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File: 601 KB, 1000x667, young-man-hair-loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17712045 No.17712045 [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again /balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
>Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
>Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
>Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
>Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole

>> No.17712147
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>> No.17712148
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Damn, baldies are desperate

>> No.17712151

That's only if you take it orally

>> No.17712154 [DELETED] 

>etoconazole comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day Take ketoconazole at around the same time every day.
that's about ingestible kotoconazole you fucking retard. You don't eat shampoo nigger.

>> No.17712156
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What can I do about my hair?

>> No.17712160

>ketoconazole comes as a tablet to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day Take ketoconazole at around the same time every day.

that's about ingestible ketoconazole you fucking retard. You don't eat shampoo nigger. But yeah Ketoconazole is good for the skin stress minoxidil gives but actually useless in hairloss

>> No.17712170

>t. baldie
lmaoooo you are so fucking bald

>> No.17712174

My hairline is gradually starting to look like the pic in the op, so the cope combover is slowly starting to loose it's effectiveness

I want to try everything before jumping on fin, are there any geniue remedies that I can give a try ? Or are those just a cash grab in order to milk desperate soon to be baldies

>> No.17712188

>I want to try everything before jumping on fin
Thats retarded, the longer you wait the worse it gets and the less effective fin and minoxidil get

>> No.17712189

>I want to try everything before jumping on fin, are there any geniue remedies that I can give a try ?
No. You either take 5AR inhibitors or your balding will continue. But you are more than welcome to waste money on vitamins and shampoos and lasers so that the money re-enters the economy.

>> No.17712253
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Buzzed my hair for the first time at 26 and revealed pretty terrible density
I knew it was gonna be bad but its depressing looking at it full on
Hopped on topical minoxidil, been on it the past week. Shoulda done this last year when my gf said id probably be bald in the next 4 years.

>> No.17712265

>chemically castrating yourself
Fags will do aything to not go to the gym lmfao

>> No.17712275

New anon here.
Anyone tried derma rolling without fin?
Have some corner thinning on one side and wonder if it would do anything for that spot.

>> No.17712316

Fin, Min, Ketoconazole shampoo, derma rolling - that's it

And fin is the vast majority of the effectiveness.

>> No.17712467

say goodbye to your hairline

>> No.17712473

>Be on fin since I started thinning at 24, hair been maintained since with no sides
>Get on oral minoxidol 6 months ago and hair starts growing faster and thicker, also my beard starts filling out nicely and doesn't look patchy
>Hair is thicker and better looking than it was in my early 20s
>Ex girlfriend looks like shit and put a bunch of weight on
>New girlfriend is a solid 8/10
It's all coming together bros

>> No.17712590

what's your daily dose of oral min?

>> No.17712703

>Holy Trinity
do baldfags really?

>> No.17712710

>oral min
literal suicide

>> No.17712740

I'm having a lot of success with dutasteride.

>> No.17712745

I've been on fin since my early 20s and I have two healthy kids. Currently 32 years old.

>> No.17712758
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I've been on topical minox for about 5 months or so now and im starting to notice baby hairs at my hairline. Not really seeing any growth near the temples thought. At least I've slowed the rate of shedding I had been noticing in the shower. I have also been supping with biotin, I take one pill in the morning after ive washed my hair and applied the minox. It's better this way because then you get into a routine.

Should I consider adding finasteride?? I've always been cautious of doing so because of all the FUD that gets spread here.

>> No.17712761

Cheers for your success man

>> No.17712813

Fin has the biggest effect. Idk why that wasn't your starting point.

>> No.17712847


>> No.17713108
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>Shoulda done this last year when my gf said id probably be bald in the next 4 years.
my gf has been gaslighting me about not going bald (or it slowing down or not being noticeable etc.) every time I had a hair loss scare
I know she did that because she loves too much to suffer
but I wish she told me right away by the time I realized I was fucked it was too late

>> No.17713129

>6 month half life
don't care about the extra 5% efficacy, that shit is sketchy as fuck and I'm sticking with fin

>> No.17713130

the hell are you talking about, fin is the most generic, cheap, bang for buck you can get anywhere, you can buy it anonymously from sketchy third world pharmies, you don't even need a doctor. literally everything else is the cash grab

>> No.17713438 [DELETED] 

>supping with biotin

>should I consider finasteride
if you aren't taking fin or dut you're not doing anything.

stop oral minoxidil immediately you fucking idiot. you're going to give yourself a cardiac arrest for no reason clown

I remember my sister telling me I was balding and booked an appointment for me to go to the dermatologist herself. Was on fin 2 weeks later

>> No.17713447

>supping with biotin

>should I consider finasteride
if you aren't taking fin or dut you're not doing anything.

stop oral minoxidil immediately you fucking idiot. you're going to give yourself a cardiac arrest for no reason clown

I remember my sister telling me I was balding and booked an appointment for me to go to the dermatologist herself. Was on fin 2 weeks later. I'm grateful for her and her strong non nonsense personality

>> No.17713795

What happens if you have mild balding, get on fin for a year, then get off cold turkey?
Will it just smoothly resume the balding process or will it fuck your shit up quickly?

>> No.17713815

>you can buy it anonymously from sketchy third world pharmies, you don't even need a doctor
Wow you are very clever.
Baldies are stupid lmao

>> No.17713830

U mad?

BTW I'm not bald because I use fin

>> No.17714224

took the buzzpill lads feeling really down on myself desu, feels over

>> No.17714226

Are you on any treatments?

>> No.17714228

Did we ask you fucking fag?

>> No.17714232

the balding curse, so unfair

>> No.17714244

no, im almost 35 its mostly diffuse thinning ive heard minox works well for that but it feels pointless at this stage

>> No.17714282

No shedding when you started oral minox?

>> No.17714303

You need fin not min

>> No.17714318

just take estrogen :3

>> No.17714321
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>> No.17714352

>erections getting softer on Fin
It's so over bros :)

never had the chance did I?

>> No.17714415

Stop watching porn. It's bad for your brain you idiot.

>> No.17714429
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I'm completely out of hope bros. I take min, 1mg fin, and 1.5mg dutasteride yet my hair is the worst it's ever been. Went from norwood 2 to a norwood 3 with pretty awful diffuse thinning in less than a year. I'm only 21 and it's already fucking over. Most people are too pussy to even take fin yet I've made zero gains and actually lost significant ground while taking triple the standard dose of dutasteride. Is this divine punishment? When I finally have to nut up shave it I'm just gonna turn in my natty card and blast a super risky cycle until I it kills me.

>> No.17714431

Nothing you can do now but cope

>> No.17714473

If you were paranoid you are starting to thin but not 100% would you hop on fin? Does the drug make you reliant on it and thus potentially cause hairloss?

>> No.17714512

It does not make you reliant. If cease taking it you'll just return to the natural miniaturization process.

>> No.17714729

Have you seen a doctor about this? There are other reasons people can lose hair besides DHT, DHT is just the most common

>> No.17714790

I’ve been on fin for about 2 and a half weeks and I feel like I’m losing erection strength, my boners aren’t as solid as they used to be. Should I quit?

>> No.17714883

God damn that guy must have looked psychotic with that hairline and the goatee

>> No.17714972

Should I get on fin for temple thinning without seeing a doctor/dermatologist first?
I feel like I might want to get on fin but don’t feel like going to a doctor. It seems embarrassing and none of my family knows I might be experiencing mpb.
I also think I’ll take .5mg indefinitely. Would that be fine?

>> No.17715002

If you don't have a family history of it, and it's just "mature hairline", then you're just getting memed by Big Hair Loss. Nothing wrong with that, hair loss drugs can probably halt or reverse it, just don't expect the family doctor not to laugh at you.

>> No.17715040
File: 171 KB, 1087x666, AB0206FD-5728-45BD-B667-4573E00A866B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I’m about to blog.
My father’s side has top tier hair. Teenage hairlines into their deathbed years. In fact, my 70 year old father has a better hairline than me and I’m 25. Not a single baldy or even Norwooder anywhere and there are a lot of males of that side. Generally even Norwood 1 and 2s everywhere. There’s even a presence of that 3 finger forehead.
My moms side does have some hair loss though, her dad was completely bald as an old man. Saw a picture and he was like Norwood 3/4 in his early 50s. There’s extremely few other men to go off of though, my mom only has sisters.
Currently my brother who is 28 has that low square hairline like my dads side.
I had convinced myself that my hairline was just maturing like you say but it’s definitely gotten somewhat worse over the years. Oddly enough, my hairline is only worrying on one side. The other side is lower and not experiencing thinning. My right side has been worrying me since I was 21 and I’m finally just ready to take the pill and not worry about it any more (or at least for many many years hopefully). I’m already not a confident person and if my hairline erodes it’ll be a travesty for me.
I also don’t have a doctor.

>> No.17715057

you are a neurotic freak

>> No.17715062

That’s clearly thinning is it not? From what I’ve read that kind of thinning doesn’t really happen with maturation.
I’m not terribly neurotic, you cant blame me for wanting to hang on to my hair.

>> No.17715140
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It's perfectly safe in the 0.6-5mg dose range.

>> No.17715465

kys retard stop trying to give people heart attacks. The picture you showed clearly proves everything was finasteride,even if the guy didn't take minox he would reach the same stage, fucking retarded ass redittors literally show "evidence" that goes against what they are saying

Not much you can do. Keep taking the 1,5mg dutasteride until you stabilize and save what hair you have. Then save money for a transplant. It is what it is

>Should I quit?
Yeah you are a 60 IQ person that suffers from nocebo so you should quit life I agree.

I would be more embarrassed of having a fucking horseshoe you pussy bastard.

I would have to see pictures of your hairline a few years ago to be able to tell. You might be balding or you might not, not enough info.

>> No.17715480
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My maternal grandfather has a better hairline than me but most men on my dad's side are like a 3 on the Norwood scale. What's the verdict? I'm 26 btw.

>> No.17715483

show evidence that it causes heart attacks then, dickhead

>> No.17715484
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>> No.17715580

Not the worst I’ve seen, has it regressed a lot more than before? Any pictures from earlier dates?

>> No.17715606
File: 391 KB, 795x754, Norwoodbros....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hairline is slowly becoming this.
I don't wanna be a trannyyy

>> No.17715621

I've always had a big forehead but the corners are noticably deeper. I haven't noticed any loss near the front. No pics from before bc haven't posted here before.

>> No.17715625
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I'm never going to see a doctor.
I'm just gonna get a prescription of fin from some online Indian pharmacy and start taking vitamin D also.
Nobody in my family went bald at this early of an age but my thinning hair and norwood 2 can be denied no longer. Some family members are bald but only at an old age.
If this really just is a vitamin deficiency then am I gonna grow breasts or go even more bald? I've waited too long to try much else. It's now or never.

>> No.17715630
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Left is last June, right is today. Been on fin and min for around 9 months. It's hard to tell if it's improved (got a buzzcut not too long ago)

>> No.17715681
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Finally the balding general, anyways its me that one anon that reminds you to NOT take finasteride every day, dont listen to the niggers that say "it does not give side effects, its only a nocebo! Its just a small percentage/it will go away in a few days!" Leave those niggas stay in pain with their ball ache, theres no reason for them on a biological pov on why they should be immune to side effects if they do use it every day, finasteride if consumed this way will ultimately cause a drastic imbalance in homeostasis and will reduce the systemic level of test causing the infamous ball ache.
The only way to be free of side effects is using it every 4-5 days (every 10 half lifes of the product) topically, or even better get pyriilutamide (but still use it according to the 10 half life rule).
If you never started fin you can easily follow this routine, if you have been using it i suggest to take from a week or more than a month off in order to detox from its metabolic activity, and try this method, good luck baldlets.

>> No.17715704

It is always funny how basically every woman in the western world is on a certain drug that was invented to make you infertile (the pill)
Meanwhile , while a man takes a pill to save his hairline (with some very minor risk to side effects if you are low T to begin with), it is immediately taboo. I wonder why sometimes

>> No.17715718

I haven’t started it. What about .5 mg every other day?

>> No.17715735

What I have been thinking, looking on plebbit says it can help if you are worried about side effects + makes your supply last longer

>> No.17715752

I’m not really worried about penis/ball side affects as much as I am just changing my hormones.
I’m more worried about cancers and whatever other weird shit that might pop up 30 years down the road.
Any insight into that?

>> No.17715754

No clue, I’d say if you want to reduce the hormonal changes obviously pushing yourself to lift heavier, that and probably go .5mg every other day

>> No.17715779

NEVER listen to women when it comes to hair loss, ever
i remember when i first started balding at 19 or 20 and i asked my mom she told me it was all in my head, it looked the same as ever, etc. would always lie to me when i asked if you could see the spot.

>> No.17715857

fin is shilled harder on the internet than any medication ive ever seen i dont know where you get the idea that its taboo? ive actually wondered if the fin lobby is paying people to post about it because its so prevalent

>> No.17715972

way too fucking strong.
starting finfin before it's too late is the way to go

>> No.17715979

You're absolutely balding, this is perfect time to start finasteride
hims is the way to go if you don't have a doc

>> No.17715986

You stopped the regression for sure, maintaining a hairline that fucked for a year is a great start.

>> No.17715989

topical finasteride does fucking nothing kys

>> No.17716010

first of all there are obviously no thins weak fine hair on the hairline, meaning miniaturization of those follicles not only stopped but reversed

second it's much better to look at

>> No.17716092

No we just live in a social media age and people have thought hmmm maybe my hair falling out in my 20s isn't normal
>in b4 it is normal
So is cancer, still a genetic dead end

>> No.17716179

I have but honestly most american doctors are quacks who just wanna get you out of their office and move on to the next patient. It's been this way with the past 4 doctors I've had. I convinced my current one to let me see a dermatologist who told me verbatim "minoxidil is better than finasteride in everyway for stopping hairloss." She didn't even wanna look at my scalp when I mentioned it was constantly itchy and had some red patches. If you know how to find quality doctors in the US let a brother know.

So be it. Hopefully the surgeons here are more competent than the general practitioners.

>> No.17716189

I have this exact hairline and have been taking fin since 2018 (was about 26 at the time), hasn't moved a mm since I started. You're gonna be all good, hair on top is super thick.

>> No.17716248

i'm seeing definite improvement

>> No.17716259

don't listen to the dickkillers, 1 in 6 men gets massive sexual side effects from oral fin. go the topical route. topical fin+min solution, keto shampoo if you want, dermapen occasionally. little to none systemic exposure to fin, and while it takes longer for the desired effects to appear, the sides are non-existent.

>> No.17716379

you look like it Harpo Marx and Bill Nye had an albino son

>> No.17716385

Little to none is a huge understatement. If you're going to go topical go with RU58841.

>> No.17716386

Yeah big medicine is a racket, a lot of nurses and PAs make better doctors than actual doctors, the doctor is just focusing on getting those loans paid off so he can upgrade to a better porsche

Scalp infections can cause hair loss, I assume you've tried antifungals?

>> No.17716403

Balding is thought to come from the mother’s side so rip anon

>> No.17716415

It's not that clear cut. While it's true that the mother has a slightly higher chance the dad can also pass it on.

>> No.17716484

So if I order fin from forhims, with the intention of taking it in secret, can I just take it as if it’s a vitamin/supplement or am I going to have to fill it out on paperwork when it asks if I take any medications like when I get a physical or go to the doctor/dentist?

>> No.17716522

dress better and less autistically

>> No.17717155
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How bad is it? Should I start finast?

>> No.17717158

The whispy front is so bad, you're balding hard dude, get on fin and minoxidl asap

>> No.17717159

I'll add though that's it's suprisingly still decently straight so you it's still savable temples don't look that receded yet

>> No.17717200

Absolutely fucking not, it grows systemic over time because the half lives havent expired at all, stick to what i said, you can do 1ml every 4-5 days

>> No.17717203

You are a nigger too ignorant to understand basic biology, topical used every day will cause side effects

>> No.17717212

Truth be told I actually haven’t used any antifungals yet. Any you’d recommend?

>> No.17717217

It hasn't changed a lot in the past two years, Ive been doing infrequent amounts of minox and dermarolling. Seems for now it's not super agressive.

>> No.17717417

I have similar hairline like in the pic. Idk if it is diffusing thinning or stress caused it cause since I graduated from university I don't see getting it any worse. Hairline in my family is simmilar to yours. Maybe you are stressed?
I won't convice you to not take fin and/or dunasteride but try scalp massage. I saw some people getting amazing results. Currently trying it myself.

>> No.17717506

Might give it a try.
I had extremely bad anxiety from age 15-20. I’m talking like shaking and vomiting if I got uncomfortable.
Oddly enough, by the time I got my shit together and became a functional person around the age 20/21, is when I noticed one my temples being farther back and thinning.
For the last 4/5 years since then, it has gotten worse but very slowly. My hairline on that side of my face has probably receded a solid 2 milimeters and the corner is now digging a little deeper into my hair. The other side has changed little to none. I am still a generally anxious and stressed person but I’ve made leaps and bounds worth of progress.
I’ve considered trying derma rolling by itself or maybe with an oil to de rid that does anything. Guess it’s worth a try.

>> No.17717595

Ketoconazole shampoo is the standard recommendation as part of the hair regrowth cocktail, but it's pretty mild stuff, one of those "just in case" things similar in status to biotin supplements. I would probably start using it every day regardless if I were you but if you've got red patches where the balding is, you probably want to look at something more powerful (and potentially dangerous). Maybe ask a doctor for help with the fungal infection on your scalp and skip the hairloss talk, they're probably dismissive of that because they're of the "just own it" school of thought

>> No.17718277

finasteride is a a1 reductase INHIBITOR. It stops the conversion of testosterone to DHT (the more active form)
What the FUCK is the point of taking an enzyme INHIBITOR at the end stage (the follicle) where you already had the DHT accumulate and kill off your follicle.
There's a reason pfizer never shilled topical finasteride and why it has no FDA approved indication.
I tried to dumb it down as much as possible for you, seeing how you're such a stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.17718291
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why the fuck would you use an antifungal constantly and risk a resisnt strain giving you disgusting dandruff that's difficult to treat.
Look at all this retarded cope. You can juggle all this shit like the fucking monkey that you are, get complications like what I mentioned above and YOU WILL STILL GO BALD.
For all you (us) baldies: the cure is simple and established.
Just take the fucking 1mg finasteride before it's too late and wait a few months. Maybe add some minoxidil foam if it makes you feel better. That's it. That's all you need to do.
This shit is turning into the chud version of astrology ffs.

>> No.17718293

Male pattern baldness is X linked you retarded niggers.
All you need is one copy to fully express it as a male, so if either of your parents is a carrier there is a very high chance you will get it. Draw a fucking punnet square if you need to.

>> No.17718295

>Ive been doing infrequent amounts of minox and dermarolling
Yeah, you can tell from your massive 5head that you've been coping for a while. just take the fucking pill

>> No.17718297

Finasteride unironically ruined my life

>memory loss
>penile fibrosis

>> No.17718299

post tits reddit spacing faggot

>> No.17718304
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The only side effect that fin has given me is that I'm basically a misogynist now kek
Still end up jerking off like 8 times a day even after being on it for almost a year, I was actually hoping it would help with that but I'm just too strong of a coomer I guess.
Actually now that I think about it my dick fucking leaks pre-cum like a faucet now if I edge for too long, it never used to do that.

>> No.17718378

That’s assuming the mpb is coming from that one well known gene on the X chromosome.
There are quite a few other genes that can potentially cause mpb and then to make things more complicated there are masking genes as well. There’s a lot of unknowns as well, this is not a highly studied subject for some reason. It all depends on what genes you get and how they interact with your other genes.
It’s way too complex to generalize like that but of course you’re right that the more baldness there is in your family on either side, epecially the mothers side due to the X chromosome transmission, the higher chance you will get it too.
From my subjective experience, I’ve known a quite a bit of guys that were bald whos dad was also bald but their moms side had pretty decent hair.

>> No.17718475

>don't treat a fungal infection! you might get dandruff!
t. Dr. Broscience, M.D.

>> No.17718508

finasteride gave me extreme anger issues

>> No.17719039

dont use an antifungal every fucking day you spastic.
14 days max, 7 and 5 being preferred for most AB and AF drugs

>> No.17719051
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the only spastic here is you
as your doctor I recommend alprazolam 10mg q.q.h., you may wish to add haloperidol 5mg o.alt.hor.

>> No.17719055

>autist spams the board with bald shit daily
>made an entire general
sucks to be you homie

>> No.17719114
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Doesn’t look great on my but I don’t care. I’m kind of addicted to shaving it.

>> No.17719117

>taking pills for life instead of not giving a fuck

>> No.17719140

Why are you even in a fashion board. Why even try to dress good instead of giving a fuck lololol

>> No.17719184

Is Nizoral every 3rd day good routine?

Also what's your opinion on adding Rosemary oil and Lion Mane Mushroom in addition to Finasteride?

They are very weak blockers but is there a point to add them to routine? I'd rather that then take fucking Rogaine.

>> No.17719194

much appels and oranjes?

>> No.17719196

I never poke into these generals but be careful with lions mane, there’s a whole subreddit of people that are “recovering” from it. It seems in some small percent of users there is extremely bad reactions. Probably not worth experimentation

>> No.17719235

I'm one of those people that got permanently fucked up by Finasteride. Zero problems with my dick and balls before I started taking it. Actually experienced a massive increase in my libido for the first month while on it, and so I thought I was in the clear. But then I woke up one morning after only taking it for about 5 weeks and there was practically zero blood flow to my penis. My dick turtled like crazy and shrunk to half the length and girth and was literally cold to the touch. And my balls were traumatized and tucked in super close to my body, and they shrunk by 50% too. It was as if I just jumped into ice water. Stupidly, I decided to just stop taking it and wait for my dick and balls to recover because Google says it takes about a month or so. Month passed. Then another month. And then another. Zero improvement. Freaked out and finally went to my primary care physician, even though I didn't want to due to embarrassment (also stupid). He referred me to a urologist. Called his office to set up an appointment. Had to wait 3 months. And so I went 6 months with almost zero blood flow to my dick and balls. It was the most uncomfortable I've ever felt in my entire life. Constantly thinking about suicide and wishing that I could go back in time and never take this poison. When I finally saw the urologist, he had never heard of this happening before and didn't know what to do or tell me, and so he just gave me a prescription for Viagra - which barely helped. Desperately looked for more highly rated urologists in my area to find a solution. Repeated the process of waiting for months only for them to tell me that they have never heard of this before and didn't know what to do besides give me more Viagra and Cialis. Started to research this more online, and came across a few studies that called this Post Finasteride Syndrome.


>> No.17719248

The most detailed and comprehensive study that I found didn't really have solutions, but concluded that Post Finasteride Syndrome seems to occur more often with people who take low doses like I did, and is much more common in men with mental disorders like depression and anxiety. I'm super fucked up psychologically, and so that's probably why it affected me so severely. And so if you have a history of mental illness, be extra careful about taking this shit. And I know that people will dismiss me because I'm mentally ill and accuse me of making up what happened to me, but I'm not making it up. About 6 1/2 years have passed since then, and I've very slowly gotten better over that time, but I'm still nowhere near being back to 100%. It's much harder for me to get erections now, they're not as hard as they used to be, and they don't last anywhere near as long. And my balls are still smaller than they used to be and tucked into my body most of the time. And so if you're one of the unlucky people that has long-term sexual side effects, here's what I'd recommend. 1) Have a prescription for generic Cialis ready to go just in case. It's as fuck to get since urologists hand it out like crazy. Just lie and tell them that you have minor erectile dysfunction, and they'll almost certainly prescribe it to you. You can even do it online for cheap from virtual doctors who specialize in handing out Viagra and Cialis. You don't have to wait for weeks or months this way either. And the reason why I recommend this is because you need to return normal blood flow back to your penis as soon as possible. If you make the mistake that I did and allow your penis to experience a lack of normal blood flow for a long period of time, then you'll do permanent damage to your dick and never be able to get good erections again.


>> No.17719254

I also got bad ED taking it just 5 weeks and its been 2 years now and it's still only 50% recovered. Guys don't get on fin it fucks you permanently it is not worth it. Get a buzz and work out it works much better. Also minoxidil ages your face badly I had to dermaroll for 2 years to get the wrinkles out I got from just 5 weeks of use. Don't use this cancerous shit!

>> No.17719259

2) further along those lines, get a good penis pump and use it for at least a few minutes every day in order to return blood flow back to your dick. And don't leave the pressure on for more than 5 minutes straight because the blood needs to be kept fresh and healthy. I personally do 20 minutes every day at 5 minute intervals. And I use a cheap electronic pump that I bought off of Amazon, and I added a thicker, softer, and longer suction cap because the one that came with the pump would get sucked into the chamber. 3) the the best dick pills that I've ever tried were called Natural Thai Viagra. A single capsule gave me diamond hard erections again, and it lasted for a whopping 3 days. And my flaccid dick was juicy, plump, and healthy again like before I took Finasteride. The downsides are that it had to be shipped all the way from Thailand, and so it took about a month to reach my door. It's also expensive-ish at around $2.50 per pill. And while the ingredients listed on the back are all in English, which is nice, and do indeed look all natural, the last ingredient says "and other ingredients" - which is almost certainly Cialis. And so use at your own risk because I don't know what's in them and they aren't regulated. But all I can say is that they never gave me any side effects, while Viagra and Cialis did (mostly scary pressure in my head and bulging veins on my forehead).

I ended up getting on oral Minoxidil about 3 months ago. And I just got a hair transplant about 3 weeks ago (2,650 grafts FUT to be exact). I just pray that it turns out well. Although my hair has been shedding like crazy for several months...

>> No.17719268

Sorry to hear that. I know how much it sucks. And I hope that oral Minoxidil doesn't fuck me up like it did you. I'm just going to stick with it because so far it hasn't given me any issues besides a couple of minor and brief chest pains that literally only lasted for a few seconds the first couple of days that I started taking it. I haven't felt chest pains since, but I am worried that it will suddenly kill me one day. Body dysmorphia is such a motherfucker. I'm literally risking sudden and early death in the hopes of regaining a full head of hair.

>> No.17719348

Reading this thread makes me flip flop my opinions around and gets me stressed :(

>> No.17719420

Why not just get a good wig? Zero side effects, works instantly and you already know exactly what you will get.

>> No.17719450

Does anyone know if HSP (HIGH STREET PHARMACY) is legit ?

I would like to take 600 tabs of fina for 80$. It may be too good to be true and it may be fake fina.

>> No.17719466

They need to be replaced. They cost a ton. They don't grow. They're obvious.

For the amount one hair system costs I can get finasteride for 2-3 years.

>> No.17719484

I don't want to downplay your experience but a lot of that sounds like it's in your head. People usually get on this shit because they're having a self image crisis. 5 weeks of min aging your face and 5 weeks of fin breaking your dick sounds like just your brain realizing you're older now and not coping well

>> No.17719617

audition for Oppenheimer 2

>> No.17719878

i got 360 fin from hims for around $200
expensive but it comes from dispensed from a US pharmacy by a proper pharmacist, so you know it's legit. none of that indian/chink garbo you guys seem to shill so much

>> No.17719908

Blogpost but I thought I had female pattern baldness kek and got prescribed spironolactone . I just have iron deficiency. Get tested and take iron before convincing yourself that youre balding anons.

>> No.17721376

Cope. Enjoy your weak boners and man boobies

>> No.17721396

Holy mother of Mary cope. Enjoy you slaphead and inceldom.

>> No.17721404

Both are bad to take. It's only recently the the pill has been shilled hard for women despite the obvious hormone-blocking side effects (due to feminism). There has been a push to develope birth control for men, but there hasn't been any success with marketing a drug that will drain the vitality out of men and make them infertal. That is unless you dangle the carrot of saving their hairlines. Now men are lining up to trade their sexual vitality for the promise of a teenage boy hairline. You are gay

>> No.17721415

You ignore the consequences because of narcissistic delusions. Every pill you take is russian roulette for your dick. Remember, if you stop taking your cope pills your hair will recede to it's true state, you'll keep the boobies and limp dick tho

>> No.17721487

How bald are you?

>> No.17721614

Apparently not bald enough to take hormone blockers that will kill my dick

>> No.17721660

Literally me, same age, hair condition and maternal grandfather hair as you described.
I don't know if my hair was like this before because I only started paying attention to this recently, and I don't have any helpful old photos either. Too anxious to start fin due to potential side effects

>> No.17721691
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is it normal to get vellus hair outside of the minoxidil application area? I only apply to the red circle area but I'm getting fine hair growth that's way outside of that area

>> No.17721694

Do you really think that testosterone is converted soon after it leaves your gonads? Are you really that fucking stupid? Go grab a gun and shoot yourself fucking fin shiller, you know nothing of biology and how it works.

>> No.17721701

I had similar issues, low libido, weak erections and ball ache, now i stopped and luckily i have got powerful morning wood every day and the ball ache is 90% gone, i am taking it only once a week fin, according to my research, this is the only thing that work.

>> No.17721704

Yes its normal, the solution is absorbed through the capillaries and will move onto nearby areas binding to the specific receptors

>> No.17722398

Wanna share my issue

>be me 29
>been balding
>baseball cap king for the last few years
>getting to thin to do anythign but shave the head
>have psorisis really bad on scalp
>dont have enough money to get the proper meds to fix it
>scalp is constantly red, angry and flacky

someone hold me bros

>> No.17722430

Where are some of you guys getting topical finasteride from? I want that fin+min spray but I can't find any online.

>> No.17722479

ketoconazol shampoo should help. But you apply the shampoo on the head (with wet hair) and then wait 15 mins before rinsing it off.

what's the point dumbass. That's like going to the gym every 6 months and expecting to see results lmfao.

You mean the studies funded by PFS foundation, forming the most obvious conflict of interest ever. VS the 20 years of clinical data.
ICANT. These people get side effects from water AHAHAH

oral minoxidil takers are 70IQ dogs. enjoy your heart attack

Nizoral( Ketoconazol) , Rosemary oil and Lion's Mane are all completely useless for hairloss. It's impossible to apply/consume an effective dose. But Nizoral is good for your scalp if you get irritation from applying topicals

flossing, brushing your teeth and putting mouthwash instead of not giving a fuck kek. Going to the gym and watching what you eat instead of not giving a fuck kek. Taking the medication your cardiologist gave you instead of not giving a fuck kek

>this is not a highly studied subject for some reason
But it is highly studied. And it's very understood. In fact it's so studied that we know also know everything that's to know about the hair of mice and pigs since they are always the inital subjects.

surely your doctor would've created a case study. Please show it to me then. Oh wait you are just a retard

>> No.17722485

>I had extremely bad anxiety from age 15-20. I’m talking like shaking and vomiting if I got uncomfortable.
This is the type of person that says they have Post Finasteride Syndrome ladies and gentlemen.

>I’ve considered trying derma rolling by itself or maybe with an oil to de rid that does anything. Guess it’s worth a try.
nice retarded idea, just what you would expect from a retard that vomits when they are uncomfortable

more retards

>dermatologist who told me verbatim "minoxidil is better than finasteride in everyway for stopping hairloss."
KEK that's actually crazy. I'm not exaggerating

>> No.17722491
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Is this balding? If so, what stage?

>> No.17722937

No matter if you’re right or not, people will be hesitant to take advice from a faggot asshole.

>> No.17722939

Terminal stage

>> No.17722941

so if a faggot asshole told me i should drink water and eat healthy i should be hesitant to listen to him?

>> No.17723166

It's joever tier. If you don't hop on meds now, you'll be a goner in years' time or even a few months' time. It's borderline 3 at this point and extremely diffuse.

>> No.17723209

2 eggs give you 30% of your daily vit d no need for supplements

>> No.17723228

You lucky bastard, your good

>> No.17723252

future ray peat hairline

>> No.17723564

What meds are best?

>> No.17723658


>> No.17723683

Anyone try L-Arginine? Supposed to open vascular blood flow. Coomers use it to get harder.

>> No.17723770

What about dutasteride?

>> No.17724101

you stupid fucking nigger
DHT is what accumulates in the pores
by that time it's all ready to late, finasteride won't do shit, you missed the metabolic step.
topical finasteride is a waste of time and money
keep coping and using it though, fucking spastic faggot. hope that was easy enough to understand.

>> No.17724104

save your money, you might as well do nothing you'll get the same results

>> No.17724111

too strong, 1mg finasteride by mouth once daily.
thats it
that's all you have to do
you can stop coping now anon

>> No.17724118

Minoxidil is a blood pressure medication.

Take it long enough and you'll fuck yourself up. With only a year and a half on TOPICAL minoxidil I got the worst chest pains like I was being stabbed and had to go to the hospital.

>> No.17724137

my guy, topical minoxidil should not affect your blood pressure. you're talking about a 2 - 5% concentration that's being applied to the scalp. even if it did somehow affect you, stabbing chest pains are not a symptom of low (or high) blood pressure

>> No.17724143

Just a reminder skinnyfags, you actually have to eat to grow hair. If you have minimal body fat, don't eat enough calories to cover more than simple bodily functions, or eat nutritionally lacking foods, your hair will fall out and not grow back

>> No.17724146
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I'm late 30s, what are my chances? My moms side is full on hair to their eyebrows tier, but I've got my dads hairline who has receded but is not balding, he's in his 70s. Is this normal hair thinning?

>> No.17724267

Dude you’re fine. Late 30’s that’s great and you have great hair. You’ll just be wasting your money.

Do you have any pics from your early 20’s I’ll bet it’s not gotten much worse from then

>> No.17724281

How is this true?

>> No.17725529

my experience using oral minoxidil has been pretty good, i didn't wanna take fin and i probably still wont but after 6 months my hairloss has kinda stabilized as it hasn't gotten any worse and the bald spot isn't noticeable unless i deliberatly comb to reveal it. i also didn't realize that my hairline on the left side was fucked up cus it's started to grow back so instead of a weirdly shaped m i'm back to a regular widowspeak

it's a temporary solution and i've accepted that i'll try to get a transplant at some point and if that doesn't work ill just have to buzz, but i'm just gonna enjoy what i've got for now. life will go on

>> No.17725541

you know you’re gonna have to take fin after the transplant, right?

>> No.17725548

if that's the case i'm just save the money and not bother. i think i'll be past the age of insecurity so accept it is what it is and i'll buzz my head

>> No.17725604

been taking dutasteride over a year and i was worried at first since it was stronger, there would be increased risk of ED and reduction in libido but weirdly enough the reverse happened for me im now able to go multiple rounds b4 cooldown which i couldnt before maybe its like reverse placebo, any1 else relate

>> No.17725605

*stronger than fin (which i was on for 6 months)

>> No.17725628
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Should I start fin?

>> No.17725690
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>had psoriasis since birth
>only recently it's been particularly violent due to several reasons
>it destroyed quite a few roots of my hair, which was a golden mane
>Widow's peak(?) is almost Vegeta-esque now, except it doesn't look good, especially with weight gain

Am I supposed to find a good wig to hide this? I know nothing about how to take care of one's hair.

>> No.17726064

where do you buy fin in eu now bros? after eu has banned shipments from india I can't get fin to eastern europe countries - we have only 5 mg proscar, nobody would prescribe that to cut tablets

>> No.17726077

Have been to a derma? If you don't have the 1mg version in your country they can get pharmas to compound it, IIRC.

>> No.17726095

The turk shipping might work.

>> No.17726112

>chads use dutasteride
Lol. Finasteride is already the nuclear option for hair loss, dutasteride is an antimatter bomb. You only use it if you are too far gone and hopeless, to the point finasteride doesnt work. It's not something to be proud of.

>> No.17726117

Finasteride is weak as fuck, 10 months I've been on 3mg a day, no sides, no results, nothing. I'd try dut but everyone who does says their hair got worse because of it

>> No.17726132

Are finasteride risks bullshit or not? I see studies showing fin causes everything from erectile dysfunction and shrinking balls to liver failure and diabetus.

>> No.17726133

Yes. It's not side effect free no drug is but vast majority of medical professionals & researchers agree that the drug is safe.

>> No.17726141

is it possible to buy ketoconazole on it's own? i'm on min and fin, and i want to add ket, but all the shampoos that contain it are complete shit. i wonder if it is possible to add to the good shampoo that i use normally?

>> No.17726166

Imagine you're an insecure man with a masculinity crisis and you see your hairline and think you have a "disease" of balding that makes you an unfuckable creep for life. Now consider that ED has a strong psychological component. Now imagine you start taking a pill that has a small chance of causing mild ED compared with placebo. Hopefully you can figure out what happens next.

>> No.17726168

It's frustrating trying to make a decision to take fin or not. Many studies say it's safe long term, others say not. How do you know what to trust?

>> No.17726171

Okay, but what about the liver and diabetes stuff? Can't trick yourself into having that afaik.

>> No.17726192

It's a really low chance to develop type 2 diabetes on the standard hairloss dose which 1mg we're talking less than 1%. If you're not a fat fuck it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.17726217

There is equal chance Ibuprofen causes infection in intestines and lot of people take it without thinking

>> No.17726229

Well, I also avoid taking ibuprofen because of the potential damage it can do to your liver and stomach lining. Just trying to be careful.

>> No.17726286

What's the science on needing a certain level of saturation in blood? Do you need to commit to having at least .5mg of fin every day for efficacy? I'm on 1mg and have seen good things no side effects and wondering if I can go down to .5.

>> No.17726301

Dunno if the studies I've found on finasteride and diabetes should be counted on. Firstly, the subjects already have BPH which diabetes is a risk factor of. Secondly, their dosage is typically much higher than what anyone takes for balding, 5mg vs 1mg.

>> No.17726395

I have been on dutasteride and oral minox for about 90 days now and am shedding like crazy. Am I just fucked? I ran fin and topical min for about 2 years and it hardly slowed the loss at all so I am at my final stand.

>> No.17726436

Are you consistent with the minox? Sheds are a good sign. I wouldn't quit now. Post hairline if you're not scared.

>> No.17726474

I'm finally taking the plunge and want to try Keeps out, are they worth it? They want me to buy Fin AND Minox, do I need both or is just fin good?

>> No.17726499

Finasteride is THE treatment you should think of minoxidil as a supplementary thing that can make follicles grow thicker. Currently your main goal is to stop the miniaturization process. It's better to go for a monotreatment at first so you can see if it actually works or not. I don't know anything about Keeps but seems like it's quite expensive. I'm assuming you're American, so I can't give you any advice on where it would be cheaper.

>> No.17726575
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Yes my dutasteride and minox are both in the same pill. I take it every single night.

>> No.17726733

Goddamn I've never seen anything this diffuse. Your whole scalp is raped. Have you consulted a derma? You sure this is AGA? I'd stay consistent really that's all you can do you'll be worse of if you quit the treatment right now.

>> No.17726838

im 33 without the balding but psoriasis is strong enough to give me a couple bald patches, goddamn brother i wish there was something that could be done about this dogshit disease

>> No.17727118

it's absolutely based. finasteride only brought the hair loss to a halt, but dutasteride actually produced some significant growth back from the graveyard

>> No.17727126
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>> No.17727152

Go watch your haircafe nigger shiller, come back when you have got an actual understanding of endocrinology

>> No.17727154

Taken once a week at the dosage of 1ml/mg has been proven to be able to reduce levels of dht by 55%, go fuck yourself baboon nigger, nobody needs to take it everyday and castrate themselves, 99% of people dont wanna be delusional trannies like you

>> No.17727164


news flash: alopecia is not a disease, it's a phenotype. GJ on proving you're an imbecile.

>> No.17727227 [DELETED] 

Started showing bad signs a little over a year ago, but I wanted to try biotin since my diet is sort of shit so it's possible I was just lacking vitamins, but even after taking it and improving my life style it really jumped the gun over the last 3 months.

Did I wait too long or would topical fin/mino be able to help with this? Been looking into Keeps

>> No.17727233
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Started showing bad signs a little over a year ago, but I wanted to try biotin since my diet is sort of shit so it's possible I was just lacking vitamins, but even after taking it and improving my life style it really jumped the gun over the last 3 months.

Did I wait too long or would topical fin/mino be able to help with this? Been looking into Keeps

>> No.17727439

I'm not balding but I've had a hairline that looks recessive since I was a teenager. My hair is otherwise healthy, but looking at pictures of me prior to age 10 my hairline looks normal. What could've caused this and can it be fixed?

>> No.17727474

This is why I'm scared to take fin. Lowered libido and depression are reversible but the other stuff isn't so easily fixed. Also most studies of long term finasteride use only seem to span over several years, but I intend to use it for as long as I can. If fin is causing diabetes and ED in men who use fin for a couple years wtf will happen in 15-30 years?

>> No.17727475

just do topical then
all that shit is from the pill

>> No.17727485

Easily should make a full comeback with fin min. The longer you wait the harder it will be to recover

>> No.17727490

I can get fin for cheap but I don't think the topical stuff is approved in my country yet (NZ)

>> No.17727512

At what age are you safe from balding? Or is this a lifelong struggle?

>> No.17727524


You are never safe unless you have godlike genes. Most guys will experience at least some hair loss by their 30s.

>> No.17727555

For me it was my mid 20's when I noticed I was balding. I'm now 27.

>> No.17727557

I would guess mid to late 30s

>> No.17727577

looks fine to me. you don't have the NW0 teenager bar hairline but you're in your late 30s so that is expected. hairline looks matured, so slightly receded, without going full balding mode. just keep an eye on it and if you notice any changes be prepared to start treatment.

>> No.17727580
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>> No.17727581

id rather die than be bald so no problem

>> No.17727827

Topical isn't approved anywhere, it's prescribed "off label" which is perfectly legal. But you live in NZ so you should kys anyway

>> No.17727900

Looks the same. You should push the buzz back too so we can see miniaturisation.

>> No.17727906

So… it is shilled harder than any other medication? Your post makes no sense. I think you forgot what you were arguing because if the fin brain fog.

>> No.17727918

Gotta think for yourself, bro. Look at how angry all the pro-fin people are compared to the more chill anti-meds people. Does altering your hormones really sound like a good idea to you, even if the risk of brain fog, impotence, cancer, etc is only like 5%? (Although it’s more like 50% to get at least one of those)

>> No.17727925

It’s not the case if you get a full-head transplant. Idiots like the guy you’re responding to think transplants are only for the hairline. Get the mid and the crown transplanted with DHT-resistant hair and they won’t fall out.

>inb4 some drugged up coping faggot tries to argue it

>> No.17728009

Why doesn't someone take 1 dollar from every balding guy in the world and use the 2 billion to fund some research to cure this shitty problem already?

>> No.17728010

They did, it's called minoxidil and fiasteride

>> No.17728018

Yeah and diabetes is cured too, right?
Taking pills for the rest of your life to suppress an ongoing issue is not considered "cured" by any medical definition. It's a band-aid fix at best.

>> No.17728021

If you don't take your beetus drugs for a day you'll die

If you don't take your fin for a day, or even a week, maybe even a month, nothing will happen

By all means if you want to go out and invent a permanent miracle cure go crazy, but for most men, taking a tiny pill that costs next to nothing once a day isn't that big of a deal

>> No.17728030

>taking a tiny pill that costs next to nothing once a day isn't that big of a deal
How big or small of a deal it is has no bearing on the definition of the word "cure". And there are people who cannot take the pill without side effects, so that's another reason to not consider it "cured".
By normalizing finasteride as the "cure" you are actively dissuading people from trying to seek a real cure. Why would you ever do that as someone who is balding? Do you get a paycheck for each finasteride pill sold? Is taking finn part of your identity?

>> No.17728032

bro it's balding not aids, "normalizing" lol take a chill pill

>> No.17728061
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>lol take a (...) pill
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.17728066

can you go bald if you lift? that shit boosts testosterone

>> No.17728115

Yes. Accelerated MPB is a common side-effect of pinning test.

>> No.17728130

If you inject, yes. Your natural test isn't stable enough it fluctuates sure you might get a slight boost but by the end of the day you'll be all out.

>> No.17728147

fin made my willy stop being so hard, gave up after 3 days, now i just minoxidil and hope for the best

>> No.17728149

Oh shit. Will get check, thanks anon, currently freaking out because of the strange pattern of thinning (similar to female pattern baldness)

>> No.17728389
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Anyone do dut and fin? Fin aint working so i was gonna add dut x1 a week. Also, is the pyrilutimide from hairliciously legit? If not, any other sources?

>> No.17728541

noun: disease; plural noun: diseases; noun: dis-ease; plural noun: dis-eases
a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that has a known cause and a distinctive group of symptoms, signs, or anatomical changes.

It is by literal definition a disease you nigger.

>> No.17728547

>but I wanted to try biotin since my diet is sort of shit so it's possible I was just lacking vitamins
good job wasting your money. buy more stupid vitamins and shampoos the economy needs it.

So what you are saying is that before DHT you were NW0 and after DHT you are no longer a NW0 but you don't know the cause. Ah Jeez dude, I don't know, I think we'll have to call Sherlock Holmes to solve this mistery.

>> No.17728879

Are you replying to the right anon? I know DHT is making me go bald, I'm talking about the side effects of fin.

>> No.17728949


>> No.17729270

Dunno bro I'm in the same situation, seb derm + balding. I'm still hanging unto my hair for now because nobody in my family is fully bald, I'm at NW3 right now. But if my mom cheated on my dad with some baldie and I reach NW4 or 5 I'll probably kill myself. Well not really, but I'll definitely be dead inside and just go cancer patient/Lex Luthor mode since I can't even grow a beard.
I don't think there's a lot of people on /fa/ that use wigs, lose weight until you sort your hair out.

>> No.17729304

same but the vegeta hairline doesn't look bad on me if i slick it back, think my face is carrying.

fuck all the med shillers on here. I'll go Mr. Clean bald before taking that pharma poison

>> No.17729319

No way that image is real right? That's like insane regrowth, once it's gone it's gone right??

>> No.17729344


Long shot but anyone know w2c fin without a script + international shipping? Haven't been able to find a GP to prescribe me & derm / hair loss specialist appointments are like hens teeth where I live. Cheers

>> No.17729370

obviously bro. wtf u think. Pharma shills are abounding.

>> No.17729373

His hair wasn't fully miniaturized. Notice the greyish/reddish stubble in the first pic

>> No.17729383

literally pseudoscience pharmashill shit. I still have hair at 30 and i've always had a widows peak. Since birth probably. I'd rather go bald a million times and still have my erect dick and hefty low hanging balls

>> No.17729387

Sour grapes: the post. You can't even keep a coherent thought going.

>> No.17729393

but my post is one coherent thought. I'd say the pharma slaves are the real sour grapes. Don't forget your dose or else you'll start shedding kek.

>> No.17729416

its the opposite, the people on fin are rational and level headed while the anti fins are the ones screeching about muh embrace muh dick muh sperm count

>> No.17729426

cope, read the thread

>> No.17729430


>> No.17729484

where do you buy it in bulk like that

>> No.17729522

anyone drinking topical minox ?
i cant get oral minox prescription so its the next best thing, also extremely cheap

>> No.17729534

yeah you shouldnt be drinking it, enjoy your heart failure

>> No.17729542

heart failure from 2.5mg a day ?
i read a lot of studies and none came to that conclusion, do you have any links ?

>> No.17730343

I am about to hop on minox and fin, wish me luck bros. Please send me positive energy for my scalp!!

>> No.17730896

This is my left temple after 3 weeks of putting topical minoxidil under my tongue twice a day (three drops each time). Tons of dark baby hairs are appearing and I'm gaining like an inch of hairline back. No sides.

>> No.17730899
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Forgot pic

>> No.17730909

3 drops is a lot, also sublingual is the same as just drinking it
try lowering dose to 2 drops

>> No.17731121

Im getting a hair transplant tomorrow.
Wish me luck lads.
If any former hairlet has any advice to share, I'll be happy to hear it.

>> No.17731208

Just saw a pic of me from 10 years ago, I looked so fucking good bros. It's like the difference between a 15 years old pristine girl and a 30 years old chain-smoking crackwhore. Even just 3 levels of Norwood were enough to brick my face harder than any wall. Why'd I even bother wasting my time on skincare if it was gonna end up like this.

>> No.17731220

Is it bad if i buzz my hair every 4-5 days? does it damage hair follicles and scalp skin??

>> No.17731280

might as well just transition at that point

>> No.17732210

Should I get a buzzcut when starting fin+min? I like to think it might make application of the min easier and any shedding would be less noticeable.

>> No.17732212

a general for hairlets?
jesus christ this is sad

>> No.17732218

Yeah, I thought the exact same thing until I started going bald. Enjoy it while you can.

>> No.17732333
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Be honest.

>> No.17732338


Terrible. Buzz it.

>> No.17732529

Buzz it or hop on meds.

>> No.17732769

>27, took fin for like 4 years ever since i hit a NW2.5, using min as well
>yearly fin script ran out and ive been too lazy to go back to the dermatologist to re up
>still using min, not losing any hair
>its been like 2 months without fin

why is this? im wondering if the process is more aggressive during a certain window of your life and then kind of lets up afterwards, and maybe i evaded it? or will it catch up with me?

>> No.17733498

Kek based

>> No.17734007

The reddit guide says:
>It is not recommended to start both Finasteride and Topical minoxidil treatments at the same time since you won't know which treatment is working. I would start Finasteride first and wait around a year or so to see if any results come up then you will know if the Topical minoxidil is helping at all

Is that sensible advice? I'm impatient and feel like I'd rather just hit the problem with everything I can right away for the best results.

>> No.17734043
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Tell me why my hair started thinning when I got a root canal at 35 years old???

No one is bald in my family.

It’s so bad now that my family memebers are starting to call me out on it.

I don’t have any stress and I’m healthy.

I sleep good and go on long walks and get lots of sun

I eat meat and organs raw..

I’m thinking about yanking out my root canal…

It smells like death and even has weird pressure.

I have read online when people ya k them out their hair gets thicker

>> No.17735194

How do I tell if I am balding or if I just have a bad hairline?

>> No.17735237

How come you people are so against drugs like SSRI's and even the vaccine but are completely content with taking pills that might destroy your dick forever

>> No.17735411

Incident of side effects are 1-3% in users. Its one of the safest and more well tolerated drugs in the market (much more than ssris) and there is ZERO quality data or evidence that support the claim any side effect you were having from it wouldn’t go away after you stop using it. Keep in mind the people that say it can be permanent also believe things like lions mane mushroom can do the exact same thing. Silly world

>> No.17735434

The people who are against the vaccine and SSRIs are the ones being ass blasted over Finasteride. Just take a look at the points made against the drug in this very thread trying to shame you calling you a fag and MUH MASCULINITY MUH TRADITION yada yada yada.
It does not have any permanent side effects there's absolutely zero proof of them the closest to a permanent side effect you can get is gyno and that's extremely rare. If you're unfortunate enough to get gyno you can always fix it it's a simple procedure.

>> No.17735751

A bad hairline is balding. That's the whole point

>> No.17735777

I honestly don't know if I'm balding or not and I think that that uncertainty is making me lose hair.

I went to the doctor and she didn't even take a look at my scalp just said "you have luscious hair those are just mature recessions" and prescribed me some shampoo and capsules that are so expensive she probably thought that I'd be a loser to actually buy them which I didn't yet.
She didn't even get close and take a look, I even talked about little hair I have alongside my hairline and she without looking say those are new hairs growing. Hell she even made fun of me, when talking about the capsules she said "rub it into those place you THINK you have hairloss haha"

Seems like this woman would not take me for serious unless I was already heavily balding, should I try a new doctor, get minoxidil on my own or just do nothing?

>> No.17735861

Its most common to be aggressive during mid 20s and early 30s, after that its slowdown, most of the cases.

>> No.17735924

minoxidil until you can get a doctor who will prescribe fin. try an online doctor

>> No.17736133

Are all hairlines created equal (before balding)? Can't it be that I was just born with a shit hairline?
In any case, I've stopped coping and booked an appointment with my doctor in the hopes of getting a prescription.

>> No.17736411

are there any OTC vitamins/products that WON'T fuck with my hormones and at least thicken/grow hair faster? i don't care too much for retrieving lost follicles, i just want good growth for right now.

yes, i have biotin, co q-10, and a keratin-infused shampoo and conditioner

>> No.17736422

Minoxidil or stemoxydine. What they do is make your hair go into the anagen(growing) phase. Make sure that you're consistent otherwise you'll get a huge shed.

>> No.17736427

I would try a different doctor, and tell them that you have been on minoxidil but are still thinning. Online doctor schemes are hiding some NP to prescribe fin but only in 14 day increments which sell exclusively from their pharmacy for some extremely jacked up price. A doc can give you 90 tabs with 3 refills and you'll pay $10 at the supermarket

>t. doc

>> No.17736664

not trying minox, fin, or dut until they're my only options left. im only nor 2 right now but i see some diffuse thinning coming. if nothing helps and i'm getting closer to nor 3 by 25 i'll hop on fin.
i'll check out stemoxydine in the meantime, sounds interesting albeit expensive
what are your thoughts on rosemary/peppermint oil?

>> No.17736762

>go on r/tressless
>see timeline post like "1 mg fin every day for eight months" with minimal hair regrowth
>click profile
>most recent post is "extreme gynecomastia developing" or "hey leddit why doesn't my dick work anymore????"
i swear this has happened like 10 times now
i may be thinning at a young age but goddamn i'd rather have a heart attack from minox than ever get on that shit

>> No.17736852

Can you link some of these profiles?
I don't have much to say about rosemary or peppermint. Did not do my research on them. May I ask why you're so averse to minox? It doesn't mess with hormones in any way.

>> No.17736953

After applying minox, can I do shit with my hair, like wash it, put products in, etc?

>> No.17736993

put it in after all of that stuff not before. it should be on your scalp as close to 24/7 as you can

>> No.17737002

I get that, but then my hair just always looks like shit instead, because I massage it into my scalp and mess up my hair, on top of it looking stripy.

>> No.17737018
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Sorry this is a first time post here but id appreciate some advice. My hairs always looked like this, like literally my earliest photos as a child and I still got this hairline. Is it bad?

Also I normally keep a clean shave, just been busy.

>> No.17737434


Bro where are you getting fin in NZ? Your GP?

>> No.17738267

>Is it bad?

>My hairs always looked like this, like literally my earliest photos as a child
I don't believe you.

In the end it's your life. Do what you want.

>> No.17739380

It's been a year since my hair transplant, 3000 grafts. I'm really happy with it, compared to how it was before. Thing is, the hairline now looks really nice but the mid scalp even though people keep telling me that it looks good, I feel that it could be more dense. So, now I have a dilemma. I know that it would be better to wait a few more years to see if the hair loss advances and then do another hair transplant, but at the same time I don't want to look bad during the years of waiting.
My doctor said that the people who complain about side effects on the internet is a tiny group compared to the people who don't say anything. That's what got me into finasteride. But I don't want to know anything about dutasteride, since it's way too powerful. I'd do mesotherapy but it's too expensive

>> No.17740704

Is mature hairline cope?

>> No.17740717
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>> No.17740720

Temple hairs are naturally thinner if you’re white or are one of the very lucky few with like 0% dht sensitivity.

>> No.17740741
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Thanks for telling me man, that's a real relief.

>> No.17740763

But you’re only 19 so too early to make any assumptions.
You have a perfect hairline right now but mine was like that too at your age.
Your hairline should creep back some over the next few years if you’re a typical guy and it won’t mean you’re going bald.
Or you might be lucky and you’re hairline will change very minimally.

>> No.17740774
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I'm 20, not sure if this is natural or not. Minox and kenzicotle doesn't seem to work.

>> No.17740777
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>> No.17740779

I wanted to add that I've had a hairline like this for a few years, just wasn't sure if it's getting worse or the same.

>> No.17740787

Could it be from dying it? I use to dye my hair black a lot, and I recently bleached it a lot (like 4 times) to back to my natural hair color because it looked really fake and male porn star-ey

>> No.17740836

Honestly, if you're white you should be on fin at 18-22. You're not receded but it'll come for you. It's extremely unlikely you're gonna be that 20% of white people who keep their hair. Getting back that juvenile hairline is nigh impossible unless you want to spend a lot of money and even then it won't be as thick.

>> No.17740851

You've got a point, I mean they say people should start using products for aging at 20, so that makes sense. My dad didn't start balding that badly until he was in his 40s though, and I think at that point I won't care it's just scary to for it happen so soon.

>> No.17740858

>recommending fin before 23-25
yeah, if you wanna fuck with your growth everywhere else
men aren't fully developed physically or mentally before then. yeah, it's slight, but still

>> No.17740928

I would wait until 25 and that’s only if you actually need it.
You will be fully developed for the most part and you won’t have a completely disingenuous hairline from starting so early.
Unless you’re actually balding bad of course then hop on earliest you feel necessary.

>> No.17741049
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I think I hit NW2. Should I take fin, minoxodil or both?

>> No.17741068

Fin is more important

>> No.17741090

>How come you people are so against drugs like SSRI's
Depression is caused by life circumstances (like losing hair), not by "chemical imbalances". SSRIs just create mass shooters.
>even the vaccine
People were coerced into taking it against their will, and that's what an immune system is for.

Apples to oranges comparison.

>> No.17741116
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>Mom just said "oh no, youre going bald too?"
It's joever
all my brothers and dad went partly bald with my youngest brother going completely bald at 21
Im 22

>> No.17741233

For the ones who had a hair transplant. Are you happy with the result in terms of density? I had mine like a year ago but I'm not really convinced. It's a vast improvement but I think it could be better, so I'll ask for another transplant. I'm on fin, btw (not min, because I don't want to do topical, too messy and I'm a bit afraid of going oral for the possible side effects, and also I don't want to go through a shedding for months only for the possibility of seeing a mild improvement).

>> No.17741571

Still wondering can anyone help me out with this?

>> No.17741779

sorry man, that's a really shit hairline tbqh

>> No.17742090

Best way to get finasteride in US? Insurance won't cover it, I already had Keeps prescriptionis like $80 for 3 months of oral tablets. Already have like 3 months of minoxidil. Also best cheap ketoconazole shampoo?

>> No.17742480

Should I start taking fin or dut then, again I'm only 20.