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File: 1014 KB, 818x1072, oie_XskSn4zY10j4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17573751 No.17573751 [Reply] [Original]

Why do zoomies age so badly?

>> No.17573758

They have no self discipline, they are more prone to let themselve go, because it's ok to be shit in the Zoomer world.

>> No.17573770

raised on the worst kind of chemical food like substances and dr. soibergs cocktail of ssri.
They are now composed of 67% recycled plastic.
Every major opinion is manufactured and endless psyops ensure they will never know reality from fiction.
Truly a cursed race, the zoomer

>> No.17573810

drugs, SSRIs, fake food, and being really stressed out all the time. I've seen zoomer guys with total grandpa hairlines

>> No.17573817

>Why do zoomies age so badly?
Only a child thinks this, wait until you are 45, even 35 like me, you will realize this people still look very young.
>I've seen zoomer guys with total grandpa hairlines
That has more to do with genetics than age

>> No.17573837
File: 77 KB, 1024x1024, millie-bobby-brown-louis-vuittion-dress-bafta-film-awards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure? Pic related is 19, looks 45 years.

>> No.17573851

out of all of these only taylor-joy was ever minimally attractive but even then, oddly attractive. grace-moretz was cute but never more than that.
the rest are all and have always been ugly as fuck

>> No.17573861

Greta looks nordic as fuck, prussian german ethnicity

>> No.17573869

modern mutt genes.

>> No.17573876

You need to go outside mate and see some actual women, no one with a brain or life experience thinks she looks 45, she probably does to you because you're probably 14 years old at the maximum.

>> No.17573884
File: 2.07 MB, 1213x898, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what an actual 44-45 year old woman looks like who doesn't smoke.

>> No.17573895
File: 35 KB, 500x750, 1878595-500w (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prussian german ethnicity
Nah, Greta is a white-asian hybrid, her face is very broad.
Germanic women look like pic related.

>> No.17573899
File: 21 KB, 420x510, walled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy and 45 is probably just hyperbole but there's a definitely noticeable trend among zoomer women and aging. Their skin loses the youngish glow way earlier than previous generations. I'm in my mid 30s so I have at least anecdotal evidence regarding older generations.
Nowadays it feels like women grow asses and tits at like 12 and by 19 they already look like they are 30. Totally walled and hagged.
The girl on the right in pic related and this video is 15 yeard old for reference. She will definitely look geriatric by the time shes 30 and it's definitely more than just the makeup and clothing, she just looks old for her age

>> No.17573919

looks the same

>> No.17573978

>white-asian hybrid
that's what scandinavians genetically are, you monkey. Greta is a swede.

>> No.17573987

You see it because you force yourself to see it through your own mind, because you have biases. Most of them look exactly like i was at that age.

It's people in the past who looked older than they were because of smoking habits, the way they dressed and because they worked outside much of the time, look at pictures of teenagers and young people from the fifties and earlier.

>> No.17573989

all of these people look fine to me, even if you cherry pick awkward photos

>> No.17573999
File: 3.87 MB, 540x402, ezgif-5-5bc62b25a5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are, like Thunberg, some are racial more germanic like pic related, you unbearable nigger.

>> No.17574002

yeah but previous generations didn't bald at younger ages. bad nutrition is making it happen earlier

>> No.17574012

He is somewhat right. Not 45, but she does look above her 30's.

>> No.17574062

People suffered from poor nutrition more in the past, especially in the thirties, less people die of starvation now in western countries then they did in the past, also people did go bald at a younger age, it just wasn't looked down on as much, people in general were less vain then they are now.
She looks like a young adult, but not old or middle aged. I don't know why people on here expect people to look like children forever, that's is a very brief period of ones life, why does modern society have a unhealthy obsession with youth.

>> No.17574066

Morph is a celtoid, cope and seethe brownoid

>> No.17574072

Because all of these Gen Z examples are women. Women have always aged like milk. This isn’t new

>> No.17574451 [DELETED] 

Kek, you never will be germanic, bro, cope harder

>> No.17574460
File: 803 KB, 911x600, oie_P8R2knxYlVDz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you never will be germanic, bro, cope harder

>> No.17574472

>picks out the most exceptionally ugly young actors of this generation
disingenuous balding faggot

>> No.17574507
File: 424 KB, 1957x2352, d3c18336-a0d6-4d37-876f-c2a181f46c52-getty-1411567639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is 21 looks like 35

>> No.17574521

That’s just a woman hitting the wall moment though I do agree she looks much older than she is

>> No.17574603


Nobody wants to be? They're the most boring people ever created and have 3 default looks that are all pretty bland.

>> No.17574615
File: 77 KB, 701x701, 1655077304323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing up/living in a defective shitshow culture builded around iphones, wearing people out.
And the zoomer diet is literally like just potato chips and frozen pizza.
Gen Alpha is gonna be even worse, they are giving ipads as babies.

>> No.17574618


>> No.17574651 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 500x697, 3f6294f0f6031ad8adc554048fd65fb0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're far from being boring. My cells only were greedy for girls similar looking like pic related or with specific aryan skull features. As time goes on those type of girls get less common where i live.
Aryan girls literally show signs of angelic beauty and let me get stunned everytime i see on, i'm fascinated by they magic.

>> No.17574661
File: 71 KB, 500x697, 3f6294f0f6031ad8adc554048fd65fb0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're far from being boring. My cells only were greedy for girls similar looking like pic related or with specific aryan skull features. As time goes on those type of girls get less common where i live.
Aryan girls literally show signs of angelic beauty and let me get stunned everytime i see on, i'm fascinated by they magic.

>> No.17574663

ATJ looks great
billie eyelash is just fat
chloe moretz is also fat and was ugly to begin with
greta thunberg literally has downs syndrome and it's really distasteful to make fun of her appearance, come on man
i dunno who the other two are

>> No.17574681


Aryan girls are made up and don't exist, the phenotype you're talking about is common all over northern europe. There are ugly blonde people too, you just have equated pretty looking blonde people to being their own race. Also they're boring and souless personality wise.

>> No.17574714
File: 780 KB, 850x762, oie_4KVT5Ey6HXQa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aryan girls are made up and don't exist

>> No.17574721

Give it a rest, Moshe

>> No.17574732


The lady on the left in another post would be described as having a 'Gay alien skull' you just fantasies about attractive blonde women. There are brown haired people with the same skull shape.

>> No.17574735

Yeah I'm no Japanese, I actually look like the 'Aryan' people you keep spaffing over. It's just called being an attractive white person. But the German culture is boring and souless, this is from first hand experience

>> No.17574907

Designer drugs

>> No.17575140

>the German culture is boring and souless, this is from first hand experience
This implies a uniform German culture.
If you think that the West (Cologne), North (Hamburg), East (Berlin) and South (Munich) have similar cultures you should see a doctor. Maybe some of your brain function can be saved if the aneurysm/cancer is caught early.

>> No.17575343

Anya looked perfect until she got bucchal fat removal or whatever you call it and ruined herself beyond all reason. The others just have bad genes.

>> No.17575440
File: 21 KB, 827x615, ExE3AbVWYAEBle8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related is 21 looks like 35

>> No.17575448

Is that supposed to be attractive? looks pretty masculine.

>> No.17575575


Yes by and large they do, that's how countries work otherwise why would countries every unify? And culturally incompatible countries split ie checkeslovakia. And culturally they're boring and souless and take everything too seriously, it's a country run by autistic people for autistic people.

>> No.17575685
File: 192 KB, 1280x690, anya taylor joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17575686

jawlet spotted.

>> No.17576635

>started drinking coffee at a very young
>grinded YouTube throughout her teenage years
>as a result, pulled all-nighters frequently
>turned 18 and went full ""adulting"" e-celeb mode

>> No.17576669

They were all ugly as shit from the beginning, especially Bella Ramsay and that fetal alcohol thing at the bottom left.

>> No.17576735

How does this affect aging at all?

>> No.17576935

she has good skin desu

>> No.17576938

I thought she was 11?

>> No.17576959

Sorry to break it to you, but this is normal for all women of all generations, women in general age badly. You want a bigger redpill? Look at women without makup.

>> No.17576997

Zoomer dudes are going bald at an alarming rate. I'm 33 and all my friends still have normal hairlines. Only one of us is going bald and he was going bald since high school. But I look at all the hockey rookies and its fucking shocking.

>> No.17577480

Billie looks great

>> No.17577483

if everyone is bald nobody is bald, it's the perfect setup

>> No.17577599
File: 414 KB, 2048x2048, mckenna grace ghostbusters afterlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s crazy how a simple style change can make someone become night and day more attractive.
This chick looks so much better in the movie Ghostbusters: Afterlife than irl. Her character also reminds a bit of myself, too smart for her own good.

>> No.17577613

She definitely tries to look old and weird, maybe it’s good for business, gets her more attention. She doesn’t look that fucked-up in the show.

>> No.17578426

coffee ages you?

>> No.17578766

buccal fat removal?

>> No.17578768

Lol those are some ugly bitches

>> No.17578771

She looks like a junky or slavic

>> No.17578916

basically fucks up all of your hormones

>> No.17578971


>> No.17578972

too much eating ass

>> No.17578976

It's a cell cycle suppressant.

>> No.17578990

>Alcoholic bong
>Fetal alcoholic bong
>Bad surgery + bong
>Drugs + rape
>Vegan rape baby
>All of the above

>> No.17579509

Budget Sandra Bullock

>> No.17579520

But top left is cute. What are you talking about?

>> No.17579615

no retard, im not >>17573899 but he's completely right. I go outside unlike a projecting faggot like you and women are developed young then age like shit at a young age

>> No.17579627

I'm not the anon you replied to but she definitely looks alot older than 19. Not 45 but she could pass for 30s easily.

>> No.17579631

It is not accurate or fair to say that Zoomers are aging "badly." The oldest members of this generation are only in their mid-20s, so it is premature to make sweeping judgments about their overall health and well-being. Additionally, individual experiences and outcomes vary greatly within any generation.

Furthermore, it is important to consider the larger social, economic, and political factors that shape the experiences of different generations. For example, Zoomers have grown up during a time of significant economic instability, with high levels of student debt, a competitive job market, and rising costs of living. They have also been shaped by rapid technological advancements, social media, and an increasingly globalized world.

It is also worth noting that there are many positive qualities associated with the Zoomer generation, such as their commitment to social justice, diversity, and environmental sustainability. They have demonstrated a willingness to engage in activism and advocacy on a wide range of issues, and many are optimistic about the future despite the challenges they face.

In short, it is not accurate or fair to make broad claims about the health or aging of an entire generation. It is important to consider individual experiences and larger social, economic, and political factors that shape different generations.

>> No.17579682

Affects your face big time. Pay attention to zoomer girls you meet, most of them will have weird, dead eyes and gross sagging eyelids. This is caused by antidepressants, as is the weird pudgy body that lots of girls have now

>> No.17579683

They dress her in fucking weird shit that makes her look like a 35 year old bimbo secretary or something. Bizarre.

>> No.17579975
File: 615 KB, 2880x2880, 4 horsewomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget Amy Whinehouse, Britney, Lindley Lohan and Amanda Brynes?

The listed above and OPs examples have been chewed up and spat out by the Holywood machine. Drugs, drink, long hours and emotional stress from a narcissistic toxic industry. It'll rapidly age you.

It doesn't help that the genZers are getting buccal fat removal.

Also OP, have you ever considered the following:
>they are white.

She looks 28 plus. She probably does drugs/drinks and has long filming hours, so a lack of sleep.

I guess she looks early 20s for the average club kid white girl who smokes and does drugs. A clean living 18 year old would have no wrinkles around the mouth unless she went from obese to thin.

Maybe Drake thought she was his age after all.

>> No.17580139

You only wanna fuck her bing Crosby looking ass because she's blond. Her face looks glued on with those smile lines.

>> No.17580260

Fuck I drink it by the gallon, what else ages you?

>> No.17580267

The majority of people are either mid or ugly.

>> No.17580617

thanks chatgpt

>> No.17580690

billie could still be saved by the lean pill since she has objectively attractive facial features, although her cheekbones are a little too weak to create a triangular front face. the other ones were always riddled by problems.
oh no, another zoomer child star with negative canthal tilt. she's gonna end up in a compilation like the one op did.

>> No.17581151

Vegan diets mostly

>> No.17581338

alcohol, drugs, the sun

>> No.17581988

OP why do you not know the difference between being ugly and being aged? None of these women have any signs of aging at all. They're just unattractive.

>> No.17581990

She didn't age badly. She literally didn't even age at all. Her facial features are natually long and she has thin eyebows, which older people have. There's a difference between aging and looking naturally old.

>> No.17582342
File: 177 KB, 220x124, death by cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aryan girls literally show signs of angelic beauty and let me get stunned everytime i see on, i'm fascinated by they magic.

>> No.17583373

she has fas and is abused by her retarded climatist rich gen x parents

>> No.17583397

billie looks fucking sexo though

>> No.17583429

Ah, she still looks cute. I found her adorable in Ghosotbusters, her character had an innocence I havent seen in child characters in a long time. No over the top swearing, wanting to kiss boys, wanting to "express her femininity", surprised that it was one of the few movies not directed by a pedophile wanting to sexualize a child.

>> No.17583583


>> No.17584388

you mean women?

>> No.17584394

Stress is normalized
So is taking drugs and medication like they are candy, at the same time their diet is so bad that they should be taking all sorts of supplements. Quadruple Raw Veganism also makes for very bad skin

>> No.17584548

Switch to green tea theres actual studies showing correlation of green tea use with lower instance of disease and cancers.

>> No.17584705
File: 363 KB, 1440x1080, 341989551_930247004956351_7351652476299302395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's a good idea to follow leni klum's progress. she has attractive facial features (large eyes without a lot of sclera above the iris, positive canthal tilt, positive tilt eyebrows, full lips, triangular front face, good jaw line, high cheekbones, normal sized nose slightly angled upwards etc.), hips so wide kids would basically just fall out and tits so big she could nourish an orphanage. she's also fully involved in the fashion business, which means she gets all the latest designer clothes (made from plastic) and all the "expensive" makeup and face products (made from plastic) for free. if this girl ages badly, it's fucking over for zoomers and the modern world as a whole.

>> No.17584722

She looks older than me and I’m 34 and male

>> No.17584731

That too, but everyone in this thread is discounting the effect of early stimuli. Children on the internet are being exposed to mature themes and imagery that triggers hormonal development prematurely. The same way victims of physical and sexual abuse end up going through puberty earlier than their peers and look older for the rest of their lives, but now it's being inflicted on a whole generation. People in this thread keep attributing developed preteens to the food, but it's because these girls have been looking at sexual images since they were 9 on the iPad. Same thing with the boys watching Brazzers 3 times day, now they're balding before college. These kids are being traumatized and its physically apparent.

>> No.17584746

even the lowest dosed studies researched it at a concentration of 0.5 mM, which requires roughly 25 cups of coffee. most studies use higher doses and you would have severe side effects by then. so those studies aren't in vivo, but in vitro.

>> No.17584995

Top to bottom left to right.
10/10 in Anglo
Was never attractive in the first place
Down syndrome
Surgery awful haircut, more surgery

>> No.17585124

Drug and alcohol abuse. Past generations looked old as fuck due to alcohol, smoking, not drinking water, and lack of sunscreen. Millennials are in this weird position though where they look way too old or far too young for their age. Depends on which bad habits they picked up.

>> No.17585137

She's British, it's not her fault.

>> No.17585142

Finnish/Sami genes, maybe?

>> No.17585165

>the first designer babies will have Bogdanoff genes

>> No.17585470

huh all the top right needed was a bit of the right makeup, what a qt

>> No.17585716

She looks like that one tranny e-"girl". Awful actress, too.

>> No.17586055

i thought it was millie bobby brown from the thumbnail lmao

>> No.17586057
File: 224 KB, 612x367, germs (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17586072

Crazy what happens when, as most of these people are, someone is recruited as a child actor and it turns out they age into an average looking person. Many people who start their acting career as adults get jobs because they look good rather than talent.

Also youre crazy if you think Anya Taylor-Joy looks bad (its questionable if she is even gen z or a millennial btw) also Billie keeps getting hotter especially with blonde hair

>> No.17586292

i have unfathomable hate for billie's lazy me so depressed cumbrain face

>> No.17586409

>This chick looks so much better in the movie Ghostbusters: Afterlife than irl
no she doesn't you're just gay and you like boys
>Her character also reminds a bit of myself, too smart for her own good.
lmao the DELUSION

>> No.17586740
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>> No.17586761
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>> No.17586825
File: 52 KB, 177x239, 1653665524977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's British, it's not her fault

>> No.17586836

the covid vaccine

>> No.17588083

Thats also british kek

>> No.17588088

She looks way older than 19 dude, could pass for late 20s early thirties.

>> No.17588090

Maybe she did alot of hard drugs?

>> No.17588288
File: 152 KB, 1800x1200, madison-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these women "aged badly", they were just always ugly looking in the first place.

You mean to tell me that greta thunberg hasn't always looked like a stillborn fetus?

>> No.17588341

>looks 45 years
what kind of retard are you

>> No.17588982

It's kinda hard to tell, with the amount of overstimulation and the chemicals in everything, guys probably are balding more, but then again if you look at older movies or older pictures, there were way more guys just openly showing off their widow's peaks, so maybe.

>> No.17588985

Billie's like the only hot one in those pics, too, even if she's starting to look busted. Fetal alcohol syndrome's a bitch

>> No.17588988

>Aryan girls literally show signs of angelic beauty and let me get stunned everytime i see on, i'm fascinated by they magic.
Come on nigga, just fuck your own women. Is it really that hard for you people? Those nubian chicks can be pretty hot, like stop coming over to Germany just to beg for white pussy.

>> No.17589009

Literally me.
I like mannish Northern European women, I recently met a Swedish hiking tomboy in Japan, she was perfect, a different breed from the small and meek locals.

>> No.17590146

>madison beer
half woman half silicone

>> No.17591407

it's the stress 100%, zoomers are oversocialized and constantly hyperaware of being judged

>> No.17591711

They are freewheeling on mental illnesses so they pay the physical toll of that and of the toxic coping mechanisms they put in action.
The current culture also deems as inappropriate the mere fact of pointing them they are fucking up themselves because it's "triggering" and it's not conceivable that one would do that for their own good.
And on the other side you have all the mental health professionals that today are absolute malevolent clown that just want you to become an addicted weak, dependant mental wreck they can get a paycheck from. Not to mention a lot of them now will probably gaslight you into thinking you're born the wrong gender and all your problems stem from that.

>> No.17591981

If you think this girl is attractive you are blind as a bat
The way you describe her makes me think you are extremely autistic

>> No.17591986

Oh wow you posted one word and a single picture you totally proved your point I am going to change my entire world view based on this single picture anon you have opened my eyes.

>> No.17592027

TIL that "aryan" means "under nourished"

>> No.17592028

>looks 45 years.
Only because your mind is infected.

>> No.17593147

>t. never seen an actual child
I'm a teacher, children still look like children. Stop basing your conceptions of the youth on hormoonmaxxed celebreties

>> No.17593328

Only Greta and top right are ugly, the rest are peculiar-looking but in a good way
garbage thread