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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 1024x768, 1395355227471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17583839 No.17583839 [Reply] [Original]

Very slow and boring board edition

>> No.17583874
File: 35 KB, 500x700, 1504021_1499641414475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I achieve this look?

>> No.17584078
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>> No.17584187 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1876x2808, asdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex, nigger

>> No.17584194
File: 288 KB, 1876x2808, asdasdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex, nigger

>> No.17584195

twink shoes

>> No.17584214
File: 1.49 MB, 1089x2185, eBay Purchases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think of my most recent purchases?

gonna add a third button to the gray one since i'm a nut for three buttons

also, i'm gonna see if i can put together a "conservative, classic style outfit" just to show that baldy that i can.

buy a double breasted suit and repp tie on ebay, get it tailored and ask the tailor to make the lapels "fishmouth" lapels

>> No.17584220
File: 76 KB, 500x305, 1600455119170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what exactly is so hard to understand about the concept of a "what are you wearing today" thread

>> No.17584228

I'm just continuing on from last thread

I'm wearing the green striped skivvy and sweatpants i slept in, HBU

>> No.17584243

Continuing what? Who are you? Did anyone ask you to post random off-topic stuff? Im not wearing anything super awesome either so im waiting to post until i do.

>> No.17584244
File: 259 KB, 848x1280, D2D04BF9-E63E-4B05-9BFF-74C4F6339E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17584251
File: 34 KB, 372x511, R.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya look like a code geass character lmao

god i wish i had your body

>> No.17584256

Silhouette too feminine

>> No.17584299
File: 97 KB, 498x969, _20230417_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17584363

wow doug you're a gross poorfag, stop posting please

>> No.17584460

NPC response

>> No.17584466

People posting fit templates in WAYWT threads should be banned. Post an actual fit pic or fuck off.

>> No.17584468
File: 1.36 MB, 2880x3782, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17584473

an insult to Lelouch

>> No.17584475

Kill yourself balding sperg

>> No.17584477

too clean, poser desu?

>> No.17584486
File: 980 KB, 1080x2220, CDD69EFB-0821-45BE-9C3A-EB239832A88E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Doug thread
Post ur fav doug fits
Yee fits poorly, wpns would be better for Rick shoes

>> No.17584519

Reeks of retarded desperation

>> No.17584521
File: 967 KB, 1080x2220, 4A48E592-E5C7-4601-AD30-45762B395B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not even Doug I just think he’s hilarious

>> No.17584523

Nah he's pretty sad, reminds me of Chris Chan

>> No.17584544
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doug vs dougie

>> No.17584556
File: 430 KB, 828x1288, 8A331FB0-C088-4860-9B21-F07BAB8417D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socks and sandals
rules are meant to be broken


hot tub salesman core

go off sis. I think this fit would pair nicely with a heeled boot. If you're gonna go 70's, go all the way

If you're not actually italian then you need to knock it off. if you are, you need to lean into it even more

this looks cool as fuck. I want these clothes. I think a unique boot/sneaker would elevate even more

at least he's having fun

>> No.17584558

Yes I am Italian. Do you want to have sex with me?

>> No.17584564
File: 101 KB, 1082x969, _20230418_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the socks and sandals are actually cool but the rest is a little too much catlady-core
my grandpa is swiss italian, check mate, idgi though, do italians have patents on mustaches in the US or what?

>> No.17584571

no I only want attention
its the mustache + gelled hair + chain + whatever that kind of jacket is thats giving italian. not necessarily bad though. I like the all black and how wide the pants are. Tbh on second glance I fuck with it

Each day I like to go for a different aesthetic or character, so I guess today was cat lady day

>> No.17584580

stop trying to copy people and whatever ideology is "based" at the moment

>> No.17584582
File: 1.96 MB, 1469x3158, 20230105_163023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this doug mf has an intruiging capacity to bring bitter, faceless schizos out of the woodwork to hurl hatred at him, and as far as i can tell if any of it worked he wouldn't still be here, which is odd because he absolutely looks like the kind of faggot that would crumple after five minutes of that.
what is it that makes him so viscerally intolerable to chuds?
how is he still hanging around when it seems like virtually nobody likes him?

>> No.17584615

nice samefagging

>> No.17584747
File: 867 KB, 933x1400, DSCF0788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Doug's fit looks interesting and hilarious t.b.h, unlike the curly tranny,
But my fav definitely the kanye-esque(?) east european anon, if you're reading this pls post moar anon

>> No.17584751

Bottom maxx


I like 1970s looks, but somehow i hate this. The hair is not there and it lacks something, change the t-shirt maybe.

this is cool

>> No.17584757
File: 679 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20230418_110701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the shit photo, it was very dark so I tried to brighten it a bit but now the colours might be a bit too light

>> No.17584758

would pay you big coin for merchandising and online marketing

>> No.17584767

Not bad, nice watch

Sorry, not a fan, feels very 2017

Good selection, great prices, chemistry-teacher-core (that's a good thing)

Nice, conveying the 70s without being that "hey look i'm that guy who likes 70s stuff i'm so special" person

Not sure why the hate, personally I like it, especially the pants

Real nice

Humble talkative lady at the farmer's market buying organic grain-free sugar-free oil-free cat food (that's a good thing)

Good, pleasing to the eye, not too standoffish, looks natural on you

>> No.17584772

That's not really a fit, the jacket is nice but the rest is non-existent.
Those jeans and shoes are not something you do in 2003+20.

>> No.17584781

Yesstyle core

>> No.17584782
File: 1.97 MB, 2713x4032, 1F0AB42A-6B22-4783-A6AA-7E365D4B9852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my drip, /fa/

>> No.17584820
File: 737 KB, 1148x2304, IMG_20230418_140402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny core
Pretty cool, I like
both cool and I feel disturbwd at the same time
it's alright, I like it. Maybe you should get some wider pants to wear with that jacket
no drip. epic fail.

>> No.17584821

Hey bro, did you get that fashion idea from Mr. Beast? Lmao

>> No.17584823

queer hobo / 10

>> No.17584829

everything works except the boots, you need something with laces

>> No.17585031
File: 2.28 MB, 3024x4032, u3m71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17585041

ew cross eyed poorfag is back

>> No.17585057

You know what's funny? If I had Doug in front of me i could definitely beat the shit out of him, I would permanently cripple him by breaking his spine or neck. I would definitely do it.
The thing is there's definitely a trend of him causing extreme anger to alpha muscular men like me so maybe someone will kill him irl soon. Theyll see his manlet ugly balding clown ass being all retarded and beat the shit out of him hopefully killing or permanently maiming him. God I seriously hope a savage negroe kills him or his braindead unemployed ass gets cancer or some other serious disease

>> No.17585134
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>> No.17585191
File: 689 KB, 1780x2919, IMG_20220201_234253_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool. always love this guy

excellent normcore

the leather coat doesnt really go with the rest of the fit. I get athleisure from everything else


>> No.17585249

yoo look poor + flabby body
silhouette is all fucked up and goofy
trying too hard
you look like you smell like pennies
you should trade jackets with >>17584244
you guys don't know how to balance or unbalance your silhouette so it looks retarded
lmao, consistently the worst dressed here, like imagine wearing this shit in public. You can trick the 15-year-old zoomers with your photography but you can't trick me.
boring, looks like you might have a nice face though
see what i mean, these are the kinds of retards who think >>17584747 this is cool

>> No.17585266

insane asylum-core

>> No.17585277

literally the only well-dressed normal looking person in the thread.
peak taste

>> No.17585280


>> No.17585282

npc maxxing?

>> No.17585287

peak s o y

>> No.17585459

this board is so fucking dead

>> No.17585497
File: 489 KB, 2900x4624, 20230418_123614_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time for everyone to learn the dark truth about my grossly hairy arms

Nice hair
Post fit mongoloid
Pretty cool jacket but the shirt is too similar
Bottom says girl top says man

>> No.17585500

crying about anon's won't change the truth

>> No.17585505

Im obviously a different guy than anyone you replied to, and i didnt even read your post because nobody cares what you say if youre too cowardly to post fit

>> No.17585538

>b-but!!! no one! cares!!
>responds twice

>> No.17585541
File: 1.26 MB, 2805x3780, IMG_20230418_160444748_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this. What kind of over shirt/ CPO is that?

Disagree with the other anon saying your boots need laces. I get where he's coming from, your fit has militaria influences but the pull on boots work just as well.

Great jacket, would like to see a different color shirt though. White, red, grey, etc.

I'm going to say you're not hairy because that way I'm not forced to acknowledge how hirsute I can be. I like your fits because they're rarely what I would call "exciting" but everything you wear fits you well, colors always match, it looks like something a regular good looking person would wear in public.

This is really cool, a couple tweaks and it would be good for sleazecore inspo.

Why are trips always such goddamn weirdos?

East European slav babushka core. Not an insult.

>Today's fit
I really wish another ice age would hit because I'm fucking clueless how to dress when temps get above 60. My usual staples like tweed, moleskin, corduroy, wool etc go out the fucking window and now I'm trying to fix my wardrobe while still maintaining my sense of style. Need to find more brands that make tall size clothes.

>> No.17585544

>also, i'm gonna see if i can put together a "conservative, classic style outfit" just to show that baldy that i can.

Baldy here, I think that's an awesome idea. To be a fair sport I'll offer to do the equivalent. What style fit would you like to see me try and pull off?

>> No.17585580

cool jacket , if I may ask where did you get it?

>> No.17585590
File: 155 KB, 863x1612, 183816084_254470116425083_1973101713874507212_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thrifted it, its an old model made by gap.
Theyre called standcollar jackets. I think madewell has one but they call it "field jacket".

>> No.17585599

this is what lsd spammer looks like ew

>> No.17585605

thank you for the information

>> No.17585636

Bro women love hairy men. Don't fall for the babyfaced twink look that /fa has been pushing

>> No.17585650

Not that anon but if you look up m-65 field jacket (especially on eBay) you'll find the original that Gap copied off of.

>> No.17585655

file name and faggy pics check out

>> No.17585748
File: 3.80 MB, 1532x1100, WAYWT 19-04-2023 T-17583839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously, in my sort of vein, a three-button suit with a unique but coherent use of color and pattern mixing, ideally with geometric patterns over the typical stripes or plaid (excluding the suit of course). bonus points for motif-spattered suspenders and a bowtie. feel free to do an alt that includes an odd vest.

picrel isn't the "classic" fit, but it is what i'm actually wearing today

BTW, on the mask thing from last thread, maybe I could do something like toby fox did at the game awards? would be pretty effay in my book at least.


these are all descriptions i welcome

in what way? kiwiframs thread when??

based as fuck, don't listen to the normalfags

nice try, but you can't hide those eyebrows from me
its certainly possible
at least the outfit is alright, i would half expect them to dress like 2017 digibro or a yume nikki t-shirt some shit

lets see how those pants look with a shirt and blazer

one anime shirt and you're suddenly cosplaying a 2014 brony weaboo fedoralord
not a bad thing though, those guys were more based than we give them credit for

does that bunny also double as an onahole?

i will not comment on the feelings this image is giving me

nice hair

based, i didn't iron my shirt either
>Why are trips always such goddamn weirdos?
you have to be a very pathologically odd person to try and build a named presence in a website-wide culture of anonymity.
of course, i would know. been there done that.

very aesthetic pic. we need more pics like this. fitpics are more effay with context and the implication of lifestyle.

honestly one of my faves too.
maybe i should go back to havin the whole psuedo mullet thing going on, i'll admit i capitulated to people telling me it looked stupid

>> No.17585783

party store tier costume

>> No.17585891

Fabric aside, that's not a bad fit Doug. Change the shoes up, keep that style with a wool suit and you'll be golden. Did you tie that bowtie yourself? If so, nice job. I have several bowties , I just don't wear them because I am trash at tying them and don't want to get eviscerated when I post a pic.

Regarding your challenge: You're on. I love three button sport coats, alot of the shit I post is 3 button or 3 roll 2. I may need to the end of summer, I just blew two months of clothes budget because I'm trying to correct my wardrobe for warmer weather. Literally everything I own is designed for temps under 60. I just bought a bunch of shit in linen, madras, and silk.

This gave me a thought for you: Instead of the push for wool, how about cotton or linen suit? Probably cheaper than wool, perfectly acceptable for warmer weather, still better than polyester, etc.

Fun fact about ironing: I did iron that shirt when I washed it two weeks ago. J Crew fabric is such dogshit that it just wrinkled that way after I wore it throughout the day, but I think it's supposed to do that because its such a diaphanous cloth. It's very gossamer, nearly see through so it's great for people like me who want long sleeves in warm weather.

>> No.17585914

>i will not comment on the feelings this image is giving me
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that means you want to fuck me.

>> No.17585927

Bro in his defense the camera angle makes your forearms look like Popeye and you're giving off strong Daddy Dom vibes.

>> No.17585930

that camera angle make the picture 75% legs

>> No.17585965
File: 1.12 MB, 643x823, dickybow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fabric aside, that's not a bad fit Doug. Change the shoes up, keep that style with a wool suit and you'll be golden.
thanks. these shoes were 3 dollars lol

>Did you tie that bowtie yourself?
no, lol actually its a vintage clip on. I would have figured you'd be able to tell, most bow ties aren't supposed to look this stiff and symmetrical. If your bow ties look a little floppy and uneven, don't think you're doing it wrong.
As for why I would even wear this kind of bow tie, even though I can tie one, well for one its obviously easier, and two these vintage 50s/60s clip-ons have a very poindexteresque rockabilly/art-deco/atomic age kitsch that I find endearing and unique. They're also plentiful on eBay and Etsy so theres that.

>I love three button sport coats, alot of the shit I post is 3 button or 3 roll 2.
yeah, but do you have a full 2 piece, not just a sport coat?

>Instead of the push for wool, how about cotton or linen suit?

Those have been a lot harder to find in my size, to be quite honest. I think so far I've only really found one linen suit, a beige three piece as is typical. Where I live its also fairly cool for most of the year and I think the hottest parts are already over.

how so? probably the crinkly-looking pants, pre-tied bowtie and schoolboy shoes, right?

i mean, would you?

>> No.17585976
File: 50 KB, 490x368, j19bt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoah, don't shit your pants with rage, big boy.
>alpha muscular men like me
kek you don't say

>> No.17586012
File: 405 KB, 1170x2074, 2EE5E95A-38F1-4CB7-AC72-27DA6133E4D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of pigs, THIS is how a fashionable man looks like.

>> No.17586018
File: 87 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20221217_104802_568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me :3

>> No.17586029
File: 58 KB, 1242x683, 2etpxz6zahs31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like one of the disguises Roger from American Dad would use.

Obviously not this exact one, but you get the gist. Your head is shaped like an alien and your fit is so blandly middle of the road it defies critique. Normally I just make fun of people like the bald faggot or the tranny but at least their shit is occasionally interesting and shows some thought and effort. You just aren't worth it

>> No.17586030

Tranny/fag core


Wouldn't wear it myself but like

Most normal man in the world... Zzzzz


Nice arms, based

>> No.17586034
File: 240 KB, 716x714, Screenshot_20230418_214116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17586080

back to >>>/lgbt/30595863

>> No.17586096

why is everyone in here a twink with an olive green jacket

>> No.17586104
File: 3.26 MB, 750x1334, 23E5789F-22B2-4265-B41A-328CEF3B7053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this to walk to the local thrifts this morning and someone honked at me. Idk what that means.

>> No.17586109

That you will never be a woman

>> No.17586111
File: 270 KB, 514x1107, 4DC47BB6-B2F0-408C-B9E1-48EA471FAB5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17586119
File: 922 KB, 1699x2099, B4B59F7C-ABD4-4648-AF96-4034A2AD6E41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On some masc shit
This is cute I like it
Wtf r u talking about rofl
Learn to sew if ur into cosplay, so worth it
Yeah Doug’s a silly lil guy idk how anyone can hate him

>> No.17586134

god this is so fucking boring, are you stuck in 2009 or something

>> No.17586136

more relaxed fit pants would look better with the jacket

>> No.17586142

slim and skinny is back in THO

>> No.17586151

Idk I’m stuck in whatever I like
This isn’t trying to be interesting I think I was just going out with my gf or something lol :)

>> No.17586154
File: 335 KB, 1440x3008, Snapchat-1442563709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai pants

>> No.17586159
File: 362 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20230222_233035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17586198
File: 389 KB, 1200x1200, 1681865019275565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up gamers

>> No.17586254

need bulkier pants, not bad though

>> No.17586342

You fucking moron two people posted with olive jackets, at the time of this post there are 38 images. So less than 6% of all images in this thread contain olive jackets.

>> No.17586358


Weirdos who demand attention and purposefully act retarded aren't silly, they are fucking annoying. Doug's spergy deformed ass is even more annoying because he fakes being upbeat and positive and he talks down like he knows what he's doing.He's a catty faggot that got deep dicked by the Norwood reaper and refuses to follow simple instructions like post what you're wearing in a WAYWT thread and instead posts grids and recent cops when theres multiple threads specializing in those things. When Doug wants to do something he's determined and does what he wants, but if you call Doug on his shit all of a sudden it's noooo life is so hard I'm a sad little sheep yiffing manlet nooooo there's no clothes in my country nooooo how can you imply I should get a job and actually work to afford the things I want nooooo why don't you like my Party City fits noooooo ahhhhhh it's so hard living off the government and going to college for free aaahhhhh help me

Doug, sincerely, fuck you. The people who interact with you and attempt to get you to improve are complete saps. Don't respond to his "Hey are these shit clothes I haven't even bought yet decent?" queries. No Doug, you know they're bad, if they weren't you wouldn't have posted the question. Look at the dude with a moustache who posts fits mostly at night
doesn't say shit except occasionally whines about not fucking a secretary or something. He's not confident in life but he's confident in his clothing choices ,just make a call and roll with it. Fuck anyone who doesn't like it, wearing a shitty item and not giving a damn about it makes fits immediately look better. Look at the dude with bangs, does he ask if things are ok? No he pulls a skirt on. And who in their right mind would agree to do some half ass Freaky Friday style swap with Doug? It's the fashion equivalent of letting Hitler have Czechoslovakia and declaring peace in our time, you can't negotiate with people like this.

Doug would make a good tranny IMHO

>> No.17586392

Literally no one cares you autistic fag.

>> No.17586399

Cut your hair bro, you'll be able to hide that receding hairline a little bit better. Maybe grow out some designer stubble. You'll have a crowd of ladies gagging for it

>> No.17586410

Nice book what’s it about
I like men >.>

>> No.17586419

Doug is my favorite poster on /fa/ unironically. Please post more fits Doug. You have many fans.

>> No.17586454
File: 1.03 MB, 1339x4032, 84147A73-79D2-43C3-8037-1C90D48AE795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will see this anyway

>> No.17586459

zoomer fit but you're already old in the face

>> No.17586474

Not a fan personally, very plain, what exactly are you going for ?

>> No.17586486

I’m 28.

How is an adidas sweatshirt and chino a zoomer out fit?


It’s supposed to be a pale early spring outfit. Post your fit

>> No.17586488

I already posted sum, scroll up,

Yours, it's OK, if I saw it irl I wouldn't think anything of it. I see u added a necklace which is good at least.

>> No.17586504
File: 2.69 MB, 4032x3024, CDBE2660-745A-4665-8073-23F2BD9E4AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wear a necklace, ring, and a Datejust. Was going for a casual pastel outfit, I think it looks pretty good, what would you do to make it more interesting?

Here is a different picture with better lighting

>> No.17586519

I would probably wear way baggier pants, or at least ones that covered my ankles, but I have a feeling you did that on purpose

>> No.17586529

You're pushing 30, bro. The whole thing is for people who are 10 years younger, the round gold glasses with the airpods, the jewelry (the Rolex if you're not trying to flash it like you do, i thought it was a casio, cringe), those polyester track pants...

>> No.17586541

That's not what a chino is, kek.

>> No.17586583
File: 1.28 MB, 1936x4663, IMG_20230419_104744145_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be defeatist, plenty of people will see your pic.

The fit itself isn't bad, I think the issue is you're 28. If you were 16-25 it would be fine, it just feels a little immature for 28 if that makes sense. You've got a good face, good hair, seem to be in decent shape, you've got a lot of great things to work with and that fit doesn't flatter you in any way. How do you feel about fatigue pants/OG 107 pants? Keep the shoes, even keep the sweatshirt, swap the skinny cropped pants for a more loose fit olive fatigue. You can wear almost any shirt you can think of with fatigue pants, they're very versatile and I think you'd look good in them.

If you sag, why wear two pair of boxers?

You would have been an absolute style god 20 years ago. Don't get me wrong you still look good now but you look like you walked off a Dior runway circa 2005. Real Slimane feel to alot of your fits.

I don't mean this as an insult but what moves you about this fit?

Were you obstructing or impeding traffic in anyway?


Very Hot Topic 2008.

Doug I am shit with bowties, I attempted to tie one for today's fit and literally wasted 30 minutes then threw it somewhere in my room in frustration. I will keep on trying till I get better, just not today

I'm sure this was very expensive.
>Today's fit
Windy as hell, made my pants look weird.Trying to work more with textures in spring. Sport coat is seersucker, shirt is chambray, tie is grenadine. Pants are tropical weight wool but they have a weave/pattern that reminds me a little of sashiko denim. I'll put a close up in another post, it's the only pair I have with this pattern, don't know the name of the style but I like it.

>> No.17586585
File: 1.34 MB, 2392x3057, IMG_20230419_113830824~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close up of the fabric. If anyone knows what this style is called please let me know

>> No.17586601
File: 1.50 MB, 2016x1512, A84C7114-331F-424C-8BAF-4B5A31B859E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is a sweat shirt, glasses, and headphones for 18 year olds. This is objectively a good casual outfit for a young adult. You’re just ugly and don’t have the sauce to pull off a simple outfit.

Am I dressed my age in my work clothes?

>> No.17586636

Love the jacket. I'm probably going to buy a seersucker sport coat in the next few months but will ease into it with navy or brown. I don't have the self confidence to go full stripe yet.

>> No.17586645

>This is objectively a good casual outfit for a young adult. You’re just ugly and don’t have the sauce to pull off a simple outfit.

Cool, you know everything you need to know about fashion and don't need anyone's advice or feedback. Why are you asking then?

Thanks! You don't need a lot of confidence to wear stripes bro. I'm not a confident person at all, the face editing is testament to that and I feel fine wearing stripes. If you like the look just get it.

>> No.17586654

You're probably right, I'm just at a stage right now where I'm still very conservative with patterns and colors, especially on jackets. My wardrobe has enough gaps that I'm still prioritizing versatility over everything else.

>> No.17586655

This is a wdyt thread, I posted what clothes I put on today, I never asked for advice from the guy that thinks sweat shirts are for 18 year olds only

>> No.17586665
File: 45 KB, 640x480, C17C50DA-CF81-4B80-842F-BB1DDEF8B16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only mean this in the best way possible

>> No.17586668
File: 220 KB, 1400x1050, 0454554544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re just ugly and don’t have the sauce to pull off a simple outfit.
Getting salty, sweaty?
This outfit is better (even if the shoes are meh and the rolex flashing is still cringe as fuck).
At last you're not dressed like a creep pretending he's still a highschooler in this one.

>> No.17586693
File: 3.34 MB, 1170x2532, E19BAB66-D9BF-41C0-AF42-440D17D4071B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>17586668how am I flashing my watch, it’s what I wear everyday. Just Wearing a watch is showing off I guess in your delusional world you live in.

Wearing a casual sweatshirt and tapered pants is dressing like a creep.

No one that sees me in the outfit thinks “oh look at that guy wearing an sweatshirt and casual pants on his day off, what a creep”

You are truly the most autistic person I’ve ever interacted with on this site

Anyone with a simple pastel outfit is a creep trying to act younger than their age right

>> No.17586741
File: 2.21 MB, 2316x3088, 35AA4B11-A540-403A-A9BB-DC83D9D86E2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of this, like others have said looks oddly feminine but also disheveled.

I like the idea but something is off about it, maybe the jackets fit idk

Really cool but not my style, most people going for this look suck (imo) because they only take it half way.

Doug is so cursed.

Looks like the old women walking disheveled around goodwill

I kneel

Some would call this Reddit but this looks really nice imo.

Not a big fan

Simple but good

>> No.17586742
File: 2.09 MB, 2316x3088, 9321595D-08ED-4086-8057-5D12F660C009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another angle

>> No.17586819


>> No.17586945
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>> No.17586950
File: 727 KB, 1170x750, 85F5E317-F19D-415B-A7CC-2D16F821E229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nick
dope jacket
lanky bastard
chill as fuck

>> No.17586952

Cool look but if you don’t do some sort of artistic shit like play guitar or draw well I’d tease you about the “artist” on the jacket

>> No.17586955

You just stated you like men, dude. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.17586963

Idk I have a gf and mostly go out with women and I thought I was bi but every time I try actually dating a woman I get rly sad and suicidal and want a bf

I’m fucked up okay

>> No.17586990

Jacket should never be shorter than the shirt
You should get a different jacket anyways because the text is embarrassing

>> No.17586994

stop being a faggot, being gay is practically useless and a dead end breed more white children.

>> No.17587024
File: 84 KB, 589x750, 1681936225981809~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a wise decision, I have way too much shit that I didn't get to wear often because it looked amazing in one fit and dogshit in everything else.

I am not insulted in the slightest, musicals (especially old musicals) are fucking fun. Just saw Hadestown with the misses over the weekend, it was a blast. I know the standard retort is hurrrrr that's gay, but fuck that. It's fun, and my masculinity isn't challenged by other people singing and dancing.

I know skinny jeans are out but I really like those and they fit nicely. I also really like your jacket.

This I hate. The socks are driving me nuts and overall it feels immature/hooligan and I have zero explanation why. I am most likely pedantic and crazy.

Those jeans do not flatter you in the slightest, they make your ass look like a diaper. Pic on the right makes it look like you have a sad boner, see pic related. Please get new jeans.

Date men then? Don't put yourself through misery trying to force yourself into a sexual role you don't want to play. Odds are your family will support you and if your friends don't they weren't your friends anyway.

Flip side is I'm pretty much straight and I get depressed dating women too, that's just called dealing with women.

Eh yes and no on "never". Jean jackets, actual motorcycle jackets and Eisenhower style jackets are often shorter than the shirt if it was left untucked, but there's some functionality/practicality behind that.

>> No.17587028
File: 50 KB, 568x660, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17587034

>sad boner
my shit is on rock solid brother

>> No.17587047

>Jean jackets, actual motorcycle jackets and Eisenhower style jackets are often shorter than the shirt if it was left untucked
I know that, since they originated when high-waisted pants and tucked shirts were the norm. But i dont expect that guy to start tucking his shirts.

>> No.17587052
File: 467 KB, 967x1940, 1681941163707274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17587054

why are your arms so short

>> No.17587058

Your fits are such a breath of fresh air here, seriously. Its been a pleasure seeing you here and in the new suit general. Keep it up because you have a great eye. Love what youve done with the top half there. Is there a slight weave patten in the trouser?

>> No.17587060
File: 25 KB, 1649x108, LUL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one for the collection

>> No.17587061

I just read the bottom of the post lol forget that second question

>> No.17587078

theres literally no thoughts to be had about this

>> No.17587085

some kinda twill
too much break 4me, did u actually wear a short sleeve shirt with a SC lol?

>> No.17587105

the double boxers is just to sag lower than is possible with only one layer on underneath, maybe i should use shorts tho

>> No.17587128

I’m already castrated lol
Yeah it’s not about that like I go out with men sometimes too, I just get along with women really easy so I go out with them and get attached to them more. Men are hard for me to get along with romantically a lot of the time

>> No.17587147


>> No.17587166

Thank you, that's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten here. I'm going to be veering into more casual fits simply due to the weather but I'm working on restructuring my wardrobe to be able to dress more formally in high humidity. When I'm out in the desert it's honestly not that bad but holy fuck the humidity being right on the bay is brutal here.

Absolutely. You can wear short sleeves with a sport coat with no problem, you just have to avoid white shirt and black tie to avoid the NASA engineer/McDonalds manager look. Companies like Brooks Brothers, LL Bean, Lands End etc make short sleeve dress shirts for a reason.

I'm happy you feel confident enough to look like that.

You're sort of contradicting yourself, here you're saying women are easy to get along with and you can't get along with men and your previous post you said you get suicidal and sad dating women and you want a boyfriend instead.

Have you considered intensive therapy and being alone for a while till you sort yourself out? I don't mean that as an insult, I've gone to therapy and I strongly believe no one should date anyone until they are completely comfortable and being happy living alone for at least six months straight. Because if you're not fine being alone you don't love yourself and you're going to be entering a relationship with the desire for another person to "complete" you. But complete really means fix which is impossible for anyone else to do and the relationship becomes tainted from the jump. I used to date women thinking I need one to complete me and then I'd end up resenting them when they didn't magically fix my issues. With time and therapy I have some measure of self acceptance and I date to find someone to compliment my life not complete it. Hope that made some sense,wish you the best of luck figuring your shit out.

>> No.17587175

bb, ll bean, and le are all shit companies now desu

>> No.17587177

Army Green wrangler long sleeve overshirt. Black undershirt. Black Levi’s Jeans. Black Beanie of local brand I’m the only one who wears.

>> No.17587183

Lookin good my man

>> No.17587195

gonna have to steal this fit anon
>black tee, silver rings and chain, dark blue jeans, brown belt, Carolina installer boots
>tfw when it's tornado weather

>> No.17587230

Which is why I buy my shit vintage on eBay. When it says made in USA/Hong Kong you're in good shape

>> No.17587254

Yee thank you
I’ve been in therapy for years, I’m just very social and like meeting people so I go on lots of dates to get to know people
I’m honestly not one to be in actual relationships, I’m only in one rn cus she wanted to and it seemed neat to try again (last one was 5 years lol)
Honestly kinda realizing commitment and shit isn’t for me, I don’t like seeing anyone that frequently or feeling obligation to anyone
Her and I have been talking bout it tho, we’ll figure it out :3

>> No.17587289

Hong Kong is good?

>> No.17587293

no not really for any of those brands

>> No.17587312
File: 192 KB, 947x1921, 342247828_118018684597102_4770082726893320282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's already a clusterfuck so I guess I'll keep posting.

No, I was standing waiting to cross at an intersection and as he turned past he held down the horn and had a massive smile on his face; But I legitimately can't tell if this was meant to be positive or if he was grown man laughing at a stranger wearing a pretty boring dress. I do live in a pretty bogan area.

>> No.17587324

post cock

>> No.17587327
File: 1.44 MB, 3024x4032, 341833479_616802939976365_1956829774397296648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o-ok anon, just d-don't laugh.. ;;unu =3

>> No.17587329


>> No.17587344


>> No.17587350

you can tell that i'm a man because i'm fucking funny

>> No.17587352

no it's the species of autism you possess

>> No.17587374

how many times have you seen (+1) and thought 'oh i wonder if it's that tranny'?

>> No.17587375 [DELETED] 

i am a fag but i know what screaming mods (ironically) has to do with it?

>> No.17587376

i am a fag but i dont know what screaming mods (ironically) has to do with it?

>> No.17587378

only fags are allowed to have fun

>> No.17587384

that explains why my mood markedly improved after i accepted myself

>> No.17587385

....if you're in a bogan area wouldn't the logical assumption be he say something he thought was attractive and was sounding the horn to indicate as such? Honk honk baby wants to FUCK!

Goddamn my self esteem is shit but if I'm the only one around and someone honks I choose to assume they think I'm hot.

>> No.17587391

there is no force in the universe more powerful than cope

>> No.17587397

i spend enough time on 4chan that i can't tell whether people irl are shitposting and calling me a tranny too (this one isn't even a joke)

>> No.17587405

idk i feel like gravity is a pretty strong force

>> No.17587416

I live in a fairly large metropolitan area, like 2 million people. I've seen less than 10 transexuals that stood out in my entire life. It's probably a combo of there not being that many to begin with and some of them blending in.

Basically 4chans hysterical obsession with transexuals doesn't translate over into reality (like most things), and most people don't give a fuck. If someone honked, he probably didn't think you were trans and meant it as a compliment.

Or he was signalling his intent to abduct and rape you, which when you think about it is a compliment too.

>> No.17587418

Most people don’t give a fuck and there are very few trans people in reality. I hang with a pretty liberal crowd because I used to play music and fuck with hipster kids. The majority of people that publicly support trans are at the very least iffy on it or find it personally gross regardless of whatever ally image they put on. If media, corporoations and politicians (on both sides) stfu about trannys they would basically vanish in a week

>> No.17587450

this is because you are coping and retarded
i support trans cause mentally ill people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, the more who cut off their cocks or kill themselves the better

>> No.17587469

And the strong force is an even stronger force than gravity.

>> No.17587564

What exactly do you mean by castrated? Not trolling.

>> No.17587610

nice cock desu

>> No.17587611

kanye west style

>> No.17587645

Nah dude the solution ia banning that hrt shit they use, mentally ill people shouldnt be pandered in any way.

>> No.17587680

"Trans" "gender" is literally destroying the world. It's a problem several orders of magnitude larger than some political spat. Words can't be spoken in a democracy because of these "trans" "gender" monsters, a whole generation of children are going to be mutilated and sterilized and women's rights are being assailed. "Trans" "gender" will be judged by history as the Greates Evil Mankind Has Ever Faced.

>> No.17587684

you look like a fucking bug chaser, you MAP, faggot

>> No.17587697

good. I hope this is serious. Faggots on this board need to be dealt with

>> No.17587739

How do you take such good pictures? Are you just using a tripod and your phone? I'm hopeless when it comes to photography and most of my fit pics end up looking like shit even with decent lighting.

>> No.17587752

My pics are utter shit compared to other posters. Two things main things make me look decent.
1: Tripod. My girlfriend bought me a tripod with a remote so I can trigger the camera when I'm ready. A couple of anons here helped correct my camera angles, I used to shoot way too low, they taught me to bring the camera up to my hip and shoot from there. Sometimes though I forget the tripod so I just brace my phone with my wallet or a can of Monster and take a pic that way.

2: Lighting. Natural sunlight does some real heavy lifting for me. The majority of my pics are either outside or taken in a room with panoramic windows so sunlight still comes in.

That's basically it. I go outside, set up the tripod, take 10-15 pics real quick and pick the best one. Any system where you're putting your phone down and not taking a mirror selfie will improve most people's results.

>> No.17587764

Thanks, I'll order a tripod and give it a shot. Even if your pictures aren't crazy they still mog 99% of the posts in these threads and 100% of the mirror selfies

>> No.17587774

Looks awesome! Any general tips to dress like that? I've got studded belts, fingerless gloves baggy t shirts and jeans and even lost weight but I don't feel like I'm pulling it off:(

>> No.17587777
File: 2.34 MB, 2316x2723, B8264BF2-FA87-4F18-8CDB-95741493DA49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Destroying the world” lmao okay
I got my balls removed due to never ever ever wanting children and also hating testosterone :3 I got a cute lil commemorative tattoo for it and everything

>> No.17587780

>restrict what people can do with their bodies
Let people be happy lol

>> No.17587784

absolute Endstufe der Degeneration

>> No.17587789

Damn son why the hostility.

Also can this attention whore tranny and the retard arguing with them stfu please

>> No.17587791

I’ve said like 2 things lol most of these posts aren’t me

>> No.17587793

Thanks for the response, you still have your penis? I have no idea but I find the idea of fucking an old fashioned eunuch to be so hot, do you still have a sex drive? What do you do in bed? Forgive my prying questions but I find you fascinating and beautifully unique.

Also do you have a kik or somewhere you’d be comfortable showing me?

>> No.17587794
File: 101 KB, 621x838, fghfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

beautiful complexion

really eye catching, in a good way

Actually love this one, it reminds me of Barry Newman in Vanishing Point (1971)

>> No.17587795

>Words can't be spoken in a democracy because of these "trans" "gender" monsters
Lots of words can't be spoken in democracies. The US is kind of the big outlier there, in most other democracies you can easily get into trouble for what you say.

>a whole generation of children are going to be mutilated and sterilized
A small subset of the whole generation that won't be reproducing. Why do you care?

>women's rights are being assailed
Which women's rights? There's no right to not see cocks in the locker room. I wish there were.
Women's sports? I don't think there should be women's sports. They should compete against men. Females should always be reminded of their physical inferiority, or they'll forget themselves.

>> No.17587797

Lol yes I still have my pp, I have a fairly normal bisexual sex life. Sorry not gonna post pics lol. I’m honestly not rly that sexual of a person, and I prefer that. Like I do enjoy it but I like not being driven by it for the most part. It’s a nice change from my teens lol

>> No.17587798

Ok last question, did you just go to a hospital and ask them to remove your testes? Is this a thing people can do?

>> No.17587801
File: 299 KB, 513x709, vpt-main1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference

>> No.17587802

disappointed in you
i thought all this blog shit was someone trolling and imitating you

>> No.17587805

I love the consistency of which this thread devolves into trans drama like once a month. It’s always like
>queer person posts an outfit
>a bunch of seething chuds come out of the woodwork to scream about trannies ruining the world
Hilarious how the mere existence of a tranny is enough to make u people sperg
Kinda? I found a surgeon who specializes in uhhh urology? I think it’s called. mine mostly dealt with people who have like ball cancer and stuff. Just told her I wanted em gone, she was like okay cool gimme 2 letters from therapists saying ur of good mind to make this decision. Insurance covered most of it since they cover sterilization, only owed like 1k. Was pretty easy desu, didn’t hurt much either

>> No.17587806
File: 595 KB, 1751x3621, 578877654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice. Love the belt
Based and KH-pilled
Cool. Corduroy chore coats are great
Why the jacket if its warm enough for shorts
Really well executed
I like the concept, but I wish the jacket had wider lapels
Indie revival revival core

>> No.17587808

>responding to and talking to people is blogging

>> No.17587809

I don’t rly like the shoes but the rest fits you really well

>> No.17587844
File: 535 KB, 787x2837, IMG_20230420_173910505_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17587907

Because 90% of trans posters are not dressed well and look terrible aesthetically facially. Seriously it’s always some target or goodwill ratty dress thrown over a boney figure, photo taken in a dirty room.

I will agree the people validating their victim complex by ragging on them are just helping them to derail the thread. The tranny is loving the attention negative or otherwise so he can feel noticed and important for a moment.

>> No.17587910

You called me a bug chasing faggot

>> No.17587916

rick owens?

>> No.17587938

kill it. Just kill it

>> No.17587963

>trans posters r not dressed well
Is that any different than the rest of the posters here lol
Trannies don’t derail threads, the people who make a big deal over their existence do lol
Literally not the same person
Rick jacket, tee, and pants, Ann d boots

>> No.17587976

all that working out just to still have that hunched back nerd neck like a virgin good job you fucking gym rat
outfit is better than anything itt iron your shirt you fucking retard

>> No.17587977

>I'm CIA
captcha: asoskg

>> No.17587993
File: 209 KB, 309x548, 2023-04-20_19:23:58-902852254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe instead of rolling up your sleeves and having the sweatshirt 10cm too long you should've bought a smaller size or a baggier cut if that's what you wanted you fucking clown

>> No.17587994
File: 133 KB, 661x1200, IMG_8695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face? Shaven
Shoes? Tassels
Outfit? Austrian

Now off to celebrate His birthday

>> No.17587995
File: 18 KB, 131x88, 2023-04-20_19:26:34-603100804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17587999
File: 237 KB, 421x394, 2023-04-20_19:28:29-583700686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17588001 [DELETED] 

Not him, but y>>17587994
ou know you’re not supposed to button the bottom button, right?

>> No.17588002

Not him, but you know you’re not supposed to button the bottom button, right?

>> No.17588004

i don't know if you're serious or just this retardedly autistic but it's obviously 2 sizes too small for him like the rest of the outfit he looks like a literal clown
best itt bar none

>> No.17588007

like just fucking look at it he basically couldnt even button up his jacket if he wanted to and the crotch area is so tight you can see the entire 4,3 inches of his pecker

>> No.17588037

kek no the mall shit chino fit is not best ITT

>> No.17588120

ok whose fit is better then

>> No.17588137

He’s probably the dandy from higher up seething his 1930s just look cringe. Thanks btw!

>> No.17588167

>i hate myself
we knew that already

>> No.17588170

>trannies don't derail threads
absolute delusion

>> No.17588179

xe is right though

>> No.17588203

Finally a good fit

>> No.17588257
File: 726 KB, 1312x3255, PXL_20230420_195252441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the new balances in this fit at least acceptable? I didn't really want to wear loafers but won't have a good pair of shoes for shorts until some chuck lows arrive.

>> No.17588270
File: 140 KB, 328x442, ChristKing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This with a pair of Adidas Pants

>> No.17588272

Dad outfit, pretty based

>> No.17588292

I literally can’t post a fit here without atleast a few morons replying to make sure everyone knows I’m a tranny
Which is funny cus I don’t particularly give a shit, I honestly don’t rly know what keeps them going

>> No.17588295

Is that why ur crying about it?

>> No.17588296

We just want to make sure you 41% yourself

>> No.17588298

Best itt

>> No.17588307

you don't care so you decided to make an angry post (why are you angry?) complaining that people say you're a tranny (which makes you angry?)
mere acknowledgement of your identity is enough to agitate you? as if... you hated yourself?

>> No.17588317
File: 1.82 MB, 2148x3244, E51818A9-6C84-47F7-8024-733E5BD47173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 32 and I’m approaching a burnout.

>> No.17588342

?? I’m not even remotely upset about this, I’m just laughing at people claiming that trannies derail threads
This ain’t it chief

>> No.17588360

>continues to derail the thread

>> No.17588367

when a tranny posts you have the choice to either chud out for the next 100 posts or ignore xir

>> No.17588369

And yyour fit reflects that perfectly. Hope you get better anon.

>> No.17588375

>continues to derail the thread

>> No.17588380
File: 8 KB, 199x253, 31e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continues to derail the thread

>> No.17588381

That is one of the more strange compliments I've gotten but thanks. Got a vacay in a week so I'll be fine.

t. wagecuck

>> No.17588382

He has a fun unique aesthetic

>> No.17588384

>everyone who dislikes me is a chud
there really is no force in the world more powerful than cope

>> No.17588386
File: 11 KB, 600x800, 1583938171570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there really is no force in the world more powerful than cope

>> No.17588389

>but i did have breakfast this morning

>> No.17588390

Why are little chuddies so sensitive? I thought the liberals were supposed to be the snowflakes...

>> No.17588437
File: 2.17 MB, 2049x6147, IMG_20230420_171511153_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mean to derail the groundbreaking discussion of anons sexuality, this will only take a minute.

Nice. What color is the blazer? Can't tell if it's navy or black but I really like it regardless. Are those loafers split toe?

Bear in mind that I'm old but I think those NB go really well with the rest of your fit if you're over 30. If you're under 30 people are going to break your balls about wearing boomer dad shoes. If you like the sort of boxy NB look but want something "cooler" have you tried Karhu shoes?


Similar aesthetic, better colorways, slightly less comfortable.

Look man, I've been there a couple times in my career so I don't want to break your balls, but that really isn't a good look. You basically have a complete fit with the under shirt/t-shirt, jeans and chunky shoes, and then you threw a suit jacket on top of it. It may be a sport coat, to me it reads suit jacket though. I hope your vacation helps, worst case scenario switch career paths if it's that bad. I had to do it, scared the shit out of me but now that I made the jump I'm actually sort of happy for a change and wish I did it sooner.

I like everything except the shoes, and I say that as someone who loves and wears NB. The rest of your fit is great, the shoes drag it down. A pair of plain white leather sneakers would be ok, but almost any other choice works better here.

>Why jacket if warm
....because when I go out in the evening it's warm but sometimes it gets less warm when the sun goes away and I don't want to feel cold at 2am.
Not sure if I like the jeans with loafers, I think the cuff is what's throwing me off.

Cool fit Kayne.

Excellent fit, best ITT

Mild sleazecore, rayon shirts comfortable and awesome but the collars are floppy as shit

>> No.17588450

thanks man! i dont know what to tell you, maybe you still need emo hair, more accessories? what makes you feel like you aren't "pulling it off"? it sounds like you're doing what you should to get the look...maybe post a pic?

>> No.17588474

What a fucking thread.
10% people posting fits, 90% sperging.

>> No.17588478

>I got my balls removed due to never ever ever wanting children and also hating testosterone :3 I got a cute lil commemorative tattoo for it and everything
Yeah, all that and you still look like the male that you are. You literally can't change sex like some fashionable garment. You got grifted , you got lied to, you have been utterly, utterly destroyed.

>> No.17588480

incredibly gay

>> No.17588484

I totally agree 4chan needs to make a containment board for tranny bullshit just like the fucking pony containment board AND a universal rule to back it up. So sick of these gender bastards shitting up every board with absolute garbage

>> No.17588491

Sorry bro, but if I see some misguided dude who dresses up in women's clothes I am going to drop the constructive criticism that he needs to hear:
1 a costume doesn't make you a woman
2 women's clothes look ridiculous on men
I don't give a fuck what you get up to in your bedroom but stop trying to push this gender nonsense on innocent people.

>> No.17588492


Good job turning the thread around and posting fits to get it back on track you stupid faggots. You do realize if you don't respond to the tranny it normally shuts the fuck up and goes away right?

>> No.17588495

I already posted a fit.
People responding to "the tranny" sperging out are worse than whoever the tranny is.

>> No.17588498

Just shut up and order some tranny prostitute or something, stop derailing with your obssesion.

>> No.17588510
File: 229 KB, 960x703, 729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful face and

>> No.17588517

You think? lol

>> No.17588529
File: 66 KB, 656x700, 2feaca9ef421f54a51d74908af234259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jackets too short and too casual
i like sneakers as a sort of madcap capoff to an already good outfit, but this outfit wouldn't even be good with dress shoes. it's like you just slapped a blazer on top of basic bitch normie clothing
you could have easily gone for the very kino seinfeld look had you swapped out the tee for a button down and gotten a longer jacket

>> No.17588535

>just existing and posting an outfit is trying to push my gender nonsense onto you
Okay retard
I literally don’t care, I’m not a woman, I don’t know what you think you’re achieving here other than upsetting yourself over my mere existence

>> No.17588539
File: 1.93 MB, 1366x2426, 20221019_153426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not too sizes to small, its the exact right size, the problem its one of those cheap modern suits that has an entirely too-short jacket and skinny, short hemmed pants.
unbuttoning that bottom button would have left a triangle of shirt given how low rise the pants are
>couldnt even button up his jacket if he wanted to
it's been worn closed before, didn't look too tight
>crotch area is so tight you can see the entire 4,3 inches of his pecker
thats really just down to cheap fabric and a bad cut that creases badly

>> No.17588545

You should learn to sew, I feel like ur autistic enough to enjoy it (I say this an an autist who likes sewing)
Then u could tailor ur own stuff for fit

>> No.17588546

Your hairline is collapsing, hop on fin and minox now

>> No.17588555

>>just existing and posting an outfit is trying to push my gender nonsense onto you
"Mis" "gendering" is literally a hate crime you stupid fuck.


>> No.17588558

How the shit are you supposed to be even mistaken for a woman? You hairline is obviously male, your brow-ridge is that of a caveman, you have fucked up wrestler's ears a prominent chin, a huge Adam's apple a huge dude nose and fuckin' sideburns.
Seek help bro, seriously fr fr

>> No.17588559

The absolute state of white men ITT. Either trannies or balding clowns in suits. Its over

>> No.17588560
File: 428 KB, 600x582, 469 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17588564
File: 2.83 MB, 2592x4608, 20211101_174748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those only salvage whats still there
it's already completely fucked, might as well stare the norwood reaper in the face and just get a hair system or hair transplant
only problem is i do not have the money for that
or, i could just wear a wig and mask and never have to deal with people pointing this out ever again. i absolutely do not have the money to fix my hairline or jawline and i have never gotten any good advice on how to fix those myself despite asking.
i tried getting into it before, but i did not have any decent resources at hand. I got pretty far though. My mom hired a sewing tutor but unfortunately she had never sewed a suit before, only dresses for her daughters. We lost a crucial pattern piece and eventually gave up.

I might go to a college course for it though

jesus christ this board is turning into /v/
shut the fuck up you autistic spaz, literally anything but this is a better use of your time

>> No.17588571

Oh that’s rough then
Tbh yeah you can take classes at a community college or something, that’s what I did
But it’s not super focused on tailoring, you’ll have to learn that stuff yourself
I literally couldn’t care less (not a woman)
This behavior isn’t normal or healthy I suggest leaving moms basement and making some friends or something idk

>> No.17588574

>anything but this is a better use of your time
Gender identity bullshit isn't fashion. Simple as. I'm calling it out every time. I fucking hate them.

>> No.17588578

>I literally couldn’t care less (not a woman)
eunuchs traditionally shaved their heads bro

>> No.17588579

Nobody could care less u fucking spazz stfu

>> No.17588580

u care brotard

>> No.17588583

Yes bro yes call them out in a staunchly heterosexual fashion thread where only the manliest of straight white men hang out! I'm sure whatever you have to say they've never heard before, clearly YOU will be the one to get them to change their ways by calling them evile and vile, exactly how Jesus told you to treat sinners in the bible. Christ is king! Christ is king!

Doug I starting balding at 25 and immediately shaved my head.Is it ideal? No, I'd love to have hair. But it's a hundred times better than cope cuts. You aren't quite there yet, you've got a few years but when the time comes, face it with quiet dignity and shave your head. If you have any sort of beard stubble use it to your advantage and shave your head and face every couple days. Stubblemax

>> No.17588597

I don't give a toss for religion, Jesus can go suck a dick but this tranny gender shit is exceedingly dangerous for women, and I will die fighting against gender ideology. BTW I'm bisexual you fucking ignorant bigot.

>> No.17588601

turning yourself into a eunuch so you can be attractive for an extra 2 days is peak white people

>> No.17588602

thank god you're here to save the women anon

>> No.17588605

I like this

>> No.17588614

Not bad in theory but your shirt looks way too wrinkly. Also the guy in your inspo pic is wearing a rolled-up long-sleeve not a short-sleeve

>> No.17588623

It's uuuh rayon material or something, so it drapes quite well, can't get wrinkles out unfortunately. But that wasn't my inspo pic i meant that pic reminded me of this guys


>> No.17588638

Cool story sweetie, glad you're here to save women. Real quick question, could you kindly link to any fits you've posted in this thread? Or the past thread? I'm dying of curiosity here.

>> No.17588665

top-skirt break too messy. this will be cool once you sort that out
can you work on your posture or frame or something? it looks like your shoulders are being sucked into your torso
good and normal
hallmark original movie core

>> No.17588666

As the cishet bio woman who keeps derailing waywt threads with tranny jokes, I sure hope nobody thinks I’m one of these retards arguing about it.

>> No.17588669

i would not look good at all with a bald head
then again i don't look good at all to begin with
but at least i wouldn't look like a cancer patient or some parody of a skinhead
plus you have to shave that shit every day

>> No.17588675

the blood of my dead fantasy children

>> No.17588699

brother you got the shittiest fit ITT and there are many troll posts here consider killing urself

>> No.17588705


>> No.17588777

what a fucking demented lunatic. kill yourself

>> No.17588779

Doug I feel like you adopt strong opinions on topics you don't really know much about and then you just roll with those options as fact.
You don't have to shave it every day unless you want perpetual chrome done. Once a week works.

>> No.17588780

what the fuck is wrong with you retards just post fits

>> No.17588790

you look like a schoolshooter
bald ugly loser that tries to overcompensate at his job
you just put some pieces together sneakers with that jacket lol??
punchable face
even more punchable face
look alright
goofy tranny
zesty pose

>> No.17588812
File: 817 KB, 1293x2297, F6FA5CCB-89A9-49BB-9645-A680ED2FA628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur proportions make u look like a cartoon character(cool)
I’m a Doug supporter, everybody takes clothes to seriously at the end of the day it’s just a dumb hobby and it should be fun at least doug is doing his thing who cares if it’s “good”
Also cool
Fed post
I’d change either the jeans or the shirt

>> No.17588826

That’s an oxymoron anon all women can get laid whenever they want. I could’ve gotten rawdogged just last night, but I’m autistic about sex and actively block myself like a retard.

>> No.17588827

Women dont talk like this tranny

>> No.17588833

Nice fit faggot.

>> No.17588842

Prove me wrong, though.

>> No.17588844

Women arent like men, they aren’t capable of “getting raw dogged” emotionally and besides, everybody lowers your value to men and so you have to be extremely picky. The only way you’ll pick a girl up is if she is completely damaged or just we through a breakup with someone she loved and needs to get over hum by getting under someone

>> No.17588851

Can we just shut this fucking thread down and start over? No mention of trannies, no mention of weird shit like being a tranny and cutting your balls off but still fucking women. You're weird, and that's fine but you're still goddamn weird and it's derailing the thread. But you have to realize by now each time you reply the anti tranny crusader anon will reply, you're both kind of dumb and not going to beat each other in a battle of wits.
The people going apeshit about the existential threat of other men cutting their dicks off are also weird because they don't post fits, so I'm convinced they just come here to find something to get angry about. Guys you do know you can close the thread and leave right? Typing blogs isn't going to grow the others guys nuts back, crazy right?

I think I figured out why some of the posters hate r/MFA so much. Redditors dress the exact same way as anons here, but you can't pop off with crazy shit in their WAYWT threads or you'll get banned. That's the only practical difference.

>> No.17588859

What does this have to do with your claim that “women don’t talk like this” though? I showed you my dick, answer me.

>> No.17588863
File: 950 KB, 1151x2826, DC0BEF78-E673-4203-9E7F-941F113226BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this outfit with the tights but it's raining and cold so i needed the layers. I also added a fluffy white cardigan and a burberry two tone pocket bag to accessories.

I love this, it looks ultra comfy and breezy, you could get away with even more layering. Love the shoe choice

I love this outfit and the colour choice, you match my lounge wall in the best way.

Love the monochromatic look, the shoes are sick and come off understated, for a reptile leather. Really like the belt.

You can be lazy and still look put together. Just steal a capsule wardrobe you like from Google image and replicate that.

I find the outfit basic but those fucking shoes are incredible.

I'm so incredibly bias to these looks but damn they're so perfectly simple. I agree the shoe choice could be better.

I love what you're going for so much, have you thought about even more layering? Silks and shawls? Any nice fabrics with patterns you like at thrift stores (sometimes they sell donated fabric) can easily become a nice layer.

I always have a soft spot for these looks, love the bapexplaid combo look

>> No.17588887
File: 44 KB, 900x633, 1676776251500196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done and dusted
check the catalog

>> No.17588914

mods are niggers. do your job for once

>> No.17588915

Would you pick up skinny white indie girls and let me fuck them with you in minecraft if we were friends

>> No.17588973

Yeah, I hate this faggot too.

>> No.17588974

fat fuck

>> No.17589063

The majority of negative posts are done without a fit pic, it's almost like these people aren't on 4chan for anything other than to get angry at something.

>> No.17589077

looks nice

>> No.17589080
File: 1007 KB, 300x186, this-joker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely this

this is why the old wisdom of "talk shit, post fit" is the greatest filter for all the fitless newtards, schizos, and chuds that infest this place, and they know it's true, that's why they'll get mad if you use this phrase.
we all get that its 4chan and you absolutely HAVE to be 100% anonymous, but FFS, we're here to talk about fashion, it's literally the only rule we have here.
It's like an online game, you can trash talk all you want, but everyone will know your opinion is worthless, because they can see you at the bottom of the leaderboard. these retards think they can skirt around that natural rule of engagement by simply not playing, and that nobody can blow their shit talk back in their face if nobody knows how they look. wrong dummy.
if another shitstorm like this happens again, just ask them to post fit and watch them try and squirm out of it. that alone will tell you that no amount of further retort will be needed because everyone else in the thread with a functioning brain will know they've lost the fight on principle. at that point, if they continue to sperg out, just leave the thread and make a new one. it's not like the threads that manage to make it to page 10 are valuable around here.

>> No.17589082


>> No.17589083

You're right, imagine how sad they must be irl though, puts a smile on my face

>> No.17589102

Very based.

>> No.17589109

either that or don't give them any (You)s.

>> No.17589118

Bro, what size women's shoes are those? A woman's US size 45? LMAO
Also you do realize that those ridiculous hip pads you are wearing are obviously clocked as fake, right? Actual woman don't have hips as high as a man. Again LMAO.

>> No.17589127

Transgender is not fashion bro. Tranny gender is a politcal identity / fetish / lgbt sexuality / cosplay.
Find the correct board and post your stupid tranny gender crap there.

>> No.17589129

So here's a deal my man. Post a fit of you wearing men's clothing and I guarantee you will receive 41% less hate. Try it, what do you have to lose bro?

>> No.17589185
File: 2.29 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230421_155059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17589199

i gave the other Trans shit, but this fit is fine

>> No.17589249

>trans people can’t post their outfit without it being about their gender
Ur obsessed and delusional

>> No.17589449 [DELETED] 

I'm not eastern european I'm american. Also dont bother posting my fits in the wawyt thread I dont want people to get the idea im spamming or something