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/fa/ - Fashion

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17685106 No.17685106 [Reply] [Original]

When would it ever be appropriate for a woman to dress like this and should you allow your girlfriend or wife dress like this ever? Is it a red flag if they want to?

>> No.17685113

What a whore. No I don’t think it’s appropriate, ur basically try to gain attention when ur already have a partner, that’s a red flag. Hoe mentality. Even if you don’t have partner and dress like this, it tells me all I need to know about your character. No deceny what’s so ever.

Show all ur lewdness in private not in public.

>> No.17685118

its appropriate unless its a funeral or wedding or something that otherwise has a dress code. I would "allow" my gf to wear it, it would only be a redflag if she cheated on you, but even then, better to know she will by giving her enough rope to hang herself with than marry her and try to control her behavior only to have her cheat on you when there are children in the picture

>> No.17685121

Seamonkey with fake tits.

>> No.17685123

Where do you find women like this? You think she's pinoy? I don't think so

>> No.17685124

>Is it a red flag if they want to?
one of the biggest red flags possible

>> No.17685165

Why "allow"

>> No.17685176

because you dont have ownership of your partner, at least not in a healthy relationship. What you should "allow" is the behaviors of your partner you may not like but is not worth breaking up over. Its better to try to find someone who naturally does the things you like than to try to force someone into them. Its a scarcity mindset that thinks overwise, like "i will never get another girl to touch my penis so I must mould this one into my perfect girl through manipulation and coercion". Youre only going to end up miserable or worse, divorce raped

>> No.17685237

a woman who is comfortable in her body and chooses is too flaunt it occasionally is more feminine, sexier, desirable.

if it is my woman than there is nothing wrong with that, so long as she's ok getting cummies when we get home

>> No.17685238

smart man

>> No.17685263

Does anyone know what race she is? I don't think it's hispanic. This is my type of whore that I want to fuck and then never see again

>> No.17685270

If you chain her in the basement when you get home so she doesn't fuck other guys, then its acceptable

>> No.17685271

I couldn't really tell, but I think its a Latina or a really decent Filipina

>> No.17685303

Only relevant opinion

>> No.17685322

We really need a taliban/Iran style morality police.

>> No.17685324

No and no
>Is it a red flag

>> No.17685327

>hispanic girl
bro lol

>> No.17685334

>dude we need to camouflage the hoes so its more difficult to find a trad wife
literally why?

>> No.17685341

Determining appropriate attire is subjective and can vary based on cultural, social, and personal preferences. It is important to recognize that people have different styles and expressions, and what may be appropriate for one person may not be for another.

When it comes to your girlfriend or wife's clothing choices, it is essential to approach the topic with respect, open communication, and understanding. Instead of imposing strict rules or judgments, it is more productive to engage in a healthy conversation about individual style, personal comfort, and mutual preferences.

Every relationship is unique, and couples should establish their own boundaries and agreements regarding clothing choices. It is crucial to have open discussions and find a balance that both partners are comfortable with. Respect for individual expression and autonomy is important in any relationship.

Regarding red flags, it is not inherently a red flag if your partner wants to dress in a certain way that may differ from your preferences or societal norms. However, if there are underlying control issues, lack of trust, or a pattern of manipulation associated with their clothing choices, it may be indicative of deeper relationship concerns that should be addressed.

Ultimately, it is important to foster an environment of trust, mutual respect, and open communication within your relationship, including discussions about personal style and clothing choices.

>> No.17685356


>> No.17685362

Anyone know what race she is? Is it really Latina? She looks kinda asian

>> No.17685366

>What you should "allow" is the behaviors of your partner you may not like
>but is not worth breaking up over.
>Its better to try to find someone who naturally does the things you like than to try to force someone into them.
Stay attached to a hoe and allow their sluttery because it’s almost worth breaking up over.

>> No.17685367

>womansplaining apologist

>> No.17685412

Tl;dr and probably missed out on nothing of value

Are you a woman btw? If so post tits or gtfo

>> No.17685427

Why are incels always so pathetically insecure?
If it was my girl I would be filled with pride. Because I'm an alpha male parading around my prize.
Making betas seethe, making women jealous they aren't with me, and vest of all creating a possible morally right situation where I can beat the piss out of someone for thinking they can approach my girl.
We are not the same.

>> No.17685433
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>> No.17685437

the worst part about this is when you think about the womans thought process behind doing something like this. like let alone seeing that, weird enough, but how many people are enabling this stupid bitches attention seeking antics
put some clothes on you dumb coomer whore. not funny, not sexy, i am not a pea brained arab i am not interested in what you are selling. what value does she think she is putting on display. totally disgraceful slut
8k0wap btw

>> No.17685438


>> No.17685443

she is showing her booba and making every male 12 to 80s day, public service really

>> No.17685454

If you're partner won't sign a contract saying they are your property then are they even yours? I don't have to mould or manipulate my partner. I tell her what to do and she does it.

>> No.17685457

see you on /pol/ in 3 years complaining about how all women are whores and you had to give your bitch of an ex wife half of your shit and salary

>> No.17685465

It depends on the situation. If going to a nice restaurant in the city before going back to an expensive hotel and fugging, then it's fitting. But if going shopping in a homeware store? It's just weird.

>> No.17685470

Can anyone give the source for this? I don't want to crank one out, I just want to know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.17685472

>going to a nice restaurant
>in a sheer dress

>> No.17685474


>> No.17685479

Looks good to me, I'm fine with it.

/Any y'all ever gotten laid?

>> No.17685485

You'll tolerate anything for pussy won't you?

>> No.17685490

there is a tasteful amount of a risque element in that kind of womens evening wear in more cosmopolitan environments maybe what with laces and meshy fabrics but this is like mad wine slag energy. she is only missing the summer trilby

>> No.17685492
File: 177 KB, 367x367, 58e95f9595b0bac2e1366afe2722f6a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girlfriend likes to flaunt shit like this in public because she wants all the guys to be jealous of me. it's actually an aspect of her submissiveness towards me to make all the other guys jealous that she's on my arm and not theirs. to show them that i'm better than they are because i have her and they don't.

>> No.17685493

No, but I might just be a perv, and op vid is esthetically pleasing to me.

>> No.17685495

This guy gets it.

>> No.17685497

not him but anon, you clearly don't know how prevalent the sub/dom dynamic is in the real world. i've had three girlfriends gladly sign contracts that spell out the boundaries of her submissiveness and what her limits are for me to work within. it's actually very common within that kind of relationship dynamic. if she disobeys me she receives punishments but you need the contract to codify the limits. some girls want to be truly punished like having to hold a quarter against the wall with their nose for a half hour. others want "funishments" like being spanked hard or not be allowed to wear clothes for a certain amount of time.

>> No.17685517

Total cuck behaviour. If she was submissive she’d submit to you forcing her to cover up and then only show her ass and tits to you. Fucking betas with no logic

>> No.17685518

cuck mental gymnastics right on time

>> No.17685519

this girl is russian, the daughter of an extremely wealthy russian oligarch. additionally, she’s made tons of money on her own with streaming online.

>> No.17685520

and then she takes the contract to the court as proof of your manipulative and abusive behavoir and she gets your house and 60% of your salary. Women love contracts like that because that type of woman views your relationship as transactional and will cash out on you once she gets bored

>> No.17685534

She doesn't look like a stereotypical Russian for some reason

>> No.17685537

I miss pre-sexual revolution feminists. Betty Friedan I can understand. I can't understand wanting to be seen as a sex object or how that's liberating.

>> No.17685543

Do you have any idea how many ethnicities are there in Russia?

>> No.17685545

That's why you have it written by a lawyer so it can't used against you.

>> No.17685549

Nope. Where can I find a woman like her though? She's hot as hell

>> No.17685552

>Where do I find a Russian girl
You're a moron.

>> No.17685554

Which part of Russia?

>> No.17685555

I'm not in the business of spoon feeding morons.

>> No.17685560

Okay faggot

>> No.17685584

when men can walk around with our cocks out and no one bats an eye.

>> No.17685586

brother, its so over...

>> No.17685589

>Obviously a massive slut.
Clearly Filo. Every single one, male and female alike.

>> No.17685591

Some other guy said she's Russian tho

>> No.17685607

yeah Philippines is insane, but they eat like shit and their pussys stink

>> No.17685613

insane how? also are there women in the pinoy land that look like op? also why do they stink?

>> No.17685628

because their food is all super sweet fried shit. its insane because the girls are so easy. I stopped on a layover and stayed for a week because I got sick and got 3 decent girls to come straight to my hotel room. their are some that look like that, but you're sorting through 100 mystery meat deformed looking ones to find a hot one.

>> No.17685629

Lmao. I also heard their voices are so ugly. They sound like fucking animals lol

>> No.17685631

Lmfao guy in the back thinks he's slick

>> No.17685634

nah that was one of the best parts. I dont even remember how they sound speaking in pinoy. its like some Spanish bastard language, but they just sound like Latinas speaking in English.

>> No.17685653

It's so pathetic really. Shit is embarrassing

>> No.17685923

That reads 100% like something ChatGPT would generate.

>> No.17686181


>> No.17686280

What is this phenotype called?

>> No.17686288

> Fashion is for attracting the other sex

that's why everyone here has ladies falling over them anon

Your mentality devolves into veiling women you troglodyte

>> No.17686291

If the only thing stopping your girl from cheating is *other* people finding her attractive, it's your girl who's the whore anon lmfao

>> No.17686300

or just not walking around with your tits and cunt out...

>> No.17686305

> I as a red-blooded man am offended by attractive women dressing lewd

Just say you're gay anon

>> No.17686312

I dont find it attractive and would prefer having to work to see anything. Its also just trashy. I'd feel the same way about some guy wearing sexcore with his dickprint on display.

>> No.17686317


I find it fun that you brought up penises for no reason

>> No.17686358

>t. cuck

>> No.17687068

date night at the crib

>> No.17687157
File: 346 KB, 600x654, 1679511384347974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not only appropiate it's necessary, all hot girls should dress like this, we should make it a law

>> No.17687166

Allow doesn’t necessarily mean force her to do or not do something. If I say I would not allow my gf to do something, it is another way of saying that I would not tolerate it, in other words I would clearly state it as a boundary for my taste and breakup if she her tastes are not circumscribed within the bounds of my tastes. She is free to do the same. For example if she said she would not allow me to cheat, it simply means she would breakup if I cheated on her, because obviously she can do nothing physically to stop any action I choose to engage in because she is like 5’7” 120lbs lmao, I could destroy her in a second.

>> No.17687222

I find exhibitionism hot, so I'd *encourage* my GF/wife to dress like a turboslut at events where it's semi-appropriate. (Anime/comic cons, raves, clubs, etc.) I'm only OK with it if I'm with her the entire time and we fuck like crazy afterwards though.

>> No.17687244

It's Mira. She looks different than in her images because she usually filters the fuck out of them (absolutely vile), and if you want to simp, you can find her here:

>> No.17687336

Why do these whores not realize that they look 10 times better without all those filters. Her face looks way more attractive in OP’s webm than this ungodly shit

>> No.17687342

>she wants
that's not what that word means

>> No.17687345

>ur basically try to gain attention when ur already have a partner, that’s a red flag. Hoe mentality.

I actually fucked a girl like this a few years ago and it fucked me up mentally because I actually thought she was just horny for me when in fact she cheated on her boyfriend with every shiny new guy she met. He took her back after one of those guys showed him the sexts she was sending him and she settled down for a while and then got back to her old ways.

That bitch's soul is rotten.

>> No.17687356

why do incels not understand that the dom/sub dynamic is actually really complicated and in fact more often than not the "sub" is the one who wants (and often achieves) effective control

>> No.17687424

>why do incels not understand that my weird fetishes make no sense
wew you really went there didn'tcha einstein

>> No.17687428

just because fetishists use a word doesn't mean the same dynamics don't apply to 99% of relationships. if you're too much of a prude to use a word that a gross sex pervert used once online you're welcome to make up another set of words and try to get people to understand wtf you're trying to say without making their eyes glaze over

>> No.17687438

>When would it ever be appropriate for a woman to dress like this
When she's angling for customers.

>should you allow your girlfriend or wife dress like this ever
If she dresses like this, she's not yours, she's for public use.

>> No.17687483


>> No.17687530

lurkmoar retard it was posted about 10 posts ago

>> No.17687543

This is some cope, it's far more likely she does it to keep monkey branches lined up and for you to feel more insecure to increase her power over you. Wish you the best of luck with that one

>> No.17687664

Lol wtf why do her eyes change color every other picture? I'd still shoot a load on her ass and tits

>> No.17687666

>should you allow your girlfriend or wife dress like this ever?
No, it just means that there is trouble in paradise. She is looking for someone better. If this is your gf or wife then keep your eyes peeled.

>> No.17687685

It would be a red flag to me if she wanted to go around like that all the time. Very uncouth and inappropriate. But I get off on showing my girl off and I have no problem doing it in certain very limited situations once in a while (e.g. having her wear a G-string bikini at a very quiet/private beach).

>> No.17687692
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When women are dressed like this I consider it as sexual harassment against myself and other fellow men. It is provocative and disrespectful exploitation of male sensibilities. I don't want to be distracted by my natural urge to procreate when I'm out minding my own business. Sitting with a boner on a bus stop doesn't represent who I am and values I posses.

>> No.17687730
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1687972083983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake tits

>> No.17687877

Are they fake?

>> No.17687889

Look up her nude pics (easily found on google), they're definitely fake.

>> No.17687920

I cannot stand fake tits. I even try my best to watch porn without them. Some can be acceptable in porn with the right camera tricks but I 100% avoid the bolt-on ones or the ones that are just too unnatural looking. Needless to say that I don’t want fake tits irl.

>> No.17687931
File: 1.82 MB, 640x800, 1687979972556.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in the back

>> No.17687955

Most silicone fake tits look pretty bad IRL, especially misaligned ones. Not to mention those with scars, disfigured areolas, or wrinkles. There are a few surgeons who can make marvels but they're rare and expensive. The japanese autologous fat transfer method is interesting and looks very natural, but requires much discipline from the patient to keep the gains. Look it up.

>> No.17687961

Based. She looks like a cutting board while you actually have curves

>> No.17687964

Lmao at all the fags who thought she was Russian or Asian. Russians actually naturally have tits like this and any Asian with big boobs that isn’t just fat OBVIOUSLY has fakes

>> No.17687971

This was pulled straight from chatgpt

>> No.17687977

fucking topkek

>> No.17687985

What is she then? Latina?

>> No.17688009

If she does what you want, then it's submissive. If you tell her not to dress like a slut but she does it anyway then she's not submissive.

>> No.17688331

I applaud you. You’re the one who said Sylvester Stallone was the governor of California, right?

>> No.17688391

>cheats with you
>surprised she cheats with other men


>> No.17688567

>Having a prostitute as a wife or gf
That's a mistake I never intend to make, pal.

>> No.17688570

24/7 bdsmfags stay winning

>> No.17689130

So is she Latina or Russian

>> No.17689140
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Depends on why she's doing it. Cultural connotations are important, and if your culture implies or states "showing off your massive honkers through thin clothing generally means you're looking for a lay", then it'd be pretty inappropriate to wear it to say, a family gathering. Plenty of tribes are completely fine with full nudity though, it's not seen as a sexual thing, so it's very contextual.
>Should you allow your girlfriend or wife to dress like this ever?
Pretty sure she's doing it to feel sexy or attractive, so I wouldn't put a ring on her if she's still doing this in a relationship. Maybe some people are into it though, do what you want it's your life dude.

>> No.17689193


>> No.17689364

She’s the target of my cum tribute

>> No.17689605

guy in pink walked over to film her and she left :(