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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 93 KB, 960x960, 68246294_10156468558618027_7665145858777677824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17672597 No.17672597 [Reply] [Original]

previously: >>17659467

>> No.17672603
File: 702 KB, 3196x2400, 1682296637441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 from the past week

>> No.17672624
File: 1.12 MB, 2147x5423, IMG_20230617_181319142~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID on jeans on the right? I'm assuming the fatigues are Slow

>Today's fit

>> No.17672629

Why do your gats look anorexic

>> No.17672652

Jeans are black 501 stf and the fatigues are austrian milsurp. Those shorts make me want some madras ones
They're the milsurp ones so really low profile

>> No.17672656


your heavy silver ring is cool does it have design on top

>> No.17672679

id on shirt on the right?

>> No.17672687

lol, not posting your faggot gay face and bald head any more I see. you 50+ yr old sodomite

>> No.17672707

not even the right anon sperg

>> No.17672710

No no, he's right, I am *a* bald sodomite anon. My bald head makes one particular schizo anon seethe.

>> No.17672717
File: 227 KB, 1440x1440, 318322828_927643124873475_6936185073394118194_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17672720

Eat your words, you woke faggot piece of shit

>> No.17672721

I knew it was only a matter of time before someone found that faggot

>> No.17672723

and he'll never post here again

>> No.17672731


>> No.17672736
File: 87 KB, 969x969, InShot_20230616_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long time since i have posted in WAYWT
is it still a garbage fire of shitposting? looks like it
are my pants high waisted enough?
p cool
reminder to not post in waywt if you have an online presence

>> No.17672737

Where’s jewboy

>> No.17672748

who dis
not same person

>> No.17672750

Oh no no no
Doug is next...

>> No.17672753

Thanks for answering I like your belt

>> No.17672756

loitering at the gas station core

>> No.17672760


>> No.17672772

I know this is bait but that isn't me you absolute morons. If you're trying to mix two people up it helps to make sure basic things like eye color are the same. I know skull and body shape is too complicated for you to consider so don't worry about it, just go back to fantasizing about me fucking kids.

Daily fit postings will resume tomorrow.

>> No.17672776
File: 181 KB, 1160x2353, IMG_20230617_214915392~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least find someone with a similar face and blue eyes. I'm the more generic slav ever, you have millions of options

>> No.17672778

why do you look like youre crying LMAO

>> No.17672782

Yeah, I don't have it on me now tho. I'll post a pic later
jcrew linen shirt
Love this. The pants are great
np. Its a thrifted ll bean chino belt. I've been moving more into americana/prep and I'm finding this belt is a workhorse in my wardrobe

>> No.17672783

I'm seething over being compared to the conehead, couldn't hold back the tears.

Real answer: The smoke in the air is irritating the fuck out of my eyes and I'm out of Visine.

>> No.17672786

based definitely wana see it>>17672782

>> No.17672788
File: 1011 KB, 1057x1902, Screenshot_20230618-140251_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very happy with this new sweater
goin casual today

>> No.17672790
File: 931 KB, 960x960, 1687042602525376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17672793
File: 1001 KB, 994x1891, Screenshot_20230618-140221_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17672806

....you look decent here Doug. I'm not a fan of the chain for the wallet but there's literally nothing wrong here. If you're trying the fashion equivalent of code switching and hiding your autism with normcore clothes you succeeded.

In some weird way I'm happy for you.

>> No.17672817
File: 1.63 MB, 1440x4532, 20230617_173016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice mocs
off-center belt buckle, why

>> No.17672821


imagine still denying that's you in the picture posted. you're a pathetic old man. give up.

>> No.17672823


>> No.17672825

You look fit, but I feel like you're one ugly native american or asian mother fucker

>> No.17672836

most likely an indian. They're known not to have any facial or body hair. I wonder what reservation he's on

>> No.17672842
File: 1.18 MB, 1295x864, IMG_1566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balding pedo. You look better with non clown clothes tho

>> No.17672864
File: 296 KB, 1170x1157, 1686102621246894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17672868

belt is a little long

>> No.17672869

You look very effay cute in this pic (with the loss of the incongruous jacket), and the wild voluminous blond hair and low-key striped rugby shirt, braided leather belt, jeans and vans are very cool normal prep summer core. Your facial expression here is very neutral confident and lacking the excessive theatricality of your more larpy costume-like fits. Cultivate this more subdued style code-switch and persona as they're very effay natural and attractive.

>> No.17672882

What's the purpose of posting in a WAYWT thread?

>> No.17672883

...which one is jewboy? Baldfag is also a kike, is there more than one?

>> No.17672897

Is it just me or is it not even close?

>> No.17672965

obviously waywt is for posting fits that you think are worthy of creating interest in and feedback from other /fa/nons

>> No.17673002
File: 1.73 MB, 2672x4032, 5152B5BC-4C50-47D4-BB67-3C8EDAE04A54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m go goth night
Ily Doug

>> No.17673022

aww thanks ily too
nice fit as always

>> No.17673793

We all are. Some faster than others. Miss you.

>> No.17673821

That blur, I hate that
It reminds me of migraine auras

>> No.17673850
File: 1.07 MB, 2798x3071, 1683291964016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.17673856
File: 1.13 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beach fit. a junkie on the street said i look like a lesbian

>> No.17673880


>> No.17673882

bro this pose kinda zesty have you made love to that receptionist yet

>> No.17674079
File: 1.58 MB, 1448x2313, 010387364621 2mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw in a bonus madras fit because of the others in this thread

>> No.17674096

pretty nice, Doug, for some reason your face looks more normal, too

>> No.17674146

I miss talking

>> No.17674196
File: 1.20 MB, 3195x2400, 20230618_142239-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phoneposting so bear with the retarded formatting here.

>> No.17674324

lose that stupid necklace
best itt

>> No.17674338

shut it tranny

nice necklance, get a better belt

>> No.17674509

Dude, you're like 45, isn't it time to dress a bit more like a grown-up?

>> No.17674548
File: 394 KB, 605x451, 1654613810965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss you too
didn't even notice this was you doug, you look great

>> No.17674584

u look mad insecure breh fr

>> No.17674599

>implying queers ever reach any kind of mental maturity
lel they just cope forever once they hit 20y/o that no one cares about any aesthetic other than youth. all the cosmetics, surgeries and fashion cope as they get uglier and more irrelevant is why they are one of the most lucrative markets in retail next to teens

>> No.17674714
File: 52 KB, 460x667, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just cope forever once they hit 20y/o that no one cares about any aesthetic other than youth
my 7 gigabyte folder of pizza tower x anton blast old man yaoi says otherwise

>> No.17674850
File: 975 KB, 3264x1836, 20230619_194229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing that new today
same jeans, belt, and jacket
different vest, shirt, and tie tho, a lot more my vibe than the blue shirt + orange tie earlier

went to pick up a second hand piano keyboard (to use as a midi keyboard) today wearing this
girl was super cute, ugg boots and a loose wooly sweater and her flat decoration right out of a pinterest board with the fairy lights and throw pillows n shit
i showed her some of my tunes, she apparently used to play drums, so thats pretty neat

>> No.17674933
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 3C88B17F-0C05-4255-A569-28088164B914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are my socks and shoes effay

>> No.17674942

chris chans eyes

>> No.17674962
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, 88BBF8D9-EB36-4D73-A11E-8509EFC10E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s over brehs….

>> No.17674966

I've seen at least twenty of you every time I've visited Surfer's during the daytime.

>> No.17675175

I’m wearing this to hang out with friends at goth night ru mentally deficient the whole point of goth night is to wear a silly little outfit u fuckin square

>> No.17675178

Balding pedophile Doug

>> No.17675190

stay away from kids, groomer

>> No.17675191

u balding and ugly af. why would u even bother wasting time on a fashion forum jfc..

>> No.17675202

I fucking hate kids wtf are u on about LOL

>> No.17675208

gross, disgusting freak. you'll be part of the 41 soon enough.

>> No.17675246
File: 253 KB, 1512x2688, PXL_20230618_1920265502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from yesterday
oh hi snake

>> No.17675263

My brother in Christ, you were made a son of God. Let us observe our role as men, that is to be strong and a father and a husband. God is perfect.

>> No.17675267

Stay mad weirdo

>> No.17675268

I'm not Christian you can miss me with that cringe

>> No.17675318

It's 50% now :)

>> No.17675329

>I'm not Christian therefore biological reality doesn't apply to me

>> No.17675336

>biological reality
>roles made by people

>> No.17675357

flared trousesrs are so goth

>> No.17675361

>a junkie on the street said i look like a lesbian
hahahahahaha holy shit

>> No.17675363

I'm willing to drill your asshole if you're willing to be 100% clean

>> No.17675393
File: 3.69 MB, 498x498, C2F6B676-88DC-4D6B-9831-1C5E9F57B085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go checkout the audio I posted

>> No.17675569

Bro, every article of clothing and accessory you have is just total cancer cringe. Get a buzz cut, grow some designer stubble and just wear a plain black tee. Thank me when all the ladies come round. Good luck dude.

>> No.17675596

I don’t get the vibe they are interested in those

>> No.17675614


>> No.17675619

I like the font on your shirt reminds me of an iron maiden shirt I had as a kid

>> No.17675624
File: 177 KB, 731x1280, D39DF44C-697A-419E-A086-B412F793F2D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me posting a fit because i have a fit wearing addiction
btw just got back from work and went food shopping so i wore my slides but they still colour coordinated so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

left looks better imo if your trousers were lowered a bit. i think i’m subjective tho since i’m not a fan of loafer/boat types of shoes.
omds getting flashbacks to family outings with my dad (he’d love a fit like this)
lookin sharp boss
basic asf fit. you blend into the crowd but you don’t rly mind too much
fit is instantly improved by getting rid of that blazer. ditch the chain too save it for another fit that’s all black
would be nicer if the flares were more tapered at the thigh don’t rly matter tho cause its a nice fit regardless
dafuq? take a pic of your whole body just use a mirror playa
cant tell if dorky or kinda cute bit of both maybe?

>> No.17675626

Aren't you that carrot haired 'twink' lmao you finally accepted your fate and trooned

>> No.17675637

are there generals for summer/hotweather/travel wear?
any recs? I'm looking for /comfy/ and /fa/ if possible but honestly just what kinda thing will be light enough to wear for long walks in 30C, but not make me look like a 2000s tv ad?

>> No.17675640

You are not goth and you will never be one. Disgusting degenerate fetishist.

You and the other twink alike will never be real women. Your outfit is also garbage. You looks literally retarded. What the fuck is that skirt lmao? And those slides? Weirdass nerd.

>> No.17675646


>> No.17675658
File: 608 KB, 1301x3415, 20230619_waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my shirt bros

>> No.17675659

And I'm not even done with you bitch. That top looks like you got it from Zara. Lameass. Why are you wearing a bra. You're a man. You have no tits. Bonyass nigga with your slenderMAN build. Scaryass. Why are you wearing those boots? You are already 6'5'' and can dunk. Goofyass lil boy I swear. 7 foot tall with those boots on and your bad posture with your bonyass hips. Zero ass. Nightmare fuel. Stranger danger headass creepyass boi.

>> No.17675667
File: 1.05 MB, 1613x2151, 39F41BC7-CBE0-43C7-A6A2-56542FE9DF72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to therapy lol

>> No.17675673

Go to a restaurant. Starvingass. Size S boxer briefs wearingass. Your theme song when you strut around, sir.


>> No.17675674 [DELETED] 

you do know that i’m intersex right? i’m a male with gd and have always have gyno titts which ppl point out all the time.
you’re right tho i’ll never be a woman. i don’t plan on being one. sensitive and vindictive ppl like you would better suit the role of being a woman since i’m twice the man you’ll ever be considering i actually have enough self confidence to post and express myself the way i want whilst you seethe at a random on the internet. it’s a good thing you’re all invisible to actual women irl otherwise they’d just noticed how much of a joke and pathetic you are.

>> No.17675678

eww this attention whore is back

>> No.17675682

Didn't read all that gay shit. What I know is that you're a goofyass queerfaggot and that you can't dress for shit. Work on yourself.

>> No.17675684

Go to some bitches on ur dick u fuckin loser lmao

>> No.17675685

So who’s in the wrong, the trannies for posting their fits, or the spergs who can’t help but derail the thread every time they see a tranny?

>> No.17675688

spergs never posted their fits to go along with their rants, so I'm leaning toward blaming the spergs

>> No.17675691

Seethingas dirty kookily crinkly dumb ESL tranny, write a proper sentence next time. But before that learn to dress. You look like you smell like cheese.

>> No.17675696

it’s a mutually beneficial relationship for both, attention for one side and an outlet for gay NEET rage on the other. They both post because they love it.

>> No.17675697

No :3

>> No.17675699

But who do we blame?

>> No.17675704

depends on if you think impotent rage or attention-seeking is more pathetic. Since it’s a what are you wearing today thread and attention is the point, it seems to me the speds are the fags here

>> No.17675705

Theres nobody to blame excep the tranny defenders who do nothing but report everyone and cry to jannies for help thus proving that trannies can't exist in a free speech environment and require overreaching moderation to exist

>> No.17675707

Sometimes I post pics of random trannies that I get from Reddit just to make people mad

>> No.17675708

>Why are you wearing those boots? You are already 6'5'' and can dunk.

>> No.17675709
File: 1.36 MB, 2583x3443, outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dress better than these degenerates and can murder them with my bare hands any day of the week. I would literally grab slenderman over here and tombstone piledrive his bony ass on the concrete. His pencil neck will snap in half. Spine turning into dust. His birth name on his tombstone at the funeral. Call me The Undertaker. Bela Lugosi's dead playing in the background for this semen vampire.

Don't claim anything goth around me ever again, skelly kid.

>> No.17675710


>> No.17675713

my sides

>> No.17675715

>I am stronger than someone who clearly doesn’t care about strength
I mean ur outfit is inoffensive but I def wouldn’t consider it fashionable, idk making an *acceptable* men’s outfit is basically braindead so that’s not saying very much

>> No.17675716

You forgot the part where I did not ask.

>> No.17675719

what the h*ck
It's the Beartooth logo from one of their albums
>cant tell if dorky or kinda cute bit of both maybe?
tysm you too!

>> No.17675720

you look like the kid who pulled around a rolling backpack everywhere on campus

>> No.17675721

>I did not ask
>for thoughts on my outfit
>that I posted in a waywt thread

>> No.17675724
File: 6 KB, 254x198, 1b0503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're dorky
>y-you too

>> No.17675726


You look like the kid I shoved in lockers and took money from on campus.

>> No.17675727

blame the tranny whiners like >>17675705

>> No.17675729

shut up

>> No.17675731

Those boots are looking awful clean

>> No.17675734

Those are my cro-, I mean my creepers.

>> No.17675735

the tranner/chaser symbiotic relationship is essential for the balance of the 4chan ecosystem

>> No.17675739
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x2908, Screenshot_20230619-120114_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist from /o/. I'm going to a wedding next weekend. Apparently you're not supposed to match a tie and pocket square. But all the tie/square sets for sale are matching. Wtf?

>> No.17675746

>little brother is about to go to a wedding wearing DiBanGu

LMAO what the fuck are those chineseass brands? Just go to a local store and buy something from there. They'll set you straight.

>> No.17675752
File: 1.95 MB, 2730x3640, 1668868700976552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe you'd come back after 6 months of not posting with this garbage
I honestly think this is b8

>> No.17675755

>go to a local store
I got a baby. It's such a pain in the ass to go to the store. My goal of today is buy some plywood during a nap. Going to the store just for a tie is not worth my time. Isn't all the same stuff online anyway?

>> No.17675758

hello newfag. just go to a thrift store, ties should be under $5. just buy one with a conservative pattern, and wear a white pocket square

>> No.17675760

im pretty sure they don’t carry Barry.Wang at nordstroms or whatever.

>> No.17675769

>retard spent an hour going through the archives to pull out a niceass casual going to the store fit I posted thinking he's dabbing on me

Who are you trying to fool here?

>> No.17675771
File: 101 KB, 886x868, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you look like Carrot Top in drag. You are not fashionable in the least.

>> No.17675773

Untuck it, get either a grey or white tshirt under it and yeah it's acceptable oh and button that top button

>> No.17675797

Any mouthbreather can put together an outfit like that idk who you think you’re impressing

>> No.17675809

Apparently you, because out of the hundreds of people that post here you somehow remembered my basicass pyjama pants outfit this many months later. I don't even remember posting that myself. I don't even have that image anymore. I probably got out of bed with my wrinklyass pyjamas, put on a shirt and my cons, and went to the store to grab snacks real quick. And you're on my dick over that. Pretty wild.

>> No.17675816


>> No.17675822

exactly how I used to dress, this guy is based

>> No.17675826

The stamp on that Hockey shirt glows in the dark by the way. If you had that you're cool.

>> No.17675829

this little twink looks better than everyone in this thread despite having the most basic, boring fit imaginable.

Daily reminder than no amount of designer clothing or 'creativity' can make up for being a disgusting fat slob.

>> No.17675831

Not better than me.

>> No.17675849

I wasn’t the one who reposted the pic retard
Ok that’s kinda neat

>> No.17675861

>I wasn’t the one who reposted the pic retard


>> No.17675930
File: 108 KB, 1080x962, Screenshot_20230619-142800_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I ended up buying some chink quality stuff.

>> No.17675945

Whatever you do, DO NOT buy a set. It's like buttoning the bottom button of your jacket/blazer, it just shows you have no idea what you're doing. As Anon said, a white pocket square is reliable. I see a black tie, what color suit (if you are wearing a full suit) are you wearing?

>> No.17675976
File: 37 KB, 711x1066, Suiting_Suit-Jacket_24339-GYU60_1_category-outfitter-e1561046454515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own the bonobos daily grind suit in charcoal. Picrel is the suit in light grey.

>> No.17675980

>the bonobos daily grind

>> No.17675986

I'm 6'4", so my options are always narrowed. The bonobos suit comes in a tall size. I also own a lot of bonobos shirts for the same reason. Unsure if bonobos is /fa/ approved.

>> No.17675990

i am very sorry that you had to wear a bonobos shirt but why does this monkey need a shirt in the first place?

>> No.17675991


>> No.17676008

>Unsure if bonobos is /fa/ approved
They have decent shorts.
Not bad, good luck on the wedding.

>> No.17676020

>good luck on the wedding
Thanks. It's in the Hamptons, so my room was fucking expensive. Have to fly in from the west coast.

>> No.17676089


>> No.17676144
File: 430 KB, 989x1017, 20230601_111501[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mismatching triggers my autism but very cool

check out my very effay grunge socks??!!

>> No.17676163

put me in the note

>> No.17676164

ewww another transjester. u look like a dude trying to pass as a cut rate office secretary from the midwest hahaha

>> No.17676187

very tanned muscular legs calves and effay striped black footie socks mirin

>effay grunge socks

yeahh ... just no.

>> No.17676215

you better not be making fun my socks, I'll beat you up

>> No.17676319

>striped chad or stinky
w-which socked dude were you kek

>> No.17676327

Dude you look way too old for whatever kind of ironic meme bullshit that shirt is. Like on a 16 year old it would be cringe but kind of forgivable but on you it’s just sad

>> No.17676335

multiple levels of irony kek

>> No.17676378
File: 636 KB, 1000x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17676623


>> No.17676648

Europoor here. Thoughts on Only&Sons/Jack&Jones stuff? Are these shirts going to be better/worse than Uniqlo?


>> No.17676746
File: 112 KB, 760x1200, effay troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17676833

not sure if /fa/, but pretty cool photo


why the hell do you care about brand? Just try which fits you better.

>> No.17676865

Jesus Christ what a feverdream of a movie

>> No.17676893

>why the hell do you care about brand? Just try which fits you better.
Because of differences in quality, brainlet

>> No.17676913

fit >>>> quality
that's absolute basics

>> No.17676927

Yeah, right
Doug I am disappoint
That picture has driven me back to straightness more than any picture of a woman ever could
Cute and all, but graphic anything is cringe.
Fag angle, otherwise based I think

Will post a fit soon. Still don't have a good camera, lighting, or background.

>> No.17676941

homestuck if he real

>> No.17676945
File: 607 KB, 2048x1383, stop being a fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /fa/ dumb nigga why would anyone be offended at being called skinny

>> No.17676951
File: 2.58 MB, 1200x2200, fit8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17676927 here
Not really feeling the hair, but I haven't brushed it in days and wanted it out of my face for once.

>> No.17676962

Looks good, ID on pants?

>> No.17676975

They're known not to have any facial or body hair.

You don't know anything about Indians.

>> No.17677001

Shut up retard. You can't dress.

>> No.17677003

Fat fingers typed this

>> No.17677011


>> No.17677013

I'm more fit that you will ever be in your entire life.

>> No.17677028

I just sent an email to Dockers wondering about their rise on their Ultimate Chinos, Straight Fit. It didn't look very high to me. Are those also the ultimate straight fit or vintage?

>> No.17677032
File: 1.56 MB, 2365x6542, IMG_20230620_135934733~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really dig this, is the shirt navy or black?
Also what kind of sport coat is that? Looks like it might have some texture to it, can't tell from photo.

>> No.17677034
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, D3BF4D7D-D27F-469D-95F7-6963CAF4BC59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17677039
File: 277 KB, 1536x1571, instagram_johngreenacre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Baldanon. I've been looking for green chinos and can't find any in my size, can I get an ID on those pants? Also are those Sperry's? I've been looking for boat shoes with a dark sole as well. Classic outfit and great collar roll, I've been trying to incorporate more chambray/denim into my fits.

>> No.17677041

Bro r/MFA is back up, you can go back.

>> No.17677049

HxH is based.

>> No.17677055

The pants are Stan Ray original fit fatigue pants in sateen green. Unless you are a hungry skeleton don't get the slim fit ones, I tried that and the proportions get all fucked up.
The shoes are LL Bean bison moccasins, I absolutely love them. Comfy as shit, I'm getting "real" boat shoes next.

>> No.17677062

You know how much of my nigger you are right?

>> No.17677077



Happy to help. Also the pic you posted rocks, I've been struggling to conceptualize how to wear sport coat and ties with fatigue pants and that helped.

>> No.17677141
File: 2.49 MB, 1500x1000, fit9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took of my pants and looked, they're "Classic Fit". Didn't bother giving a full answer earlier since I just assumed they were 20-year-old mystery meat. They were way too long for me and have been hemmed, so that probably contributes to the rise. It's also worth mentioning that these aren't exactly straight-leg. They are tapered a little. Hope this helps.

It's the same brown tweed coat that I usually wear. Tweed is a bit overkill for ~70 F, but I don't want to deal with a relatively fragile flannel/worsted/linen jacket until the weather forces me. The shirt's one of my short-sleeve beaters.

Personally, I don't wear pants like that unless it's with a comparably rough-looking coat.

Speaking of which, I managed to get the matching pair of trousers for my Swedish M39 uniform. Hopefully we have a very short warm season. I'll post a picture of them after this.

>> No.17677153

This fat baldie can at least make a fit unlike Doug LOL

>> No.17677164
File: 771 KB, 650x1750, fit10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My formatting is inconsistent and I made a typo in the first sentence. I feel absolutely subhuman.

Anyway, here's those pants I was talking about. They're pseudo-breeches (idk if there's a specific term for this style, or if they're just an actual type of breeches). The cuff is meant to be fastened around the mouth of a boot using an external belt. This picture does a poor job of demonstrating it, since I was experimenting with rolling the cuff in (it doesn't work). I highly recommend them if you can find a pair in your size. They're everything you'd expect out of a mid-century pair of military trousers.

>> No.17677283
File: 61 KB, 480x600, tumblr_mo0xwmdMbh1qa2j8co1_500-480x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personally, I don't wear pants like that unless it's with a comparably rough-looking coat.

I get it, and I agree somewhat but even regular sport coats look good with fatigues. I think it looks better with textures like linen, cotton, seersucker, tweed, corduroy.

>> No.17677288

I should post my MTV socks

>> No.17677312

see >>17676945

>> No.17677339

Guys, what do you say when someone compliments how you look IRL? I usually respond "Thanks, I try" but I'm thinking and I don't want people to think that I actually try and I just look good by accident. What should I say instead?

>> No.17677356

Not sure, but what do you say when you're in Zara looking for a black t-shirt, listening to goth music with your IEMs and a guy approaches you and starts asking you things, and when you take one IEM out you realize he's asking you if you have belts, you're confused so you go come again? and he doubles down on asking you if you have belts and then you go belts? and he goes oh sorry I thought you were working here.

>> No.17677359

I did have somebody confuse me for a worker once I'm going to be honest. If you're wearing anything above a t-shirt formality wise surely you're on the clock.

>> No.17677366

That's right, I'm fat, bald, jewish, a faggot, etc etc. Still going to post.

>> No.17677371

I like this but not the chain

>> No.17677374

How do you know someone is a pedo on an anonymous board?

>> No.17677375

I like this a lot and I love your hair

>> No.17677378

He's a tripfag who posts face and is very recognizable. It's something a few anons say to noticeable users they recognize on here they don't like, they just call them names like that. Pretty sure Doug is 19, maybe 20 now, either way it's bait/trolling.

>> No.17677381

Thx I’m new

>> No.17677415
File: 283 KB, 1024x1626, IMG_3134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today’s fit. Pls r8 don’t h8.

>> No.17677484
File: 126 KB, 800x1200, DSCF5944f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is unintelligible but it doesn;t matter because my style hasn't changed in 5 years and there are no interesting details to see

proportions kinda funny
not digging the boots here
'thanks you too'

>> No.17677495


>> No.17677581

>pic is unintelligible but it doesn't matter
So why the fuck post? If you want to critique other people's fits you don't need to post(sadly), but you didn't do that either you just shit a few worthless bytes of meaningless data out. "Not digging boots
here". That's what you were compelled to post? Your fit is as bland and uninspired as your comment so it works, but why say anything?

>> No.17677584

damn seethe

>> No.17677593
File: 612 KB, 1894x3006, 1658718918672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a perfect world I'd have a tweed jacket over this but the heat index is 110+ today
Really nice. Love the jacket. I thrifted one similar and I've got a week in a colder climate coming up so I can't wait to wear it
Everything looks a bit too tight. Your clothes are re-creating your proportions rather than flattering them. Look at >>17677283 for comparison. Everything is a bit looser and proportional, and the pant rise sits above the bottom of the jacket giving the illusion that he's got longer legs, a shorter torso, and a better shoulder to waist ratio than he actually does
Shoes are a bit too... Idk futuristic/smooth for how workwear everything else is
Really good. Shoes?

>> No.17677656

I actually smell quite nice, like wd40 and peppermint oil. I'm going to beat you up for insinuating that I am stinky

I will admit to my feet being pretty ugly though, not stinky tho

>> No.17677661
File: 1.79 MB, 2575x6286, IMG_20230620_135319662~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is too tight

I was scratching my head a bit at that one but I think it's the jacket throwing things off. The shirt is baggy as fuck. The pants are loose fit fatigue pants, I just have decent sized thighs from working and working out when I was younger. I threw on a different sport coat to see what the difference in proportions would look like and you're right, it does make a difference.

>> No.17677669

get new crew socks stinky :0

>> No.17677699

I wish any of you actually wore designer

>> No.17677706
File: 1.81 MB, 2316x3088, 95804D22-FF3A-4EA3-8A65-AF7B26928AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’s it been guys.

>> No.17677714
File: 110 KB, 314x859, error2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are my lucky socks, I wore my lucky slips ons, lucky pants, and my lucky socks that day because I needed to Get Lucky by Daft Punk starring Pharrell Williams. I believe those clothing garments were infused with divine energy and they exude a powerful aura that creates the best possible outcomes for me when I wear them. However these divine items need time to recharge, at least an entire moon cycle

I will never throw them away, I will keep wearing them until they turn to dust. Agents of evil such as yourself may tempt me with an entire drawer full of fresh brand new crew socks, but I will prioritize my lucky socks above all others. Not only are they divine, but I cleanse them in my washing machine after I'm done wearing them. The detergent and holy water concoction in my washing machine has a minty flower garden smell, incredibly divine. It repels evil and draws goodness to me

>> No.17677716
File: 397 KB, 720x1350, 20230221_182346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17677719

Your hair is cool let no one tell you otherwise but you need to work out because you have weird proportions. Could be posture to

>> No.17677724

|I work out a ton but i have lost ~8kilos in the last few months so i probably look a bit odd now

>> No.17677729
File: 117 KB, 337x642, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit a few days ago, decided to go simple, just getting into fashion.
Need recommendations on the haircut, I'm thinking of loosing an inch or two in the front and trimming the back.

>> No.17677732

wrong thread for hair advice newfag

>> No.17677733

>just getting into fashion.
Better than most posters here, congrats.

>> No.17677763

blond twunk babe hnnnggg

>> No.17677793

>Using this shorts unironically
I hope you fucking die.
Still, the skeleton guy looks decent unironically.
Everyone else itt looks like a fucking clown from reddit central.
Can't believe you just getting into fashion yet look like x100 times better than most here itt.

>> No.17677876
File: 1.52 MB, 2625x3128, IMG_3221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice boots

sick wash on the denim, might want to lose the belt? Makes you look shorter.

But yeah, I definitely need new boots, these are work-ish boots actually. Any recommendations?

>> No.17677909

Use a v-neck for your undershirt so it isn’t showing. Also, consider tucking in your shirt.

>> No.17677928

what a plebian advice
layering the white undershirt and the navy shirt is effay, you don't want to hide it
and the shirt is too wide to be tucked, it would look ugly

>> No.17678023

>you don't want to hide it

An UNDERshirt is like UNDERwear, it's a garment more for hygiene than showing. Much like boxer briefs prevent your balls and taint from rubbing on your legs, and undershirt prevents sweat stains from getting on your clothes unless you're a fat sweaty faggot. Neither is supposed to be seen, it's sloppy you oaf. Granted the fault is mine for expecting anyone in this thread to have the slightest understanding of fashion.

Fucking morons will cry out for more goyslop and say shit like
>I wish any of you actually wore designer
Without understanding the majority of posters are wearing "designer"clothes, but there isn't a giant gaudy SUPREME logo on them so the anon is too fucking dumb to piece shit together on his own and look into designers outside of his own shitty niche. Naturally this anon didn't post a fit because he doesn't own any designer clothes either, and just wants to be a little bitch.

I wish this thread had a collective face so I could chimp out and smack it, and then smack myself because I keep coming back to this hellhole.

>> No.17678026
File: 2.44 MB, 1400x2000, fit11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I'm feeling the cascade today. The collar opening of this shirt is a bit too large for me, too. Might change the shirt later or switch to a lavalliere knot to hide that.

High waist, short man, pose. It is what it is.
It's the morally correct thing to do. If you want the contrast from an undershirt, wear a cravat :^)

>> No.17678029

you look stupid as fuck and its obvious you're a man

>> No.17678042

I love everything but those kicks are eye cancer

>> No.17678047
File: 3 KB, 85x89, 1687198780150620~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I don't say anything but >>17678029 is right, you look manly as fuck, like your name should be Fred or Barney because you yabba dabba DON'T pass for being a woman. Look at this pic that took 10,000 hours in MS Paint. When you drop the Mrs Frizzle x Carrot Top wig and the flubber fake tits and padding you've got a good face, no bullshit potential to be a handsome man and attract other handsome men or women. What you're doing now is a ridiculous game of dress up that will lead to suicide because your frustration at not being a woman will mount.

I want you to consider something, you don't need to respond to it. There's something called Body Integrity Disorde:


Basically people develop mental health issues and feel compelled to remove their limbs, saying things like the limb isn't theirs, they weren't supposed to be born with that leg, etc. Do you know what the treatment is? Hint: They don't let these people cut their legs off, they don't let them go to doctors and cut their legs off. Instead they are given intensive long term therapy, medications and occasionally involuntarily committed so they don't hurt themselves because they aren't sane. Research is ongoing but there's overlap between how this presents itself and how gender identity orders present themselves.
If as an adult I say my arm isn't mine and demand a doctor cut it off, I get bounced to a loony bin.
If as a child I say I want to cut my cock off they roll out the red carpet.
I'm not going to pretend to have an answer but any doctor that cosigns the transexual delusion and mutilates someone's body doesn't have the patients best interest at heart.

Just think about it. I don't have anything against trannies as people, I hate the fact a system is taking advantage of them and I'm expected to clap, cheer, piss shit and cum with excitement that parents have the freedom to let their sons cut their dicks off.

>> No.17678059

lmao what is this man doing

>> No.17678078

More big-brain tips from nominative determinism retard anon:
polo shirts can be worn only for playing polo
yoga pants for doing yoga
aviator glasses can be worn only while flying
jerseys are always made from jersey
chinos are all from China
capri pants are all made in Capri
oxford and derby shoes can be worn in their respective locations
don't dare to wear boat shoes while not on ship of any kind
Stay tuned for: ballet flats, moccasins, smoking and more!

>> No.17678210
File: 420 KB, 1008x1792, 1656699001811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a pretty handsome man, he didn't have tits before so I imagine the femgen discord groomers got him on hrt and he came up with the weird intersex LARP like most troons

>> No.17678212

Did he really not have fake breasts before? Why would someone lie about being "intersex"?

>> No.17678215

You can tell the kid is autistic just by looking at his face.

>> No.17678216

>Why would someone lie about being "intersex"?
he's one of those femgen discord circlejerkers, and they tend to be self hating trannies. They will try to be as 'natty' as possible in regards to femboy maxxing, so them admitting to using hrt would be considered sacrilege

>> No.17678217

white men lol

>> No.17678221

Another grooming victim. Not to mention the overlap of the body disorder syndrome and autism is really high. Poor kid. Imagine him in 20 or so years, then 30, then 50. You can see why the suicide rate is highest *after* the surgery.

>> No.17678283

>baldanon wearing a wig

>> No.17678348

>but graphic anything is cringe
even band tees?
never read that and everyone I know who has is cringe so it's literally over

>> No.17678369

Nice hair. There's something off with the proportions of your fit though. I think the cut and pockets of the pants bellow out your lower 2/3rds too much.
What, do you wear madras ironically? Would that be better than unironically?

>> No.17678437


>> No.17678702
File: 1.55 MB, 1438x1259, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drip juif

>> No.17678727

i just felt like it haha
thanks they are just clarks mali. meh material desu
to be clear, i like the weird proportions on that earlier fit

>> No.17678729

>>but graphic anything is cringe
>even band tees?
You must be autistic so let me help, yes buddy. Anything graphic is going to out you as the sperg you are, even band tees.

>> No.17678839 [DELETED] 
File: 527 KB, 1114x1981, 381840A6-D75C-400A-A270-09AEF15D5260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to see a shit horror movie at the cinema, then had more phenomenal sex. Just tops. We’re going to have a live brass band at the wedding.

>> No.17678880
File: 600 KB, 1255x2230, 3EEE81C5-4FBE-4155-9E2F-587B0F3BC3E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And today’s cute work fit.

>> No.17678905

Bro, your stupid joke fashion is shit and your shitty apartment is shit too. You look like a complete asshole and the weird artificial stance you have adopted in the photo makes it look like you are about to shit your boxer shorts. Sir, you are a legit dead ass fucking idiot.
Wow! Beige has never looked so stupid on a dude before. Good job.

>> No.17678912
File: 669 KB, 622x812, F74B6674-7BEB-4446-85F6-9C9EFBE79A3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always get my day started right, anon.

>> No.17678952

this image is perfect. it’s just all classics.

>> No.17678960

kindly post link to audio Snake-meister

>> No.17678965

Any recommendations instead? I have black ozweegos, white gats, navy blue converse, and some assorted sneakers in different neutral colors, as well as a few pairs of boots but a couple are worked in and not very great condition to wear out

>> No.17679004

how much is too much to spend on shoes? does the average person actually think different of you when you are wearing regular adidas shoes vs wearing like $900 tom fords?

>> No.17679061

The average person thinks you are richer when you wear the adidas. If you want to avoid looking like a larping richfag, unironically the expensive designer shoes are the better option.

>> No.17679064


I shoved an elf bar and a tv remote up her pussy then fucked her in it, then fucked her ass, then I made her take a fat rip off the vape

>> No.17679089

>i’m a male
Why did you remove your balls then

>> No.17679090
File: 69 KB, 733x899, guybruhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guybrush threepwood????

>> No.17679093

I would swap the socks for nude/black tights and maybe try flats instead with the latter. Otherwise, it looks nice.

>> No.17679095

imagine how manly n musky after long gym sesh fuck

>> No.17679471

Sex sex sex come on day to 4chan faggots sex emporium! All sex must go, let me tell you about all the sex we're having and practically giving away! Hot sex! Loud sex! Sweaty sex! Fast sex! Anime sex! Slow sex! Nonconsensual sex! Missionary sex! Doggy style sex! Cowgirl sex! At Anons Fashion and Sex emporium, we've got all the sex you can handle at very reasonable rates! If you can get sex cheaper anywhere else.....fuck it!

>Mom can we get Ezra Miller?
>No we have Ezra Miller at home

What the fuck kind of knot is that?

>> No.17679481
File: 7 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like you aren't the regular anon who gets upset with me, but thank you for this little gift.

>> No.17679500

Can't you ever take an ounce of criticism without lashing out?

>> No.17679507

he's a newfag that thinks 4chan is his blog, just ignore him

>> No.17679546

ew a zoomer. go back to tik tok where talking like that is somehow considered funny.

>> No.17679559

I get it, trannies weird, but the seething is absolutely the most cringe thing in this thread. You guys realize this is 4can right? The mascot/owner of 4chan was a literal crossdresser catboy. If you want to type up a storm every time you see a crossdresser, then you've probably come to the wrong place.

>> No.17679563

>mascot/owner of 4chan
lmao "mascot". not only are you wrong but also who the fuck cares? if you're bothered by people mocking you for being a weird faggot then go to reddit

>> No.17679564

Go back to dialating.

>> No.17679566

i get you're newfag but m00t was absolutely a crossdresser catboy
and if you're saying i'm wrong because yotsuba is "actually the mascot" then you're just splitting hairs. myabe you're too new idk but yeah reddit might be a good idea for you.

not a tranny just cringing at all you faggots spilling your guts over seeing a crossdresser in a fashion thread

>> No.17679575

you don't get shit retard, m00t was never the mascot of this website and I'm not "splitting hairs" by pointing this out when that's your entire point you fudge packing moron. do me a favor and expedite your joining of the 41%

>> No.17679578

positively cringe. you're like an unlimited source

>> No.17679579

lmao @ troons calling anything cringe

>> No.17679582

Can we ban trannies from this thread?

>> No.17679618

Nobody asked for your fetishes, faggot.

>> No.17679717

damn this is sad

>> No.17679734 [DELETED] 

keep sperging out at them I'm sure that will make them leave our scared cishet board one of these days

>> No.17679745
File: 39 KB, 415x434, 1645791233908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17679782

how did you get this photograph of me

>> No.17679906


>> No.17679917

Shave the beard

>> No.17679920


>> No.17679981
File: 858 KB, 2266x4032, 1660940561146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post fits fuckheads
Will r8 later

>> No.17679993
File: 211 KB, 718x646, consult the grapheronies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.17679998
File: 1.33 MB, 2220x5184, IMG_20230622_092213590~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that popover, I'm having one in a similar style made for me.


>> No.17680028

those pants are not loose fit on you

>> No.17680029

If the X axis is “falling” then the line should be going upwards fyi.

>> No.17680043

gats or cons would work for sure, i just feel like the shoes in the pic are mad boomercore

>> No.17680063

...did I state that they were loose fit?

>> No.17680149

Your life or my fit? Or both?

>> No.17680157

Double breasted navy blazers with gold buttons are proof of our Blessed Lord's love for man. Ave Maria.

>> No.17680161
File: 27 KB, 800x534, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double breasted navy blazers
I literally stopped reading there and started puking blood

>> No.17680164

Lmao cry harder you broke fitless faggot.

>Is that......is that a heckin blazer? Aaaaahhhhhhh I'm going insane nooooooooo classic menswear is too much ahhhhajhwjwwwwwokoooooooh save me sexcore!

I can't wait for Reddit to fire their jannies and get new ones so r/MFA opens back up and the retards can go home.

>> No.17680352


>> No.17680368
File: 70 KB, 982x738, Fm84lvPXEAAaP11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry anon no espresso martinis here just a lot of derros and cheap weed here in

>> No.17680454

why is a 50+ year old the biggest child on this website?

>> No.17680532

Why do you behave like such a pretentious bitch? I mean, aside from you being a sodomite.

>> No.17680552
File: 97 KB, 640x853, 1662459895667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17679981 back
This looks great. Maybe slightly looser pants but Im nitpicking. Great hair too. I'd just trim it up all around so that it grows back into what you have
>might want to lose the belt? Makes you look shorter.
I am short unfortunately, and I can't find jeans that fit my legs without requiring a belt.
As for shoe recs, red wing moc toes in black prarie leather would be my choice. They fit the contemporary workwear vibe you have going on and they patina beautifully (picrel is the leather on a different boot). Insanely comfy as well
This is great. Where's the blazer from and do thry make single breasted versions? The fit is excellent

>> No.17680628
File: 333 KB, 220x161, you-may-not-like-it-but-accept-it-wwf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17680634

The blazer is by an old English company called Aquascutum. They've got a pretty cool history, they invented a waterproof wool then made waterproof coats for British soldiers during the Crimean war and later trenchcoats during WW1 and 2. Between wars the king was a patron, they had a royal warrant as well. Sadly they're pretty much defunct now . You can find items second hand and they're very well made and durable.

>> No.17680986

jesus christ. you need to stop. the nicest word here would be 'eclectic'

>> No.17680989

drop the chain and replace the textured jeans with non-textured and its nice enough. For extra points swap the red shoes for a light leather shoe to match the accent on the shirt

>> No.17680995

ah yes, the soft-slacks cowboy.

>> No.17681004

I always pictured you having longer hair. Love the fit but if you want a key piece to stand out you need to pick between the shoes and the hat. Love the sock colour choice

Looks like a five star oriental themed hotel yet still culturally western for the white guests upper management uniform. The fitting is great though

>> No.17681041


>> No.17681154

that face is really unfortunate are you asian

>> No.17681159

that's disgusting it looks like one of those ant nest molds

>> No.17681192

Nice, the hat should be blank though

>> No.17681263
File: 570 KB, 1065x2793, 176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the pants are real actual leather die sad wannabes

>> No.17681272
File: 42 KB, 1591x1642, j7mc8ty98oi81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Upper management uniform

Outstanding, I'm just going for full custodian LARP from now on.

>> No.17681277
File: 441 KB, 877x2465, 998476524533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final fit for the weekend and yes the tie is legit italian real silk 100% genuine authentic
get on my level

>> No.17681297

I for one am glad the jannies are getting into the spirit of things. I can't wait to see what other wonderful fits they can afford with their massive salaries

>> No.17681355

fashion larps are my favourite. i like seeing creative takes.

>> No.17681388

So who's going to post the new thread? I've got a bussin fire fit to post yo, freal freal no cap on god ugghhhhh yeaaahhhhh uuuhhhh blicky got the stiffie uhhhhhh bix nood

>> No.17681416


>> No.17681580

Make the thread then

>> No.17681615

Fuck that, you are all a bunch of superstitious faggots who piss shid and cum themselves senseless if the OP image doesn't meet your demanding broke NEET autist specifications. If I do create the new thread I will pick the most spiteful anti fashion pic I have saved just so the first twenty posts will be kvetching about how awful it is.

>> No.17681647

I’ve never commented on an OP image in my life (relating to a waywt)

>> No.17681651

He's talking about powwow Indians, poopoo Indians

>> No.17681656

new thread >>17681655

>> No.17681662

This may come as a surprise but you aren't the only poster here

>> No.17681671

Love the dark denim pop-over shirt and the dark jeans, and the brown belt and brown shoes complementarity is pleasing. The rolled cuffs showing understated gray dress socks is also attractive, but the pink ice cream ballcap w/ logo is quite honestly garishly distracting and huge departure from your usual sedate color choices. The pink ballcap competes with the shirt buttons and cuff - shoes for attention. My advice for better color ballcap -- providing subtle pop -- would be forest / loden green. Very aesthetic classic otherwise.

>> No.17681948 [DELETED] 

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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1283b
Speech Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

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>> No.17681953

>Love the fit but if you want a key piece to stand out you need to pick between the shoes and the hat
>the pink ice cream ballcap w/ logo is quite honestly garishly distracting and huge departure from your usual sedate color choices. The pink ballcap competes with the shirt buttons and cuff - shoes for attention. My advice for better color ballcap -- providing subtle pop -- would be forest / loden green.
Interesting feedback. I wouldn't have thought the rest of the fit had any really eye catching points, especially not the shoes. How would you suggest working the hat into fits then because I unironically love the washed out pink (and the shitty restaurant chain logo)

>> No.17682497

Well, at least you don't look like a Target mannequin, like every other poster here.

>> No.17682542

want to push you over in the street and laugh at you. you look weak.

>> No.17682548
File: 130 KB, 1000x1487, MV5BMTQ1NjE4NTU4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODkwMDg3NjE@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga looks like gummo

>> No.17682567

Where can i read your manifesto?

>> No.17682640


>> No.17683083

really like it where are the pants from

>> No.17683177

it'd be chill if you wore looser shorts and either socks or secret sock ( those are lesbian socks)

>> No.17683285


Very cool, Narduwar (y)