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17550696 No.17550696 [Reply] [Original]

Should I wear a hair piece?
Going bald turn me from a 7/10 to a 4
I look older than I really am and I can’t stand it anymore

>> No.17550705

Just regrow your hair bro

>> No.17550718

It doesn’t work

>> No.17550734

Just use your ass hair bro

>> No.17550773

friend of mine took oral minoxidil (the real prescription kind) and it filled out his hair in two months. it's insane. no, you can't get it online, stop being socially crippled and go confront a doctor asking for it specifically you internet addicted bullying victims

>> No.17550893

I don’t even tolerate the topical one gives me horrible head aches and Uber eye bags

>> No.17551086

>friend of mine took oral minoxidil (the real prescription kind) and it filled out his hair in two months
I did:
for 2 years and it never once got better

>> No.17551090

Sure why not?

>> No.17551091

what happens when you need to shower and stuff? idk man I'd just start wearing a hat

>> No.17551560
File: 88 KB, 349x458, akademik_kadro_foto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, you can't get it online
You're welcome, chud

>> No.17551605

I think transplants are now good enough that hair pieces have become completely pointless

>> No.17552232
File: 26 KB, 349x352, 1679951747720357~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, even a great face cant outbeat balding. If i ever see signs of thinning hair im gonna do the most that i can to fix it

>> No.17552236

This. Take a trip to turkey and plant some hair on your dome.

>> No.17552455

To be fair, it's more a matter of denial. Should just accept the hairloss and shave entirely, would look miles better than holding on to that.

>> No.17552876

currenty im in the stage of coping and seething from early hairloss at 21, i got prescribed oral minoxidil and my hair is shedding like a bitch but i wanted to ask is it even worth to do a hair transplant if you don't want to take fin after the fact?

at this point im considering of riding out minoxidil and hoping it'll eventually work and if not just continue to have my long hair until it looks like shit and buzz it all off

>> No.17552885

Absolutely nothing wrong with modern stylish hair pieces. Women can't tell the difference

>> No.17552889

>is it even worth to do a hair transplant if you don't want to take fin after the fact
at 21, no.

>> No.17553659

I wanna believe you, I do but I just think you’re one of those insecure guys with a NW1. Post pic. No way throwing the kitchen sink at it didn’t work.

>> No.17553680

I did for a year while saving up for a hair transplant. They're pretty good, maintenance is a pain in the ass.

>> No.17554583 [DELETED] 

i had a hair transplant 5 years ago and never took fin and i've lost zero hair, i think the donor area they took from wasn't sensitive to DHT. Might want look at family members with similar balding patterns to you to figure it out, my dad at 50 only had the top of his head completely bald, but sides and back got pretty thick when he grew it out, the back being where my donor area came from.

>> No.17554587

I had a hair transplant 5 years ago and never took fin and I've lost zero hair, I think the donor area they took hair from wasn't sensitive to DHT. You might want look at family members with similar balding patterns to you to figure it out, get photos of them when they started balding, etc, so you can figure out when it's worth getting a transplant. My dad at 50 only had the top of his head completely bald, but sides and back got pretty thick when he grew it out, the back being where my donor hairs came from.

>> No.17555025

I don't know, the older I get the less this shit matters. The guy on the left would look good as a father and neighbor, on the right he looks like an insufferable faggot that still wears Ed Hardy. I really wish society could move away from rampant consumerism and lookism, and return to something more traditional

>> No.17555275

why are 4chan users crippled with fear at the idea of talking face to face with doctors, cashiers, etc?

>> No.17555283

Shoulda gone to Bosley. Jk. Wear the rug. Respect the rug.

>> No.17555295
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>> No.17555495

>step 1 be attractive
>step 2 don't be unattractive

>> No.17556145

why would you ask for premission from the retards here? bald men look like shit so do something about it or stfu.

>> No.17556247
File: 2.58 MB, 640x640, hairsystem.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, they don't even work sometimes for incredibly rich people (see: lebron's failed attempts, wayne rooney). If you're too far gone/bald, it might be too late. On top of that, even if it does work, you'll probably never have great hair, you might need to do it a bunch of times, and it might look weird (see: brendan fraser currently).

Or you can get a hair system and instantly have perfect hair.

>> No.17557455

I went bald completely by 18, I wear one and it's looks natural as no one has known unless I told them. I got it from China. The maintenance can be a pain in the ass however

>> No.17557580

yea i read that you gotta be at least 25 or some shit , im willing to wait it out
interesting, ill keep that in mind. i feel like i'd be open to taking fin topically but i refuse to do it orally

>> No.17557610

Anyone with even a modicum of knowledge on this topic will see that and know that it's fake. Hair transplant + fin or just shave it bro

>> No.17557647

Because I've read all I need to know online and if they tell me different I know they're lying to me

>> No.17557665


>> No.17558084
File: 1.55 MB, 1666x2200, Brendan_Fraser_October_2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks perfect if done right and who has a 'modicum of knowledge' on it anyway? Hair transplants are often obvious/fake, pic related. Still, a hair system is probably best if you have minor hair loss, but if you're balding hard on top then a hair system is about the only option.

>> No.17558101

what is the maintenance like here? when do you replace this? does it stink? I imagine you can't get it wet... so many fucking questions

>> No.17559099

If you weren't NW7 at 24 there's no way kitchen sink didn't do SOMETHING for you. That said, nowadays kitchen sink is HRT.

>> No.17559416

>i read that you gotta be at least 25 or some shit
you can get a hair transplant whenever you want, but without fin there's no guarantee that your hair won't just receed further back behind it

>> No.17559479

>yea i read that you gotta be at least 25 or some shit , im willing to wait it out

this is a bunch of shit, if you wait until 25 you will spend the most of the rest of your youth as an incel since you would be like 28 by the time you regained all the hair loss you will lose from 21 to 25

you start taking fin when you see balding no matter the age<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.17559494

>but i refuse to do it orally
it goes systemic either way it just takes longer topically, the effect is the same it just depends on the amount of effort

>> No.17559806

I'm not getting bald but my hairline has always been kidna high
how can I fix it?

>> No.17560600

transplant or embrace

>> No.17560624

I got horrible headaches for the first three weeks but I powered through and now my hair is growing back