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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 497 KB, 881x663, 1412937318114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17498461 No.17498461 [Reply] [Original]

Flyover in a mall edition

>> No.17498485

guess I'll be first post. boomer sand maxxing for a day of errands.

>> No.17498487
File: 790 KB, 1551x4147, IMG_20230221_153027~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phone posting fail. bad omen for the thread

>> No.17498491

Well done, sir. Have you worn this outside yet?

>> No.17498512
File: 2.96 MB, 1761x3872, 20230221_001247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute but hate the buttons. shoes r gross desu

>> No.17498514

that watch is absolute shit

>> No.17498515

Bro, your pants are literally retarded. Also, are you wearing a wig? Laughing my ass off.

>> No.17498524

ok but it zoomer

>> No.17498530
File: 1.30 MB, 2076x3692, 20230221_185738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baseball cap and blazer
meh on the white socks, wmnz cardigan doesnt work
shadow plaid is awesome, gr8 rise and stacks

>> No.17498533

No, seriously your pants look like Old Navy pajama bottoms. It's not good at all.

>> No.17498535

>shoes r gross desu
yeah youre an inhuman peice of shit tranny go rape some more kids and then get killed thanks and yeah your fashion is shit too

>> No.17498536

/tip/bros? The baseball cap is taking over the game..

>> No.17498539

Inspired by the discussion last thread? Very based look.

>> No.17498541

good fit, ignore the seething replies from the ugly fag in his grandma's cardigan

>> No.17498550

>inhuman peice of shit
already transitioned

>> No.17498568
File: 2.02 MB, 3024x3771, 20230221_191736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% sure its someone else baiting
had this outfit on since 8 EST
dead general

>> No.17498570

mmm dashing

>> No.17498597
File: 3.70 MB, 4369x4224, IMG_20230221_163642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not crazy on the buttons either. you don't fuck with doc oxfords?
>your fit
don't think the stacking is working. makes them look like pyjamas. could be nice if they were hemmed though
I like it, see picrel. feels sleezy to me
not my reply, I was out buying bagels which answers >>17498491
would look better with white socks, kek. no but for real, socks in a complimentary color to shirt (cream?) would elevate this imo.
>baseball cap
feels weird here, probably a reference to last thread though. I think they do work with grungy ill-fitting suits though. a la Travis in Paris, Texas

>> No.17498614
File: 2.91 MB, 4350x4715, IMG_20230221_163924260_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. A "normal" fit but I dig the style. I'm trying to find vintage Shetland sweaters in my size.

Bro you look great, I have a shirt in a similar shade coming in today, it's a peach shade. I think this is a bit of a different style than I normally see from you right? I'm trying to remember if you normally post with that sticker on the mirror. Only thing I don't like is the socks not matching the pants
Great as always, you've got a really cohesive sense of style but I really want to buy you some shoes. Ive got a pair of old pants by Daks with the same pattern but in brighter colors, I'll wear that Saturday. Ignore the seething tards not posting fits and crying about non heterosexuals in a FASHION THREAD

>Lazy night fit

Andy Samberg looking baseball cap anon, these are Wrangler dress jeans. A bit of a flare at the bottom, not a true bootcut. Otherwise a slim straight leg.

>> No.17498615

what are your dating preferences?

>> No.17498622

fuck those are nice pants

>> No.17498643

probably dead kids judging by his trouser choice

>> No.17498650

>I really want to fuck my therapist
you seem really preoccupied with child abuse. is this your way of saying you want me to be your therapist?

>> No.17498673

ID on pants?

>> No.17498714


They're literally called Wrangler Dress Jeans and they are amazing

Wrangler Men's Wrancher Dress Jean https://a.co/d/d2MbOmT

I have them in black, grey, navy and heather brown. They aren't vanity sized so you will probably need to size up. If you're a 32x32, get a 34x32. The length is a little longer to accommodate cowboy boots, they look the best with high boots.
If I remembered I'd have taken a pic of my ass but all Wrangler pants make my ass look amazing because they are higher waisted and pretty slim on the top block.
I don't do "casual" well and these pants are an absolute godsend, they're versatile, they look good, I feel good in them, they hold up well, etc.

Basically don't look down on something just because of name or price, always keep your mind open and you'll find cool shit.

Can you please explain your thought process here? You chose to come onto the fashion board, and fashion has traditionally been mostly the domain of homosexuals and women. It's normally minority friendly and heavily influenced by non white cultures, and in the 21st century has been strongly and openly pro LGBTQIA. By association the people on the the fashion board are more likely to be non hetero or at least vocal allies, and using that logic the same would apply to a thread were people take pics and turn themselves into half ass models to be ridiculed by everyone else. Why would a strong, fit, muscular, masculine specimen such as yourself even come here?
Furthermore why keep coming back? Yes, it's obviously you across multiple threads. If you think the person is a degenerate you aren't going to magically undegenerate them by yelling and insults, and it just makes you look dumb. You're basically calling a wall a faggot and demanding that it start loving pussy, it just makes no sense.
The people who bellow the loudest about others sexuality always seem to be having the same issues, so is there something you want to talk about?

>> No.17498810 [DELETED] 

not him but nigga you ought to kill yourself.

>> No.17498973

Did you forget to iron your shirt?
I like this fit a lot and is something I would wear. I'm still trying to dox you so I can break into your house and steal that jacket.
However, and as a fellow balding man in his 40's, I would consider wearing a hat with that, maybe a flat cap or something similar. Is not to try to fool people into thinking you're not bald but to reduce the distraction that an empty patch of skin on the top of your head brings. It kinda unbalances the look.
I dunno, this is not so much a critique on your fit as me thinking aloud about my own fit and circumstances.
The plus thing is you got nice eyes and should try to frame them or drive attention to them in some way (although I'm not sure how to achieve this). I'm sure it's one of your strengths.

>> No.17499195
File: 609 KB, 1082x3293, hiAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you all got drip lol. Sometimes I even question myself if I'm welcome here. Anyways, how can I improve this look as a poorfag? I definitely need some better fitting pants and maybe some accessories here and there. Seems like a blank canvas still, I like where it's going though.

>> No.17499207

I would tuck the t-shirt in

>> No.17499209 [DELETED] 

>Can you please explain your thought process here?
Sure, why not. This mentally ill dude gets on the fashion board everyday to post his delusional "identity" as a "trans" "gender". It's literally not fashion, he needs mental help. Oh and btw I love both heterosexuals as well as homosexuals and am bi myself so it's not actually homophobia. Honestly "trans" "gender" is literally destroying the world. "Trans" "genders" need their own containment board just like /pol/.

>> No.17499253
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>> No.17499443 [DELETED] 

just ignore and report the 'tranny investigators'

>> No.17499478
File: 558 KB, 3000x3950, 20230221_145908_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its true /tip/ is somewhat dead so ill repost this pic here.

The ivy/prep with baseball cap look is awesome. Nice tie too. What does the hat say?
Thats so basic you could go in any direction, I dont know exactly what look youre going for. You could try accessorizing with different hats like caps or bucket hats. You could look into more varied kinds of tops. A bomber jacket maybe. An unbuttoned v-neck cardigan (like in my pic) can look very flowy and casual while adding texture. And I would look for shorter shirts so your proportions are cut into thirds rather than halves, and you can show off belts. As it is, your torso looks longer than it actually is which makes you look short.
Pants and pullover have no contrast.

>> No.17499501

workout and get big

>> No.17499518

>Pants and pullover have no contrast.
they are a set

>> No.17499604

looking cleaaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.17499685

Dude give your sister her sweater back
Cool pants, I like the subtle belt and jacket button sync
Cool tie, what color belt did you go with?
I love your posts, always looking cool
Bro fix your face lol that half smile is goofy, cool outfit though
Nice jacket
Nice color matching, I like the corduroy

I'd post if I didn't have crippling insecurity, sorry for no contribution

>> No.17499706
File: 42 KB, 1298x471, 11111112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cop his look

>> No.17499901
File: 149 KB, 549x1280, E441F48A-E81C-4223-8166-4D7EB5CD9ED4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the green fuck the fit
Like this a lot

>> No.17499938

Yeah but the shoes could be a lighter color, maybe something tan, or boots. It looks relatively informal, you could probably pull it off with canvas sneakers too if you wanted.
I wear the same outfit every day though, so don't just blindly listen to me

>> No.17499941
File: 551 KB, 648x1094, 9B5D17E0-43A4-4013-808C-F780955D4BB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t like
Pretty cool, mirin the range of styles you try out
Very nice
>Coofmask in 2023
Only wear those when absolutely necessary at work, fit looks good tho lad
You must be 18 to post here
Also cool, liking the fits a lot more than usual this thread boyos
Aight but personally would like it more fitted
Nice fit mr duck

You lads typically don’t like my fits, but I got a lot of compliments from normies today so I wanna get some /fa/ feedback

>> No.17499946

Legit can't tell if this is a tranny with the woman's cardigan and woman's watch

>> No.17499953
File: 942 KB, 1258x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17499962

you shaved ur beard! :3

>> No.17499986

>Did you forget to iron your shirt?

Nah it's just a heavyweight white t shirt

>Fellow balding man

I'm not balding, I'm bald. If my beautiful bald visage distracts anyone, I'm sorry. I wear hats often (too often according to several anons here), I wear them to compliment my fit not to be cope caps lol. When I shave my head properly and it's shiny even my goofy autistic ass gets women asking to touch it. Embrace the clean shave bro.

I live in Maryland. If you want to come murder me it's fine, since that means I won't have to live in Maryland anymore.

>The jacket
I can't get you this exact one but if you tell me your size I'll find a vintage one for you, probably around $150-$200. Let me know if you're interested, I'll just send you an eBay link.

>Framing nice eyes
Well I just got a new pair of glasses so when they come in we'll see if that helps


Perfect. I should post in /tip

>I love your posts, always looking cool

Thank you! I fake it and I'm glad people are buying it.

Jacket doesn't match color wise, also unbutton the top button. Good otherwise.

It looks like you're smuggling a crowbar sideways down your pants what the fuck.
I actually like this fit though, it's clean

>No don't wear a mask aaaaahhhhhhh
I wear them because I'm around someone immunocompromised and it helps me hide my face, I feel like my face is fat an I have /pol/ face.

I really like this apart from the the black loafers but even with that it's a 9/10 for my style.

>> No.17499988

Ye lmao got bored, it’ll be back in a week

>> No.17500039

Thanks! Loafers are actually brown suede and the belt is brown leather. They aren't as dark in real life, just turned out that way on the picture. I think they work with the all other brown, taupe, sand and crème stuff. Anchoring the look a bit with darker brown.

>> No.17500041

surprised you're still here

>> No.17500065


>> No.17500091
File: 482 KB, 1125x1651, 5222218A-AC5D-4436-97F8-0D3D8EB5BEE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going poop balls mode
This could be cute with better pants/shirt/shoes, I rly like the cardigan & accessories and ur hair
Different shoes and I’d love this fr
Anons get a life and stop being obsessed with trannies challenge (failed)

>> No.17500093
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>> No.17500108
File: 394 KB, 1622x2308, fhjjiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time machine to 2006
Solid fit. Those wranchers look cool but
Also iron your shirt
Its not great but not terrible. Also those pants fit really bad in the crotch
SEXcore Chad

>> No.17500111

damn imagine wearing CPs 2 years after the brand was created
whats in the pocket? reminded me of the april 77 guitar pick pocket

>> No.17500129

It's a tshirt. Anyone who irons a tshirt is more of a nerd than I am.

>> No.17500155

>Perfect. I should post in /tip
Thanks, but cmon, nobody thought the color/tone of the socks was completely off? Realized that only after posting.

>> No.17500173

1: My whole thing here is to try and be positive, supportive and helpful

2: So many fits are complete and utter horseshit spewed forth by attention starved autists and commented on by other hateful attention starved autists that I'm hesitant to point out a minor flaw in an otherwise superb fit. Especially one that could be played off as a choice about liking the contrast or some BS.

>> No.17500176
File: 185 KB, 735x898, 0adf2fa92fe19611712bcf09cdaa1584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this classic fit always works

>> No.17500180

Pocket is the lanyard clip for my wagie badge. Also those April guitar pick pockets (and April jeans in general) were great. Peak heroin rocker core
Then steam it. Or re-run it through the wash. Just something so that it doesn't look like a dish cloth

>> No.17500183
File: 1.72 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17500202

This guy is a fucking king jfc

>> No.17500219

left or right for a blustery trip to the store to buy a single stalk of celery?

I don't normally like the sheen of polyester but it works here with the shine in the leathers. hate to say it, but iron the tee
based take here
shirts are too long, makes your legs look short. tuck em in - atleast the tee
cardigan looks way too big
yes. everything else looks good tho
all the shit bulging out of your pants makes them look thin and cheap. what the fuck do you even have in there?
>inb4 dick and balls
Loafers feel out of place here. pants are blinding me with the word of our Lord Jesus Christ
cozy wozy
if you're trying to look like a redditor, yes. blue collar larp dog whistle

>> No.17500223
File: 2.14 MB, 3358x4096, IMG_20230222_195934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking stupid. gonna neck myself next time I forget to attach picrel

>> No.17500338
File: 2.39 MB, 2268x4032, Snapchat-932003518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one for my fan club :3

>> No.17500344

bro it's ass didn't hard commit to nazgul aesthetic

>> No.17500352

real human beings, and a reallll heroooooo

>> No.17500371

Have you considered buying other clothes

>> No.17500380

he used all his money up already :(

>> No.17500407

post bike

>> No.17500413

>shit in my pants
Wallet, airpod case, it’s my keys that make it look worst though

>> No.17500419

Are u a manlet?

>> No.17500422
File: 3.06 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17500423

ID on the g-string?

>> No.17500424
File: 1.36 MB, 2464x1440, Screenshot_20230223-030628_QuickPic~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered posting a fit?

Only thing I got right now is a shop bike lmao

>> No.17500426

>I can't get you this exact one but if you tell me your size I'll find a vintage one for you, probably around $150-$200. Let me know if you're interested, I'll just send you an eBay link.
Appreciate the offer but I splurged a tad too much these past months on clothes so my budget will be zero for the next months. I'll put something aside and maybe take you up on that in a couple months if we're still around here.

I always like your fits, as basic as they tend to be, but maybe you're coasting a bit on your body (no homo). At any rate, you're style is an excellent exercise on "clothes are here to compliment my body and not the other way around" unlike those who throw expensive shit at themselves in the hopes it'll make up for their shit bodies and awful personalities. As always, great job.

Can't help ypu there, I like them both. Leaning a bit to right because I really like that jacket.

>> No.17500428

idk some e girl mailed it to me with the shirt and a blood soaked note

>> No.17500608


>> No.17500662
File: 537 KB, 1023x1000, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you're not confusing me with someone? I've posted just a few times.

>> No.17500685

Based J K Rowling & Harry Potter enthusiast, you have literally contributed to the Tranny Gendercide, that fit is FIRE my brother, id on cape let's go

>> No.17500764
File: 1.59 MB, 2260x3976, PXL_20230223_134912142.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i accessorize this
i think i like it, but physique adds A LOT
i like it
i like it!
i dont like
eh, not my taste but i can see people liking it

>> No.17500826

Why do you wear this every day

>> No.17501056


>> No.17501094

Wtf are you stuck in 2016? Holy fucking cringe, what year is it?

>> No.17501115

your cheeks bulge out like a frog. very strange. i have never met a human with cheeks like toad before.

>> No.17501127 [DELETED] 

the only good fit in this cursed thread

>> No.17501182

Cheers lad, looking sweet, you don’t post in CBT anymore?
Ye definitely carrying, as long as I look presentable idc where it’s coming from
Cheers lad, high praise

>> No.17501185 [DELETED] 

no problem,i'm curious, can you tell me what's that thingy on your left hand?

>> No.17501198

Just a hair tie brah, I had just come from the gym and I tie back my hair for deadlifts when it’s long

>> No.17501473

Surgically pointed ear

>> No.17501480
File: 407 KB, 3468x3500, 20230223_130750_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, post snowball fight.

You have a bag, why not put that stuff in there instead of letting it bulge out of your pockets?
Very cozy.
>I wear them because I'm around someone immunocompromised and it helps me hide my face, I feel like my face is fat an I have /pol/ face.
To be desu, by american standards youre fairly slim. Not many men stay fit or slender in their 40s. Its still a worthy goal though.
Disheveled hobo look can probably only be pulled off if youre funny and outgoing like Sam Hyde.
Both cool, right looks much better to my eyes, maybe with the shirt on the left for more interest around the collar
You look like a fucking faggot but i commend the authenticity of the striped long-sleeve under a short sleeve, i remember seeing that a lot in the 00s

>> No.17501501
File: 2.18 MB, 2549x3877, 20230223_162813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my closet is a mix of ivy and black stuff
us open 2013 i think
needlepoint belt with tropical fish
i think my parents donated all my april 77 denim feelsbad
pretty sure you posted a few times in /sprezz/ i recognize the interior

>> No.17501537
File: 473 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20230218-135932_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will comment on other fits later. Busy rn

>> No.17501546
File: 292 KB, 720x1342, 20230223_170515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful bait

>> No.17501637

Because I'm from the pit not the palace

>> No.17501708

getting earfy with it today

I think you need to find pants with more texture. both pairs that you've posted look jarring with the coat
this is one of those fits that only works if you're in middle school/early highschool
feels hodgepodged together, but pieces seem to fit well individually. hard to tell much from this angle desu
so much stack, which could be interesting, but not with the sweater. Guidis on the feet?

>> No.17501711
File: 2.66 MB, 2552x5042, IMG_20230223_153456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I'm necking myself. last post ever - goodbye /fa/

>> No.17501785

dont neck yourself in an awful fit such as this one

>> No.17501800

ID on overshirt? Quite like this fit btw

>> No.17501810
File: 146 KB, 435x984, vac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, those pants are great. I have a few levis commuter dress pants, but I feel like they're way too skinny. Yours are perfect. Great fit btw. I'll keep an eye out for these my next shopping spree
>Sometimes I even question myself if I'm welcome here
so far none of what you've posted has been bad
>how can I improve this look as a poorfag?
it already looks pretty good anon. You could try wearing a watch, some matching bracelets or something around your neck. You don't have to go all out, sometimes keeping it simple is best. Wear stuff that expresses who you are in a way that can complement your outfit
this looks great, if possible maybe some slightly darker pants, but I wouldn't fret over it
holy fuck absolute chad energy for wearing the cloak
I like both, but right is my fave
can I get a closeup on that dalmatian painting?
>how do i accessorize this
all you really need is a studded wristband so you can successfully travel back to 2006

>> No.17501813

thnx :) it's a Patagonia flannel, out of production afaik though

>> No.17501837

Yep. 5'9
There's definitely some coasting going on. Part of it is that (imo) classic silhouettes look best on me. Another part of it is that fashion is social & contextual, and good fits are ones that fit in to your day to day life while still leaving you the most put together person in the room. I work in a casual office so too much more than this stands out in an awkward way. And when I get home from work I have 3 dogs shedding and drooling all over me so I want my clothes to be low maintenance to handle that. And then, as a recovered scene kid, black has always been a comfort zone for me so when I wear even something as basic as blue levis and a white tee, it feels like a costume
Haven't in a minute. No good lighting in my new place + restarted an LP after some time with just kettlebells so I want to focus on getting my pathetic lifts up rather than worrying about abs
Kek. If you're a 27w I still have some old pairs

>> No.17501870

Hopefully the funeral home will put you in a halfway decent outfit for once

>> No.17501901
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>> No.17501921
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>> No.17501975
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>> No.17501997
File: 1.88 MB, 2000x3000, aufit .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shia core

not bad, cohesive at least

clean, looks expensive, beanie ruins the vibe

hate the belts color and trousers do look like pijamas, ive had this happen to me before. Trousers that look beatiful up close but from a distance they end up looking like pijamas,

>> No.17502002
File: 3.69 MB, 1672x1796, jaqet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this jackets cool but really dont know what to wear w it, realized a while ago that bomber jackets really not my style. but my ex gave it to me so not gonna get rid of it.

forgot to take my measurements but ill post again on sunday/monday if not sooner so ill have em then. really appreciate it.

p bad imo, have liked the other fits you've posted much better

clean ya room


fantastic. no idea why this works, but it does. v nice shoes too

>> No.17502009

drawing anon from /tip/?

>> No.17502379
File: 1.86 MB, 2449x4032, 46690854-BACC-4E02-911A-316796F40459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks cool, chad dad vibes
You’re cute but I’m not sure about the jacket
Would like to see that without the flannel shirt thing

>> No.17502394
File: 111 KB, 2048x3072, 5445302250_6_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sp/ retard here. What color sneakers/shoes sould I wear with pic related and blue jeans? would it be a huge mistake to do same color for shirt and shoes?

>> No.17502403

not a big fan of this but it would be 1000x more serviceable with different socks and shoes. or at least socks.
with the beige, earth tones of the rest of the fit above the ankles, both the black and white of the socks throw it off. but the socks especially, plus those are easier to replace; surely you have a pair of grey socks somewhere.

>> No.17502510


>> No.17502526

what is /tip/? someone last thread referred to me as a poster from /tip/ too, but ive never heard of it

>> No.17502591

/fa/ is fairly slow and people that want to post in waywt will find it, no need to bump
trad ivy prep general

>> No.17502605

all that light color just to finish with some black docs? not a fan

>> No.17502674

wait are you really a tranny?

>> No.17502774
File: 1.36 MB, 2170x3086, 71CFC4A8-C746-48CA-A00C-A815FB1DCFAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno why you said this but I’m not gonna miss a chance to post them :^)
Sure if you look like that
Blunder years vibe imma be honest

>> No.17502904

>feels hodgepodged together, but pieces seem to fit well individually. hard to tell much from this angle desu
Thats definitely fair, i wasnt planning on wearing the jacket but needed it for utilitarian purposes.

>> No.17502932

Ngl I would choke you and fuck you in the ass. No homo.

>> No.17502934


>> No.17502937

Handsome, i like the turtleneck in theory but the yellow doesnt feel right, a pastel blue or pink would be really nice with that sweatshirt

>> No.17502938
File: 3.14 MB, 2829x5437, IMG_20230224_134641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neon grandma converse core featuring lover who critiqued your fits below

necklace is cool, quilted shirt jacket looks cozy
impeccable hair. hoodie jacket combo is great. not big on the sweats though
peak swag, maybe mostly to do with edit? drape on everything is crispy. pant logo is a little distracting
pants fit nicely. don't know what to say about jacket. rest of fit is kinda boring for how loud it is, but I guess it showcases it
into this, dig the androgyny. shoes are a bit of a shock

>> No.17502945

Jesus Christ you are literally the two timing whore I saw on tinder disgusting

>> No.17502967

Why is the person in the back dressed like an elderly Russian woman?

>> No.17503057

>two timing

>> No.17503091


>> No.17503155

Me on the right

>> No.17503247
File: 1.51 MB, 1437x1500, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold snap again so afghanka again. on the advice of everyone, wore dif shoes+pants. I really should find a nicer pair of brown pants and some brown boots, i think that'd work a lot better, thought this was alright tho.

measurements as requested, neck to wrist is 88.5 cm and shoulder to wrist is 65 cm.

ahh, no, ive never posted or browsed those, altho i should prob start.

ye thats been my struggle w it. feel like anything else i wear seems bland by comparison, not sure whatd go better

>> No.17503285

>measurements as requested, neck to wrist is 88.5 cm and shoulder to wrist is 65 cm.

Bro I also need your chest and shoulders. By that I mean measure your shoulders from one end to the other at the top of your shoulders. Please Google how to do this.

Also measure your chest, that's easy just measure at the widest part of your chest, normally right above the nipple line.

In essence you just provided me with a sleeve length.

This should help:


Get those measurements and we're in business.

>> No.17503296

my bad lmao, forgot. will do soon. really should get a tape measure.

>> No.17503537


>> No.17503551

this is so hard, great pieces

>> No.17503798

You should grow your hair out, start taking hrt and post butthole

>> No.17503802

Made me spit out my drink holy kek

>> No.17503817

Eyyyyy, captain of the Good ship lollipop? Guess the turd doesn’t fall far from the faggots ass

>> No.17503906
File: 2.50 MB, 4000x2252, 20230113_221752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I REALLY like this

Hard Berlin U8 vibes (I kinda like it)

If your fit is like a lemon tart as an outfit, take that as you will


I like the silhouette

>> No.17503947

you look fucking built. Anything that your waist to shoulder ration will look great

>> No.17504047

You look like a bad guy from a 70's low budget action film.

>> No.17504283
File: 518 KB, 1074x2836, 4622019A-5AD9-4480-AAD0-AB2A87486EEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like it a lot - i also dig ur hair

Great pants!

I like that!

I luuuv the boots


>> No.17504292

I like your fit silhouette

>> No.17504309

so pretty! o: !!!

>> No.17504335
File: 1.10 MB, 3115x3801, IMG_20230225_151532219_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, that's a little different than what you normally do, which is awesome. Looks good, the hat though looks weird. Your hair is great and hit volume and the hat messes with the outline in the middle and doesn't look like it belongs. I don't know how to explain it, your other hats look good, might just be the angle on this one.

New England core. Nice.

Another good fit. Like it a lot.

Lmfao, how many times can you post the same outfit?

>Jacket that doesn't fit +black pants+wellingtons

Outfit on right is much better, both are good. Sort of a new look for you, I dig it.

Best fit itt, I kneel

90% sure you sold me a Smashing Pumpkins "Zero" t-shirt at Hot Topic during the summer of 2001.

Pants are a little skinny for my tastes but other wise I like it.


The jacket is so goddamn corny but you're muscular enough to make it work

I sort of like this but the color on the top layer is too washed out

Knife ears.

Please tell my babushka I miss her.

Fuck I love the color on that turtleneck. Awesome fit, I have to get back to the gym.

Al Pacino in Serpico but photographed from 100 yards away. I think I like this, need to see more up close for better detail.

Nice. Your outfits are always interesting and diverse while still maintaining a cohesive style.

>Today's fit
Went full 70s. Shirt is from a menswear shop called Satel's in San Antonio, it's from the late 70s. Jacket is a Lee from the mid 70s, and pants are Wrangler dress jeans which have a flare so they might as well be from the 70s too. Time to go sell coke at the disco.

>> No.17504344
File: 192 KB, 750x1334, 35AF1C66-E932-485F-AEAE-92DAA14C64CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17504376

Stormed the capitol and did nothing-core

>> No.17504380 [DELETED] 

wish I was a girl

>> No.17504392

What’s a capitol

>> No.17504393

One of my favs from you

>> No.17504405


>> No.17504419

A place that you stormed

>> No.17504422

Didn’t know your mom was called capitol

>> No.17504440

W2c shoes?

>> No.17504441

She's certainly old, round and had a lot of men inside of her.

>> No.17504478

Is she also filled with parasites that feed on the rest of her body?

>> No.17504601

Jokes on you, she's jewish so she is the parasite.

>> No.17504616
File: 1.46 MB, 651x2127, 20230225_151954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow red sweater wearers

T-shirt wrinkles are so strong that they can be considered a texture

white t-shirt feels too long, I would go for something shorter than the pink shirt

>> No.17504625

your jeans hug your thighs too tightly
the jacket color doesn't work with the jeans and sweater

>> No.17504626

i like this fit

>> No.17504627

>Look at the doorknob in relation to his waist

Tie your shoes you HAPA manlet

>> No.17504635
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x1860, 20230225_162728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what jacket color would you suggest?
I am neither a HAPA nor a manlet

>> No.17505012

Hair should've been a couple inches longer but my barber fucked it up so now im stuck with this faggot haircut for like a month. Hard pass with the other two though

>> No.17505013

If everythind wasn't so slim fit this would be a classic posh fit in my country but with different shoes.
>red sweater
It doesn't really match but creates a contrast.
Other than than the specific connotations, I don't hate it, but the slim everything is a bit outdated, imho

>> No.17505222
File: 1.92 MB, 1862x3570, B9650484-DC25-48C1-A59D-E5C1510C462A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If construction workers had Effay uniforms
Nice but too tight

>> No.17505307
File: 496 KB, 1981x2944, hjkiugsrtvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concert after work core

A darker or lighter brown jacket would work better with the red- that one is uncannily reddish and its throwing the top off. And your pants are too tight for the look you're going for. Also I think dark brown loafers would be a huge upgrade to the sneakers though the shoes you have now technically work
Probably my favorite fit you've posted. Love everything but the flat cap. It should be a crushable stetson at the very least
Big improvement. Also better execution of red+brown than >>17504616

>> No.17505363
File: 888 KB, 2736x2736, 78I86Rq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tf do you guys take good photos?

>> No.17505374
File: 3.43 MB, 1170x2080, IMG_4258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this normcore?

what's the strat for royal blue

who - crystal castles? alex g? two shell?

strat for wearing a red jumper without looking like a nonce?

>> No.17505378

>one side of mustache growing thick, the other thin
Hold me bros

>> No.17505382

trust the process

>> No.17505386

you should give the bladee tag on omegle a go sometime if you want lots of compliments from girls

>> No.17505422

So I'm completely new here. I don't know what you mean by strat for royal blue.

I mostly figured darker pants means darker shirt.

>> No.17505433
File: 1.54 MB, 611x1542, wallahi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i only meant how do i wear it without looking cringe

>> No.17505436

I have one of those color wheels in my closet, I don't make any decisions on colors without checking that.

Plus I'm boring as hell so even the preppy stuff gets toned down with an earth color

>> No.17505464

think more casual stuff would fit it better desu

>> No.17505485

mate you look like a bum

>> No.17505511

Ouch bro

>> No.17505551

in a good way

>> No.17505559


>> No.17505598

only acceptable fit in the whole fucking thread, all the rest is just try hard tasteless immature shit

>> No.17505666

>Replying to yourself this obviously.

>> No.17505677

I'm really flattered this is a fit a bunch of people dog, but a stetson hat? Wouldn't that just be too heavy on cowboy LARP?

Also, dig the boots, I've got a pair of Chippewa boots that are a similar make and color.
You do a lot of black on black, is it ok if a black shirt and black pants aren't the same shade of black? I want to try a full head to toe black outfit but the different shades bug me.

And please try a collared shirt or sport coat on. You've got the upper body for it, you're literally built for a structured sport coat. You clearly (and rightfully) take pride in your body, show it off in different ways.

I got a chink mystery meat tripod with Bluetooth remote clicker for $25 off Amazon. Easily portable, makes my pics so much better.

If normcore was in the dictionary your photo would be there.

You're clearly handsome but your choices don't flatter your face well, do you have any collared shirts?

>> No.17505686

Yeah I have collared shirts. What’s wrong with the turtle neck

>> No.17505707

Second fit in a row where you're wearing a turtleneck with a sad long sleeve shirt on top. A collared shirt would frame your face better,you've got great facial features, very strong. A turtleneck doesn't flatter you as much as a collar with a good roll would.
I love turtlenecks, but without a top layer. Unless it's a thin turtleneck with a V neck sweater on top.

>> No.17505740

cant stand the brown boots with the rest of the black, you know that though

>> No.17505743

Any specific types of shirts you recommend?

>> No.17505745

Why? Brown and black is really good combo especially when the brown has shades of red and purple

>> No.17505770
File: 2.84 MB, 3692x4519, IMG_20230218_121729518~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a repost of a previous fit but this type of collar. It's button down but it doesn't lay flat, it's got a nice roll to it so it has volume, and a good collar frames faces well.

>> No.17505781

What's that jacket?

>> No.17505789

ok but dale looks really good here, how do I steal that look

>> No.17505792

Alright thanks for the advice!

>> No.17505819

kek stop trying to force everyone into CM please

>> No.17505847

This just looks like a substitute teacher who thinks they're cool but hits on students.

>> No.17505873

what's CM?

>> No.17505891

Lmao showing a collared shirt isn't forcing anyone into anything. Cry harder.

>> No.17505936
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1667075508747420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a school guidance counselor who fiddles kids and if you crossed my path after a couple whiskies I'd beat the shit out of you for being a child molesting fuck

You look like the before pic of a gender transition timeline. Hit the gym and stop consuming microplastics idk get a job landscaping or something

Yeah that makes sense dress like a WWII infantryman but look like a heavy breeze would take you out. Fag

Man hands, man stance, man height, man shoulders. YWNBAW

>Yo yo yo check out my new cloud rap group GAYNESS OF THE ANUS dog we just dropped our new single "stop bullying me" yo it's FIRE we are like drain gang but gayer yo

Hacksaw Jim Duggan you're cool

You misspelled "" homo"

Fuck off you don't do manual labour some kinda creative professional cuck who kayaks on the weekend. Ys

Nigga you ate my dog

>> No.17505944


>> No.17505952

ok pajeet

>> No.17506015

This is so pathetic that it becomes funny HAHAHA

>> No.17506023


>> No.17506077

>You look like a school guidance counselor who fiddles kids and if you crossed my path after a couple whiskies I'd beat the shit out of you for being a child molesting fuck

Lmao this reeks of repressed faggotry. Which one of your teachers fucked you? Did your guidance counselor guide your mouth down on his balls?

The only people I've ever met who rolled with the "grrrrr I beat gays after two drinks grrrrrr" where the same dudes who would suck my dick after three.

>> No.17506092

>Did your guidance counselor guide your mouth down on his balls?
based dubs. top KEK

>> No.17506113

Insanely based.

>> No.17506131
File: 134 KB, 253x356, fifteen year olds rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fit

>> No.17506153
File: 79 KB, 720x1280, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wearing all black is effay right? got this suit for 46$ at a thrift store, very happy w it, all wool brooks bros.

i agree with >>17504047 and its fantastic. one of the best itt, ID on shirt?

ty:) your outfit is really great, feels like some jap womens styles but a little more toned down?

killer, one of your best yet, the shirt esp

i really dont think this works but cant pinpoint why

nordstroms, cheapest black dress shoes they had, think its a store brand. love em tho, super comfy and dont have to worry abt abusing them

>> No.17506162

This. No need to give advice when you're so new to tailoring too

>> No.17506217
File: 88 KB, 500x500, 7ck0he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grrrr I hate fags ggggrrrrrr god I hate them so much there better not be any FAGGOTS in this manly heterosexual fashion thread

>> No.17506224

>killer, one of your best yet, the shirt esp


All black: Looks good, I want to try an all black fit. My question is it ok if the shirt and pants are a different shade of black?

I'm thinking a black and grey herringbone sport coat, black turtleneck and black pants. The sweater and pants will be slightly different shades of black, is that ok?

>> No.17506337


>> No.17506381
File: 1.32 MB, 1111x2405, EF409BE3-00F4-4BA5-B756-E3FBCF3EBB87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t posted in a while.

>> No.17506389

Clean your door trim.

>> No.17506412

Sunny Day Real Estate
>I'm really flattered this is a fit a bunch of people dog, but a stetson hat? Wouldn't that just be too heavy on cowboy LARP?
Not necessarily a 10 gallon (though they're based and I love mine), but a crushable one. Look up the Stetson Bozeman, its more of an aussie vibe than a cowboy one. Still outdoorsy and masculine, but easier to wear
>Also, dig the boots, I've got a pair of Chippewa boots that are a similar make and color.
I wish Chippewa still made the apache boots. These are just old cherry docs that I wear when I know my shoes will take a beating
>You do a lot of black on black, is it ok if a black shirt and black pants aren't the same shade of black? I want to try a full head to toe black outfit but the different shades bug me.
Totally fine. The only thing that should be avoided are those black jeans- usually poly blends- that fade with to a greenish black. Absolutely disgusting in all circumstances
>And please try a collared shirt or sport coat on. You've got the upper body for it, you're literally built for a structured sport coat. You clearly (and rightfully) take pride in your body, show it off in different ways.
Kek, thanks anon. I actually love tweed blazers, and I bought a perfecly fitting one recently, but I never have the occasion to wear them and they never feel as right paired with black/grey bottoms as they do to faded blue jeans
Cherry red docs & black denim is quintessential 80s punk by way of 00s punk revival core
This is great

>> No.17506415

If I'm looking for chukka boots what brand should I buy?

>> No.17506424

If your looking to spend less than 250 I’d honestly just get thursdays, they get to much hate here

>> No.17506429

I mean I'd be buying them off ebay because I'm cheap, so go nuts with brand suggestions

>> No.17506452

this is kino anon

>> No.17506460

Stop using the word kino outside of /tv/ shitposting, its embarrassing to read

>> No.17506463
File: 2.65 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230226_212308653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You always look so sad and bored anon.

Sunny Day Real Estate? Jesus I remember going to their shows in the 90s, I sort of assumed they retired.

Bozeman hat: I like it, I'm flattered you think I could pull it off but that is way too honest outdoorsy for me.

>Tonight's fit
Apologies for the shit lighting, I have to figure out decent night lighting.

Sport coat is black and white herringbone cashmere, shirt is white and grey vertical stripes, pants are black flannel, boots are black, suspenders are burgundy and none of that shows up in the pics lmao.

>> No.17506473 [DELETED] 


>> No.17506477

based kanye type fits

>> No.17506624

Ride on, man.

>> No.17506664

waste of a post

>> No.17506671

Based wizard.

>> No.17506808

I am sad and bored

>> No.17506810

I for one think the flat cap goes well with this fit even if it breaks a bit the 70's look

>> No.17506874

Short thin flat hair, comb part pink scalp stands out. Uncanny haircut.

>> No.17506895


Your putty gray trousers combined with the black turtleneck, black leather x knit jacket and matching black leather belt are stylin as fuck, you /fit - fa/ ginger chad, but *please remove the very distracting bulky objects from the pants pockets* -- huge visual distraction (esp in quite slim fitted trousers) that compromises the otherwise peak fit. /10 <3

>> No.17507146

Don’t post for another while longer please

>> No.17507155

Did you scare people at your church wearing this?

>> No.17507196

The Jordan Peterson look.

>> No.17507213 [DELETED] 
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, 70A53961-A456-44E0-AB70-17D23926C594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme Hell, boys.

>> No.17507242
File: 314 KB, 1024x1792, IMG_6587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80's vibe

say my name...
looks sharp tho just ditch the mask or get one that matches the fit
its works just kinda normalcore probs cause i aint into flannel patterns much nothing wrong with that tho
lookin sharp nice necklace
the dreaded white socks black shoe mj combo
ppl are gonna hate on the brown boots but i like em especially since all black goes with p much everything

>> No.17507248
File: 2.86 MB, 2755x3338, 8937777F-FF95-412D-9750-17E57533A338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme Hell, troops.

>> No.17507371

Fine, I'll do it myself.
You look like a trendy faggot. Skinny jeans aren't in style anymore and those are girl's jeans too.
You paid way too much for that Kenzo jumper which you'll inevitably end up ruining somehow.
Those trainers are also funking stupid. You didn't like big 90s style trainers at the time so why the fuck are you wearing them now? Oh yes, that's right, you're 35 and can't let go of your youth and still falling for trends. In short: grow the fuck up.

>> No.17507403

Pants are beyond awful, something I would wear as a literal autistic child

>> No.17507418

Sick. Keep it coming. Let the hatred breathe.

>> No.17507537
File: 1.67 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230227_170025201.MP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all niggas ain't shit

>> No.17507598

you have never had a friend in your life

>> No.17507604

thank mr skeltal

>> No.17507606

What's in that flask thing? That better not be alcohol, that's strictly for big boys only.

>> No.17507631
File: 1.40 MB, 3646x3566, IMG_20230227_153546177_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white socks black shoe mj combo

Shoes are oxblood, socks are light tan colored, my poor photography skills strike again.

I'd love to give you hell but I genuinely don't understand what I'm looking at. They look like the camouflage pattern the US Navy uses but on women's jeggings and the shoes looks like something a five year old should wear, you know the ones with lights on the side and a wheel in the heel. There's two tops that somehow both have the wrong sleeve length it seems,ones too short and the others too long. I'm sure all of this was very expensive though so I'm probably missing the point of these pieces.

Lmfao no one better say shit about my masks ever again.

>Today's fit
No mask, back to ten thousand hours in mspaint editing. Continuing to explore vintage collar rolls, so far LL Bean and Brooks Brothers are in the lead. This is Lands End, collar feels anemic.

>> No.17507660

It's all silly overpriced streetwear. I live in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in the UK so I'm considered to be stylish. Absurd, I know. I'm a tacky bitch. Give me Hell, champ. I didn't come here for compliments.

>> No.17507672

that pic is a joke, right?

>> No.17507674

>Give me Hell, champ

....but why?

Look, you know what you bought sucks. You spent a lot of money in order to say you spent a lot of money, that's it and that's all. What do you gain by posting here? Is part of you secretly hoping someone comes in and gushes about how your pieces are the most brilliant thing they've ever seen and then proceed to beg to be allowed to tongue your anus?

Did no one even really notice in the real world so you have to come here in a desperate gambit to get (you)s?

It just feels disingenuous. You're on one side of the coin and Balenciaga manlet is on the other.

>> No.17507697

Perfect response 10/10.
Much more thoughtful and considered than just calling me a faggot or toddler etc.
I can now leave and continue to have my manic BPD episode somewhere else.

>> No.17507698

>You're on one side of the coin and Balenciaga manlet is on the other.
They're in the same side. People who think throwing money around solves everything. They cannot think in abstract and lack imagination, so the only way they can asses the value of something is by price tag. This thing has more zeroes than this other thing, so automatically it's higher on whichever metric we're meassuring. That's their reasoning.
But since you cannot walk around with the price tags hanging (for now, eventually it will be socially acceptable) the stuff has to be highly recognizable anyway, that's why they go with tacky or gaudy stuff, and love big logos.
This is quite common, actually, these anons are just two examples.

>> No.17507832
File: 1.56 MB, 1983x3967, Snapchat-218361061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought new clothes. are they cute

>> No.17507861

looks horrid m8

>> No.17507862

No, you're fat and also a faggot

>> No.17507873

>what jacket color would you suggest?
the jacket could go with some other shirt/top and pants, but i just find that red sweater very unappealing in general, just don't like the shade of red. i guess a navy jacket might work better
it seems like you're going for some strange combination of 80s and twee, and you need to decide which one you're going for on a given outfit and coordinate your colors better

>> No.17507877

>get that thong out your bussy, playa
it looks ok for what it is

>> No.17507882

then the archive beast faggot struts in full 20 year old screen printed graphics, weird stitches, 10 unnecessary nylon straps. mold yellow rubber shoes with a few staples holding it together. he paid 20000 for it all btw

>> No.17507884

Apparently cleaning your room is like portion control: It evades you.

>> No.17507913

what does that mean
it's a basket of laundry

>> No.17507916

>Sunny day real estate
Damn, good taste anon. Im fuckin jealous. Always wanted to see them in concert.

>> No.17507918
File: 2.75 MB, 1439x1250, tibetan ig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something v dif. don't think ive posted this jacket before even tho its one of my favorites.

chest 112 cm, shoulder width 45 cm (a bit iffy on this, hard to measure myself)


nah, people at church love my suits

>> No.17507920

theyre touring again, few shows in WA i know of for sure.

>> No.17507924

I live in the south east. Will have to check their locations and dates.

>> No.17507927
File: 222 KB, 922x972, chad to super nice guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to the store to buy milk and this is how i dressed
damn gurl nice elf ears
you look like some type of mobster hitman or something
your face is so aesthetically pleasing
girl are gay
you look like a very fashionable hitman that quotes the bible when he kills someone
looks good
really like the color choice and the hat

>> No.17507928
File: 387 KB, 1381x1807, 1677545025020990~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A basket of laundry

Listen you pudgy little cumguzzler you can troll for cocks all you want, I support you. There's plenty of anons who would snap your bussy like a slim Jim. I won't fuck you since you're not toned, I've reached a point in life I can reel in thin twinks on a whim. But don't ever lie to me, and most importantly don't lie to yourself. That's way more than one basket of clothes. You may have created a laundry obelisk vaguely contained within a single basket but every court in the land knows that's more than "one" basket worth of clothes.

Throw body positivity out the window, zip your pants up, stop drinking soda, star jogging and get bangs. In three months almost all of your problems will be gone.

>> No.17507938


>> No.17507950

I literally puked, thanks man. Great job. Oh btw your fit is absolute shit.

>> No.17507951

you made me laugh lol "laundry obelisk".
i was just showing off the thong cuz it's new anyways

>> No.17507955

Holy shit you look kind hot on the left, I really like that look.

How adverse would you be to lighter colors /pastels? I feel like a white oxford or linen shirt and some shade of light tan or olive pant with a pair of suede wingtips would be simple, elegant and work for you. And it's a look that's forgiving fit wise, so you can experiment with loose fit, slim fit, etc.

>Chest measurements
You have no idea how hyped I am, my night is planned.
Also I feel really better about myself now. We have roughly the same measurements, your chest is a little under 2 inches bigger than mine, I'll be able to find you some great shit by the end of the night.

Fair warning: I'm going to make you take the brown pill. You've got the frame to pull off patterns, I think you'll dig it.

>> No.17508036

I never imagined I'd get the chance to see them live myself. If they're playing anywhere near you go see them. They put on a killer show

>> No.17508091

Way better than your usual fits, feels like something near coherent
Its a shame your pockets are still bulging with stuff when youve got multiple bags, how much fuckin stuff are you carrying man

>> No.17508104
File: 3.44 MB, 2880x2880, Feb.27.2023-min-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's shitty edit, it's been a minute since I posted a fit
Not really my style but it's a nice attempt. You look like that stranger things kid. Try working on your accessories, this fit is way too busy and if you're going to take pictures in the mirror, consider taking off your phone case. It's more distracting than anything else in this pic
They were in Asheville NC a few months ago. I had tickets to see them but the show got postponed and I couldn't make the new date. Still regret not going
This is good but there's definitely conflicting themes going on between the top and bottom that don't mesh well. Fatigues and GATS with a very loud 90s windbreaker?
youre very cute and id cheat on my girlfriend for you
Very tasteful. I also appreciate the photography. The shirt and sweater kind of blend together though, I'd consider a plain white shirt
low quality bait but the only think shit itt is your fit
This is bad. There are three fine pieces that can make three great fits but you've got them pair in the worst possible combination. You should be embarrassed.
i always appreciate anyone who matches their hairstyle in a retrofit.
You look like you know the best gas station beers
Best so far

>> No.17508232

Cheating on ur gf as a compliment?
Dude, I’ll find u on social media - find yr gf and send a screenshot to ur gf asap u useless piece of shit

>> No.17508246

generational hating

>> No.17508251

I wanted far more abuse and hostility than recieved (not even a single "kys") but I'm into the reactions this outfit provoked nonetheless.
The guy that thought he was misunderstanding a sweatshirt, jeans and trainers was good, so was the guy that told me I should feel embarrassed about the combination while also complimenting the individual items.
I think my favourite though was the guy that started going off on conspicuous consumption. He had me all figured out - I can't think abstractly and lack imagination. Guilty as charged, you honour.
I've no idea who the "Balenciaga manlet" is or the "archive beast faggot" but they sound a hoot.

Anyway, smell you later masturbators, in a while paedophiles!

>> No.17508256

this screams poorfag playing dress up

>> No.17508449

What a worthless post
>dude le smell you later masturbators le le le
Holy fuck actually wincing from reading this

>> No.17508479

Clean your room, its disgusting

>> No.17508508
File: 3.54 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20230228_121325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sunny winter days >>

>> No.17508579
File: 657 KB, 1368x1454, 20230228_075015[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How adverse would you be to lighter colors /pastels?
not against it at all, but I'd have to wait until the weekend to actually wear them. Too much dirty stuff going on during the week
I swear there's very little in my actual pockets. My wallet is incredibly thin, and it's on my left side. My boxcutter is in my tiny lighter pocket. Tire gauge is in my right pocket, along with the multitool extensions. The mask is in my right back pocket
the small bag is full of shit. The laptop bag is just for my laptop and books/notebooks
I haven't changed anything about what I'm usually wearing besides wearing a nice shirt. The glasses are a joke, I can't wear them. I'm blind as shit and physically unable to wear contacts
also please don't call me a poorfag, it's very rude, use a nice euphemism like 'extremely-budgeted-student'

>> No.17508591

This thread makes me realize how gross I am

>> No.17508600

So fix it.

>> No.17508762
File: 374 KB, 900x900, 1652824790931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reminds me of why I don't ever come here. It's literally just trannies and post-ironic lazyboys who compensate humor for never hitting the gym. I clicked on every single picture in this thread and you homosexuals are all wearing dusty, secondhand shit that went out of style years ago, or shit that's just outright cringe like the guy wearing his mother's thong. The ONLY, and I mean the ONLY kid in this thread with any sort of drip is also the only one who actually posted face:


Kid, leave this place and never come back. You're probably a Flip but you've already got the "I'm a Japanese wilderness photographer/ record store junkie and I just wander around all day doing cool shit like a 90's SOL anime protag" look. This is already a good look if you're a tiny Asian, which you are. A couple of your own women will probably think you're interesting based on looks alone. If you don't like that look, then come to /fit/, hit the fucking gym, get some flashy wasian shit like fucking SuperDry and a pair of jeans, or some other shit, and you could actually look pretty decent for your size. By the way, this is a complement and you're also based for faceposting.

>> No.17508789

kek /fit/tard thinks he has a finger on the pulse of fashion and style

>> No.17508813

What are your dating preferences?

>> No.17508874
File: 98 KB, 532x1600, havenohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ones actually very good. i just don´t like undershirts visible under dress shirts

really good fit overall. i have a similar, but much ore beat up looking vintage pilots jacket

i would prefer slightly slimmer pants. nothing skinny though

not a fan of the turtleneck and chain

>> No.17508880

How do I >Mens fashion in Florida where its 92F in February.

I swear to God 90% of mens fashion stems from jackets

>> No.17508893

BBC only

>> No.17508898

Nice sweater texture. Is that directly on your skin or you have an undershirt?

>> No.17508934

Pant cuffs distractingly big

>> No.17508941

Well when the pants are that slim, anything in the pockets is going to bulge out
Lol /fit/ shows up and compliments the one guy that dresses like a child

>> No.17508947

directly on skin why lol it's mohair btw :))

>> No.17509035
File: 47 KB, 640x853, yeats MINION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get flexed on by young twizzy

>> No.17509040
File: 254 KB, 1500x1125, zz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going on a date, it's going to be a trainwreck

>> No.17509101


Literally no amount of money spent on brand or surgery is ever going to save trannies/ faggots from being unfashionable. At least fags dress better than trannies... But, what's the point? Fags can't wear anything right because they have unanimously terrible bone structure. ""Interesting"" clothing cannot save them, it's literally just a fucking cope. On the other hand, the kid I complimented may not be shredded (or even dressed particularly well,) but he looks like a normal person who is dressed the way he's supposed to look. This is a MAJOR plus. Considering everyone else here appears to be dressing either to take it up the ass or go to a fucking Beatles concert, he has achieved more than all of you with only a fucking t-shirt, a button up, and fucking chinos. That is how absolutely pathetic this board is... You are getting mogged by a tiny Asian boy who probably bought all of his clothes at fucking Uniqlo. NOTHING can save this board. At this point, it's almost as bad as /cgl/.

>> No.17509105

Yeah post fit tho

>> No.17509106

A lot of tawk from someone who doesn't post fit or come to my gym to get his ass kicked.

>> No.17509107
File: 403 KB, 1047x1862, 20230228_151549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what im wearing but i just got these trackpants, not used to wearing trackies and i want recommendations for what to wear with them.

>> No.17509115
File: 1.54 MB, 4379x3757, IMG_20230228_145130844_HDR~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King your date is going to go well, it will go as well as you make it. Nice boots, change the socks. If they are black, they don't match and if they are navy they still don't match because they're reading black.

Lol. Not even worth a (you)

I like this. I'm sure there's a -core name for it but it looks good and wouldn't stick out too much surrounded by "normal" fits. Only complaint is I think your pants may be too long, hard to tell with how you blouse them but I think they would benefit from a hem and maybe a slight taper if this is a look you're going to wear them alot in. You can get hemming tape online for a couple dollars and test a hem yourself before you commit to it.

This isn't an airport, departures don't need to be announced. I'm terribly sorry everyone doesn't conform to your narrow and close minded view of "correct" fashion. Feel free to post a fit that demonstrates your obvious superiority at any time, I'm sure there's plenty we would all learn and benefit from.

You skinned my mother's dog.

I like this fit apart from you doing some weird Americana cholo shit and buttoning the top two buttons. Please don't do that.

Inspired by your look, slightly tweaked Shaved my head to get the full Bond villain feeling.

>> No.17509134


>>17508874 (You)
I used to be into the sort of Stylezeitgeist Avant Garde stuff when I was in my late Teens but have toned it down considerably over the years. I still like the boots and mostly black, monochrome fits though. Those pants, kinda agree and kinda like wearing them in this more "sloppy" fashion sometimes.

As for your fit, slightly tighter pants and different shoes and you would be golden imo.

>> No.17509144

Winning smile

>> No.17509164
File: 664 KB, 1731x1911, image_6487327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting thread as always. old boy insisted on photo bombing. first brown jacket, like it a lot but the shoes match a little too closely I think.
Very cool. Those boots are bold. I'd love a shearling jacket but live in Texas so it's just impossible to justify.

>> No.17509180

I was about to comment on all the greyscale going on but you redeemed us all. Thanks Panama Jack for bringing some much needed color to the thread.

Also, cool dog but why'd you censor the face but not the genitals?

>> No.17509192

>Also, cool dog but why'd you censor the face but not the genitals?
he's neutered so he needed a win

>> No.17509196

>didn't matter she let me hit

>> No.17509199
File: 407 KB, 1202x1360, ETNIVIv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we can throw the dog a bone. Good clothing picks though, I agree with you on the shoes. Maybe a few shades darker brown, or maybe something that's more high gloss instead of suede.

I was inspired by all the black and grey so I have decided to wear Office Depression Core

>> No.17509202
File: 181 KB, 1136x1136, 20230227_194118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuties only

>> No.17509261

good work 47

>> No.17509284 [DELETED] 

>change the socks. If they are black, they don't match and if they are navy they still don't match because they're reading black
I know socks are supposed to match the pants but given that it's jeans I thought fuck it I might as well add something not completely generic in my NPC fit

She didn't seem visibly repulsed by me and that counds as a success
I'm pretty sure she didn't see the socks though

>> No.17509286

>change the socks. If they are black, they don't match and if they are navy they still don't match because they're reading black
I know socks are supposed to match the pants but given that it's jeans I thought fuck it I might as well add something not completely generic in my NPC fit

She didn't seem visibly repulsed by me and that counds as a success
I'm pretty sure she didn't see the socks though

>> No.17509298

>Very cool. Those boots are bold.
Thank you! They are vintage Florsheim boots with a Cuban heel,I've had them for a long time but never really wore them till this year.

If I could offer a couple of comments on your fit: 8/10 overall, I really like how the colors match with your skin tone, they don't clash or look garish. It's a tasteful, calming, peaceful outfit. Two things bring it down: Your pants look too cheap. Maybe it's lighting, maybe I'm crazy but they look like Old Navy chinos. Second and far more minor: Look for sport coats that button lower, they will flatter your torso more. You want the top button to be a few inches further down, it will open the coat up more and give it you a visual "v", complimenting the natural V of most male torsos. Makes even dudes who aren't in the best shape (like myself) look good, so it's even more flattering on men who are in better shape. Shoes are fine, the tone is close to the jacket but not distractingly so.

>> No.17509315

Interesting boots, what ate those?

>> No.17509363
File: 3.06 MB, 2569x2910, 3528B0D2-E884-4937-B0CF-70E6363AB87A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input. The pants are a lovely pair of Bedford cords but the texture was completely lost in my poor photo. The button comment is interesting and I think you’re right. I’m 6’1” and would prefer the top button to be 0.5-1 inch lower after looking at it. Funny that I’ve never even thought about button placement before, I’m always fretting about the shoulder fit and length of everything.

>> No.17509384

Corduroy should not wrinkle like in your first pic. The material must be too thin. To me half the benefit of corduroy is that it drapes well very easily. With a light weight and fine wale, it seems like they defeat the point of the fabric.

>> No.17509399
File: 71 KB, 500x750, tumblr_oddlpb6NN51qa2j8co1_r2_500~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I retract my previous statement about the pants looking cheap, those are absolutely perfect. I'm going to wear a sport coat with cords tomorrow, thank you for helping me pick a fit well ahead of time.

Regarding buttons: Thank you for actually considering what I said, I've pointed this issue out to other anons and they just ignore it. To add a little more detail on button placement: If your top button is too high it complete fucks you when you wear a tie. If we're following the "rules" of menswear, your tie should come down and graze the belt buckle or be slightly above it, normally about an inch above it. 2 is fine depending on style but it looks more retro. Over the years, the rise on pants has gotten lower, meaning the belt sits lower. So you have to make your tie longer to hit the buckle. No big deal right? The problem is button placement on sport coats haven't really moved in proportional relation to the lowering rise. So if you have a top button high on the sternum and a low rise dress pant, you create this triangle when you button the top button. And in this triangle you will see your tie and the your belt, neither one of which you are supposed to see when wearing a sport coat and standing up. See pic related. I won't go into the history behind it but seeing the bottom of your tie and belt was considered vulgar and inappropriate. I don't give a shit about that, I care because it wrecks the lines of a coat IMHO. You can fix this by getting higher rise pants and/or getting sport coats with lower buttons. I've had to learn how this lesson the hard way, I have several sport coats that I love that I can't wear ties with, and that's with my pants being high rise.

Autist rant aside, this is just personal preference. The vast majority of people are slobs and won't notice.

One last thing, if you're wearing cords suede wingtips look absolutely killer and you can get vintage Goodyear welted ones dirt cheap on eBay.

>> No.17509403

Bedford cord isn't the same as corduroy. It's designed to be a lighter fabric for 4 season wear.

>> No.17509442

Do you still sew?

>> No.17509445
File: 203 KB, 798x1280, DA9EB662-D3DE-4866-AF01-2E9AD0FB22B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caravaggio shitpost jacket came in

>> No.17509497

Cuffs aren’t big enough. Also I can’t tell if those jeans are selvedge or not from your position which will determine whether or not this is a good fit.

>> No.17509570

Alas, they are not

>> No.17509772

Just checking in, I've already found a bunch of sport coats I think will work. I've set a max budget of $50 before shipping, that's normally the same budget I set for myself unless I'm looking for something specific. I'm narrowing it down to ten choices. Would you like me to link them here? Or do you have a throwaway email account I can send them to you?
The account I use for 4chan business is


Shoot me an email there if you want and I can send you links.

>> No.17509775

Hey does anyone have an Alpha Industries B15 in medium? I'm trying to figure out how it fits people. Fuckers aren't sold retail here in Aus.

>> No.17509794

I have a small

>> No.17509808

Good enough, how tall are you? Got any pics?

>> No.17509842
File: 1.75 MB, 1612x1903, b15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 ft 0 in, 155 lbs
took off the flight tag since cringe

>> No.17509856

Hmm, I'm 6ft0 178lb.
I plan on being around 165lb when I buy it, how loose would you say the waist is on you?

>> No.17509861

waist is tight which is the point of this style with the elastic waist I suppose, if I raised my arms and then lowered them, the waist won't be loose enough to slide down by itself and I have to tug it down manually. I don't feel any pressure from the waist just wearing it though

>> No.17509863

Ah, hmm, might go for medium then.
Cheers mate.

>> No.17509866

Who makes this jacket

>> No.17509874


>> No.17510149

ya, ill send an email next few days

i like it

nice. villainmaxxing is the best

jeans too tight and idk abt the top button on the jacket. nice editing tho, ID on glasses?

>> No.17510258


>> No.17510266

look man i get you're new too tailoring so ill let you pass, but thats pretty clearly a naples cut
the triangle is low rise trousers issue anyways

>> No.17510672

id on coat?

>> No.17511070

> https://www.endource.com/product/balenciaga-taxi-leather-bomber-jacket/YVMamMnnfAABfUEc

>> No.17511127
File: 1.86 MB, 1536x2048, IMG-20230113-WA0044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another photo

70s was what I was going for.
Most stuff is from small shops.

>> No.17511287

>jeans too tight and idk abt the top button on the jacket. nice editing tho, ID on glasses?
Just my massive thighs and wide hips at play, coupled with a tight short jacket. Glasses are eyebuydirect St. Michel they're so fucking bad do not buy them

>> No.17511324

extremely extremely baller, bonus points for best pose in thread. whats the shirt look like up close?