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File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1383685323788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17542308 No.17542308 [Reply] [Original]

Fit-less seethe edition

>> No.17542329
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>> No.17542349
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Would you be open to not wearing a hat?

>Today's fit
I can repost too

>> No.17542373

Based unemployed cone tits tranny

>> No.17542393
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First interview I've been to in a while

>> No.17542412

Ok, so, glad you got an interview and I hope it went well. But your pants are too big, you can tell based on how much you have to tighten the belt and how it causes the bunching at the fly. Your suit coat is too loose as well. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say the pants are too long as well.
Is the suit black? If so, not a great color for interviews. Tie reads as green in the pic, is it green or grey?
If this is all you have, I'd say spend some money to get it tailored and then at least it will fit better.

>> No.17542416

i feel like just your hair and sunglasses would work best, take off the hat

>> No.17542419

He should take everything else off, only thing he should wear are my loads.

>> No.17542436

please stop trying your fits were better when you wore t-shirts and hoodies. I'm sorry we encouraged you to experiment

>> No.17542440
File: 96 KB, 426x903, not so flyboy no cap fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hats are fun ;_;

>> No.17542447

Now this can be worked with, I think..? No chain and either darker jeans with the camo jacket, no jacket at all, or a soild coloured jacket.

>> No.17542452
File: 1.19 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2012 vibes
don't like the tie and cardigan.
I like this

>> No.17542454

You have a really attractive face and amazing hair, you look so much better without a hat! I get it if you want to wear a hat every now and then for an outfit or for functionality but IMHO you look better without.

>> No.17542460

i buttoned the sleeves after the photo was taken
maybe just one more layer. like a collared shirt under the shirt you’re already wearing
i know you got shit on the last thread for your baldness, but this is honestly pretty solid. it might behoove you to get a bigger cardigan though

>> No.17542465
File: 282 KB, 784x1406, F05600BF-3DAE-4693-ABF5-CF9B784573A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.17542470

>Jean jacket
>Grey hoodie that's too big and bulk
>Pale dingy jeans with double knees for extra protection while sucking cock

This is what people feel is appropriate to bring to these threads. This man slapped this shit on, went to a mall store with much better menswear in the background, saw his reflection and thought he looked good enough to show off.

>> No.17542474


>> No.17542481
File: 1.10 MB, 3839x2160, 20230321_215213-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brade runna. Inb4 iron, staying w a friend and he doesn't own one otherwise i would. The tabis are way comfier than I'd imagined, I'm gonna wear these all the time now.

Looks nice

>> No.17542498

Suit is Navy, Tie is green. the pants are good length in the leg although I agree they're too large round the waist; I've lost weight recently so it makes sense. The jacket is admittedly slightly too long but fits well enough to not make me look like a chimp in a suit. I do have two other suits that I was considering taking in to get tailored along with this one but they're worn so rarely that I often find myself forgetting to take them in.

>> No.17542502

this is cool except for the hoodie imo
crewneck would look way better. id on pants?

>> No.17542504

pants/shoes are probably cool individually but look wierd together. not even gonna comment on the top half kek

>> No.17542513
File: 1.10 MB, 1352x2817, E3A9E28E-CCC6-4DB9-9510-258D3FD3E520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the belt, need to get a new smaller one

>> No.17542524

If you're going out of your way to try and look good, why not iron your clothes before taking this pic? Goofy ass shirt with uneven collars

>> No.17542560
File: 391 KB, 1242x2208, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other suit I have, opted for the first one as this one just feels kind of like I'm larping or something.

>> No.17542570

are you that one anon who painted dollhouses or something

>> No.17542573

>id on pants?
just some pants from urban outfitters.

>> No.17542783
File: 3.75 MB, 1342x4346, 20230322_00264666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a single jacket in my wardrobe that works with this rugby shirt + brown pants combo, the only other outwear options left are those coats that I posted last thread >>17533252 but I don't think either of those works either

>> No.17542793
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this is like an impossible puzzle

>> No.17542803
File: 39 KB, 583x583, 15293_SNB_FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great fit, are you the Polish anon who posted his urbex fits before?
You're having trouble because that shirt wasn't meant to be worn under jackets. Look at it, too many bright and clashing colors that look like shit with everything else, but it looks great on its own with just the pants. I think a camel/khaki color jacket would work since it's neutral,name with light gray. Olive is neutral and top left would have worked but the spearmint green stripe fucked you over. It's just not a versatile shirt due to the loud pattern..
Google double knee denim, literal Dickies.
I like the fit and the colors but you're more wrinkled than my ballsack.

>> No.17542810
File: 268 KB, 750x1334, 8ABF32EE-3E1B-478E-BD02-50F98D2E5362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a nice enough day out to not bother with a jacket, comfy desu

Absurdly hard

I like it, one of the best fits I've seen you post recently, but I do agree about ditching the hat, it's a little much. Keep the shades tho

I actually like bottom left a lot.

>> No.17542837
File: 867 KB, 933x1400, DSCF0788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best one ITT, are you the same anon that posted this? Big fan

>> No.17542843

Nah I’m not polish

Yep that’s me

>> No.17542844

Cool, but why are you wearing your watch so high?

>> No.17542856

Pants don't fit, giving you a mad nappy

>> No.17542860

Is that a missoni shirt?

>> No.17542863

Honestly, I just haven't been assed yet to take a link or two out so it actually fits better on the wrist. Probably should get around to adjusting it already, you're not wrong at all, it's p damn high up the forearm lmao

>> No.17542887
File: 1.05 MB, 2401x3951, dhkifdbud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish the shoes were some shade of dark brown instead of black, but this is good
Good fit but hard not to project intense autism wearing it outside
I like the idea you had on the bottom half, and the textures look interesting, but I dont think those pieces lend themselves to that look. And the top half clashes pretty hard with the bottom
I don't hate the bottom right
Good hedi-core

>> No.17542900

Are you aware that you don't know how to dress?

>> No.17542927

Pretty nice-u
What kind of jacket is that and where do I get one? Like it very much

>> No.17542979

iron your pants holy shit

>> No.17543055

You are not fashion. You are a legit monster. "trans" "gender" is the greatest evil humankind has ever faced. Please seek help.

>> No.17543101
File: 1.74 MB, 2615x5266, IMG_20230322_095448866_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I never pair black with blue but this looks good, it suits you.

Great as always

Waist down is a black hole absorbing all light, I can't see shit. The jacket looks good, shirt and tie look ok, probably looks great with some tailoring. What makes it feel larpy to you, and what do you feel you're LARPing as?
I feel like there's a bunch of really good ideas in this fit that didn't mesh together. I hate those shoes with a passion only describable as fiery, but they match the pants somehow. Jacket matches the top, but the two halves don't mesh. If the shirt was more neutral it would be a better bridge, I get you're power clashing but you went balls to the wall on clashing pattern, texture,style, etc.

That looks really works for you.

Maybe I'm just jealous due to baldness but your hair is great and you do yourselves a disservice by covering it with hats.

For what it's worth if you wore a more neutral shirt the three fits with the jackets look really good.

>Today's fit
Got a pair of vintage LL Bean loafers , never really worn loafers before but I like it. More comfortable than I expected.

>> No.17543103

Yeah man things like world wars, famine, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, malaria, the bubonic plague all pale in comparison to someone dressing in a way you don't like. Fucking snowflake.

>> No.17543105

>death is bad!
yeah we get it drone, now please kys so i don't have to look at your ugliness again

>> No.17543108
File: 292 KB, 1073x1606, B9DC5072-B0E3-4F2B-8500-A099F41B1AA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17543114

Remember to report this shit for spam as soon as it shows

>> No.17543128

I like it, colourful and seersucker. But the casualness of it all makes me think you should have skipped the tie bar.

>> No.17543135

Lmao stay mad bro, the NATO tranny conversion police are going to lock you up in a FEMA camp and forcibly transition you any day now. Soon all your worst fears will be realized unless you do something proactive like complaining on a fashion board. After all what's more staunchly heterosexual than lurking in a thread and critiquing how random men dress?

>> No.17543137

no need to drop your sexual fantasies in this thread anon. i don't post about how i want to fuck men here, so you shouldn't post about being forced into being a tranny either.

>> No.17543138
File: 1.14 MB, 2736x3648, 20230322_142554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks better without the jacket. Are you a native American?

Nice shirt.

Pretty nice.

Looks decent. Personally, not sure if I would go for trousers as bold as those, they remind me a little of 70s Disco style but if you're happy with them then more power to you I suppose.

>> No.17543141

this. fuck lsd fag

>> No.17543152

Imagine not liking hats lol, what are you some sort of bitchboi?

>> No.17543153

I'm scratching my head as to how a pair of Lands End chinos aka one of the most conservative pair of pants in existence triggers your bold/disco alarm, but you're wearing a jacket with those lapels.

>> No.17543154

anon is terrified of pants that are even slightly flashy. show him a pair of jeans and he faints immediately.

>> No.17543158

Uh, I kinda see what you mean by larping. That jacket with those dark pants and wide tie looks like what the departmen manager on a bank would wear in the 80's. If you're in your 20's (and maybe even in your 30's) it's like wearing old dudes' clothes. Maybe with lighter pants and a slimmer tie? Have you tried grey pants matching the jacket?

Great, as always. Seriously developing a man-crush on you. No homo, though.

I, for one, approve of the boldness of the pants. Gives me black jazz musician in the 60's-70's vibes.

>> No.17543169

And yet a jacket with 70s porno lapels and shiny nipple buttons isn't flashy?

He posted before wearing a cream suit and another anon tore into him and said he was larping as an mobster in a movie like Casino. You'd think someone that apparently owns multiple suits in that style would be ok with burnt orange pants .

>> No.17543171

that shit slaps, post a fit for that track

>> No.17543172

Sleazecore Is Not For You Boss

>> No.17543173

insane schizophrenia

>> No.17543176

This Is Much Better

>> No.17543180
File: 56 KB, 474x569, casino15-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaayyyyy Tony, look at this fuckin wise guy!

>> No.17543201

yep and i stand by it.
still think this guy looks goofy too

>> No.17543217

I think you've got the wrong impression pal. I'm not trying to shit on what you're wearing, personally I quite like the fits you post, even the one in question. All I was saying is that that orange is a colour I don't think I could pull off well, you've got to have a certain kind of flair to pull it off so I avoid things like that. Perhaps I used the wrong words with 70s or disco, either way I'm not trying to take the piss or make a dig at you. Fair enough if you dislike my style choices but understand I'm not out here trying to antagonise you or whatever.

It's a double breasted suit, it's made to have big peak lapels. That guy you're talking about was full of shit, he said I looked like a mob movie stand-in when he was LARPing as Richie Rich. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

>> No.17543241

>Are you a native American?
No it's just the lighting that is making me look more red than I really am

>> No.17543319

NTA but your hair and diamond sharp cheekbones give that impression. I mean it in a good way, of course.

>> No.17543419
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>> No.17543500
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not my best work here. felt like a real country boy 4wd in the fit on left tho

hat is cringe
classy. that tie cardigan combo is so rich
hope it went well anon
much better. jacket seems a little bit though
meh. no complaints but it doesn't excite me in any way. might be better with some beat shoes to match the stonewash vibe
cute and sexy
crazy blouse into the tabis lmao. I wouldn't wear it but I respect it
the belt can not be ignored. why the fuck is it off center? rest of the fit is unremarkable
agree that this feels larpy. especially tie width
just rock it jacket less. top right looks great
based. not the biggest fan of the pant taper but it's definitely practical for urbanex. best itt as per usual when you show up
not into the cut of that shirt. pant and boot combo is good
dad core
dandy daddy. loafers look great with those socks
nice. would be better with a shirt that has a bit more character but still nice as is. cool belt

>> No.17543814

the jacket on the left goes with the right fit, and vice versa switch the jackets and its ok

>> No.17543828


First I really dig the boots on the right, that fit is something I could wear. What brand of boots are they?

>Loafers look great with those socks

Thank you! Got them pretty much unworn on eBay for $7.50, and they are old LL Bean loafers that are really well made. I was pleasantly shocked when they came in, no creases, only some scratches on the sole.

I bought a pair of Allen Edmonds loafers at the same time, I'll do a comparison post in the leather shoe thread because the difference in size between them is comical. Both at supposed to be 11.5E, the bean loafers are tight but livable, the AE are falling off my damn feet which is wild because normally a 12E in "modern" AE is snug. No big deal, I'll get some half insoles and be good to go.

>> No.17543882
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>> No.17543885

These are so fucking bad

he's a jew

>> No.17543901

>he's a jew

Awesome, same here.

>> No.17543913
File: 2.22 MB, 1622x2851, mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostin cause didn't take a pic today

actually beautiful and pleasing to look at. the compositions and where you've taken the pictures are so perfect too, what the fuck. the rag-scarf-eldrich thing is so incredibly hard, but your most recent fit uses colors so nicely.

really really cute

incredibly sick. love the pant shape, and it pairs super nice with the jacket.

you don't look bad to me, just pretty uninteresting. but im a larpfag so take that how you will.

this is also really cute. I agree with 4wd country boy that you could afford more intrigue on the shirt, but still you look really good.

good shit suit man. looks well planned.

>> No.17543919

yeah i love jews, fucking hate poles though

>> No.17543924

Polish people are great, some of the kindest and most hospitable fuckers I’ve met

>> No.17543935
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>> No.17543959

I like your hair. What do you say when you get it cut?

>> No.17543974

Spier & Mackay cotton blazer. Iirc it also comes in olive and khaki
Mixed feelings on the tie but I love the seersucker jacket with red pants
No homo bro
Both ok. I prefer the right

>> No.17543987
File: 3.75 MB, 2440x5312, March 21 2023 2 - Copy - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice fit as usual. I'd love to know how you take such good photos of yourself.
Very cool/inspiring, keep going with the tabi boots. I think this particular silhouette would look even better if the tabis were larger/more visibly substantial, like a steel-toed pair, or leather boot tabis like margiela does. I'm just nit-picking though, great fit overall.
Very nice, a lot of different menswear and workwear tropes going at once yet it all blends seamlessly and is greater than the sum of its parts. What sort of a necktie is that?

reupload from the end of last thread, slightly better image.

>> No.17544013

I really dig this fit, the more I look at it the more I'm impressed. Everything is cohesive apart from the belt, everything fits well, it's a little retro but not full autist larp, and you've got a good looking face to pull it all off. Just a good fit all around.

I don't know if you dress in this style often. If you do, look into getting a pair of moleskin pants like these:


Or a pair of houndstooth trouser


Both are more versatile than you'd think.

Fuck I'm a Polish Jew, I'm sorry anon.

What was the point of this?

I was back and forth on the tie, had another tie which was a red foulard tie with green,blue and gold medallions on it. I'll try that next time.

Not trying to be mean here but the lighting and focus on this pic is pretty bad to the point I can't really make any details out.

>> No.17544042

no you're not

>> No.17544090

those pants are overpriced af geez

>> No.17544097
File: 1.78 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230322_072435420~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice enough, but the Geo's look very long and narrow. Possibly the angle? Maybe theyre laced too tight?
I kneel
Normally don't like this kinda thing, but this is way more cohesive than most fits with this kinda aesthetic. Very nice.
Unremarkable. Fine if you want to look unremarkable.
Left is ok. Don't think work pants are a good choice on the right. Jacket fits nice though.
I can't see shit

>> No.17544100

Woe this looks awful! Hopefully that shit's all reps

>> No.17544120
File: 1.65 MB, 1824x4768, March 22 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense taken, I was pretty drunk when I took that photo lol. I made a second attempt.
Definitely the laces, I like to play around with the tightness but I agree it's too much with this fit, I'll try loosening them up next time I wear it. Nice fit btw

>> No.17544158

Normally I try and been nice and helpful to everyone here but if you think a pair of moleskin pants for $60 and vintage wool dress pants for $45 are overpriced you're either dumb or poor, possibly both.

>> No.17544166

Waist up is decent, waist down is physically uncomfortable to look at. You don't look like you skipped leg day, you skipped leg life. This is anorexia tier thin, you look like someone put shiny guido club wear on a holocaust victim. I hope this is registering on some level, I'm not trying to dance around the issue, this looks bad, you look like you have an eating disorder and need help so please get it.

>> No.17544175

lel u can buy much much nicer brands for less

>> No.17544205

Ok, please provide a link to any moleskin pants for less than $60, I will happily buy them and post the receipt/invoice.

You won't, because you can't, because you're a dumb bitch talking out your ass on 4chan about shit you don't know anything about. Good moleskin pants do not exist for under 60.

I won't even touch the insanity of wool houndstooth dress pants for less than $45. Sure, maybe an end of season sale combined with a 40% off coupon at Gap will get you a wool/poly mix.

I don't even know why I'm arguing with you, at this point I accept the fact *I'm* the idiot for even engaging in this conversation because as usual most people here have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.17544222

kek i really hope you arent paying over a third of retail for bills

>> No.17544227
File: 49 KB, 640x807, haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed my haircut guy picrel, among others. i also use hair paste to give it shape.

Thank you again for the complements and the links! I tend to buy cheap shit at thrift stores/get hand-me-downs and then tailor that stuff to my body. These pants look really nice though! I like the color on the moleskin ones a lot so I might get them and tailor them down.

thanks! It's a long, thin silk scarf. used to be my grandmas lol

>> No.17544236

and why are you recc'ing frumpy earhart dyke menswear when you can find plently of womens loro and bc pants for under a hundres

>> No.17544246

You have a very interesting interpretation of moleskin anon. Or houndstooth.

>> No.17544250

I'm taking a wild guess that Amelia is more into menswear and operating on a tight budget.

But by all means, please show me women's moleskin pants for under $60.

>> No.17544258

Glad you like it! I've given up on thrifting, I'm tall and have long arms, I've never found anything that actually fit me while thrifting. The thrifting scene here was never great, and it got worse with COVID so I just rely on eBay, I'm having a select few pieces made as I need them since certain things I never had any luck finding.
Thank you, that's so much better. I really like that coat!

>> No.17544265

Didn't you already scare off the perfume gal with your creepiness?

>> No.17544266

legit good looking cosy fit. very nice, especially the hair and uhh tie lookin thing

>> No.17544294

So you're admitting you can't back up your initial claims instead you're going with ad hominem insults? Cool.

She's still here, she just posted a gym fit last week. She's not a daily poster, but I'm sure you knew that and were just scrambling for some bullshit to sling.

>> No.17544361

best itt because it's genuine charisma. takes time to develop body and clothes show attention to detail. most importantly, without trying so hard to be on trend which is obvious and obnoxious to see.
pants id?

>> No.17544699
File: 868 KB, 2737x2400, 20230323_103150-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really a daily outfit but Lucked out, found a vintage Versace suit for decently cheap that's a near perfect fit, only minor alterations needed. Pants need to be hemmed for sure but I'm gonna see if they can preserve that break. I'll do a proper post once i get it tailored.

The pants are literally designed to be worn with those kind of shoes lol

Really good, love your fits

Robert Talbott

Great as always. I agree on the neutral shirt, I've started looking for one to go w this.

Pants are "nikka" by toraichi. Super cool japanese work wear brand, no idea where/if you can find them here, i got insanely lucky and found them at a goodwill kek

Waist down looks awful ngl. That tight of a fit really not good, not sure if looser pants would fix it overall but definitely a start


Those lapels and the collar are based as hell, but hard to tell if the fits good since can't see full body

>> No.17544704

Looks like a 90's power suit. Nice find.

>> No.17544762

How should I get roll cuff pleated pants tailored?

>> No.17544948

That's the best you can find at a NYC thrift? looks dated and notch lapels on a db are a pass

>> No.17544960

the green or bronze shirt is great. id on that too please

>> No.17545074
File: 2.12 MB, 2992x2992, 20230323_145202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my fit

>> No.17545172
File: 3.97 MB, 1776x1343, blue look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went for the same silhouette today but with blue tones. I think I prefer the green, but it's cool.

fun colors but not enough going on for my taste.

amazing find dude holy. looks great with that shirt too.

sweater and jacket combo looks cozy. I'd go with different shoes for this.

>> No.17545249
File: 1.71 MB, 1512x2319, 20230323_12560333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pair of moleskin trousers that I got for 80 GBP on ebay last year, make and model is Hoggs of Fife Monarch

yes those pants are too big but there are ways to avoid the nappy that I was too lazy to apply before taking the photo

yes that's why I don't critique other people

yes even my mother says I look Native American. I think this is preferable to me being perceived as my actual ethnicity

>> No.17545294
File: 1.32 MB, 1433x1433, Resize_20230323_155248_8057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to give stretching these sleeves a shot this weekend. Two or three more washes/dries and the jeans will be form fitting too. For all would be Wrangler purchasers, go 2 inches up in each direction. These mutherfuckers shrink.

>> No.17545299

Really nice pants and cool sweater. I think an accessory or a necklace would look really cool hanging around your upper chest.

>> No.17545301

i dont see what my being a bottom has to do with my not liking hats?

>> No.17545380
File: 3.36 MB, 2232x6981, IMG_20230323_171932330_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, that fits really well on you. I personally prefer 6 button DB suits but that looks pretty good, very 90s villain esque.

Solid look, same cohesion as your previous fit but this feels more modern and less Amelia Earhart. Belt is so much better here, also really dig the Fair Isle pattern sweater.

Excellent fit, sweater is great, pants are great, jacket compliments perfectly. If I had to find something to nitpick it would be your belt, it looks a little thin for the pants and fit but that's miniscule.

If you like moleskin pants here's where I get mine:


That looks awesome, wish you posted more.

Regarding Wranglers, what model are you referring to shrinking? I just bought two pair of raw last year, 13 and 936 and sized up two like I normally do for Wrangler dress jeans. Ended up having to get another two pair at my regular size because they didn't shrink that much in the wash, and I still need a belt for the pair in my normal size. Also I think the tagged size was meant to represent size after wash, because the tagged size was 36x33 for both, and when they came in they were around 37x35, now they've shrunk after a couple washes to the tagged size.

I have a feeling this might be a recent thing because I also have a pair of 13s from the late 80s that are tagged 38x34 but fit closer to my current 36x33s.
For what it's worth I got mine off Amazon.

Regardless, they are the best fitting jeans I've ever had, I really don't think I can go back to Levi's.

>Today's fit
So today I learned that what my dad told me was a 4 in hand knot fucking wasn't, and I've been tying a half windsor for nearly 40 fucking years. I never bothered to verify because I simply assumed my dad was right.

>> No.17545402


>> No.17545408

vomit color. incel vibes

>> No.17545426

Fitless post, contrarian faggot vibes.

>> No.17545498

>he doesn't know pleated jeans are finna trend this year

>> No.17545518

>He doesn't know pleated jeans have been trending since 2018.

You can look around and find most designers have pleated jeans. Todd Snyder, Drake's, Comme Des Garcon, Craftsman&Co, Kapital, Zegna, etc. Even older more conservative brands that change at a glacial pace like Paul Frederick have them now. A fucking Google search would have given this information, but anon knows better than the fashion industry and totally isn't a witless faggot.

>> No.17545530
File: 351 KB, 1080x1400, DSC_9969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this today.
Left looks a bit pedo.
A bit immature.
Very good.

>> No.17545575

Morrissey+Elon Musk+ East London pub owner

>> No.17545579

Bery nice. I'd encourage you to experiment more with that fit, it works.

>I think this is preferable to me being perceived as my actual ethnicity
I wouldn't know about that. You look very attractive regardless. Pants look great and they fit perfectly. Finally a solid choice for shoes. Not sure about the green on that swrater but oddly colored knits are your thing, perhaps? It sorta works.

Ah, ranchanon. Good save for the shirt-scarf combo. Those colors together hurt my eyes. This is not a discouragement to try scarves, though.

More conservative than what you got us accustomed. Branch manager on casual friday vibes.

>> No.17545612
File: 2.64 MB, 1436x1890, 24th-outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17545614

>More conservative than what you got us accustomed.

Had a company mixer to attend, dress code was business casual, but business casual for 60 something British and Spanish men is very different than Americans so I sort of tried to split the difference without under or over dressing for either group. It is a more conservative look than I normally roll with but I didn't want to fuck up, and based one what everyone else was wearing I think I landed how I wanted to.

>> No.17545656

genuinely laughed out loud.

>> No.17545667

>yes even my mother says I look Native American.
Joseph Gribble situation perhaps

>> No.17545688

Urban Gentry, that you?

>> No.17545689
File: 1.75 MB, 3901x4086, GridArt_20230323_173613509~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't realize I wore such similar outfits two days in a row till I put these side by side lol

vintage Nocona. made in gool ol' Texas
very nice. I like the blend of academia and work wear here. contrasting cuff is neat
meh. not my favorite rendition of the all black fit. looks dated
everything feels a little mismatched to me here
super swaggy cut on that. nice find anon
agree that green is better but this is still good. cool belt
the sweater is very cool but not sure it's working here. top and bottom half feel at odds with each other
very nice. I want a bit more contrast between pants and boot color, but I'm also color blind so could be me
nice everyday comfy fit here. love it. how's your neck doing? I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what job could possibly have you handling corrosive chemicals in formal attire lmao
what are you doing here dad
urban gentry kek

>> No.17545789

>I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what job could possibly have you handling corrosive chemicals in formal attire lmao

I'm really James Bond, I'm handling corrosive acid in a tux.

Serious answer though: I don't wear formal wear all the time at my job, not even most of the time. Normally I'm wearing a uniform and PPE if I'm on the floor, but no protective equipment is perfect. I got the burn trying to push someone out of the way and I got sloppy. The formal wear is more for meetings, training, travel, company dinners and cocktail hours, and for things I do on my days off.
The burn on my neck is gone, it wasn't that bad to begin with and I don't understand why it looked as rough as it did in the one picture. I just scratch most of my face out in editing because I'm using my phone to crop and edit my pics so it's not exactly detail work oriented. I keep most of my face out so I can maintain some level of plausible deniability if I ever get doxed, from the nose up I look like every other bald (((white))) man out there. Hell someone on Reddit thought I was a financial analyst on a podcast he listens to.

>> No.17545863

>Dude I heckin love the new hit tv show Wednesday!

>> No.17545892
File: 3.53 MB, 3024x4032, 20230323_192530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't pay over $12 for that. come to the garden and ill show you where to thrift
looks costumey like other anon said
good fits ITT, please get collar stays instead of buying kiltie loafers
nice belt
kek why so scared of belgian shoes
wish shirt collar was nicer, possibly best ITT
I'd take the oxxfords desu

>> No.17546078
File: 937 KB, 1024x1024, Resize_20230304_112342_2720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah 0936 on the Wranglers. For reference, I'm typically a 32x34. That pic is a 34x36 after one wash. This pic is a 32x34 after about two years worth of washes and dries.

>> No.17546088
File: 154 KB, 890x1340, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to waste a whole new thread, so hopefully this works. I may be meeting the man that I've loved for seven years but haven't seen in twelve. Which of these is the nicest winter fit?
>london tranny tits
I've been here since Unpop and Tripskank.

First is my personal favourite.

>> No.17546089
File: 104 KB, 894x846, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage to be polite.

>> No.17546090
File: 109 KB, 845x822, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth noting that I have a significant waist/hip ratio so may need to alter these before the occasion.

>> No.17546091
File: 224 KB, 1255x855, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one absolutely needs to be taken in. Would wear the burgundy coat with this as well, since it'll be fucking freezing in mid Winter.

>> No.17546099

I love the dress, stockings and shoes, but the blouse appears low quality and doesn't really suit a dress that already has short sleeves. Consider a cute sleeveless blouse with a nice collar!

>> No.17546107

I vote this one

>> No.17546145

For what it's worth, this one but with the burgundy coat from the first set for a pop of color. I think the green dress is extremely flattering and sexy, the other two are nice but the high collar reads reserved.
I genuinely hope it works out for you, I've had feelings for someone for years and when my chance came up I never grabbed it. Now we're both in relationships and she admitted she had feelings for me years ago so I wasted my chance due to fear. Good luck!

>> No.17546163

Nah I'm good man don't want to thrift with a noob and your Guidi's suck you know?

>> No.17546170

these are so bad who the fuck are you
can't see but this black dress washed out. and is that a graduation gown

>> No.17546175

kek based retard

>> No.17546178

it’s not black cunt it’s green are you blind

>> No.17546184

This one's the best but these all seem very old fashioned even for London? Make sure you've got some slutty lingerie on underneath, maybe a butt plug if you wanna make a good impression

>> No.17546185
File: 1.90 MB, 2854x3806, 6B518F85-9533-456E-A7C2-7104553E9C1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fully thrifted look :)

>> No.17546189

Would smash
>inb4 tranny
I said would smash

>> No.17546191

Pull up your skirt so I can see your girldick.

Also why the fuck are all you people allergic to cleaning up your damn bedrooms? Jordan Peterson is a benzo addict incestous weirdo but he was right about one thing at least, you should clean your shit up

>> No.17546193

I'm not allergic I just have full time education and full time employment, it's difficult for me to find time however I am cleaning my room as I'm typing this haha

>> No.17546210

That's awesome, I'm honestly glad you're cleaning your room. When I was in college I worked full time too and was dealing with depression so my room would look like shit and then I'd feel like shit because of how bad my room looked so I'd clean less and it was a whole cycle. I felt better for a week though each time I cleaned.

Now what about letting me see your penis? That's way easier than cleaning your room right?

>> No.17546225

I hope ur living a cleanly and happy lifestyle now, unfortunately I do not have a penis

>> No.17546234

interesting, jacket id?

>> No.17546266

You are a man in drag, how is that /fa/shion? It's literally just a costume like cosplay maybe just post on /cgl/ and stop wasting people's time here, thanks.

>> No.17546269
File: 1.74 MB, 2548x3800, IMG_20230324_202404893~2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the colors here but I feel like it kind of falls off around the socks/shoes area. I think some laced shoes would really work better with the rest of it.
>zippered top
>under another zippered top
This is a meme, isn't it?
The Death Star called, you've been on shore leave too long
More seriously though, I think a shorter collar and different pose would suit this better. You just need some better break between your neck and your shoulders.
I like the tuck on the first one better than the second.
These two are my favorites. Have you tried pairing the dress in 3 with the coat in 1?
I like this, but I feel like it needs different shoes also. You want some darker color at the bottom to balance the darkness on the top. Mary Janes, perhaps? Although that might be a bit too conventional.

>> No.17546270

>I do not have a penis
Do you regret transitioning from a man into a man without a penis?

>> No.17546272

>red undershirt
>those frames
come on now anon

>> No.17546273

>wants to impress a man
>dresses like a granny
Based retard

>> No.17546275

What's wrong with the first two? I'm getting some new glasses soon so I can fix the third.

>> No.17546278

You look like the chud meme

>> No.17546282

This dress looks best on you (cant tell if you're pinching it back)
This one is great w the coat though I'm not a fan of the shirt under the dress

>> No.17546283

Dude of course he's pinching it back - he's a man in an ill-fitting dress, lmao.

>> No.17546284

just wear a white undershirt if you need one. red doesn't go with your outfit and "pop of colour" is a reddit meme.
Backpacks just look like shit. It looks like maybe your at an airport or something so I get it but a backpack will always look childish. For travel an overnight bag or a duffel will always look more masculine, if it's for school or work a briefcase, satchel or messenger would be ideal.
Also, a haircut wouldn't hurt.

>> No.17546294

Really? That's news to me, I thought red, tan, brown, and black tended to compliment each other. Thanks for the advice, anon. Especially on the bag varieties. This one still has a few years in it before it falls apart, but I've been thinking of my next daily driver since I want something with a better silhouette.
>at an airport
Nailed it. Regrettably, I don't have a mirror in my room long enough to post on the regular. Haircut's also in the upcoming plans, alongside the glasses improvement.
I was wearing glasses like this for years before some guy in El Paso decided to. They just don't really suit my face shape anymore, and my eyes have gotten worse, so I'm going to switch frames while I'm at it.

>> No.17546298

>is a gay guy (which is fine)
>wants to impress a gay guy he's in love with (again, fine)
>dresses like a woman
>and badly at that
based retarded retard

>> No.17546341

Mary janes would definitely work, I need to invest

>> No.17546393
File: 3.10 MB, 2903x7646, IMG_20230324_094006395_BURST000_COVER_COMP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking on conservative, I think you're going soft on us fit wise.....

Two questions ranch anon
1: What color are those Wranglers? Are they blue that you just beat to shit or are they the trail dust color?
2: What boots are those? I need to upgrade my Dan Posts, I got the Milwaukee model because I figured if I didn't wear them often I didn't want to waste money. Turns out I fucking love the boots, I want to get something in snakeskin next.

This is the dress to wear. You have a really classic figure, the dress with some tailoring will flatter it, if he likes you he's going to feel some kind of way seeing you in that.

I like this, I went to school in the 90s who wore pretty much this exact outfit with some colors swapped around. How do you feel about Doc Martens? If you're aiming for a 90s vibe a pair of Docs would work great here.

Hopefully my shoes today will be more to your liking, went with a darker fit. Regarding yours, the whole outfit sends mixed messages. The tan short sleeve button up with black pants reads work uniform/boy scout uniform/Nazi brown shirt lol, its not doing you any favors at all. Undershirts should neve be seen so you don't need a pop of color, go for white v necks or tank tops. Under shirts are under garments, think of seeing your undershirt in public like showing your underwear in public. I actually get it the shoes and backpack, you're travelling. As far as not having access to a mirror, does your phone have a timer? I washed my phone between my wallet and a can of monster for two months, then I spent $25 on Amazon and got a tripod and a blue tooth clicker for my phone, makes taking pics a breeze!

>Today's fit
Wholecut Allen Edmonds are incredibly comfortable, as in barely feel them on. AE used to make amazing shoes, it sucks that they've decline so much. Pants are black and brown houndstooth, hard to get on camera without zooming all the way in

>> No.17546408

aw they were thrift funded fyi
nice white socks

>> No.17546418

I love doc martens, mine unfortunately are so dirty and destroyed nowadays however so I am reluctant to pair them on femme fits.

>> No.17546453

>nice white socks
They're actually a very light beige/tan/cream color. I'm experimenting a little with the whole white sock Ivy look but I really hate how bright actual optic white socks are in the real world, this is my sort of half ass work around.

>> No.17546510

I'm still in the city for a couple days, would appreciate recs

Shirt is Paul smith, this one's a friends so I'm thinking of getting one myself too

>> No.17546549
File: 63 KB, 1073x1057, cde6ea3e275503aa8326d427d05471f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not one good outfit in this thread

>> No.17546561

Insane to see people think >>17543913 is a dyke and >>17546090 is a man. What has become of our society anons

>> No.17546564

The first one definitely looks like a dyke, im not well versed in trannies to judge the second one

>> No.17546568
File: 3.62 MB, 4032x3024, F5B77C68-442B-4D06-BB80-F4E6B1492BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17546569

You ain't doing yourself any favors by dressing like a stereotypical arab

>> No.17546578
File: 2.06 MB, 3024x4032, 9A7F0914-E0ED-4E5A-A399-1BFE85347498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17546607

That’s a good call. I hate the bright white sock meme. Looks ridiculous unless you really know what you’re doing.

>> No.17546643
File: 2.97 MB, 2991x3136, 4E885576-5307-40EF-BC3B-AD108F6AFC7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U Mirin

>> No.17546654
File: 2.43 MB, 2825x4098, March 24 2023 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right looks comfy
Like it, great build/face for this look
best of the 4
Reminds me of that infamous photo of the delta force guy in plaincloths, might look better with brown boots or leather shoes.
dapper as always
based middle eastern chad
You live in New England?

Got home to realize I tied my tie wrong and it's been too short all day lol. Brand new suit, I was too excited to wear it to get the pants hemmed, but I can get them hemmed at work anytime. Wondering where the ideal pant break should be.

>> No.17546755
File: 398 KB, 2200x3000, 20230324_115214_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardigan looks a tad tight
Love the variety and contrast of colors, few can pull this off without looking like a total dandy
Not sure whats happening with the feet but the pants are cool
Might want to just wait until warmer weather to bust out the ruby's and polo's
But out of all those jackets the harrington works best by far imo
Beautiful sweater. But its a shame that sweaters are made so long today that men need to resort to weird tucking/bunching like that to have a higher waist and show their belt.

>> No.17546765

its gross. the fact that some will question it because of the washed out appearance contrasted with your pale skin. even if you pinch the waist the shoulder and hem are still ill fitted.
then the maroon ensamble, the collar is so matronly omg and the poor lacing too. the coat length is so stupid if slater was still alive he would spit tobacco on you.

>> No.17546772

while this is more normal the dusty berry ass colors stink

>> No.17546777

The drab pants and beanie dont go with the plum shirt and ascot

>> No.17546781

dye your white hairs

>> No.17546796

Tie knot is a big large too

>red t shirt
>park ranger shirt when this nigga is definitely not a park ranger
>incel glasses
>looks terrified
One of the worst ITT

Theres obviously just one shitposter that thinks its hilarious to call every single girl poster a tranny
Honestly it probably was kind of funny the first couple times but now everyone knows its a troll so whats the point

>> No.17546859

It's a full windsor knot, it's supposed to look large, that's how I like my tie knots. Personal preference I guess.

>> No.17546937

This looks so ridiculous but I can't pinpoint why.

>> No.17546946
File: 259 KB, 1080x746, bogwitch fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(band shirt)

>> No.17546949
File: 50 KB, 720x960, russia (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17546956

Black Whiskey on the Wranglers and Corral A3476 on the boots.

>> No.17547011

white socks are based but dont wear them with anything more formal than a brown ptb. stick to loafers and bucks
german bank bro long time no see
chinesium cords
homecoming tier sorry
find a better angle to take fit pics please

>> No.17547023

quarter-zip + quarter-zip = half-zip

>> No.17547031

Wow I'm surprised, they don't look anything like the color they show on Amazon. I'm going to grab a pair now, thank you.

Interesting, on the one hand that makes sense and I'd agree with the formality limit on the other I've seen multiple old pics of men with white/light cream socks and black leather shoes, wingtips specifically. The contrast of the white against the black shoe has stuck with me, how do you feel about white socks with wingtips?

Bro I really liked Arctic Thunder, when's you're next album come out?

I've accepted that my heaving bulk is too much for that poor cardigan to handle, I'll size up in the new one.
Suspicious wear pattern on the knee but overall that's a comfy fit.

You know you look good, we know you look good, you don't have to wear clothes that tight.
Reverse image search is a thing.

>> No.17547101
File: 1.49 MB, 1349x2560, 20230324_185353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs a steam
fuggin kek
shoes r lovely
leavin ur comfort zone. nice
proportions r off
bottom left coherent. rest r mids
good. could b better
don't like. smth abt the jacket reminds me of pickled veg
great colors. would've considered lighter shoes
slick. wouldn't approach tho. too milk toast
u dress like one of my close friends
lookin better huckyboo
can't see shit
do u drive an mx5
i like the balance between cozy and edgy
fucking retard
>gym fit
2nd one
very 80s powersuit. how tall r u
repurposed grandma's couch
>open toe
material of the blazer looks v nice
frumpy. wen r u bulking?

>> No.17547111

You look like a 50 year old dude trying desperately to look 20. Up your game bro.

>> No.17547116

I hate shorts and hate Telfar but like this a lot.

>> No.17547122
File: 1.62 MB, 1440x2370, 20230324_194907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet 10000 dollars u look older
sergio tacchini u moid

>> No.17547128

same fucking logo + women are more likely to be retarded and buy Telfar

>> No.17547130

how did you end up on a fashion board?

>> No.17547135

Why would you expect people on the fashion board to know the brand that makes nothing but tracksuits

>> No.17547144

because i posted one sometime last week retard

>> No.17547152
File: 698 KB, 1228x1228, Resize_20230324_191015_5374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly going to a house show. Fiancèe is stuck on the couch with period cramps though.

>> No.17547159

dude your hands literally look 50 years old, and i'm just guessing that shit hair is a wig on a bald boomer, stop posting cross dressing pics it ain't fashion

>> No.17547160

Wtf is a moid? A Mongolian?

>> No.17547163
File: 1.59 MB, 1440x2560, 20230324_201816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah. post hand faggot

>> No.17547164


>> No.17547166


>> No.17547173

>frumpy. wen r u bulking?
Is that implying im fat? The shirt and slacks are baggy, my BMI is around 18

>> No.17547177

not them but hand in bath is totally cheating because your hand might be dry and cracked af when its not literally immersed in water and soap

>> No.17547188
File: 655 KB, 1255x1440, 20230324_202943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit wasn't flatterin. ideally men should be 8-11%
sure, could've also slopped some lotion beforehand. still by far the youngest looking on this board

>> No.17547192

yeah you literally have crepe skin kys boomer

>> No.17547196
File: 284 KB, 2466x1880, muh-strawmen-v0-za6dbd46tvaa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17547197

i like to think i look like a soviet athlete

>> No.17547201

If this is a trap I'm going gay.

>> No.17547204

The hands don't lie.

>> No.17547205

>ideally men should be 8-11%
are you thinking of body fat percentage? BMI is a different measurement

>> No.17547209
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x2560, 20230324_202550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hb feet?

>> No.17547211
File: 1.07 MB, 4096x3276, _20230324_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while, chopped off some hair and a mustache since last time.

your crazy hair is growing on me the more i see it
nice, hat is too much though in my humble opinion
based schizo stare

>> No.17547212
File: 200 KB, 1307x1239, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17547213

nope bmi. buy clothes that please

>> No.17547216

it's some retarded dude in women's clothes lmao

>> No.17547217

>body fat percentage
yea. am 17.8BMI no idea what bf%

>> No.17547220
File: 205 KB, 1200x861, sequestree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8-11 bmi

>> No.17547222


>> No.17547226
File: 496 KB, 1080x2086, 20230324_205147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17547227


>> No.17547229

I have been a footfag for a very long time and my expert conclusion is that those feet belong to a male.

>> No.17547230

where's my 10000$ fag

>> No.17547250

Report of the week core

>> No.17547343

Not sure why people are giving you so much shit for a casual fit. Hoodie + jacket looks comfortable. Jeans don't really fit the shoes and look a bit long in general. Maybe get them tailored. Try some different shoes too.

>> No.17547352

because its so "casual" that its boring af. boring pieces, all greyscale, probably cheap shit with synthetics. just not interesting compared to most of the other fits itt

>> No.17547354

good to see you again, anon. you rocked the stache and your hair looked really good. not a fan of how short your hair is now and the beard isn't a good look. imo you should either be clean shaven or keep the stache. you have a great face, don't ruin it with a beard. cheers my fren

>> No.17547359

Because he's posing as a fascist but he's in some pauper's lounge.

>> No.17547370

this lanky freak looks feminine to anyone? you are legit gay if u like this lol tall freak guy with stick legs

>> No.17547387



>> No.17547400

are you actually implying you're a cis woman

not even any of the original anons giving you shit, just surprised. You have plank proportions, big hands, and big feet. Not saying women can't have those, but I had you clocked as some trust fund hapa tranny

>> No.17547404

post pic of ID, I promise 10000% you are not a cis woman and if you are you have some hormonal issue like marfan or intersex something
u look terrible

>> No.17547405

I actually feel terrible for you if you are actually a cis girl, you look like an actual tranny lanky hon lol
u actually just have disgusting features

>> No.17547406

My grandad wears same clothes

>> No.17547408

ik we sexy but u have me and nobullychan confused

>> No.17547409
File: 80 KB, 1283x675, 9b3151ced5b29d6caba02531e7db4b500bb661a1d2d07493fda546b834b30070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like girls with no tits so sometimes I am temporarily attracted to pictures of twinks who cleverly disguise themselves as females.
It's not my fault I was born with patrician tastes in women.

>> No.17547415

I don't know who's shitting who itt anymore but I think the matter could easily be resolved if the accused posted picture of face with shoe on head

>> No.17547416

u first

>> No.17547417
File: 176 KB, 1125x905, 7f0e9872e40b76ac1941a7c2f61133c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demands an answer
>doesn't give it to them

>> No.17547424

im not the tracksuit lady

>> No.17547429

not exactly cleverly disguised if every single person has pointed out how manly they are lol

>> No.17547433

no lol

>> No.17547436

post id, i doubt u even have a female id in the house u live in

>> No.17547445
File: 1.09 MB, 1210x2091, 20230321_174921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, hb u keep calling me a man or give me ur discord

>> No.17547451


>> No.17547453

da watermelon crushers

>> No.17547477
File: 598 KB, 448x250, funny-shoeonhead-reeee-reaction-617jfaaw3jy1yxxi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17547482


>> No.17547538
File: 1.59 MB, 4096x4096, Compress_20230325_000715_5499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been feeling blue lately

this one's the best of the lot. love the top
jacket feels out of place. rest isn't bad
really showing your 4chan anon. not sure what advice I have here, needs a big overhaul. confidence is probably the logical starting point
sorry you caught me lacking dad. I'll do better. another nice classic fit, everything seems to fit you perfectly here
not much to say regarding the fit. nice build
boring to me but I'm not in a suit wearing sphere so doesn't mean much
cardigan looks a tad loose
swag. silhouette is nice, too low res to see much else
interesting but not really working for me. feels like aliexpress core
this one's nice. tones and proportions of everything are great
lookout! someone might dox me using my rings!! boring fit, would not talk to you at house show
looking good, as always. vintage pants? very nice flare on them
>my hair
thanks :) it's growing on me too
10/10 would let you crush my skull between those thighs

>> No.17547562

thank you based rich girl poster

>> No.17547566

any weights or mostly cardio?

>> No.17547583

that's an edelweiss shirt dumbass

>> No.17547591
File: 59 KB, 604x340, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post thrift
>post new
first she's poor, now she's rich. fucking which is it, goldilocks?

>> No.17547593

Like them both, but left wins imo. There's something about the ruggedness of right that doesn't go eother with the scarf or the way you're wearing it. I dunno.

>> No.17547603

This ReviewBrah cosplay is a hoot

>> No.17547605

ID on the left jacket?

>> No.17547608

Looks like a Carhartt trucker jacket

>> No.17547669

What pants?

>> No.17547672

did receptionist girl notice u senpai

>> No.17547771
File: 798 KB, 1683x1920, _20230319_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was "spring" for 1 week or so, now we are going back to winter temperatures for the foreseeable future
cant take it anymore desu

thanks, yeah the longer hair looked good, but its a pain in the ass and i wanted to try something different, will grow it out again at some point.
dw, not getting a beard, just lazy atm, will probably just keep a few days/a week of stubble though cause shaving sucks
i like the right one, nice portapros too
rick geth jeans, hemmed and worn high instead of sagging
yea but
>implying my hopeless socially anxious idiot ass will ever do anything about it ::))

>> No.17547775

mook in john wick movie

>> No.17547796

I like flared pants but they don't look good on my tree trunk legs. What boots are those?

>> No.17547831

great fit pants id please. drop a pen and hip hinge your ass low for her you're too hot for it not to work.

>> No.17547917
File: 371 KB, 620x1031, out for smokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the corner store anybody need anything?

>> No.17547942

Jacket quarters look really long. Does it just cover your behind or sit much lower?
Also, i think the reason youre getting ROTW comparisons is because of the greyscale colors you're going with.

>> No.17547973

The behind comes just below my ass cheeks.

>> No.17548027
File: 3.73 MB, 1512x1134, leather jacket id-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacket - international concepts (tag is picrel), thrifted
Tie - oscar de la renta silk scarf, hand-me-down
Shirt - ralph lauren, hand-me-down
Vest - Murano, thrifted
Pants - Levi's 508s with white label, thrifted + tailored
Belt - Carhardt, bought new
Shoes - Dr Martens 1460s in crazy horse leather, bought new

Also if you want to cop the vest here you go lol https://www.ebay.com/itm/304766673545?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FdZQVG2ETAy&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=k3naysk-qxs&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

Additionally, though not an exact match, here are some similar pants https://poshmark.com/listing/Levi-508-31x29-Olive-Green-62d64a8c24237a3cbce2d608

My budget's not really tight. My parents just larped poverty so much growing up I shop at thrift stores kinda by default. To be honest I'm not even sure where to start with most newer clothing stores.

I've had a couple people say this looks cheap/like a costume, which, yeah it's almost all thrifted. But like the leather and wool and silk are all real.
The way I make outfits is kinda by creating a character I want to be in my head, so maybe that's what people are sensing. Before I came on this board again recently, I had never heard the term LARP used in regard to fashion. The use of it makes a lot of sense to me, but I'm somewhat unsure what people's aversion to LARPy fits is philosophically.
I tend to find more normal ways of dressing quite boring. And indeed, if I dressed entirely in accordance with my lifestyle, I think I'd find my own outfits rather dull. So I donno what to do about that.

"Oh what a catastrophic hinderance! My waist/hip ratio is simply too significant... what ever will I do?" girl you know you're sexy, now go get your man lmao.

spiderman villain core

Shirt and watch look cool, but your undershirt and shoes feel like they didn't get the memo. maybe look into some boots.

>> No.17548100
File: 3.73 MB, 3024x4032, 20230325_155351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the outfits but the fit feels a bit off, kind of uncanny valley
oops totally missed this, if you're in manhattan your best bet is some of the housing works, and unironically the goodwill next to atelier and frevo (good food). also country of, tokio 7, city opera, james veloria, and edith machinist
glad youre back

>> No.17548169
File: 1.84 MB, 2260x4020, 20230325_163810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally posting a fit with the final home on.
FH, turnbull & asser x2, martin greenfield, paul stuart, belgian shoes

>> No.17548246
File: 2.06 MB, 2372x7151, IMG_20230324_173506107~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARP clothes
All fashion beyond clothes required to do specific tasks like certain uniforms is LARP. There's no need whatsoever to wear clothes in the styles or ways we do. It's a mish mash of current trends and obeying rules and precedents set decades if not centuries ago. So basically don't worry about it, wear what you like as long as it looks good.

What angle are you taking your pics from, is it below hip level? I'm trying to figure something out. Your pants are awesome.

I never thought cowboy boots could work with cargo pants but that actually looks really good. What's the shirt on the left? I see pearl buttons and I think Wrangler but that can't be it.

I like everything except the coat, I don't have a good reason why. I feel like this would look better with a trenchcoat though, still a great look regardless.

>Today's fit
Casual day, went with flared pants as well. Sport coat is cotton and unstructured, I'm just now noticing it bunched weird on one shoulder, oh well.

>> No.17548263
File: 29 KB, 477x478, 57eb4e68-3ed6-4d21-bdec-89361ee15051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average 4chan user

>> No.17548295

post fit

>> No.17548314
File: 40 KB, 480x450, dc4a86a3c991c701b3ca38e6dc8c0edf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17548449

damn you look so different in this lighting. That mooseknuckle is kind of big, is this normal?

>> No.17548496


>> No.17548504


>> No.17548506

not bad
pretty good
marry poppins
almost ok
sortof ok
not the worst
sortof ok
i guess its ok
kindof good
sortof good
not bad
not quite there
kindof good
kindof ok
sortof good
not bad
sortof good
kindof good
pretty good
not awful

>> No.17548524
File: 711 KB, 1330x1862, 20230325_1740299999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic casual setup

hmmm I'll try that in the future
>oddly colored knits are your thing, perhaps?
Yes, I do have some loud knits that are not super versatile, but I also do have some more neutral ones. Here's a normal-colored Breton stripes knit jumper
wouldn't that be funny
what is a ruby in this context?

>> No.17548544

>trust fund
sounds v untrusting. unnecessary and gay

>> No.17548557

Yeah the jacket is completely ridiculous. You look like you’re getting ready to walk through a hurricane in loafers.

>> No.17548689

Meant rugby, g key on my keyboard is going out lel

>> No.17548698

Y'all look fucking retarded

>> No.17548701
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>> No.17548734
File: 148 KB, 836x786, 444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vape Naysh y'all!

>> No.17548756

based neutralposter

>> No.17548808

Twin peaks core

>> No.17548896
File: 854 KB, 1440x1723, 20230326_044514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 squats
legs 60lbs 10×5
100 floors 24 mins
500-800 steps jacob's ladder

>> No.17549016

For the love of god please sit on my face after a workout.

>> No.17549054

>I'm somewhat unsure what people's aversion to LARPy fits is philosophically.
Kind of a meme for gatekeepers. I personally think all fashion has a larpy component to it. Otherwise it's just clothes. Nothing wrong with having a little fun with fashion as long as you don't take it too seriously. I really liked your fits.

Caught you in the wild in the harringtin thread try it half-zipped and let the bottom ride up just over the waist of your jeans.

>> No.17549224

Didn't post fit, not ok

>> No.17549242

Lmao I look exactly the same, I just didn't scribble my chin out in this pic because my jaw line looked decent.
Regarding the pants, they're slim fit , sometimes things bulge. This is why I prefer looser pants with pleats.

Nice, clean and minimalist without being sad and drab. Jean are a touch short, still a really good fit.

I'm really sorry someone held a gun to your head anon and forced you to browse the thread AND post a reply, I hope the police help you soon.
>Kind of a meme for gatekeepers
Yep. Barring uniforms for specific tasks, all clothes are LARPy especially when you realize how much dumb shit we do simply because some other asshole did it hundreds of years ago.

For example: Why do we have two buttons on a suit jacket, but we only button one? Well it turns out we used to button both, then some fat fucking king was literally too obese to button his coat's bottom button. And these were coats tailor made to measure for him! So in order to make help the king cope and not seethe, everyone else started to not button their bottom button. That's it, that's the reason buttoning the bottom button is "wrong". So why even have two buttons? Why not just go to one? "Tradition".

>the bottom ride up just over the waist of your jeans.

If the bottom rides up over his waist doesn't that mean it will look more like an Eisenhower jacket?

>> No.17549295

>If the bottom rides up over his waist doesn't that mean it will look more like an Eisenhower jacket?
Well, maybe not that much. I'd say about overlapping the belt loops in a mid to high rise jeans. Overall harringtons are meant to be worn short and fitted. Again, half-zipped or completely open with the tartan showing is the best look.

>> No.17549323

I remember you, you're the one who's hair I liked and you said you got called a 1-up mushroom for wearing that green Sergio Tacchini tracksuit. You're actually pretty hot, nice one.

>> No.17549393
File: 270 KB, 1200x1134, 6741f450e11d609e9c82d3dd3a400c6fde53a0a3a81024fa19c9adc2069bad4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, wait, WAIT. Hold on just a minute here....
You mean to tell me that there are 10/10 short-haired booblet tomboys on /fa/ posting unsolicited pictures of their feet?

>> No.17549430

Certainly seems that way, not a foot guy but I'll say she looks pretty fine.

>> No.17549438

90s MIUSA Carhartt Trucker. inherited from my ol' man
this looks so good. minimal perfection. I think the hair is working well with your face shape. just build up a bit more stubble and you'll be golden
>parents larped poverty
never thought about my situation growing up in this way but definitely stealing this phrase. informed my clothes shopping habits as well
>cowboy boots and cargos
yeah, thanks! my deployed Vietnam era soldier on night off larp.
>pearl snap shirt
not positive, but fairly certain it's not wrangler. came to me tagless, unfortunately. it's one of my favorite western shirts, second only to this beat to shit "bigsteel" horse print shirt (picrel)
nice everyday fit. very unoffending but still stylish

>> No.17549442
File: 1.94 MB, 4096x4096, Compress_20230325_164842_2744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot the pic

>> No.17549499


>> No.17549732

>best itt thb

>> No.17549830

Pants too long. Looks alright otherwise tho

I like the jacket. I'm 6'4

Unfortunately gone now, but appreciate the recs, I'll check them out next time i visit

>> No.17549850
File: 3.66 MB, 3468x4624, obuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new converse pants, what do you think of it?

>> No.17549866
File: 1.27 MB, 1486x1982, 625CC151-8AF6-4B46-8D1D-CB24CB00B974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17549889
File: 3.06 MB, 4624x2604, 20230326_174608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit baggy for my taste, could look good but need to have similar amount of room in the rest of the fit


Classy and timeless

>> No.17549982
File: 122 KB, 442x788, 41B01672-BD9F-4DD6-9792-5A1A03C3DC41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first sight i liked it, second thoughts on shoes and scarf
Very nice! Maybe the banged up belt is a little larpy
Dont like it
I prefer the jacket closed. Wouldnt need the striped sweater in my opinion
Not a fan of the shirt (in particular the collar), i would go unpatterned. I really like the fit of the pants
American psychoesque, not sure about it
Very nice
Dont like it, really dont like the meme headphones
Not a fan of the hair in the back

>> No.17550002
File: 277 KB, 1080x1964, 36735b183b7da49a62ebbd017c5e3616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17550004

>meme headphones
kek, you've clearly never tried them

>> No.17550024

No i didnt, whats the name?
Is it this tight? I know i'm in the overweight range, currently trying to lose a litte weight

>> No.17550052

It doesn't look as exaggerated as in that photo, but it just looks kind of disheveled. Would definitely look better with different trousers and shoes. And of course lose some weight.

>> No.17550146

Why are you obese

>> No.17550149

>doesn't look as exaggerated as in that photo
you know that top one gonna come off tho

>> No.17550280

new thread


>> No.17550289

>Try some different shoes too.
like what?

>> No.17550645

some bootleg guidi inspired backzips
>What angle are you taking your pics from, is it below hip level?
no specific angle, depends where i can put my phone, that pic was probably around knee level though.