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/fa/ - Fashion

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17623006 No.17623006 [Reply] [Original]

What is acceptable fashy fashion? All that comes to mind is classic menswear and neofolk. Is it possible to be a right wing punk in this day and age or is it totally SJWokeified?

>> No.17623016

Lace Code and Being a Skinhead is a total meme. You're good if your battle jacket is wholesome nature/ancestral patches.

>> No.17623049

wearing what you're told to like a good goy

>> No.17623137
File: 956 KB, 1057x1800, tumblr_plbuf7TEfa1rvhwhbo2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress like my man knoch

>> No.17623140
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>> No.17623146
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>> No.17623152

imagine wearing a political opinion lmao

>> No.17623184

Fascism since its beginnings have been tied to what to wear ever heard about mussolini’s black shirts? The SS in the beginning?

I dont defend it. But learn history you fuck

>> No.17623207

Fascism has failed every single time it has been tried.

>> No.17623210

Aesthetics are eternal, anon.

>> No.17623227


Oh the ignorance

>> No.17623241

Francoist regime was hardly fascist and Spain remained a mediocre country with nothing really to show for, no industry, no real influence over anything compared to liberal democracies of that time.
Authoritarianism doesn't work

>> No.17623413
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>> No.17623563

Franco is national-catholicism.
He actually killed the falange de las jons, wich were the real fascist inspiration movement in Spain.

People that considers itself "fascists" IRL are so fucking clueless. Your political views dosent have any implications with real life.
Go outside once in a while

>> No.17623613

You will look like a complete dork, Anon

>> No.17623801

you not seeing the autocrats doesnt make it non-authoritarian, libtard

>> No.17623806
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dont care still voting drumpf

>> No.17623856

Are you looking for something that is identifiably fascist and not just some other style being worn by a fascist?

>> No.17623922

Fascism is best understood as an aesthetic movement

>> No.17624591
File: 481 KB, 750x650, 0E2092DF-BBE3-4572-8458-81383C374991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak aesthetic

>> No.17624620

kill yourself henrik

>> No.17624648

Kill yourself schtizo im not henrik, you say this to everyone who posts about him

>> No.17624850

sure thing henrik you disgusting pedo

>> No.17624906

Based and correct post

>> No.17625180

trannies die by rope, fascists shoot themselves. self-reflection doesn't always work the best for true conversation

>> No.17625196

that guy is effay, not gonna lie

>> No.17625243

>Leather greatcoat
Basically stolen valour of a gestapo or NKVD officer.

>> No.17625261

Cringe as fuck
Fascists and neonazis are the marxists of the right, immature retards who understand nothing of history or politics and think extremism aka edginess makes up for not having any actually viable ideas. I want to like them because at least they are right wing and nominally on my side, but in practice they might even be detrimental to the right wing cause.

>> No.17625279

i need glasses like that now

>> No.17625283

Don't lose faith. There are those of us, genuine fascists and national socialists, who are educated and who care deeply about our cause.

>> No.17625487

he looks like the guy on the ewige jude cover lmao

>> No.17625943

Fascism or NS isnt ”right wing”

>> No.17625963

bad ass

>> No.17625964

stop selfposting

>> No.17625965

christjew detected.

>> No.17625967
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>> No.17625980

funny meme Henrik. Go touch some kids

>> No.17626000

No im henrik, not him

>> No.17626010

I don't get what facism even is. Isn't it hardcore nationalism and authoritarianism? Then a cop/military/emergency service uniform a clean short haircut and shave.
Or are you trying to just be a nazi punk or something like that?

>> No.17626439

>what facism even is
the rebirth of the nation/people
basically romanticism but irl

>> No.17626457

Bro most DIY venues literally still require mask and vax

>> No.17626492

Fascism according to the Italians was socialism with fewer human rights available. That might as well be verbatim from the original paper on the topic.

Fascism is the merger of corporation and state. So Americas banana republics with the dole plantations and shit in Africa are often examples of American fascism. Another example less capitalist and more socialist is nations that did away with various decentralized trade unions, and made a single labor union under the state. They believe in unions and workers right, but that the state should be in control of it, not some private organization.

>> No.17626512 [DELETED] 
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Bitch slap /racist/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of retards.


Pre-Installed Game: https:/me/.xml updates: https://github.com/rteard.com
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

Install Guide:
General FAQ:
Niggerfaggot Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for dumbass(ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/fag/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.17626523 [DELETED] 

Bitch slap /aa22/ #1347
Asked /niger/? Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of retards.


Pre-Installed Game: https:/me/.xml updates: https://github.com/rteard.com
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

Install Guide:
General FAQ:
Niggerfaggot Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for dumbass(ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/fag/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.17626524

>it was socialism
>it was corporatism

Make up your mind.

>> No.17626525

>right wing punk

>> No.17626548

Socialism isn't communism, you can have free enterprise under some socialism. In fact, the difference between corporatism and socialism in this context seems to just be who's pulling the strings. The government beauricrats, or the aristocrats that started the companies. In fascism, they typically remove the aristocrats from their positions of power and replace them with someone willing to obey the government. And so people can start businesses and try new things, but the moment it isn't for the public good or goes against the state, it is either destroyed or has the people in charge replaced. I suppose the corporatist approach to controlling businesses would be more American where large corps create regulation that prevents competition from being able to start or compete healthily.

China would be like a modern day fascist state. It claims to be communist, but they do much of the same socialist practices that allow some temporary enterprise much like mussollini and Hitler did. In many of the same exact ways, and some new ideas.

And this is all just philosophy, what a word means. There are like 20 different ideas of communism, and so one definition never holds true and captures it all. To some people, it means everything for everyone or having basic needs met etc, to most it means government rationing out everything to the people, the most centralized a government can possibly be.

Fascism was also worked on by the French (the fascii) and another nation after ww2, and some post-modernist ideas sprang from some of that.

>> No.17626575

I mean, there are several punk bands that expressed some pretty right wing ideas in their music. Even my local goth club is a sort of halfway split between far leftists and based libs, (my group will literally point out new people and tell me whether they're based or not so i know when to hide my power level). And anarchy is pretty punk rock, anarchy vibes really hard with the right wing these days since the left has become the moral authoritarians. I don't think the right wingers changed their minds. Just that there's nothing on the left that anarchists and libs want to associate with policy-wise. We already got our social freedoms from them, now we want economic freedom from the other guys, and the old people in the gop won't do that, but the Bernie-bro/Bannon type populists are all on the right cause populism is called fascism now (have literally had lefties tell me they're the same thing). Vohra was the most hilarious candidate last election run under the libertarian party, no idea where the stooge Jorgensen came from. Vohra had the platform of complete isolationism, ending crop subsidies, abolishing basically every government regulatory agency, the baord of education, the dea, instantly pulling out of all foreign wars and the drug war.

It's pretty beautiful in it's simplicity and extremism. The most visionary platform ive seen and I can't stop laughing every time I think about it.

>> No.17626710

Maybe, but at least they looked good when they failed

>> No.17626733

Another chud thread let’s go

>> No.17627047

wait so who is henrik

>> No.17627103

Swedish pedo. this guy

>> No.17627123

man leave the dang ol guitars alone man what the hell man

>> No.17627134
File: 166 KB, 634x823, 3DA120AB00000578-4257958-image-a-12_1487973805087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.17627589

I think youre seething since youre calling everyone here henrik

>> No.17627604

ok, Henrik

>> No.17627952

Is Henrik in the room with us now

>> No.17628044
File: 251 KB, 1068x1434, 1654_fa_fashie_knoch_nazi_3997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possibly most mythical /fa/non

What happened to Knoch and where were pics taken? I've also seen pics of twink knoch posted here.^ When did he post here and over what time period? Sick fashie effay .

>> No.17628047
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>What is acceptable fashy fashion?
Why don't you look at what they wore and copy it?

>> No.17628081
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>> No.17628084
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>> No.17628093
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>> No.17628098
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>> No.17628101
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>> No.17628107
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>> No.17628111
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>> No.17628114
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>> No.17628138

that pic is from 2009. knoch posted here 12+ years ago and hasn't been hear for years as well

>> No.17628158

I see you're a proponent of the ronald reagan was a leftist theory, i commend you

>> No.17628167
File: 1.68 MB, 3005x5334, 9E57B4F8-542F-44BD-8024-D2C0E4E3FCA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This classic

>> No.17628616

Looks pretty gay

>> No.17628621
File: 141 KB, 1024x683, c7fd86982a0b49e9bdb199325d92672f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As it should.

>> No.17628630


How come the Italian fascists (futurists, d’annunzio, greek warrior culture and japanese neo-fascists (mishima) were degenerates
Meanwhile the nazis (germanic protestantism, traditional families, nordic viking cult) were stanchly puritans

>> No.17628633
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>(germanic protestantism, traditional families, nordic viking cult) were stanchly puritans
that was just there public image. i mean they had literal breeding farms after all and some nazis were pretty big on nudism. there were gay nazis too but they cleaned their self image from that.

so image is one thing reality is another.

>> No.17628636

Nudism =/= degeneracy
The human body isnt enherently pornographic

>gay nazis
Werent they all purged after taking power

>> No.17628640

>Nudism =/= degeneracy
neither does homosex. it's subjective. officially the nazis did think it was degenerate, because they banned it in austria after anschluss.
>Werent they all purged after taking power
that was just rohm and it had nothing to do with his sexuality. in fact i don't think i've ever seen a nazi from that time ever complain about homosex. the degeneracy they complained about was poverty and prostitution.

>> No.17628651
File: 1.91 MB, 1534x2083, 5623A1DF-7BDB-4E9B-B138-FBBA0AE0CC59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i don't think i've ever seen a nazi from that time ever complain about homosex

Himmler also held a speech to the SS leadership in 1937 called ” The Homosexual Threat to Civilization”

>> No.17628654 [DELETED] 
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wrong, bucko

>> No.17628655

>> i don't think i've ever seen a nazi from that time ever complain about homosex
you don't know why they were persecuted. all you have is a pink triangle and a narrative.
>Himmler also held a speech to the SS leadership in 1937 called ” The Homosexual Threat to Civilization”
yet his party admitted homosexuals. judge actions, not words.

>> No.17628659
File: 155 KB, 800x581, 51608A20-7810-4506-A787-CEF4CF346263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The leading LGBTQ institute was shut down by the nazis
Gay clubs were closed down
They were laws against homosexuality

>> No.17628663

>The leading LGBTQ institute was shut down by the nazis
it was a clinic and it had party members who visited
>Gay clubs were closed down
all kinds of clubs were
>They were laws against homosexuality
there always was

>> No.17628668

> his party admitted homosexuals
> had party members who visited
The NSDAP had literally millions of members

Are you suppose to ignore what the party leadership says and instead refer to what random civilian members do?

Dirlewanger was a pedo, does that mean the NSDAP was pro-pedophelia?

>> No.17628675

you're moving the goal posts. Dirlewanger was a soldier not a party member. Rohm was a high ranking official, his homosexuality was an open secret, and he would recruit party members from the gay bars he frequented.
>Are you suppose to ignore what the party leadership says
I am looking at the party leadership's actions. They were not particulary anti-gay for the time. When allies were liberating the gay prisioners, they put them back into jail.

>> No.17629127

his action was to recognize something as negative. that doesn't automatically mean that you have to destroy said thing. abusing drugs in negative. that doesn't mean that you give up on a drug abuser. instead you can help them recover from those actions and help them to make better choices in the future.

>> No.17630126

wtf are you talking about, nazis were the biggest degenerates of them all