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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.27 MB, 1536x2048, CCE5FB2A-66D9-48CD-ADA0-B004AF94EE5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17687650 No.17687650 [Reply] [Original]

Discontinued >>17683918

Informative Videos for newfriends to Fragrance General
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for Newfags
W2C bottles

Use Google to obtain the maximum discount code at fragrancenet (35%).

http://www.notino.com (see directory at bottom for your country)
General info
Various fragrance communities/review sites/blogs
W2C samples
On DIY fragrances
Affordable snice scents
For /ourguy/ Luca Turin's books look up Library Genesis

>> No.17687651
File: 2.87 MB, 4000x3000, 60F535DF-16DB-45BB-9E38-1FA73BC512BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fragrance Flowchart for Beginners

>> No.17687653
File: 1.66 MB, 5233x3383, C691C36C-3B8B-44B5-AA47-81A517157084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fragrance Groups 101 Chart

>> No.17687668

What is the ultimate sex-haver fragance?

>> No.17687680
File: 227 KB, 1300x867, diptyque-kyoto-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought pic related and I hate it.

What do

>> No.17687696

>he unironically bought a dipdick

>> No.17687703

Tempo is one of the best fragrances of all time

>> No.17687712


>> No.17687717

versace eros

>> No.17687718

best musk?
sexy but should also work for office? love Kiehl's

>> No.17687722
File: 34 KB, 720x720, 80467_bxo33t_les_exclusifs_de_chanel__coromandel_eau_de_parfum_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17687757
File: 1.51 MB, 540x540, sauvage.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a bunch of samples to save myself from blind buying and wasting money
>give each sample a few full day wears on my skin to really judge
>find one that I thoroughly enjoy, worthy of buying
>buy full bottle
>it arrives
>wear it a few times
>lose interest in it
>want to buy more samples to chase the next one
many such cases

>> No.17687789

Tempo is a poorly made L'instant de Guerlain

>> No.17687818
File: 113 KB, 800x800, 1596705448504 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to pull the trigger on the entire Jeremy Fragrance collection

>> No.17687819


>> No.17687827

Tempo smells like 100 other patchouli frags

>> No.17687830

If you were to guess, what percentage of men in your town wear fragrances? It seems like I'm the only person in my area who wears fragrances.

>> No.17687831 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 720x960, FaYDEblUIAAUQjy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek based OP
Not white enough for my taste

>> No.17687835

good luck

>> No.17687837

Does fragrancenet get backed up often?
Ordered over the weekend, payment cleared, and it still hasn't shipped.

>> No.17687858

Like zero resemblance

Name one

>> No.17687862
File: 400 KB, 1920x2560, Hyd_Interview-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is beautinow legit? There is a greatly discounted ormonde jayne fragrance I want to buy there , but the whole website seems a bit sketchy

>> No.17687867

I don't need validation from internet strangers, but to say Tempo's Patchouli is the same as all other patchouli frags is pretty disingenuous. Though it just may be the way yout nose works, and you smell an amplified patchouli scent.

>> No.17687881
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, photo_2023-06-28_21-48-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you lying?

>> No.17687884

Official frag of having a stroke.

>> No.17687891

You haven't smelled DHP didn't you

That's intense in your shitty pic by the way, retard

In any case, women don't really prefer dhp to anything else, they just think it smells good and that's it. No fragrance will make a woman drop her panties unless she has some kind of mental disability and some weird childhood conditioning associated with an abuse trauma

>> No.17687893

that's a different dior homme
also, none of them smell like soap
also, many men's scents are literally designed to smell like soap, including most of Prada's lineup
also, if you choose your fragrance depending on what 15 random women say after smelling their opening briefly on a paper strip in a video from a youtuber who literally does paid marketing for fragrances, then you are a weak-willed, insecure man with no taste of his own who will never have sex as a result of those undesirable qualities

>> No.17687895

Not to mention that woman say "put your balls in a good position" at the start of every video as if we men do that, so I guess she is a lesbian

>> No.17687897

>depending on what 15 random women say
so basically you admitting that you wear fragrances for the bois?

>> No.17687907

>I wore Ganymede to work
>After eight hours it's starting to smell like curry

What did Quentin mean by this?

>> No.17687913

I unironically hate all the Diptyque fragrance i've bought.
Philosykos smells like rotten cabbage that's been in the trash for a week.

>> No.17687918

for myself, for my gf, for the bois. certainly not for 15 women on the street some ugly slag put in a video to sell you the fragrance she was paid the most to push
smelling good to yourself is what matters the most. if a girl likes you, she'll like your perfume anyway

>> No.17687927

Tried this with a girl she was in love with me with Unutamam and she made me shower.(she blew me in the shower tho)

>> No.17687928

gay sex isn’t even real sex

>> No.17687929 [DELETED] 

>another faggot edition

All faggots will die of aids and burn in hell. OP you especially, considering you know nothing about perfumes and don't own any, and are just here to spread your faggot disease.

>> No.17687932

>if a girl likes you, she'll like your perfume anyway
so you said it yourself - you wear it for the strangers, so its either bois or girls

>> No.17687936

>personal hygiene so poor you need to be lured into washing with treats and rewards like a dog or a toddler

>> No.17687939

no, I wear it for myself, to smell a scent I like all day. why would I care what strangers on the street think of my fragrance?
besides, all three of the fragrances in that video are very accessible and will just smell pleasant to most people, some slightly better to some of them, some to others. it literally does not matter. the only thing you can control is your own likes and dislikes

>> No.17687960

Using Unutamam could be considered poor personal hygiene so , fair enough

>> No.17687980

What was I lying about? I just inquired about the soap you were using and saying which showergels smelled good to me. I'd still buy the DHP soap. Also I don't care about what random streetwalkers say, especially knowing that they pick fragrances for themselves and can't accurately rate what they'd like on a man (as confirmed by studies into the matter).

The hatred for Philosykos is justified. It's not old cabbage to me, but a very unpleasant "stinky green" scent.

This isn't Russia. Nobody in the West dies of aids anymore.

>> No.17687982

Feminine peen isnt gay

>> No.17687990

what the fuck is this image man hahah

>> No.17687994

You will.

>> No.17687995

Use discount codes

>> No.17688006
File: 27 KB, 500x500, 119573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone uses this? Starts out like a female perfume, once that wears off it smells of old man sweat. Can't decide whether I like it or not.

>> No.17688034


>> No.17688040

Picked up a tester of this because $10. It's weird as all fuck. Starts out horrendous, quickly smooths out to some nice violet, and then gets this very powdery, gentle woodiness later on. I'm also unsure of it, and definitely apprehensive about wearing it in public.

>> No.17688048
File: 235 KB, 1200x630, 818DB77B-CFA4-4805-8645-EC7BB4EC0320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a man’s perfume for a pseudo Ivy League environment.
Most importantly must be for very hot humid weather with a lot of sun.
Would like it to be something that can be worn frequently rather than some very elegant occasion scent.
I like scents that reflect the environment if someone can recommend something that reminds people of pic related.

>> No.17688055
File: 81 KB, 646x1000, 517CBJZNzuL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Way To Heaven

>> No.17688057

Polo Blue is literally that.

>> No.17688060

Tobacco Vanillia. Perfect for what you described

>> No.17688070

Can't go wrong with Platinum Egoiste here.

>> No.17688073

Eau Sauvage
Slop recommendations
Good recommendation

>> No.17688110

I'll test it in public tomorrow and I'll report back. Can confirm the changes, after the woody part it smells a lot like soap to me, but maybe I'm just in the second act

>> No.17688153

Why are you faggots watching YouTube videos to listen to womens opinions on anything at all, let alone fragrance

>> No.17688155
File: 81 KB, 753x1000, 61X4BlowLWL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you wear Quorum or do you a small dick?

>> No.17688158

>why do you want to be appealing to women
this is the low point of any larp. hopefully you'll grow to realise how pathetic this is

>> No.17688161

Hopefully you will one day learn that watching man on the street videos to pick yor frags by oppionmaxxing what random slags think smells good is the lowest tier of pathetic beta behavior.
Just be attracive and not a sniveling faggot and you can wear whatever the fuck you want and women will mind fuck themselves into believing the love how is smells because they want your dick.

>> No.17688174 [DELETED] 
File: 350 KB, 1536x2048, FSBPatTVgAAMyEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear Rive Gauche, my dick is this huge i literally would dominate a male like pic related

>> No.17688179

I have a small dick yes.

>> No.17688181

>he thinks women really know shit about anything and can even recognize a fragrance

When will you guys learn that bitches are retarded. All they do is listen to social media shills and have no opinion of their own. They still wont recognize the shill fragrance you're wearing, even if they claim it's their favorite. Just don't smell like shit and don't be an ugly and weird faggot. That's why I don't buy normalfag shit and stick to things only I specifically like. Fuck what everyone else thinks. I can wear Rake & Ruin and still get bitches. At the same time if you give a bitch a tester strip sprayed with it she will say it's nasty.

>> No.17688182

Are fragrantica ratings a good thing to go by?
I’ve been using them as baseline to decide wether I give a fragrance a shot.
Odd thing, almost every fragrance seems to be 4.2
You’ll see some 4.1 and 4.3 but it’s just odd how many end up at this rating.
For that reason if it’s below 4.1 I won’t even look at it.

>> No.17688184

>Are fragrantica ratings a good thing to go by?

No. Never trust redditors, which is basically everyone outside 4chan. And in the currentt times also never trust these faggots on here that make early gay shitpost threads, post trannies, and will never post their collection. Your only advice is to never buy normalfag shit, and to only listen to your own nose. Buy samples.

>> No.17688189

okay hun.

They don't need to recognise to like the smell retard.

>> No.17688193
File: 101 KB, 750x750, IMG_2419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD Mancera’s instant crush

I love the sweetness but it feels a bit too much sweet, might try layering with Encre Noir

>> No.17688212

>They don't need to recognise to like the smell retard.

Exactly, dumb retard bitch. So you don't watch youtube videos of people interviewing street thots and instead buy the perfume you like yourself.

>> No.17688229

Samples of Eau de Baux, Guerlain Vetiver, Green Irish tweed, and interlude black iris came in.
Eau de Baux is my favorite by a notable margin. Like it a lot. Will probably buy a bottle.
Next favorite would be the Vetiver. It’s a good smell. Kind of old personish but good nonetheless.
Next would be the green Irish tweed. Wasn’t crazy about it. Smelled mostly like the dime-a-dozen clean soapy scents you’d find at a shopping mall to me.
Last was the interlude black iris. I don’t dislike it, it’s just a very niche smell. I might like it in certain situations but it’s not a casual smell that’s for sure. Would probably take it over the Irish tweed though.

>> No.17688281

Green Irish Tweed could work here

>> No.17688282


>> No.17688284

I haven't hated them, but they're all unremarkable. The presentation is great though. Love the box and the labels.

>> No.17688286

I´m about blind buy into the kenzo hype. Should I go fot the EDP or the EDT Intense? Or should I just go for EN sport. As you can see I'm looking for something fresh but not extremely common and those have very good discounts in a local frag store.

>> No.17688287

I'm convinced that Pierre Montale isn't a real person and all Mancera and Montale fragrances are just made by pajeets and an AI generator

>> No.17688350

Ordered some Bortnikoff attars, excited to see what they are like. If anyone wants to get an oud frag for cheap Luckyscent has Bortnikoff's Sans Fleurs travel sprays on sale for $40.

>> No.17688433

thinking of getting my girl pregnant tonight so she can marry me. what fragrance do i wear

>> No.17688435

Lapidus pour Homme

>> No.17688444

The obvious answer is Secretions Magnifique.

>> No.17688480
File: 26 KB, 375x500, 375x500.26110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried this?

>> No.17688513

Saw this at Ross for 20 bucks. Was thinking of grabbing it

>> No.17688553

its nice but you gottta put it on at least an hour before leaving the house

>> No.17688555

i do wear it, correct

>> No.17688588

Really liking the homoerotic images used in the OP for these generals

>> No.17688627

I wear it to remind myself of my husband

>> No.17688702

My bottle of aromatics elixir is arriving soon whatchu know about that? Prolly nothin...

>> No.17688725

he also explained it in an interview with some guy called leroy i think
knize ten
never ordered but i think so, was thinking of ordering something but didnt in the end. just use paypal
don't try extrait
dunhill cologne

>> No.17688757

You are actually retarded. The poikt of the interview isn't "do women recognise the smell" but "do women like the smell". Your impotent nagging about recognising is completely irrelevant.

>> No.17688760

the point of the interview is to sell you the fragrance and get you to click the video. the curly girl does paid marketing
and if you think the fact that 6 vs 3 random slags on the street picked one sweet accessible designer fragrance over another out of little paper strips means that "women like one fragrance over the other on men" then you are a lost cause

>> No.17688764

If we're being honest, as the high IQ poster has pointed out time after time, perfume should be enjoyed as an art form, independent of its utility in attracting random women on the street.

>> No.17688769

Well I didn't watch your shittyass interview, bitch, but at the end of the day I don't give a single shit what women say regardless. What I'm basically saying is that you can suck my dick.

Are you talking about me by chance? I have 147 IQ. Not bragging, just stating a fact.

>> No.17688771

Trust me, when he posts everybody knows about it.

>> No.17688775
File: 85 KB, 596x595, 1414493953137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom's birthday
>I gift her Acrasia
>sister gifts her Karl Lagerfeld for Her

Karl Who??? I think it's pretty clear who won the mombowl this year. No competition at all. She basically got swept. I'm HIM.

>> No.17688776

i have a small dick and i wear it.

>> No.17688781

sir whats a fragrance can make my girlfriend horny and want to have sex with me constantly when she smells it?

>> No.17688788

Rake & Ruin.

>> No.17688823
File: 47 KB, 524x334, brapfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>layering mancera frag with EN
And this is how the fragrance world dies... With thousands of exploded noses...

>> No.17688856

>pick any scent for that purpose
>make her multi-orgasm while wearing it
she'll get horny next time you wear it. Maybe pick one that's not popular with the other guys, kek

>> No.17688864

>Do it right after eating McDonalds
>She gets horny by and for McDonalds
>This describes 95% of the American public

>> No.17688883

yes, after some time it's like lavender/soap I guess, a safe workday option.

>> No.17688988
File: 73 KB, 419x370, 1635863890900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>found fragrance for this feel
>found store that stocks the house
>the specific fragrance is out of stock
>email them to ask if they're expecting any
>no reply

Feel like crying. What's a different fragrance for this godlike 10/10 song?

>> No.17689028

definitely Ombre Leather

>> No.17689031

Definitely not.

>> No.17689105

Did she like it?

>> No.17689115
File: 341 KB, 1365x2048, 1687290413630884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a really old batch of aventus that I want to preserve but also use it for special occasions with my gf.

I'm considering buying a pure oxygen tank so I can open it and spray my aventus next to it so only pure oxygen goes back inside the bottle after spraying. How beneficial would this be for the preservation of the aventus bottle?

>> No.17689133

ever heard of oxidation?

>> No.17689143

So what gas will be better

>> No.17689145

nitrogen (cheap), argon (expensive)

>> No.17689154

Just use it up, there are so many clones and so many similar smells that you can just get them nowadays

>> No.17689170


>> No.17689175

Yeah obviously. She loves it. I told her it's not that much of a summer fragrance technically, but she insists on wearing it still. Sadly it's the best perfume she's ever owned. My dad is a bum and my aunt is the only one that spends money on gifts for her, but she gets her some shitty guerlains and other normalfag shit. Everyone else buys her cheap mall shit. Like Karl Lagerbum? Who???

>> No.17689183

Tell me one comparable to aventus (you cannot)

I tried them all by the way

>> No.17689187

In the last year I bought my mom:
Lair du dessert
Mfk discovery set
Layton/pegasus/Herod/Percival 10ml bottles

I love my mom, but If she knew how much money I spent on smelly water for her she would kill me

>> No.17689190

ah yes i see you are still unable to appreciate the classics

>> No.17689244

>the classics

Such as? You're not talmbout Guerlain now are you?


Yes, you really do love your mom. You don't think she googled those though? Mine posted the Acrasia on her facebook and a bunch of her cougar friends went crazy.

>> No.17689254

I don't think so. She told me "but how much money are you spending on these?" And I said, dont worry they are pretty cheap and she uses them happily.

If I told her how expensive they are she would probably never use them . The other day she sprayed lair du desert to go to fucking LiDL lol. At least my mom is the best smelling one in the supermarket for sure.

>> No.17689264

Torn between blind buying Pacific Rock Moss or getting Vodka on the rocks (already smelled it before and I like it)
How's the performance on both?

>> No.17689266
File: 896 KB, 3208x2406, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The other day she sprayed lair du desert to go to fucking LiDL lol

I literally do that. I also wonder how many people in my country have BF fragrances. Or even Tauer. I don't want anyone else smelling like my mom. Everyone around her has has to be dying of curiosity when noticing her scent.

>> No.17689267

>Pacific Rock Moss

Looks average as shit.

>> No.17689283

My mom gets crazy compliments from 02 . People don't expect a woman in her 60s smelling like that and it seems to be a fragrance that every nose picks different things , so it's mass appealing in a way.

>> No.17689287

I'm asking people who've tried it

>> No.17689288

>Pacific Rock Moss
you can get a free 10ml travel spray from luckyscent if you buy some other shit

>> No.17689289

There's no way anyone in here has tried it.

>> No.17689295

I'm not in the us
It's a fairly known niche brand so you're wrong, I know at least one anon has tried it

>> No.17689303

How much do you have to buy in order to get a free gift? I’ve only bought samples from them but never noticed any free gift page.

>> No.17689309

It says on each one, they are all different. $125 for the pacific rock moss. $100 for 10 free samples.

>> No.17689318

>inb4 someone that hasn't tried it comes pretending they have

>> No.17689323

make it two. it didn't particularly stand out and if i don't look at my notes i won't remember what it smelled like. in a word: forgettable

>> No.17689356

what are their scents?

>> No.17689359

Drakkar Noir and Polo Green

>> No.17689404

I'm pretty much looking for a high quality and layered but not particularly innovative fresh scent which is what PRM seems to be

>> No.17689452
File: 59 KB, 557x1032, Screenshot_20230629-202703~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new decants I ordered from Ecuacion natural, all three are the ones I really liked from the past 24 samples they sent me.

Hedonik is probably the only Bianchi perfume I enjoy and I was so damn tempted to buy a full bottle of Sakura, but I wanted to be conservative this time about my spendings and try it longer with a decant .

Amour sur ordenanance is extremely beautiful deep rich anise that dries down into something similar to interlude. But the bottle is tacky and the price is really high but damn, is it beautiful. If I go through the 5ml I'll get a bottle.

>> No.17689453

Ecuacion natural is based.

>> No.17689456
File: 86 KB, 1300x1300, burberry-for-men-classic-eau-de-toilette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burberry Classic for Men

>> No.17689463
File: 57 KB, 683x455, chellycharms_sammysmithhc.rd_.07-683x455 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17689476

oud palao is great

>> No.17689500

They are, but they bait me so well with their samples the mfs

>> No.17689502
File: 107 KB, 1280x718, 1500183180694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting your NPC programming from a literal 'BBC' whore who also shills Snoopdogs disgusting frag
My brother (in christ), never post again.

>> No.17689517
File: 162 KB, 377x760, vozz8h376qtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's so good, damn

>> No.17689549

Snoopdog has a frag?

>> No.17689561
File: 280 KB, 921x900, D947F125-A0A7-457A-A030-FC0D7C86C7C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried fougere royale?
Looking for a classy summer perfume for men that’s not super mainstream.
Also anyone tried Penhaligon perfumes? They have a few that sound like they’d be good.

>> No.17689595

How is Aramis vs Drakkar Noir?

>> No.17689625
File: 898 KB, 1351x790, Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 23-20-29 Jeremy Fragrance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahaha, wtf?

>> No.17689654

Snoop Dog, Soulja Boy, it's all the same

>> No.17689676
File: 35 KB, 856x241, emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fragrantica has now removed the Fairyland Bloop from Emoji as a fragrance allowed for the "reminds me of" section. With a bit of luck, we might finally get valid reviews of e.g. the Jeremy frags without having a million meme shit frags in that section.

Yes, I have. It's technically your "typical fougere", obviously, but very floral and bright-green and with a classic touch (maybe from the rose). It's very interesting and on my wanted list, certainly worth testing, but it's hard to describe because I haven't smelled anything similar. Bought a sample after smelling it at a store to investigate it further.

>> No.17689738

It indeed is, photorealistic woods, mouthwatering peppery spices, bombastic sillage and longevity. And on top it's made with natural ingredients. Best frag ever made.

One anon here asked for a better Wonderwood, fucking go with Bois Imperial.

>> No.17689756
File: 96 KB, 1047x1047, buried-past[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first random compliment, from an older hispanic cashier at the grocery store with some big ol titties. Started unloading my food and she says in a thick accent
>chu smell yummy
took me a second to realize what she said, am wearing picrel

>> No.17689758

Anon is a person of interest and can bury his dick so hard in her she'll pass out.

>> No.17689795
File: 2.10 MB, 985x969, edu_seasons_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite winter, spring, summer, and fall frags?

>> No.17689820
File: 20 KB, 375x500, 375x500.1269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm craving something with base notes of coconut but isn't retarded expensive. Options?

>> No.17689868


>> No.17689871

Fusion d'Issey or Fusion d'Issey Extrême
As long as you can find it cheap

>> No.17689898

I'm buying a sample of this soon and I hope you fags aren't memeing about this one

>> No.17690024

I feel like coconut just instantly makes a frag smell like bath and body works tier shit

>> No.17690075
File: 77 KB, 800x800, john-varvatos-artisan-pure-edt-125ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17690080
File: 3.09 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20230629_213445520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, going out on a limb here and posting my collection. I'm feeling pretty good about where it's at, but I feel like I just hit a wall. What should I look for next? I'm planning to cop a bottle of Azzaro Pour Homme, and then something very woody, maybe EN a'la extreme. Anyone have any other suggestions about where to go from here?

>> No.17690120

The 10 free samples are random though :(

>> No.17690179

i got a bottle of this and it’s definitely the weirdest fougere in my collection. extremely green at the opening, very sharp at points, but never boring to be sure.

>> No.17690201

Hey man I want to smell like a basic white bitch okay

>> No.17690215

weird that you have y with that old man shit

>> No.17690216

>homosexual frags
I hope you’re just meme-ing

>> No.17690226
File: 2.84 MB, 576x1024, 1687717352059581.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a slutty fragrance recommendation for my girlfriend.
I recently bought her viva la juicy and angel

>> No.17690263

>notices thief trying to steal from his fanny pack
>omg I'm so hot, am I?!

>> No.17690269 [DELETED] 

dude go back and get banged hispanic mommy

>> No.17690271 [DELETED] 

dude go back and get banged by hispanic mommy

>> No.17690274

dude go back and get banged by hispanic mommy

>> No.17690277

Adidas Moves 4 lyfe

>> No.17690310

Aramis is a very dry leather chypre. It isn't sweet at all. To me it conjures an image of older male authority in a work setting, like if your grandfather was going to work in a suit and hat. It's very good but I find it hard to wear casually. It would have gotten cloying in the Miami heat and besides was probably a bit dated for tubbs and Crockett.

Drakkar Noir on the other hand is a fairly sweet creamy fougere. You have undoubtedly smelled it as shaving cream smelled like it for years due to the scents popularity.

They may also have worn Jovan sex appeal and antaeus/kouros when undercover.

>> No.17690312

Don't listen to the philistines they don't know what they are talking about.

If you like quorum you will likely also really like yatagan, which is easily one of the all time greats of men's perfumery. Not particularly woody except for the line more, but it's worth sampling at least once just to say you've smelled it.

>> No.17690329

any thoughts on aramis new west?

>> No.17690336

Orange X Santal smells really nice but the performance seems abysmal. Too bad

>> No.17690476


>> No.17690490
File: 197 KB, 1824x1368, rotation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got expensive niche juices in my collection but I still just rotate the same couple of frags instead. 150 mL of DHI didn't even last two years. I could easily afford to wear something more expensive every day, but I just don't want to. These ones are perfect and just work for me. I got backups for all of these except PE, which I will pick up again next.

I should probably sell everything else in my collection as I simply don't wear it.

>> No.17690493

Post collection so I can decide what I want to take from you.

>> No.17690503
File: 202 KB, 1824x1368, some.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I can't really be bothered. Just gonna list them on parfumo in July or August. It's mostly stuff similar to what I like the most, so more lavender, sandalwood or barbershop stuff.

>> No.17690505

Also not gonna get rid of 3e and Antaeus. They are actually in my rotation as well, although less often than the others by now.

>> No.17690510

None of these are interesting.

>> No.17690511

Like I said, can't be bothered to post my collection, Mr. Gothrockanon.

>> No.17690537

Come on it will take you no more than 5 minutes.

>> No.17690552

are you german? i do be looking for pour un homme

>> No.17690553

More like pepsi x dr.pepper soda
Good choice getting a sample first. It absolutely is a meme here

>> No.17690555

A complete meme. Spray less in the summer and more in the winter. Problem solved.
You already found the sluttiest one in existence, viva la juicy

>> No.17690577

Good taste.

>> No.17690600

How is Egoiste now? I wanna try it but I feel like I should just go all in and cop a vintage bottle to get the full experience

>> No.17690616

My F/W frag is jazz club, what should I get for summer?
Also thoughts on coccobello by heeley?

>> No.17690657
File: 1.64 MB, 828x1792, IMG_6585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros… 1.5ml for 5 bucks or 10ml for 22 bucks? Blind buy…

>> No.17690666

1.5. I love Bois imperial, but why would you waste more money than necessary. If you like it, then go for the full bottle

>> No.17690669
File: 5 KB, 194x259, aim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fresh Patchouli Pure
Cinnamon, patchouli, and tonka. But kept light and fresh with citruses and ginger. Not really a fan of this cinnamon and I never like tonka but it's an interesting take on patchouli.

>Acqua di Parma Blue Mediterraneo Mandorlo di Sicilia
At first I couldn't tell what it reminded me of but "root beer float" is the closest description I've found. I get the almond and vanilla but there's more going on. A little bit minty to my nose at first, although that's not a listed note. Maybe that's due to the anise. Another interesting one until the drydown which is nice enough but not unique.

>Creed Viking Cologne
Smells like a modern take on cologne or shaving cream my dad used. Citrus, lavender, vetiver. Not bad. Definitely smells like a Creed to me.

>Amouage Interlude Man
Dark and dry. It's not the darkest thing I've smelled, but it's up there. Smoke/incense, dirt, wood. Just a little bit sweet. The drydown is relatively wearable, I get mostly leather and oud. It's a good one, just not for everyone.

>> No.17690687

This is a cheap masterpiece

>> No.17690690

This is good taste but kind of boring

>> No.17690692

I got my first paycheck in Spain In my new job and it's close to three thousand.

Is aventus worth it in 2023?

>> No.17690698

this way to the shower, never mind the wooden doors.

>> No.17690704

i asked a girl what her favorite mens cologne was, and only replied "something fresh"
are there any fresh men's cologne? the few i've been around always been quite dank

>> No.17690705

Nah I'm good, I don't need a shower when I have a full bottle of King Kouros

>> No.17690719

The modern DN does not taste so sweet to me, but still has the familiar note that you describe. Dakar is supposed to be a good clone, or can the original scent be recreated by layering the modern formula with something mossy?

>> No.17690731

She doesn't seem to care too much so just get something basic like Sauvage or Bleu De Chanel or Versace Pour Homme. They're fresh, easy to find, and likeable to most people.

>> No.17690732
File: 1.36 MB, 1440x960, 1675477922232977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just blindbought 10 ml of this for 24 euros incl. shipping

Saw reviews and people saying that it smells exactly like a campfire. I slightly agree but it does lean to the "perfumy" fire if you get what I am saying. It's not an exact fire, but something you expect from perfumes if they would try to recreate a campfire.

I love the sweet notes added to it, it makes the firey smell more neutral

im shit at reviews but 8/10, would wear on the colder days or maybe summer nights

>> No.17690733
File: 99 KB, 1000x697, lqaf123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on QAF? Kinda want to pick this up but I'm worried about it leaning a little too feminine since it's labeled as a unisex frag. Is it really that sweet?

>> No.17690740

Every fragrance is unisex realistically

>> No.17690770


>> No.17690779

Yes, it's sweet but still masculine. Try Zara Vibrant Leather Bogoss, its the original one and little bit more masculine (yes, arabs brands now copy zara)

>> No.17690784
File: 604 KB, 2048x1336, 1688142088312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random no name arab frag
>is it really that sweet
Yes im sure it is
The fragrantica reviews are really selling it
>This blasts everyone around you, my friend says I smell like a mid-30s arab man that works at a mall kiosk.
>My biggest issue with this fragrance is the saffron is too strong for about two hours, once the saffron calms down it smells more pleasant, and smoothly pineapple.
>It's better than I expected, I actually quite like it, even tho I'll probably never wear it since I have much better option
>To get a better idea of how this smells think of pineapple on pizza.

>> No.17690785

Are you in Madrid?

>> No.17690807

>squiggly letters
>adbul hasan salam EDP

Stop being retarded and get some taste. For real. Some of you guys itt need beatings I swear.

>> No.17690829

Nope, why

Why recent batches of aventus are not worth it by the way?

>> No.17690832

>Why recent batches of aventus are not worth it by the way?
Watered down, price has gone way up, worse performance, less smokey birch then the old batches
It lasts maybe half as long as the bottles from 2012 while costing 50% more

>> No.17690853

To recommend a store where you could go to try niche perfumes
Try Loewe Esencia EDP, way better than new Aventus batches and cheaper.

>> No.17690856

Couldn’t you pick a less gay picture?

>> No.17690880

Which is better, this or Jazz Club?

>> No.17690891

If it's secret du Marais, I buy from them regularly and I sampled aventus and I really like it, but yeah, the performance of the 2022 batch I tried was total shit

I just want to make myself a nice gift

>> No.17690892

Why is it so fucking hard to find a fragrance, especially designer, with good performance nowadays?
I mean fuck every time I find something I like, it also lasts for three hours and/or doesn't project

>> No.17690912

No, this OP has been making these NSFW shitpost threads early and linking them late in the old thread so he can spam his reddit charts in the first two posts. He also owns no perfumes.

>> No.17690913

First because everything is watered down and made as cheap as possible to squeeze more profit.
Second because people don't smoke indoors anymore, so fragrances have been toned down and made more polite so they aret seen as overbearing.
If you want strong designer frags test the first batch when the fragrance is released, if you like it buy several bottles immediately from the same store because the formula will be cheapened and watered down and if you go to buy a new bottle years later it probably won't be like your old one.

>> No.17690917 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 400x400, s-l400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Rehab Silver is so fucking good. I like Silver Mountain Water, it's sharp and citrusy, metallic. But it gets that vintage feel to it.
Creed seem very good for my taste, some retards call it old mens scents, i call it classics.
This. Esencia Edp and Al haramain L'Aventure are the best clones

>> No.17690920
File: 20 KB, 400x400, s-l400 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Rehab Silver is so fucking good. I like Silver Mountain Water, it's sharp and citrusy, metallic. But it has that vintage feel to it.
Creed seem very good for my taste, some retards call it old mens scents, i call it classic.
>>17690853 #
This. Esencia Edp and Al haramain L'Aventure are the best clones

>> No.17690960

>good performance
>fresh, cold, crisp
>fairly youthful, good for a mid twenties guy
>expensive-smelling, chill and classy
Which frags fit the description?

>> No.17690968
File: 98 KB, 734x985, 99d8c3ba460f2a8d1082070fb4c06bb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17690973

I cannot trust someone who has pictures like these saved on his computer

>> No.17690978

Now buy a bottle of black musk moil from one of the arab brands, shit will blow your pants off

>> No.17690980

>black musk moil
Black musk oil

>> No.17691040

Anyone else becoming more unable to tolerate fragrances as you get deeper into testing them? Anything more than an edc sickens me at this point

>> No.17691046
File: 462 KB, 1080x1069, bhpct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like antaeus
>test picrel, like it
>review says it fades to something similar to antaeus
well, no need to get it then I guess

>> No.17691050

>chart seether
hi, newfag!

>> No.17691054

>so he can spam his reddit charts in the first two posts
cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.17691055

I'm German but Pour Un Homme might just make the cut, I haven't really decided yet. I'm gonna sell the ones I haven't really worn more than a few times first. I want to pick up Chypre Palatin and L'Air du Desert Marocain, but I told myself I gotta sell stuff first. If I put it up for sale, I'll drop a hint into one of these threads.


It's fine, I'd say? Someone told me I smell like christmas when I wore it. I don't know what the vintage smelled like, so I'm not worried about that. I like the current version as is. Lasts really long on me.

I gotta be honest, that is the reason why I continued sampling and getting other stuff. Was hoping to find something I like more, because those are pretty much just designers. But as it turns out, that didn't really happen. Pour Monsieur might have to go for Chypre Palatin, Voyage d'Hermes is a really good citrus-tea frag, but my desire for citrus is satisfied by Eau Sauvage Parfum, and that's about it.

Brother, just go to a store and test it.

No direct campfire smell for me, but it's the smell of roasting marshmallows on a campfire. Too sweet, I passed.

That entirely depends on your nose/personal preference so just go to a store and test them.

>> No.17691057

>OP is samefagging and and angry for being called out
typical homosexual

>> No.17691058

how's the al rehab compared to smw? last i tested, al rehab silver was shit compared to the real deal.

>> No.17691061
File: 33 KB, 500x491, C18Qj5yW8AA-pPe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm neither of those possibly two guys but I still support posting the charts, including making the new thread first, posting the charts and then linking the new thread in the old thread. Gonna cry?

>> No.17691064
File: 68 KB, 340x340, 1499319-Marc-Antoine-Barrois-Ganymede-Eau-de-Parfum-100-ml.e3739cad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it blindbuy worthy?
read some real Hype about it

or should i stick to Noir Extreme Parfum i allredy like and love

In Europe you get some nice deals atm on
basler-beauty .de
use the code: BEAUTYFEVER
(Dont works on Creed)

>> No.17691068

I’m not crying, samefag
I’m calling you out on your shit so everyone knows that you make the threads and spam the charts

>> No.17691088

I love it, but don't blind buy a 190euros fragrance , your are setting yourself up for dissapointment

>> No.17691091

It's not blindbuy worthy and you should just get a sample if you can't find it at a store. What's wrong with you? Why are you blindbuying 150€ juice?

Nah, you're crying.

>> No.17691112

post collection

>> No.17691113

you support the gay sex pics in the OP as well? faggot

>> No.17691153

No idea man, I haven't smelled Jazz Club before but I read that Jazz Club is more boozy.

Yeah I can imagine finding it too sweet, after 5-6 hours only the vanilla is left but fuck it some of my other frags smell like nothing after 6 hours so it's something

But yeah, it's something that you wear more during the christmas season or when it's "cozy"time. I can't imagine wearing this to the office or something

>> No.17691155

I had both as samplers, for me Autumn Vibes, Jazz Club and Fireplace were similar. Jazz Club had more nuance, bought a 30ml of it, my usual evening out frag. Autumn Vibes I'll finish the sampler, in fall, and will not pursue. Current darker favourite is Tragedy of Lord George - to give an idea what I like.

I like smokey whiskies, but not too smokey frags, I guess. Been drinking Talisker for 15 years at this point. Also like actual fires, smoked meats & Finnish tar shampoo.

>> No.17691160
File: 126 KB, 391x482, o.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, slowly believing that fragrances are a ploy to get us sick, next to micro plastic, hormones in tap water.
I realised it when Morillas wore a tie with snake on it, very suspicious to me. Also when search for perfumers favorite fragrance you will learn that most prominant perfumers never wear fragrance.
But i'm so deep into this hobby, wasted thousand of bucks that it's impossible for me to quit.

>> No.17691166

I wanna 3D print a sample organizer but I'm not sure how to design it. What do you guys use to store your samples? I have way too many.

>> No.17691173
File: 12 KB, 520x146, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

Tauer LADAS, LDDM, Pthaloblue, ACDD, Sundowner
Nicolai NYI
Nasomatto BA, Baraonda, Pardon, Fantomas, Duro, Absinth
Xerjoff Naxos
Villoresi Uomo, Yerbamate
Etro Etra, Pegaso, Greene Street, Musk
EP Bois Imperial, Nice Bergamote, Fig Infusion
Chanel Pour Monsieur, Allure Homme, AHSEE, AHSEB, AHS Cologne
Le Male, H24 EDP, Terre d' Hermes EDT, Gucci Guilty EDPPH, GG Absolute
lost of Issey Miyake frags
cheapies and arab clones
100+ samples

>> No.17691174
File: 311 KB, 2340x1100, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One for spring/summer and one for fall/winter

>> No.17691176

I was gonna ask for picture proof, but that collection sucks massive ass aside from a few of those.


>> No.17691180

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ once again: cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.17691186

I've already posted some of it in this thread and I've posted some of it in the past. In fact, an image containing a small selection of my collection has been posted over and over again.

I don't give a shit as long as I can find the thread in the catalog. I'm not insecure enough to have my sexual orientation challenged by the OP pics, which means I can just scroll past them. You should really think about how much something so irrelevant bothers you, it might show you some deeper issues.

The sample bags from ausliebezumduft.de in which they send their samples. Just dropped them into a drawer.

>> No.17691187

Right, it's a Ziploc bag. I don't care what my samples look like.

>> No.17691188

But enough about your morning routine.

I knew someone that made that post would have a bad collection.

>> No.17691190

I forgot I asked you guys what you use. I thought you were giving me a recommendation. My bad.

>> No.17691200

Post your collection

>> No.17691205

I can't right now. Tomorrow.

>> No.17691310

>Zara Vibrant Leather Bogoss
Of course they discontinue another interesting fragrance.
Thanks for the input

>> No.17691349

>bad frags
>defends OP’s faggotry because he’s OP
I’ve had it with this board and general
Enjoy your stupid water

>> No.17691356

He's just german. They're like that. It's genetics. Don't worry too much about it. We can still talk about good fragrances in here.

>> No.17691392
File: 114 KB, 1280x1280, ambre-russe-100ml.png__43228.1671736946[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17691569
File: 122 KB, 734x1000, 514XMzb3cvL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



No matter what, this shit smells sexy. I want to hate it for its popularity, but I can't

>> No.17691582

Creative anons, have you tried mixing fragrances in a bottle to create something new, or make something entirely from scratch?

>> No.17691601

I mixed Quorum and Bogart Signature. It's good.

>> No.17691609

Depending on your vial size, a bullet tray for reloading works really well. I'm a burger and hasguns, so I just use one from an old box of .45 ammo. It fits the 2ml spray vials perfectly. The only downside is that they are all tightly spaced, so I sometimes have to pick each one up to read the label. Alternatively you could get a nice piece of wood and drill however many 10-12mm holes you want and use that for samples. In fact I like the idea of doing that myself.

>> No.17691613

Molecule 01 Mandarin

>> No.17691654

Noob here, got some new samples today bros
We’ll start with the imaginary authors
I smelled some of these in person at a local place and most of them stuck me immediately as synthetic and amateurish
Two caught my interest though specifically as examples of styles I don’t usually like but that I didn’t mind
>Memoirs of a Trespasser - vanilla for those who don’t like vanilla
Initially got a blast of freshly charred oak and it toes the line between burning wood and toasty vanilla marshmallow the whole time, but it’s still just too sweet. I need a nice dry vanilla or something, Eau de Beaux maybe? Whatever I’m saving the rest of this sample for Christmas
>Every Storm a Serenade - marine for those who don’t like marine
Starts with a nice wet pine but goes from there to just so much unpleasant aloe vera/vapor rub. About 3 hours in I started getting the nice salty marine smell of what I assume is something ambergris-ish? Like the smell just getting out of a pool, I like this part but it takes too long to get there.
Tomorrow we try Bois imperial…. And MOLECULE 01 + GINGER. Stay tuned

>> No.17691681
File: 124 KB, 634x821, 10700140-0-image-a-26_1551968183248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD Wood Neroli
A softer take on Neroli. It has a creamy, white woods drydown.
Dreamed today about a pale white girl i kissed and we saw eachother in the eyes, while we say "i love you".
Shit is cash.

>> No.17691682
File: 5 KB, 225x225, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else gets super triggered every time they hear the phrase "master perfumer"? When I read news somehow I don't fucking see expressions like "the corporate merger between such and such was supervised by the master accountant...."

>> No.17691683

>t. smelly paki

>> No.17691686
File: 10 KB, 235x324, c9eddeb892b0ec670420d334c15aeb7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good smelly half black
Bois Imperial is the pinnacle of woodsy scents. Photorealistic, natural, bombastic longevity.

>> No.17691719

Does anyone here use Dior Homme 2011/Original as their daily frag? And does it actually smell like lipstick or does that idea stem from retards regurgitating fragrantica comments? I haven't been able to try it out yet but I am unreasonably curious about all Dior Homme frags and especially 2011/Original.

>> No.17691726

>I’ve had it with this board and general
fucking finally. don't let the door hit you on the way out, faggot

>> No.17691732
File: 139 KB, 1600x1036, dior homme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Parfum is my favorite fragrance for going out, but Original and Intense are nice too
I don't get any lipstick from them, but maybe I just haven't smelled old school iris lipstick much. but I think the average person smelling you would never think you smell of lipstick, it seems like either autosuggestion to me, or something a small minority of people get
the Intense is the easiest to try in stores. the Original is lighter, less sweet and probably more versatile and fresh, but performance is mediocre from what I remember. the Parfum the heaviest and most complex with extra leather, sandalwood and rose

>> No.17691736

>I’ve had it with this board and general
Yeah, well I'm not OP but if this is what made your whiny ass finally leave, I'll take it. Also I don't give a shit about your opinion of my frags. I know you haven't smelled most of them, because this is what this general often does - shit talk frags they haven't tested.

Those fragrances are some of the best designer offerings out there and even for gothrockers they could serve as a nice reference.

I got a full bottle of Memoirs (and Eau des Baux), the dusty vanilla is as dry as it gets. Most other vanilla frags are sweeter, while Eau des Baux is very different with its incense and tonka. Both of them are some of the less sweet vanilla frags, though.

I've emptied my 150 mL bottle of Dior Homme Intense, which is way more lipsticky in the opening than Dior Homme Original. When I first smelled it, I associated it with lipstick as well, but since then, my gf doesn't use lipstick which smells like iris at all, and as a result other things smell lipsticky to me now. The drydown is just lightly peppered and powdery woods, so it's important to give it a full test. DHO is less lipsticky and goes a slightly different route (powdery cacao), but the performance just ain't there for me. So to answer your question - I use a version of it basically daily, its opening absolutely smells lipsticky, the drydown doesn't and you should just test it. If you can't find DHO, try DHI, and if you just can't get into it I doubt you'd like DHO, either.

>> No.17691748 [DELETED] 

Nah, for my taste DH2020 and especially DH Sport 2020 are the best Dior Hommes . Bought a decant of DHS 2020 and wtf it's a woody incense bomb with little citrused on top.
There're did it right with the 2020 releases, the choco-vanilla iris DH are turkish-oriental style of fragrances.

>> No.17691749


>> No.17691753
File: 1.11 MB, 540x300, tumblr_d6f31a8bcea875c562bbc96f2933e898_2ff601c6_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, for my taste DH2020 and especially DH Sport 2020 are the best Dior Hommes . Bought a decant of DHS 2020 and wtf it's a woody incense bomb with little citrus on top.
They did it right with the 2020 releases, the choco-vanilla iris DHs are turkish-oriental style of fragrances.

>> No.17691761

No they definitely are not.

>> No.17691776

fair enough, the new ones are good too, especially the Sport. I do wish they released them under another name though as they have nothing in common with the old Dior Homme DNA

>> No.17691893
File: 216 KB, 800x1089, Karlie-Kloss-Model07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a clear cheap 5€ fake of mfk on AliExpress
>Buy a real one from secret du Marais
>Ask for a refund
>Send the fake instead

Got half of my collection like this from different stores. Feels good man

>> No.17691901

Stop the cap.

>> No.17691906

I'm going to do it with interlude 53 next, I'll post about it.

>> No.17691911
File: 499 KB, 2340x2340, essential parfums mon vetiver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this house and this perfume? I can get it for a good deal.

>> No.17691920

the meme one is good. mon vetiver also sounds nice, though there are plenty of vetiver frags out there

>> No.17691927

Which one's the meme one?

>> No.17691935

bois imperial

>> No.17691937

imagine being a man and wearing a "fragrance"

>> No.17691939

>>wear it a few times
>>lose interest in it
This is why I always buy the smallest bottle possible.

>> No.17691945
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1655205915672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to go out to a date with a biological woman soon and I wont be here to stop the mentally ill aids ridden semen slurping OP from making another troll thread

I think I'll wear flower boy maybe.

>> No.17691950
File: 17 KB, 296x335, 14304775059420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17691958

if the smell of your sweat isn't enough to make bitches wet you are genetically defective

>> No.17691960

It is, but I don't wear perfume or do anything for taht matter for any bitch. That was your first mistake.

>> No.17691962 [DELETED] 
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Women always have it better. They get treated better by society. They have better clothes. Bodies. They are biologically sufficient whereas males are superfluous, as evidenced by female-exclusive procreation in the wild.

>> No.17691989
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>> No.17691993

lavender is solidly on the male end of the spectrum though if you're not a smoothbrain flyover knuckle dragger

>> No.17692018

Buy ONE, not all. I ebayed the entire set not a month ago…

>> No.17692024


>> No.17692027

Thanks, I think Aramis is what my grandpa used and he had exactly the kind of job that you describe

>> No.17692028

You were born in 2012.

>> No.17692058

Napoleon did

>> No.17692063

Anybody else find that all cologne smells exactly the same after having COVID?
It still smells good, but every time I smell someone walk past with cologne on, it smells exactly like the one I currently use (D&G The One).
I know it’s not unique and pretty popular but I also know that it can’t possibly be the only cologne I smell in public places. Even in the gym I smell it in the locker room

>> No.17692090

>after having COVID
>he got covid

>> No.17692104
File: 764 KB, 2430x2430, oie_1192159U6Qzm2Re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my rotation this week.
DH Sport 2020 and Wood Neroli where big surprises, love that shit.
Rive Gauche Intense is a no brainer.
But Office for Men, sheesh.
Went on the Jeremy hype wagon and Jeremy was a huge let down.
Office for Men literally is an another blue freshie smelling fragrance, but not the based old way of style with lavender(Cool Water, Polo Sport). When you own Bleu de Chanel, Y Ysl, Hawas(better than Office for Men), Invictus or any freshie with an apple note you don't need Office for Men.
What a faggot of a fragrance.

>> No.17692179



>> No.17692232
File: 951 KB, 224x336, fuck you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parfumo's souk sucks massive fucking ass. It's either nobody selling what I want, or people asking for absolutely retarded prices for the most basic shit that I can LITERALLY get from a notino store in person within 20 minutes.

>hurr durr I only used up 5ml out of 100 so I can charge you almost the full price

Shut the fuck up bitch.

>> No.17692236

Why the FUCK is the fragrantica mobile site so goddamn SHIT

>> No.17692248
File: 43 KB, 1117x535, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to support Ecuacion. This is what they stock. Color each house you think is worth buying from for me.

>> No.17692271

Orto Parisi
Francesca Bianchi

>> No.17692279

You missed Apoteker Tepe for no reason at all.

>> No.17692282

I missed a few, but at least its a start

>> No.17692293

>Office for Men literally is an another blue freshie smelling fragrance
why did you buy it thinking it's anything else? literally everyone says it's just that

>> No.17692302

because its an artform

>> No.17692304

Anon who tried the IA here, thanks for the feedback senpai—if this is as dry as it gets I think vanilla just isn’t for me.

BOIS IMPERIAL today… this is nice bros. Really nice. Gf says it’s her favorite yet, too. Did I just become a bischfag?

>> No.17692307

Fascinating given it was the first men's perfume to use calone in significant quantities. Worth smelling just for the historical interest.

>> No.17692313

Yes he's the American imperialist German poster, do keep up.

>> No.17692316

Is that knowing for men? How is it?

>> No.17692321

The Dakar perfume oil is very close to OG drakkar noir. It's nice to have around just to smell and compare to other fougeres desu.

>> No.17692334

I trusted Jeremy claiming it's the best fresh fragrance on the market. Literally any blue fragrance in the direction of Bdc or Sauvage will make Office for men redundant. Absolute kek that people bought it back then for full retail price.
Some reviews say that it's a mix between Sauvage and Aventus. Don't get any references of it from that scent. Especially the creamy musk in the drydown isn't there.

>> No.17692338

Ok we’re an hour in and past the opening. Getting kind of a plasticky container smell now? The dream might be dead…

>> No.17692342

Literally everywhere I go I smell the nicest. It's insane. Somebody stop me.

>> No.17692346
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>> No.17692354


>> No.17692360

Bois Imperial smells like fresh cut woods, photorealistic saw dust. A dream for any niche enthusiast.
But Mr. Bisch due to his masterful perfumery skills combined the already incredible natural smelling dry woods with mouthwatering peppery spices. The notes together will make you a darling to any female out there.
But that's not all: the longevity is so bombastic that it stay on your clothes for 2 days.

>> No.17692361

whats the 4chan approved online frag store

>> No.17692363

I wonder if I should get a Roeln or a Pineward next.

>> No.17692365

actually is etsy a thing for perfume

>> No.17692369


>> No.17692370

If you're in yurop I like Ecuacion. They have a lot of rarer stuff and give out a lot of samples.

>> No.17692375

ill check it out

>> No.17692389

310 EDP by Clover fragrances.

>> No.17692412

omw to Saks 5th Ave to sample some frags and use my $50 credit from Amex to buy something. Any suggestions? I want Intense Cedrat Boisee but they may not have it in store so I’ll have to buy online if that’s the case.

>> No.17692463

truly bizarre collection

>> No.17692466

Thought it was just me. Does it randomly not load sometimes then there will be a mile of blank space in between every section?

>> No.17692522

He's lying the perfomance is more ass than his pic

>> No.17692645

Date is the good Jeremy fragnce frag, there is a reason it goes for 2x as much as office

>> No.17692803

Eros EDP
girls love it

>> No.17692866

Other than the arguable linearity what’s wrong with them?

>> No.17693179

I like this one, I have a bottle and it’s really sweet smelling

>> No.17693490
File: 197 KB, 1307x495, 9B62EEF2-7308-4298-9781-00A553FF1F9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOTD torn between The Dreamer OR H24 EDP it’s gonna be 87 degrees out. And ordered these two. Love fat electrician, haven’t tried Hermann. But everything I read online sounds up my alley