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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 126 KB, 750x1000, 632B5A6B-CDC3-4583-82C8-DF8F6CDB98EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17599057 No.17599057 [Reply] [Original]

I’m posting here because I feel like it’s the only place I can go. There’s no one in my real life, or any online friends I have who I feel could help me out in any meaningful way. Obviously a bunch of strangers on 4chan might not be able to provide that either, but I’ve been on this board since I was 15 and I feel like I have a lot in common with posters here.

I’m an 18yo 5’2 gay male. I’ve been 5’2 since I was about 14 so I’m not getting taller any time soon. In that time, I’ve tried my hardest to not let my height affect my self esteem and day to day life. I’m an active person. I have friends and hobbies. I try and stay confident, put effort into my appearance, etc. And yet, deeply negative thoughts and feelings about my height seem to take up 95% of my brain activity. I’ve contemplated suicide over my height more than once, and the past few months have been especially rough.

I’m aware this board hates trannies. I’m ambivalent towards them myself. However, in the past year or so, I’ve begun to wonder whether transitioning would be a good life choice for me. I’m not under any delusion that I am a woman, but life as a man of my height is genuinely worse than I could ever put into words, especially to anyone who does not have that experience.

I feel I’m at a crossroads. I can either continue my life as it is, or make a decision that could change it forever, perhaps for the good.

What do you think?

>> No.17599067

You can still take steroids to grow at 18 but this window is closing and then get leg lengthening surgery for another 3-4”. No shot at life is worse than death

>> No.17599070

You’re lucky you’re gay. Being 5’2” as a straight guy is way worse.

You dress well (great trousers) and are very young. You have so many options available still in your life. You have friends, which puts you above 90% of the loses on this website. Practically speaking, being as short as you are will limit your dating options somewhat, but has very few other real quality of life impacts. Your reaction goes way beyond that and well into dysmorphia territory. Killing yourself over something so trivial would be a waste.

>> No.17599078

My growth plates are closed, confirmed by doc. I don’t know how willing I am to pay hundreds of thousands and relearn to walk for what will be a small difference in my height (like 5’6 max). When you say no shot at life is worse than death, do you mean trannyhood or suicide?

Not my picture just inspo, but thank you for the advice

>> No.17599088

holy shit those boots are bad
offensively bad

>> No.17599091

I like your style

>> No.17599159

You have a nice style. How do you find clothes that fit at your height? I have trouble finding jackets especially.

In your pic you look good and not disproportionately short. Would you be happy living as a tranny while knowing in your mind and heart that it's a delusion? If you have a solid social life and hobbies, what do you think you're missing out on? Dating sucks as a gay man at the best of times but it's not like trannies have it much better.

>> No.17599172

Outfit is incredibly based

>> No.17599182

it's not him

What are we supposed to say on a picture that's not you? We can't say if you'd pass or not (99% don't).
Whatever you do, i'd advise you not to cut your dick and balls, that's the main thing tranny chasers like. No one like a rotten wound.

>> No.17599189

hey buddy, first - i think you look good, and desu i thought you were over 6' looking at the picture. i know what it's like to struggle with suicidal ideation, and i'd strongly suggest you speak with a therapist and maybe even a psychiatrist about your thoughts so you can get to the root of what's wrong, feel better, and move forward with your life.
i would not recommend transitioning just because of the height issue. i think that could lead to some invasive, dangerous, irreversible surgeries and drugs that could make things even worse.
i really hope you start feeling better, anon

>> No.17599192

you have a great sense of style, and you're gay

if you're a bottom it doesn't matter that you're short, though I can see why it might be harder as a top

>> No.17599386

Wow, zoomers are pathetic. Like I seriously didn't know it was this bad.
I'm guessing you're American?
You're an 18 year old literal faggot, you haven't even been a man for a full year. What do you think being a tranny will even accomplish? You'll still be a manlet, you will just have more health problems and have to take more pharmaceuticals than you probably already do.
Go live in SE Asia for a bit and be a manlet king.

>> No.17599429

Please go get some therapy, and discuss your suicidal ideation with a professional. You don't mention family at all. Guessing some of your feels about your height and wanted to be a woman are rdirected feels of family rejection. You can't feel good about your outside until you feel good about your inside. Good luck.

>> No.17599431
File: 384 KB, 557x820, 1682346899832756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you are gay, who cares about your height? Fags are not women, they will still date you if you look good. Also hormonally poisoning and surgically mutilating yourself is not a fucking good choice, I am surprised I even have to say this to someone. The fact that you are at least not insane enough to think you can become the other sex is a positive, but don't be retarded and think your life would be better as a pretend woman. Because you will never have the life of a woman as you can not become a woman, only a pretend woman. You need to compare your life now to the life of a pretend woman and I am pretty sure the second one will be worse.

>> No.17599435

Trousers are too damn high and your shoes look dated.
Also, what the hell is going on with your neck? If those flaps are part of your shirt, trash them and buy some normal-ass shirts.

Do you work a high position at an office?
If yes, keep going with this look.
If not, go for a more casual look; you're not fooling anyone.

And as always: the only one who cares about your height is yourself.
Do you REALLY want to date/fuck someone who is vain enough to care about someone's height? I sure as fuck wouldn't.

>> No.17599444

tell doc to write you up for test and hgh, lift and stretch for 3 years. you may unlock a few inches despite whatever doc says with effort and magic.

>> No.17599445

2.Chopping off your dick will not make you taller. you were born a subhuman. people will despise you for the height alone. nothing you can do.
3.Slit your throat disgusting fucking tourist

>> No.17599449

it's probably too late for hgh. But if he has the funds he should go for it, hgh + hg pepties + aromatase inhibitors and pray to god his plates are not closed

>> No.17599451

Therapy is just paying to be gaslit.
You will never feel good about yourself due to being born a 5'2 subhuman, life is not disney. Not every person were born to be happy. You were born just to suffer, and nobody will ever understand your own personal suffering.

>> No.17599583

Not my pic, just inspo. I don’t think “happiness” in the way you’re talking is a possibility whether I troon or not but if I do and pass which is a possibility I could at least enjoy social acceptance and better treatment from others in my day to day life.

I’m not stupid enough to post a picture of myself here

Not me in the photo, but thank you anon. I do think therapy could help, but I don’t think anyone who isn’t a 5’2 man could really grasp the struggles that come with it. I feel like if I went it would just make me feel more alone and isolated.

Who cares whether I’m a bottom or a top. Im still a human. Height affects more in your life than dating and being a man at this height is literally hell on earth.

At least people would like me more if they thought I was a woman

Not my picture

I’ve literally been using this board for years fuck off

>> No.17599715

>as in I joined in 2019 when all the oldfags were long gone

>> No.17599978

>At least people would like me more if they thought I was a woman

No, they won't.

>> No.17600035

becoming a tranny will do nothing but make your life worse. Ik you may not be religious so your instinct would be to brush the following off, but seriously go to church and talk to a priest. Consider for a moment what exactly that level of obsessive and harmful thinking abt your height might be coming from (spoiler its demons).

You have a choice what you focus on, even if you dont control what thoughts enter your head. Not everything that you think comes from you, but if you give it any ground it can take root and grow. absolutely do not even CONSIDER transitioning or even think abt it as an option. If youre open to the suggestion, read "way of a pilgrim", maybe think abt visiting an orthodox church if theres one near you. orthodoxy better than any other denom stresses the profound reality of spiritual warfare and demons, which is exactly what you need to be conscious of.

I've watched friends struggle with intrusive thoughts and be unable to deal w them bc they have a very materialistic view of existence and think that they have to take responsibility for everything that enters their head. Thats just not true, and acknowledging that and re framing your views and approach accordingly will help you so much.

also, very nice outfit.

>> No.17600037

You look good for 5'2, nice shirt.

>> No.17600040

As a Christian, it is not demons, you are probably just a schizo and not a real Christian.

>> No.17600045

Do you consider Eastern Orthodox "real Christian"?

>> No.17600055

Think that they have to take responsibility for everything that enters their head
but you litterly have to do that, reddit spacing well poisoning shill.

>> No.17600064

I only consider few people real Christians, those that hate their family, the flesh, and are devoted to god, I'm also lowkey a marcianist

>> No.17600066

no you do not lmao

im not saying all of his thoughts about his height are. obviously its an issue for him and much/most of it is probably conscious on his part. But, if its all he can think about, if its driven him to consider suicide and now transitioning, think about what direction his thoughts are being driven in, what is causing that, and what may have introduced some of it in the first place. as a christian you should not disregard demons lol. read screwtape letters, v good for helping yourself get better at catching this sort of stuff.

typed above then refreshed and saw this. lol. buddy youre a gnostic you ESPECIALLY should not be dismissing the spiritual this easily. praying for you!

>> No.17600069

Was hoping for a good thread with finally someone that dresses well. Fuck you. And if you think your height makes you suicidal you have many deeper issues. Go see a shrink you bitchmade motherfucker, you.

>> No.17600087

Deluded. height unironicly decides your life in todays age.

>> No.17600166

What else do you think it could be lol >>17600087
exactly what you said

>> No.17600260

Post pole and hole and I'll decide whether or not to grace you with my superior 6'3" seed. Maybe excessive consumption of my hgh will help

>> No.17600278

You dress well for your proportions. Don’t sweat your height too much, as you’re away from all the height bullshit women put men through. Unless you’re feeling gay pressures towards a certain gay lifestyle. In that case, just move to a different gay subculture.

Trooning out is silly. Just become a femboy or something akin.

>> No.17600542

If you're truly desperate, try Russian sleep stretch gymnast routine, which apparently works. Look through the /fit/ archives for it. Also, glucosamine+chondroitin has shown to cause cell proliferation at growth plates, who knows how significant that is, however.

>> No.17600900

The only reason a man should care about height is because it is hard-wired into the female biological brain to find this important. If you are a gay man, who/
1) Isn't trying to impress women
2)Wanting to have kids that a certaine height
Why the actual FUCK should you care?
Just be a bottom fag or something, I'm sure with all the gay people, many of them are into small guys. Grow a pair OP.

>> No.17600906

stop being gay. the anus is not a sex organ. sodomy is an act of violence.

>> No.17600984

I feel for you bro. A lot of people transition because they think it'll help them with depression and suicidal thoughts. They all end the same way and are the reason trannies have a 43% suicide rate. It's NOT a solution, and it'll cause irreversible damage to your body and mind.

There's not much advice I can give for curing depression however. Try leading a healthy life, go outside, find an interesting hobby, don't spend too much time online, clean up any mess in your house, exercise, e.ct. all the usual crap you hear. If it gets really bad antidepressants are better than suicide.

Seeing as you're gay I don't think your height should affect your self image too much. Gay guys love small twinks. If you don't have a romantic partner you don't have to worry about being left out of the dating pool.

Nice fit btw. It'd be a shame if we lost a well dressed man or he'd start wearing dresses.

I hope you get better OP

>> No.17601001

Sweeping your room wont make adequate whilst being a 5'2 "man". Rope yourself redditor.

>> No.17601031

At that height you’re like Paul Williams, very cool option for you. You can be like a cool charismatic Yoda type of guy, party animal sort of person.I would trust you and be your friend anon. Keep it up.

>> No.17601050

What are you expecting from this, OP?

To tell you it's OK to live your life as a woman due to your height? Do you want our permission?

I'm around your height, and served at the highest level in the United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance.

There are 2 options in reality:

>spend your life constantly thinking about your height
>just forget about it

Honestly. It is that HARD and also that EASY.

I don't think larping as a female, something you don't feel you are, is the way to go at all.

>> No.17601053

>You can be like a cool charismatic Yoda type of guy, party animal sort of person.I would trust you and be your friend anon.

Lol shit like this is so fucking condescending. "Yoda type of guy" my sides. This is why virtue signallers are fraudulent disingenuous assholes.

OP is a real human bean; not some wacky movie caricature.

>> No.17601057

I hope you're not OP and I guess you're just a dumb height-maxx fag.

Take your own advice, I'll take mine. I wonder if the mortician will be more repulsed by the state of your room or the sad unkempt sack of shit you call a body.

Your parents won't miss you.

>> No.17601092

LMAO. The level of cope you need to even look at yourself in the mirror and not be repulsed is beyond my understanding
>real human bean
>at 5'2
now my sides are hurting LMAO

>> No.17601103

You sound like you smell of poo. Do you?

>> No.17601114

why the fuck would you transition if you don't think you're a woman? it will only cause you more problems than you have now. you're a dumb child, live your life without obsessing over what other people think of your height. also, nice outfit very 70s

>> No.17601116
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20230429_153950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wack off to my hairy nipples faggot. Now post body or kys

>> No.17601123

Fucking this. Really look into living abroad for a while.

>> No.17601155

you should honestly talk to a psychologist

>> No.17601173

Hey, you don’t need to come up with a username to post here by the way

>> No.17601175

>obese manlet
>proudly posting on /fa/

>> No.17601221
File: 40 KB, 480x480, gycwmi6swz711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

182 cm and I'm not seeing a body with your post kek

Better go get that rope out of your daddy's garage and get to work you fat slob. Get something strong so it'll hold up your fat greasy body too.

>> No.17601275

Then why does the posting box say NAME then? Huh? Answer me that genius. It asks for your posting name.

>> No.17601278

Oh that’s only if it’s relevant to identify you in a thread

>> No.17601279
File: 12 KB, 304x280, name box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it is? Well why would I listen to you? It says name, so I put a name because I don't want to get banned. You are probably trying to trick me. Shame on you.

Only the box below the name is OPTIONAL.

>> No.17601282

this ain't your fb group nobody is doing shit like that here. KYS, redditor.

>> No.17601296

Why are you still here? I told you it's time to off yourself unless you feel confident in showing me what an athlete you are.

More likely you hide your appearance out of shame. You probably have man tits that'll put a walrus to shame and acne like a Pollock painting from wearing the same tshirt and hoodie 2 weeks in a row.

Posting body could prove me wrong. If you've been on 4chan for more than a week you'll know this is pretty routine.

Alternatively, kill yourself. It's solid advice considering what a whining bitch you are. The world won't notice when you're gone.

>> No.17601298

the only place its routine, is /fit/ I never had a reason to go there, but keep on shitting your pants here redditor, you will never belong on this board.

>> No.17601300
File: 137 KB, 980x1040, 1681825476345563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never had a reason to go there
Proving me right with every post. Hit the treadmill fatty

>> No.17601301

Don't troon bro you'll regret it the rest of your life

>> No.17601312
File: 191 KB, 1200x1000, 1565463894539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people have figured how to sate their hunger without overeating
>hit the treadmill fatty
projecting so hard. Being overweight is just so alien to me that I couldnt even imagine the position you were in. And don't get me started on coping with muscles, no gymcel worship on this board.

>> No.17601322
File: 127 KB, 720x1311, 1679453330351684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"i'm not fat"
>"i'm just so extremely not fat that i won't show how not fat i am"
>"haha btfo"
>"muscles are cope btw, exercise is gay and i'm definitely not a coping fatty"
>"you're projecting tho"

>> No.17601329
File: 645 KB, 2250x2250, a81abdf7d455d05c6c0f52927a4c9057998155ccdee320c6d9744a654f8367f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tourist is gonna cwy some more? or are you done?

>> No.17601339

Why are you posting bait from kiwifarms? I'm guessing you found someone similar in appearance. Can't even imagine how bad you look to look up a shirtless lolcow instead of snapping a pic on your phone

All this effort when you could have just killed yourself instead

>> No.17601350

>he doesn't even know where nikita origins
LMAO, you are so fucking new to imageboards, I feel like I am unpacking a new funkopop on christmass.

>> No.17601362

>on here
>this board
>not knowing (insert lolcow)
I think the gayest thing I've ever experienced is you trying to gatekeep /fa/. /fa/, the gayest site on this board and it's so special to you, you won't let anyone into your pillowfort.

Face it. This internet stuff doesn't matter. You've spent your life online and you have nothing to show for it. You have no friends, you have no relationship. Your family is embarrassed of you. Everyone would be happier if you didn't exist. Don't fear the rope, there's nothing for you in this life anyway. You've accomplished nothing, you have no prospects and you'll never do anything meaningful. Your life doesn't matter and you'll die anyways. Don't be a coward. You know it's the right choice for you.
+you're fat

>> No.17601393

amazing outfit, dont kill yourself haha

>> No.17601412

lmao, your pathetic attempt at ropefuel is based only on what others think, and yet here on the ethernet you acting all haughty and refusing to conform to the rules of this board. Slit it already.

>> No.17601421

look at this anon https://youtu.be/Mcq5oW0GvD8
Special for u
The world is an unfair place and yk it could always be worse.
Whatever happens think deeply about your choices because you dont wanna end up regretting them

>> No.17601425

>le independent thinker
>"pls conform to my made up internet rules"
KEK. I'll keep saying it, post body or kys

>> No.17601439

I feel like I'm bullying an autistic kid lmao. You try so hard to be an edgelord my sides are past the moon and headed for Jupiter

>> No.17601483

You care so much you are double posting LMAO, the only validation you get is captcha, my lil obese manlet.

>> No.17601503

kek little autistic manlet is coping and projecting again. Come on, show me your six pack and massive pecs. I bet you're ripped.


>> No.17601521

Considered taking the femboy route instead of altering your body so extremely when you don't have dysmorphia?

>> No.17602155

memes aside, especially as a gay man, you'll be alright. Please don't make any drastic life decisions as an 18 year old, you have so much life to live. A lot of people who transition for the wrong reasons end up becoming another statistic, mass suicide. Take care of yourself friend, you'll be okay.

>> No.17602156

you're fat.

>> No.17602159

god, i wanna cum on those man tits so fucking bad. Saved to the fucking spank bank you absolute fucking sex clown. Send me your address so i can cum in your throat.

>> No.17602271

>you're fat
post body

>> No.17602310

Did you know in virtual reality you can be as tall or short as you want to be? Maybe it's time to close the book on meatspace and transcend into the metaverse

>> No.17602480

go zuck urself

>> No.17602749

if your looks govern your self worth then you're probably not very useful in day to day yet.
Perhaps you should learn a trade, I mean that truthfully. I never feel more worthy than when I'm working.

>> No.17602750

transitioning if u aren’t trans is incredibly dumb and you will regret it. not transitioning if you are trans is incredibly dumb and you will regret it. do with this knowledge what u wish

>> No.17603402
File: 10 KB, 118x220, IMG_7660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17604289

lmao. KYS
Work became useless the second women have gotten rights.