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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 207 KB, 1080x1067, djjsjsgshabsjx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17631512 No.17631512 [Reply] [Original]

do you have to be thin to be /fa/shionable

>> No.17631573


>> No.17631582 [DELETED] 

>thinking I give a fuck if a hot woman is fashionable
seething woman opinion

>> No.17631612

no but it certainly helps

>> No.17631617

would be hotter if she lost 30 pounds

>> No.17631624
File: 275 KB, 1440x1800, FPmq2KBWQAAdsDv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, loose wait fatty.

>> No.17631720

no, but most fat people try to dress like skinny people and they look disgusting in the process.

That being said, obese people simply never look good.

>> No.17631734

>loose wait fatty
Good morning sir, do not redeem the ass!

The look on her face in the top left makes me want to punch her as hard as I can in the face. I have no reasonable explanation for this.

>> No.17631756

>top left
>bottom left
>everything else
fat and ugly

>> No.17631767

there is literally nothing wrong with her body. it's nit even an excess body fat issue she just has breasts big enough to give you chronic back pain

>> No.17631819


>> No.17631822

Sex with girls like this is incredible

>> No.17631831

shes really cute imo and has a nice figure

>> No.17631835

nigga please don't be retarded she is hiding a fupa under those jeans

>> No.17631862

you don't have to be thin but it's advisable not to gain too much weight like pic related.
see >>17631835
on the surface she looks ok but if you see her irl you'll be instantly turned off
let's not even discuss her naked form

>> No.17631905


>> No.17631932
File: 544 KB, 1205x2047, Eq_WQd6XYAAeVaS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexual mobile posting

>> No.17631958

Its the same thing with height. Clothes are made for skinny tall people so if you fit that criteria its going to look a lot better on you. But you can be fa while fa though

>> No.17631962

disgusting silicone ass

>> No.17631966

Bro so many girls nowadays have a gunt it’s ridiculous

>> No.17631979
File: 148 KB, 272x368, Screenshot 2023-05-21 9.34.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guaranteed he is djerking it

>> No.17631984

can you provide us her @ so that we may judge for ourselves. personally she looks like the kind of woman i would be trying to be in a relationship with at least purely aesthetically speaking

>> No.17633157

>nigga please don't be retarded she is hiding a fupa under those jeans
i literally have this and it's normal she has a healthy body weight, cope.
i'm too gay for this shit
where do men take the energy?

>> No.17633164
File: 232 KB, 1000x1133, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not

>> No.17633188

>i have this
you're fat
>it's healthy
this is the real cope lmao

>> No.17633277

I'll weight

>> No.17633418

>you're fat
not really. i could lose 8kg tho if i changed my lifestyle and did proper cardio.
>this is the real cope lmao
it's a healthy weight, meaning not an unhealthy weight.
truth is diet and activity levels influence your health to a greater degree than how much body fat your body likes to hold.

>> No.17633426

Yes, girl in your picture looks like a fucking clown. Nothing more hilarious to look at than an obese woman trying to dress well.

>> No.17633451

a fat person can be the healthiest vegan in the world guess what they're still fucking fat. to act like that's somehow null and void is retarded she literally has stretch marks above her pants and not in the flattering way. she is fat. objectively. It looks good on her to a degree but you're a dumbass if you think otherwise

>> No.17633533

/fa/ and /fit/ agree with one thing and it's that anorexic women are the hottest thing you can have

>> No.17634319

Women can do it, look at the girl for example.
She is emphasizing her busy and hips or wearing lose clothing that sits off her bust and tuck at the hips.

The hourglass figure is achieved.

Men, not really. You can minimise the effects by making your shoulders the point of attention and not your gut but you'll always be "that big lad"

>> No.17634440

you have to be thin to be considered a human.
you need to be peak human to be effay.
Gas yourself.

>> No.17635336

Bottom right is, by far, the best.

>> No.17635359

Having huge breasts helps, but no, you need to be thin.

>> No.17636808

You couldn't have sex with her if you wanted

>> No.17636816

yes and also fat people are disgusting and also she's not even fashionable. great work here everyone.

>> No.17636824

She has a pretty face & long hair, so pretty much everything else doesn't really matter

>> No.17636849


>> No.17637485

No but those outfits are all pretty forgettable

>> No.17638840

yes fattie