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/fa/ - Fashion

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17631379 No.17631379 [Reply] [Original]

this boards posters are nothing but a motley bunch of rightfully outcast weirdos who were too autistic, too edgy, and/or too niche in their style to just find a forum or discord that will tolerate them. thats part of why they come here, and why the board culture is so shit. theres no unified /fa/ culture or attitude, its just a bunch of autists who can't stand eachother because they are all the same level of autistic about somehow fundamentally incompatible things*. People like doug, cecil, LSDanon, and that one faggot who keeps posting about "suits being clowncore" aren't abberations or disruptions to some otherwise civil, reasonable /fa/ board culture, they ARE the board culture, they are the caustic stew of obsessive, overthought contrarianism that defines most of our posters bubbling to the surface. Other than clueless newfags asking stupid/basic questions and then getting the fuck out, thats all there is. When was the last time this shithole produced so much as an infographic?

*doug is the main example. you tell me that the posters who seem to vociferously loathe him are in any way neurotypical or sane and i'll call you a fucking liar. I don't like him either, he's ugly and his fits are never good, but good lord he has this inexplicable tendency to make the less mentally stable anons on this board froth at the mouth with pure hatred over a 5/10 teenager wearing mediocre outfits, it's as if they're paranoid schizophrenics and they see him as some kind of "they live" lizard man.

any other theories on why this board is so fucking shit?

>> No.17631380

Aging poster base and tripfags

>> No.17631385

I've used chat GPT to help with my outfits and color recommendations. it's bretty good

>> No.17631387

now watch all of them come and seethe

>> No.17631391

You forgot the faggot that spams random insta hoes seemingly 24/7
If the mods permabanned/rangebanned these few dumbasses it wouldnt be such a problem
If you let one tard roam free, then more tards will feel like they can do whatever they want, and the (relatively) normal people will be scared off, its a snowball effect that they should have nipped in the bud

>> No.17631557
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honestly, i won't even tell you you're wrong

everybody hates the way I dress and nobody even tries to "get it"
the few people who would appreciate the way I dress would hate me as a person over petty political differences, making their appreciation of my style, in a sense, meaningless.
I have nobody to share this passion with and it makes me feel so fucking tired. Fashion is merely my latest and last in a long line of attempts at finding an ingroup, dare I say community, I can meaningfully connect with and feel like a part of something instead of an atomized fucking loser with nothing going on, and it failed. One could even say it was a failure from the very start.
I'm never going to find a "crowd", I'm never going to feel like a real person in real life, no matter how many single-serving friends I make I won't ever manage to keep them, and I will always be alone.
Being a sperg truly is a quiet, subtle hell, its fires only burning so cool you can forget it for a while.

>> No.17631569

Where else can i go? Seriously.

>> No.17631673

because its 4chan
/tv/ is the worst place to discuss movies
/v/ is the worst place to discuss games
/fit/ is the worst place to discuss fitness
/pol/ is the worst place in general

>> No.17631703

Doug, I feel for you and certain posters take it too far, but some of it you bring up on yourself. There's no way to say this without veering into victim blaming, but you're weird and you make no attempt to hide it. And it's not a fun quirky weird, you're a literal conservative faggot dressing like anime characters. If you somehow revealed this was all an elaborate troll I'd go full American and stand up and clap at my phone because it would have been God tier trolling.

I don't know what to tell you about fitting in except to say I was like you until I got to high school, then I got the shit beat out of me. And I am thankful on a near daily basis for that beating because I learned to hide the weirdness, and then somehow when I started faking being normal I became aware of how weird and annoying I was before, and started improving. I genuinely think growing up in a world where people tell you to be yourself and you'll be accepted has done you a massive disservice and you would have been better served by formative beatings.

Have you considered faking being normal for six months? It will sound crazy but you will gain new perspective and I can guarantee that you'll figure out how to at least come off less annoying in the future

>> No.17631708

>Nobody tried to get how I dress

Also disagree on that one, people do get it but you simply don't do it well. You're shooting for some idealized/romanticized version of the 1950s aka a time period that would have despised you, and while you may have the vision I think you currently lack the budget to realize it.

Doug, you have to understand at this point there's nothing to "get". You don't look good, and when people who aren't being assholes to you try and explain this you sperg the fuck out. I don't know why you keep coming here, you'd legit be better abandoning this place immediately and just grinding on TikTok to get some followers or some shit. You know you're not learning or gaining anything here, you've just developed an obsession of being accepted or somehow "winning" here and I don't think that's possible.

>> No.17631746

Extremely poor moderation. It takes 900 posts of off-topic shitflinging about trannies in WAYWT threads before mods actually step in and start banning people, and even then those same people just ban evade and come back to derail the thread again. /wt/ has the same issue and seeing as those are the only two active threads on the board it's a big issue.

>> No.17631941

can you post some examples?

>> No.17631969
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I couldn't agree more bro. Transgender is literally the greatest evil humankind has ever faced. All it takes is for one of these gender bastards to post a pic of himself in what is essenitally a costume of women's clothes and the entire fucking thread is derailed. I fucking hate trans so much it's literally fucking unreal. They have their own board and they never fucking use it. Transgender isn't fashion, it literally has nothing to do with fashion. This shithole desperately needs a containment board for all the transgender nonsense bullshit. Posting a pic of some gender bastard in women's ill fitting clothing should be a bannable offense. Good day.

>> No.17631975

>any other theories on why this board is so fucking shit?
You're still here. Fuck off OP.

>> No.17631989

4chan is about no moderation. If you want a homogeneous, majority led, well behaved community, there's a site for that...

>> No.17631998

i'm not reading all that shit nigga

>> No.17632126

100% agree
>There is no common philosophy
>No common culture
>No common influences
>No common sense
>No real creativity

Every thread eventually reduces to arguing over ridged traditionalism or ugly postmodern nonsense. With no actual discussion on aesthetics or effort towards anything actually representative of the board because their is no overarching commonality to work off of and half the board can't even consider anything acceptable that isn't the look they came here to pedal.

Also, the mentally ill tripfags keep posting their ugly mugs and dysgenic ideologies and somehow manage to get hundreds of replies to their threads that should be rightfully ignored/removed/banned.

>> No.17632183
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i hate andy warhol so much

>> No.17632196

>caustic stew of obsessive, overthought contrarianism
You just described the whole website buddy boy. Why would the "fashion" board be any different?

>> No.17632221

Wasn't always that way, it used to be more intelligent, individualist, and actually had creativity.
Now it's just like everywhere else on the internet.

>> No.17632262

you are part of the problem

>> No.17632281

Always makes me laugh when retarded newfags say this.

>> No.17632298

OK, I'll take your bait, bro. Explain to me how trans fucking gender has anything to do with fashion at all.

>> No.17632337

you perpetuate the slapfight that derails threads
as OP said, you're a spastic autist that physically cannot get along with other posters, you feel obligated to complain and bitch instead of just ignoring them

>> No.17632384
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>And it's not a fun quirky weird, you're a literal conservative faggot dressing like anime characters.
hell yeah baybee
>I genuinely think growing up in a world where people tell you to be yourself and you'll be accepted has done you a massive disservice and you would have been better served by formative beatings.
even on the very first discords i posted my fits on i got made fun of so maybe i'm just impervious to it
>Have you considered faking being normal for six months?
honestly yeah, moreso because i wanna be able to fall back on a "daily wear" wardrobe with a lower margin of error, so in the meantime I can more carefully curate a wardrobe, or at least a set of outfits, that are totally up to my standards.

Combining suits, shirts, and ties is fun, but it's hard to fully enjoy it when you are constantly aware of how much you're missing the mark with how shitty/ill-fitting your clothes are. My constructed persona may be perpetually sharply dressed and brimming with color, but I think at the base level, and with who and where I am in life, a style that fits me a lot more is an understated grunge look.
washed-out jeans, well-worn sneakers, and loose wooly jumpers, that kind of thing.
I think, if I start with that, then I can dress it up with 1 or 2 suit jackets and get on a much more natural path towards a style that suits me as a person, not a character. Then the suits and colorful ties will be something I GET to wear, not something I HAVE to wear

>> No.17632397

Men dressed in the costume of women's clothing isn't fashion. It's a joke or cosplay or a sexual fetish. It literally doesn't belong on the fashion board. I'll fucking point this out every fucking time. So should you, you'll make this a better board.

>> No.17632404

This is a website primarily perused by introverted shut ins who can't look women in the eyes. Why would a board dedicated to fashion on this site ever be good?

>> No.17632421
File: 594 KB, 540x1191, INITIATE ANTI-AESTHETIC THOUGHT TERMINATION PROTOCOLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ou're shooting for some idealized/romanticized version of the 1950s aka a time period that would have despised you
While I am glad you cared enough to remember that, first of all, its more 1960s than 50s, and also I'm not like obsessed with the 1950s as they were for le based trad reasons, I'm more interested in the futurism that started around that time and carried into the 1970s.
I think it's an annoying train of thought that a lot of people have that "I would have been opressed or bullied back then, so its automatically bad and nothing from it, not even its aesthetics, are worth remembering or replicating"
This "throw the baby out with the bathwater" mindset is antithetical to how most (actual) progress in history has been made. Of COURSE we cherrypick things we like from the past to continue into the future, that's what we're supposed to do you backwards fucking bonehead.

>and while you may have the vision I think you currently lack the budget to realize it.
thats really all I wanted people to "get", actually. just that little bit of charity to not assume that I think this is as good as it gets and I'm still working on it.

I don't know why you keep coming here, you'd legit be better abandoning this place immediately and just grinding on TikTok to get some followers or some shit. You know you're not learning or gaining anything here, you've just developed an obsession of being accepted or somehow "winning" here and I don't think that's possible.
fair enough, if my last post is any indication i'm already thinking of "hibernating" for the time being
maybe I'll post some new cops here and there but I'll leave posting fits on the backburner for now

>> No.17632427

what the fuck is mudflood

>> No.17632429

We are social creatures,
You can and should express yourself but you are only cool or good looking or fashionable if others perseive you as such.

How others perceive you also defines who you are, you can't just just blaim the rest of humanity for not humoring you.

>> No.17632430

black people getting rights and immigrants coming in

>> No.17632437

Most people here think fashion will be their salvation.

>> No.17632455

Still waiting for an alternative

>> No.17632468

Doug, get a basic capsule wardrobe like well fitting jeans, chinos, plain t-shirts, polos, sweaters before continuing in your charade. You have to know the rules to break them, you know. God be with you.

>> No.17632469

The user base would simply rather post about lookism and incel shit and whine about getting a girlfriend than actually discuss fashion. /fit/ has a similar issue. Just look at the types of threads that regularly hit 100+ posts. Nothing short of mods aggressively locking and redirecting those types of threads to /r9k/ is going to do shit.

>> No.17632472

>Where else can i go? Seriously.
Wondering this as well.

>> No.17632474

There are several online forums dedicated to fashion where you can engage with like-minded individuals, seek advice, and stay updated on the latest trends. Here are some popular fashion forums:

The Fashion Spot (thefashionspot.com): It is one of the largest online fashion communities where you can discuss fashion, beauty, celebrity style, and industry news.

PurseForum (purseforum.com): While primarily focused on handbags and accessories, PurseForum also features discussions on fashion, style, and shopping.

Styleforum (styleforum.net): This forum caters to menswear enthusiasts, covering topics such as tailored clothing, shoes, accessories, and grooming.

Reddit's Fashion Subreddits: Reddit hosts various fashion-related communities, including r/femalefashionadvice, r/malefashionadvice, r/streetwear, and more. These subreddits offer discussions, outfit critiques, and recommendations.

The Fashion Spotter (thefashionspotter.com): This forum emphasizes fashion trends, street style, and personal style. It provides a platform to discuss and discover emerging trends and brands.

Specktra (specktra.net): Focused on cosmetics and beauty, Specktra has forums dedicated to makeup, skincare, and fragrance, making it a valuable resource for fashion enthusiasts interested in beauty as well.

The Student Room (thestudentroom.co.uk): While primarily aimed at students, The Student Room features fashion and style discussions, including advice on student-friendly fashion, budget shopping, and more.

Remember to review the guidelines and rules of each forum to ensure respectful and constructive participation.

>> No.17632513

fashion spot seems the most active

but why is it so difficult to find fashion discussion online? obviously it will be terrible here with all the trolls and hate but every other fashion community is so slow. reddit with all its infinite subreddits has no active subreddit for discussing fashion as a hobby

>> No.17632519

There used to be very active communities like Superfuture, StyleForum, StyleZeitgeist and even kanyetothe. For whatever reason fashion forums tend to attract the most debased users and obnoxious power drunk moderators who inevitably kill the forum after a few years. /fa/ has the user base issue but frankly I don’t think the board has dedicated mods or jannies at all

>> No.17632576
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I don't know or care who any of the namefags you mentioned in your OP are. There are a handful of problems with /fa/. Excuse my stream of consciousness writing.

1. The average user here is underage and has no money. Thus, outfits made entirely of what can be procured at thrift stores with basic mallcore shoes from a big brand like Nike Adidas Vans etc. Yes fashion is overpriced compared to the production costs but it's part of the hobby - if it can be called a hobby - that you accept when you buy into it. There's nothing wrong with having to lean heavily on thrift because you're a poorfag but more often than not this means wearing horribly cut light wash jeans with a wacky ironic tshirt. I've seen this countless times when looking in a copperknot or recent police thread; people who seem like they have no interest in fashion blogging about the threadbare 90's souvenir tshirt they just bought for $1.14+tax.

2. WAYWT is a hugbox; people in there have no idea how to dress, are terrified of criticizing other people, and either ignore or brush aside criticism when it's pointed at them. I know this because I occasionally save images of terrible outfits from other websites and post them here, falseflagging as the person in the image. And what happened when I posted this? 9/10 people said it was a good outfit. If you're unable to assess why this is NOT a good outfit, you don't belong here and should head over to /soc/ or something. In the past I've also criticised outfits posted in WAYWT, and on other websites, and people just give an excuse like "Oh well I was just experimenting". Experimentation is fine, at some point in the process of photographing yourself, choosing and maybe cropping the image, writing your post and selecting the photo to upload, you should notice that something is not quite right about it.

>> No.17632582
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3. The average person browsing /fa/ has no interest in actual fashion. Again, checking the copperknot threads I see people wearing generic Adidas shoes with calf socks, chino shorts and a horrible tshirt or low quality button shirt asking if they should buy this other low quality button shirt from H&M. Whenever I see posts like this I think 'Why would you bother posting this? You're obviously not interested in fashion, so you should just buy something if you like it without thinking too hard'. On top of this, there is a serious lack of discussion about runway shows, seasonal releases, fashion adjacent media like magazines and videos etc. Again, this comes back to the userbase being underage poorfags who don't have an interest in designer clothing - and no, I don't mean whatever garbage Gucci has decided to produce for the current season - because they cannot afford to.

4. Because of the above points but especially 3, knowledgeable users are few and far between, preferring to better spend their efforts elsewhere helping people who are ACTUALLY RECEPTIVE to feedback or who are also invested enough in fashion to provide a decent conversation. The Helmut Lang Uniqlo thread at the moment is the best on the board because the OP of that thread is autistic enough to know all the little details about the original HL jeans. He obviously cares about HL and is excited (?) that Uniqlo is rereleasing these jeans in a more accessible way so archivebeast scalpers don't choke the market. This is an example of a person that's too good for this board, because the replies he's going to get are 'why do u care their just jeans lolz'.

Unfortunately, there is nowhere. The best you'll get is a tightly knit and probably closed community of likeminded friends, and you'll probably need to know one IRL or meet outside the context of fashion in order to get in. I still want to make my oldschool BBS fashion forum. Maybe someday when my life is going better.

>> No.17632588
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Sorry, my filters caught this reply chain. No, /fa/ has no moderators or janitors. The sort of people who are interested in fashion and the sort of people who are willing to moderate /fa/ have zero overlap.

Styleforum is good but very much is focused on classis menswear and Ivy style dressing. There's little room for discussion of alternate styles. Stylezeitgeist and Caretags are also good resources but are mostly dead with the former focusing exclusively 'mode' and darkwave clothing while caretags is more varied but I don't think most of the people there are actually 'good' at styling. Fashionspot seems good, thank you, but again it lacks the variety that Sufu offered. At a brief glance Fashionspot seems to focus exclusively on European and celebrity-centric fashion; oldschool houses mostly. Sufu was willing to entertain any flavor of clothing you threw at them, which is why Techwear and Denim both still go on today, and why they were happy to look at anything from Prada to Rick to Undercover and Cav Empt, and even more obscure stuff like Cyderhouse. I think there's still a deep, deep gold mine of information to be extracted from all of the forums I mentioned, although obviously it's old information about seasons long past.

>> No.17632595

i like this board because i can post whatever i want but i also hate this board because people can post whatever they want

>> No.17632598

this is a place for shit posting about fashion.
that you thought was anything different is an indictment of your own character you stupid retard

>> No.17632784

this is not a /fa/ specific problem.

>want to discuss topic
>4chan only website that allows free discussion not plagued with political correctness
>everyone on here is a shit throwing chimp retard
>no other option

>> No.17632881

The man who refuses to leave the dumpster wonders why there is garbage everywhere.

>> No.17632976
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I took an interest in clothes after customizing 1,000 avatars since 1996. My path to fashion is different than that of the charmed and my tastes reflect that.

>> No.17632994

>2. WAYWT is a hugbox; people in there have no idea how to dress, are terrified of criticizing other people, and either ignore or brush aside criticism when it's pointed at them

HORSESHIT you disingenuous little fuck. People tore into that pic and your little LARP and YOU brushed their critique aside while typing such high brow retorts and "shheeeitttt lol lmao lil nigggggaaaaa mad he can't get no pussy bruh huh lol"

Fucking hugbox? Have you been there or do you just see what you want? Every other post is an insult. Fag, tranny, bald, nigger, kike, old,fat, LARP, outdated, goyslop, etc. If a pic gets three comments two will be absolutely meaningless insults based on the bitter no fit posting faggots whims. The other will most likely be an arbitrary 1-10 mass rating devoid of any logic that often contradicts the posters claimed rules/styles ie giving two outfits that looks very similar wildly different scores based on who the unseen critic would rather pound in the ass. Please, please point out anything resembling reasonable or insightful critique that gets dismissed/brushed off. I can guarantee you are one of the nuts fucks that does the stupid mass replies and gives critique that you think is insightful like "high rise is already out 3/10" and doesn't post your own fucking fit.

Fuck you, lying little weasel.

>> No.17633002

And I'm not done, here's my stream of conscious:

Anyone commenting without posting a fit in a thread dedicated to posting fits is a small dick tourist desperate to inflate their life with some small semblance of power and control, no matter how meaningless. They don't give a fuck about fashion, they just care about grading others to feel better about themselves.
The tranny inquisition is worse since they're a subset of the above and also function to drive off posters. Not just tranny posters, when bald soon to troon Cecil starts sperging out no one posts till he winds himself down and either goes to get his daily methadone or passes out, then maybe a janny cleans it up 3 days later. Who the fuck cares about what frags and trannies down on a goddamn fashion board? Not a single one of them posts shit like "Hey here's me in a skirt, you should cut your cock off too". They post one comment, then it's dozens of comments from tranny hunters coming in and occasionally the tranny itself gets roped (heh) into defending it's existence and a 300 reply thread will have 40 pics and 120 comments about people worrying about kids they don't have being groomed.

When people post a fit demonstrating anything remotely resembling a good fit in the given style whether it be trad, streetwear, workwear, etc people who don't know what the fuck they are talking about will come out of the woodwork and post so confidently that it's mind boggling. Have you seen how many people can't recognize or identify basic fashion staples like oxfords, length of rises on pants, jeans vs trousers, types of boots, types of shoes etc. There are people who get fucking colors wrong. And these people get ass blasted is you correct their mistake. You are right, they are not there to learn or share. God help me reddits subs blow this place out of the fucking water when it comes to quality discussion, and any attempt to discuss this or improve is shot down

>> No.17633057
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you got it pretty much. effay has been declining since the mid 2010s. there's no reason for anyone who would fit the description of a "good poster" to do more than lurk or make the occasional throwaway contribution, because this board offers nothing for them. it's weird autists, annoying tripfags, weird trannies and faggots (which would be tolerable if they cared about fashion and weren't just /soc/ crossposters) and clueless zoomies. also broke people. it's a joke of a board. it's not even funny to gawk at.

>> No.17633082

ive been here for a long time and you just sound like a bitter fool with no taste expecting others to make your fits for you. retard.

>> No.17633101

>but why is it so difficult to find fashion discussion online
People who are cool and fashionable don't spend their time online discussing fashion

>> No.17633109

so how can I engage with fashion if I don't work in the industry?

>> No.17633112
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>People tore into that pic and your little LARP
Yes, retard, as I explained I was falseflagging. To be clear, that's not a photo of me; the outfit is garbage and anyone who genuinely thinks it's good or would defend it should not be posting here.
>Have you been there
Yes, in the past. Recently? No. I don't go in there for the reasons I described above; it's a bunch of people who have no interest in actual fashion and no desire to develop an interest in it posting 'why post' tier outfits. In the past when I would look in, I would see people posting terrible outfits and tell them what was wrong with it and how they could improve it. I never once received any kind of acknowledgement with substance, just a 'Oh yeah I'll try that thanks', if anything. The fact that anyone replied to my falseflag with anything even vaguely positive suggests to me that the place is a hugbox that will fish for compliments by complimenting others even if both outfits are bad.

Yes I agree that both sides of the culture war should be gassed. What really needs to happen is the moderation staff actually doing something but we both know that's a joke. I don't post photos of myself on the internet as a rule. If someone criticises you without posting an outfit then it's reasonable to be sceptical, however outright dismissing a post that has thought out and well written critique is just braindead behaviour I would associate with phoneposters and underages. Reddit offers quality discussion but suffers from the same pitfalls of the styles being usually very safe, socially acceptable and conservative, or being poorly coordinated, over the top and with the clothes wearing the person (for malefashion and japanesestreetwear etc).

>> No.17633207

nowhere gg
i think ur letting them get to ur head op

>> No.17634465

take a city, any city. figure out why individual people do things, and how that is expressed in terms of the clothes they wear. if you find yourself making up stuff to bridge the dots without any real world knowledge youll find yourself falling into the same trap as every fa poster who buys tabis because its an obvious choice to look like they know fashion. but they just know what other people wear in an austere manner. not the major malfunctions in people taken to their extremes that force people to go to places and do things that elicit that response to wear tabis.

>> No.17634508

Spergs like Doug and the annoying trannies (including that one ugly brown weirdo with cone tits) have ruined the board.
This is why I'm been making social media accounts with Doug's face, fits and all the shit he posts here and associating them with child molestation and p*dophilia. I'm constantly updating the accounts with his new 'fits' and images he posts here and other places, linking his real accounts with the fake accounts,etc.

People like him deserve to get bullied and destroyed

>> No.17634565

>take a city, any city. figure out why individual people do things, and how that is expressed in terms of the clothes they wear

maybe I'm not looking hard enough but it seems like everyone is wearing the same kind of safe bland clothes

>> No.17634942

fr. “boring” is the most retarded non-answer i have ever seen on this board, bc to the underage autistic faggots you need to dress like an anime character and look like a freak or it’s “boring”

>> No.17635032

>they come here, and why the board culture is so shit. theres no unified /fa/ culture or attitude, its just a bunch of autists who can't stand eachother because they are all the same level of autistic about somehow fundamentally incompatible things*.
I 100% agree. One of the biggest issues here is that when anyone asks any question, they often go unanswered. Even the biggest autists at /jp/, /sci/, or /biz/ answer each other but this is the only board where you will literally get no answers for your thread and no answers for a question you posted in a thread by someone else. People here are the definition of selfish autistic weirdos

>> No.17635168

Thats most boards though.

>> No.17635223

waywt is soft shit compared to even 3 years ago, nevermind 2013 lol, didn't read the rest of your sperg rant
you seem really gay
there is a middle ground between dressing like a npc with no clear interest in fashion and a anime character, the majority of /fa/ occupies the former mode.

>> No.17635248

this boards posters are nothing but a motley bunch of rightfully outcast weirdos who were too autistic, too edgy, and/or too niche in their style to just find a forum or discord that will tolerate themand put big cock in my ass because I’m OP and I’m gay and love cock inside of my ass thats part of why they come here, and why the board culture is so shit and why I don’t have any cock inside my ass righ now. theres no unified /fa/ culture or attitude of people putting their dick and bum inside of and around my little peewee cock, its just a bunch of autists who can't stand eachother because they are all the same level of autistic about somehow fundamentally incompatible things*. People like doug, cecil, LSDanon, and that one faggot who keeps posting about "suits being clowncore" aren't abberations or disruptions to some otherwise civil, reasonable /fa/ board culture, they ARE the board culture, they are the caustic stew of obsessive, overthought contrarianism that defines most of our posters bubbling to the surface and I’d RATHER THEY stop and instead put COCK Deep INSIDe my ass INSTEAD of discussing fashion because IM GAY. Other than clueless newfags asking stupid/basic questions and then getting the fuck out, thats all there is. When was the last time this shithole produced so much as an DICK PIC for me to JACK OFF to PREFERABLY a small ugly cock because I am NOT only GaY but GAY for small disheveled man penis

>> No.17635258

*doug is the main example. you tell me that the posters who seem to vociferously loathe him are in any way neurotypical or sane and i'll call you a fucking liar. I don't like him either, he's ugly and his fits are never good, but good lord he has this inexplicable CoCK that I want deep inside of my ass because I’m GAY. mentally stable anons might discuss fashion but nothing makes me froth at the the mouth like a nice small 05/10 COCK, it's as as if they’re normal board users here to discuss fashion and not be a utter faggot like me whining and bitching about how much cock I want in ASS because IM A GAY FAGGOt

any other theories on why I can’t get a cock inside my ass?

>> No.17635271

kek I had to do a double take

>> No.17635522

the gym

>> No.17636049

You just described the fashion industry.
So this is the perfect place for it.
If you want to conform and have tips for a fire fit because you don't know how to dress. Then go to reddit.
Style cannot be bought. You have to have it. Being narcissistic and autistic is part of being effay.

>> No.17636412

This board is absolute dog shit now and should be deleted

>> No.17636416

Lol this post was generated with ChatGPT

>> No.17636631
File: 27 KB, 680x382, 6te4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17636696

4chan hates women and women should dress men.

>> No.17637715

non fashion forward people discussing fashion related topics

>> No.17637796

This feels like a sissy hypno in text form

>> No.17637821

the only time aging is bad is in watch threads imo

>> No.17638155

its the best place of the decade hands down but you really have to visit sparingly and manifest your timing. twitter is quickly taking the top spot tho, until puppet guy elon finalizes his x wechat clone, give or take another 6-18 months with nft, 3d, cloud server, and deep learning integration