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/fa/ - Fashion

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17589188 No.17589188 [Reply] [Original]

So you think Doug is faggot too? Edition

Reminder to report off topic posts, and that tranny detectives will never post fit

>> No.17589192
File: 2.29 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230421_155059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i post here tho

>> No.17589195

You will never be or look like a woman

>> No.17589196 [DELETED] 

is this the autism containment thread

>> No.17589206 [DELETED] 

Its obvious that clowns like Doug and monsters like the trannies have collapsed the thread. It feels like everyone who was at least in the spectrum of normality and all that is left are these rejects

>> No.17589221

Fucking disgusting, degenerate, pedophile, fetish freak faggot. Kill yourself, DUDE

>> No.17589223

explain every take

>> No.17589230 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 456x740, 80a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking disgusting, degenerate, pedophile, fetish freak faggot. Kill yourself, DUDE

>> No.17589235 [DELETED] 

Seethe, pedophile, MAP faggot

>> No.17589240 [DELETED] 

You'll never be a woman or have sex with children

>> No.17589244 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17589245 [DELETED] 

Im a communist. Everyone hates tranny pedos

>> No.17589278

Imagine defending pedophiles

>> No.17589281 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1024x882, 1668568515116843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im a communist. Everyone hates tranny pedos
>Imagine defending pedophiles

>> No.17589285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17589293

I wonder if the trans investigator just does it in the hopes that a girl is so desperate to prove her chromosomes that she posts nudes.

>> No.17589297
File: 3.16 MB, 4000x4000, lol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt, r those hello kitty fishnets?

>> No.17589307 [DELETED] 


>> No.17589329

thx, u too. we have similar glasses :3

>> No.17589892

So fucking tired of disgusting trannies, and retarded schizos arguing. Pls stfu this is the third waywt. How is it even possible that fa has such a high concentration of trannies?

>> No.17589899

Because fucking morons like you are as dumb as the trannies, possibly more so because trannies can blame hormones and mental illness.

All the trannys do is post pics, they don't claim to be women or tell dudes to wear skirts and cut their cocks off. They make a post, one. What follows is a cavalcade of posts from Tranny Busters United, five posts telling them to kill themselves.
You know the meme about a woman shoving a stick in the bikewheel, falling and blaming men? That's you fucks right now. You're derailing five times harder than they are AND now complaining about the detail you are doing.

Hint: shut the fuck up, ignore the trannys. That hurts them because they crave attention. The fucking love it when you insult them because now they can cry to other trannys about how oppressed they are before they go groom more kids. You're playing into their retard games and I don't know how you can't see that. Don't give them any attention, ignore them, let them either on the vine and let's keep the thread moving.
also post a fucking fit

>> No.17589943
File: 1.65 MB, 2491x3322, 20230421_202947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looks like guy with ugly bangs has given up on these threads
shit outfits
eagerly waiting for mods to ban the trans whiners. OP is right, they never post fit
stop feeding trolls, just report/hide post

>> No.17589978

>delete the 2 basedjaks
>leave up the 200+ posts from the last thread of autists sperging out over trans people
Unironically this board has the worst moderation of any board on 4chan.

>> No.17589995

I genuinely like Doug's fits and I'm tired of pretending I don't

>> No.17590010
File: 1.34 MB, 1889x3840, Meep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would cum in you raw
I would cum in you raw
I would cum in you raw

>> No.17590042
File: 3.32 MB, 1720x2584, waywt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting married next week. Going out with the lads to celebrate tonight.

Do you not have other socks, ese?

>> No.17590054

lmao owned
if not for attentionfags this board would not exist

>> No.17590325
File: 250 KB, 842x1280, 68F72232-CA39-4A87-99E0-F550C8C2AAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty good
I think a black t shirt would look better. Also pull your pants up and clean the shoes bro
The docs are v nice. Good choice with the pants as well

>> No.17590349

the tranniest post even after the first two

>> No.17590352 [DELETED] 

What kind of weird nigger-mutt mixed breed freak are you?!

>> No.17590355

Imagine actually being serious and defending fetish freak pedophiles

>> No.17590376


>> No.17590389
File: 1.98 MB, 4032x3024, 6435AAD1-003B-4E78-948C-4874ADE428BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe or stylish?

>> No.17590524

It'll look better once the jacket has been through some wear.

>> No.17590537

Looks good, but I would untuck the shirt
Ditch the sneakers for a pair of black leather boots
Not even worth criticizing
Very nice, best fit in thread so far, but swap the white socks for some dress socks, preferably ones that match your shirt

>> No.17590543

Homeless core, do better


Pants are too loose fitting.

That red tag is shit. Instant reminder that you’re a faggot.

There was a core here, ditch the shoes.

Jacket is too clean otherwise great.

>> No.17590599

thanks bro


i only have to remove it before flight

>> No.17590662

Yeah this thread is more based than the other. Lets stay here. We just need the mustache guy to post to cement it as a based thread. Jannies killed the other thread by banning based posters

>> No.17590758
File: 3.37 MB, 3320x2490, 20230422_182938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these childish looking

>> No.17590763
File: 1.29 MB, 1842x2456, 20230422_190424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joggers and Hokas good? Trying to improve my active fit

>> No.17590769

no but they are ugly

>> No.17590771

need to hem those pants

>> No.17590774

Yeah there's definitely something off about them, I think it's the very round front which also makes them look weak and childish

They certainly do and I tested it by flipping the cuff on one pant. Is tailoring your joggers too autistic?

>> No.17590776

its the light suede material + same color laces contrasted with the soles imo, it might look better worn in but idk

>> No.17590788
File: 1.06 MB, 1378x2420, 8EBF325F-7550-4B93-BF57-7BB46D75F88E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17590795
File: 1.10 MB, 1652x2191, B7ADB53D-B5B7-4A59-B923-B9B58B4B7C76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17590861
File: 144 KB, 1500x1705, shitass pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom and top half look from completely different fits, and then mashed together, no/10
4/10, get smaller size pants, i personally don't like fleece jackets and damn you chose one of the worst camo patterns out there for the shirt
7/10, don't dig those cargos but they kinda fit, get rid of the shoes and go for boots or sneakers
8/10 nice fit, maybe switch some black on the top for white, or use black shoes
everyone said it better than I could
do you really care?

>> No.17591027
File: 2.57 MB, 2465x7054, IMG_20230422_170946861~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like your jacket, echoing what other people said about it looking better distressed. The leather jacket I'm wearing today isn't anything special, it's just old as shit, late 80s-early 90s I think. When I bought it years ago it was already beat up, I managed to put a little more wear on it but overall I think it looks good heavily distressed. I condition it every few months, I don't want to get it much more beat up that this so I can pass it on to one of my kids.

If you can't squat and keep your heel on the ground this is cultural appropriation.

Normally that style doesn't do it for me but that looks pretty good.

Zanella trousers are criminally under rated and dirt cheap second hand. I've got four pair so far and snap them up anytime I see them in my size on eBay.

>Today's fit
Boring but practical, had a storm going all day. Jeans are raw Wranglers, better than current Levi STF in quality and fit and roughly half the price.

>> No.17591253
File: 758 KB, 504x1000, saturyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some nice fits in here, I applaud you guys as it always seems effortless.

Any tips on how I can play around with with layering/accessories/silhouette to make things more interesting? I'm a fashion victim I think so it takes me a while to come up with really boring/normcore stuff.

>> No.17591258

walter white + walter jr fusion dance

>> No.17591266


>> No.17591269

start with a belt

>> No.17591272
File: 587 KB, 2679x2608, 678495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool boots but no. There's a way to do this fit as a twink and your attempt isn't it. Needs longer shorts- maybe even capri length with some military styling to play off of the boots. And probably a more masculine cardigan
Like this one a lot
Jacket is too clean and jeans look cheap
Not a fan of the greyish jacket with the bright blue and the variety of browns. I think it would look good paired with those charcoal trousers you wore in the other thread & some black boots
The pants are dragging down an otherwise solid top half. You need a higher rise and a belt and this'd be solid

>> No.17591282

Who's the oxford from?

>> No.17591310
File: 2.24 MB, 4000x4000, lol2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostan in this waywt since it seems more active
is ok, dont rly like the shoes w the fit tho
based and terrorwaved
v good, i like the white shoes w the white detailing on the jacket and the consistency in accessories w the silver belt buckle/sunglasses/mayb the chain i cant tell
based just for doing techwear, wld swap out the sambas for a techier shoe but is p good already
is good normal, i dont really like the super vintage aged leather jacket with very new/unfaded jeans though
bad, try accessorizing by getting a belt
breddy gud

>> No.17591334
File: 3.19 MB, 4000x4000, lol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres anotha one
>Cool boots but no. There's a way to do this fit as a twink and your attempt isn't it. Needs longer shorts- maybe even capri length with some military styling to play off of the boots. And probably a more masculine cardigan
thanks 4 the feedback, yea i agree the boots dont rly mesh well w the rest of the fit but theyre my only high top shoes, and i was building the outfit around the boots/shorts. i feel like i need the silhouette to have longer lines on the top to balance w the boots, might j try an oversized tee and cinch it at the waist idk

>> No.17591355

would be aight without the crop top, you dont have the body for it

>> No.17591365

I've actually tried the jacket with those charcoal trousers and it just didn't mesh for me, something about the grey on grey didn't work. It works with khakis, brown pants, green pants and black but somehow not grey. Going to try it with some OG 107 fatigues and see how that works

LL Bean Oxford, from eBay.

Eh the jeans will catch up in time. I haven't had any jeans last a third as long as this jacket, I don't like jeans once they get distressed and have holes and patches. Once these get some fades in them it should work better.

>> No.17591380

>applaud you guys as it always seems effortless.

Dude for what it's worth it's far from effortless, I second guess nearly everything I put on. That's what I post here, always trying to refine what I wear. Feedback here is brutally honest so if someone says my fit is good, I believe it.

Regarding your fit, I like the denim jacket, I like the green shirt. This is a good base.
Things I'd change:
1: First off the undershirt should never be seen. Ever. If you want to unbutton a few buttons on your shirt (and you should) get a v neck undershirt, maybe a tank top depending on brand and cut. That way you have an undergarment, and it's not seen when you have the shirt open.
2: Pants color is good, but they're a little too baggy, shapeless and low rise. You would look better with a pair of khakis with a higher rise and a stiffer fabric. Loose is fine, baggy is in now, but these trousers just aren't working for you.

I'm going to replicate your fit (as close as possible) tomorrow to show what a different pair of pants can do.
3: No belt. Even if your pants fit perfectly, they look weird without a belt.
4:Shoes. This is just a question but what shoes are you wearing with this?

>> No.17591382

>OP OC drawing

Funny and effay af <333

>> No.17591404

Thank senpaitachi, appreciate the advice.

>Feedback here is brutally honest so if someone says my fit is good, I believe it.

Agreed. This is actually one of the good boards desu - a lot to be learned and people are usually pretty constructive.

Thanks for the tips, noted them all. As for shoes, I was wearing german army trainers. Agreed about the pants especially, they suck. Unfortunately, all my pants are kinda low rise and shapeless.

Do you have any particular brand or even ID that you like when it comes to pants? And thanks a lot, I'll be looking forward to your post.

>> No.17591408

you nether
Nice, (especially the coat) but I wouldn't wear brown shoes with it. Maybe something navy blue or black.
Those trousers don't fit.
>Ankle pockets......
Leather jacket cringe. Doesn't go with the shirt and jeans. It's like you're going to church and then slapped some bad boy Tyler Durden jacket over it.
>Blue jeans and a T-shirt.
you just won fashion.
Would look ok if you had hair.
Get a belt.

>> No.17591423
File: 526 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230422-231202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any particular brand or even ID that you like when it comes to pants?

Absolutely. I love vintage Ralph Lauren chinos.i buy as much as possible second hand (for ethical and practical reasons), primarily though ebay. When you search for men's pants , search through the pants category for Ralph Lauren, set condition to pre owned, vintage to "yes" and rise to high. These search parameters are under the filter heading. Now, ebay's search is clunky and people when they post don't always tag everything properly. So you can have a pair of high rise pants but they might not tag them as high rise so you have to run a second search where you set the rise to "not specified" and then wade through the other listings. If you set it up that way you'll get vintage Ralph Lauren chinos that have a high rise and frankly just have a nicer, higher quality. And the prices are normally great, see pic related. The pants I'll wear tomorrow cost $15 before tax and shipping. They're from the early 90s and they're in great shape.

You should run this search through multiple brands with the same parameters. Land End, LL Bean, Brooks Brothers, Hilfiger , etc. Basically any brand that was good pre 2000 and sort of shit today. You'll find what you're looking for.

One piece of advice: Know your measurements before hand. Spend a few bucks, go to a tailor and have them measure your real waist, the inseam, your thigh,etc. Makes buying on eBay nearly risk free. Only buy from sellers with the full measurements provided, preferably shown in photos. If you do this you won't run the risk of buying shit that doesn't fit.

>> No.17591465

kino fit

>> No.17591468

>marx picture
hello you fucking retard hahaha get raped

>> No.17591616 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1453x2246, AFFDB26C-C28A-4410-B9FF-7B693476881E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this tee for $5 (thrifted) sold it for $325

Probably could have gotten double if I was willing to wait

Anyone else have any good flips like this?

>> No.17591644

Based thread

>> No.17591659
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>> No.17591750

imagine the smell

>> No.17591823

Your emaciated, knock kneed, ruined male physique distracts from anything else.

>> No.17591917
File: 1.79 MB, 2316x3088, E4E24D74-BF2B-447F-A438-DC6820E62AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was chilly today so I pulled the Moncler out

>> No.17591969
File: 678 KB, 1324x2354, 20230423_121547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive had ramones sitting in my closet for a year unworn i dont know why i have these, they dont go with any of my clothes, everyone says theyre big converse and easy to style but look so out of place with anything i try on, doesnt help i dont wear a lot of black. This is the first fit i made with them i dont hate but i feel like its playing the hits of basic rick core and id appreciate tips how to make it better

I like that moncler a lot more than the shiny ones
Iron those pants tho

Stupid shit hanging on your wall hope youre a teenager

Alt chad

Completely disheveled brother

>> No.17591985

you know man i appreciate you, youre a rare breed

>> No.17592006

id on pants?

>> No.17592009

you look like a dumb bitch

>> No.17592011

kill yourself

>> No.17592013

everyone ITT w brown boots looks like a giant faggot

>> No.17592034
File: 885 KB, 1224x1632, 45DFE90F-4B19-42D6-919B-C3948720FA64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17592093

Yeah my list favorite aspect of the fit desu but really I need a new pair of something similar soon I’ve used these to work in to much.
Lol thank you why do you say that

>> No.17592112

Really like this but I think It may look better with an all white sneaker imo. Still great and I like the shoes regardless

>> No.17592116
File: 242 KB, 885x1555, 271529CF-F2F8-4478-8205-105729F2C7FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt comfy today. Opinions?

>> No.17592120

you are 5 feet tall

>> No.17592138

>as a cishet monogamous biological female i just enjoy derailing threads
I’ve been visiting /fa/ for fifteen years this year. I can absolutely assure you that it has never been anything more than absurdist shitposting, albeit as a smaller more involved community. Some people are always going to actively choose to waste their time replying, and at least some of them must have enough self awareness to realize that they just enjoy dicking around on the internet.

>> No.17592173

Daytime pyjamas/10 Would throw pillows with.

>> No.17592214

shut up tranny

>> No.17592230

Like the combo of matching the laces to the sweater. Might try to incorporate this into some future fits.
Like how the jacket and tshirt give a military vibe. Not sure if some cargos would be overkill instead of the khakis, but feels like the pants could be doing a little more somehow. Still solid fit tho

>> No.17592282


>> No.17592357
File: 2.70 MB, 2096x7414, IMG_20230423_171410128~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really well done, I like that. I think it looks better with your current sneaker than an all white one.

You look less depressed here, I hope you're having a good day.

Going to replicate your fit tomorrow, tonight was anniversary dinner with my girlfriend. I'll do my take on your fit tomorrow morning.

>Today's fit
I really like how this turned out, blacks and browns work together well IMHO.

>> No.17592461
File: 589 KB, 1747x3710, 68943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold out today

Solid. Love the baggy trousers+hiking boots
Beat them up more, they'll look better. I also think too-long straight jeans with plenty of stacking would work better than the perfectly hemmed trousers. Throw an oversized tee on w that and you're golden. Ramones are exaggerated cons and to make them work w non-Rick you need to complement their oversized nature and grungy roots.
Alternatively sell them and cut your losses.
Not a fan of the over-matched laces
Too many shades of brown here though I agree that black + brown is a great combo. I also don't like the striped shirt against the plaid jacket, but idk what to suggest because I shy away from patterned shirts

>> No.17592490
File: 1.17 MB, 1524x1016, 1655684400359107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is still cooking, but I'm thinking about adding the top in picrel? But idk if it'll look right with culottes or be too much white. What about a black tanktop?

>> No.17592516

i think a black shirt + black socks makes the culottes a bit weird like floating, rly like the jacket/pants/shoes how they r rn though. might go for a subtle pattern on the socks and maybe a warmer toned shirt but rly any color that complements the pants

>> No.17592532

I hope this isn't actually you dude. Pic looks like a freak.

>> No.17592545

this cant get hard because of the high estrogen probably wont get a lot of upvotes either lol

>> No.17592556

pattern matching done well, love to see it

>> No.17592601

I really like the overall image, but a couple of suggestions:
>Invest in higher quality shirts and trousers. If you look after them, they'll last longer anyway.
>Shirt either solid black or a subtle black'n'gray patterned shirt. Cotton or linen.
>Get wool or otherwise more heavily textured cotton trousers. The difference is too stark compared to all of the texture going on up top.
>Replace pocket square with something again solid and textured in a shade of green or navy matching the blazer or tie. It has too much texture and blends into blazer.
>^ Specifically I'd suggest something silk with a woven image, like paisley.

>> No.17592607
File: 1.05 MB, 1048x3707, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should be doing real work today lmao but here you go.

>> No.17592609
File: 908 KB, 1831x3642, Snapchat-555659857~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same Zara jacket

>> No.17592615 [DELETED] 

>trans investigator
That's literally a dude in a women's clothes and a wig there's literally nothing to investigate, it's all self evident.

>> No.17592619 [DELETED] 
File: 560 KB, 677x921, 3482823642643727823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know the meme about a transgender shoving a stick in the bike wheel, falling and blaming straight people?

>> No.17592653

A couple of counter suggestions. First, learn what your talking about before offering opinions.

1: Trousers are wool. They are Canali. The quality is quite good, thank you very much.
2: Shirt is cotton, it's a vintage Brookers brothers shirt. Trousers are vintage too, seeing as how they're both over 20 years old I think the quality is good, wouldn't you agree?
3: A solid shirt is boring as shit, especially a black shirt and black pants like some half ass mix of waiter and mafioso.

Is this a Doug post? It's got "I've got very strong opinions on something I'm not really an expert in vibes."

>> No.17592697
File: 1.30 MB, 1158x2560, 20230423_215157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dion Lee stirrup top
>Wolford turtleneck bodysuit
>Rick Owens cashmere pants
wholesome fit
u hav nice skin. w2c?
slick. get better boots
not bad
looks like smth aardvark arthur read would wear
get rid of those shoes
a bit plain
can't rly see jacket
fav fit of urs. laces matching ur sweater is nice
great tones. always great to see so much variation from u
boots don't match

>> No.17592700

this is a hot outfit

>> No.17592718

Based post. Seems like some people just want menswear to be as boring as possible. Or they are outside observers and think that's how it's supposed to be. Like oh my god, a striped shirt with a houndstooth jacket? How craaaaazy!

>> No.17592740

Chinese pants my gf bought from a radom chinese store. Not too bad to be very honest with you, but the color is already fading a little bit (it's like 6 months old)

also give my grandpas shoes back, his feet hurt if he wears anything else

They're a national brand, I kinda like them. More comfy than docs on my feet.

>> No.17592742
File: 912 KB, 2251x2813, DRA_Autumn_Lookbook_2022_2251x (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like oh my god, a striped shirt with a houndstooth jacket? How craaaaazy

I think people on this board routinely conflate personal opinion with fact and speak in a way to position themselves as experts which is ridiculous because let's be honest, we're all mentally ill retards discussing fashion on a Sudanese basket weaving forum.

You can literally Google "do striped shirts match with houndstooth sport coats" and links like this will pop up


But the Gentlemen's Gazette crew are literal turbo autists, what about actual fashion houses? Go to lookbooks. Here's an image from Drake's Fall 2022 lookbook, striped shirt with a sport coat like mine, slight difference in pattern size but the concept applies.

I don't know why people feel the need to present their opinions as fact when a cursory search will reveal plenty of evidence to the contrary. Another poster said he didn't like my fit because it's not his style, and that's absolutely fine! Acting like you know the fabric of my pants just makes you look like an idiot.

I like the overall silhouette here, very sleak, feline in a way. Good to see you post again.

>boots don't match

Respectfully disagree, I have to defend his fit. I really like the use of brown here, it's a great pop of color against the black and grey since it's a brown with heavy red/orange tones. And the boots are workwear so they match thematically with the rest of the fit, I think overall it's really cool.

I really like this fit, I'm a fan of most of your fits in general because you look great in fits that are nearly minimalist. Its a completely different aesthetic than mine but thanks to you I'm buying black and charcoal jeans.

>> No.17592744
File: 721 KB, 640x684, femcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoes don't really go well with the rest. Also your femcel haircut gives me a boner.

>> No.17592789

no fit no knowledge, dreadful combk
based doug hate post
ur hairs gotten long, looks good

>> No.17592808
File: 142 KB, 1183x1200, 1559838954149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. rly ought to give em a wide berth rather girth. u prob don't deserve to b cannibalized (hmu if u do)
don't get married. no benefit
last post before the move. see u in a new environment
>boots are workwear so they match thematically with the rest of the fit
he needs a chore coat instead of a leather jacket. me thinks slps would look better with the black leather jacket
should i give it a curl guv

>> No.17592851
File: 419 KB, 720x1280, 901F26DA-DEBC-444C-B75B-9E4914EAA2F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybetranny has a date next week wish me luck i realized with this bra you can see my nips through the dress if you really look for ‘em and don’t know if i should swap it out ‘uou =33

>> No.17592873

not necessarily bad, just boring. also dont use that bag.

>> No.17592886

Please show a better pic of the dress/bra combo so I can judge for myself

>> No.17592888
File: 392 KB, 1277x897, 49E66F34-FEC3-49FC-AE6C-91D9C435D262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, don’t see any reason not to since it barely counts as ecchi. I’m not sure if it’s too noticeable or if it can be played off as a pleasant accident lmao, but it definitely wasn’t intentional.

>> No.17592911


>> No.17593006 [DELETED] 
File: 503 KB, 459x822, ready to party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17593014

Nice: Trips for tits.
For what it's worth your nips really aren't that noticeable even when I'm looking for them.

>> No.17593092 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 634x357, 66232931-11602685-image-a-9_1672932498811-2485616017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you can get way better fake breasts that are way more fashionable with better nipple delineation off of Amazon quite reasonably, pic rel.

>> No.17593098 [DELETED] 

Your fit is shit mein bruder:
You have huge wide shoulders. Your wig is obviously synthetic hair. You can't hide your man hands without full gloves. You have zero hips. Your padded bra is square. Actual breasts aren't square. Your feet are huge man feet.
How many times do we have to reiterate: Women's clothes fit like shit on men.
>Women's clothes fit like shit on men.
>Women's clothes fit like shit on men.
Seriously, just take the criticism on board.

>> No.17593100
File: 58 KB, 480x640, 20FF424F-59B1-46BA-A2A7-A023796C5397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic Style today
I slowly distance myself from sex core fitting clothes

>> No.17593222

Sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.17593376

Based thread

>> No.17593460
File: 963 KB, 1575x2100, C978CC44-A721-4C4A-B3CC-1429108114ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17593511

If you really care you can get silicone nipple covers that will solve that problem. Or get a bra that has a solid cup.

Fellow dion lee enjoyer, the material is so comfy

>> No.17593520
File: 110 KB, 641x934, attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Twin Peaks tranny looks infinitely cooler.
How come?

>> No.17593525

better lighting makes a lot of the difference. as for the outfit itself, david's jeans are a looser fit and have nice natural fading, they pile on hte boots in a much more pleasing way largely because of the looser fit. the subtle contrast between a black tee, dark jeans, and brown boots is more interesting than plain black the whole way through. the lighter color boots with some wear also looks better than what i can see of the boots on the right, they're chunkier which goes better with the general silhouette.

>> No.17593529

really really nice, where are the boots and pants from?

>> No.17593535

the boots are caterpillar boots I got years ago when I worked on a farm

the pants are from los angeles apparel

>> No.17593594
File: 362 KB, 1483x730, 1667947655556491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bro is this you?

>> No.17593620


>> No.17593645
File: 852 KB, 1471x2247, 8B1996AF-B771-4287-8B74-F0AAA9599ACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m nycmoding
If over 23 I dislike
Sure pretty nice
It’s like close but boots and pants fit is weird idk
Shoes r whack
Ur physique is nice tho

>> No.17593650 [DELETED] 

Go back to your flyover please

>> No.17593653

my friend used to live on this block lol

>> No.17593657

OMW to Washington sq park to commit a hate crime

>> No.17593673
File: 2.70 MB, 4000x4000, loll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey faggots :P
bad, stop wearing skinny jeans
bad, try harder
ok/bad, give me your ramones
pretty gud, this is what the average /fa/ggot wishes they looked like. love the texture on the sweater and the matching shirt/sweater colors with yr shoes/laces
nice, could swap pants for a looser fit though, those sit a little weird on u
very good
bad, leave 2016
is ok, i like the stirrup top but not the shoes
is ok, depends on the shoes tho, also this fit would look good with legwarmers imo
liked yr other fit better but this one is also p good, v nice boots
same, nice fit i like the scarf and the dress

>> No.17593683

I hate how your tee fits.

>> No.17593684
File: 718 KB, 828x1329, 2DCB1B53-DF61-41AF-A21C-F940F9B9512B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and uggs. lol

>> No.17593709

Bro I don't even have a poster of Hitler and I love the mf

>> No.17593711 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread exclusively trannies

>> No.17593726

>me thinks slps would look better with the black leather jacket
The proportions would be totally off. The jacket is a 90s riding jacket so its both boxy and thick as shit. More Brando in The Wild One than anything going down a Hedi runway. Engineer boots would be the proper footwear analogue but I'd feel way too larpy wearing them as opposed to work boots, which still channel some of that 50s energy
Hard to judge without a full pic
Really nice. Love the earthiness
Yeah the jacket accentuates the taper pretty hard. I think it looks better irl but Im biased bc they're my go-to black jeans (the same ones Im wearing here >>17591272 ). And this fit is pretty cool. Still more tranny than twink, but I get pleasing mori vibes

>> No.17593732

>greasy hair
you from west virginia?

>> No.17593747

Site has a large tranny population due to /lgbt/

>> No.17593764

Are you a tranny?

>> No.17593841
File: 2.29 MB, 2331x7560, IMG_20230424_165917629_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the delay bro, been busy the past couple days but here's my take on your fit with a couple tweaks. Sorry for the double blur I had a badge on my belt that I needed to blur out. Also sorry the pants are wrinkled, I've been busting my ass today, they were much neater this morning.

That being said, I've got the same elements as your original fit, just slightly tweaked. Denim jacket, green long sleeve shirt, deep v neck undershirt, khakis, and I went with work boots since I had to do some actual work. This isn't quite my normal style and my shirt is unbuttoned to a ridiculous degree just to show you can get a really deep v neck undershirt and keep it hidden while still unbuttoning a few of the top buttons.
I unbuttoned as I was getting ready to take the pic and got catcalled by a young man(?) who told me to keep unbuttoning and that he liked my chest hair. I really wish I was kidding.
Hope this helped!

Fucking kek

Lighting, his jeans are looser and lighter colored, his boots are an entirely different color and most importantly you're an autist on a message board calling him a tranny.

I like the boots and pants, not a fan of the roll but it's ok here. The t-shirt is just a bad fit and working against you here. I know loose and baggy is in but that's just too boxy and the arms are too wide.

This is great, my favorite of yours. I'm always curious about how people develop their personal style, you've got a distinct look, who/what has been your biggest influence?

That's a really nice fit, you look good.

What jeans are those? I'm still jean shopping and trying out different cuts, trying to find a pair of charcoal 501 93s in my size.

>> No.17593843

Taking a shot in the dark that you don't know what "exclusive" means.

God damn it you beat me to the joke.

>> No.17593858 [DELETED] 

You literally look like a dangerous monster.
Transgender isn't fashionable.
Transgender isn't cool.
Transgender isn't a solution to whatever problems you have dude.
That had better not be a Women's bathroom because I WILL geo-locate it and get you prosecuted.
Seriously seek help. You are on a road to ruination.
And yeah the transgender nonsense notwithstanding, your fit is shit.

>> No.17593868
File: 307 KB, 1080x1920, Yeehaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /fa/

>> No.17593884
File: 156 KB, 681x757, Denise_Bryson_(2010s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most importantly you're an autist on a message board calling him a tranny.

>> No.17593893

You are aware actors play roles right? He's neither a tranny nor an FBI agent in the real world.

With how tranny obsessed this board is I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not.

>That had better not be a Women's bathroom because I WILL geo-locate it and get you prosecuted.

It's been years, Trump lost. It's ok to move on.

>> No.17593896

How can you post this and tell someone else to get help LOL

>> No.17593899
File: 123 KB, 700x986, harry-potter-daniel-radcliffe-holding-guns-in-bear-feet-twitter-reactions-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>most importantly you're an autist on a message board calling him a wizard

>> No.17593906

>who/what has been your biggest influence?
lurking on effay since middle school was probably influential in some way lol, but also pinterest/tiktok/instagram/youtube/general zoomer media overexposure meant i got to see many more styles than just what people were wearing around me.

>> No.17593907 [DELETED] 

Dude, Trump is cringe af and I'm bisexual. Transgender is literally the greatest evil mankind has ever faced. Get out f your little liberal echo chamber and look up "transgender clinic whistleblower" and "detransition stories". It's horrific what they are doing to mentally ill adults and children who have been grifted by the Gender Ideology.

>> No.17593910 [DELETED] 

You look like a complete asshole bro. People laugh at you behind your back because "trans" "gender" is such a fuckin' landmine, lmao.

>> No.17593915 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 750x1307, 1642531343738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>most importantly you're an attack helicopter on a message board calling him a carrotdoor

>> No.17593921

8/10 copypasta i loled
stop flirting with me :3

>> No.17593927 [DELETED] 
File: 645 KB, 948x948, 1682368566146231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I saw you attempting to go into a women's space I would physically restrain you in a choke hold until the police arrived. You are a male.

>> No.17593928 [DELETED] 

the fucking male alien hands lol

>> No.17593931 [DELETED] 

So this whistleblower opposes transgender ideology as it is "practiced" now but she has a transman husband. Is she a trumptard nazi?

>> No.17593936 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 474x474, th-1234918698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool wig hat broseph lmao

>> No.17593941

yea would that turn u on? would pinning me against your body while i struggle to break free get u off? i bet it would

>> No.17593943 [DELETED] 

No because I'm not attracted to men. I would simply be putting myself in harm's way to keep women safe from delusional monsters like you.

>> No.17593946

please leave

>> No.17593954 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 435x320, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/shion is such garbage these days

>> No.17593957

notice that poster count is not going up and this is just one schizo intentionally derailing the thread with trans hysteria

>> No.17593958

Oh my god. Do you actually not know how to tie a tie? LOLOL thank you for confirming the autistic larpism I've always suspected. Also don't wear tie clips if you're buttoning your jacket, it's redundant. Throw away the pocket square if you're just going to shove it in there like an animal, better nothing than looking like a larper.

>> No.17593960

>Literally posts some sloppy "fashion" image that will instantly get him kicked out of any serious institution that actually requires those clothes other than a liberal arts college

>> No.17593965 [DELETED] 

Shirt $20 Marshall's
Jacket $15 thrifted Perry Ellis
Pants $16 Walmart
Shoes $110 Florsheim

Cringe from mald head to fungus toe

>> No.17593968

And then the police arrive and arrest you because you're assaulting people based on guesswork.

>> No.17593972

but the poster count did go up lol

>> No.17593974 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 870x1012, 33333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dude with long shitty hair what's to guess?

>> No.17593978
File: 48 KB, 1000x666, 1268221_razija_ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you try to stop picrel from trying to enter a women's space?

>> No.17593982 [DELETED] 

Fuck it, baseball tees, fash or cringe

>> No.17593984

Very cool fit
>what jeans are those?
Naked & Famous easy guys in solid black selvedge. I like em, but they're very tapered. Like "it takes effort to pull them down over my Luccheses" tapered. They just came out with a new straight cut that looks super promising but isn't available in black or charcoal yet.

>> No.17593985 [DELETED] 

Obviously a woman so no. Next question.

>> No.17593988 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 310x259, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic i'm the new guy

>> No.17593989

i am an adult human female
and btw it was the employee bathroom of a shitty vegan restaurant. faggot

>> No.17593994 [DELETED] 

>i am an adult human female
Maybe on the internet, lmao
Just be careful IRL mah dude because I saw a tranny get dead ass knocked out for trying to get into the women's changing area in a Nordstrom Rack last weekend

>> No.17593996

There is no women's changing area in Nordstrom, imbecile.

>> No.17594002 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230424-193132_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to report off topic rubbish. Pic rel is how your thread should look

>> No.17594006

gone up by 3 over the last 30 replies lol

>> No.17594010

>annoucing reports
based schzio

>> No.17594011

is this some kind of weird cope for ur depraved troon degradation kink? sorry to disappoint u but i have ovaries! and shopping at nordstrom rack is a cope for poor faggots who cant afford retail designer prices so they wait for the off season shit to hit discount stores. maybe try grailed or therealreal lol

>> No.17594013

>Obviously a woman
what makes it so obvious to you?

>> No.17594023 [DELETED] 
File: 510 KB, 1052x628, 1670836694637997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sooner the better

>> No.17594025

how do u have sex if you cut your dick off?

>> No.17594034 [DELETED] 

they are autogynephiles they dont cut their dick off, they just jerk or suck each other off until some shit happens, idk just two fucking lankloids slenderman freaks looking like huge disgusting corpse skelletons its fucking disgusting the sooner they die the better.

>> No.17594035

I love that more and more people, even here, are getting fed up with the fetish, pedophile psychotic tranny freaks.

>> No.17594048 [DELETED] 

Right, so if this board attracts like 99% males, if the "trans" posters were really women, by that definition, they likely wouldn't be here. But they are. Almost all the "females" on this board are actually men. Which kinda shows inside, they are men (with a fetish)

Pretty much ever "female" in these threads is a biological male. What gives? Are 50% of zoomers trans?

And they are primarily white Western men. How hard will the shit hit the fan when outside ultra conservative populations grow in the West and even become a majority, of certain religious views.

It's nuts that these trans are living from the freedoms those pesky old white dudes made for them, while simultaneously using said freedoms to call out the white guys, and support the others.

We truly are going to see some (horrific) shit in the future of the trans own making.

>> No.17594059

he said in another thread that he cut his dick off

>> No.17594060 [DELETED] 

It always amazed me (and still does) that pride parades were about showing the world how normal and good people they are, and not perverted freaks. Yet the latest ones, dicks out, people on dog leashes, men in leather and bunny ears hopping about waving their dick in front of small children.

If anything, they made it 100% worse. You didn't show the rest of the world how "normal" you are, but just confirmed, you're worse than they thought.

Oh yeah not to me mention, they are probably going to be the number one group for domestic terrorism soon.

Like nobody even cared how you dressed or whatever you called yourself, you do you. Whatever. It's a bit weird but whatever.

But all of a sudden we want to pole dance in front of your kids, we want to share bathrooms with them, we want to mandate by law you call us what we say or jail!! When people say NO. OMG THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US!! It's not us who can't leave you alone, it is you, who can't leave us alone.

I went from whatever to despising them. I hate them.

>> No.17594065

If you're not going for the ftm look, stop wearing tucked in pants, they accentuate your pear-shaped figure. Wear slimmer cut jeans and a baggier top

>> No.17594080
File: 273 KB, 1050x582, rm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impotent seething

>> No.17594100

No worries, thanks for the inspo. Looks great and the point about the pants is really cemented further desu. Appreciate it senpai

>> No.17594108
File: 535 KB, 999x1920, Snapchat-1927653770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shocking the mods did their job
wanna get drinks this week

>> No.17594111 [DELETED] 

Of course I am seething, idiot. Wasn't that obvious? The vast majority are tired of them, and as soon as they start more domestic terrorist attacks we're not gonna take it any longer.

>goes to a religious shoot to shoot up innocent 9 year olds

Christians are literally the the biggest group who leave trans be. Absolutely insane indoctrination.

I never even saw that shit in the middle east with hardened extremist fighters.

>> No.17594154 [DELETED] 

Wow another episode of “I cannot see a transgender person without having a melty, yet they are the ones who are mentally ill”

Y’all do realize this is a website with a very high percentage of lgbt people in the userbase, right? If u don’t like it why not just leave lmao

??? I didnt, I got my balls removed because I hate children and never want them :)
I just got back to my home city lol I was there for the weekend
Tbh kinda not a big fan of nyc but seeing my friends there was nice and made up for y’all literally keeping piles of trash on the side of the streets ;-;
Better fit than most
Idk about this desu, not a huge fan of the jacket
Cute I think? Honestly uggs kinda odd choice
How do u recognize a block from one entryway that’s crazy lmao

>> No.17594163

>Idk about this desu, not a huge fan of the jacket

Oh no worries, it's not my normal style. If you follow a couple comments back another anon was wearing something very similar so I did my take on his fit to clean it up a bit, I'm wearing the same thing he was, just tweaked a little. I'll be back to sport coats, cowboy boots and linen tomorrow.

You're welcome, happy to help. If you like chinos I highly recommend fatigue pants.Look up Stan Ray OG107s, they're more overt militaria than chinos but surprisingly also as versatile. I'll throw something together with my pair tomorrow, they're very easy to style and durable. I think if you like that look you'd like fatigue pants.
Just don't get the slim fit ones, it gets weird.

>> No.17594164 [DELETED] 

>I cannot see a transgender person

It isn't one, this is disingenuous. Every female poster here is a man.

>yet they are the ones who are mentally ill

And here is the gaslighting. Do better.


Oh. Lol.

>this is a website with a very high percentage of lgbt people i

No? It really does not. Most guys are straight. You can tell that by the coomer threads. It's just infected with a handful of guys roleplaying as girls. Maybe they need to find some reddit general for it.

>the rest of your post

You're 14 years old.

>> No.17594168

A cis woman could not post here without u assuming they’re trans
Also yes this website is very queer, lgbt existing has brought a large queer population here. It’s not a majority but it’s a very large and active population

>> No.17594191 [DELETED] 

>A cis woman

You are speaking ideology. That's why you can tell anyone who defends it, isn't your regular Joe. It's some teenager deep into ideology they learned online.

Nobody in the real world says "cis" or even "queer" ffs. It's a way to stigmatize normal people by labelling them, as a coping method for mental illness.

I don't even care if there are 1 or 2, but there are masses. There is some lesbian dating app, and it's almost impossible for REAL lesbians to find people no there, because of masses and masses of men on there pretending to be women.

let women have their own spaces and bathrooms ffs. Then have 1 single "neural" one. Simple as that.

Not to mention the framework of your ideology comes from John Money, there has never been a separation of gender and biological sex, they were always one and the same. Until in the 20th century, Money, a psychologist and sexologist came along, and gave that separation. based on his warped theories, that all failed, resulted in deaths, and he was a pedophile himself.

That's the guy who invented all this garbage, yet most of you who preach it have never even heard of it, and think it's some long since established science or whatever.

Obviously you're underage and I suspect all of this is way about your IQ level.

But perhaps, you should look him up, and educate yourself.

>> No.17594194 [DELETED] 

>A cis woman

You are speaking ideology. That's why you can tell anyone who defends it, isn't your regular Joe. It's some teenager deep into ideology they learned online.

Nobody in the real world says "cis" or even "queer" ffs. It's a way to stigmatize normal people by labelling them, as a coping method for mental illness.

I don't even care if there are 1 or 2 here, but there are masses. There is some lesbian dating app, and it's almost impossible for REAL lesbians to find people on there, because of masses and masses of men on there pretending to be women.

Let women have their own spaces and bathrooms ffs. Then have 1 single "neutral" one. Simple as that.

Not to mention the framework of your ideology comes from John Money, there has never been a separation of gender and biological sex, they were always one and the same. Until in the 20th century, Money, a psychologist and sexologist came along, and gave that separation based on his warped theories, that all failed, resulted in deaths, and he was a pedophile himself.

That's the guy who invented all this garbage, yet most of you who preach it have never even heard of it, and think it's some long since established science or whatever.

Obviously you're underage and I suspect all of this is way about your IQ level.

But perhaps, you should look him up, and educate yourself.

>> No.17594197 [DELETED] 

I mean just say you have gender dysphoria, and you want to live as a female. Alright, fair enough. No need for all this stupid garbage, cis, queer, they/them, your own flag lmao.

Gender dysphoria has always been a thing, it is a mental illness, nobody will hate you for that though. Support you with it.

But this constantly sticking it everyone faces, making up words and language, an obsession with wanting to be around little kids, or in bathrooms with teenage girls and their Mothers has to stop.

Trans people have the biggest chip ever on their shoulders which is obviously a reflection of inner turmoil, if not disgust. Therapy is needed for this. Not make believe.

>> No.17594201
File: 1.25 MB, 1567x1473, 1681775099236070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro why you talking shit about trans people when you wear makeup?

>> No.17594207
File: 773 KB, 1176x696, 1681789557680597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can literally google Cecil's name and look up 4chan threads where he posts his own pics. A bizarrely large percentage of them involve wearing makeup. I'm not going to attempt to understand it, but for the curious, this is the man calling you abominations. You can all learn about his views about banging kids, wait sorry that's unfair Cecil, you can learn about his views on banging girls under 18.

>> No.17594210


>> No.17594211 [DELETED] 

I'm a transvestite, you morons. I didn't know that stopped me from having an opinion. What I am not, is someone who demands to share a bathroom with little girls, or wear plastic tits as I pole dance in front of a 6 month old baby.

>> No.17594215 [DELETED] 

>this is the man calling you abominations

For their demands, their warped ideology, their changing of language etc. What do you not understand? Not because of their mental condition, or even if they want to dress as a woman.

They are abominations because of what they stand for.

>banging girls under 18

Onn noes 17 is a widdle widdle baby!!

>meanwhile supports trans people spreading their legs and stripping while collecting dollar bills from babies in their fishnet stockings

You see, this is why you people are warped by ideology. They get a free pass to actual pedophilia, because to critique them, would make you some "phobe" and we can't have that now, can we. Utter madness that is backfiring badly for you.

>> No.17594219 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 697x472, the state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the state of some posters

>> No.17594221
File: 4 KB, 250x138, 1606951459660s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I get to talk more about trannies

>> No.17594223 [DELETED] 
File: 440 KB, 785x1166, women shaking my head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17594226

>i mutilated myself because i hate myself
>but uh actually it's other people who are mentally ill

>> No.17594233
File: 3.35 MB, 2336x4160, random nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys stop with the tranny shit please, its fucking annoying
untuck the shirt please, tucking gives a weird look. im assuming you wore the hat in the background, outfit looks alright, would put a denim jacket over if you like tucking shirts.
reminds me of my history professor ( I quite like him) looks nice
mentally ill :3, i think uggs are shit btw but thats my opinion, camo looks cute tho
looks cute, wish the average marxist looked like this
I am going to find you and steal your jacket, but anyways get different boots, same length would be fine
pretty nice
what is on your feet, it would make me hate or like the outfit, floral looks nice.
are you a runner? if not then i would thing the outfit is meh, not a fan of drawstring pants

>> No.17594234

rp as women you stalk on insta is really borderline even here m8

>> No.17594242
File: 1.60 MB, 1817x3493, DA1EA717-8871-415E-B6AC-5E18CBD3BF54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

airport outfit from today, I’m white woman moding
Lol this jackets not that nice it’s like a vedas jacket I got for 200$ on therealreal
I like how it fits tho
Is this actually what this dude looks like? That’s fucking hilarious

>> No.17594243

retard post

>> No.17594248 [DELETED] 


You see, this is where you fuck up. I didn't actually mind you, you at least try to be female and feminine, but then you spout ignorant bullshit like this, and can't accept any words towards your so called community.

Instead of being a voice of reason for your community, like yeah, men should not be pole dancing to kids, you obviously support it, and just place yourself firmly in their pedo box.

>Is this actually what this dude looks like? That’s fucking hilarious

MIRROR CHECK. Your a big footed scrawmy ass male who wears womens panties bahahaha.

And keep doing this, before long, your time will actually fear leaving the home.

>> No.17594251 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 2268x4032, IMG739029_9945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely no bigotry. Trans lives matter. Communism rocks.

>> No.17594253 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 1727x3365, let islam deal with them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't post a photo without it being sexual.


>fetish gear/leash.


>obviously male from the first glance


Yeah, totally sane and normal.

>> No.17594255


>> No.17594259 [DELETED] 

Ohh shit, I didn't even see the furry shit.

They are ALL like this...



>> No.17594260

>bad, leave 2016
That pic is from Halloween 2017 so close enough. Was just showing that I had rhe same jacket kek the pleather has long since disintegrated

>> No.17594262
File: 407 KB, 356x680, 13mwz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may I get some size suggestions on the 13MWZ? these are 31x30 and are definitely way too tight, i also ordered 32x30 but i think those might be pretty tight as well. 30 seems too long as well, this is 30 cuffed. should i do like 28 length?

for reference I fastened them right underneath the bellybutton

>> No.17594268

honestly a nice look on you

>> No.17594271

Ur insane why would I ever seriously try and engage u in a conversation
Much funnier to say 2 words and get a 5 paragraph seething reply

Also ur link is broken tardo :)

>> No.17594273
File: 368 KB, 1560x2080, hethinksheGBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a poorfag and I haven't gotten lucky on ebay for leather jackets.
The boots and cheetah pattern are cute. Reminds me of my female friend

>> No.17594274

If you can do the button and fly up on a 31 then there's no way the 32 is too tight. The top box looks like a good fit desu I think maybe you're just not used to wearing a style that fits like that. You'll get an extra inch or 2 in the waist as they stretch out too

>> No.17594276 [DELETED] 

Maybe if you keep gaslighting people it will work out for you lmao, you can't engage in conversation because you can't deny the truth, you have zero argument, so your cope is ignorance. I wish you every ill will in the world, and I hope you piss off someone irl with your grotesque existence. I highly suspect you have a degree of incontinence by now too. My sides.

You notice how ugly guys "transition" and the first thing they do, is underwear and sex pics, as it's their first opportunity in life to get some attention. They parody a girl, as they believe that's how women act, and it just shows their misogyny and their view of women as some kind of feminine caricature all giggly and sexual.

Isn't it dilation time?

>> No.17594280

U have literally no impact on my life, I couldn’t care less about ur mentally unwell ranting :)

>> No.17594281

gotcha, maybe you're right and the 32 will be a good fit

>I think maybe you're just not used to wearing a style that fits like that
yeah, you're right about that lol. i do like how they look in general tb h

what do you think about the inseam? maybe just one size shorter?

(and ty for the tip)

>> No.17594283

>Most guys are straight. You can tell that by the coomer threads.
hate to break this to u sweaty but those are agp threads :)

>> No.17594284

Are you really calling regular people who refuse to entertain the mentally ill....schizos? How fucking ironic m8

>> No.17594290

i think it's fair to call the neurotic retards who make 30+ posts derailing a thread because of 2 trannies schizos

>> No.17594291 [DELETED] 

Yet you feel like impacting everyone's life, noo I have to go in the bathroom with 6 year old girls!! I just have to!! It's hate to not let me.

I don't have to have an impact. You'll do that yourself by being another statistic within the next 5 years lol. Not to mention the permanent diaper usage, and likely HIV.

Imagine what state you will be in when you're like 40. Some childless corpse looking mofo with a leaky asshole.

Trannies call others insane while reeing at those who call them insane, even after they have cut off their own genitals.

>> No.17594294 [DELETED] 

Because people get angry when it's stuck in our faces 24/7.

And as you can see, any coherent discussion with them, which doesn't basically equate to saying yes to every mental delusion they have, and they just get hostile.

It's not going to be long before they are gunning down kids in a school again.

>> No.17594297

Yeah those will probably look better without a cuff, if there's a shorter inseam available it can't hurt. I always get a tailor to hem my jeans anyway desu

>> No.17594306

“You literally can’t exist or ur sticking ur politics in my face”

>> No.17594308 [DELETED] 

>the fellow creatures it hangs around with

That dude has the worse case of nerd neck ever. Literal hunch back. Glaring at a screen all day. What a loser.

>those massive male torpedo feet

>> No.17594310 [DELETED] 

oh my god mods ban this trip faggot already

>> No.17594314

>I spend all day delusionally seething at minorities on 4chan, yet am going to call someone else a loser for their posture
A real winner here
Real stand up successful guy, a true alpha chad

>> No.17594320 [DELETED] 

Oh here it is. Their fav line.

Trans existed. Apart form them being kinda weird, nobody cared. But all of a sudden you want your own flag, your own month, a crime to misgender you, to share private spaces with kids.

That's not existing. That's you sticking yourself into everyone's lives.

Why can't you exist? Is it illegal? Are you shot in the street? NO. People bend over backwards for you. You are super fucking privileged, but whine, whine, whine.

Outside of the West you would be beat and attacked, murdered. You have it so good in the West, the best you ever had. But no, it;s still not good enough.

Nobody is doing shit to you walking down the street, but if you're pulling your dick out in a public restroom with a bunch of little girls in there, you can bet your ass I'm going to skull drag you out.

All you want is the right to legally be a perverted pedophile, or else we are stopping you from existing. Well that's just not going to happen.

And the backlash is growing, the bud light drop in sales is showing this. You'll get what you deserve, and you'll BEG to be back to this time when nobody really bothered you.

>> No.17594324 [DELETED] 

Trans are not minorities, they do not suffer as POC do. Disgusting racist comment.

Yes he is a loser, a nerd neck, spends all day online. At his age I was swimming in poon. Some could say, I still am.

>> No.17594326 [DELETED] 

?? Did not read this but nobody did anything but post outfits and ur freaking out about it, clearly we cannot exist without some turbotard sperging on us for just living our lives. Ur the reason I’m getting my ccw permit :)

>> No.17594330

plz stop responding ffs

>> No.17594331 [DELETED] 

>says bullshit
>gets corrected

Hurr I didn't read it!!

>Ur the reason I’m getting my ccw permit

And there is is. Another terrorist in the making. Someone will "misgender" you and you will go no a shooting spree.

I always have mine, and a lot more, and an exceptional military background. So YOU WILL STAY AWAY from those little kids.

>but nobody did anything but post outfits and ur freaking out about it,

I'm tired of pretty 100% of the female fit posters on here are big footed men. Can women please exist on here? or is that not OK?

You have lgbt boards or whatever.

>living your life by taking female safe spaces

Lol alright.

>> No.17594333

stop seething and kys already, at least the tranners post on topic

>> No.17594336

Why I’m making trans people look like angels in comparison and all it takes is 30 seconds every 10 minutes

>> No.17594337

>the rantings of a sane, successful man

>> No.17594338 [DELETED] 

>Ur the reason I’m getting my ccw permit :)

In the USA, during the whole of 2022, the figure is about 6 white "trans women" were killed.

Your whole existence is paranoid schizo delusion. In fact POC trans are vastly more likely to be killed, by.. POC men.

But hey ho, I'm sure you'll still be at the latest black lives matter rally.

There is pretty much zero threat of a white dude harming you. But here you are, omg we can't even exist!!

>> No.17594340

because no one else wants to read walls of text in waywt. report and move on

>> No.17594345

Every post you make you further prove my point that I cannot exist without some brainlet chuddie sperging out about it :)

>> No.17594346 [DELETED] 

A 50 year old man in a wig, exposing himself to a Mother and her young daughters in not OK.

A drag show, of men, dressed as a slutty stripper shaking their ass at a toddler is not OK.

In your world, it might be.

>> No.17594348 [DELETED] 

>doesn't like the factual stat
>resorts to an ad hom


I bet nobody has ever punched you for looking how you do. You're full of shit. Oppression Olympics on steroids. Let women and children exist and their right to safe spaces.

>> No.17594351 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1217x694, you&#039;ll never be a real woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17594356

U live in a world of delusion and made up problems pushed on you by media because outrage creates engagement which is profitable

>> No.17594361 [DELETED] 

can the trannys and their lovers get the fuck out of these threads

>> No.17594368

No, I want to be able to post my outfit without some low iq asshole harassing me over it

>> No.17594369 [DELETED] 

The drag and parades of this happening are all on tape. Are you alright? Denial of reality?

I'm not saying all trans do it, but they are not calling it out. The ones in here are clearly supporting it. So they're just as bad.

>> No.17594372

stop shitting up the thread retard

>> No.17594373 [DELETED] 

reddit/r/trans or something?

Why not go and be with open minded tolerant people from your camp?

>low iq

None of this makes any sense at all. They are baseless ad homs.

>if you don't let me do what i want you are low iq

That's so infantile, and a good indicator of low IQ itself.

High IQ would correlate with following biology over ideology. Your posts get significantly worse.

>> No.17594375

I don’t participate in politics, it’s for retards

>> No.17594377

It’s already fucked just ban this tard and nuke it

>> No.17594382

no cecil is masochistic, they enjoy trolling and being ridiculed

>> No.17594381 [DELETED] 

Most of your people do, and that's what I am calling out. By calling me insane, you're only supporting them.

>> No.17594383 [DELETED] 
File: 850 KB, 642x800, BIG BAZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also enjoy my fit, which I deem Big Baz.

>> No.17594385 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1045x620, dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collection of fits

>> No.17594386

you guys are impeccable at killing the vibe everytime

>> No.17594394

troons really are the worst posters

>> No.17594398 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 500x810, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bikini tee hee (no nawty comments bois) hee hee

>> No.17594400

didn't ask, cope and seethe

>> No.17594406 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 1362x610, loving my look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robotic, with limited vocabulary. I was writing AI scripts in 1997 that had a greater function than you.

I guess that's what happens when you bounce around an echo chamber of ideology online, once outside of that, you have nothing.

>> No.17594407 [DELETED] 
File: 632 KB, 708x446, judge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17594408

can't wait for this to hit reply limit

>> No.17594445

Shake for me girl,
I wanna be your backdoor man
Hey, oh, hey, uuuuhhh

>> No.17594449 [DELETED] 
File: 695 KB, 476x856, DDV44005E0R6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nervous but loving my look today.

>> No.17594453 [DELETED] 

Anti tranny chads ive got an idea. We need to post random images of trannies in this thread pretending to post a 'fit'. Doing this relentlessly until people get fed up with and hate all trannies

>> No.17594455 [DELETED] 
File: 3.20 MB, 1080x2136, DVV99494556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamer bunneh girl vibes ^_^

>> No.17594460 [DELETED] 

This is from the reddit trans board, and it repeats what the trannies say here:

>We are literally just trying to live our lives without being arrested for going to the grocery store

None of this is real. This does not happen. What planet are they on.

>> No.17594466 [DELETED] 

>health care is a trans right
>i transitioned early male to female trans
>i'm 22 now and have had over 1000 sexual partners
>my asshole muscles no longer close up
>i soil and leak myself all the time
>at 22 i'll have to wear a diaper for life without expansive surgery
>i hate the right wing fascists who deny us this surgery

A reddit post. I shall say no more.

>> No.17594492

That's a great idea, but it needs a little more. Straight chads like us should also post our fits to show how much better we are than the tranny menace. Wait what do you mean you never post your own fit? Surely that can't be right, that would be cowardly!

>> No.17594540 [DELETED] 
File: 588 KB, 788x1392, 1682402011145440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17594683

At least you clearly identify yourself as a man in women's clothing which we all know is a danger, but how is some shitty vintage dress fashion? Even actual women don't wear crap like that and think it's fashion. It's not even ironic fashion. Stop posting your shit fits, they're the same every thread, get a new joke.

>> No.17594687

>Y’all do realize this is a website with a normal percentage of lgbt people in the userbase, right?
>If u don’t like it why not just leave lmao
So remind us again how the identity & sexuality & ideology that is "tr_nsg_nd_r" is a fashion choice? Nobody has a problem with the LGB here, it's the obnoxious and quite frankly dangerous T that is killing this board, actually this entire site. We need a containment board for the T crap. They did it with ponies, they need to do it with tr_nn__s.

>> No.17594716

transgender is a fashion choice because i choose to wear girl clothes

>> No.17594793

why can’t you fuckers just be normal? post your fits, rate others, if you want to go on weird screeds about trans people do it somewhere else and stop shitting up the thread

>> No.17594798
File: 106 KB, 904x813, IMG_3272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so tired of /pol/ tourists

>> No.17595256

you have your own containment board retard

>> No.17595295

tired of /lgbt/ tourists

>> No.17595332

i realize this is a bad faith argument and i'm losing by even engaging but the /lgbt/ tourists are posting their fits in the waywt thread while the /pol/ tourists are derailing said thread by shrieking hysterically

>> No.17595359

>ignores all the insane offtopic and derailing by trannys for literally years now
you know that blond one has posted his cock in here right? it's not some insane /po/ conspiracy on why no one like them in this thread

>> No.17595412

>ignores all the insane offtopic and derailing by /pol/ schizos for literally years now

>> No.17595417

you will never be a woman

>> No.17595433

now whose being bad faith lol
not a troon or defending them retard

>> No.17595557
File: 1.12 MB, 1939x3407, 20230425_165248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spring is here. sadly so are the shitposters
blue blue japan
orange tab 505s
belgian shoes
whats with ugly white zip tabs
are those knock off gasmasks?
probably your best yet. you look in something other than worsted wool. very nice color roll
good start. try a belt
nice jawns
smelly person that steals from the thrift
OP pic is probably a decade old
why post
cant make out anything
nice id wear this
not a fan of the boxy t here
give it a curl

>> No.17595580

how do u post for so long and still dress terribly

>> No.17595592
File: 303 KB, 1008x1792, E9F7285F-750F-4DAF-9D2D-3579DB87FEF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me, tall goth gf mogging in my SEXcore coat lmao
Very late answer but I don’t like this board sorry bro, Dublin was nice. It seemed much cleaner than usual and I saw maybe 5 homeless people over the 3 days. Biden was in town though so it may have been a cleanup for him
You look like you could be in a Daft Punk vid lmao, mirin fren

>> No.17595593

lurk* this board, I do like it but I’m really just a tourist from /fit/

>> No.17595603

That trench coat looks good on you bro, you look jacked from behind, do you lift?

>> No.17595606

Kek thanks, I lift but that’s just my gf who doesn’t lift wearing my coat. I thought she looked jacked too so it’d be funny to post

>> No.17595610
File: 3.92 MB, 3024x3880, 20230425_175055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant help but think of fran lebowitz lookin at this pic

>> No.17595616

>qt wittle bows on my shewz
are you bottommaxxing?

>> No.17595629
File: 112 KB, 720x1223, 20230425_180214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're great for flying, get a pair if you're ever in ny

>> No.17595670

always impressed by how much money you spend to look terrible

>> No.17595798
File: 107 KB, 651x1370, nsjciivifo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17595811

>Hey, I'm here for the job interview
What do you think?

>> No.17595817

he, the rick tranny, and the kid who posts like he lives in an industrial park are the three most retarded posters here so shouldn't be that suprising

>> No.17595961
File: 378 KB, 1552x1276, 341590330_904516393988541_4538931609037654043_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybetranny at it again
anyway i was just hoping it was a date but turns out it's an actual date so i'm gonna try dressin' it up a bit

Gonna throw some seven hole black boots on, find a knitted outer and call it a day. Only thing that really puts me off is how much the blouse pulls out at the back - It's a couple sizes too big.

>> No.17595962

And u r?

>> No.17595976

>and u r?

>> No.17595981

I have a crush on you.

>> No.17595996

Smth about how you are stirs smth within. Whether it's the masochistic hooker vibes or the unique stylistic choices, idk.

>> No.17595998

Kek. Why so scared of Belgian shoes?

>> No.17596020
File: 453 KB, 1526x1210, 341516253_2156929011170813_3061677897236023454_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely sure whether to post here for in /cops/ since that's where someone asked to see 'em once I got 'em, but here we are.

>> No.17596023

where is sweater from

>> No.17596438
File: 1.09 MB, 1470x2249, 9A33FDD9-FC9A-4F3C-A75F-BD286184B2E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17596441

I’m sorry I can’t tell you, I thrifted it and it doesn’t have a label

>> No.17596467

frumpy lookin sweater really holds this one back

>> No.17596525

You're looking pretty jacked my dude. What's your lifting routine? Those shoulders are impressive.

>> No.17596556

very fall look, not bad just very fall

>> No.17596562
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1000, fit4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wrote out an entire post with commentary on my pic and responses to like 10 people from the other thread. Forgot to just copy and paste it. I'm not redoing any of it.

>> No.17596566

why is the sweater vest tucked in? Looks weird. Otherwise it's solid for the look you're going for

>> No.17596587

Keeps the waistline high and makes the pants fit better. They're a bit too big on me (32", I'm a 28"), so there's a little less bunching with the sweater tucked in. I can't find a good example for the life of me now, but I've seen fashion plates from the 50s or 60s where men tucked their v-neck sweaters in like this. Pretty sure the style was vaguely associated with mod stuff, since they were wearing skinny belts iirc.

>> No.17596590

yeah it got chilly here again

>> No.17596594

in every outfit outside of black or white tie a bow tie is the wrong move it’s a good outfit otherwise (untuck the vest) but the bow tie looks clownish

>> No.17596595
File: 276 KB, 858x1310, IMG_20230425_233056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ankle pockets are funny but overall I like them pants
Looks like a first attempt at fancy casual. Don't like at all sorry
Agree with the other anon, don't like the sweater. Every thing else is good
Nice to see people are keeping the bowtie factories running

Haven't been here in a minute so this one's from a bit ago. Wish I had a better picture

>> No.17596619

guy taking the pic looks qt

>> No.17596760

lol are you from Brittany dude?

>> No.17596771

what do you consider lucky how much would you spend

>> No.17596859
File: 291 KB, 964x1280, tabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time postin in a bit, got insoles for the tabis and theyre so comfy, wearing these as often as i can now. Got some absolutely esoteric pants, fit w them coming as soon as i can figure out what i could possibly pair em w.

nice hair, fit is something an old man would wear, those kind of jackets/pants (in terms of material) always remind me of the bag men in way of the gun (not a bad thing)

v nice except for the bowtie but thats just a personal dislike of them on my part

great, source on pants?
also great, wheres the shirt from? interesting fit to it

this is nice

good as always, shirt is fav part of this fit

goofy shoes, idk if theres a way to make those work for you.

both nice, the dress you posted later is ehh

congrats! also source on pants?

>> No.17596876

No lol but geographically close, Southern coast of Ireland

>> No.17596991

Can you explain for everyone how your pic is "fashion" and not a costume or cosplay? Do you just dress up in women's clothing for a joke? Because it for real looks awful. I literally don't understand how what you are doing is "fashion". It's the weirdest thing, I mean there isn't a single adult human female that would wear what you are wearing. I mean you obviously don't go out in public looking like that. It's just bizarre.

>> No.17597056

It takes away from the outfit and makes you look like you don't know what you're doing. I like it otherwise though

>> No.17597067

Sorry, sweater vests don't tuck. Please try again.

>> No.17597086

Why is every single tranny itt white

>> No.17597113


>> No.17597120

social contagion spread through high functioning autists

>> No.17597125

The only fit man ITT. Strange outfit but you mog the rest of the thread just through the virtue of not having the physique of a fat lesbian.

>> No.17597184

I gained and lost like 20kg in two years so now I have big fat lunchlady arms. I actually have started lifting tho, you got me there.

>> No.17597187

Ily 'no adult woman' anon. <3 Every time I post I hold a glimmer of hope in my heart that I may see you post once more.

>> No.17597197
File: 809 KB, 2037x3565, 6895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeans look really nice
gf fit looks good. And glad to hear Dublin wasn't awful
Looking very cozy
Hate the bowtie. Love the rest
Mirin forearms

>> No.17597199
File: 3.81 MB, 1244x2208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17597205

Nice boots.

>> No.17597251

Everybody in this thread is white, you dumb fucks.

>> No.17597401

these things aren't white nice try


>> No.17597411

Thoughts on what? A blue tshirt?

>> No.17597468
File: 428 KB, 1440x1080, 20230427_001718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60s wrangler
polo gator
third for new sweater, maybe some inward facing pleats
cant make out much but its not looking great
seinfeld dad in the worst way
nipon construction worker
whats the tee?

>> No.17597547
File: 2.06 MB, 1350x1800, frank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you kill yourself
bow ties are based

>> No.17597637
File: 2.43 MB, 4624x3468, 20230426_111514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a warm early summer day, so went for something showier. Thoughts?

Maybe different glasses and a trench that fits you better, otherwise ok.
Love the vintage feel your fit has going for it. Very elegant.
More of a autumn fit in my opinion, but very good colour balancing. Like it.
TWEED. Distinguished gentleman look.
>I drive.
Can't get past whatever that is on your feet.
It's a T-Shirt glasses combo. Unremarkable, but safe.
Blazer is too small.

>> No.17597817
File: 3.59 MB, 2338x7371, IMG_20230427_084523694~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great to see you in something other than black. The dress flatters you and has Stevie Nicks vibes.

I like how alot of your fits are vintage heavy but not costume/LARPy. This looks good, hope your date goes well

That looks like an amazing fall fit. ID on pants?

I'd like better lighting, fit looks great and I want to see more details

Magnum PI-core. Fucking love it, one of my favs.

This pic is fucking with me, makes your legs look insanely short compared to your torso.
Good call , it does look like something James Caan wore in Way of the Gun.

Fit so boring I can't formulate any.

Agreed. One day god willing I'll figure out how to tie one properly.

>Today's fit
These fatigue pants are one of my favorite purchases in months. New Canali linen sport coat, vintage LL Bean chambray shirt.

>> No.17598332

id on socks

>> No.17598358


>> No.17598383

1017 Alyx 9SM x Moncler
Reebok x Maison Margiela

>> No.17598385
File: 1.48 MB, 1516x3084, 16824551780030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17598406


>> No.17598414

nonce vibes, please stop

>> No.17598543
File: 3.03 MB, 1500x1500, SpitsOnYou4Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick

>> No.17598557

actually good

>> No.17598562

If a man in a sport coat makes you think of fucking kids, that says way more about you than it does him.

>> No.17598585

not its really not lol. thanks4samefagging

>> No.17598613


>> No.17598645

>>17596562 here. Trying to take these was a huge pain in the ass. I tried taking the 2nd pic under all different conditions, but couldn’t properly capture all the details at once. That jacket has a pretty noticeable overstripe irl, and the camera fucks up it’s overall color too. I’ll have to get a real camera one of these days.

In lieu of a better pic, here’s a list of what I was wearing:
>Florsheim cap-toe boots (brown)
They were a bit scuffed at the time.
>Nautica rigger trousers (navy)
Pleated, but uncreased at the time.
>No-name (handmade) skinny belt (brown)
>Dockers cable-knit sweater vest (maroon)
>Milton’s tweed sport coat (brown)
>No-name (UniFirst) poly/cotton striped Oxford shirt (pale blue/white)
It’s actually pretty good, but the collar is a bit too small in the back and the collar stand is a bit too high.
>No-name (homemade) Edwardian-style sateen cravat (navy)
I’ve been experimenting with these for a while now. They’re pretty interesting. This one is constructed in the same way as a bowtie, but without any tapering or pleating, as I found that unnecessary. It can be worn in a bunch of different configurations, and I think the bow looks best when there’s something to tuck the ends into. When I’ve got no sweater/waistcoat on, I prefer a 4-in-hand or a cascade, and I plan on trying out a box knot soon.

>> No.17598931

Love the jacket. And its an older dir en grey tee
Great pants. 3 button jacket looks odd worn casually though

>> No.17599032

Why do you purposely pose like Lucifer

>> No.17599125

Your lips are too small for your face. You look like a dog licking piss off a nettle.

>> No.17599126

Only trannies are white retard
>Verification not required.

>> No.17599272

Man wtf :/

>> No.17599288

>>17594798 you dirty homos i’ve been here for 10 years

>> No.17599291

On what? You haven’t even posted a fit you tard

>> No.17599296
File: 807 KB, 220x121, 1682556109797754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a bomb ass fit but I'm saving it for next thread

>> No.17599442
File: 134 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230428-091547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was the point of announcing you're going to post in the next thread? Are you that much of an attention addicted social media addled faggot that you can't stand the though of waiting for attention in the future, so you have to do something for attention now?
Why not start a new thread yourself?

>> No.17599453

you know they are
>inb4 shitty newfag oc waywt thread

>> No.17599468

brick silhouette
ftm physique

>> No.17599602
File: 2.24 MB, 3024x4032, 62BC1C2B-00D7-41CE-9761-F2F6B58DB63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super casual fit today, very out of my comfort zone

>> No.17599665
File: 1.96 MB, 2316x3088, FED7D2B3-A04B-4348-9630-040EFAF17518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine for a casual fit

Any ideas what kind of jacket would look nice with this

>> No.17599754

>10 years
Not even senior newfag

>> No.17600028

ID on pants?

>> No.17600044

never realized how bad the tabi sneakers look creased lol but its a cool fit

>> No.17600054

Do people actually wear those Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shoes unironically?

>> No.17600057

>announcing a report

Enjoy your ban

>> No.17600105

I'd say different color tie.

>> No.17600117

You look sickly.
The clothes are ok.

>> No.17600120
File: 2.81 MB, 2734x8000, IMG_20230428_084227578~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stan Ray OG 107 regular fit.

>Today's fit

Jacket is navy, I don't like how dark navy looks in certain light. I need to find a dark blue jacket that's lighter than navy so it's still instantly recognizable as blue but so far all the blue sport coats I've found are either ultra light robin egg blue or navy like this. Any recs on where to find something like an indigo blue sport coat?

>> No.17600126

How about a leather trenchcoat

>> No.17600132

No way you don't own a pair of Nantucket reds.

>> No.17600144

....technically I don't since I put on some weight aka got fat and had to ditch my old pair. I literally have a pair of vintage Ralph Lauren pants in that shade in my eBay cart right now though. It's a nice color.

>> No.17600167

whats your waist size and inseam?

>> No.17600194

make a new thread already so I can post the fire fit I've been saving.

>> No.17600199

post it here pussy

>> No.17600204

The only place I can find these is in this brazilian online store: https://unitystore.com.br/products/calca-cargo-harem-estilo-militar?variant=42236887597312&currency=BRL&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic

If you're not in Brazil, I honestly don't think it's worth the hassle. You're gonna have to scour aliexpress or whatever these niggas use to buy from china and resell here.

>> No.17600214
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Quick question what to wear with brown pants

>> No.17600220

How about a leather trenchcoat

>> No.17600223

Also forgot to say I bought L sized pants and I'm like 5'9. If you've ever bought from this type of website, you know it, but you absolutely have to size shit up. Most of the time I wear either S or M pants.

>> No.17600295

Blue, beige, green

>> No.17600308

jesus fucking christ why can no one in this thread READ

>> No.17600310

cream, beige, dark brown, blues, white.

>> No.17600312

nice auschwitz eyes, cryptkeeper. You look like a bug chaser that got the gift. faggot

>> No.17600345

I'd stick with more classic cut jeans.

>> No.17600351

wheres the hotel concierge copy pasta whoever wrote than one up needs to revisit it

>> No.17600369
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>> No.17600378
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I need to find some more light to medium jackets. The only decent one I have is brown I need one in like black.

>> No.17600471
File: 822 KB, 444x1162, 0493904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my outdoor fit pls
t. machinistbro

>> No.17600480

shit. kys fag

>> No.17600483
File: 1.05 MB, 807x2114, IMG_0566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ran errands today. I wish i had steamed the skirt wrinkles

So fuckin good

I think this would look better in a different shoe colour but its so comfy and free looking. I'm jealous i can't get away with similar

Call me basic but i feel this would have looked great in all black. Do love the rolled cuff


I love a well done basic and this looks so comfy and nice. I love the shoes but i would love a pair of maison margiela tabi shoes.

Love the colour palette

Dark brown canvas/leather bomber jacket. Id you have the climate for it and a change of boots you could try the dark brown leather x shearling inside finish for some layered contrast

Love the colour palette and definitely agree with a strong blue. Cobalt, ultramarine, and cerulean are all really in at the moment so it shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.17600497

I dislike the waistband on this. I feel like it detracts, otherwise overall it's a good outfit, although the shoes could be more dainty.

>> No.17600521


>> No.17600564

cringe newfag shit

>> No.17601484

shoes are good-- makes it more terrorcore