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/fa/ - Fashion

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17611416 No.17611416 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17611419

Autists are mostly just retards who fail at every aspect of life. Many seem to beliege that being socially awkward somehow means they are savantically smart in some other areas but the overwhelming majority of time they are just dumb useless awkward idiots

>> No.17611430
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actually autistic people can rock anything because they're so autistic that they wear the cringiest shit and not realize that they look autistic, thus reaching the peak of confidence/dominance because they aren't shackled to social constraints and norms that make us non-autistic people self-concious of our outifts

>> No.17611525

Real talk, i have ass bergers and I'm decently good looking.
I was interested in fashion in my teens and early 20s and went no holds barred dressing how i liked.
Like no social checks at all lol.
That usually aligned pretty well with some kind of current subculture or something so in my mind i was pretty immune to normies not being into it.

But man i was a obnoxious sperg.

Thanks to being kinda good looking there were a decent 30% of people that thought I was actually fashionable and obviously around other super cool obnoxious people i was pretty well liked.

Im in my mid 30s and my approach to fashion is insanely more minimalistic nowadays and I guess I min maxed based on my experience.
People generally like how I dress.
I wouldn't really say I'm into fashion at this point.

>> No.17611541

>Why do autistic people fail at fashion?
Two main reasons
1) Autists are almost never very "physical"/matter-oriented. They're not people who really 'get' that they're more than a disembodied flicker of awareness piloting a body. So they let their outside and surroundings decay cause they're too far in their own heads
2) Autist communities heavily discourage getting better about it whereas normie communities just reject them outright

>> No.17611554

before trannie he dressed the same way his mom dressed him as a child for like 40 years.

>> No.17611640

Fail? Chris is ICONIC

>> No.17611697

>1) Autists are almost never very "physical"/matter-oriented. They're not people who really 'get' that they're more than a disembodied flicker of awareness piloting a body. So they let their outside and surroundings decay cause they're too far in their own heads
As a sperg that sums it up fucking perfectly
It's always feels like I'm some disembodied observer merely puppeteering some flesh vehicle in some distant world, where the senses and vision are transmitted to me just watching a screen. I'm often too busy enjoying the internal world I built within my mind to often notice the true reality because it seems distant, dull and irrelevant to the puppeteer mind beyond the flesh

>> No.17611738
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>single handedly ruin an entire shirt style by being himself.
i kneel

>> No.17611743


Do you think clunky black New balance
sneakers paired with oversized costco jeans, Mickey mouse T-shirt topped off with a fucking beeper on the belt isn't effay? NGMI.

>> No.17611938

oh wtf left was literally me in HS. apart from the hair, fidget spinner and plain clothes.

>> No.17611943

You sure love talking about yourself.

>> No.17612411

There's gotta be some autistic/aspergers people whose special obsesson is fashion

>> No.17612417

Yes, there's a lots. Like anything, fashion has a lot of unspoken rules, so of course their will be autistic people. I feel like i dress autistically because i always make sure i have a limited palette, my colours match and my fits are balanced (i am autistic)

>> No.17612592

They have no social awareness and enjoy bright colors. They also dislike trying new things, so they often just wear whatever their mom made them wear as a kid like >>17611554 said

>> No.17612618
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>thread about how autistic people dress
>autistic person procceeds to tell how he dresses himselves
>gets mad


>> No.17612628

It's because all autistic interests are "top down", not cultivated from experience.

>> No.17613247

I'm autistic and into /fa/ somewhat but I am a shut in misanthrope so it seems sort of counterproductive.

>> No.17613258

I'm autistic (diagnosed) and I'd say I dress pretty well
it just takes longer to learn when you have very little social awareness and less social interaction than most people
in middle school I used to wear fedoras unironically. in high school, whatever menswear I heard was hyped on the internet, without paying attention to the fit or anything else (think clark's dbs, chinos etc.)
thankfully I made some effay friends in high school and they helped me actually cultivate a sense of style
the (also autistic) girl I'm dating also dresses well, if pretty trad and not trendy

>> No.17613297

autistic people fail at "theory of mind." as in they don't really conceive properly of other people as being thinking beings with their own desires, opinions, objectives etc.
imagine trying to work out if people will think your fit looks good from that position.
and if you could - would you care if they did?
some dickhead in this thread has already claimed this is a good thing for fits. it isn't.
the only way it could be good is if you just coincidentally got an autistic boner for things that look good and also things that look good on you in particular. that would never, ever happen.

>> No.17613338
File: 966 KB, 1500x2667, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an example of an autistic approach to fashion would be someone like Reviewbrah: he likes vintage, loose fit suits, so he wears them everyday. he doesn't care that it's not socially expected of a guy in his early 20s or that people may think he's overdressed or that his suits are ill-fitted because they're not slim fit. all that matters is that he likes vintage suits.
is it effay? I personally would say it is, if you don't mind being seen as a bit of an eccentric

>> No.17613343

he's using autistic focus to git gud at a thing that looks good, though and has an eye to what looks good on him.
he's not likely to wear a really bad looking suit with really bad colours.
or have some mario t-shirt under the jacket, or something.

>> No.17613373

>Autist communities heavily discourage getting better about it
Fucking crabs in a bucket. You see this mentality sometimes, that just because you can't do it right now you can never do it. But there is not a single man who cannot atleast appear ACCEPTABLE in the eyes of others. Just buy some normal clothes and spend the bare minimum of time taking care of yourself. Those who refuse do so are either so severely autistic they couldn't participate in society normally anyways, which is understandable, or just plain lazy and selfish which is most cases.

>> No.17613375

yeah left sounds like old me too.
cringe lol.

>> No.17613446
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I agree, he's an example that you can make your autism work for you rather than against you when it comes to fashion
another, more extreme example would be that guy who wears early 1800s historical outfits on the daily

>> No.17613459

I'll be honest, he looks a lot nicer when he's standing up like that, never seen him in a full body picture
in his videos the kinda seat scruch pushing the jacket upwards always makes the suit look more ill-fitting than it actually is

>> No.17613474

90% of fashion is being embodied, but normies lie about this. Autists follow rules religiously, hence they don't understand fashion subtext.
If you want autists to dress well keep posting Rick's quote, it made me /fa

>> No.17613519


It's called being dumb, many such cases

>> No.17613539

They aren't even autistic, just quirky, autist prefer comfort over form, they thrive in the silicon valley dominated culture of not giving a shit about your appearance.

>> No.17613554
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If you look bad it doesn't matter what you wear nor how you groom yourself. And looking bad is determined by genetics.

>> No.17613588

That's a way to say you haven't bathed in all week, just reminding you the most attractive man alive is african.

>> No.17613601

I'm autistic and I care about fashion. Autism doesn't determine whether you care about fashion or not.
Admittedly, many autists are oversensitive to touch. But this just means I wear a lot comfortable fabrics like cashmere, not that I walk around in sweatpants all the time.

>> No.17613602

Saying it''s a spectrum is a tad fruity, I'm a man so I need to generalize.

>> No.17613728

Generalizing is actually an autistic trait

>> No.17613744
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I dress like a fucking retard and people compliment me regardless because your body shape and composition determines how good you look in clothing and no amount of brands or style will make your sack of potatoes looking ass appealing.

>diagnosed for over two decades.

>> No.17613751

As an autistic 30 years old, it's just that I don't give a fuck. The only advantage of dressing well is that people are nicer to you/will respond more favorably in social situations, but I don't give a fuck about that. I have a high paying job where my output is more important than the way I look and I never suffer social situations outside of work.
Why would I care, then?

>> No.17613755

You coulda just say you think fashion is about getting laid,

>> No.17613758

Self expression? autstic people really are soulles,, I'm starting to believe the bogdanoff are making people autistic so they don't achieve gnosis and challenge their iron fist rule.

>> No.17613759
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fashion is a coping mechanism for physically unappealing people, the more effort you need to make, the more of a genetic dead end you are.

>> No.17613762

"Autists" are low IQ nerds

>> No.17613766

"Aspergers" is introverted ADHD

>> No.17613767

>Self expression? autstic people really are soulles,
I chose to self-express by making music and writing fiction, which I would argue allow for a much broader range of expression than dressing up. Spending time on choosing clothes would just waste time that I could be spending having fun building things.

>> No.17613773

left hits a little too close to home frfr

>> No.17613776

autism is aspergers without self awareness

>> No.17613883

I find dressing up more expressive than autistically writing fanfiction.

>> No.17613885

You are literally autistic, your children will be autistic, if you ever manage to breed.

>> No.17613907

You may be autistic too then, I can't think of any other reason words would not be the easiest mean of expression for anyone.

>> No.17613912

Why do you queers always try to infect others with your disease, I just find it incredibly shitty you think fashion is less expressive than writing amateur fanfiction because you are not interested in it, get therapy freak.

>> No.17613925

You shouldn't worry about getting infected with Autism, it's non-contagious. Moreover, seeing how argumentative you are, you were clearly born with it.

>I just find it incredibly shitty you think fashion is less expressive than writing
Anon, words are literally meant to express ideas. Clothing is meant to protect you from the environment. Of course one is more expressive than the other. Take this thread for example, we're expressing our ideas with words, not by sending pictures of our wardrobe.

>> No.17613936

So you use it as an insult while being proud of being mentally retarded? Kill yourself

>> No.17613946

I'm not proud or ashamed of it and I'm not using it as an insult. Argumentativeness is a symptom of autism, look it up.

>> No.17613953
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All my school life I've suffered physical abuse from spergs that can't control their emotions, and now I have to share this board with autists that think clothes are merely a tool, fuck off here if your arse wants to be all robot like.

>> No.17613964

>I've suffered physical abuse from spergs that can't control their emotions
I am sorry to hear that, Anon. Are you a woman? I can't imagine scrawny autists picking on other boys.

>> No.17614061

You are literally ugly, your children will be ugly, if you ever manage to breed, which is a whole lot worse.

>> No.17614090

I know a guy who does this, except he wear fucking jeans

>> No.17614100

>the most attractive man alive is african
Anyone would be attractive in a golden sarcophagus, Mr. Floyd

>> No.17614108

What an ironically autistic post.

>> No.17614396
File: 3.86 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rugby shirts are still cool. I wore a rugby shirt today exactly like the Chris Chan one and I walked by a girl wearing red and blue stripes (just like my shirt). I said "Hey, [Anon], we're twinning!" She asked to take a picture with me, lol. Picrel.

>> No.17614548

>he's an example that you can make your autism work for you rather than against you when it comes to fashion

you can but having autism means it's very unlikely.
especially if you follow the autism on /fa/:
>just dress how you want!

that is how you get abominations when you're autistic, which they are.

>> No.17614572

They either try way too hard or not at all, and so they occupy the extremes on the fashion spectrum. Total slovenly filth at one end and obnoxious larping on the other.

>> No.17614762
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holy fucking kek i just realized how true this is. I'd never be caught alive wearing a rugby shirt, and i just realized I associate it with autism 100% due to Chris.