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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 459x344, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17521529 No.17521529 [Reply] [Original]

recess edition

>> No.17521530

old thread >>17510257 is on its deathbed

>> No.17521561
File: 2.43 MB, 2402x6709, IMG_20230307_173750151_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday's fit. Unstructured jacket is awesome, I avoided them for years because I thought it would be shapeless, happy to be wrong.

>> No.17521566

Big yikes at the break of the pants

>> No.17521571

You should take your pics at hip height. Taking them lower elongates your legs and throws off the proportions of the fit. You're doing yourself a disservice. You probably look better irl than the pic shows.

>> No.17521590
File: 380 KB, 822x1512, 36FC9ED4-1593-40E7-9709-28045D04CC66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-H&M knit sweater (100% cotton, 15$)
-Levis 501 from ebay (Old, feels heavy and durable)
-Seiko (+-10s/year)
-Hoka Clifton Suede Eggnog (Max cushion, great to flee or catch the subway)

>> No.17521595

Bald weirdo

>> No.17521598

Also soulless, horrible outfit and horrible carpet

>> No.17521634
File: 77 KB, 730x900, wed8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your collar a bit too tight? What does unstructured mean in the context of the jacket?

would maybe look cooler if you rolled up those sleeves

>> No.17521644
File: 1.90 MB, 3888x4096, GridArt_20230308_090231985~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice looking jacket. I like the pink shirt + tie combo too. don't know if I'm crazy about the dark pants here though. I think camel pants could compliment the upper half nicely
ps. thanks for kind words in the last thread re:coherent fit language despite different styles
fit is very boring but I have no complaints. I like your descriptions of the pieces though lol
why post

>> No.17521649

you look like $190 of mall clothes

>> No.17521680
File: 8 KB, 171x294, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17521709

last one isn't even at bump limit fag

>> No.17521739

Are you sure this isnt a pic from tumblr from like 2012
Dig the tie
If anything i would think longer legs makes it look better than it would at a normal POV
Is the idea supposed to be that you got a good deal on your clothes? They look boring and cheap
It slowed way down, probably because people dont want to post their fits in a thread they think is going to die soon, you dont absolutely have to wait until bump limit to repost a general

>> No.17521752
File: 324 KB, 2500x2144, fitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another wallmart-core fit. Perhaps not my best but it will do.

is me. also im not a fan of your fit desu. A bit larpy. In a business/office setting i think its passable. I dont like the navy pants with the olive sports jacket. With formal stuff i think simple is best. Matching or close to matching. Darker green or brown pants instead maybe? Also you are bald.

almost as basic as my fit lol. Nothing bad about it, but legs looking a bit elongated due to how small the sweater is, try a looser fitting sweater. You look a little fat (im not saying im some think rake im a fat faggot too) so form fitting stuff just shows how fat you are.

Why post

Best ITT. Fit 2 is best.

>> No.17521783

this. this board is slow af no need to make a new thread with 20 posts to bump limit

>> No.17521791
File: 544 KB, 1790x2685, fjgowntifnrksj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy night shift fit
The pants are too dark for the top half and the leather contrasts too much. I'm with the anon who suggested camel pants though I think olive (or anything earthy really) would work better. I'm also not a fan of how bright the shoes and belt are, though that might also be improved by different trousers.
The jeans should be a little looser and a little longer for the look you're channelling
Both really well executed fits. I love the embroidery on the vest on the left

>> No.17521792
File: 1.26 MB, 684x896, 1678292855205382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17521833
File: 1.48 MB, 1600x5440, IMG_20230308_154553797_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hip height pics

Duly noted, taking today's pic from hip height

I actually have a pair of camel pants that I need to have tailored, I agree they would probably go better than navy. I was thinking next time a pair of chocolate brown pants would work too.
Fit on the left isn't bad, fit on the right kicks ass, I think it would look even better with your hair styled like the left.

Give yourself some credit, this is a little better, you're at Target level now. Yes, I'm bald, very astute of you to notice, your eye for detail on others is only rivaled by your eye for amazing and unique fits for yourself.

The shoes arent really that bright in real life,neither is it the belt. I fucked up by messing with settings to try and bring out the colors since the lighting was shit, and as a result everything looks off. I completely agree on the camel pants, I've got a bunch of shit that needs to be tailored.

Did you hit the wrong thread?

> Today's fit
Taken from hip height as requested, let me know if this is better or worse.

>> No.17521843

much better, kino fit too
r the boots yukes?

>> No.17521853
File: 226 KB, 520x400, classic-sports-jacket-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks better. I'd lose the hat but then again im not bald. Well done for doing the hip height pic. Helps the true proportions of the fit show. Also the kind of pants i'd think would go with the sports jacket you posted.

>> No.17521858

Cool shoes.

>> No.17521862

also add some accessories. I think your fit would look a bit nicer with a watch, a ring or two, a thin chain.

>> No.17521895

No, Maine Moccasin Co. I grabbed them a few months back cause they look cool but I wear so much black that they're tricky to work into fits

>> No.17521931
File: 520 KB, 1519x1688, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a big burgundy scarf going out.

Pants is terrible with that fit, I don't like the tie.
left is teenage but ok, I like right.
I like the shoes.
Better even if pants and sweater don't really go well.

>> No.17521939

you look like you sling coffee to zoomers lmao

>> No.17521947

Stubby legged manlet with elf shoes lmao

>> No.17521958

Must be the angle cause I'm 185cm. The jhodpurs are a bit elfy I'll give you that, but I like them.

>> No.17521959

>is me. also im not a fan of your fit desu. A bit larpy. In a business/office setting i think its passable.
Dude you are a dumbfuck flyover. Pretty much any interesting fashion is a "larp", because youre consciously using clothes to give yourself a certain image. Your clothes arent larp at all because you look like a boring average guy, which i would not consider a good thing.

>> No.17521962
File: 4 KB, 214x236, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With formal stuff i think simple is best. Matching or close to matching
wtf am i reading? are you telling him to wear a suit? he's wearing a sport coat

>> No.17521989

I think there's a cultural/generational disconnect when it comes to formality.

I'm the bald anon, to me a sport coat isn't formal at all, it's basically a small step above casual. Sure the tie ups the formality a notch, but I'm comfortable with the fit for day to day activities. I'd feel under dressed at a formal affair, nice restaurant, opera etc.

Then you have people who view that as antiquated, and in truth it probably is. There are no timeless absolutes in fashion, my taste would have been "right" I'd say from the 20s to the 60s, with some tweaks here and there. It's "wrong" now because culturally we've moved away from formality for anything because effort=lol.

So Target-anon is "right" in the sense that my fit really is slightly anachronistic for 2023, American post COVID fashion, and I accept that. And now if formality is required it's as bland as possible, you don't see many people embracing bold patterns or textures anymore. Personally, I wear what I like and what makes me happy because I am old (and bald)
and I can afford it so fuck it.

I try not to get too mean spirited when I post so I don't think dumb fuck flyover is an accurate label for him, he's viewing my outfit through a much different lense of age/time/social structure than I am. I'm going to be conservative and say I'm at least 20 years older than him, I'm basically old enough to be his father. My grandfather and father were stylish dressers but when I was in my 20s I didn't appreciate their style. Hell some of the posters would have loved my dad's style, he fucking nailed sleazecore before it was a thing and my grandfather looked like he marched out of a geriatric Drake's lookbook.

Basically there's no absolute in fashion, I take all critique with a grain of salt and trying and glean something from it. I don't think it's fair to expect people to view my fits through the same lense I do simply because of the age gap.

>> No.17521995

dude you're 100 years old go date some grannies and leave fashion to people who know what the fuck fashion actually is you posted golf pants for fuck sake

>> No.17521998

only good fit ITT so far
you niggas can't dress for shit

>> No.17522001
File: 440 KB, 944x1752, 68D9DCE3-F602-45CC-88EB-46C366F45AE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wearing this to opera so I am able to jump at a moments notice

>> No.17522002
File: 958 KB, 1500x2667, USbgncr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in similar colour palettes. Stuff that doesnt clash. >>17521853 is an example. Wearing two contrasting colours with formal attire often looks like shit. Not saying it can't work, just saying i dont think it works in that fit.

To rebutt your point, i believe fashion is situational. You wouldnt wear a full suit to bed. You wouldnt wear a tracksuit to a black tie event. The fit looks like a larp because it is overly formal for everyday attire. Fashion is also situational in terms of your lifestyle, the poster doesnt seem to even fit the aesthetic they are trying to emulate. I have yuppie friends who actually dress in the style you're attempting, and they are able to make the style look much more cohesive because they actually live the lifestyle the fit comes from. They match colours better, accessorize, wear something less formal but still preppy in an everyday setting and then something more formal in the evening or at work. You seethe about me wearing 'average' clothes well yeah sure im an average dude, im not trying to be something im not. Im not dressing up specifically to take pictures of myself for an internet forum and impress people. I dress in what i think looks good for my lifestyle and my aesthetic. Impressing kids on /fa/ is secondary (obviously i do care to an extent otherwise i wouldnt post) . If you wanna go reportoftheweek and wear nothing but formal attire every day go for it but at least make it look good. Posting Reviewbrah to show you how it should be done.

>> No.17522006

An unstructured sport coat with a loud pattern is not formal. It's physically painful reading your posts. I honestly think you are completely clueless.

>> No.17522007

Yeah that dude looks like he bought a shitbag suit from a shitbag thrift shop for $12. Seriously dude, I've had enough of your bullshit for one day.

>> No.17522008

>I can afford it
ooooooo $30 Kohl's pants

>> No.17522009

>Im not dressing up specifically to take pictures of myself for an internet forum and impress people
You literally are dude lel. Why else would you be here showing off your clothes and giving advice on stuff you dont understand? Everyone here is trying to impress in some way (including myself, thats not a judgement).
I dont "seethe" about all the average guys on the street or that i know that dress boring. Thats just how it is. But they dont come to a board for fashion to show it off.

>> No.17522015
File: 192 KB, 467x975, safari2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of wearing pink, but you pull it off extremely well
nice and simple, can't go wrong with 501's
both fits are great, and I feel like the different way you styled your hair in both really elevates the fits
itaots fit

>> No.17522016
File: 290 KB, 1280x930, tumblr_ox9bv9epQV1tkzt0fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally stated in your previous post that i was (rightly) pointing out that your fit was overly formal and antiquated.

>(obviously i do care to an extent otherwise i wouldnt post)
lrn to reading comphrehension.

Also posting more reviewbrah so you (bald anon) can continue mass replying and seething. He pulls off your aesthetic better than you with thrift store suits lel

>> No.17522017

This shit is starting to look normal to me, i need to stop browsing /tip/

>> No.17522026

Youre one to talk about reading comprehension. Im the anon that said youre a dumbfuck flyover, then he posted that that was harsh.
At this point youre just baiting though, ill leave it at that.

>> No.17522033

This bald old men needs to be expelled. He shits into waywt everytime and gets hung up on answering young good looking (full-head-of-hair) guys mildly criticizing him. It's annoying.

>> No.17522048

I couldn't agree more. Get the old age pensioners out of here and let them go chase some grannies, I mean seriously.

>> No.17522056
File: 2.99 MB, 5236x4825, IMG_20230308_155102380_HDR~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, I'll post more pics to make you seethe. Rent free.

>> No.17522067

why are you samefagging so hard. post a fit lol
>unironically having reviewbrah saved as inspo

>> No.17522069
File: 28 KB, 732x310, hmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17522070

>I'm not a fan of wearing pink
Normally I'm not a huge fan either, this shirt is technically peach so it's pink adjacent enough to stand out without being full on 80s neon pink.

I like the fact you're stretching with this fit and changing up from your norm. I'm not too sure of the hat, I don't have think it's the right size for you. You've got awesome hair with a lot of volume, and the hat sort of looks like it's floating on top of your hair rather than being down on your head. Might be the angle. Everything else looks good though!

>> No.17522233 [DELETED] 

I heard you like wool, so i got you some more wool to wear with your wool.
Closeup of the jacket because the texture is lost with camera quality farther away.

Very cool tie + shirt. Pants seem a little dark in comparison.
Hat is a bit much
Semen stains the mountaintops
What boots

>> No.17522238
File: 552 KB, 3000x2950, 20230308_175531_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like wool, so i got you some more wool to wear with your wool.
Closeup of the jacket because the texture is lost with camera quality farther away.

Very cool tie + shirt. Pants seem a little dark in comparison.
Hat is a bit much
Semen stains the mountaintops
What boots

>> No.17522241

good fit
pants should be taken in around the thigh, the up turned toe on shoes looks cheap

>> No.17522256

Thanks. Yeah, i want to have the pants tailored a bit, and you cant tell in that photo but the jacket barely has any waist suppression so that needs fixing too.

>> No.17522377

this is such an awful fit its actually crazy
you are trying way too hard

>> No.17522446

Its a brick wall bro, nothing we say will change his mind or steer him in the right direction.

>> No.17522464

you can tell we're in a recession when the fits are worse than usual. european geezer looks like he lives in a nice place at least

>> No.17522478

>doesnt post a fit
show us how it is done then anon

>> No.17522483

we're in a recession anon, it is impossible

>> No.17522523

lmao, european geezer lives in maryland

>> No.17522610

>Yesterday's fit.
what do you think the t in waywt stands for

>> No.17522652

god damn boomers autists typing up a wall get with the format.

>> No.17522798
File: 499 KB, 3248x2170, futte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its snowing today :). The camera doesnt pick it up very well but the jacket is a kind of indecent green/grey.

Based and ITAOTS pilled. Mirin physique as well. Overall fit looks simple but good.

Hello again, bald anon. The angle (especially in the sitting down pic) makes the proportions work better. Still not a fan of your fits though.

Looks fine. Take better pictures.

looks better than before with the blazer. I think a blazer with blue jeans looks a bit dad-ish though. I'd go for a less formal jacket, but it doesnt look bad.

Other anons are shitting on you, but i think this would look good if you lost the hat and perhaps the bandana wrapped around your leg for no reason.

Looks okay. As other anons have mentioned, pants are a bit wide, i'd go with something slim fit instead. If you insist on keeping the looser/longer pants, i'd go with a jumper that doesnt elongate them so much. This is making your torso tiny and your legs look incredibly long.

>> No.17522802

meant incandescent lol

>> No.17522815

Junkie panhandling on the median-core.

>> No.17522836

>trying way too hard
I was actually going to wear the bandana around my neck, but decided to tie it around my leg instead. I thought it was something nice to match with the crazy tshirt and it looked too flashy elsewhere
yep, I'm hecking crazy, I went too far, somebody stop me... I'm a tryhard... I experimented...
I take good advice. It just so happens that bitches like you post none. Eat a dick
>you lost the hat
I only did the fit because of the hat desu, it provides really good sun protection
I do agree on the bandana though, if I wore a different tshirt I wouldn't have tried it, and it would have been simpler, but nicer

>> No.17522959

Thats the problem i have with your fits. You are trying, but youre not basing it on any well of knowledge of fashion. Surely The Shaggs tried their best, but they didnt know jow to play their instruments so they still fucking sucked. Like i could tell you matched the bandana to the shirt. The problem is matching for its own sake is not good. All that does in this case is draw attention to your knee. Why would you ever want peoples eyes drawn to your knee?

>> No.17522975

maryland looks good! i have fond memories of driving through it as a kid
although why does he look like that if he's an american

>> No.17522995

Not him but i think having small details match is a good thing. I dont think they need a purpose. Its just added detail to a fit that also adds a bit of cohesiveness. Although the bandana around the leg is retarded, he might have gotten away with it if it was tied around his arm.

>> No.17523021
File: 394 KB, 1576x2100, IMG_0886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17523034

why are you so short

>> No.17523052

because my knees are powerful
I actually did try the arm, but settled on the knee because around the arm was too annoying, plus it felt too close to the tshirt
dunno, just feels like it's something that needed to be spaced out. I don't necessarily feel like it's a mistake, but it's certainly not traditional at all. Next time I do a bandana with a solid hat like that, it'll just be solid colored and around my neck
I just wanted to experiment a bit desu, though next time I'll go just more simple

>> No.17523055

nothing wrong with experimenting bro and it looks p good anyway (other than the hat)

>> No.17523064
File: 650 KB, 867x858, B0A79671-032C-42B0-8450-E15FA07A65E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old picture but am outfit rewearing so who cares
i like this
also like this but the jeans are confusing i feel like a straighter leg would be better
a little indie sleaze i like this
very good in theory but something abt the silhouette seems a little bit off ? maybe its the fit of the blazer? or the rise of the pants?
i also like this
not necessarily bad but a little bit ptsd inducing

>> No.17523070
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, B5055492-323E-410E-998F-327B08C893FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my fellow clothing wearers

>> No.17523120

mirin those childbearing hips

>> No.17523139
File: 399 KB, 1125x1282, B8DCE1B6-E705-458C-83C8-36744A38ADE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am boy but thank u :0

>> No.17523147

ynbaw etc you know how it goes
man what the fuck

>> No.17523269

he's a lost cause, zero improvement in the months he's been here, consistently one of the worst posters in WAYWT.
atleast it's funny to watch him sperg out

>> No.17523321

>straight as a plank male hips
>simping retards be like: GODDAYUM SHE THICC

>> No.17523324

my hips arent that bad, i have a whr of 0.67, but its cancelled out by my wide male ribcage lol

>> No.17523340

I was being sarcastic, you absolute fucking brainlet. Next time you're wondering why you're failing at life and why other people seem to be getting ahead of you, remember this cluelessness that you just demonstrated. Your brain is inferior and you deserve less.

>> No.17523349

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Sure thing

>> No.17523352
File: 32 KB, 680x495, 7A5EC160-5208-4751-8CB6-21DCB93CF555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for taking you serious ill just go kill myself now thx bye

>> No.17523371

I love this
nice use of a bolo tie, very brave
god damn this is amazing, absolute chad, that vest looks great
I take it I've done something extremely right when a little bitch like you feels the need to nonstop boil with jealousy at things outside of their control
that's actually pretty funny for me to watch. You really don't have to say anything, you know. Even if you don't mean to make me feel good, I really must thank you for your continued moral support. Thanks buddy :)

>> No.17523424

Yeah no shit retard, that was the joke, thanks for explaining it to everyone. I hate trans so much it's unreal and your /fa/shion is utter shit.

>> No.17523686
File: 1.54 MB, 2923x5139, IMG_20230309_083015793~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, serene and comforting color pallette.

...am I the European geezer? If so, thank you for the compliment but I live in Maryland and had to stab a man who broke into my house. Sometimes it's nice, sometimes it's a little dicey.

Nice. I normally don't like monochromatic fits but that looks good.

You look like you should be an 80s action movie star, vague Jesse Ventura circa Predator vibes. Fair warning, bald heads absolute trigger an anon here to the point of being apoplectic.

>Today's fit

>> No.17523700

Did someone acid attack your neck?

>> No.17523705

Someone no, equipment, yes. We wear uniforms and PPE at work, occasionally things get through. Minor inconvenience honestly, it will clear up in a couple days. I

>> No.17523747


>> No.17523870

Walmart anon here. This is your best fit so far. Digging the darker colour palette, digging the burnt orange tie, digging the hip height pic, digging the tie clip, digging the contrast in texture between the jacket/pants, digging the proportions and fit of everything. Sometimes simple is best. This looks classy and timeless in comparison to the previous fits.

>> No.17523882

Thank you anon, that honestly means alot, thank you.

>> No.17523885

So true.

>> No.17523969

>had to stab a man who broke into my house.
What's the point of living in the US if you cannot shoot an intruder?

>> No.17524060
File: 1.19 MB, 1170x1619, gr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yehyeh >sagging in 2023 etc

Don't care it's sexy and thrilling af and I love the attention I get lmao

U guys just mad u don't have low inhibition like me or that u dont have my ideal body type lmao

>> No.17524088

LMAO you look like you work as a concierge at a Doubletree Inn. Seriously there are better ways to look retarded.

>> No.17524148

LMAO you look like you work as a concierge at a Doubletree Inn. Seriously there are better ways to look retarded.

>> No.17524166

>Seriously there are better ways to look retarded.
I'm sure you do know about that

>> No.17524371

Nobody cares, theres lots of other perverts and sex freaks online, youre nothing special

>> No.17524381

Just add this to your filter to never see the pants autist again

>> No.17524408
File: 484 KB, 813x1062, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17525007

best fit itt because its me

>> No.17525043
File: 867 KB, 1484x2058, arM0dEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this "Caucasian #3"

>> No.17525122

Very nice.
w2c jacket please?

>> No.17525132
File: 23 KB, 503x196, Screenshot from 2023-03-11 10.40.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17525135


It's an older jacket so I think you'd have to check a vintage seller or ebay maybe, but it's a burberry herman.

>> No.17525160
File: 470 KB, 720x2264, 20230310_16233666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. exploring some poses found on tumblr
2. yeah pants are too tight
3. yeah jacket is blue collar stolen valor

>> No.17525163

Tie your fucking shoes.

>> No.17525185
File: 81 KB, 285x248, gideon-grey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17525199

LMAO you look like you work as a concierge at a Doubletree Inn. Seriously there are better ways to look retarded.

>> No.17525206
File: 236 KB, 783x1495, IMG_20230310_131642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't bad, everything fits well enough. not a huge af1 fan but that's just me
comfy everyday core
this one's fun, I like it. turtleneck looks so lux. I have a 50/50 wool cotton blend turtle that looks similar, but yours is nicer
sweater and boots are good, don't love the jeans
way too much going on here. very strange hat too
comfy cosy wool. I like this. shoes don't mesh super well though - I think suede would be great here
cool jacket
don't love the flannel or belt buckle but the rest is cool!
nice, love the locket with the lacy top
boring millenial fit
a lot of colors happening here but it's working somehow. pants and tie are great

>> No.17525250
File: 135 KB, 762x1200, E53F5759-65ED-43F3-98D9-EA48EB52FE21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want ur fit

>> No.17525257

lol wtf i'm dying these threads are so fucking funny thanks guys for all the memes

>> No.17525258

You are fucking repulsive. What the fuck lol.

>> No.17525268

One of the worst I've ever seen.

>> No.17525271


>> No.17525632
File: 608 KB, 2880x2880, 20230311_084609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snow and sleet = excuse to wear the greatcoat

>> No.17525661

This is quite nice but looks like the jacket is a bit too big. Could be the pose, though. Also the shirt looks thin and summerish which contrasts with the jacket. Other than that, looks pretty nice.

I feel like either a lighter or darker wash jeans wpuld work better. Not digging the shoes, but that's just me.

Mirin' Chris Isaak hairline.

>> No.17525684

First okay'ish fit ive seen from mr bald. I think silver/gold is bad. I think the dress shirt looks poor. Generally wouldnt wear the needle but i'm also not homosexual do idk
Funny but lsd anon vibes, we get it
I don't like it. I guess it's supposed to look nonchalant but it looks like your mom dressed you in the stuff your brother from the 90s never wore
I like it but change to unpatterned socks
Very basic but quiet nice. Goes to show what being thin and long hair can do for you
I don't like the shirt and the hair. Okayish
Looks really awful. If its not bait I'd recommend working in the hair first and leaving the glasses. Also loosing weight would help
I wouldnt pull this off. Borderlining larp but I like it. I dont like your face though

me btw: >>17522001 (best itt)

>> No.17526006
File: 68 KB, 450x499, 1671930209033646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice dress.

>> No.17526013

Aren't you that one sperg who bought that shitty soviet coat and tailored it to look like a woman's dress

>> No.17526145

Yeah first thing i thought when i saw this is it could be cool but something about the silhouette is off. I would assume this kind of coat is supposed to taper at the waist, but maybe this is too tapered for your figure.

>> No.17526150

hmm I've got a Schott 790 Naval Officers Long Overcoat in the mail that might just look like this. ID on yours?

>> No.17526263

Cut hem of jeans, the roll looks bad

>> No.17526601
File: 360 KB, 485x1073, AC26E7E4-BF10-4B14-8358-A02C1AE4B1FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good bro, based tee
Coat is nice but makes you look dreadfully thin, idk if that’s something you’re going for

Date night fit. Wore an oversized brown sport coat with this. Got mires so mission accomplished.

>> No.17526607

Jacket was a little big. It was a US Small but it still needed to be taken in a bit because that was about a 40L, I've dropped it off at the middle aged eastern European tailor who tells me "Americans very big compared to world, so small is really larger end of medium"

I'll have to buy some. Only long socks I have atm are some brooks brothers socks that went on sale on black Friday. I've added it to my list.

>> No.17526850
File: 3.57 MB, 3024x4032, todaysdatedotjpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an outfit
not an outfit
not an outfit
not an outfit
did you actually wear this in public? freak
go away, dubs checked
the coward strikes again. somehow the blazer makes it worse
you are a freak
you look smart!
china will devour cowardly pseuds like you
nice jean cuffs retard they really make up for them being ill-fitting
leather duster is hard. but you look like an idiot in it
idea is alright but more a more detailed lace top and less frumpy sweater would pull it together nicely
go die
very dapper, faggot
die pedo
not an outfit
not an outfit
not many are willing to have fun with fashion
nice one little man
lose weight

>> No.17526862

Nice! Rocking the king cobra jfs look I see.

>> No.17526864

You look like a fucking retard

>> No.17526880

So you've gone out of your way to look stupid, huh

>> No.17526882

post sport coat. wear nothing but sport coat

>> No.17526922
File: 99 KB, 684x799, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro wants his gloves back they dont fit you

>> No.17527258
File: 733 KB, 691x1545, 11B5888D-CF42-4C0E-99F0-DD409B1D13E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose weight
I mean I’m cutting but I also have the best physique ITT kek
Poasting coat

>> No.17527281

kek this guys troll fits always get a chuckle out of me

>> No.17527294

Those jeans are way too big bro the top block looks like a diaper on you

>> No.17527338
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I like the upper half, but would prefer non-patterned pants and something like moc-toe suede derbys. The chelseas you're wearing are too 2017-fuckboyish/mlm-business-coachish for me.
Here the tight tucked turtleneck + specific slim cut of patterned pants + chelseas scream business major in an irrelevant euro city who wholeheartedly subscribed to the whole fitness/self-improvement-/socialmedia-sphere at 14-16 and hasn't been able to cognitively overcome this stage.
Overall, I'd recommend to either wear wider pants or uppers and try to stray away from the (outdated) sexcore look. I'd also shave clean, as you probably have great face structure considering your apparent fitness. Are you living in germany?

Really really like this! For everyday I'd choose smaller gloves.

>> No.17527353
File: 1.16 MB, 2316x3088, IMG_8379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17527354
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, Cunk.On.Earth.S01E05.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyTV.mkv_snapshot_23.42_[2023.02.09_21.54.37].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill gates core, not bad but not particularly interesting or flattering

>> No.17527360

the only joke troll fit is your 2 inch penis trying to go into a vagina, fuck you

>> No.17527412

idgaf they were cheap and diaper-core is now in and theres nothing you can do about it.

chad-core. Mirin physique. Are you roiding or all natty?
Lose weight.
fine. Boring but boring is better than bad.

good. I would have gone with black boots but thats just me.
>blue collar stolen valor
who gives a fuck? Dress how you want. Fit is meh. I wouldnt go with a graphic tee, nor that colour tee.

v nice.

What am i looking at here?

I dont think your frame is big enough to pull off that coat. Still doesnt look completely terrible,


>> No.17527430
File: 758 KB, 1350x1800, Collage_2023-03-12_16_25_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fit thread is slightly less cancer than the others, good job guys

>> No.17527496
File: 261 KB, 742x679, 856944C3-E8F7-4175-BCF3-D07400C557B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for fizeek posting outside of the containment board kek
Cheers mate, I’m natty
Appreciate the constructive feedback man
>irrelevant euro city
Partially correct, I’m Irish

>> No.17527512

Looking good man, you've pretty much got the physique I aspire to. What's your gym routine if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.17527517

Thanks mate, I just do a bro split 6 days a week.
Chest, back, shoulders, legs, repeat. Nothing special, just keep the intensity high and you can look like this pretty easily in a year or two

>> No.17527605
File: 1.41 MB, 1079x1724, Screenshot_20230312_183454_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very cold outside

>> No.17527616
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, rzxz17fx5ql91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to name my fit:
Ketchup and mustard

>> No.17527731

Thanks mate, I'll give it a crack. Only just healed up enough to properly go back to the gym, broke my legs some months back in a hiking accident and I put on some fat from essentially being an oversized paper weight for the past few months. Just trying to build back the strength I lost and get a physique I can be proud of.

>> No.17527771
File: 150 KB, 720x1280, polo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna go from sweaters under suits to polos as it heats up more, need to find a couple more

you should eat more food

clockwork orangecore. too much accessorization imo

>> No.17528054

Literally the only good fit in this thread and people are shitting on it.
Yeah i'm thinking /WAYWT/ is dead.
>I also have the best physique ITT
No you don't, you are confusing a good aesthetic/physique with being big/muscular, everything has a balance.
The guy is right, if you want to improve your physique in relation to fashion you should lose muscle/weight, clothes don't look good on too big guys, but it seems like you are very happy with your muscles though so just keep at it.

>> No.17528111
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, stav 33 unger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem transgender and mad, lmao

>> No.17528140
File: 3.24 MB, 3456x4608, 1626275045482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you still look awful

>> No.17528190
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230312_104402170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one seems like your best ITT.

His looks ridiculous, but you actually pull it off pretty well.
Would look better with slightly longer pants. As it is, they look a little awkward and cartoonish.

>> No.17528202

I need some sock suggestions.

Not pattern really, but quality knee socks for hotter temperatures that aren't insanely expensive.

>> No.17528215

not mad, I just really want to beat you up, simple as

>> No.17528220

Love this fit

>> No.17528507

not good
not good
decent but not great
not horrible
not awful
not good
not awful
not awful
bordering on ok
not horrible
...not awful
bordering on ok
not awful
not bad
not awful
almost ok
not horrible

>> No.17528517
File: 568 KB, 400x296, 1629579361281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post fit

>> No.17528546


>> No.17528558

saved kek

>> No.17528574

>navy sperroid sneakers, matched only to tall socks
>matching tall socks
>swollen knee and calf blistering out between shorts and socks
>black shorts tightly hugging chubby legs
>delicate 32mm watch
>fat thumb in pocket like posing for school picture
>puckering white button up with Sophisticated Contrast Stitching, sleeves rolled
>shaved chest
>ingrown beard hairs
>inconspicuous goiter collapsing collar's curl


>> No.17528589

Dont wear black unless its leather, a uniform, or for a formal event
And i know many people do/have historically done it but i dont like polos with suits, since the polo is a casual breathable short sleeve, and youre covering it up with wool tailoring, it feels very incongruous especially with black

>> No.17528600

i'm trying to imagine what he looks like from behind

>> No.17528763

I'm really digging this fit even though I usually don't like leather jackets with buttons, but that one looks cool. Would like to see the shoes, though.

>> No.17528832

>Fair warning, bald heads absolute trigger an anon here to the point of being apoplectic
god, you're such a faggot

>> No.17528862
File: 3.47 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20230225_092426577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore these wesco engineer boots.
I avoided leather jackets with buttons for a long time, and for no good reason. But as I got older I've concluded they are actually the less tryhard option.

>> No.17528863


>> No.17528911 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 450x300, 1614142884113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he uses public transportation

Hahaha!!!!! Poorfag alert!!! Enjoy your fifteen minute city, cuck!!!

>> No.17529054

you give the school shooter vibe

>> No.17529112
File: 127 KB, 720x1280, alsopolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wore w a dif suit sunday night as well so poastin again.
way fewer interesting outfits in this thread idk why some people are saying this waywt is better than recent ones lmao

>> No.17529195

Having an ugly face and strange glasses can really ruin a fit body

>> No.17529197


>> No.17529211

A good body will make someone's bad features look even worse by contrast. But you'd have to be really ugly for that.

>> No.17529282

Hes hot tb-h

>> No.17529375

Are you a heterosexual biological female?

>> No.17529409

Nice boots. I'm not keen on lug soles on engineers, but that's just me nitpicking.
I'm on the market for a brown lestger jacket and perhaps I should look into buttons since I'm not getting any younger.

>> No.17529554
File: 2.07 MB, 2308x2308, 03.12.23 finished-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light hiking fit today. First day in the new (used) danner boots. First day on a trail since 2020. This top combo has basically been my default fit if i'm going to be outside for any length of time
Pants look like a dress in this context without a jacket. I disagree that you're ugly but you're definitely not dressing for your body type here. That polo with a suit like that is an awful choice though. Cool watch
Based double leather daddy. Love engineers. Wish I could afford to get some wescos
opinion immediately disqualified
this is really bad even without the cringelord necklace. I looked better than this when my mom made me get dressed up to go with her for lunch
pretty much what the other guy said. Too much of a formal/informal mix between all the pieces
This is really good. Not a fan of zipper boots but I'd hate this 10x more if you had on something like red wings.
congrats on ruining it. Worst fit I've seen so far.
Imagine all that editing for that fit and watch. You look like a version of bill gates that lost all his money in the 90s but still kept enough to retire in the PNW
Best i've seen. Lost the gloves and this is something i'd wear every day
You look like a butch lesbian from behind. Men's coats shouldn't hug the hips so much
Very sad that you will end up committing suicide if you stay on this board. This would be bad if you were a woman.
Very good but untying your shoes for a photo op is cringe and no-dirt-on-your-carhartt-core
Do you feel like people stare at you a lot when you go out? Do security guards reach for their hip when you walk in the mall?
Reminds me a lot of when lunarcore was a thing. You're like an accountant on the moon but like an accountant in the poor district. one of my favs

>> No.17529567

pants could be hard if the rest of the fit wasn't atrocious-- shoes, shirt, watch, glasses are all whack. jacket looks like it doesn't even match either
not an outfit
not an outfit
nice bro. looks sick, very cool
would be alright in 2016
very weird

>> No.17529586
File: 2.37 MB, 2308x2308, 03.12.23 finished-min(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you all I already made a different version of this pic
>talks shit
>doesn't post fit
hmm, very strange
this is really bad and if you haven't responded to the valid criticism you've gotten on almost every pic you've posted, I think you should get off this board.
This screams "my wife made me dress up for dinner at outback steakhouse with her parents"
This is very good. Pattern on the pants is a bit too macro for my taste but otherwise i like it
cringe shirt but I own the same one kek
very nice. Looks like something that would be in a textbook from the year 2600CE about 21st century fashion
wear your hair down more
this is good but hardly post worthy.

>> No.17529588

Im gay dude wtf do you think

>> No.17529651

I have trouble putting on normal boots because I have very high arches

>> No.17529690

You need denim in a lighter wash on top, this near matching isnt good, and it would improve the contrast

>> No.17529708
File: 1.10 MB, 3600x3469, bill gates pose 90s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe its just my taste but Gates was actually cute in this look when he was slim and young

>> No.17529732
File: 1.14 MB, 2736x3648, 20230313_222137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never used to do polo shirts with suits but now I like those 60s looking striped Italian knit shirts with suits.

Reminds me of Indiana Jones but you pull it off nicely.

>> No.17529738
File: 117 KB, 446x1012, rag fag sag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is really bad and if you haven't responded to the valid criticism you've gotten on almost every pic you've posted
I only ignore suggestions from little bitches like you
>I think you should get off this board
I think you should get off my dick, I don't want your faggot ass responding to my fits, no offense but I don't want some basic denim bitch trying to talk shit about me, specially when they're carrying more keys than me on their carabiner clip and overcompensating on their basic bitch nature by overediting their pictures like a preteen girl and adding girl scout patchwork to their other faggot clothes
don't respond to this post, I don't want to read any of your soi zoomer suggestions. The only suggestions I take are the /k/ anon, he's based
the socks are cool, don't change em
best fit ITT
don't listen to people shitting on your physique, they're just jealous skeletons. It adds a killer chad aura to your fits
good colors

>> No.17529772

paragraph of seething: hilarious
another awful fit: priceless

>> No.17529781

If you’re playing a character, it’s a really good one.

>> No.17529786

even when I admit I play it up people don't believe me

>> No.17529810

you seem really insecure and the fact that you don't take more than one second to tidy up your bedroom before a pic shows how little you actually know or care about style. Your jewfro is cringe, your bulky weezer glasses are goofy, that fit is actually the best one yet because of how little effort you seem to have put into it. Everytime you try to dress up or look good, you become the laughingstock of the thread. You'll forever get mocked for that lame phone case and your cum-stained mirror selfies too.
>try harder or stop trying

>> No.17529816

cope, seethe, dilate tranny boy

>> No.17529830
File: 732 KB, 2003x2048, hkWluQI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible stop trying
Based (better version)
Why would you even bother posting this?
Cozy sweater/10

>> No.17529831
File: 143 KB, 495x1049, frunge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seem really insecure
no, I just don't care
>you actually know or care about style
you don't know shit about my style lmao
>that fit is actually the best one yet
thanks, I didn't actually wear that today though. I've been refraining from posting what I usually wear out of respect since it's all very samey and basic. But I'll make an exception rn, to identify myself with you, faggot
>hop off this dick or start swallowing

>> No.17529843
File: 146 KB, 1921x1080, 5pufCCY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes multiple paragraph posts seething at constructive criticism over the last week, clearly checking regularly for (you)s
>"I just don't care"
Pick one
>you don't know shit about my style lmao
Yes, I don't know "autistic bargain bin" fashion. I kinda skipped that step in high school.
> I've been refraining from posting what I usually wear out of respect since it's all very samey and basic.
You really should start doing that then. These are both decent normal fits, why the fuck would you waste the time posting shit pics with a bandana tied around your leg and a Meet the Robinson's goob hat?

>> No.17529864

I have multiple threads open on my phone and on my computer, every time I get a (You) I get a ping. And quit acting like a couple of sentences is too hard to type out
I like attempting different fits from time to time. IDC how much you hate me trying it, I will try it regardless
in regards to your preference to me posting these samey fits, I will disregard your advice, and will only post fits of that nature when I feel they're unique enough to post. Why the fuck would you want me to clog the thread with that shit, are you fucked in the head?
>bandana tied around your leg
no regrets, it was something cool to try, but I shan't be doing that again
>Meet the Robinson's goob hat
it's a fucking bush hat. It was very sunny that day. I wanted to try a fun fit
suck my fucking cock

>> No.17529867

rude, my grandma says im handsome

one of those is high on my list of things im looking for.

ye jacket and pants dont match, but i think camera exacerbates the difference. always get tons of compliments on it so i figure works well enough. found the pants before the jacket and they were already a favorite so thought itd be close enough when i found the jacket for v cheap, and most people seem to agree.

>> No.17529922

fatty woke up and choose to seethe over celebrate lol

>> No.17529924
File: 1.44 MB, 1440x2560, 20230313_213458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread so grim, won't feel bad for posting this
fucking nerd gym drip

>> No.17529929
File: 370 KB, 888x1274, 1662341672983-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you seem really insecure and the fact that you don't take more than one second to tidy up your bedroom before a pic shows how little you actually know or care about style. Your jewfro is cringe, your bulky weezer glasses are goofy, that fit is actually the best one yet because of how little effort you seem to have put into it. Everytime you try to dress up or look good, you become the laughingstock of the thread. You'll forever get mocked for that lame phone case and your cum-stained mirror selfies too.
>>try harder or stop trying

>> No.17529930

I quite like the Sergio Tacchini tracksuit, not keen on the NASA gym bag though. I like that hairstyle on women but I think it looks weird on guys.

>> No.17529936
File: 120 KB, 900x1200, 1674958827797011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im the one on the right

>> No.17529938

Yin and Yang

>> No.17529939

I miss texas sleazecore anon or jnco anon in these threads

>> No.17529942

fucking finally. waiting room over here

>> No.17529945

damn did your twink bf wade through a swamp?

>> No.17529946

>Brr Skibidi Dop Dop Dop Dop Yes Yes Yes Yes

>> No.17529982

No, he forgot to epilate for a couple days.

>> No.17529992
File: 568 KB, 1882x3464, fjgirjskt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with the other anons that this is great. Blue+green+orange is a winning combo. Everything fits well and the materials look nice
Unironically a good fit. What're you sippin?
Mirin cheekbones
Longer, slightly looser trousers would look better on the bottom half. It'd also help balance out the jacket which isn't too big (the body needs a nip) but is a more regular fit than the pants. Right now there isn't enough contrast to look deliberate and it looks sort of off
Eternally mirin fizeek ofc
Cool workwear fit. Love the denim+olive and that you're hiking in raws

>> No.17530014

this is stolen from MFA's waywt today

>> No.17530025
File: 745 KB, 860x900, my fit today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a little light hiking today (walked to the store and went into the woods for a couple of mins to take pic). First day going outside since 2020. This top combo has basically been my default fit if i'm going to be outside for any length of time, it provides me with the necessary comfort I need to venture out into the real world. The real world is scary, I prefer to be inside playing my games, but sometimes I must take these dangerous treks.
You look amazing.

>> No.17530037
File: 900 KB, 860x900, my fit today2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you all I already made a different version of this pic, I like this version better, it makes me look cooler

also I forgot to mention I am wearing japanese denim that has been folded over 1000 times

>> No.17530043

How about I fold your bitch ass over 1000 times boy?

>> No.17530105

>>talks shit
>>doesn't post fit
>hmm, very strange
i already posted my fit it's in this thread and you thought it was the best one
not an outfit
not an outfit

>> No.17530113

Shut up fat fuck

>> No.17530162

boring poster

>> No.17530168

You'd look a lot better if you bought longer pants and cuffed.

>> No.17530178

When you're trying to go for a Siberian walk at 4:19pm but you're welding at 5

>> No.17530183

Good for you man. Make an effort to spend more time outside and you won't regret it. It is work, but the fresh air and sunlight affect you deeply on an animal level. We're made to thrive in sunlight and nothing beats the cool shade of a tree as the sun dances between its leaves.

>> No.17530223

got called green mario mushroom tho
>gym bag
i would use my hatch bag - if it would fit in their little fucking lockers

>> No.17530228

How many hours you got on Euro Truck Simulator 2?

>> No.17530265

>Do you feel like people stare at you a lot when you go out? Do security guards reach for their hip when you walk in the mall?

Sometimes for the stares, but who cares lol
And I don't live in a country with retarded gun laws

>> No.17530303

consistently the worst fits posted

>> No.17530312

Very nice, love the black jeans and loafers combo. I like white socks with loafers and jeans but I usually do it with indigo jeans - might have worked here but maybe you made the right call. What are the jeans btw?

>> No.17530316
File: 1.23 MB, 1679x2227, 98D0F276-109F-4B32-BE15-C403EA294BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks aesthetic but I don’t know about the jeans jacket for a hiking fit
Gives me early 2000s dubstep vibes in a cute way
Looks cool, like the greaser/rockabilly vibe
I mean not bad but seems very normal

>> No.17530351
File: 2.81 MB, 3024x4032, 20201022_164307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know who called you that but honestly I really like Sergio Tacchini tracksuits, got a few myself. Don't know if the jacket goes with the rest of the fit, personally wouldn't wear one but I guess if it's cold outside then it makes sense. Are you a man or a woman, because if you're a woman then the hair is perfect imo but if you're a dude then not so much.

>> No.17530409

Haha hahaha wtf is this even supposed to be? Some kind of manlet tranny clownshoe leather midget lol. What a fag.

>> No.17530430

Whiteclaw, the white trash champagne.

Long day of fema nonsense, needed to chill lol

>> No.17530471

cozy and nice. i like how the socks go with the pants and the warm tones go wih the shoes.
the shirt is a bit much with the sweater, a solid color or thin stripes would be better

>> No.17530480

Yeah I posted it there too

>> No.17530492

Finn Tryhard

>> No.17530497

Don't test me, I could literally destroy you with just one look.

>> No.17530608

>nothing personnel kid...>>17523034

>> No.17530615
File: 330 KB, 600x1081, 121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17530618

You're really fit why do you slump so much? Makes you looks really short too

>> No.17530708

Not sure what you’re going for

>> No.17530746


>> No.17530784

don't care bro, I have an IQ of 196, and I'm still not gonna clean my room

>> No.17530809

Absolute shit music, i hope that's not your taste in music

>> No.17530937

nope, I only listen to touhou rearranges, sorry for deceiving you

>> No.17530953

Huh, I assumed you listened to sissy hypno

>> No.17530974

Finn Tryhard

>> No.17531048

I guess I am, shitty genes
Metal vibes, I guess. Really like leather duster, so I wear one

>> No.17531058
File: 2.22 MB, 2140x5451, IMG_20230314_162524866_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice! Only critique is the top sort of blends into the pants, may be lighting and resolution. Pants and top look like they could both be faded black/dark green/dark grey, etc. A little more contrast would be nice but fuck it, it shows off your physique and looks good. Also I really dig the boots, I need a pair like that.

I sort of like this but hate how your jacket rapes the polo collar and leaves it for dead. Would you be willing to try a polo with a more structured collar? If so I think it would be a dramatic improvement.


I like this, who made the jacket?

Miss me bitch?

Thank you black jeans bro. Feels weird seeing you in something other than boots and a Tshirt but this looks really good on you.

Fucking awesome, one of my faves in the thread.
It's really jarring seeing you in gym clothes.

>Today's fit
It's fucking cold, one of the rare days I'm too cold to get by in a sport coat.

>> No.17531088

>my grandma says im handsome
you are. lowkey happy when hot white men like me (the only demographic desu)

>> No.17531106
File: 919 KB, 744x1934, 20230314_170429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pants and boots are murder. Can I get an ID on the boots?
Very cute. I feel like some lighter/white socks would help break up the blockiness of the bottom and a plain white shirt would help on top but this is clean.
This is really bad even as a meme
liking this one a lot the ring and watch stand out to me, cant help but feel like a more dramatic pattern for rhe top would help.
absolutely based sergio taschini

>> No.17531114

>Boot ID

The company that makes them went out of business in the mid 90s, this pair is well over 30 years old. I don't know the model name but the boots were made by Stuart McGuire. If you ever see a pair in your size snatch them up, they are obscenely comfortable and durable.

>> No.17531124
File: 39 KB, 518x650, C7DCF97D-B142-4D8A-AEEE-10B00A388D7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking zased im going to buy those welding/falconry gloves now
troon excellence
not ugly but pants are fit poorly
mid fit but cool boots
yeah... the face is carrying too somewhat though
bag and shoes are visual holes but the fit mysteriously works otherwise
fit is fine if unremarkable but you have a very fortunate face that hard carries

>> No.17531143

c'mon man like I threw you a bone with that touhou garbage, like sissy hypno isn't even a genre of music. You could have been like "haha, you pedo weeb" or some shit, but instead you have to unoriginally jump at the chance to make it about some gay zoomer shit porn genre you are very familiar with, you disappoint me, this really triggers me

>> No.17531157

Finn Tryhard

>> No.17531168


>> No.17531169

>one man derails every single thread he's in just by being cute
Based levels off the charts

>> No.17531181

I actually really like this nickname, gonna start using it as my stage name

>> No.17531192 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 2576x1932, 20230314_170932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's fit. Slept in my Carhartt tshirt and track pants. Slept thru 5 job interviews.

>> No.17531198 [DELETED] 
File: 1.16 MB, 2576x1932, 20230314_171353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, phone picture, forgot to rotate. That's a sterling silver mjolnir pendant. not pictured is a sterling silver bear claw ring and some cheap black framed buddy holly style zenni glasses. pls bully, come at me brehs

>> No.17531206
File: 1.16 MB, 2576x1932, 20230314_171353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGAIN, total idiot, here is my attempt at getting the picture orientation correct.

>> No.17531209

newfag please kill yourself

>> No.17531218
File: 1.48 MB, 2576x1932, 20230314_172209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already have, and i've been here since 2005 :(-)

>> No.17531220
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1536, composite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a planned outfit -- just what I happened to put on today.

>> No.17531248


>> No.17531311
File: 125 KB, 670x893, yourheroprotag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good solid outfit. you look like a middle manager or a criminal defense attorney 9/10
lookin like Dwayne the Rock Johnson there bruh and doin it well 6/10>>17521634
kinda neat
looks really dope>>17521791
lookin linkedin breehskeey
art director/historian
assassin's creed modern protagonist/10
looks like tech mogul, but i'd switch the sweater and the jacket's color around there
reviewbreh > all
you look real feminine, man
it's unsettling
cool outfit, tho
wes anderson core
lookin a little too doughy and plush, i'd go with thinner garments
lookin tight af, thick, solid, tight
looks like a gta5 loadout
lookin like a downtown lowlife killa
kinda dope in a turbo-dork way, senpai <3
titties. titties. just titties. titties/10, nice top, cool sweater, nice neckline and collarbone and (female) hands? cool outfit, bro/broette!
ello 'definitely not a cop'. primetime drama/10
that ain't no boy. real pretty boy, i guess. must be.
fucking swag out the ass up in this fit, tie on fleek, shirt bussin, hairline no cap (lul bruh), i got the same gold buttons dawg, those cords be spiffin up yo quads and sheet dawg.
shoes lookin classy as hell. i rock the tall work boots with my suits/formalwear because i'm out on dirt roads all the time
bruh pull your pants up like a human/0.10
swagged the fuck out, 9/10
a solid 6, very nice effort and clean palette
i love this look on you; the 80s Marty McFly-core is so fitting to your frame and type
9/10 looks great breh!
looks cool but in a weird pilfered dead man's house 'thrifted' kind of way. 6/10 for creepy-cool vibes
not lovin it, it's gonna be a 3/10 from me dawg
kinda like it kinda don't bro 6/10

>> No.17531328

lookin juicy, but loosen up the sizing, it'll bulk you up even more bro and look more modest, too
kinda dope senpai/senpai, gloves too big don't know why but jacket and hair look post apocalypse chic
i like this one a lot better, the chelseas and jacket really pull this together
looks v disheveled bro like go on a diet eat once a day eat keto eat paleo do something to lose 30 pounds yesterday. fit looks like desperation gap/old navy wear
looking unsettling/insurmountable
teenage skater-core
not /fa/
lookin alright, lookin like your average rugby player/football player
it's a cool fit, but i'd like to see you with longer hair/facial hair
looks real skeezy bro, idk if that's what you're goin for but you look like you have a gun, some crack, and alimony payments due
looks good, it's uncharted core and it looks reasonably good on you. further points if it aligns with your real world occupation.
you know, i really like this but it's so stylized i would never do it myself 9/10 for the SHEER fucking SWAGGED out-ness of this brother right here.
looking stubby a bit there, outfit looks good but a little tight in the midsection, puffer accentuates wider hips than shoulders silhouette. consider weight loss and bigger sizes/less bulky layering schemes
6/10 bretty gudd :D:D
lookin like you're in great grandpa's old suit. don't know if want. 3/10
lookin gorpy bruh, i like it but it's a little immature for me, might be appropriate for your age, idk how old you are 6/10 solid look
kinda swaggin with the materials there but i'd like to see some navy or green cords there to contrast the color rather than the clashy near-matching that we see here
3/10 lots of potential
don't love as much as your usual outfits, but still very nice 6/10
don't believe you
if real, then
you big

>> No.17531329

Doughy schlub faggot core, like Steve Jobs with an even more wrecked ass.

>> No.17531333
File: 290 KB, 1036x1600, DSC_9954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look great.
You look amazing.
You pull this off extremely well.
You look like a child.
Very childish to wear something like that, do better.
Best looking person in this thread.

>> No.17531342

>Blade the movie official vampire medallion

Opinion invalid.

>> No.17531368
File: 69 KB, 670x893, carolina boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lookin really great 9/10
looks just mediocre 3/10
kinda dope frfr 6/10
looks nice but doesn't quite come together for me 6/10
good 90s core 6/10
cute but slinky 3/10
just awful man 3/10

>> No.17531374

It pisses me off how handsome you are. Sincerely, fantastic job.

>> No.17531377

wrong boyo, it's a genuine handcrafted sterling silver mjolnir historic medallion, not a movie prop

>> No.17531391

>he thinks thats any better

>> No.17531435

>Not an outfit
>Shitty Carolina boots, probably the made in China line
>Ratty rug, shitty home decor
>Radiates unfounded self confidence

Bravo anon, spirit of the Americas right there.

>> No.17531443

nasty shoes wtf

>> No.17531463


>> No.17531476

good suggestion on the collar, will try and find ones. the thumbnail makes the hat+scarf look like a beard lol. i agree w the other anon, good pieces but doesn't come together too well, doesn't clash tho. maybe if the pants were also brown?

shoes look like tabis w the toes sewn together? odd. overall fit is good tho

good fit. i like the socks

>> No.17531494

my outfit is up here >>17531311
the Carolinas were bought at a local work boot Vanderbilt's shop for about 106 before tax
and i have zero self confidence

>> No.17531497

it is a 60 dollar pendant and chain, sterling silver, historically replicated, LADDY

>> No.17531500

Oh my God this made my night.

Dude, the vampire movie joke was the least cringe outcome. You should have left it alone.

>> No.17531503
File: 24 KB, 300x300, p35188_i_v9_af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17531509
File: 65 KB, 660x880, daring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude even the jewelry store indians make fun of my tacky jewelry but i love it. here's my silver bear claw ring lool
my sister thinks i have the 'tism

>> No.17531511

>my sister thinks i have the 'tism
Based on your posts I’d say she’s absolutely right.

>> No.17531513
File: 1.25 MB, 2576x1932, 20230308_193239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love myself even though my brain is a burnt chicken nugget

>> No.17531518
File: 49 KB, 1000x491, prisondrake-1170x574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't get to have an opinion on fashion, turn in your badge. I'm assuming you bought one for yourself.

Go sign up to be an extra in the next vampire movie.

>> No.17531521


>> No.17531522

It's /fa/.

Wear something that isn't markedly worse than a bolo tie, which I didn't think was a sentence I'd ever have to write.

>> No.17531525
File: 69 KB, 660x880, withoutnecklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fair enough, here it is without the necklace. this'll be my church fit for tomorrow morning. church and brekkie with granny and the small town church crowd

>> No.17531527

Hey looks good, 7/10

>> No.17531533

thank u, fren :DDD

>> No.17531537

Wait wait wait, so your outfit is shitty Carolina work boots, a sport coat and tie, plus tons of shitty jewelry and you feel entitled to dole out any opinions? No wonder your "high score" went to the embodiment of mediocrity (no offense to 9/10 anon, your fit looks good I'm just slagging on Blade the boot bitch's taste).

What in the literal fuck is wrong with you?
The fact you look like such utter dogshit but think you have a worthwhile opinion is indicative of the fact we need to bring bullies back to school.

>> No.17531543

I thought the same thing about the socks... But I don't have any white ones. And the jeans are N&F easy guys
Solid choice. I'm more of a ranch water or shit beer guy, but white claw is good
Thanks anon. I have a lot of button down shirts- I just don't wear them often. And I like your fit but I think a darker jacket would work better
Sick fit. Love the tabis

>> No.17531569

have you ever tried posting without your face? It's very distracting and affects people's judgment due to its handsomeness

>> No.17531602

>Wait wait wait, so your outfit is shitty Carolina work boots, a sport coat and tie, plus tons of shitty jewelry and you feel entitled to dole out any opinions? No wonder your "high score" went to the embodiment of mediocrity (no offense to 9/10 anon, your fit looks good I'm just slagging on Blade the boot bitch's taste).
yeah alright whatever i live in a rural area so i don't want to muddy up my Clarks Oxfords going out to church and the gas station. i got some affordable good quality boots. not pictured are some gap khakis. the tie is silk, the shirt is real oxford, the blazer is thrifted. i don't think i'm "entitled to dole out opinions", i just thought the format of the thread is to provide commentary, opinions, and ratings, and in no way am i trying to imply i am an expert, i am simply a silly amateur without taste
and bullying is alive and well

>What in the literal fuck is wrong with you?
The fact you look like such utter dogshit but think you have a worthwhile opinion is indicative of the fact we need to bring bullies back to school.
i always elicit these types of reactions and i don't really know why. i don't see how and why exactly i threaten your existence. this is why i never post myself. get fucked, go home, not based, super cringe, not gudd bro :(((

>> No.17531614

you shouldn't take anything these anons say seriously, they are fashion victims who don't like having fun and don't like getting laid

>> No.17531630

that's fair. i'm just gonna see myself out of the thread, i've got a twin peaks series to marathon and a church breakfast to get to!

>> No.17531634

>small town lad
>close to family
>twin peaks watcher
>good looking
you're too good for this thread, top shelf bf material
get out and never look back anon, the spiteful cunts in this thread will eat someone like you whole

>> No.17531710

aww you're sweet. you may find me in the coming weeks streaming twin peaks and video games on twitch if you search for it!

>> No.17531725

how many views and donos do small time hobby streamers pull

>> No.17531745

I don’t mind that

>> No.17531748


>> No.17531749


>> No.17531962

>Miss me bitch?
lol, this is like the second time i've ever responded to one of your posts. i highly doubt there's just one schizo that hates you, you're just an annoying cunt. good fit though, you'd look great if you weren't bald and didn't have to cover that up.

>> No.17531964

Hate that so many people think this is shit, it's great and best outfit in this thread.
>but muh oversized gloves
Best part of the outfit. kys if you dislike that.

>> No.17531993

dude idk i literally started streaming last night. so far i've gotten...my last stream had 3 unique viewers, with 7 total unique viewers. i've been streaming a little bit each day, and my only source of publicity is the stream tags and posting a link on my social media/networking profiles

>> No.17532047
File: 329 KB, 390x1024, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i look like less of a dork
sorry for the retarded angle btw (im wearing black slip-ons)

>> No.17532070

Hello boymoder

>> No.17532077

im not a tranner i just happen to have a bad haircut

>> No.17532124
File: 1.14 MB, 1439x1995, idk-what-im-doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17532179

A lot.

>> No.17532212
File: 2.07 MB, 2524x4617, IMG_20230313_150120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopping by to increase y'all /fa/ggots gay literacy. gaymaxxing and knitmaxxing - I'm unstoppable

best I've seen from you. super solid. looks better without the coat
excellent. Slavic peasant swag. the texture on that undershirt is great
garbage if real. you need a time machine homie
top and bottom don't mesh. top is good separately
this is really bad. the texture on the polo makes it worse
jacket comes off too strong with underlayer. pants are cool, but not here
not sure about these denim textures/shades together. boots look sweet though and palate is pleasing generally. I like the notepad rundown
a bit boring but you look comfortable in it. a default fit if you will
same as above. feels too easy for you. push the envelope a bit (but please don't put that hat back on)
hot. especially hair. bag is cringe tho
nice. loafies are working well here
very nice. love how much patterning you pulled off without it feeling busy. striped collar working with that sweater is especially impressive. those loafers look lux
love this from you. feels different from your usual. only critique is that the crop on the sweater makes you look a bit plump. love the matching details (gloves, scarf, boots, hat)
shoes suck but the rest is cool. especially into the long johns through the hole. they play nice with the white shirt
pants fit bad my dude. look like ill fitting sweats
get off the internet dad
change pants and shoes
interesting, but bad. could be good with different shorts/pants

>> No.17532229

LOVE this fit. If all your pieces were black and you wore olive green converse then you'd be wearing what I usually wear. Best fit you've worn so far. Would love to see you explore this type of silhouette more.

>> No.17532256

Bro you are wearing a skirt

>> No.17532270

Yeah im gay and this outfit does absolutely nothing for me

>> No.17532277

Different less eye catching pants and you are golden
Looks better in this photo I guess
These are decent
Everything else is dog shit

>> No.17532291

fag here; would rather fuck the prettyboy posting above than you

>> No.17532378

were leaving town again son, pack your stuff.


>> No.17532441

nice fit pretty boy

>> No.17532442

>These are decent
Are you blind?

>> No.17532517

It's grandma loves me core. Nothing gay about it.

>> No.17532642

Honestly can't tell if you're XX or XY