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File: 106 KB, 2560x1440, voice-over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17590906 No.17590906 [Reply] [Original]

How do I sound more effay?

>> No.17590919

Learn the mid atlantic accent

>> No.17590944

ciggies and alcohol.

>> No.17590945


>> No.17591377

stop speaking nasally

speak from your diaphram

>> No.17591385

how do i get a gay accent

>> No.17591677

browse /b/

>> No.17591942

??????????????????? i fucking hate you niggers parroting this shit when its literally impossible

>> No.17591951

get your deviated septum fixed and nasal passages enlarged

t. got record deal 6 months after op

>> No.17591995
File: 1.84 MB, 1148x864, 1667384634593249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have control over your own body?

>> No.17591997

How do you stop getting choked up when speaking? Like when speaking at work or something my full voice isn't coming out.

>> No.17592037

you cant 'talk thru your diaphragm' its a made up cope made by faggots who already have good sounding natural voice

>> No.17592045

you have the same disbelief when NPCs are told about inner monologue

>> No.17592048

im already bi i dont have the bottom gay accent thoughbeit

>> No.17592127

there is only one way air exists your mouth when you speak you stupid dumb nigger

>> No.17592134


>> No.17592175

You might have to practice a bit before you fully understand what you can do with your voice.
>There's only one way to half whisper things so the people in the next room can't hear you.
Drive around calm, rural roads in the early morning (2-5am) loudly belting out songs, celebrity impersonations and racial epithets. You'll quickly discover you can make all sorts of noises with the air coming out of your mouth. I was lucky to have a job in a remote place with weird hours, you might need to get creative with your rehearsal space.

>> No.17592179
File: 20 KB, 326x228, 1680011422468619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess you breath by sucking air in instead of flexing your diaphragm

>> No.17592190

You can practice speaking you know.
It's no different from singing. Practice is everything.
Or do you think good singers are just born like that and naturally gifted with no amount of practice or education making any difference whatsoever, their exact level set at birth?

>> No.17592221

>Drive around calm, rural roads in the early morning (2-5am) loudly belting out songs, celebrity impersonations and racial epithets.
Thank fucking God I thought I was the only one who got autistic after a night shift
I sing along to the radio in stupid accents

>> No.17593562


>> No.17594029

omg rather erotic image

>> No.17594105

practice your ö and ü and ı sounds.
practice saying "görüşürüz" - impossible to say it with a high-pitched voice