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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 168399380908479291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17620719 No.17620719 [Reply] [Original]

How do I look old money when I make a paltry $60k/yr

>> No.17620723

how the fuck is this old money, kek. You zoomers are clueless.
This is Zara core, those chinos look cheap as fuck.

>> No.17620736

>marketint the Mediterrean zoomer style into "wealthy aesthetic" to sell items thrice the price

>> No.17620747

go to /tip/, but:
>you wear an ocdb every day
>you wear khaki chinos every day
>white plimsolls in summer, loafers in winter
>watch at least a rolex
>own one navy blue suit, white poplin dress shirt, black oxfords
>own one navy blue blazer
>needlepoint belt
>tortoise shell sunglasses
>side part hair, clean shaven face
simple as

>> No.17620768

How about grow a pair and stop trying to suck up to people who will never care about you or do anything for you other than profit off your labor

>> No.17620806


>> No.17620807

Just go to fast fashion and thrift stores nowhere else has that tyoe of clothes for cheap

>> No.17620824

Unironically don't buy the "old money" brands like loro piana.
Rich people buy those because they're high quality without having to search for it, but there are plenty of cheaper brands that are plenty high quality but not as expensive.

Do you really need a $500 linen white shirt when you can buy a $30 linen white shirt that will be good enough while also not having obnoxious branding or shitty materials?

Old money people don't actually have any taste, they just go to the most expensive because they don't want to search for quality, but you're not that rich so get digging.

>> No.17620848

Have a slight tan on your Olive Skin and wear cream-colored clothes.

That's it.

>> No.17620855

Just buy linen clothes, dont wear socks and be a twink, that's all

>> No.17620882

i'm italian, in summer we dress like this everyday just get good quality linen pants and shirts and light colored canvas sneakers its not expensive and not exclusive in any way. loro piana is an italo-jewish scheme to sell you good quality blanks at haute couture prices. you can get top quality 1 of 1 tailored for your body shit for those prices anon.

>> No.17620893

I don't know, I make 40k a year

>> No.17620915

you will never be excepted into old money
zoomers are retarded

>> No.17620922
File: 1.02 MB, 406x720, well dressed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17621044

Not trying to hijack your thread but I have 100k salary as a law enforcement and most of my wardrobe is my uniform. How the fuck do I dress when not on the job?

>> No.17621049

age? in what enviroments do you hang around in? this are all important things to determine before ssettling on a style

>> No.17621051

What's stopping me:
1-You have to iron the shirts
2-These oufits make you look like you have money, so you are a prey for thieves
3-You'll alienate 50% of people, because a lot of people are jealous of the rich
4-There's a feminine element to the preppy style, that's not something someone who can change a tire or defend himself in a fight would wear

>> No.17621072

>How do I look old money
old money isn't really about how you look, people just know

>> No.17621098
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 168320603849469825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in the Midwest. I don't really go out much because I don't really have anywhere to go or anyone to go with. Once or twice a year I will travel to another country to burn my vacation time tho. Most of my civilian clothes are old farm clothes. Pic related is my haircut

>> No.17621110
File: 70 KB, 633x480, Miami-VIce-Season-2-opener-miami-vice-9384840-765-580.large_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sporty pastel suits in summer. Literally what i'm going to pull off this summer.

>> No.17621113

Having a jawline

>> No.17621126

What stops you from killing yourself?

>> No.17621127
File: 474 KB, 2048x3237, ryan-gosling-mint-suit--gray-man-premiere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That nigger Gosling had some good examples

>> No.17621129
File: 2.60 MB, 3888x5910, GettyImages-1409782842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17621134

Old money's Rothschild money. You're basically asking everyone
>how do I dress like a greedy jew that enjoys raping nations and eating babies

>> No.17621259

I don't think the slightly similar but clearly not the same color on the trousers and blazer looks good here.
I hope the chest showing through the buttons of the shirt weren't intentional here.

>> No.17621265

it's literally an aesthetic though it's all over tiktok and youtube

>> No.17621281

None of those niggas are particularly well dressed, they're just hot

>> No.17621287

Good question

>> No.17621389

Seems like what people describe as "old money style" is just preppy/ivy style. Which was worn by all sorts of people from the middle class up in certain areas and time periods.

What year are you in? There is no way you're getting a half decent linen shirt anywhere for that price

>> No.17621491

The guy on the left is gushing because the guy he likes finally asked him out.

>> No.17621502

Go back then

>> No.17621565

>gen z
>normal clothes
>old stealth money academia core
>i saw timothy shekelberg do it

>> No.17621611


>> No.17621613

What’s the difference between this and prep

>> No.17621624

>defend himself in a fight would wear

Lmao can YOU defend yourself in a fight?

To answer OPs question: eBay. Literally eBay. The value of a luxury clothing item on the secondary market is very low unless it's something designed to be exclusive due to scarcity.

Look at everyone's favorite Loro Piana. I make a little over $100k, I have multiple Loro Piana pieces. How? eBay. Look up Loro Piana 44L (or whatever your size is) and you'll see that it's still a little pricey but no where near the original cost simply because someone else already wore it.
The other thing is the previous anon said is find cheaper alternatives because it's not like tennis shoes where collectors will clown on you in public if your shit is fake. A decent quality linen shirt from Lands End or Gap will be indistinguishable from a $500 on TikTok if it fits or is styled correctly.

For what it's worth I organized a collaborative/themed WAYWT on Reddit where people recreated fits from Drake's lookbooks but the goal was to do it for less money and without using any Drake's items. The goal was to show that Drake's is sort of over rated and over priced, the clothes are beautiful but a lot of it isn't really unique.
Same principle applies here.

>> No.17621648

>>how do I dress like a greedy jew that enjoys raping nations and eating babies

it's superior to

>I don't believe in violence and I'll allow every criminal entity on the planet to rape in the ass

There is no civilization without extreme brutality

>> No.17621701

>I have multiple Loro Piana pieces. How? eBay.
That's so gay.
Wearing a brand no one can recognize unless you tell them and buying it off ebay because you can't really afford it, kek.
Nice mental gymnastic to try to pretend that you are rich, you FAG.

>> No.17621709

>I have multiple Loro Piana pieces. How? eBay
90% probability those are fake and some dude scammed you

>> No.17621716

poorfag cope

>> No.17621766

This look isn't "old money". This look is "I'm going to a business school in Europe".

Sources: I went to a business school in Europe and everyone dresses like this there

>> No.17621791
File: 230 KB, 961x1280, D55F4199-6845-4028-BEA8-A98B2FFB0682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to dress like this? Do you honestly think you’ll be Able to disguise yourself into befriended these people being the 4chan browsing reject that you are?

I’ll give you some advice:

>be conventionally attractive
>buy a high Quality replica daydate 40
>understand quality materials
>say your dad works for BP, or some Energy company.
>be social and potentially plug them for drugs (acid, shrooms, coke, ketamine, nangs)
>talk pretentious art bullshit
>pray you don’t get caught out (you will)

>> No.17621863

what do you do for a living and how did you get to making 100k?

>> No.17621870

I make 3x what you make. Saying "new money" as an insult won't fix your cash flow problem buddy

>> No.17621874

>>own one navy blue suit, white poplin dress shirt, black oxfords
>>own one navy blue blazer
What do if I absolutely hate blue color?
I have zero blue items in my wardrobe.

>> No.17621878
File: 14 KB, 367x454, bda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>say your dad works for BP, or some Energy company.
Tell me you live in texas without telling me you live in texas

>> No.17621879

real ones are a circle of western melting pot dispora noses they know outsiders almost immediately.

>> No.17621886

Step one:
Be extremely attractive 18-25 years old man
Step two:
Put on clothes

>> No.17621909

post nose, kike

>> No.17621919

Talking like a school shooter won't either

>> No.17621969

Old money means inheritance/rich parents?

>> No.17621981

Old money is about being recognized for your family name. Money was obviously a part of it but only a part; if it was just about money then the "old" part would be superfluous. Hence why "that family made their money in _____" is something of a disqualifier. if the money has a tangible origin, it's new money. It's an attempt towards a caste system without having it be a "caste system".

Trying to larp as old money is dumb because the whole point of the system is that the prestige is, quite literally, hereditary. That doesn't mean you can't appropriate a certain look for fashion purposes but it becomes cringe the moment you forget that it's just a costume.

>> No.17621986
File: 128 KB, 1024x580, meb-yacht-club-monaco-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wear navy blue anyway. There is a uniform to this lifestyle because no one involved actually cares about fashion. Pic related, yacht club monaco, one of the most exclusive clubs in the world

>> No.17622113

no, you literally use a PC and sit at a computer desk on 4chan all day you socially crippled loser bullying victim. I'd tell you to go back to your bedroom and sit at your computer, but you never really leave that spot anyway, do you?

>> No.17622161

because I like how it looks and want to emulate it. simple as. you autistic, bullying victim shut-in losers always try to ascribe weird ulterior motives to everyone's actions but your own. consider killing yourself, autists are less than human

>> No.17622162

ITT: /fa/ is behind on trends and stuck in 2019

>> No.17622258

>old money
>nurse's shoes

>> No.17622266

nothing wrong with old farm clothes
larping as a rich kid is cringe af
just keep everything earth tones and pay attention to the materials

>> No.17622267

can't afford a gun

>> No.17622270


>> No.17622289

as opposed to wearing a brand everyone can recognize and buying it off the store so everyone can see your fancy shopping bags?
you sound like a gay kid with more money than sense spending his dad's money

>> No.17622336

nta but it seems like you live in a cartoon world where the only options are a hoodie with VERSACE GUCCI DG CHANEL ARMANIN in 6 inch letters all over the sleeves front and back, or /fa/ meme brands you probably read about in People Magazine's "secrets of the stealthy wealthy", have you considered touching grass? who do you think you're accomplishing with your desperate passive-aggressive "look at me (don't look at me (ok look at me (baka I don't really want your attention anyway))))" act? did your parents not show you enough affection?

>> No.17622358

Half of these "old money aesthetic" fits have more to do with the environment they were taken in than the outfit itself

>> No.17622364

>clean shaven face
Guess it's not for me....

>> No.17622371

You wont ever look old money, because those people appear at completely different social settings than you.

You probably use public transportation or a run of the mill used car, they would never.
You probably are an entry level cöerl at some generic workspace, they would never.
You probably live in a rented apartment block or small pre owned house, they would never.

>> No.17622421
File: 197 KB, 1080x1440, a03b2ae132c5b0c0093478a1e37b595b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is old money

>> No.17622422

looks like he's bottommaxxing

>> No.17622436

You will never be old money. You have no yacht, you have no mansion, you have no club. You are a poor man twisted by imageboards and social media into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your impoverished appearance behind closed doors. Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out paupers with incredible efficiency. Even poorfags who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a wealthy woman. Your outfit is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your cheap, knockoff cologne.

>> No.17622442

Homosexual deviancy gets you excommunicated.

>> No.17622451

Holy shit you need to go back

>> No.17622454

thats 90 year old english farmer core, not old money, which is 7 generations of inherited wealth in the usa

>> No.17622668

cope and seethe, computer browser