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File: 690 KB, 2032x1680, 1690392337401660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17731451 No.17731451 [Reply] [Original]

How to stop looking like a chud?

>> No.17731454

Get sent to prison unironically
Prison is one of the few places where your food isn't estrogenised and inflammatory

>> No.17731461

They look that way because they don't groom themselves well, pick bad glasses frames for their face shapes, and generally think negatively about others for no good reasons (no matter what they tell themselves to justify). Stop doing these things. The first and last ones are the most important because people will like you if you're nice and hygienic even if you can't dress yourself or do your hair right.

>> No.17731465
File: 125 KB, 1000x736, oie_2520337Dg5yt0vj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, preached about it million times already. Fix your eyes, glasses are out and
Hit the fucking gym, faggot.

>> No.17731539
File: 12 KB, 87x112, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just get a nice hair cut and contact lenses bro :)

>> No.17731544

what race are they? there lips are too big for being white, europeans usually have thin lips

>> No.17731560

well they're very clearly white
>uhmmm but if we measure the nose of the gu yon the right we can see that it is 0.5 mm longer than any Eurasian phenotype. Truly awful

>> No.17731582

I know a couple people like this and they both have slavic ancestry

>> No.17731641

Here we go again

>> No.17731762


>> No.17731765

just eat more protein, hit the gym, and practice adequate skin care routine

>> No.17731816

>say processed, garbage quality food makes your health deteriorate
>suggest institutionalization for an extended period of time where you are force-fed the aforementioned "food" in spoiled slop form

>> No.17731964

Literally just never take a selfie with a cameraphone. The lens makes you look retarded. Get someone with a proper camera to take photos of you.

>> No.17731999

they’re wearing bad clothes
they have bad haircuts
all but one are wearing TERRIBLE glasses for their face shape
they’re all unfit, some of them have high bodyfat, none of them have muscle
the lighting is bad
they’re all scowling and don’t know how to smile
the backgrounds of the pictures are horrible
they look poor

Yes, they have pretty bad genetics. But everything I listed is a solvable problem and these guys could probably be a 6-6.5/10 if they fixed their problems.

>> No.17732002
File: 504 KB, 596x596, Screen-Shot-2018-07-30-at-1.04.04-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prison is one of the few places where your food isn't estrogenised and inflammatory
that must be why guys go from looking rail-thin to being 400 lbs. in prison... never stop using that brain pol

>> No.17732006

bruh is that DMX?

>> No.17732163
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>> No.17732171

>prison food is...le good?
the bait keeps getting dumber

>> No.17732172

>They look that way because they
>generally think negatively about others for no good reasons
Thinking negatively about others cannot affect your look though.

>> No.17732179
File: 566 KB, 1180x730, 1690426927386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know a couple people like this and they both have slavic ancestry
As a Russian, I can confirm, there are some people here who look like that. I don't look like that, I have no eyeglasses and my lips are thin.
Also, Servian president Vucic looks like chud too.

>> No.17732186

stop having shitty genes

>> No.17732613

sort of unrelated, but what haircut can I do to look good with thick, straight hair? Used to have it long, down to middle back, but it was too hot in the summer so I shaved it

Been doing the classic skin fade hitler youth hair since then, but everyone is doing it now.
Considered wolf cut but I think I'd need wavy hair to pull that off

>> No.17732664

What motivates people like these to take pictures of themselves?

>> No.17732670
File: 418 KB, 1500x227, Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't have that kind of ancestry.

>> No.17732672

Nuh huh, i look great even in selfies them dudes are just uggos simple as

>> No.17732673

Maybe indian or black?

>> No.17732686

yeah i dont know bro i think theyre asian? maybe theyre from thailand?? vietnam??

>> No.17732690

>Thinking negatively about others cannot affect your look though.
It can. It's all micro things. If you're constantly thinking negative or criticizing others, and just unable to relax it will show on your face even though you might think you have a neutral expression. You make negative expressions without realizing it, you have "resting bitch face" even though you think you feel perfectly happy or fine. Once people start talking to you and find out you have a shit attitude and you treat or think about others badly, that will make you even more unattractive.

>> No.17732699

being ugly with a shit attitude is why most incels will stay incels for the rest of their (short) lives.

>> No.17732701

Will science ever be able to explain why there's a very clear chud phenotype and a completely distinct soi phenotype?

It even transcends race to an extent, like asian rightoids develop that face too.

>> No.17732704

Funny enough I have a car selfie at this exact angle like the two in the middle have and have only gotten compliments on it. The difference is that I'm smiling. I think bad selfies come from people not realizing how much work goes into getting a good one. They see people post similar photos or poses and don't realize that the person went through 30 different angles, adjust the lighting 10 times, changed rooms or locations 3 times, did about 10 different facial expression or poses, and took 100 photos before they got a good one.

>> No.17732705

It probably does chemically affect you to be angry and bitter all the time. If nothing else the constant stress will age you.

>> No.17732706

What's bred in the bone always shows up in the skin bro

>> No.17732713

Lol chud’s dad

>> No.17732720

Also just as an anecdote I was a TA at a special needs school and the worst student by some margin was a dead ringer for bottom right >>17731451, maybe wiith even worse skin.

He was a complete sociopath who'd been blacklisted from 200 schools, had cut a girls hair off for rejecting him. He would literally try to groom staff and then try to stab us with various implements. Put one collegue in the hospital.

Extremely autistic to the point he wanted to and felt entitled to run the country through which he would ban alchohol. Convinced he was literally royalty because of some obscure family trivia and would start calling us peasants who didn't know our place when he didn't get what he wanted.

>> No.17732724

Oh and he was obsessed with loli porn and banned from accessing computers naturally.

So yeah OP just don't be that and don't buy thin square framed glasses and you should be good.

>> No.17732785
File: 137 KB, 447x701, kZPW8HX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17732800

What kind of options does this person face for the future? Like theyre going to shoot up a school at some point its obvious isnt it?

>> No.17732809

prison for sex offences

>> No.17732825

This was the UK so he'd struggle to find the means to do that but yeah he absolutely would have.


Almost certainly this. I was teaching him like 4 years ago so it probably already happened. He'd be an adult now.

>> No.17732843

Someone really genuinely nice will be seen as attractive over someone that reees out of control when they see bmwf couple

>> No.17732851

They have a documented mental illness so If he gets any type of treatment or medication he'll most likely be getting cared for by the state through welfare, especially if they are unable to hold down a job. If he can't get welfare and medical help he'll end up like all the others, homeless (probably on drugs too) or in prison.

>> No.17732854


>> No.17732987

spiteful mutant hypothesis

>> No.17732989
File: 93 KB, 600x800, anglo jailbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worries he'll just get a new identity

>> No.17732998

The lad they killed would be the same age as i am now(33) if he was still alive one of Britain's most shocking crimes that was. Sad thing these days children killing each other with knives is common now too, they seem even more feral now.

>> No.17733311

they are white
the lips are a side effect of mouth breathing

>> No.17733314

>mouth breathe
so all blacks also mouth breathe too?

>> No.17733315

no blacks have genetically big lips
are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.17734405

Meds have larger lips than other Euros

>> No.17734482

Top right and top left have potential. The main problem with all of them is how blank and empty and directionless they look. That's the mainspring of the look and then it gets compounded by microexpressions, lack of physicality and musculature, low facial muscle tone, underdeveloped face structure, bad clothes, bad angle, horrible selfies etc.

>> No.17734755
File: 81 KB, 1284x1370, 1685212237340872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly look identical to the chuds in this pic. I thought this round face would disappear if my bf got down and I got muscular, but I still look like a chud.

Even my mom says I look weirdly "ugly", how do I even fix my appearance? Botox? What surgery could I use?

>> No.17734778

Damn it's over when your own mom calls you ugly. To be serious, there's a possibility that there is something wrong with your jaw bones and surgery or orthodontics will help fix it.

>> No.17734782

If you were to post a picture covering up your eyes, maybe we could help.

>> No.17734784

have glasses that arent ugly rectangles
thats it. the guy without the glasses looks like a fruitcake not a chud.

>> No.17734803

stop thinking like a chud. it’s that simple

>> No.17734894
File: 1.48 MB, 886x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the fact that there ugly its the fact that they're
> Staring deadpan into the camera with no resemblance of emotion. Except for the bottom right guy who is looking angry.
>Wearing ill-fitting, unfashionable clothes
>Have bad/lesbo haircuts. They went into the barber and went "Uhhhhhhhhh I just want the sides a bit short with a decent bit left on the top"

Look at pic
Left looks a bit like an asshole but he's dressed decently in clothing that fits him, and has a decent-styled haircut. He still has the same facial flaws as right, weak jaw and chin maybe the edit fixed some minor flaws but the major flaws are still there. He's showing some emotion. His smile is pretty ugly but look how confident he is in showing his smile. It all comes down to confidence
>bu...but how do I build confidence if I'm ugly
By going outside and getting rejected until you're used to it. Very few people are SO UGLY as to need to be "blackpilled".

>> No.17734908

Stop trying so hard to keep your mouth closed and level like that. I understand we're all afraid of making soi-face, but this is not a viable alternative.

>> No.17735070

Avoid breath through mouth, literal mouth breathers. It looks like they're having trouble keeping their mouths closed.
Also, workout.

>> No.17735092
File: 48 KB, 574x576, IMG_0474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rock Hudson in his new role as CHUD.

>> No.17735170

anon you grew up chewing on plastic toys and drinking out of plastic water bottles and you probably dont look like this. stop attributing ugliness with the current schizo chemical of the year.

>> No.17735412

Are you just like, the kind of person who walks down the street and interjections half of what you're thinking with another half of a random strangers conversation?

>> No.17735584

Thick frames like that aren't chud.

>> No.17735775
File: 707 KB, 1000x563, armstrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace your destiny.

>> No.17735813

You think that looks good? It looks better, but it's not good. And this is with tanning, eyebrow trimming, carefully groomed hair, etc.

>> No.17736083

I live in the Bay Area and this phenotype of people just has to do ok in school and get a tech job and wear Patagonia and they can then access 8/10 Asian chicks.

>> No.17736128

if they'd let their hair grow out and ditched the wire frame glasses they'd look way better

>> No.17736562

get better looking glasses. shave, lose some bodyfat (doesnt have to be much) and get a better haircut
simple as that

>> No.17736569


>> No.17736783

Curious how billions of people can take one and not look like a chud..

>> No.17737466

bro looks like one of these cows we breed for their meat

>> No.17737607

>Even my mom says I look weirdly "ugly

>> No.17737636

>Almost certainly this. I was teaching him like 4 years ago so it probably already happened. He'd be an adult now.

Oh jesus i didnt expect a reply, thats fucking grim. The saddest part is that the dude isnt really at fault, he just got dealt the worst fucking card at birth.

>> No.17737638

Wait what the fuck is this?

>> No.17737665

Jon venables, killer of jamie bulger in the early nineties when he was around 10 years old, got sent down later again for having indecent images of kids.

>> No.17737985

where did you get this?? what else is known about him? bro I gotta know

>> No.17738020

He's widely known by most people over 30 in the UK, guy is still in jail i think.

>> No.17738088
File: 296 KB, 732x549, 1077814-13-Top-Eyeglasses-For-Men-732x549-Feature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first thing i notice is buy some better looking glasses frames, probably big round frames just to change it up if those are still popular, there's new collections coming out on shit fast fashion sites like Firmoo and Eyebuydirect all the time. Get something bold.

those frames scream "I want to shrink into the smallest place possible and take up as little attention as possible and this is a reflection of my entire outlook on life"

>> No.17738090
File: 45 KB, 570x538, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, it's always the eyes. He's got innocent doe eyes. Literal prey

>> No.17738265

damn, I must be a sexy motherfucker, because I can just take a picture and look good

>> No.17738278

I wonder which glasses frames are good for people with long face.

>> No.17738299

Round glasses also aren't made for this type of faces.

>> No.17738395
File: 454 KB, 1536x2048, roastme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roast me. The glasses are new, I don't like them though. I feel like the Mint mobile logo. I am fat, but I was fatter. 6 foot 2, goal is 190 pounds. Im 235 now. I was 256 a few months ago. My hair is grown out straight from a buzz, I have done nothing to it. I'm open to ideas.

I look more like a fat loser than a chud. I had a terrible underbite growing up, but that was mostly corrected.

>> No.17738403

you also have to keep it mind that the photo is taken on an ultrawide phone lens, which makes the person looks much thinner than irl
this is why his skull looks so fucked

>> No.17738408

you need to keep lifting and climbing friend, not looking for people to roast you

>> No.17739077

You're just a normal guy who looks out of shape. Keep exercising and being mindful of your body and breathing so you can have a healthier posture and views about yourself

>> No.17739093
File: 173 KB, 1042x1134, FfjZailXwAE4bFe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just get better glasses
>just get better haircut
okay fags can you give me some actual examples instead of vaguely saying "just get a better version of x" as if I wouldn't get one if I already knew what looked better or worse on me?
>just try stuff and keep what looks good you
I have basically no selfesteem so to me nothing looks good on me, so give me some actual examples to improve if I look exactly like the chuds in OP

>> No.17739115

It seems pretty fucking easy not to go for awful rectangular wire frame glasses that I don't think have ever been in fashion. You'd have to actively seek incel specs out, which I think chuds do because they're scared that glasses which express any kind of personality would compromise their nonexistant masculinity or offend their childish notions of function over form. They're also just generally afraid of drawing attention to themselves.

>> No.17739130

>which I think chuds do because they're scared that glasses which express any kind of personality would compromise their nonexistant masculinity or offend their childish notions of function over form. They're also just generally afraid of drawing attention to themselves.
You just described me

>> No.17739199

if you are slavic how you look will depend on your ancestry lineage, slavs are very racemixed and they can look either very asian or very nordic or something in-between

>> No.17739204

Americans clearly.
The niggerlip is unavoidable over there

>> No.17739210
File: 25 KB, 564x317, 38e5e9aa1b6bc7cd3fb66911de91f601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no examples
faggot just saying "what you are wearing doesn't work now" is completly useless when you refuse to even give a single fucking better option.
>just anything
same as saying nothing. Tell me one actual shape model or whatever type of glasses that you would think would improve the men in OP or fuck off

>> No.17739217

Grow a beard
Stop being a queer

>> No.17739227

I can't grow a beard and I'm 28

>> No.17739246

contact lenses or laser surgery

>> No.17739269
File: 30 KB, 442x712, FeFXAUDXwAA27T9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuude just wear different glasses
>like what?
>contact lenses or surgery
genuinely kill yourself

>> No.17739271

Try not being a loser who watches anime for a start. Also I can't help someone who is rightoid enough inside to own the incel frames in the first place, since I just outlined the mindset that would lead to someone owning them. You'd have to fix that first.

Then google one of the hundreds of guides for glasses and face shape on the internet. They all basically say the same thing about balancing out your face.

But since you won't I'll say 60s style browline/ wayfairer/ horn rimmed glasses look good on pretty much everyone but especially ugly guys because they're relatively square to offset soft round features. They also demostrate you give a shit about your appearence and aren't deadly afraid of showing weakness, which looks weak lol.

>> No.17739274


Or you could just do this >>17739246

Which again makes you faggots mad for some reason thus outing your inner loser and compelling you to look like goblins.

>> No.17739293

Is this achievable?

>> No.17739379
File: 246 KB, 750x1334, 97A91904-B08E-4ADB-95B4-190A2E2228E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys can you roast me too i think im ugly

>> No.17739397
File: 968 KB, 718x758, holy zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just need better glasses and haircut and they'll look like chads, just like picrel

>> No.17739401
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x1333, best-glasses-for-mens-face-shapes-1878535110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wear glasses is getting these kind of big round frames a good way to avoid the Chud look?

>> No.17739433

not ugly
you look like a rapier fighter or one of the three musketeers

in another life you might of stabbed your nemesis with a rapier and had wenches and riches

get your confidence up, go lift, lean into what you are and be happy

>> No.17739445
File: 45 KB, 696x350, Harmon-who-is-he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many Zoomers wear glasses instead of contacts? When I was in school wearing glasses was the #1 way to randomly get sucker punched or get your ass kicked by the black students. I needed glasses in the 7th grade and I never ended up getting a back up pair of glasses until I was 20. I never understood why you would wear glasses over contacts?

>> No.17739460
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>> No.17739495
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>> No.17739510

there's a way you can look good, and it isn't exactly rocket science
>style/cut your hair so you don't look like a balding schoolboy, accept that your forehead is larger than most
>different frames. avoid rectangular shit at all costs
>wear clothes that aren't a size and a half too large, it only makes you look fatter
and finally, the one you know you were gonna hear but likely don't want to hear,
>lose weight
seriously. shed some pounds bro

>> No.17739515

The last one actually has nice lips despite pointing that out to make fun of him. On a person witch a nicer jaw and cheeks those lips would look amazing.

>> No.17739516
File: 814 KB, 320x240, veins-extreme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is. Read this quote with this music: https://youtu.be/Ok5RBdxCs5U?si=tp_PUGNxxLdoSax9
and 20 sprays of Cool Water:

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.

- Socrates

>> No.17739519

stop being a skinny nerd with bad politics

>> No.17739523
File: 40 KB, 640x383, 169053653605978529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over

>> No.17739540

Stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling every single fucking day
And every other emotion. Do it. Hundreds of goddamn times. Being shocked laughing, angry and so on, everything. Do it until the cool faces become muscle memory

I started doing this in college, I practices faces for literally hundreds of hours, no music, no distraction. And it worked

>> No.17739541
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong you black pill faggot. Literally eat eggs, protein shakes, tuna, chicken with cold shower daily and top some feminine males when they're in doggy position, while they nutsack is hanging.
Your face will change.

>> No.17739599

What steroids did this poor indian guy take?

>> No.17739606

>Change glasses
>Get a good haircut
>Lose body fat \ grow up
>Stop frowning like a retard
There we go

>> No.17739607
File: 437 KB, 200x210, 16901729845292314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>practicing my predator eyes at work
>Anon are you okay? You seem tired
>Is there something in your eye?
>Anon are you high?

>> No.17739644 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 1113x1179, oie_UKaZ8pUHdH9W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our gear are a fembois sweetish, estrogen filled butt scent, made for impregnation

>> No.17739682
File: 284 KB, 1113x1179, oie_UKaZ8pUHdH9W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our gear are fembois sweetish, estrogen filled butt scent, screams for impregnation

>> No.17739709

Keep your hair above your ears, but keep the top longer. Glasses look fine, but your shirt looks like a generic graphic tee. Even if you're just hiking, care about how you look. Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent; always be practicing good fashion if you want to eventually be sorta good at fasion

>> No.17739746

>you look like a rapier fighter or one of the three musketeers
Very fucking on point since im french kek.
Also i know im attractive, i was just singing on the other dude’s quest for sympathy

>> No.17739752

Idk ive got severe overbite but a good jawline tho.

>> No.17739842

>cold showers

>> No.17739845

You can't change bone structure, but you can absolutely build up the muscle tone around your jaws and shape your face that way

>> No.17739880

So it works?

>> No.17739985

Probably a greater percentage of people wear contacts now than ever. The difference is like 20 years ago maybe 10% of kids ended up needing glasses and now it's at least half.

>> No.17740100

Grow your hair out, lift, stop wearing t-shirts, and smile more.

>> No.17740142

I know people think its a meme but mewing would fix so many of the chud/chigyu peoples' faces. Or just generally learning how to breath properly. People think their face structure is hardset by genetics, but its directly tied to how your palate and jaw interact as is your quality of breathing.

>> No.17740197

The chud look is characterised by a long face shape (high y >x ratio) with glasses of the opposite ratio (x>y). This guy's glasses are round/square (x=y) so the ratio of his glasses more matches his face shape ratio hence he is not chud like.

>> No.17740207

shave your scraggly facepubes and grow your hair longer and you’ll be golden

>> No.17740283

I was in highschool 15 years ago and it absolutely blew my fucking mind how many of my classmates had contacts. Pretty much every popular girl, and half the boys in my class had contacts. And back then smartphones were only starting out and looking at computer screens was a nerd thing

I bet 90% of the modern generation has fucked up eyes, and society doesnt even care

>> No.17740305

i think steroids is the only way to fix it honestly

>> No.17740398

Isn’t mewing bad for you?
I just chew gum honestly

>> No.17740406

If it doesn't do anything how can it be bad for you?

>> No.17740416

Different guy. I heard mewing fucks up your teeth

>> No.17740419

Well, because I'm not in the UK.
If you live in the UK, posting his pictures or his info is punishable offense cause it's "exposing him to harm
Basically, 2 kids brutally killed another kid, once he got out of jail he's been back two or three times for possession of cp and the UK gov keeps having to give him new identities to keep him from (rightfully) getting lynched

>> No.17740420

you lot always have either no chin or two of them, its over