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17521103 No.17521103 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss all things hair, whether it be on the body, face, or head.
Previous Thread: >>17498484

>> No.17521124
File: 419 KB, 750x1061, ddqz93o-9b755f8c-1657-4aa2-87f6-b37619d613f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long hair on males looks shit. But full body hair is based.

>> No.17521128

i hate having to shave all the time
how do i control my beard growth on command?

>> No.17521406
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pls help

>> No.17521510
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What haircut screams "chad"? IMO it's picrel, long hair but conventional.

>> No.17521519
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>What haircut screams "chad"
Shaved head, nigger.

>> No.17521564

Hair is fine if you like it long.
Bottom right doesn't do you any favours though.

Makes your chin look way weaker than it is.

I suggest try a ( well kept) full beard for some more definition.
Or cut some bf.

>> No.17521570

You look like a pudgy bitch boy with the shorter hair, grow your beard out

>> No.17521575
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agreed. picrel

>> No.17521667
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no, that is the mark of the monkey, and niggerdly.
the highly evolved master race has only a little body hair besides the groin and armpits.

>> No.17521670

no that screams cope for old & balding or ex-convict.

>> No.17521819
File: 45 KB, 584x612, gettyimages-545741803-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found the nigger with bad taste
The masterrace is fully covered with bodyhair and will impregnate white women easily. While faggots with long hair fight with low sperm count.
Also Hitler was so disappointed with white males that he incarnated as Kanye West today, dating white girls as a black guy.

>> No.17521820

grow a beard and never tie your hair like that again

>> No.17521917
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growing it out.
Today I didnt style, wash, etc it.

>> No.17521919

>hairlet cope

>> No.17521923
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>> No.17521949
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>faggot nigger didn't know that Hitler shot himself in Berlin
>Hitler last words was that white germans were pussies
>then reincarnated as Kanye West to fight the globohomo as superior black man
Wtf is wrong with you, read more books.

>> No.17521999

looks gay

>> No.17522197

gay whistle

>> No.17522216

i want a wet look
more "natural" ingredients the better (i know that's a loaded word. no harsh chemicals, simple ingredients list)
nothing fancy.

i've been using coconut oil
other suggestions?

>> No.17522457

Will sea salt spray help if I have thick but super dry hair?

>> No.17522472

Would make it drier because of the salt

>> No.17522475
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Thinking my current hair doesn't suit me and I should cut it shorter, but no idea to what style. Curls are 3B (pretty sure) and get dry really quick, can't retain moisture for shit. Thoughts?

>> No.17522511

since you have an irrational and misguided aversion to things that aren’t labelled “natural,” use water

>> No.17522569

Lmao Sam Elliot

>> No.17522576
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Momoa is ugly as shit if he's not properly styled. He's almost barf-worthy.

>> No.17522658
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What is your opinion on goatees? do you like 'em, hate 'em or something in between?

i think it looks good with hair, bald and goatee screams mid-age crisis.

>> No.17522664
File: 19 KB, 500x545, brad pitt goatee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a clean shave, moustaches or a full beard look better on these people? Is it just about the face, or does the goatee make these people look better? I personally think goatees are pretty rad if you are not hideous and in good shape.

t. >>17522658

>> No.17522682
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Don't wear it in a bun, if you're going to wear it in a bun either grow your beard or cut it all together, nobody wants to see the forehead.

As for your current style, add sea salt spray to give it a more wavy look, also I'd consider cutting it a bit, as pic related + add some highlights to it.

And last but not least, and the most important one, you have a good facial structure, lose weight, and you'll look like cobain instead of peter griffin out of the jungle.

Other tips, see if you can wear contacts instead of glasses, but the most important task for you is to lose weight, otherwise you're fine.

>> No.17522705
File: 45 KB, 500x500, f0b91398789b0111b4a53efee8c98681[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goatees are extremely risky, they'll either make you look like a movie star or a dork.
I think it has a lot to do with the face and the type of goatee.
Someone might not have the face for it or they might just choose the wrong one.
As far as making someone look better, if it works it'll do that, but if it doesn't it'll do the opposite, like most risky grooming decisions.

>> No.17522827
File: 42 KB, 520x650, Johnny-Depp-Beard-Style-520x650-524620025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre probably right, they need some confidence to work

>> No.17522833

the issue is most people with a goatee are just fat guys trying to look less fat, so the stigma spills over and you have to be pretty chad to make it work

>> No.17522840

yeah that looks really bad. does it always lay flat like that or can you get some more volume?

>> No.17522856
File: 1.03 MB, 1856x2952, Don Pelayo de Asturias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long hair on males looks shit
All the great heroes of Europe sported shoulder lenght hair up until the 18th century. The Merovingian kings famously never cut their hair, thus old kings had it waist long.

>> No.17522974
File: 38 KB, 537x378, IMG_20230114_103043_116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tend to go for a cross between these two styles. Somewhere between a flat top with fenders and an Elephant's Trunk hairstyle, classic mid to late 50's stuff. Don't really care what anyone thinks, I usually get a fuck load of compliments since I'm one of the few people who actively styles and brushes their hair daily and I pull the damn thing off with confidence. Not to mention I'm always wearing full 40's or 50's gear so it's not like I'm doing the hairstyle a disservice by wearing it with the first damn thing I found at the top of the hamper. Used to go with a traditional side part before, but can't see myself with any other style now.

>> No.17523010

I think it's because it's so long. I need to add in a bunch of leave in conditioner to get some form of moisture in there and with the hair being so thin it weighs it down. Atleast that's my theory. I just want a shorter style I can cut it to that'll work for me, but I have no idea what that is. So far the only advice I've gotten is cornrows or an afro which I'm definitely not interested in.

>> No.17523332
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should I keep growing it or should I cut it, kinda torn.

>> No.17523809


>> No.17523860

I like that look, I also see some potential in growing it longer.

>> No.17524223
File: 1.03 MB, 1924x2999, 1678409081555832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howw do I look bros

>> No.17524256

you look like you have a dozen corpses of prostitutes under your floorboards

>> No.17524819

I don't do such things desu.

>> No.17524845
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>have widow's peaks
>like medium length hair, slicked back, kind of like pic related
c-can I pull it off even with a V shaped hairline?

>> No.17524905

what was the process? or u just let it grow?

>> No.17524913

I think it kinda needs the V-line. I'm picturing it oval shaped and it looks weird and feminine.

>> No.17525003

you probably look better from the side

>> No.17525012


Let it grow + sea salt spray

>> No.17525070
File: 92 KB, 800x817, side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a side picture anon

>> No.17525091
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shave the beard, go stubble. and frasier cranemaxx. dont shave off their hair you will look worse bald

>> No.17525125

don't wanna

>> No.17525224
File: 423 KB, 680x652, hair9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hairtype do i need for this style?

>> No.17525227

Im going to do a very close crew cut to see if i can handle the buzzpill

>> No.17525328

josuyke higashkjta wannabe ass nigga

>> No.17525332

u seem tall my white nigga. OI would look into tall white balding fuckers and try to go with that.
Bulk up and go cold stone steve austin mode my melanin deficient nigga

>> No.17525406

well you can either shave, and you will look worse because you have a bad face. or get a hair transplant

>> No.17525418

don't wanna

>> No.17525601

Boy that shit was around way before any of that weebo shit

>> No.17525744
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>c-can I pull it off even with a V shaped hairline?
Since when is that a problem?

>> No.17525748

Kooky professor core

>> No.17525850
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The return of the Tsar!

>> No.17525990
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Reject modernity, embrace tradition.