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/fa/ - Fashion

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17679934 No.17679934 [Reply] [Original]

I think the trouble I have with acne is because I never learned to shower as a kid. Growing up, I intermittently either bathed (often incorrectly not washing myself) or went weeks without bathing myself. One time, at summer camp I even got mold on my foot and it was really bad. People with Autism have a hard time learning self care and also the water physically hurts us when it touches our skin. To me, it feels like being covered in a pile of garbage.

>Some everyday sensations, such as getting her hands wet, can feel like torture: “I usually compare it to the visceral, repulsive feeling you’d get plunging your hand into a pile of rotting garbage,” says the 27-year-old autistic writer.


This is a GREAT descriptor of what it feels like and why I never bathed much as a child. During high school, I bathed more frequently but still never showered as it was too painful. At about ages 21 or 22, I learned how to shower and nowadays, I shower three or four times in a single day. I do it so frequently I just wear a bathrobe some days and never even wear clothes for the whole day since I am in and out of the shower. Learning to shower is a great help on getting rid of skin acne. I wish I had learned it sooner or got more accustomed to it.

>> No.17679939

Also when I bathed I put the same clothes on afterwards without washing them because I enjoyed wearing the same clothes over and over.

>> No.17679957

Didn’t know autistic people are innately gross. No wonder they stink like shit. I kinda feel bad tho about the feeling you have when water pours on you.

>> No.17679960

It is difficult to describe but nowadays it is not so bad. When I am in the shower the water feels warm and nice but immediately when I leave and the air hits me is when it feels like garbage has just been poured all over me. This is especially the case when my hair is drying after it is wet.

>> No.17679997

I don't think it's an autism thing, and if it is it's mostly due to bad parenting

>> No.17680007

No, it is definitely an autism thing. I have seen other people talking about it online which is how I knew.


>> No.17680197

Once you realize that most of your issues are the result of childhood trauma rather than an unfixable "brain problem" your life will get 100x better
Start journalling and linking your past to your present behaviors
>t. "diagnosed" autist

>> No.17680438

It varies. I am autistic and often went weeks without bathing growing up, but my parents were very neglectful and didn't care if I bathed or not. (now I 360'd and am autistically clean). Worth remembering that autism and similar disorders are frequently genetic, so if someone is autistic chances are their parents are as well, which means they might be neglectful (autistics not being people-oriented and such). Varies completely though, given autist's all or nothing nature there are a lot of abnormally clean and caring ones out there.

>> No.17680458


I've verified my point is true because I once saw a thing... faggot autists and their poor behavior dismissed by their BS enabling parents. I'm so tired of this noise.

>> No.17680464

why the fuck did you decide /fa/ was the most appropriate place for this dumb fucking thread you stupid autistic faggot

>> No.17680875

You are way off base if you think my parents enabled anything. They only “enabled” behavior when it directly supported their obnoxious behavior but all other times, it was much worse.

>> No.17680877

It is about skincare and my issues with it. Learn to read.

I give hope to the other autistic weirdos of the world.

>> No.17680888

it's /pol/tards

>> No.17681218
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1D388E5B-7DBE-4987-A8A9-E2E4DB5F0E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what /pol/ has to do with anything. I just wish I got into showering and taking care of myself sooner. I went weeks or months without washing my hair sometimes because the sensory issues were too intense.

>> No.17681236

same thread every day devolves into talking about autism

>> No.17681240

This same thread is made everyday? That’s the first I am hearing about it.

>> No.17683130

It can be the other way around too, I now a very autistic man that loves water so much it's an unhealthy obsession.