all of them combined, must mean it's better right designerfag?

>> No.17732157

kek no milly got these nichetrannies mindbroken

>> No.17732177
File: 53 KB, 325x305, C1D45FAB-0D85-44B4-AB45-753DA31DF2D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m case anyone is curious, this is the schizo nichefag who shits on frags and reccomends “masculine vintage frags” 24/7. He’s a 16 year old Indian kid, and he reported all of the pics of him that were just in this thread and another thread that’s now deleted kek.

>> No.17732184

For a person who was bitching about jannies every time they banned them or purged his shitty troll threads, he sure as fuck was very committed to report every single poster who made fun of him to the very same jannies. This kid is hilarious

>> No.17732185

This, haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. He’s very commited hahaahahha

>> No.17732200

Noooo please sirs do not redeem picture do not do the needful bloody bastard bitch benchod noooooo

>> No.17732204

He hadn’t thought it very well through, had he?

>> No.17732209

Trial for what? Can you actually get fined and arrested for holding opinions in europe? lmao I thought it was a meme

>> No.17732211

I was just about to say what >>17731799 did, have you tried thinking for yourself

>> No.17732219

I'm, quite partial to Amouage Lyric and Xerjoff Wardasina for roses

>> No.17732221

ah a fellow Caron fan
I used to be a huge Yatagan fan, still love it but swapped it out for Terenzi's Laudano Nero

>> No.17732222

>i was actually bullied into buying all these frags, shilling them, shitposting and making everyone’s life in this thread miserable!! im a victim here! btw sirs its not me on this photo haha

>> No.17732227

>heh you plebs don't wear real men's frags like I do, I'm le supreme gentleman *tips fedora*

The fact you have all this shit and nothing by Rogue Perfumery, Patricia Nicolai, Francesca Bianchi or any of the other modern perfumers that carry on in the same style (with tweaks and improvements) shows you just searched for everything old and bought it.

>> No.17732232

>ah yes a fellow Chad (Caucasian and over 18 btw) Caron enjoyer. you sir must be a very masculine man. REAL masculine, mature men like us are such a rare breed these days

>> No.17732235

There's a fragrance general. Can we stop this faggotry?

>> No.17732237

What happened to the fragrance general??

>> No.17732240


>> No.17732266

thanks for not taking this photo naked anon, you're visible in the bulgari cap

>> No.17732299

redpill me on l'anarchiste. i'm a huge yatagan fan but find it a bit intense to wear too often desu

>> No.17732321
File: 49 KB, 855x342, Screenshot 2023-07-26 10.41.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels badman

>> No.17732331

L'Anarchiste? I personally like it, sillage is good but longevity is kind of lacking for me.
It can be disliked though, the African orange flower note can put some people off.

As for Yatagan, it is intense indeed but I like that about it, same as the Laudano Nero I mostly gave it up for

>> No.17732371

all me btw

>> No.17732437
File: 74 KB, 1080x529, Screenshot_20230727-030325-614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying fucking Indian street shitting train ride raping lanky cow worshipping cucking to pakis shitskin faggot

>> No.17732460

also me btw

>> No.17732536

As the butt of Old Man Vetiver's only joke (see OP pic), I really don't care about what he looks like. He has posted that image before and nobody cared. The only thing that became obvious now is that I can wear DHI and be above the opinion of others, while he just can't. And that is what makes someone ugly.
SOTD DHI, 40 sprays.

>> No.17732544

who are you talking to?

>> No.17732546
File: 739 KB, 1284x646, IMG_3729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my collection

>> No.17732547

i hope you stole this photo from somewhere else.

>> No.17732550


>> No.17732553

that’d be a lot of your hard earned money flushed down the drain if you didn’t.

>> No.17732556

No I like all my fragrances so it’s worth it

>> No.17732558

my condolences

>> No.17732623

What do you mean?

>> No.17732683

i mean, who is your post addressed to?

>> No.17732702

I don't think I addressed anyone in my post.

>> No.17732729

>Guerlain homme
It’s a good one. I prefer Guerlain homme leau boissee to it but it’s nice to mix it up.
>bvlgari aqva
This is the best version. Antlantique is nice too though.
Interesting I’ll have to try terenzis laudano Nero. Mind doing a compare and contrast?
>how one med kid caused the entire board to seeth
L’anarchist is pretty good. It’s a nice contrast of cool and warm. Cooling mint and warm sandalwood. There is also warm cinnamon and a cool orange. For me the performance is good. It has the classic masculine structure which I like in perfumery. It transitions as you wear it.

>> No.17732732

It’s another hot one. Just a couple sprays of Dior Fahrenheit should do it. Maybe I should update this image for my new fans?

>> No.17732734

how do you even stand pour un homme de caron? it's a very weird scent for me, like it won't enter my nose no matter how hard I inhale and I just get some powdery vanilla

>> No.17732736
File: 1.17 MB, 200x136, 1688587241008329.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy. He looks gay.

>> No.17732738

That was a love at first sniff for me. The contrast of sharp lavender and smooth vanilla is perfection. The newer version has an astringent alcohol aspect to it. Makes it wear like an aftershave. I’m not sure if you tested or blind bought. But if you have a bottle you can also use it on linens. Lavender helps to relax and is an aphrodisiac

>> No.17732746

Yatagan tends to go away after 4 hours or so
Laudano Nero, DO NOT SPRAY ON CLOTHES, it sticks around like a motherfucker. I sprayed some in my bathroom once, closed the door, 4 hours later it was still very obviously in the air, 2 days later I could still smell it faintly.

Laudano Nero is a lot more complex than Yatagan - and where yatagan is very manly in the forest sense, laudano nero smells like - best way to put it is the inside of a catholic/orthodox church. It has that old aristocrat vibe kind of like Franck Boclet's Cocaine, but a more manly, less flowery version of it.
I'd recommend Yatagan for winter night, and laudano for daytime

>> No.17732747

All me
I suspect this too.

>> No.17732749

Thanks for the recs. I’ll check them out. >>17732227
>The fact you have all this shit and nothing by Rogue Perfumery, Patricia Nicolai, Francesca Bianchi or any of the other modern perfumers that carry on in the same style (with tweaks and improvements) shows you just searched for everything old and bought it.
My strategy was testing bottles. I found fragrances that I liked then autistically setup shopping notifications on second hand shops so that I could find bottles for <$0.5/ml. I found lots more for this price range including vintage Jicky, Fahrenheit, heritage, zino, le3, etc. the ones you listed must be popular because I couldn’t find them discounted. I buy what I like. Not what you like.

>> No.17732751

>Laudano Nero is a lot more complex than Yatagan - and where yatagan is very manly in the forest sense, laudano nero smells like - best way to put it is the inside of a catholic/orthodox church.
That sounds nice. I love the smell of cathedrals. Real nostalgic feel to it for me. The beast mode frags bother me sometimes. For example, I can still smell TF oud minerale on the shirt I put on this morning even after washing. But at the same time it’ll last forever because it only needs one spray

>> No.17732755

definitely don't blind buy it then, it's pretty strong
But if you like oud, it should match your scent profile pretty well

>> No.17732776

then why talk to yourself? need to up your lithium dosage?

>> No.17732812

Whta do you mean?

>> No.17732814

you made a post addressed to no one in particular, talking either to yourself or to thin air. why the psychosis?

>> No.17732815

So is that forbidden?

>> No.17732818

no, but it sure makes you look crazy.