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17641018 No.17641018 [Reply] [Original]

Why does every person into fashion like showing off they like balenciaga? It's always the cap, jacket, shirt, or bag with the balenciaga logo. This shit is insanely fucking hideous. Why do people think this is cool?

>> No.17641025

walking billboards aren't into fashion, they are into showing off.

>> No.17641029

fuck u
but ur are right and i'm one of them

>> No.17641073

demna gvasalia is a hot designer in the fashion industry at the moment which is why all celebrities/rappers have been wearing balenciaga for the last few years, even if it is just the logo billboard stuff

>> No.17641345

it's just the chinks and gooks

>> No.17641346

because it makes poors rage

>> No.17641362

Asians love it for some reason. I always see geeky Asian guys with that Bernie Sanders style Balanciaga logo shirt.

>> No.17641371

this but unironically

>> No.17641382

I have a lot of designer shit, but nothing from Balenciaga. All of my other friends with similar tastes agree, not sure who really likes Balenciaga unironically.

>> No.17641389

god I wish I was rich enough to fuck hot plastic asian bimbos

>> No.17641394
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>> No.17641427

Literally just materialistic chinks and they just wear it because it shows they can afford it. It could be 5 dollar paw patrol wal mart T shirt... if Balenciaga puts their name on it, some yellow chink will pay $500 for it to show off their wealth and status. It's what the
meme is about

>> No.17641650

Balenciaga is more of a joke than Gucci. Imagine spending $750 on an “ironic” t-shirt made from 100% cotton when you could literally just buy that off of AlieExpress (which Demna Gvasalia would have ripped off, anyway) if you want to look tacky when you go outside. All the collabs thyeve been doing have been cringe. Fuck their whole direction nowadays. Never was a fan but they found a way to be more obnoxious than literally any other brand the second they got that stupid fat fuck Georgian guy as their creative director

>> No.17641677

The entire point of Balenciaga is spending $700 on a cheap shitty tshirt so that everyone knows that amount of money is meaningless to you. It's sort of the natural endgame of conspicuous consumption and the current fashion trends with rich Chinese kids.
Desperate fashion copers will claim the logo ware supplements the handful of actually meaningful fashion pieces that Balenciaga makes every year.

>> No.17642723

Just chinks and gooks showing off that they're materialistic bugmen/bugwomen

>> No.17642735
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>insanely fucking hideous
Because that brand is literally soulless. Sold it to the devil.

>> No.17642787

How are you into fashion but have no Balenciaga? you probably only have ready to wear logo shit for normies.

>> No.17642841

I had never heard of them until the Harry Potter viral marketing stunt.

>> No.17642842

Can you find hoes like this in Thailand or somewhere you can buy pussy
I'll never have enough status to fuck a bimbo like this but I really want to

>> No.17642855


>> No.17642886

nah girls in south east asia are brown and dont get korean plastic surgery

>> No.17643157

>Balenciaga has been the most trendy designer brand for a few years now
>they have a slightly "ironic" image, which means you can wear big logo shit to flex, but justify it as "I'm doing it ironically"
that's basically it

>> No.17643198

Sex cum woman

>> No.17644170

Well are there hookers anywhere in the world that look like this?

>> No.17644290

Yes, China there are tons of girls who look like this.

>> No.17644347

Damn China Numba Won after all

>> No.17644733

i love demna work both vetements past pieces and balenciaga ones, especially the pieces inspired by various subcultures because it remember me of both my childhood and my teenager years and kinda normalize wearing those edgy looks as an adult, atleast in non formal settings.
it is criminally overpriced and hyped? yes and as a contrarian i kinda disdain trends but this time i dont care, it really speaks to me

>> No.17644753

>you love Demna
So you’re gay AND have bad taste?

>> No.17644762

Either that or he’s Chinese

>> No.17644790

balenciaga has some cool looks, but the logo shit is hard to defend

>> No.17644793

Okay brainwashed capitalistic consoomer

>> No.17644794
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> 2023
> People are still buying overpriced "designer" shit
We deserve the fate we are headed for

>> No.17644808

this is the fashion board anon, the whole board is about being a capitalistic consoomer. if you're here, you are one too, just a poor one. or did you misclick from /lgbt/?

>> No.17644818

I have a lot of Gucci, Louis, Prada, Versace, Moncler, Dior, and D&G. Balenciaga never looked good to me, and after the BDSM teddy bear thing, I knew it was best to avoid having them in my collection altogether.

>> No.17644825


never forget

>> No.17644974

no and no, i'm italian so i would tap some cute trap boypucci tho, its in my mediterranean dna but demna mad ugly.
only thing that has "in your face" logo in my possession is that distressed pierced cap that is admittedly very "out there" but i love it.
outside of their tees(an obscene cash grab even by their standards) i dont see that heavy use of branding by them

>> No.17645029

Imagine thinking you have to spend a lot of money to look good. Do you really think the world is so black and white that there is only clothes from Walmart and Italian fashion houses with no in-between? You’re even more brain dead if you think Balenciaga has released a single good piece since Demna or even before that. It’s literally just viral. A couple negroids in ATL learned how to pronounce it and started name dropping it in songs, and look at us now. Maybe take a further and larger step back when you observe the fashion industry since you’re so smart and nuanced, fag

>> No.17645053

balenciaga is the reason people think new balance shoes are cool

>> No.17645075

My dad was rocking New Balance for at least 20yrs now. He is cool. That brand is more authentic. Balenciaga is not and e ever will be

>> No.17645087

You think that until you actually try it. Many of them do this like crying thing acting like they’re dying, but it’s very transparent and actually a turn off because they begin the act before anything even happens. Like they are screaming in fake ecstasy from the forst touch of foreplay. It gets really grating. Normal attractive Chinese girls or geeky/shy girls are honestly much better.

(I have only had sex with Chinese women)

>> No.17645101

Yeah well they’re used to trying to please microdicked Changs so sex is usually an act to them. That would turn me off too tho

>> No.17645360


>> No.17645517

i hate what demna gvasalia did to balenciaga and vetements sucks

>> No.17646051

What kind of Asian is this

>> No.17646059


>> No.17646072

South Korean

>> No.17646079

Did you ever think some people just like dressing that way to express themselves? If you have the money and it makes you happy, fucking splurge on yourself

>> No.17646252

The bogged type.

>> No.17646256

Na, Chinese for sure. The rich kind

>> No.17647260

Why does every girl into fashion like showing off their armpits? I'm trying to do nofap and pics like this make it really hard

>> No.17647672

she has korean makeup and korean plastic surgery so its hard to tell

>> No.17647886

have you been to vietnam? they are pale and PS is pretty big. they have their own version of gangnam face.

>> No.17648055

Her face looks like she is actually in pain
That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t though.

>> No.17648062

Rich Chinks are usually either expats or live so comfortably in Shanghai it’s hard to separate them from other Koreans when they also go to SK for their surgery. The giveaway here is the hyper-materialistic outfit. Koreans prefer to dress in black and are also massive consoomers but not this much. I’m sure 75% of Balenciaga’s sales go to China or basketball Americans

>> No.17648197

It literally does not matter if she dresses like trash, she could get it.

>> No.17648239

yeah i hate
>fear of god
>anti-social social club
they didn't earn the hype-brand over years of hard work like prada and versace did

>> No.17648245


>> No.17648257

I'm going to give you the black pill about fashion: From 10 feet away you can't judge the quality of most common articles /styles of clothing.
Let's take chinos for example. Plain khaki colored. Look up examples from Old Navy, Gap, Casatlantic, Drake's , O'Connells, J Crew, O'Connells etc. I'm sure looking at them side by side you can pick out differences like rise, fabric quality, hem width etc. But in the real world in passing you would struggle to tell the difference between different types of khakis at a glance as you moved through a crowd. And let's be honest, the average anon here knows way more about fashion than the average person in the real world, including people with money.
What does that have to do with branding? Simple: People who buy shit with branding like Balenciaga on a purse don't give two shits about fashion. They just want to signal they have enough money to buy "name". When you're walking by someone in a crowd you might not be able to someone is wearing a Balanceiga dress but if they are carrying a handbag with big black letters on it you'll be able to tell they're wearing the brand. That's it, that's all fashion amounts to for so many people, showing you have money to buy thing. You can dress in well made, well fitted but simple clothes made from high quality fabrics and a disgusting amount of people will thing people wearing branded shit look better because they associate names with price and price with quality. That's it.

>> No.17648261

This, and sex with yellow women.

>> No.17648296

Based. Good looking people can wear any clothes

>> No.17648842

Now THIS the the final black pill. It’s all about genetics. Everything else is just a cope.

>> No.17649732

Is everything about her fake? Obviously her face is fake, but are her boobs also fake? She can't really fake her hips and tummy, right?

>> No.17650517

Yes. Everything is manufactured inChina, and everything in China is manufactured

It’s just up to you to decide if it’s still fuck worthy or not

>> No.17651240

DJ Soda, South Korean DJ. Kind of talented but mostly just your regular IG rich whore. Very popular in Indonesia and SEA like all East Asians
Love that boudacious set of Tata's tho, regardless of how much of a walking billboard she looks like

>> No.17651247

I'm starting to believe someone shilling her or has a cuck fetish on seeing her talked about
Like i've seen her photos in other boards more commonly

>> No.17652157

What flavor of soda I like McDonald’s Sprite

>> No.17652320

she's a korean dj

>> No.17652341

Dick jack-offer?

>> No.17652474
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>> No.17653701

Fucking epic style

>> No.17654065


>> No.17654700

Why? That proves they are kinda based and cunnypilled.

>> No.17654707

True, but the real blackpill is that the clothes wear the man.

>> No.17655396
File: 952 KB, 1275x625, 4a4b981ee0916ef2560bcea8a7fa1f2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gucci, Louis, Prada, Versace, Moncler, Dior, and D&G.

Found the poor black person

>> No.17655437

>He can afford designer clothes
>He must be poor!
Weird cope, but whatever

>> No.17655463
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Because they save all their money to buy their entry level items.. Look at all the ghettos and what they wear.