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File: 41 KB, 690x518, 665be23e-5ae7-45af-862a-3313931fef2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17651999 No.17651999 [Reply] [Original]

Do guys look better bald or with long hair?

>> No.17652002

depends, he looked better with long hair imo. I wish there wasn't such a stigma, or perhaps perceived stigma, against(are stigmas for or against?) being bald with long hair.

>> No.17652003

bald. at least in this photo

>> No.17652017

he looks better bald, but that doesnt mean other guys will also look good with a bald head

>> No.17652045

Bald, u look like a onions boy with long balding hair

>> No.17652065

Literally the opposite, shaved head + beard is the default choice for aging redditors

>> No.17652139

Sorry but you look creepy and horrendous, both ways, ngl.

>> No.17652141

>cutting off all your hair is Reddit because……it just is okay?

>> No.17652144

the guy was a norwood 3-4. No shit norwood 4s have to shave their head. HE still looks like a redditor, but yeah slightly better.

>> No.17652145

>I don't like something because redditors do it!!
Literally the most s 0 y mindset I've ever seen.
Shave the beard, drop the roids

>> No.17652149
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I’m uncertain

>> No.17652152
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>> No.17652160

Bruh fucking obviously he looks way better here than above

>> No.17652164
File: 62 KB, 600x495, A-1752906-1375394005-5619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have that mix of being bald and creepily threathening that reminds me of picrel.
Either way, you should lose the AIDS Skrillex accessories, the gauges and black rimmed glasses, lose the basedbeard too.

>> No.17652188

there absolutely needs to be a stigma against long hair with a massively receding hairline. it's objectively the worst look someone who's balding could go for. shaving it all off will always look better

>> No.17652205

omg hi ukrainian anon

>> No.17652276

Hi, I’m guessing you’re from /int/ I wonder if I know you. First time I’ve been recognized on this board

>> No.17652283

I'm looking at a bald guy with long hair right now in OP and it objectively looks cool

>> No.17652329

nah you wouldnt really know me, im the op of the current thread

>> No.17652356

he lpoks better bald but don't shave the chest

>> No.17652362

It depends on the person, and with this person he looks better bald compared to long hair. No telling if he would look better with short hair, but he genuinely looks good bald. With the long hair he gives off stoner hippie who plays pc games or cod, and on the right he looks like a guy with discipline while still being approachable.

>> No.17652385

guys look better with abs and pecs, how do you even achieve this?

>> No.17652405

he looked like a tranny in the left pic

he looks way better as a man

>> No.17652689

>retarded gay faggot 100% on gear
>horrible beard, looks lmossy as fuck, cut it shorter
>awful earrings
>reddit septum
>adventure time(?) phone sticker

the answer is bald still

>> No.17652704

looks like a ftm tranny, unfortunately

>> No.17652836
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bald is cope

>> No.17652842

Better bald with more fat

>> No.17652844

I really do not like hair systems, but these guys look happy.

>> No.17652849

>hair implant
>its a toupe
>bald is cope
bald isn't cope, bald is what you get, not regarding ones wishes
cope is trying to go against nature and pretend like you have the hair that you don't have, or having hair from your ass put on your head, asshead

>> No.17652851

>tfw buzzcutting for 26 years and counting
if I'd go full johhny sins bald I'd save time and money, but no, I'll get the slow widows peak until I drop dead

>> No.17652852

You can tell the exactly at what point the confidence dissapears from their faces.

>> No.17652896

what in the holy mother of fuck is that

>> No.17652900

Fuck I think I’m gonna hop on fin asap and save up for a trip to Turkey eventually

>> No.17652941

all bald guys look the same, do it and you're dooming yourself to forever being as cookie cutter as fucking possible. even receding hairlines can be respectable with the right approach.

>> No.17652945

short hair
why does it need to be one retarded extreme?

>> No.17652950

fucking look! i can't tell a single one of them apart without hair! and their lips all stand out much more, too, because their hair was the balancing force! they all look pouting or wearing lip gloss by default and its HORRID

>> No.17653017

>save time
How is shaving your head every 3 days saving time? It fucking sucks, when I had hair I'd never think about it and get a haircut once or twice a year, balding is more maintenance not less

>> No.17653056

left you look like a skrillex wannabe manlet weakling portland resident.
right you look like a roidraging manlet portland resident.
Grow your hair a little and lose the beard for stubble or a shorter beard.

>> No.17653103

>haircut once or twice a year
your hair got taken from you because of this lazyness and unkempness
shaving your skull can be a very quick process, instead of going to the barbers every 3-4 weeks (which is already a long time between haircuts)

>> No.17653127

Trim beard more + short hair (not bald) is his best look imo

>> No.17653189

You've never shaved your scalp.

>> No.17654659

As odd as it sounds I don't mind it, I think I am a nw3, always had long hair, and I usually just bun it.
Why do other people care so much about others hair?
It's feels so weird having others people obsess over what hair I like having

>> No.17654664

Wops, my bad
It feels so weird having other people obsess over what hair I like to have*

>> No.17654735

Guy in the OP looks way better on the right. He looks like a solid male (no homo) that could lead a tribe. Guy on the left looks like he'd be asking for almond milk in his frappe because he's used too many plastic straws in the last week.

>> No.17654743
File: 57 KB, 480x640, EA3A47C6-FA5F-4BA2-B7BD-D7625F15DA9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with long hair

>> No.17654744
File: 61 KB, 480x640, 9ED37D93-1064-45CC-B560-6AE4B3A8D7A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with short

>> No.17654901

Anything is an improvement over >>17654743

>> No.17655027

The long hair was better, unless you're gay. Bottom gives off massive homo vibes, pun intended.

>> No.17655058

Why do you think he's on gear? Is it the poppy veins?
Because his body isn't that impressive for someone roiding, that's easily achievable natty even with shit genetics

>> No.17655097

this would be infinitely better than >>17654744 if he shaved the beard and stache

>> No.17655415


In general, you'd always go long hair. No one does the bald look unless they are forced to by nature.

In this specific comparison, the guy looks lousy either way, and it's a toss up depending on what shitty aesthetic you prefer. Personally, I'd still go with long hair for him because he looks more approachable.

>> No.17655425

as with most things, it depends

>> No.17655495

Balding with long hair often makes people look gross. Keep short or shave

>> No.17655790

This man is 30+. He's not going to look good no matter what he does. If you're a 30+ man focus on being a good husband and father and giving off wholesome dad vibes, because that's the only way you're going to make it.

>> No.17656050

soooooooooo much better with hair, holy crap, like day and night

>> No.17656063

He is bald in both pictures.