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17723063 No.17723063 [Reply] [Original]

Discontinued: >>17720344

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>> No.17723066
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The fragrance flowchart for beginners

>> No.17723070
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The fragrance groups 101 chart

>> No.17723075
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Green /frag/rances chart

>> No.17723078
File: 1.90 MB, 2150x1536, Oakmoss_frag_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oakmoss /frag/ guide.
Threadly reminder to don't engage with any low quality posts, shitposts or clear baits. Or just ask them to post their collections with a timestamp.

>> No.17723080
File: 2.81 MB, 332x498, donald-trump-thumbs-up (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gasoline note
>award winning
Uh oh, OP, great find. I fucking love fragrances with gasoline note. Need to test it.

>> No.17723084

the garbage is multiplying asexually.

>> No.17723089

>talk shit
>post your collection with a timestamp
I don’t make up the rules here

>> No.17723091

what fragrance should I wear to meet my gf's parents for the first time? they invited me for lunch tomorrow. 24 degrees celsius. I guess the accessible memes from my collection are:
>Terre d'Hermes
>Bois Imperial
>Dior Homme Parfum

>> No.17723092

>he linked the new thread only after he spammed his gay shit

Get cancer.

>> No.17723095

Dior Homme. H24 and TdH are going to get cloying in that weather. Bois Imperal is too powerful. Unless you want to make a lasting (not necessarily good) impression kek

>> No.17723097

you did indeed make up that nonsensical practice of barring horns in some sort of online dick measuring contest, and unfortunately i refuse to participate.

>> No.17723098
File: 207 KB, 570x687, Screenshot_2023-07-21_17-15-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best frags for /big dogs/?

>> No.17723099


>> No.17723101

Bois Imperial

>> No.17723102

I was the one who made that rule actually, not him.

>> No.17723103

worry not, there’s room for more than one retard in this mental asylum.

>> No.17723104

How about you contribute to this thread anyhow instead of shitposting? Perhaps just post a timestamped photo with the last 3 bottles you wore this week? Just so we can have a look who are we talking with here

>> No.17723105

Tdh is the safe choice, dhp if you want to seduce them

>> No.17723107

25 sprays of kouros, drink all the wine and eat way more than your fair share of the food. Let them know their little girl is in the safe hands of someone who enjoys the finer things.

>> No.17723108

no one else here is gay enough to compare cock sizes with you, bro.

>> No.17723109

I think anon that people here are already just tired of 100s of shitposts from the same 3 retarded individuals who even don't own any fragrances

>> No.17723110

i think that the only people who are “tired” of it are the same 3 retards who get mocked endlessly for their ridiculous online behavior.

>> No.17723117

reposting from last thread: looking for brands that primarily only sell in the USA, from big to small (to not use the word artisan)
you sound like you hate the small hobbyist perfumer
thanks, i'll take a look at that
better quality? maybe, but antaeus is an empty shell by now. more interesting? not in the last decades

>> No.17723118

>another attentionwhoring post but still no photo
into the trash it goes

>> No.17723120

You really think I'm gonna get up and write literal timestamps for each fragrance I wore this week? At least lead by example god damn. Best you could get is me taking a zoomed photo from my chair. I just had a big meal after work and I am not moving my ass. Bro said 3 timestamped bottles. Shaking my damn head. How about you stop trolling and make normal threads?

>> No.17723122

>you sound like you hate the small hobbyist perfumer
there are lots of talented ones, but more often than not they are terrible, and are all the same touted as “better” than a fragrance made by a genius perfumer like jacques guerlain or edmond roudnitska simply because they’re simply more obscure (and likely more expensive).
>better quality? maybe, but antaeus is an empty shell by now.
modern antaeus is still decent, and again, if antaeus is all that comes to mind when thinking of chanel, the problem is you, not them.
>more interesting? not in the last decades
again, i ask: modern perfumery? who cares? it’s not like they’re ever going to discontinue the classics.
>more offtopic whining and bitching
into the trash it goes.

>> No.17723127

It's also absolutely insane that you're telling ME of all people to contribute to the thread, when in the past few months I've posted by far the most OC out of anyone. I've given you images and webms and everything in between on different fragrances and samples you've never seen in your life. Like my bad I haven't bought anything new recently, because my local store doesn't stock the one I want, and I haven't spoonfed you OC and carried your dogshit spam thread. I'm not gonna buy perfumes each week. Bitchass. Where are your contributions? Have you posted a single photo of a perfume you own that you took? Faggot.

>> No.17723130

i’m afraid no one cares about paying any respects to an anonymous shitposter. if you want a reputation, go to a forum.

>> No.17723131


>> No.17723132


>> No.17723133

Ok let’s go. My 3 most worn bottles this week. Mostly my summer work perfumes. The little decant and my SOTD is Quarantana Ierofante as it is Friday evening and I’m going out soon. It’s like a niche version of Fahrenheit (and reminiscent of the discontinued Bulgari Black) with its gasoline-leather afford. Very wearable despite edgy marketing

>> No.17723137
File: 1.56 MB, 3631x2874, 9B9ACCFC-FA0F-4E10-A1E2-C03BC15BC6D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.17723143

>all that whining
>still no photo
it seems that perhaps r/fragrance would be more up to your speed pal

>> No.17723144

Test it if you can. It's really wearable, too. Also you might like HdP Petroleum and Parfumerie Particulerie Typewriter

>> No.17723152

based but there's no patch in there

>> No.17723156

No, who asked? Retard.

Nice filename.

>> No.17723157

you whined, i obliged. cry more.

>> No.17723158
File: 332 KB, 1440x1440, lunchable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Bergamask smell on other people? I do get whiffs of it, but it's a now you smell me, now you don't type perfume for me.
Thinking of wearing it to the office next week.

>> No.17723159


>> No.17723163

is your mental illness? probably some form of narcissism. go get it checked out before it becomes an issue, though we may be way past that point.

>> No.17723168

Remember that you can report offtopic/spam posts here
Based poooster. Funny how quiet the shitposters suddenly became

>> No.17723176


>> No.17723178

you’ve had too much to drink, you’re slurring. call it a night buddy.

>> No.17723182

Fragrance for this feel?

>> No.17723183

getting shitfaced? sounds like sauvage bro behavior.

>> No.17723184
File: 2.55 MB, 2776x2082, not getting up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I wear today? Yes, including the bottles and samples you can't see.

>> No.17723186

No, a fragrance for the feel of calling it a night. I don't drink.

>> No.17723187


>> No.17723191
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It's musky. Similar to Aventus Drydown?

>> No.17723192
File: 7 KB, 512x512, nishkichud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had this discussion several threads ago i'm not going to answer this

>> No.17723193

calling it a night in a resigned, melancholy way or in an unwilling, (probably drunkenly) defiant way?

>> No.17723199
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You not exactly described how it smells. Only that it's not similar to Aventus.

>> No.17723206

Both at the same time but also separately.

>> No.17723212

i don’t think perfume is a sophisticated enough art form to convey such contradictory states of emotion at once.

>> No.17723238

Maybe you are just not knowledgeable enough on the topic.

>> No.17723249

or maybe perfumers are like blind men groping in the dark for aromachemicals that work and won’t get banned by the EU/IFRA through tedious blind trial and error and have no real systematic understanding of the materials they work with.

>> No.17723275
File: 403 KB, 1284x1226, 31BF4D6F-9FCD-44F1-9B42-358751B89B8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SOTD Dior Homme Sport 2021
I would like to formally celebrate Dior for not being a scumbag designer house and actually taking risks and changing their DNA over time whilst staying very high quality. I’ve been using picrel for the last 2 weeks off and on - it’s completely different than the 2017 release. It’s very modern, deep, complex, has 3 definitive stages to the frag yet still manages to stay fresh through out the entire duration. The best way I can describe it is, imagine TdH and ADG Profumo had a love child, but it’s made for a 25 year old man. 100% worth buying at retail, cannot recommend it enough. Haven’t been this pleasantly suprised about a designer frag in years.

>> No.17723279

dior has not had a serious coherent DNA since roudnitska retired, get over yourself.

>> No.17723281

>hasn’t tried it
>has definitive opinion regardless
like pottery, as I said I was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.17723283

i haven’t made any claims on the fragrance itself, not that i need to since your rambling tirade betrayed little understanding of perfume history.

>> No.17723288

>i haven’t made any claims on the fragrance itself, not that i need to since your rambling tirade betrayed little understanding of perfume history.
there’s no way you told me to get over myself for enjoying a frag and then wrote this write after with a straight face KEK. dude (you) need to get over yourself, it’s a quality fragrance and 90% of the posters here would enjoy it. Not that deep, nobody is competing with you.

>> No.17723293

you missed the part where i clearly do not give a shit about the actual fragrance in question. also,
sick hypothetical bro. using this thread as a benchmark isn’t exactly a persuasive argument for fragrance quality either.

>> No.17723297

yeah I missed the part where you don’t give a shit because you clearly do give a shit. Why would you spend the time to give me a (you) and then continually reply if you don’t care? Now you just sound foolish, again no one is competing with you. If you haven sampled or worn the frag and you have a very strong opinion, no one will take you seriously - that’s common sense that even children understand.

>> No.17723300
File: 86 KB, 537x879, 283087C0-44A8-41A3-AD65-7232D70C3C2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the best source for fragrances on this entire god forsaken image board. No one gets better prices than I do, and no I will not share the sauce.

>> No.17723309

why would i give a shit about the fragrance when i haven’t said a single word about it? all i said was that your opening tirade was based on a faulty premise because dior has had a decades long gap of hiring givaudan perfumers to do their dirty work until they installed francois demachy (who is, if nothing else, totally unindividualistic) as house perfumer. there’s no “dior DNA” when everything from fahrenheit to jules to j’adore to the majority of the 800000 miss dior reformulations was cobbled together by completely different people.

>> No.17723311
File: 50 KB, 1662x897, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which one of you assholes broke perfumo? I was about to check the souk for this one secret fragrance I've been trying to get and stumbled upon this.

>> No.17723316

Enjoy your fakes bro

>> No.17723318


>> No.17723321

He buys a fake and a genuine and returns the fake to the genuine store to get it for nearly free basically.

>> No.17723324

look man, I don’t have an autistic level of knowledge on dior. However, I do know that they changed their DNA from 2008, 2012, 2017, and now 2021 for DHS. I admire that they’re willing to take risks when other houses don’t, it is refreshing to see a designer house that isn’t scared of change. That was my only point, I was disappointed with 2017 DHS and now the 2021 is leaps and bounds beyond that release and other frags that are similar. Anything else you’re assuming is just that, an assumption. Again, it’s not that deep and it seems to me that you’re using my post as a means to “flex” your knowledge which is cringe and unproductive. 99% of the posters here don’t care, nor want to know about the details you just listed - they want to buy a fragrance that is good, enjoyable to wear and somewhat unique. I guess congrats on having all of this knowledge, but it has zero relation to my original post. I suggest sampling the frag, it is top 3 designer freshies imho up there with BDC easily and no one even really wears it. That was the goal of my post, nothing more nothing less. Have a good day.

>> No.17723329

nice dox. parfumo is fucked since this morning, maybe ddos. deservedly for having power tripping femoid jannies

>> No.17723330

I’ve used this source over 10x and everything I buy is 100% legit. In fact I just bought an MB explorer tester 3.4 for 36$.

>> No.17723331
File: 134 KB, 548x873, 112581CE-7800-4913-B7FC-A4F9C65CAE6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s that? You’re paying retail for niche house frags?

>> No.17723335

so, uh, they're stealing testers from the mall?

>> No.17723345

>However, I do know that they changed their DNA from 2008, 2012, 2017, and now 2021 for DHS
that’s not a DNA, that’s francois demachy being a spineless dimwit and getting bent over time and time again by LVMH. a DNA is jacques guerlain taking everything francois coty did right and filling it with guerlinade and a dozen other notes to plush things out. a DNA is edmond roudnitska’s melon and overripe fruits accord that he developed over his entire career starting from rochas femme and diorama. what you’re talking about is just a corporate automaton doing bernard arnault’s bidding.
>Again, it’s not that deep and it seems to me that you’re using my post as a means to “flex” your knowledge which is cringe and unproductive
this isn’t a flex, it’s pointing out that the idea that a bunch of disparate, unrelated perfumers can somehow have some sort of collective house DNA is ridiculous. it’s not that far off from how upper middle class women are convinced that the likes of le labo or dipdick are somehow artisanal when all their shit is made by the same handful of perfumers from the same handful of billion dollar fragrance corporations. above all, it betrays a lack of understanding of who actually composes fragrances that companies sell under a brand name and what goes on behind the curtain, which is rife not just in this thread but in the entire fragrance consumer market.
>I suggest sampling the frag, it is top 3 designer freshies imho up there with BDC easily
i literally could not care less about it.

>> No.17723349

do you guys really buy at retail? Kek. No, they buy testers from other countries with saturated fragrance markets like Saudi Arabia, UAE, france etc and then resell them in the American market. It’s actually extremely common, the only downside is you get what you get - they won’t always have what you’re exactly looking for but often have great frags.

>> No.17723350

I got a new fragrance and I can still smell it on me like 24 hours later. I'm super afraid this shit is too strong even with one spray. I get so self conscious every time someone near me coughs. WDYD?

>> No.17723352

stop being so self-conscious and oversocialized.

>> No.17723353

I wouldn’t want to own any PdM even if someone paid me $120 for that. How about you get some taste before getting sources to stolen testers?

>> No.17723354

I didn’t read anything past “that’s not a DNA”. You have tried it, clearly you haven’t bought anything from Dior because they’ve drastically changed 4 times now.

>> No.17723356

>great frags
>shitty Poli flanker and PdM
Ok bro whatever floats your boat

>> No.17723357

my condolences for your crippling illiteracy. everything i own from dior is vintage. i could not give less of a shit about whatever LVMH thinks the modern fragrance consumer wants.

>> No.17723358

It’s simply an example, also PDM has some good frags and imo is probably the best house to get new frag enjoyers into the niche market. Godolphin is great, Pegasus is great, Perceval is boring, but mass appealing and very well made etc.

>> No.17723361

It’s not illiteracy, I just didn’t read your gay blogpost, retard. Nobody gives a fuck about the lore of some perfumer, it’s a good frag that’s it. You’re probably one of those fags who buys stuff like Coty and Yatagan because you’re poor.

>> No.17723363

PDM is a glorified Arab clone house faking heritage. Your brags really don’t phase anyone here as these are simply shorty fragrances I wouldn’t spend a dime on anyways

>> No.17723366
File: 123 KB, 546x887, 443826F7-5C62-4663-BC61-E44AEE93F6A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize this source has every house right? I simply used two examples off of the first page.

>> No.17723368

imagine not just bragging on an anonymous imageboard, but being a fucking retard while you’re at it.
plenty of people give a fuck, you’re just a clueless idiot who lined bernard arnault’s very full pockets with a couple more dollars. also i fail to see the connection between coty (multibillion dollar fragrance manufacturer, no longer sells fragrances under their own name) and yatagan (classic aromatic fougere from caron).

>> No.17723373

yes, I actually don't care if I spend 6, 60, or 120

>> No.17723374

you sound like a fag

>> No.17723375

Anon, Dior Home Parfum mogs BI so brutally Bisch himself couldn't add more trademarked Givaudan ingredients to even remotely recover.

>> No.17723376

So, you’re retarded? You’d willingly buy something for 2-3x the price because you “don’t care”? Kek sick brain man

>> No.17723379

you sound like a braindead moron buying shit based on name and nothing else.

>> No.17723381

>plenty of people give a fuck
>not a single (you) besides the anon you’re sperging out on responding

>> No.17723383

you don’t even know what I buy? The only thing I’ve bought and used that you know of is DHS 2021, and I didn’t buy it because of the name. please, enlighten me on what I should be buying? I’d love to hear your expert opinion

>> No.17723386

i’m not sure what kind of currency your cooked dopamine receptors run on, but i really don’t give a fuck about farming (You)s. if i were that attention starved i’d go to actual social media, not a fucking anonymous shitposting board.
i had that one aimed at the moron shilling for PdM, but you know what, it’s not horribly inaccurate on you either.

>> No.17723391

> Coty and Yatagan because you’re poor
Nothing wrong with Yatagan but it also always amuses me how noobs who just simply don’t have money for this hobby pretend to be over some 80s fragrances and create entire cope lore around their choices. The truth is that most of these fragrances were just Sauvages of their time and that’s it. I can imagine some boomers really enjoying them for sentimental reasons or people who have been into this hobby for a long time and fully understand the historical role of these fragrances and how they shaped the market liking them, but 20-something poor students writing blogposts copypasting terms they don’t understand to justify their choices are really amusing. Fun fact: my father used to wear Eau Sauvage when he was younger but it wasn’t because of some lofty reasons or for the artistry. He was simply an attractive Chad and bought it because it was a fragrance that seemed cool to him and wanted to impress girls with it. He didn’t wear some 1900s vintages and he would probably just wear Bleu de Chanel if he is was 20 again these days. Also perfume is such a feminine hobby enjoyed online by mostly maladjusted weirdos that I have a really hard time believing in any reasons other than LARPing when I read anonymous people on 4chan arguing how their old school fragrances are perfect choices for masculine men like them.

>> No.17723394

So you’re not going to share what I should be buying? I accept your concession.

>> No.17723395

This. Everytime I post a newer release, I have an anon like the sperg above who freaks out on me. 99% of the time, they’re buying 80’s “powerhouses” that are 15$ off eBay and passing it off as their “taste”.

>> No.17723396

Not him but I’m happy to pay $100 extra to get a great customer service, be sure that I’m not buying a fake (or an opened perfume like you screenshoted) and get a bunch of samples. It might be hard to believe but for some people your niche bottle you’re saving up for months is just as much as a night out.

>> No.17723401

fair point, I guess I just like getting 2-3 frags for the price of one.

>> No.17723403

i went on a spiel a long time ago about how drakkar noir was the sauvage of its time (bleu de chanel would be the azzaro pour homme of this analogy), and i still stand by it. the difference is that, as the old guy robert maxim goes, drakkar noir smells good, and that’s all that matters. sauvage does not. and as the passage of time erodes culture and perfumes become individual objects without the context of who wears them and why, only then can a given perfume be evaluated on its own merits. this is why plenty of men unashamedly wear mitsouko and a myriad of other classic guerlains today, when they were the perfume of choice for prostitutes and mistresses a hundred years ago. their ladylike and regal counterpart, caron, on the other hand, is totally forgotten aside from a handful of masculines, 2 of which have nothing to do with daltroff. funny how history works, right?
you seem pretty content with LVMH focus grouped freshies, so i don’t see the need for it. go forth and multiply, i say.

>> No.17723404

Based dad. This is a red pill this thread is not ready for

>> No.17723408

I’ll rephrase my question then, what do you buy and wear expert anon?

>> No.17723411

i’ve already mentioned some of the fragrances i buy and wear. what more are you looking for?

>> No.17723414

I think it is beautiful that true perfume enthusiasm can unite freakish social midgets in appreciation for things normal people don't want to smell.

>> No.17723416

where? Give the post a you and then give me a you. I don’t see any posts of you expressing what you actually buy and wear. Just spergposts, that’s about it.

>> No.17723419

> drakkar noir smells good, and that’s all that matters. sauvage does not
You’re completely wrong about it and think this way only because of all of the current associations you have with Sauvage. As a matte or fact Drakkar was perceived as a way more obnoxious (and prevalent) fragrances than Sauvage ever has been. It was a meme name for an obnoxious perfume portrayed this way in movies, TV series etc. You’re just rediscovering it and having perhaps the same rush that early adopters of Drakkar had. That’s it.

>> No.17723420

see >>17723357
if you want anything more than that, then gee, i dunno, you’ll just have to ask nicely i guess.

>> No.17723427

>everything I own from Dior is vintage
Is it really that difficult to just say what you bought and wear without being extremely vague? So you buy, and consistently wear “vintage Dior”. Okay man kek.

>> No.17723428

Post a photo of your collection. You seem very opinionated and look down at many other posters but proof is in the pudding.

>> No.17723430

great suggestion anon, I concur.

>> No.17723431
File: 2.02 MB, 350x346, man-gifsboom-net.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HdP Petroleum and Parfumerie Particulerie Typewriter
Really nice, liked both. Typewriter was too smoky in the drydown. But the cool metal vibe was nice.
>Dior Homme Sport 2021
>incense, woody, little citruses
Kino Dior Homme Sport Flanker.

>> No.17723432

> Post a photo of your collection
While we’re at it, timestamp it. I’ve seen too many spergs repsoting photos from Reddit and elsewhere here. Let’s see what you actually own to back-up all of your hot takes

>> No.17723434

>You’re completely wrong about it and think this way only because of all of the current associations you have with Sauvage
or perhaps, just maybe, i don’t mind the smell of aromatic fougeres (especially not ones using dihydromyrcenol 40 years after it’s been abused to death post-cool water) and i mind the smell of ambroxan, doubly so when it’s used in a banal, deafening, neo-aquatic manner. as for the drakkar noir associations, it’s precisely those kinds of cultural connotations i was talking about when i talked about the passage of time eroding cultural context. no one here knows that drakkar noir was largely avoided by men in france in its heyday because it apparently became a perfume of choice for french lesbians, and really, why would they? but all the same it’s part of the fragrance’s original culture that no longer exists. now it stands on its own, and it stands up respectfully well as a pillar of its subgenre and an important stepping stone on the road from aromatic fougere to aquatic.
i’ve mentioned a very specific house perfumer from dior multiple times. i think if you bothered to DYOR (not to be confused with dior) and not ask to be spoonfed successively, you’d have much better results than simply being condescending.
can’t say i’m convinced, sorry.

>> No.17723439

>more blahblahblah and opinions copied from the raiders of the lost scent blog
>still no photos of his collection
just as expected, I can smell from a mile Dunning-Kruger idiots. Perhaps smelling more frags and actually owning some bottles would help you with having some original thoughts

>> No.17723440

Posting your collection with a timestamp is 20x easier than writing out multiple blogposts repeatedly. You just lost all credibility with everyone here, not that it matters but to you it seems like it does. I’m going to go ahead and assume you don’t own or wear anything you’re describing, many such cases.

>> No.17723441

the only time i've ever read raiders of the lost scent is to date some of my vintage diors and that's kinda it. you seem to know a lot more about it than me though.
or maybe i'm interested in talking about perfume and not so interested in internet dickwaving.

>> No.17723442

The funniest thing is that apparently he really had thought that he’s some kind of a big fish here but I can pin down all of his opinions to some blogposts that I’ve read at some point too kek

>> No.17723444

you seem to know a lot more about bloggers than i do. care to share them with the class?

>> No.17723446

>not so interested in internet dickwaving
My man, you’re the only one here who’s been “dickwaving” this entire time. Not only are you lying, but you can’t even keep it together without contradicting yourself over and over again. nobody believes you, give it up kek.

>> No.17723447

yeah, he’s making me audibly laugh at this point. It’s abundantly clear that he loves frags that he can’t afford/access and wants to pass his knowledge off as somehow being a “fragrance guru”. Not sure why /frag/ attracts guys like this, but I guess that’s 4chan for ya

>> No.17723448

> i'm interested in talking about perfume
That’s fine but have you considered a possibility of having an original thought or perhaps just not being a dick when you’re just simply parroting someone else’s opinions?

>> No.17723450

dickwaving what, that i know about perfume history? anyone can do that with a little bit of time and effort, it's not a flex by any stretch of the imagination. you yourself said it, you can just read a couple blogs and get the basic jist of the idea. doesn't sound like an exercise worthy of dickwaving about to me.

>> No.17723451

your fanfiction about me is nothing short of adorable. i'm glad i've served as such an inspirational muse for you.
have you considered a possibility that multiple individuals can arrive at similar conclusions independently and that not everything you read that's vaguely similar to your e-daddies counts as parroting? or to rephrase, if you think talking about how some shitty dior homme flanker is "top 3 freshies of all time with bleu de chanel" counts as an original thought, boy do i have bad news for you.

>> No.17723454

I didn’t say that, you’re talking to 2 anons right now. However I do agree with him, and his point stands. He is saying that you’re repeating talking points without actually having bought or tried anything you’re describing - all the while putting down other anons and their preferences. Unless you’ve bought and worn it. Idk what to tell you besides that you sound like a liar to everyone here, and you and posters like you are the core reason why this thread never gains traction.

>> No.17723458

i've smelled everything discussed in this conversation aside from the dior homme flanker that started it; whether it's through buying my own bottles or having smelled it at a local boutique. i don't bother with testers or decants because i can smell almost everything i want; if i like it i buy full bottles. no, i'm not inclined to post them, partly because i'm not interested in this faggy online flex culture of "post your bottles or they dont exist BRO" and partly also because i enjoy spiting people who participate in it. as for this thread gaining traction, i wouldn't cry if a couple of the morons on it moved to fragrantica or /r/fragrance, not the least of which include the kenzo/bois imperial coomer and the kingcobrajfs but gay.

>> No.17723460

>your fanfiction about me is nothing short of adorable. i'm glad i've served as such an inspirational muse for you.
You sound like a Reddit poster who uses extravagant vocabulary as a way to come off as “smart”. Let me guess, your mother told you that you were smart and you ran with it? Just give it up dude, you already slid the thread, you’re very unlikeable, nobody believes you and you’re arguing over things you’ve never tried a day in you’re life because you want to be revered as an “expert” on an anonymous image board. Most people here are simply average dudes who enjoy frags or want to learn more, you are the antithesis to that and nobody enjoys it but you. I say this in good faith, just try some stuff and start posting what you actually wear or something.

>> No.17723462

He’s not me, this may come of as a surprise but there multiple posters fed up with your demeanor of praising fragrances that you haven’t even experienced yourself and parroting opinions while talking shit at the same time. Listen, you seem like a lad who spent some time reading about fragrances which is great but at the same time you shouldn’t be surprised that people want to see what are you actually wearing. There’s nothing wrong with not having money for hunting $1000 vintages as there are many excellent cheapies but I would expect at least something interesting to see (rare or not) in a collection of such an opinionated person to back up the image you’re trying so hard to establish here.

>> No.17723464

So why can’t you just post your collection if you’ve literally smelled everything that’s ever been posted here? People collect frags solely for the purpose of sharing it and describing their fav frags for various reasons. Again, no one believes you at all - you can write as many paragraphs as you want but until you support your bold takes with a simple timestamped picture it doesn’t matter.

>> No.17723466

> i'm not inclined to post them, partly because i'm not interested in this faggy online flex culture
Yeah I’m so sure about that bro

>> No.17723467

if you consider "adorable" and "inspirational" to be extravagant vocabulary then you might have bigger problems at hand than just smelling bad. also the idea of "sliding" a thread is really funny, like this isn't a general that gets refreshed before the bump limit without fail every single time.
why does more than one poster feel compelled to reply to this post with "not him but" type shit? bringing that up unprompted makes me strongly believe that i may be talking to the same autistic retard who has an obsession with me.
better question is, why should i? i'm not beholden to anything or anyone, and i'm not here to flex my collection. i'm here to talk about fragrance. if i were so desperate to accumulate online cred, i'd be posting on instagram, not fucking 4chan.
good, you have every reason to be. now cry about it.

>> No.17723476

>better question is, why should i?
Because you’re claiming to be an expert of frags, of uses vintage stuff that is extremely expensive and rare. All the while being an asshole to anons who are posting what they enjoy in good faith, implying they should listen to you and take your advice. How many times do we have to repeat this before you stop making excuses? All you’re doing is providing excuse after excuse, no substance whatsoever. It’s pathetic. I’d respect someone more if they posted their 15$ bottle of CK one they bought on eBay and dropped a review than what you’re doing right now. If your goal is to be unlikeable, have no one believe you and ostracize yourself from an already obscure image board then congrats.

>> No.17723481

>spends 2h writing angry posts
>claims he cannot be bothered to take a timestamped photo of his collection
Yeah pal. Also everyone who disagrees with the you is totally the same person. You’re reaching the /frag/ schizo’s level of absurdity but you’re too new here to know who that was. In any case, I’ve seen people like you here before many times (despite not coming here so often over last 2 years) and it’s all really funny to watch how the biggest shitposters and trolls will do everyone just not to post their collection. Enjoy the rest of your day

>> No.17723482

>if i were so desperate to accumulate online cred
you’re the only one here flexing and competitively putting down other anons in an attempt to look like an expert. You’ve contradicted yourself for the 3rd time now. This is what happens when you lie, you have to continue to make up more lies until you get found out which happened about 15 minutes ago. You’re voluntarily embarrassing yourself at this point, actually pathetic. Inb4 I don’t give a shit, no one asked. Just shut the fuck up and leave so others can enjoy the thread as it’s intended to be enjoyed.

>> No.17723484
File: 28 KB, 375x500, 375x500.26252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for something reminiscent of Masculin Pluriel that I could use less sparingly without worrying that much about running out. I like its warmth and depth but I can't find anything similar. Any supposed alternatives I tried are just too sweet (zaharoff, Percival etc, even Platinum Egoiste has too much metallic sweetness). Beau de Jour is too herbal. Sartorial too cloyingly abrasive wit hthe metallic honey notes. I would gladly welcome any other suggestions.

>> No.17723489

The last 2 posts were posted within 10 seconds of eachother retard. First day on 4chan?

>> No.17723491

>will do everything*
Sorry for phoneposting but I’m on a way for a dinner with my gf, bye
SOTD: Puredistance Warszawa

>> No.17723497

>Because you’re claiming to be an expert of frags
i'm not. i just like talking about fragrance.
>of uses vintage stuff that is extremely expensive and rare
none of my vintages are very expensive or rare. all of them were attained quite easily on etsy, ebay or local classifieds. i haven't claimed to own vintage iris gris or nombre noir (not that anyone here would care about either of those), so no, nothing i own is very rare or expensive.
>All the while being an asshole to anons who are posting what they enjoy in good faith, implying they should listen to you and take your advice
i don't give advice. i prefer other people do their own research. are you sure you aren't confusing me with someone else?
>All you’re doing is providing excuse after excuse
i have no excuses, you simply seem to have amassed a number of preconceived falsities about me that i am more than happy to explicitly expel.
>have no one believe you and ostracize yourself from an already obscure image board then congrats
oh no, i'm a social reject on an anonymous shitposting board. oh woe is me.
i've laid out my reasons for not wanting to post my collection, "not bothering" certainly wasn't one of them, though it very well could be. someone needs to retake elementary english.
again, please do explain to me how putting an insignificant amount of time and effort into reading about perfume history is some sort of flex. i still don't understand this part, nor do i understand his contradiction snafu that you seem to desperately want me to fall for.
the last two posts i replied to were posted exactly a minute apart, typically a sign of samefagging, though more likely than not it's just two separate idiots asking the same dumbass questions.

>> No.17723501
File: 356 KB, 695x1019, 648F8804-B860-478C-9559-C2A82E3E6A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were posted 40 seconds apart, it’s more than one anon.

>> No.17723506

i was referring to >>17723464 and >>17723466. why would i have been talking about two posts that came AFTER the post you were replying was made? do i have to ask you how you would feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?

>> No.17723507

Those were the two last posts the anon was referring to. you’re just a compulsive liar who’s lying again, clearly. Regardless, it doesn’t matter what you are referring to, my screenshot proves that there is 2 anons not 1.

>> No.17723508

lying about what, being unable to refer to a post that didn't exist when my prior post was made? are you being retarded on purpose or something?

>> No.17723510

There were 2 posts criticizing you 40 seconds apart. That means there were 2 anons you were arguing with, a very simple concept. Again it doesn’t matter how you’re trying to spin it, it’s pretty black and white. You’re just retarded I guess idk.

>> No.17723512

If you’re already spending that much money on a barbershop style frag, you should just get MCDI invasion barbare

>> No.17723517

yeah, except my original statement about finding it suspicious that two supposedly separate anons replying to the same post with the same "not him but" shtick unprompted being suspicious had absolutely nothing to do with the two posts you screencapped. i think you've lost the plot.

>> No.17723522

you’re actually retarded. Your suspicions are wrong, that has been proven by 2 separate, very long posts by anons critiquing you being posted 40 seconds apart. There is no way to spin this into something it’s not, you’re wrong, it’s not one anon, it was 2. Get over it.

>> No.17723526

please explain to me what relevance those 2 posts you screencapped have with the aforementioned posts replying to me with the same line about supposedly not being the other guy unprompted.

>> No.17723527

The relevance of them is that they prove your suspicion wrong without a shadow of a doubt. Again, for the 3rd time now - it was 2 anons, not 1 as you implied it was. How is that confusing for you? Genuinely curious

>> No.17723529

how exactly do they prove that at all when you can't even reasonably prove that the same people who made the original 2 posts i was referring to also made the same 2 posts you're referring to? i replied to 4 separate posts twice, which could reasonably speaking be 4 separate people talking to me. you have less than a 50% chance of correctly attributing the posters of the original 2 posts to your own 2 posts.

>> No.17723537
File: 88 KB, 695x684, 34E8317E-DE41-4725-AD5D-B6491E8A9D73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread now that this one has been slid by the Schizo /frag/ poster. Just ignore him going forward.


>> No.17723539

we're not even halfway near the bump limit buddy, your online tantrum not going the way you wanted it to is not an excuse for making a new thread early.

>> No.17723560

At least post charts and edit the OP when you’re copy pasting it. I wasn’t taking a part in your retarded exchange of arguments but I agree that he is an insufferable faggot however that’s an extremely low effort new thread and you shouldn’t be creating a new one. Just don’t engage with him

>> No.17723562

lol the charttranny is seething

>> No.17723578

>At least post charts

We're not on reddit.

>> No.17723613

awesome, probably even better than LDDM

>> No.17723630

wtf happened in this thread? Is the /frag/ schizo back?

>> No.17723633

anon doesn’t get what he wants, throws online temper tantrum.

>> No.17723636

A maintenance guy in my office smells like the pussy of my ex gf and he made me horny

>> No.17723637

dog, meet pavlov.

>> No.17723639

what did he want?

>> No.17723642

pictures of a perfume collection that also supposedly doesn’t exist. contradictory remarks, but what gives?

>> No.17723649

i think we’re talking about two different posters. either way, I hope the schizoposter never comes back. he’s almost worse than the bois imperial schizo.

>> No.17723657

well there’s really only one guy who was so asshurt about his online slapfight not going the way he wanted that he made an entire new thread over a hundred posts before the bump limit, so it should be pretty clear who’s the one throwing a hissy fit.

>> No.17723659

I’ll assume you were one of the 3-4 posters in that argument since you know the lore. no way I’m reading all that shit, glad he’s gone

>> No.17723682
File: 24 KB, 466x466, 1687197747550690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't gonna read all of this. What the fuck happened in my absence? In any case, I'm still gonna wear Platinum Egoiste.

>> No.17723684


>> No.17723687

Sucks2bu by Calvin Klein

>> No.17723689

sounds like something varanis ridari would unironically enjoy.

>> No.17723693

Not much. An anon with an inflated ego got butthurt for being called out for copying someone’s opinions while not having a collection backing up his posts. He in turn, triggered another similarly fragile anon (apparently he’s the antichart shitposter) who started throwing a tantrum and created a new thread. Another anon with an even bigger ego got into the fight in the meantime.

>> No.17723697

this accusation of parroting opinions keeps getting thrown around, but aside from raiders of the lost scent, no one seems to be able to name who exactly is being parroted. almost like the notion of parroting opinions is itself being parroted without any basis. ironic stuff.

>> No.17723699

I tried this today after someone said it was a good incense frag and I didn't want to believe such a mainstream frag contained relevant amounts of incense, but I admit it does now.
Fresh citrus juice is dominant, but frankincense is right there beside it.
I'm not a fan but if you want something unusual for a freshie you ought to try this out.

>> No.17723701
File: 52 KB, 491x490, 6A037F1B-A517-4F36-9078-F1E986CABF22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s nice guys, but how is H24? I have bois imperial already. Is it similar at all or worth buying for 60$? (eBay)

>> No.17723707

Pavlov's dog actually got condoning to salivate whenever he heard the sound of Pavlov's assistant's footsteps, not Pavlov's.
SOTD: Gucci Memoire d'une Odeur

>> No.17723711

H24 makes best sense in the context of christine nagel’s other hermes perfumes like twilly and galop, where she’s seemingly trying to continue jean claude ellena’s minimalist approach while also reaching for accords that are really unorthodox and bizarre. in twilly it’s a big tuberose, in galop it’s a weird leather, and in H24 it’s somewhere between an ambroxan bomb without the aquatic connotations and with a fruity mango/banana accord and a drydown reminiscent of a steam iron. i can’t bring myself to buy a bottle because there are a whole bunch of other hermes fragrances i’m more interested in, but i’d sooner support this sort of perfumery than any ambroxan bluey or yet another paper thin watery ellena concoction.
i didn’t even realize the dog was conditioned to footsteps, i thought it was a bell.

>> No.17723712

No, it mid, but I also think Bois Imperial is mid, so take my opinion whatever way you want.

>> No.17723715

I don’t care about opinions being copied or not but I read your posts and the truth is you want to obnoxiously impose your opinions on others as an authority here and whine about your contributions to this thread that should be self-evident for everyone here in your opinion. Asking for a photo of your collection is not unreasonable and easier

>> No.17723720

i don’t believe in anyone’s opinions on an anonymous website being an authority, i just like discussing perfume, even if it means deliberately challenging people. and no, i’m still not obliging any pictures of my collection because i simply see no reason to.

>> No.17723721
File: 463 KB, 1159x1034, 5F966EA5-2A50-4956-B67A-26E3A25F4719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the autist vs the chad response >>17723712
jej. Okay last question, what about picrel? I’ve heard it’s about as close as you can get to BDC for a fraction of the price. Have any of you tried it? Thinking about blind buying since it’s only 30$ for a 3.4

>> No.17723743
File: 308 KB, 894x1318, 1CE632C9-846A-4EE1-ABE7-4C2CB0303055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought this, what am I in for?

>> No.17723746

The best post-2000 designer masculine

>> No.17723747

about as milquetoast as milquetoast gets. that’s what you wanted out of it, right?

>> No.17723750

I have the biggest ego but I didn't participate in any of that. Hope you're not confusing me with someone else.

>> No.17723758

That’s what I like to hear, I’m excited to try it. What’s the longevity like?

>> No.17723762

unremarkable, and it has relatively weak sillage because the scent itself inherently does not speak loudly. i hope you weren’t expecting some sort of powerhouse from a thin, reedy iso e super citrus.

>> No.17723765

No, not at all. I’m a big fan of citrus/vetiver combinations so i got it just because it was so renown.

>> No.17723769

put it one way, the best thing about terre d’hermes is that nobody hates it. the worst thing about terre d’hermes is also that nobody hates it. make of that what you will.

>> No.17723802

What is a folksinger fragrance?

>> No.17723804

I'm wearing sadonaso to the office today

What about you guys

>> No.17723807

This. Some of niche frags do vintage so much better than actual vintage that it is ridiculous to buy watered down and reformulated cheapies while you can get the real thing. As a matter of fact I’m wearing Etruscan Water while I’m on the way to fuck one of my fuckbuddies hard tonight feeling like a 80s action movie hero

>> No.17723811

is chypre palatin or invasion barbare the better frag?

>> No.17723814


>> No.17723827
File: 97 KB, 976x696, 1684970751834615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This general has been completely trash for the past week because of you faggots bickering

>> No.17723829

who gives a singular fuck? You think new people are going to become regulars when they see you pussies whining in every thread? Fuck the formatting. Fuck the charts. Fuck you.

>> No.17723830

You just started more bickering instead of contributing with on topic discussion. Also, hypocrite faggot, explain why you're seemingly so obsessed with thread quality, but at the same time ignored my on topic OC post that only got one reply? You are the issue you are complaining about.

>> No.17723832

its not very good. sour melon smell. edp is better, but not by much

>> No.17723835

who gives a fuck at this point. The thread is 100 posts of whiny ass queers

>> No.17723837

And you're one of those queers.

>> No.17723843

>And you're one of those queers.
And you're one of those queers.

>> No.17723845

Definitely not.

>> No.17723851

I, too, prefer Chypre Palatin.

>> No.17723858
File: 114 KB, 1280x1280, ambre-russe-100ml.png__43228.1671736946[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD Ambre Russe

>> No.17723859

It lacks the Chanel roundness/refinement, but is otherwise close enough to BdC. Compare that to Missoni Wave, which is way closer to Allure Homme Sport than Missoni PH is to BdC. If you absolutely need something similar to BdC as a cheap dumb reach, it's acceptable.

>> No.17723910

I feel like this is some shitty stealth marketing campaign because I found your stupid source with 1 quick google search.

>> No.17723915

I for one got interested because of the chats first and eventually stayed here for the autism

>> No.17723917

your response makes me want to just get Missoni wave. Chanel Allure Homme Sport was my first ever true designer drag I’ve ever bought. Thanks.

>> No.17723919
File: 60 KB, 615x720, John_Daly[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fragrance would he be wearing today?

>> No.17723929
File: 629 KB, 1090x601, 1658258159591379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any other fragrances with woody, vanilla, and fruity accords? Dulce Diablo is my all-time favorite, and I think it having all three is why, but I'm not sure if I've ever smelled another that has all three.

>> No.17723937

a rare br3eed

>> No.17723957

If you found my source you would’ve bought from it. I’ve bought from this source near 10x now

>> No.17724038

No Limits - Philip Plein

>> No.17724150

Listen to this anon >>17723107
You'll do well with 2 or 3 sprays though.

>> No.17724161



Because I'm going to have intercourse with a woman tonight.

>> No.17724248

just bought the essential parfums set

cant wait to try bois imperial :3

>> No.17724253

one is a semi-oriental chypre, the other is a neoclassical fougere. very different scents. gonna go against the grain and vote for invasion barbare, though realistically speaking you could own both and be happy, and if you’re into this sort of neoclassical perfumery you should be looking into promesse de l’aube and enlevement as well.

>> No.17724274

Post your collections

>> No.17724369

Recently got a sample of bois imperial and really liked it (bought a bottle) but my gf LOVED it. She’s even worn the sample herself a few times, and is now asking me to find her “the female version of this” (not necessarily a similar scent, but in terms of projection/longevity, synthetic-natural balance, linearity)

Now, I haven’t smelled it myself, but… that describes BR540, right? Should I get her the MFK sample set?

>> No.17724370 [DELETED] 
File: 3.09 MB, 264x480, Good fuck on tree 480p (1) (1) (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sotd Aventus
How can your Sotd even compete?

>> No.17724387

yeah, the female equivalent of bois imperial (trend chasing hype garbage) is br540 for sure.

>> No.17724393

Supposedly, Dior's idea was that they change the scent kinda like they change clothing collections, at least that was someone's defense for what they're doing. Which is a great idea if they announced it properly and maybe had one such line that they'd change every year or two, then people would be excited for the new limited release and you'd have collectors. It would also give the perfumers more range to be daring.
Now it's just confusing and they release shit at random and you have no idea what to expect.

>> No.17724404

Two completely different fragrances. Bisch created BI based on someone else's wishes for a minimalist green fragrance.

>> No.17724424

They're only similar in that they're kind of minimalist, transparent airy and modern. H24 less so, it's more like terre d'Hermes in structure, but different notes.

>> No.17724430
File: 35 KB, 730x730, terre-d-hermes-eau-de-toilette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fake terre d'Hermes?

>> No.17724432

For me, it's Invasion barbare.

>> No.17724439 [DELETED] 
File: 3.51 MB, 1280x720, wife karen 1st bbc720p (1) (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invasion barbare
Sweetish expensive bullshit fougere, foolish attempt to copy Rive Gauche and make it more "round" with sweetness.

>> No.17724445

so yeah, basically what i said then. higher ups tell francois demachy to shift gears at their whim and he has no choice but to oblige. i’d almost feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a bad perfumer.
H24’s structure is absolutely nothing like TdH. their main similarity is their overall transparency and maybe some surface level aesthetics, but it really ends there.

>> No.17724463

>a way more expensive fragrance mogs a cheaper one


>> No.17724464

>price matters in fragrance
first day?

>> No.17724469

you're in for a good fragrance. I'm glad this thing became a bestseller, it's definitely a breath of fresh air among the other 21st Century designer big hits
performance isn't beastmode, but above average for a citrus fragrance

>> No.17724470

>it's definitely a breath of fresh air
is it really though? it’s essentially just the same ideas as timbuktu but stripped down even more by ellena and presented downmarket

>> No.17724471

it's worth a try, but not too similar to bois imperial

>> No.17724474

among modern designer big hits? yeah, I'll take it over blue fragrance #3456, ADG clone #6543 or vanilla gourmand #9702
also I always thought of it more as a stripped-down, heavily modernised continuation of Ellena's own Declaration

>> No.17724475

in the tiny world of popular designer fragrances maybe, but a): i’ve never seen the point of differentiating between designer and niche or masstige and b): you can still indirectly trace TdH’s lineage to mark buxton’s work for comme des garcons (think CdG2 woman and CdG3). i see timbuktu as its more direct ancestor because of how central iso e super is to both fragrances. declaration seems more like its aesthetic forebear, but not its compositional one.

>> No.17724476

>their main similarity is their overall transparency and maybe some surface level aesthetics, but it really ends there.
It's not that they smell the same, but change the ripe orange to unripe banana. Sage and narcissus from vetviver/cedar. Soft steam iron instead of salty flint mineral.

>> No.17724477

If you liked AHS, you won't regret Missoni Wave. I'm not a big fan of either, but Wave is undeniably of good quality and very well balanced without any harsh notes (and AHS too, of course, as to be expected from Chanel). Also, for the price, you can just nuke yourself with it 3x a day to always stay fresh.

I have, multiple times. Parts of it are even frequently reposted.
>t. Chypre Palatin enjoyer

I paid 95€ for my 100 mL bottle of DHP in 2021, while BI would have been 78€. Not my problem DHP is currently 150€.

>> No.17724479

yeah just swap all the accords and ignore the fact that all of them develop at completely different rates and really they’re exactly the same thing.

>> No.17724482

>parfumo straight up down again
i am repeating but itlt's deserved for employing power tripping femoid jannies

>> No.17724488

Yes, they should have just called it terre d'banana. Christine Nagel have done nothing of notoriety. Top notes on eau givree smells like fish.

>> No.17724491

this post would be insanely funny if it wasn’t dead serious.

>> No.17724493

I think it's gonna be DHP after all, I just like it more and I relish any chance I get to wear it. I'll just spray carefully

>> No.17724544
File: 16 KB, 474x315, th-4017772446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm looking for a fragrance with coffee notes, since I really like the smell. Early 30s, something for daily wear in the cold season. Ideally a cologne and under 50 bucks.

>> No.17724550 [DELETED] 
File: 2.53 MB, 426x240, Wife and I on Vacation240p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invasion barbare
Poor attempt to copy Rive Gauche and make it modern with sickeningly sweetness.

>> No.17724556

what kind of coffee? black coffee? will be hard to find, i like rammstein sex but it's still kind of soft. closest i've come to it. want sweet milk coffee? plenty available. SM cafe, mugler amen and ted lapidus has one too.

>> No.17724561

SOTD: Puredistance Warszawa, again. What are you wearing lads?
Noselet. But I agree that it is tad too spicy-sweet. But that is too be expected from an oriental fougere.
Akro Awake, Kerosene Follow, 4160 Tuesdays Over The Chocolate Shop, Espresso Royale, Cartusia Terra Mia, Gallagher Carpe Cafe are the typical niche suspects that get mentioned. However, I dislike all of them as they represent the typical ambery-spicy-sweet genre of hiding coffee notes under tonka, vanilla and spices. The best one of this genre is an Italian artisanal attar maker: Abdes Salaam's Milano Caffe. I much prefer bitter, bold roasted bean coffee smell, but after years of searching I arrived at the conclusion that it must be nearly impossible to extract. I accepted this reality and try to enjoy the smell every time I grind coffee beans in the morning, and stopped hunting for a smell that smells like that. There's some beauty in the fact that it is not possible to recreate it in perfume. That being said, my personal two coffee favorites are Dior Eau Noire which is my favorite from Dior's private line and an extremely classy and seducing evening scent, and Strangers Parfumerie Burning Ben (his SM Cafe is also good but I prefer the former) which is a bold, smoky, dry and bitter bomb. Niche at its best.

>> No.17724563

>hunting for a smell that smells like that
for a scent that smells like that*
I am retarded and hungover

>> No.17724567

Fuel For Life

>> No.17724569

BR540 sounds like a good idea. You can also always get her or yourself Ganymede and the other one can keep BI.

>> No.17724570

A freshly brewed black coffee would be perfect. Mugler amen was the first one that caugh my attention. But it's pricey, I'd want to try it out first.
I've also hear the Rammstein frags are pretty good, maybe I'll give that one a shot. Soft sounds good to me actually. Thanks for the recs.

>after years of searching I arrived at the conclusion that it must be nearly impossible to extract.
Damn, maybe I'll have to settle for tobacco/leather instead. I'll still look through your list, thanks a lot.

>> No.17724572 [DELETED] 
File: 2.22 MB, 446x240, Funny interracial scene240p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bois Imperial is so fucking good. Best photorealistic woody fragrance recently on the market.

>> No.17724575

Definitely try some of them as you may actually like the syrupy-coffee accord that is present in most of these frags. I am just very specific about what I would like my coffee fragrance to smell like.

>> No.17724582

Nice false flagging

>> No.17724583

i don’t think he’s false flagging, he’s just that much of a mentally ill porn addict.

>> No.17724613 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17724625

Not related to your q, but what are your impressions of terror & magnificence?

>> No.17724690
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>> No.17724718

I literally own zero fragrances

>> No.17724732

What type of fragrances will I like if my favorite ones are ysl tuxedo and gentle fluidity silver. Pdm layton is alright too. I know none of these are similar but I want something with a similar vibe to GFS. I went testing at the store and didn't like most things and amouage oud almost made me puke. I think I like woody fresh fragrances.

>> No.17724737
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>Diptyque Orpheon
>Diptyque Tam Dao
> L'artisan parfumeur Timbuktu

Which one of these should I try first? I'd eventually try them all out and I've heard none of them are really summery fragrance, so picking the more fitting first for the next month is a good idea I think

>> No.17724738

Wtf is with this Chanel pour monsieur bottle. cheap ass chap and the atomizer is huge for some reason

>> No.17724747

dipdick isn’t worth your time. go for timbuktu.

>> No.17724768
File: 5 KB, 194x259, 9k=(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday Haze is a fig-focused fragrance I thought was pretty interesting, to be honest. The fig mixes well with the cream and tonka notes to create an almost perfect replica of Fig Newtons, crust and all. Thankfully though they've contained the sweetness, so you get a combo that's rich without being overwhelming. There's a nice woody base to it which lets the other notes really pop. I thought it was quite pleasant the whole way through, and the performance was quite effective with 4 sprays lasting me about 6 hours. I am at the point where I have to seriously consider where on the ladder these fragrances fall, and I'd say this is about equivalent in quality to Saint Julep, but with a much different vibe I don't quite like as much. I haven't experienced enough fig fragrances to compare with, but I think if you like fig you'll really enjoy this.
Next on the list will be Whispered Myths, IA's oud fragrance. I haven't tried oud in perfume, but I have smelled it in incense, and I am pretty excited to see how it goes.

>> No.17724789

That was expected

>> No.17724808

tam dao is an iso e super headache bomb, belongs in a urinal cake not a perfume for humans

>> No.17724828
File: 327 KB, 1777x950, chev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his fragrance? Fahrenheit?

>> No.17724841


>> No.17724844

Aventus of course

>> No.17724870

I've already posted mine. Will post a new image when my new stuff is here. Post yours.

>> No.17724876

didn't exist when the movie was made

>> No.17724960

Something warm spicy like bay rum with a touch of leather.

>> No.17724967 [DELETED] 
File: 1.72 MB, 854x480, A Cuckolds Life480p.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17724994

How the fuck this could be arousing to anyone? It's not like the other guy is even particularly good at sex. It's like dreaming of mediocrity.

>> No.17724995
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 12423_img-3401-la_via_del_profumo-balsamo_della_mecca_mecca_balsam_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la vie del profumo balsamo della mecca. a resinous frag, mainly trough the incense with slightly warm - but not sweet - undertones of spice. the smokey aspect comes from the incense too, it doesn't smell like something burnt down. the only note that doesn't feel dry are hints of pine. it's dark and dry with barely any sweetness but at the same time warm. i'm glad it's not as sweet as the notes suggest. i fucking hate splash on bottles and samples, absolutely haram.

>> No.17725002

When you hit a certain Testo level, you'll enjoy cuckoldry.>>17724989

>> No.17725006

I'd like to thank the anon who suggested I pick up a bottle of Yatagan. This stuff is incredible and distinctive. Never had anything like this.

>> No.17725014

I'm thinking OG Old Spice or Brut. Layered with Marlboro Lights.

>> No.17725018

seconding, I'm about to order it

>> No.17725043

Pls make a new one soon, gotta post about my greatest deal EVER
Best cheap summer freshie hands down.
It's pretty okay. Nothing upsetting, not exactly my jam but otherwise good.
Shit banana candy synthetic mess.

>> No.17725059

Tester bottles include the concentration on the label.

>> No.17725067
File: 64 KB, 648x1000, 61e4-xaZkSL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for

>> No.17725070

With about 40 posts left why don't you post about this great deal now?

>> No.17725071

paying 500$ for an overly sweet, unisex fragrance that is over-worn already. much better frags out there for even half the price.

>> No.17725074 [DELETED] 

I liked the idea of Yatagan but I can't get past the celery note my sample has.

>> No.17725086

its a masterpiece

>> No.17725090

I HATE making my cool 1 post in an almost expired thread. It just doesn't feel right.

Today I surprisingly found Prada amber at Douglas for the first time. Very nice scent, reminiscent of showergelly 90 fougeres like Sung. With a touch of unisex scent. Cool!

>> No.17725129

New to fragrances. What kind of impression does oud and sandalwood give off?

>> No.17725145

Sophisticated and exotic. Sandalwood is kind of creamy and powdery while oud can vary, especially with all the synthetic substitutes out there.

>> No.17725160

Ooh, nice! I think I'll buy this then. Even if the oud sucks. It's from the Goodwill and I'd rather smell like bad cologne/perfume than nothing at all.

>> No.17725164

buy what nigga

>> No.17725167

the fragrance bottle, dipshit

>> No.17725170

which fucking fragrance, fucktard
>believing goodwill notes

>> No.17725172

it says cartier on it and a bunch of french

>> No.17725178

...can you take a picture? it can't be that hard, you sound like you're on your phone right now anyway.

>> No.17725181

Based, I just sprayed myself with it.
Snice. I posted about his fragrances a long time ago here, but it seemed like I had been the only person who tested them. I liked Balsamo Della Mecca, but his Oakmoss and Taliban Flower were the best ones of the lot.

>> No.17725188

No need, I googled it. This might be for women, I think.
but it would run me like 350 bucks outside of here, so i think i might get it anyway lmao

>> No.17725195
File: 189 KB, 1046x739, Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 22-04-31 Oud &amp amp Santal Cartier perfume - a fragrance for women and men 2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it this one? then it's a unisex release. sandalwood and oud tend to be used more in men's perfumes, so you should be fine

>> No.17725199
File: 93 KB, 223x417, perfume???.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, is there a site for this? The thing I'm looking at is a little more "golden". Looks like picrel.

>> No.17725211
File: 245 KB, 1046x694, Screenshot 2023-07-22 at 22-12-52 Oud Vanille Cartier perfume - a new fragrance for women and men 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also a unisex release. sounds decent enough. the site is Fragrantica

>> No.17725212

nice, you probably posted about it before my time. its hard to judge from a 0.5ml sample but balsamo della mecca is nice but not sure if i'd buy a full bottle of it at that price. i primarily ordered from him for the castoreum tincture but got a 5ml mini of casablanca too which review later, wearing it right now. couldn't find anything about that frag anywhere.
sell me on taliban flower and oakmoss. did you try the polish guys mech oakmoss too and can compare? although the polack is MIA, still hasn't responded to my email after weeks...
taliban flower does sound really interesting though

>> No.17725228

Thanks a million, anon! Gonna see how this pans out on a date, maybe. :)

>> No.17725235

Don't forget to spritz the base of your ball sack, just once or twice, the warmth from your body will release more of the aroma

>> No.17725248
File: 79 KB, 900x900, Cartier-Pasha-de-Cartier-Parfum-89307x1_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on pic related? I've heard it praised pretty widely. But I'm hoping it has some level of freshness to it and not just creamy sandalwood and benzoin throughout

>> No.17725271

Im not one to normally say this but that stuff smells gay

>> No.17725292

Pavlov and his collaborators ran a number of experiments with a number of different dogs, but the first one, that Pavlov was using for his physiology experiments on dogs' salivary glands and all of its attached structures, and which is the closest you can get to finding a single Pavlov's dog, was indeed conditioned to salivate upon hearing footsteps.
SOTD: deodorant, I went on a hike with friends

>> No.17725293

the cashier at the upscale department store i was shopping at with my mom the other oversprayed this strongly enough that i could smell it nearly 12 feet away. that’s the kind of person who’s wearing this stuff now.

>> No.17725298

My advice is to wait. Dominique makes a 50% promo on everything (and he’s quite generous with samples as you’ve brooches) couple times a year. This way I bought one of his boxes with those 5ml minis of like 12 or so his fragrances.
>Abdes’ Oakmoss
Let me copy Claire’s review where she compares it to OJ’s Evernia (also an excellent oakmoss fragrance).
>Oakmoss (Muschio di Quercia) by Abdes Salaam Attar: Oakmoss is one of my favorite fragrances from Abdes Salaam Attar, but compared to Evernia, it is an altogether wetter, earthier, and more vivid scent – more an experience than a perfume. It is also as much a vetiver scent as it is an oakmoss one, though, arguably, it conjures up the ‘forest floor’ aspect of oakmoss just as effectively as oakmoss absolute does. Oakmoss at first smells like wet leaves, upturned soil, bark, wild mint, the air after a rainstorm, and potatoes buried deep in the ashes of a campfire. It plugs me directly into a powerful current of memory – playing War with my brothers and neighborhood friends in the sprawling ditches and orchards once attached to our Famine Era home. Slowly, the sodden smell of tree sap, mulch, and root dries out, ceding some ground (but not all) to an incensey, blond oakwood note, which is probably cedar but reminds me very much of the aromatic woodiness of Chêne (Serge Lutens) minus the booze. It smells more like split logs drying in a shed and woodsmoke than the oozing wetness of living trees.
>The oakmoss has a bitter velvety softness that calls to mind the furred green carpets creeping over the roots and trunks of old oaks in some less trodden part of the forest. And while Oakmoss is far from sweet or creamy, the nuttiness of Dubrana’s famous Mysore sandalwood gives it a rounded warmth that speaks to comfort.

>> No.17725303

> >Kaszebszci Mech
As a matter of fact, I’m the oakmoss poster who brought it to this thread. I’m glad I randomly came across his fragrances as it is excellent. It’s much different from Abdes’ oakmoss though. I always repeat it but I think it sums up Perfumecraft’s oakmoss frag well: think (vintage) Eau Sauvage but with green oakmoss tuned up to 10 not simply humming in the background as in Eau Sauvage and a photorealistic freshly cut grass accord in the opening. His fragrance smells like Rousseau jungle paintings look like. Deep but vivid greens with some mystery to them.
>Taliban Flower
It is a austere meditation on labdanum with a beautiful, sharp natural jasmine.

>> No.17725321

Everyone should own a bottle, it's fantastic and a great value. We love a good cheapie don't we folks.

>> No.17725323
File: 914 KB, 1468x2985, IMG_20230721_203939__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah damn if i knew about the frequent sales i'd have waited with my order a bit. but i NEEDED castoreum right now...
did minis in the box all came in a splash on bottle like my casablanca mini?
the review sounds real good, i like me my earthy notes. ideally i'll try both salaam's and perfumecraft's oakmoss. i just hope perfumecract comes back, i emailed him at the start of the month and still no response. but i'm pretty sure his website got revamped, last time i checked it was all in polish and not english. also says in the banner he's on vacation but no clue since when that's there.
i also want to try stirling soap's oakmoss as they supposedly use real oakmoss. but i'm more interested in trying more of salaam's stuff for now

>> No.17725328

>did minis in the box all came in a splash on bottle like my casablanca mini?
Unfortunately. I also hate this. I think spray bottles start at 22ml.
>oakmoss frags
Take a look here: >>17723078 From those I can recommend: Coven, Rogue MI and CS, Evernia, Etruscan Water, Dryad if you want to get the best oakmoss punch for the ml. And they should be more available for testing than Abdes or Perfumecraft.

>> No.17725329

Btw how is his castoreum? More on the skanky or leathery side of things? It's just castoreum paste diluted in perfumers alcohol?

>> No.17725359

>it was all in polish and not english.
i'm retarded, had auto translate on
a shame about the bottles. i decanted my 5ml casablanca into one of my own bottles but it's a bit of a waste. the castoreum has a plastic insert that makes dabbing it on easier, i don't mind that.
i've tried etrsucan water and coven from the list, both were good but i didn't have the desire to get full bottles. i'll take a look at the others soon. but did you try varen by stirling soap? people say it's real good for the price and they supposedly use real oakmoss.
i'd say more on the leathery side but it got the very distinct animal smell to it. not fecal at all though. surprisingly deep, write a review tomorrow or so. yes it's just a tincture

>> No.17725369

>varen by stirling soap
It sounds interesting but I'm based in Europe, will order it next time I visit the US
>write a review tomorrow or so
please do

>> No.17725376
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Cop or not? I think I may be done with fougeres for the foreseeable future.

>> No.17725385

>he's already made the new thread

>> No.17725387

Tempo and forget anything else

>> No.17725397


Just use this one it's already made and not deleted. Don't spam gay threads again please.

>> No.17725398


>> No.17725399

You may be new here, but threads on this board stop bumping after 310. We are at 309 posts right now.

>> No.17725402

new thread was made at 300 posts so that you could post your little charts when there is already another thread, go outside and touch grass

>> No.17725420

can’t decide which thread is gayer, the babby tantrum thread or the charttranny thread

>> No.17725472

if it's real