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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.47 MB, 2924x3992, Chalamet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17568736 No.17568736 [Reply] [Original]

How should I dress to attract them?

t. not gay

>> No.17568738

Medium/dark brown hair
Hazel eyes
ENTP personality if that matters for some reason

>> No.17568740
File: 180 KB, 540x810, tumblr_30e75ad4f21b200a27d20843da0395fd_4e9dc20a_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same question, i'm not gay. But want a feminine white male as a wife.

>> No.17568745

Nopenopenope that's too far

Also I just realised that there's a thread up for that SAME topic here lol


/fa/ is so gay

>> No.17568751
File: 238 KB, 135x113, 1663345227875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example I am attracted to this guy

>> No.17568752

He stated that he's 18 so it's okay for me to say this
I won't say his name to protect his identity

>> No.17568759
File: 109 KB, 675x708, Fn_cB77WAAErkbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that too far, bro

>> No.17568764

Let's please continue discussing the thread topic; I need inside information from the twinks themselves.

>> No.17568780

other twinks

>> No.17568782

I thought they were into taller and bigger men

>> No.17568784

some are
some arent
i cant really speak for others as i dont interact at all with the el gee be tee community

>> No.17568785

>i dont interact at all with the el gee be tee community
Me neither. I am not gay, after all.

>> No.17568830

Come on

>> No.17568845

This jew is hideous and rat like.

>> No.17568847

why would I help out someone with an ENTP personality

>> No.17568850
File: 146 KB, 1500x2250, Chalamet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vehemently disagree. He is going to bog himself one day, but right now, he looks great.
What's so bad about that lol

>> No.17568854

ENTP = the debater

>> No.17568856

ENTP = the INTP with slightly more extroversion.

>> No.17568896

I'm a femme guy, be

>competently dressed and groomed, but not too much
>gainfully employed
>not a degenerate
>masculine and assertive

that's really it

>> No.17568904

Thank you very much for the input. I am happy to learn that I'm 75% through this thing, then.

>> No.17568911

it's ez:

dress like their dad
suck their dick after they suck yours

>> No.17568916

I will never suck a dick. I shall be the one who gets his pp sucked
Interesting advice about the whole dad thing, thanks.

>> No.17568922

don't do this. Don't even think about our dicks, quickest way to ruin the mood and get us to leave

>> No.17568932

he said feminine men, not transsexuals

>> No.17568976

I want to be the one who gives

>> No.17568981

right, so give him a blowie.

>> No.17568984

you aren't getting twinks then

>> No.17568989


>> No.17569014

maybe give him a little teeth while you're sclopping his schlong

>> No.17569025

I will be the one who gets the schlopping

>> No.17569030

Grooming and stuff is more important imo.
>don't dress like a slob, dressing with any sense of fashion will make you better off than most guys but you don't need a certain aesthetic, everyone has varied tastes
>don't be fat
>keep facial hair neat or shave it, don't have the long unkempt reddit beard
>have clean and healthy hair. I prefer medium or long hair on guys and think super short hair and fades aren't attractive at all fwiw
>don't be really mentally ill or extremely socially inept
>have a job, or at least be doing something with your life. As long as you're not financially dependent actually working doesn't matter much desu
>if you want a relationship, don't be depraved and super open about fetishes. A lot of femboys into hookups are super kinky tho, so this depends

t. twink/femboy who has only been approached by guys who met one or two of these at most

>> No.17569034

>I will be the one who gets the schlopping
of course, but it would be rude not to reciprocate.

>> No.17569037

This reply aroused me. Thank you so much for the honesty.
I suppose that's true as well.

>> No.17569047
File: 767 KB, 211x252, 1680576709573823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got to go to sleep, see you nerds tomorrow

>> No.17569138

uncontrollably laughing at the fact that you think any of this is worth 10% of your facial attractiveness

>> No.17569447


>> No.17569570

Good morning
Why are there only 2 new replies

>> No.17569676

Just being good looking is enough

>> No.17569777


>> No.17569943

He is just ugly and weak looking

>> No.17569957

Don't care m8
He's good looking to me

>> No.17569977

if you dress like you could ward off my homophobic family youll get my attention

>> No.17570017

Elaborate please

>> No.17570020

Trans girl (ultra feminine andro femboy) here.
I have tons of tgirls/femboys friends so let me tell you a little about this 2 groups

70% are "bi". They date another trans girls or femboy. They would accept getting fucked by a Ultra masculine man (ugly bastards or black people). They don't really like men but it makes them feel validated, relationships with them will fail eventually but you can have some fun with them.

25% are transbians. They hate men and have some fucked up complexes. Anyways they are usually ugly (caricature visions of femininity) and have bpd. Stay away from them.

Only 5-10% are truely androphilic. They are usually the hottest ones, but we are all taken already by rich men or Jason Momoa tier men. If you see one and it's single, go all in before it's too late. Your stats seem nice, you have like 70% of the work done already, work on your personality, don't be a jerk o a needy.

>> No.17570031

>If you see one and it's single, go all in before it's too late. Your stats seem nice, you have like 70% of the work done already, work on your personality, don't be a jerk o a needy.
Thank you very much for this.
>70% are "bi". They date another trans girls or femboy. They would accept getting fucked by a Ultra masculine man (ugly bastards or black people). They don't really like men but it makes them feel validated, relationships with them will fail eventually but you can have some fun with them.
Really? I assumed that this number would be higher.

>> No.17570034

>brutal shoulder width mog
>by a "woman"

>> No.17570092

Doesn't matter that much if you have the face to compensate

>> No.17570455

You can't be one, sweetie. You're a 4channer.

>> No.17570462

Of course you are
You post on /fa/ggot
You're a gay (at least bi)

>> No.17570472

LOL fuck off

>> No.17570615

Wait, that's Ryan from /int/ wtf

>> No.17570627

Yup what about him

>> No.17571387

idk what the percentages are but in my observations trannies and femboys are mostly transbians because they can't find anything else, or they're just completely incel. Then there are a lot who date objectively gross bottom of the barrel nerd men, again because of low desirability and possibly prison gayness. And then the rare trans women who manage to date a cis woman and convince her she's a "lesbian". I don't think I've seen any tranny with a remotely attractive male partner except maybe the ones online who are influencers and date guys who are probably just down low homos.

>> No.17571479

Got the all but assertive covered, just not sure how to do that without being a dick or a pushover, no in between

>> No.17571681


>> No.17571767

>likes men
>not gay
fuck off tranny

>> No.17571782

>>likes men
>>not gay
It's not gay to give.
It's gay when you receive.
Also, I'm no tranny, I'm very anti-trannysemitic

>> No.17571922
File: 421 KB, 1046x2298, 1665959780604435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most twinks/femboys are gonna be pretty easy socially, despite internet popularity the real life demand isn't really all that there. Your best bet is to either:
1. also be a twink
2. be a well groomed regular person with decent social skills and a non-schizo demeanor (you will also probably need to be the dom then)
So as long as you're not dressing like a complete manchild retard you should be golden OP. The above does not apply to trans women though.

>> No.17572035

i wish i had a pretty twink face

>> No.17572135

Thank you. What about personality? I don't want to be a "dom" and such, just a regular person.
I wish I had a pretty twink face to look at.

>> No.17572230

it sucks so much because i have a somewhat decent body for twinkmode but why bother if i dont have the face

>> No.17572316
File: 1.07 MB, 905x1355, Chico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why bother if i dont have the face

>> No.17572405


>> No.17572407

twinkmode literally depends on the face thoughbeit

>> No.17572697

>Twinkmode depends on the face even doe you just need to have long hair and a skinny body doe

>> No.17572769

show me an image of the ugliest twink youd fuck and i will tell you if i am uglier
spoiler alert: i am uglier

>> No.17572801
File: 22 KB, 236x352, b36fe3ef31869f27a18bf1b6d39f36b0--mens-fashion-blog-mens-fashion-styles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bluecollarcore is the way to go, gay men especially twinks are into men that look rough.
>t. not gay
yes you are, it's ok though.

>> No.17572807
File: 36 KB, 392x503, 1675806528513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's over

>> No.17572811

>bluecollarcore is the way to go, gay men especially twinks are into men that look rough.
I've been told by many that I look quite high class, which makes sense. It's probably because of my 1,40 Total Facial Height to Width Ratio (face length (NOT ordinary FWHR)).
I am looking for a more sophisticated and refined style, which doesn't feel forced or inauthentic.
>>t. not gay
>yes you are, it's ok though.
It's not gay if you're the one who penetrates (I'm in denial).

>> No.17572818
File: 36 KB, 395x594, df23d56d2feba7df7bc5a88d17f11825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been told by many that I look quite high class
gotchu senpai, then, wallstreetcore is for you

>> No.17572824
File: 39 KB, 408x612, istockphoto-120251036-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more leaning towards paleoanthropologistcore personally
t. studying for law but interested in natural sciences

>> No.17572836

Goodnight bois
See you in ~5 hours

>> No.17572837

i want you to understand that i would kill to be even a tenth as pretty as this guy

>> No.17573191

As would I

>> No.17573204
File: 726 KB, 613x823, self2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is me

do I fit the category of twink what should I style as?

>> No.17573221

Figure out who their molester was and try to replicate their style.

>> No.17573224

Oh my God you're perfect
You're so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Not funny.

>> No.17573281


Kek OP has fallen for you

>> No.17573302

Yes I have what of it

>> No.17573310

If not for that stupid face metal, would be god tier

>> No.17573311

>help me attract them
>not gay
Hm, seems gay.

>> No.17573323

>feminine frame
>masculine features
its over for me

>> No.17573325

damn that mayo nigga been neckmaxxing

>> No.17573347

>It's not gay if you're the one who penetrates (I'm in denial).


>> No.17573371

you just need to have a big penis and not be ugly.

>> No.17573403

I'm a hetero twink.
Life is weird.

>> No.17573417

Yeah right
Stop hijacking my thread nigga >:(

>> No.17573528

Das rite whyteboi dis thread is naw officially hijacked

>> No.17573536

>Limits depth of human personality into confines of MBTI

>> No.17573538

Well I had to write something so I chose that

>> No.17573570

Yep, you're gay

>> No.17573609

Illiterate nigga moment

>> No.17573667

so are we in agreement that twinkmode does depend on face?
of course it doesnt depend solely on face as you need the body too, but you cant really change your face

>> No.17573707

>even if they look like a child as long as they're technically overage its ok

kys pedo

>> No.17573709

Yes, absolutely. I would love to have a Twink face to look at in the morning next to me

>> No.17573711

I'm 18 also I can say whatever I want about Ryan
He's my online bf

>> No.17573830


>> No.17573926

dress interesting and eclectic and bold,
long as you look good and arent wearing wigger/sexcore clothes youre gonna do fine though. personally like more androgynous/feminine style things. most important though is an interesting personality.

>> No.17573940
File: 68 KB, 828x828, 607ddec64acfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most important though is an interesting personality.

>> No.17574175

neither of these is attractive

>> No.17574249

Yeah but the point stands

>> No.17574478

Sex... NOW

>> No.17575108

These, good luck OP

>> No.17575124

You literally contributed nothing to the discussion. Thanks, faggot.

>> No.17575128

"Attracted to men"
"Not gay"

You're delusional too apparently

>> No.17575132

It's only gay if you're the one getting penetrated

>> No.17575245

Yeah no

>> No.17575274

I remember seeing a similar thread in lolcow a while ago. Life as someone physically attracted to faggy looking men is a curse. obviously almost all of them are gay, the few that aren't, are the most disgusting people you'll find, full of fetishes and sexual abnormalities.
I really hope you're a female and not a faggot, or worse a tranny

>> No.17575331

>I really hope you're a female and not a faggot, or worse a tranny
I'm a guy, read my stats:

And why is it a curse? Androgenous men are attractive to me.

>> No.17575622
File: 1.77 MB, 640x480, ha-gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And why is it a curse? Androgenous men are attractive to me.
Yep, gay.

>> No.17575627
File: 376 KB, 1152x2048, 898CC993-3F57-4C89-8577-772A3399F10C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step one: give up, they are too rare and they age poorly
step two: find God

>> No.17575631
File: 84 KB, 225x268, Shrek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find women attractive. They're like castrated men with boobs...
I just want to be happy, man.
t. Orthodox Christian

>> No.17575676

in what way are you a christian?

>> No.17575688
File: 100 KB, 828x807, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've studied Christian Eschatology, read my country's hagiographical texts in their original way of writing, and have been culturally and religiously Christian for all my life.
Yet, I still like twinks.

>> No.17575764

What have you done? Who are you to question my motifes?

>> No.17575959

You're a faggot. Kys.

>> No.17576369

Thanks for that.

>> No.17576379
File: 53 KB, 640x643, 5F9E448A-B03A-4F0C-8D50-453CE3C450FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight tranny here.

being strong/taller than me is hot. well styled men who aren’t image obsessed r great.

talented guys are hot. so are tattoos and workwear but in a not reddit way.

i was a /fa/g in highschool n get on once in a blue moon now, but to put it in effay terms: sleazecore, slavcore and skater fashion are the ticket.

pic semi related. absolutely would

>> No.17576383

I am feminine and most women dont like it. Im quite handsome and tall. I dont do any gay mannerisms or whatver.

>> No.17576386
File: 45 KB, 484x750, 1624_twunk_muscle_christian_rosary_cross_5853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same-sex attraction for males ( epicene twinks or gym twunks for that matter) and being cultural and religious Christian are not incompatible. The same-sex attraction may be disordered on natural level but we may still be devout and strive to love and please God in our lives and actions, as perfectly as we can with our attraction to male form / beauty.

>> No.17576391

im a twink irl and i am physically most attracted to fat ass latinas, so gl with that

>> No.17576409

Thank you very much. I'll definitely keep this in mind.
I see.
That's too bad. More competition for me :(

>> No.17576464


>> No.17576484

not even close. ENTPs are insufferable to be around long term

>> No.17576509

OP here, I am not extraverted at all. It's just my Ne is stronger than the Ti

>> No.17576528

timothee chalamet is ugly as fuck

>> No.17576586

kys, he's gorgeous albeit a bit too Jewish for his own good

>> No.17576617

Yeah Chalamet wouldn't be outstanding if he wasn't Jewish.

>> No.17576800


>> No.17576814

You are gay.

>> No.17576851

Yeah, nah

>> No.17576899


>> No.17576964


>> No.17576969

Screw you, it's not gay to appreciate beauty

>> No.17576979

His jawline is not feminine.

>> No.17577014

legally the attraction itself (if I remember levidicus correctly) is not the sin but the act of laying with same sex

on the other hand Jesus talked about sinning within your heart just by looking. so it's not like gay porn is hallal based on technicality.

>> No.17577083

When did I claim that his jawline was feminine?
I find his appearance to be a mix of feminine and masculine, which is why I like his looks so much.
I don't know, I am not a Biblical scholar, but I know that I am sinning by being attracted to Chalamet or somebody like him.

>> No.17577236

Don't bother with them, they're nutcases usually

>> No.17577254

/his/ forgives you

>> No.17577271

Not taking your advice either
Again, sincerely apologise for this

>> No.17577448

>t. not gay
Yep, gay.
>Medium/dark brown hair
Hazel eyes
Also good
>ENTP personality

>> No.17577469

haha cory :)

>> No.17577959


>> No.17577961

Kek what is it with the hate towards ENTP

>> No.17578050


>> No.17578059

ENTP is basically admitting you're going to be a stick in the mud sperg

>> No.17578063

Look I am an aspie-tier ENTP with no extroversion at all. I'm ENTP because of my Ne alone.

>> No.17578252

That doesn't make any sense

>> No.17578453

Yes it does
Ne is my strongest quality

>> No.17579228

Wear things that suit you
Be handsome
Be dom

That's it
>not gay

>> No.17579235

Thanks and not thanks

>> No.17579664

If you're looking to attract feminine men, you may want to consider incorporating more feminine or androgynous elements into your wardrobe. Some ideas to consider include:

Experiment with different styles: Try incorporating more feminine items into your wardrobe, such as flowy tops, skirts, or dresses. You could also try wearing more androgynous or gender-neutral clothing, such as oversized blazers, tailored pants, or button-up shirts.

Play with accessories: Adding accessories can help to elevate your look and add more feminine or androgynous touches. Consider wearing statement earrings, a necklace, or a scarf to add a pop of color or texture to your outfit.

Choose softer colors: Feminine men may be attracted to softer colors, such as pastels, pinks, and purples. Incorporating these colors into your wardrobe can help to create a more feminine or androgynous look.

Pay attention to fit: The fit of your clothing is important when trying to create a more feminine or androgynous look. Consider wearing clothing that is more form-fitting, or clothing that is tailored to your body shape.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Experiment with different styles and find what works best for you, and you're sure to attract the attention of feminine men who appreciate your unique style.

>> No.17579764

Kill yourself ChatGPT

>> No.17579800

>25% are transbians.
That's interesting, care to elaborate more?

>> No.17579803

He made that post 6 days ago, don't bother even trying to communicate

>> No.17579806

shut the fuck up nigger newfag. Go back.

>> No.17579807

I am sure that he will reply anon. Trust the process.

>> No.17579850

I'm interested because in one of my old social circles there was this trans person that ended up with a gf, and confessed to a common friend his struggle with the hormones he was taking hampering his wood.
In truth although I'm a straight male myself I wonder what would it be like having sex with a woman as a woman, maybe I'll live enough to try the VR device shown in 'strange days' to experience my coomer fantasies.
Back to OP, I had a gf who was into twinks (I'm very far from that physique), she wanted me well groomed, perfumed, cleaned and as lean as possible.
There's also this thing I noticed sounds the alarm in both females gay: moving too quickly or unnaturally , women at least are repelled by sudden body movement.

>> No.17579851

I'm sure he will

>> No.17579854

>Back to OP, I had a gf who was into twinks (I'm very far from that physique), she wanted me well groomed, perfumed, cleaned and as lean as possible.
>There's also this thing I noticed sounds the alarm in both females gay: moving too quickly or unnaturally , women at least are repelled by sudden body movement.
Very interesting. Can you elaborate upon the sudden movements thing? This may be very important.

>> No.17579904

>Very interesting. Can you elaborate upon the sudden movements thing? This may be very important.
Basically 4th dimension.
From my empirical observation this image board is obsessed with body and face ratios, but truth is we don't live in a magazine and reality isn't a 2d rendering such as a picture, the way we move is also important.
Apparently sudden, unexpected movements are repelling to females: "imagine being with this guy and he suddenly ... brr" said a friend of mine looking at a guy on another table, other female friends agreed with a rattle, I didn't understand and they explained it's extremely creepy for them.
So one should aikido rather than kraftwerk.
On a broader note I came to the conclusion the ideal man from a female perspective should be like a bar of thick rubber, strong and reliable but flexible and elastic, never breaking form.
On avg they seem not to like hard/sharp/brittle materials either.
I can't tell if that's the same from twink perspective tho.

>> No.17579916
File: 95 KB, 689x1200, 1672829695466830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truth is we don't live in a magazine and reality isn't a 2d rendering such as a picture, the way we move is also important.
My time on Looksmax.org taught me that much.
>Apparently sudden, unexpected movements are repelling to females: "imagine being with this guy and he suddenly ... brr" said a friend of mine looking at a guy on another table, other female friends agreed with a rattle, I didn't understand and they explained it's extremely creepy for them.
So one should aikido rather than kraftwerk.
On a broader note I came to the conclusion the ideal man from a female perspective should be like a bar of thick rubber, strong and reliable but flexible and elastic, never breaking form.
On avg they seem not to like hard/sharp/brittle materials either.
I can't tell if that's the same from twink perspective tho.
This is very intriguing. I've also encountered the same emotions from my observations. It sounds silly to say it out loud, but who knew that women like strong men?!
I'm not very attracted to women, to be honest. Feminine men, on the other hand, very much do. I don't suppose that their taste is much different in men.
Picrel is what I desire. Not too otherworldly, I hope.

>> No.17579941

>I don't suppose that their taste is much different in men.
Hard to tell, to my surprise a long time ago a gay friend explained me lesbians hated the guts of gay men, since they saw them as unrestrained men, finally free to mate as the pleased.
My guess would be twinks likes other twinks as someone else stated ITT, I imagine them living in their own aesthetic dimension.
I'm kind of an old timer tho, current youth is inscrutable to me, I'm pretty sure they have their own conventions, firewalling intruders.

>> No.17579948

>My guess would be twinks likes other twinks as someone else stated ITT, I imagine them living in their own aesthetic dimension.
I'm quite young but not very twinky at all. I want to be an equal with my partner, but still be bigger and stronger than him/her
>I'm kind of an old timer tho, current youth is inscrutable to me, I'm pretty sure they have their own conventions, firewalling intruders.
Heh, thanks for these tips, old timer :)
I'm still in denial about my attraction to literal men btw.

>> No.17579957

He looks like the fembit inventor from robot carnival

>> No.17579960

>I want to be an equal with my partner, but still be bigger and stronger than him/her
I don't know this scene at all so I have no idea, one very important tip I feel to give you is this: in this age being open about oneself is encouraged, even in the roughest strata of society the stigma isn't as it used to be, a big (and dangerous) off putter I've noticed is being in the closet or feeding our own complexes about look, beauty etc.
Aesthetically, the best advice i can give you if I were in your situation would be to go full RIO.
Treasuring youth, being elegant, relaxed and resolute on making the best of it.

>> No.17579965

Whatever, he looks great
Thank you so much for these replies. I really am glad that /fa/ still is home to posters like you.
One final question before I go to sleep: what can you say about facial hair? I've only just turned 18 but I feel like I need to grow it out since my jaw isn't very wise (in relativity to my cheekbone width). What can you say about that, if anything? Should I even care?!

>> No.17579968


>> No.17579978

>One final question before I go to sleep: what can you say about facial hair? I've only just turned 18 but I feel like I need to grow it out since my jaw isn't very wise (in relativity to my cheekbone width). What can you say about that, if anything? Should I even care?!
Honest response, since this year I'm growing mine, I refused so far because I thought if was like cheating or masquerading, now idgaf anymore, I like it and will keep it for a while.
If you turned 18 I'd suggest you'd keep yourself as fresh as possible, don't try to look older/wiser/whatever, that's not necessary and it won't work anyway.
Do you have female friends? Hang around with them, the fact you're not really attracted by them is a plus, they'll feel safe to shar precious hinsights.

>> No.17579982
File: 42 KB, 602x511, c3e879310ef10a7e05e5baa4687599d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied, I couldnt go to sleep
Autocorrect wrote "wise' instead of "wide".
I have a long skull and my jaw isn't very wide in relativity, sadly you can't change genes, but you can manipulate what other people see. Should I grow it out in this situation?

>> No.17580001

I honestly don't know, you could try and see how you like it, I'd personally would deal with it clean shaving first and propose yourself as that.
If poeple get used to you clean shaved and then you grow is a thing "yeah I wanted to try it", the other way around "oh, so you ere hiding your jaw proportions anon"
A long time ago I had a gf that liked me with long hairs and beard, I complied until I was drafted and bye bye all that, she later left me and I realize that was like a mask, changing that look was seemingly a dealbreaker.
Since then I just did as I pleased and avoied being reliant on such tricks, but that's me.

>> No.17580005

Thank you. I will definitely keep this in mind.
I am going to sleep now. Properly this time.

>> No.17580207

Frank from the last of us episode 3 is my ideal man with mannerisms and everything, younger look than that ofcourse but the rough blue collar while still fashionable is a big plus, and the way he acts and talks swoon tier

t. Femboy

>> No.17580425

That's really interesting. Thanks.

>> No.17580539


>> No.17580547


>> No.17580650

all caps is also bottom behavior

>> No.17580658

It wasn't all in caps doe

>> No.17580941
File: 123 KB, 1656x448, Screenshot 2023-04-15 205247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was all caps.

>> No.17581153


>> No.17581280

make me

>> No.17581346

Sounds hot

>> No.17581403

be a feminine man
t. feminine man

>> No.17581478

I am not feminine. I want to be the bigger, dominant male.

>> No.17581490

I'm pretty sure the masc top fem bottom dynamic is mostly a porn thing and less commone irl. a lot of twinks, femboys and hrt femboys are into each other moreso than into bigger men. the ones that are into that are typically early transition trannies who want to seem feminine in comparison, but even those outgrow that very quickly and end up fucking other trannies.

>> No.17581499

I just want to be happy with a smaller partner than me.
I am no twink, see my stats? You said you're a feminine man, you're the exact person I'm looking for! Your opinion matters the most here!

>> No.17581516

I mean I was trying to give you an outline of my impression of the general situation...
if you're asking for my personal taste honestly it kind of depends on how you carry yourself. timothy chalamet and charles leclcerc types would probably be dream husband material. but all in all I'm just kinda into tall lanky somewhat low body fat % guys (but not so low that I can count your tendoms). a bit of body hair is nice but it shouldn't extend beyond your belly button or the center of your chest. personally hate beards unless it's just a bit of stubble or maybe a mustache that fits your face. in terms of clothes I don't really care as long as it accentuates your body type. think tight turtle necks on a skinny guy with decent pecs for example. same goes with hairstyles. as long as it fits your face its fine. but not too short unless you have very defined cheekbones or something idk.
all in all I don't really care as long as you're decently tall and not too muscular or fat you know?

>> No.17581521

ok im actually retarded I must've thought we were on fit or something. sorry I didn't realise you're asking for clothing. as is said make it accentuate your body and pretty much everything is fine. except like techwear or something that shits incredibly cringe

>> No.17581523

>I'm just kinda into tall lanky somewhat low body fat % guys (but not so low that I can count your tendoms). a bit of body hair is nice but it shouldn't extend beyond your belly button or the center of your chest. personally hate beards unless it's just a bit of stubble or maybe a mustache that fits your face. in terms of clothes I don't really care as long as it accentuates your body type. think tight turtle necks on a skinny guy with decent pecs for example. same goes with hairstyles. as long as it fits your face its fine. but not too short unless you have very defined cheekbones or something idk.
>all in all I don't really care as long as you're decently tall and not too muscular or fat you know?
I am so happy to read this message you have no idea

It's 3 in the morning I have to go to sleep now, please for the love of everything you consider holy return in 10 hours

>> No.17581528

Read this

>> No.17582064

You're gay, nigga

>> No.17582096

You're tall, you're also probably handsome. Wear whatever.

>> No.17582125

Wear clothing that exasperates your best qualities, like height.

>> No.17582168


>> No.17582172


>> No.17582236

Good height and colouring
You're set for life

>> No.17582284

who exactly is this guy, he asked me for my hair routine and i see his name mentioned a bit

>> No.17582286

His name is Ryan
He is MY E-boyfriend.

>> No.17582287

Also link me the discussion please

>> No.17582294

hes in the replies

>> No.17582298
File: 173 KB, 1134x2016, 1663343818014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ryan
Isn't he just the cutest thing ever?

>> No.17582300

You're good looking as well, objectively.

>> No.17582305

i havent interacted with him much but yes hes pretty cute
too bad he lives all the way in jordan
aw thanks

>> No.17582310

>i havent interacted with him much but yes hes pretty cute
>too bad he lives all the way in jordan
I've spoken to him on multiple occasions, in fact, he's the reason why I even know of Timothée Chalmet (he looks a lot like him).
>aw thanks
You're very welcome

>> No.17582324

how have you not heard of timmy shimmy before hes like every girls heartthrob right now
bro idk i dont dabble an incredible amount in fashion i mostly just lurk here
just be clean shaven and dressed moderately and youll be fine
i personally like longer hair but that probably makes me an outlier rather than the norm

>> No.17582326

>how have you not heard of timmy shimmy before hes like every girls heartthrob right now
First heard about him in 2021 when I met Ryan online, ever since then I've been more and more homo and now I'm at a point of no return.
>just be clean shaven and dressed moderately and youll be fine
Already there m8
i personally like longer hair but that probably makes me an outlier rather than the norm
Not at all, in fact, most people on /fa/ like long/er hair.
I read your tips you posted on /int/ and I am very thankful for that. Could you tell me more about the use of shampoo? I've quite oily hair and I need help with that.

>> No.17582327

Also, I'm banned from /int/ for a few days, could you also kindly tell Ryan that "GeorgianAnon sends his regards"? Thanks.

>> No.17582337

>I read your tips you posted on /int/ and I am very thankful for that. Could you tell me more about the use of shampoo? I've quite oily hair and I need help with that.
youre welcome, but i dont know what to tell you beyond what i posted
if your hair tends to be oily than you may want to get more shampoo on your hair, so i guess when you lather your shampoo try to cover the back of your hands/fingers so that when you are applying the shampoo to your scalp it gets in your hair too
how effective a particular shampoo is also differs from person to person, you may just have to experiment until you find one that works
youre probably better off asking a hair thread on here
should i link him this thread instead?

>> No.17582341

youre welcome, but i dont know what to tell you beyond what i posted
if your hair tends to be oily than you may want to get more shampoo on your hair, so i guess when you lather your shampoo try to cover the back of your hands/fingers so that when you are applying the shampoo to your scalp it gets in your hair too
how effective a particular shampoo is also differs from person to person, you may just have to experiment until you find one that works
youre probably better off asking a hair thread on here
Thank you. What can you say about barbers? How can I find a proper one in my 2nd world city? I've been going to the same person whom I've been with for the last decade.
>should i link him this thread instead?
Nono it's fine, just reply to his latest reply with my message, if you can :D
Again, thank you.

>> No.17582348

>What can you say about barbers? How can I find a proper one in my 2nd world city?
i cant remember the last time i went to a barber lol, but they tend to only work with very short hairstyles and how good they are varies
ive been going to a hairstylist for most of my life, so maybe try one of them?
and ill send Ryan your regards

>> No.17582352
File: 78 KB, 900x733, Rupert 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant remember the last time i went to a barber lol, but they tend to only work with very short hairstyles and how good they are varies
>ive been going to a hairstylist for most of my life, so maybe try one of them?
Okay, so I'm coming out as gay then? XD
Stylists are all gay here.
I'll consider it, sure, thanks. I have an oval face and finding guidance about styling online has been very difficult since everyone just says that all styles fit such a face-shape.
I wish to look like Rupert Brooke (he was also very possibly bisexual).
>and ill send Ryan your regards
Thank you!

>> No.17582374

theres no female stylists where you are? that would make it slightly less suspicious
but yeah trying to find suitable hair styles online sucks because everyone’s definition of each face shape is different
>Thank you!

>> No.17582378
File: 46 KB, 640x735, Pyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for everything!

>> No.17583040

What the hell literally none of you delusional idiots are christians but truly sinners deceiving yourself as the former. This is so ridiculously retarded like to the last one of you - what are you nondenominational "believer" some kind of prot lutheran. Like this is all pure delusion your choosing to actively live and pursue sin and lust. To call onself a christian is to say and live as your disciple of the risen Christ not whatever contradictory religious identity for whatever reason you think would be cool to larp as. If you have any shred of dignity you'd stop rationalizing your vice and lying to yourself. Like it's you either hate the act of sin, digusted by such depravity and truly embrace your struggle of removing it from not only your life but mind and into repentance or you chase after it, allow it to enslave you and reject God's grace. Did you glance over “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other ; you cannot serve God and mammon" or in this case your lust. Like sheesh your guys are worse than the trannies at least they're honest with their life of sin you fools are somewhow still thinking that your supposedly living the Gospel and truth despite actively justifying your lust for men. The damn troons are far more deserving of respect in this case. I swear when I think guys on this site can't get anymore deplorable and undignified as they already are they achieve a new low I didn't think they could possess. This whole damn site is down fucking bad to bottom.

>> No.17583049

>Calls himself christian
>Instantly judges others, despite God telling him not to
You aren't Christian either, you use Christianity as a crutch for being a boring stick in the mud, as well as being a lonely virgin like the majority of poltards

>> No.17583081

If I’m attracted to feminine white men then just kill me pls

>> No.17583185

>christian on a board that promotes the wearing of mixed-material fabrics

>> No.17583269
File: 500 KB, 1312x818, rupert-brooke-bef-aft1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brooke attended preparatory (prep) school locally at Hillbrow, and then went on to Rugby School. *At Rugby he was romantically involved with fellow pupils Charles Lascelles, Denham Russell-Smith and Michael Sadleir.[9]* In 1905, he became friends with St. John Lucas, who thereafter became something of a mentor to him.[8]

>In October 1906 he went up to King's College, Cambridge to study classics. There he became a member of *the Apostles*, was elected as president of the university Fabian Society, helped found the Marlowe Society drama club and acted, including in the Cambridge Greek Play. The friendships he made at school and university set the course for his adult life, and *many of the people he met—including George Mallory—fell under his spell.[10]*

>> No.17583275

I have sinned before, and I shall sin now as well.
Brown? Sad.
Yep, told you.

>> No.17583283
File: 66 KB, 500x821, p1- robert c brooke -ph-023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17583284
File: 142 KB, 752x1227, Young Rupert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17583289
File: 192 KB, 662x1024, Alfred_Brooke_(left)_and_Rupert_Brooke_(right)_with_dog_Trim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17583290
File: 243 KB, 1000x750, 30424820025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17583305

Yes we get it

>> No.17583409 [DELETED] 

i had a random thought last night: if
you have ryan my hair (and maybe trimmed it up a little), he would quite literally be timothee chalamet

>> No.17583416

i had a random thought last night: if
you gave ryan my hair (and maybe trimmed it up a little), he would quite literally be timothee chalamet

>> No.17583450
File: 1.50 MB, 1750x2550, Timothée_Chalamet_2017_Berlinale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I know so cool

>> No.17583816



>> No.17584423

yeahh ikr, sexy effeminate zoomers are so *fire* :0

>> No.17584465

i need to figure out what timothee does for his hair
my hair is a little curlier and probably finer than timmys though
his hair is also more voluminous than mine
granted, he probably has a hairstylist appointment every time before his picture is taken, but still
i liked how his hair appeared in dune but i doubt i could even come close to something similar
also, if you dont mind, the next time you see ryan please tell him what i said about using cold water (if he didnt already see my original post)
oh hey c.a.! fancy meeting you here <3

>> No.17584570

His hair really is unMOGgable in that pic

>> No.17584666
File: 51 KB, 736x1104, yuzuruhanyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get an asian twink bf though?

>> No.17584692

Asians aren't my thing desu

>> No.17584704
File: 924 KB, 1440x1306, yuzuru-hanyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make my pp hard, personally

>> No.17584736

That's kinda gayer than normal homosex

>> No.17585450

Why is this thread still going? SAGE

>> No.17585548

Fuck off

>> No.17585880

hey a.e. twunk buddy <3

>> No.17586005

hello! as you can see ive just been discussing hair stuff with some anons, apparently people like my hair

>> No.17586014
File: 788 KB, 1242x896, thisagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17586027

>apparently people like my hair

>> No.17586099

>Wall Street 2
>tapered black leather horsebit loafers
Beyond effay af Shia LaBeouf: holy fuck yeahhh

>> No.17586106


>> No.17586155

>not gay
Anon, I...

>> No.17586166

I love him

>> No.17586214

all such twink cuties

>> No.17586299

Yes I love them al;

>> No.17586866
File: 1.39 MB, 500x288, Cena.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. not gay

>> No.17586889

Dont do it man, you are wasting their potential pretty dudes have decent genetics they should reproduce, let them be striaght

- t. pretty dude

It wont work there is nothing you can do for me to be attracted to you, I already have a goal in life and I'm straight and based women are into that look anyway. We belong to women, not to dudes. Stay mad gay faggot.

>> No.17586902

At least give me fashion advice

>> No.17587025 [DELETED] 

are you still awake georgiananon

>> No.17587046

Kys fag

>> No.17587303

>apparently people like my hair

who ru referring to

>> No.17587309

>Dont do it man, you are wasting their potential pretty dudes have decent genetics they should reproduce, let them be striaght

>- t. pretty dude

maybe he's legit straight and juss wants pretty dude bros he can hang and chillax with as another pretty dude

>> No.17587323

some anons on /int/
im >>17582294
face reveal i guess haha

>> No.17587400


>> No.17587423
File: 74 KB, 515x825, 457bec958c99a64658376149e3b5178e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is attracted to feminine men.

>> No.17587517

Yeah such a straight thing to do huh

>> No.17587652

whats the deal with twinks and christian iconography

>> No.17587654


>> No.17587656


>> No.17587713

It's weird

>> No.17588005

What are you on about

>> No.17588010

It’s just his “come hither” eyes. If he had different eyes I doubt he’d be so adored

>> No.17588013

Yeah, brown eyes suck >:(

>> No.17588022

That’s a child

>> No.17588030

Nope, he's 18

>> No.17588140

Ok I guess legally that is ok. But still you’re attracted to someone that resembles a child. Am I the crazy one here?

>> No.17588144

He doesn't look like a child, he looks like a girl.

>> No.17588157

Many boys do nowadays. I don’t even care it’s not my fault . My point was why the dock you looking at children like that

>> No.17588215


>> No.17588232

He looks like one and that’s enough to prove you’re a pedo

>> No.17588240

1. He does not look like a child
2. I am not a pedophile

>> No.17588280

Bro that kid looks like a child

>> No.17588294

No he doesn't. He looks his age.

>> No.17588436

thanks <3

>> No.17588442

>minor attracted persons
new terminology coming into effect kek

>> No.17589021

androgynous beauty is timeless desu

>> No.17589026

Fully agree

>> No.17589439

>t. not gay
Anon... ur gay.

>> No.17589895

if all my buddies look like timothee chalamet, what would be public impression left?

>> No.17589972
File: 2.39 MB, 3771x428, __1682072580651430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lalo seems like a good fashion role model if you want to dress like/attract twinks.

>> No.17590053

I heard someone say that Chalamet's looks are oddly intense or evil, even if he's a super effeminate twink, which I can't unsee now lol. Maybe it's his eyes or maybe it's his brow. His facial hair? Idk, but I can see why people want him to play a live-action Griffith.

>> No.17590064

since you're probably actually bi faggot, have you gotten pussy before? if so, just try getting a slightly masculine they/them bitch with a girl-stache, cuz she wants to go against traditional, patriarchal beauty standards or whatever the fuck. why go out of your way to learn something new when you can just apply something you already know, that is, if you have gotten wooed the hoes before.

>> No.17590322

He looks amazing, thanks!
It's his eyes, definitely.
I've not tried it with men, no, but thanks.

>> No.17590348

Sorry I can't find anything on this guy, what is his instagram/social media

>> No.17590358
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x720, 10101637504482543.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17590368


>> No.17590373
File: 472 KB, 1174x873, Screenshot 2023-04-22 145629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute.
He's a 4channer?!

>> No.17590378

I don't think he posts much anymore but he'll occasionally post on /fit/ when the mood strikes him.

>> No.17590381
File: 982 KB, 3066x4096, 1620096919995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is, isn't he?

>> No.17590382

I need to speak to him a thing or three about hair
^My genuine reaction

>> No.17590434

americanananon here
ive spoken to lalo in a thread on /fit/ a few weeks ago
me and two other twinks were messing around when lalo showed up and twinkmogged all of us
i talked to him for a little bit
he was a bit rude but that was also kind of a facade because he stopped being rude almost immediately

>> No.17590438

Could you link me the archived discussion? Thank you, you beautiful bastard

>> No.17590447

ok well apparently neither desuarchive nor archive.moe dont have working search functions at the moment
when its fixed ill link it

>> No.17590488


>> No.17590616

He's just an attractive young man. Nothing un-masculine about him.

>> No.17590630

Never claimed otherwise. He is more feminine than the average Joe, however, because he's a writer and possibly also a homosexual.

>> No.17590634

Is it the giga-sanpaku doe eyes? I have those and I dislike them most days :(

>> No.17590635

Post them, please.
I like them very much.

>> No.17590923

Hey the archive is functional again

>> No.17590966

are you still awake?

>> No.17591011

lmao headmogged to total oblivion

>> No.17591067

Yeah, I've been posting to 4chan /fit/ and /fa/ etc. ;3 for awhile since before Covid n stuff, and first saw Lalo and his twink radiance mentioned here. Lalo did like suddenly turn up and post in /fa/ threads where his pics and vids were being discussed. Kinda cool and unexpected in real time lol.

>> No.17591085
File: 1.31 MB, 1080x1350, 1682071028821078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy femenine or masculine?

>> No.17591088
File: 152 KB, 1600x900, the oc seth gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I just read? That’s a contradiction.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.17591628

Yes, just now.
That's neat, if only we could invite him to our thread :D
Both, I suppose.
Go away

>> No.17591674

I recognize the bro with shoulder length hair, muscular but abit effeminate compared to bearded dude in bg.

>> No.17591684

>abit effeminate
My thoughts exactly

>> No.17591693

Goodbye everyone, this has been a good thread.

>> No.17591738
File: 77 KB, 960x1280, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you insist...

>> No.17591824

the whole thing began about halfway through the thread

>> No.17591890

are you gay brother?

>> No.17591965

Bi :l

>> No.17592587

blond chad icing his balls n bod, name?>>17591738
scruffy effay bohemian look, especially like jawline length hair (all same length) <3