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17512373 No.17512373 [Reply] [Original]

Questions That Don’t Deserve Their Own Thread

>> No.17512526
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I got this jumper as a gift, how can I style it as a 5 ft 10, 135 pound twink?

>> No.17512528

>how can I style it as a 5 ft 10, 135 pound twink?
by posting tummy

>> No.17512535

don't really see how this helps and Im kinda in an awkward half toned state

>> No.17512551

it would help with... uhm... determining your proportions, is all! haha
on a side note, whats it like being that thin? im 15 lbs heavier and 1 inch taller than you and im trying to work by way down to around your weight

>> No.17512553

Is it big on you? The skinny jean/big hoodie twink classic

>> No.17512557

I was thinner when I was 18 (like around 120ish pounds) and the main difference between being skinny skinny and being toned is I feel more fragile when lifting heavy things or gyming (esp with how skinny ur wrists get) otherwise havent noticed any big differences

>> No.17512567

damn i wish i looked like you lmao
>the main difference between being skinny skinny and being toned is I feel more fragile when lifting heavy things or gyming
wait so you feel more fragile now then you did when skinnier?

>> No.17512576

sorry I meant when I'm skinny I feel more fragile, but otherwise no obvious physical or mental effects
and thats in comparison to the year where I was 72-73kg which is still fairly slim anyways

>> No.17512611

ah ok, thats what i thought you meant but just wanted to make sure
anyway youve motivated me into getting back into the gym so thanks, ive been slacking off recently

>> No.17512711
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I am 6 foot 2 and 290 plus pounds
how should I dress?

>> No.17512782
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Didn't know if this deserved its own thread or not, but what face shaver should I get? I've been using a philops one blade for years because I didn't grown much, but now at 22 I'm finally hitting puberty and I'm gradually getting more and growing faster.
Just need something basic for daily shaving, I still don't grow that much hair so I dont need anything to crazy. Theres too many options and idk what to pick

>> No.17512783

Erm gonna add I was going to start a face care general, and ask my question in that, because I thought I saw consistent threads a year or two ago

>> No.17513438

should you really size up slim fit to wear it as regular old style fit
some things do have a weird proportion thing going like having narrow shoulder with wide chest are they still suited to size up

>> No.17513457
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If, I get a twisted pelvis treatment, will it make me more taller with height to upward?

Spine shift to left after bad extension of lift during 2013 adolescent.

>> No.17513461

Second. Is military neck /fashion/?

Pain to head repeatedly but extremely erected.

>> No.17513462
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>> No.17514544
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why are trenchcoats "cool" but so hard to pull off
is it because you need to be as cool or cooler than the coat or is it just too situational

>> No.17514550

baracuta harrington g9 alternatives?

>> No.17514773

So I’m very muscular, and have a beard due to poor facial aesthetics without it. What kind of non normie/alternative/darker styles can I pull off? The eboy/punk/grunge look seems to be only for twinks and clean shaven pretty boys, but I like the aesthetic and hate the super bland gymbro tight vneck shit or the boomer tier biker macho look that seems to be the only options for muscular bearded men. Any options for this darker thing I’m looking for?

Also I have tattoos, including on my neck.

>> No.17514777

It’s like young kids smoking cigars, you can immediately tell it’s cause they are a bunch of faggot posers trying to look cool. Same with the trench coat. Really hard for someone young to pull off and not look like an incel retard. The ones who can are already cool and attractive and make the coat cool simply because they are wearing it.

>> No.17514780

like the Rock
trench coats haven't be cool since 1918
its 2023 and you still want to be emo?

>> No.17514833

Its kind of an "it" factor but generally a trench coat should be worn with at the *least* business casual clothes

>> No.17514919

that's why they call him big willie

>> No.17515215

>trench coats haven't been cool since 1918
that's demonstrably false but ok

>> No.17515230

Where do I start learning all of this fashion bullshit? Where do I buy the stuff? I have enough money to buy clothes but not enough to get a stylist unless stylists are cheap.

>> No.17515345

>trench coats
>world war I
>okay ill just leave :(

>> No.17515461

I know what you meant but they've been fashion items ever since

>> No.17515483
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Could a dude pull these shades off, ? they're the Blenders Americano. They're technically for females but they dont look too feminine in my opinion

>> No.17515661
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cop or not on either of these

>> No.17515664
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didnt know skippy the virgin used 4chan

>> No.17516041
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Tips for wardrobe cohesion when adhd? I keep bamboozling myself over by wearing the same comfy shit all the time and forgetting all the cool fits in my closet. I have a dumb amount of clashing outfits because I can't seem to commit to a consistent style nor palette.

Anyone else struggling with this? What has helped you?

>> No.17516049

>Anyone else struggling with this?
>What has helped you?
ADHD medication

>> No.17516054

Fuck. I was afraid of that answer. It's gonna be like half a year for that because mental helth waitlists are huge where I am. Anything I can do until then?

>> No.17516095

How can I be more effay when I'm short and plain?

Generic white man #3 is a very accurate description of my appearance.

>> No.17516142
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idgaf what anybody says, I trialed virtually every holistic solution for adhd & I trialed basically every non-stimulant on the market and nothing helped. If you need help then fuck it bro just get on that waitlist and hope for the best
also don't forget shit like anxiety can heighten adhd symptoms. an anxious brain is a brain that can't think.
or do whatever idk bro fuck it it's your life

>> No.17516170

You could try skinhead or biker or something but that obviously makes people view you a certain way.
I'm also a big scary fucker and my recommendation is to just lean into it. Everyone on the internet tells you that girls like pretty boys and twinks, but there's still a significant cohort of women who want a big burly intimidating guy.

>> No.17516187

have you tried outrunning and outlifting your mental health bro.
>just be more hot than weird
forget things often or can't focus bro
>notebook, journal
write cohesive journal entrees daily with the intention to structure and rehearse thoughts and speaking

>> No.17516462

Does anybody know of good places to buy short sleeve button-up shirts or polos?

I'm a manufacturing engineer at a factory so I wear double front work pants and steel toes every day but need to be somewhat dressy in case we get a supplier visit or have an external meeting.

I'm open to suggestions for what might fit my needs outside of the aforementioned shirts.

>> No.17516702

The problem is I’m pretty short. Going for the actual intimidation look would look silly. I’m like a meatball of muscle lol like a collegiate wrestler. If I had the face I would’ve twinked. I feel like a less alpha male intimidating look would make it look like I’m not trying so hard. I really like the pale bearded neck tat moody look Jake Gylenhall had in Prisoners so maybe something like that. Just spitballing lol I’m clueless here.

>> No.17516718
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Where can I get an effay tracksuit?

>> No.17516847
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what jacket style is this?

>> No.17516848

specifically interested in the way it cinches tight at the waist and then hangs loose

>> No.17517302

do what I did and threaten to kill yourself, ez line skip

>> No.17517342

looks like a bomber with buttons instead of a zipper. Closest match might be a a2 flight jacket (for the pockets), but the collar will be different

>> No.17517347

Maybe instead of self-diagnosing, you could just buy more comfortable clothes.

It stands to reason that you would favor more comfortable clothes over your "epic fits"

>> No.17517417

I dont grow much facial, and what I do grow is pretty patchy and short. Is there any difference between a cheaper razor or a more expensive one?

>> No.17517419

you can get a closer shave with something like a feather blade and razor

>> No.17517433

Gotcha, thanks

>> No.17517501

Anybody know a decent full cotton relatively tight ribbed neck white t shirt that is a little loose fitting? I know this probably gets asked her 20x a day but i'm stupid

>> No.17517561

inexpensive ribbed wife-beater reccs?

>> No.17518707

Can someone send me a sample pic with spaces to put the pieces you wear? Like top bottom etc.

>> No.17518791

sorry meant template not sample

>> No.17518794
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>> No.17518844

>office is 71 °F (22 °C)
>feel cold all the time
>start wearing three thermal tops under my dress shirt
>feel less cold, but the extra layers uncomfortably pull at the hair on my forearm and on the back of my shoulder
Is there a better solution?

>> No.17518896

uh... wear a sweater? The fuck?

>> No.17518932

I don't think sweaters are appropriate office attire.

>> No.17518945

Someone told me I have sad eyes
What's the remedy?

>> No.17518949

A happy life.

>> No.17519023

What do you do for work? Its vaguely possible that sweaters could be unprofessional but if you style them right, it should be fine

>> No.17519033

Civil (roadway) engineering

>> No.17519037

IDK I'm a meche and everybody in our facility wears jeans and casual button down shirts. If you wear a collared shirt under a wool sweater, I don't think anybody would bat an eye. I guess your alternative would be a blazer. If you have a company store that sells something like a Patagonia half zip with your company's branding that can be a good option for layering with dress shirts

>> No.17519061

They’re cool because of the film noir and Humphrey Bogart associations. They’re hard to pull off because if you’re not wearing them over a full suit and a hat and it’s not raining out, you’re gonna look like a school shooter and people will be

>> No.17519252

How I do I get my younger brother to stop dressing like a slob? He’s going to be 21 and leaves the house in stained sweatpants, a hoodie, and messy hair nearly every single day. Sometimes he’s so messy it’s actually embarrassing.

>> No.17519625

how old are you? why do you live at home still

>> No.17519629

>>office is 71 °F (22 °C)
>>feel cold all the time
Are you a woman?

>> No.17519644

It's because it takes over your fit. You can basically pair it with anything and people will still fixate on the trench. They'll also fixate on the fact that you're wearing a trench to begin with. The Columbine kids gave the public a perception that trenches are for school shooters, and film noire gave a modern perception that trenches are also associated with fedora cringe, so it's bad PR from two angles.
You can mix it up a bit by getting a different color like a brown, but you're better off just getting a different type of piece entirely which gets the same thing done. I have a black lightweight coat which goes down to right above my knees, but it lacks a collar, it zips up rather than buttons up, it's one layer, and it's made of a cotton similar to what they use for shirts rather than leather. It still admittedly gives off school shooter vibes because anything with this kind of style is going to these days, but it doesn't completely take over my fit so I can pair it with things that offset the vibe. The other day I wore it with jeans and a yellow shirt, and I usually cuff the sleeves which does a lot to offset the edge.

>> No.17519646

I have one to protect my expensive 3 piece from the rain. I think you definitely need to have a job that should wear a trench coat such as a government agent/inspector of some sort or at least look like you do

>> No.17519649

You could just stick to dark clothing in general without actually committing to a specific style/genre. Get some black jeans, some black cargos, black shirts, a black hoodie or two, etc. It might feel boring but there are a lot of ways to incorporate personality into this. I see guys that do this wear graphic tees of shit they like, black cargos come in so many different styles its insane, and there are tons of different types of plain black tee shirts. Oversized, knit, classic crew necks, short sleeve button ups, etc. Obviously mix in some grey and white shirts on occasion, but all black is a look that works on most people and still gives off a vibe that says you're not a child, unlike emo genres.

>> No.17519654

I think in general you need to just look like you have a job that pays. Like some 25 year old walking around in a trench is a weird vibe because they're at an age where they genuinely could be a school shooter, and there's a lower chance they have a job that actually backs up having a trench. It's similar to a 25 year old walking around in a business suit, because what fucking business does he have to be doing that requires an actual suit while still being able to be on his parent's health insurance?
I don't really care for his videos or style honestly, but the way Tim Dessaint wears trenches works well. I don't believe he really wears black trenches, and from what I remember they're mostly felt rather than leather. I swear though, if people just wore lightweight trenches without all the bells and whistles normally associated with trenches then they could pull it off easier. Lightweight, zip up, no collar, and pairing it with colors.

>> No.17519656

>It's similar to a 25 year old walking around in a business suit, because what fucking business does he have to be doing that requires an actual suit while still being able to be on his parent's health insurance?
literally every finance nigger or government nigger
I had a suit job as an intern in college. ymmv

>> No.17519661

Go to some thrift stores in your area and find some shit that you think is cool. Rinse and repeat until you have some shit to work with. You'll buy some garbage on accident because you don't know what you're doing, but that'll also get you to understand what works and what doesn't because you'll often not know until you've already bought it. While looking for cool shit that gives you a dopamine rush, also get some basic ass shit like some black tee shirts, some jeans that fit you well, maybe an every day beanie that fits well which is surprisingly hard to find, etc. If you only have cool shit then you're gonna have to pair cool pants with a cool shirt and it's gonna be way too much and you'll look like a clown. If you've got some cool pants, pair it with a black shit, and likewise if you have a cool top then pair it with some jeans or something.
Also, people talk shit about him on this board, but watch some videos by Frugal Aesthetic. He's funny, entertaining, and you'll casually learn things about fashion by watching that shit. You might not apply a lot of what he talks about, because honestly I usually don't really care for his style, but for example some of his advice on oversized fits had an effect on how I style oversized shit. I also really like Brand New Wear. He has a lot of knowledge, has a lot to say, and he's witty.

>> No.17519668

Everyone has fits they fall back on. Maybe your cool shit is too hard to actually style, or maybe the reason you're falling back on some of these fits is because that's genuinely what you gravitate towards rather than your cool shit. Put on your cool shit and put together a reasonable fit in the mirror, and ask yourself if you'd rather wear this than the shit you fall back on normally. If the answer is yes, then actually wear it out and ask yourself if you feel goofy wearing it in public. If the answer is no, then expand on that style, but if the answer is yes then that's the reason you're falling back on your comfy shit. Because you lack the confidence to wear your cool shit.

>> No.17519694

stop watching all those vlogs it's clearly making you a cuck

>> No.17519696

holy tldr stop being fat, uneducated and sheltered

>> No.17519697

>Don't watch the things you enjoy
They're not even vlogs

>> No.17519811
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What means by "legth"? In "size guide" nothing about it.

>> No.17519834
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I've been on the waitlist for 3+12 months (I tried yesteryear but I missed the appointment kek). I just recently started noticing how deep the patterns go. I'll try patience then, thx m8 for sharing your xp. I saved the line about anxiety as a reminder.

Points taken. I really enjoy the things in my wardrobe though, I just find it hard to rotate them more into my daily wear since the cohesion is lacking. I quite literally forget they exist but yes, I should probably get rid of the things that don't reflect what I would like to wear. Thanks lads.

>> No.17519840

Well if you genuinely like that shit then actively search for things that would work with it. Occasionally I'll find something really cool and it sits in my closet until I can find something that pairs well with it without it being too much, like right now I'm looking for a specific kind of brown shirt for some out there pants that won't work with a white or black shirt.
If I have something that I can't pair with anything else, I'll just look at it for a bit to get it in my head and then envision it with different colored garments until I figure out how I want to run it irl. Once you have that one combo then you can figure out ways to layer it later.

>> No.17519854

Are you seriously considering buying something from Hollister? Are you 13 or just retarded?

>> No.17519867

I was thinking the same thing. If someone posts that they're buying from H&M or 21 or something I'll probably judge them a little bit but whatever, not everyone can afford decent shit and at least with those brands you can keep up with trends if trends are your thing, but with Hollister the literal only reason you could justify buying that shit as an adult is if it's a plain basic with no branding. I feel like you either have to be a teenager, a woman, or a normie to buy from them.

>> No.17519941

Ok then help me find a hoodie that:
>≈$50 (60 max.)
>no oversize
>cotton/poly blend (80/20 - 60/40)
>no logo or small embroidered logo
The closest I could find is Nike Sportswear Club Fleece Hoodie, is this good? I'm waiting for advice please.

>> No.17519966

Unironically just go to Ross or Goodwill. You'll be able to actual feel the fabric and not have to pay 40 bucks for a hoodie. I have a plain black hoodie I got from TJ Maxx for like 10 bucks and I won't have a reason to get another one until this one falls apart.
Save your money for something worth paying for, not a hoodie, and also try to find one with no branding. You aren't a billboard.

>> No.17519976

So, can I wear a light purple sweater with dark purple trousers, camel coat and boots ? Can’t post fit, clothes wet.

>> No.17519977
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So a girl invited me over to her place, and we sort of "netflixed and chilled".
Anyway, she made popcorn then went to her room and changed to an oversized shirt and wore only panties.
We sat on the couch and watched the F1 series (I forgot the name), we chatted while watching, and she placed the popcorn either on her legs or in between us.

My question is, was I right in not initiating physical contact? I'm not a beta, I just don't want to get framed for rape, plus she wasn't initiating contact either.

>> No.17519979

Now she thinks you are either indecisive and meek or gay, good job.

>> No.17519985

You’re right, those cunts should make things clear. You’re wrong because she wanted you to take the initiative.

>> No.17519990
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I saw this Chad-looking guy on the left wearing these sand-colored pants and instantly wanted the same ones. Do they seem like jeans or chinos to you, what could be the exact tone or brand?

>> No.17519994

you mean shirts? jackets?
if you size up then the cuffs and collar probably wont fit properly, because regardless of cut those are supposed to fit as the size is advertised

>> No.17519995
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I was thinking the popcorn bowl on her lap was a sign, but then again she should have sat beside me, instead of leaving space in between us. I just didn't want to be presumptuous and get framed.
I don't even want to go to work today and see her fucking face.

>> No.17519999

Anon-kun, you should never have a relationship with a woman you have to see everyday, understand?

>> No.17520006

Thanks, but that's not an option for me. I only need an online purchase, where I live clothes and shoes are complete shit, and adequate things are 2-4 times more expensive than in the US.

>> No.17520026

Accept that you're a big guy and stay away from anything tight
Its better than a hoodies and you're cold nigga the real bitch is my office wont let us wear shorts even when its 115 outside

>> No.17520095
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I think I might be going insane. I watched a bunch of fashion videos, and I saw pic related sweater on multiple guys in random stock footage b-roll in the background

But when I googled it it’s not some famous designer stuff, just some random sweater some asian store sells. What am I missing?

>> No.17520132

why is everyone wearing these homo laceless shoes now is it some kinda uniform

>> No.17520720
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I'm dying to know. In my favorite Christmas movie Prancer, this kid is constantly taking this earring on and off throughout the movie. He's a poor 12 year old farmboy in the 80s, and the earring is so out of place it intrigues me, and the movie never explains it. What kind of style is this? What type of person might wear this?

>> No.17520805



>> No.17520838

Dunno why google brought up the rep site instead of this

>> No.17520875

Going to a derm next week to talk about my balding problem. Gonna try to get on fin/min. What should I ask?

>> No.17521068

What do zoomers wear these days? I'm a 23 year old zoomer who's going to uni this year, but I was a NEET for many years, so I'm bit out of touch.
Are boots common? Do zoomers wear oxford shirts, or is it hoodies usually?