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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.58 MB, 2084x1255, IMG_20220209_223249~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17510667 No.17510667 [Reply] [Original]

Let men with long hair show their hair.

What's my hair type by the way?

>> No.17510675

Your hair is so thin and beautiful. Keep growing your hair.

>> No.17510684

men with long hair are unironically fags
>t. fag with long hair

>> No.17510694

woudnt gay men prefer shorter hair since its more masculine

>> No.17510696

Long hair twinks are most sexy creatures on Earth.

>> No.17510703

Gay men prefer shorter hair. However bisexual twinks don't, that's why they find femininity on men sexy.

>> No.17510890


>> No.17510972
File: 46 KB, 600x338, 39732bc6-8be8-47ca-b4a6-cd4d90cf004c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space dandy is a dandy in space

>> No.17511014

>space dandy

>> No.17511108

Vice versa.

>> No.17511224
File: 552 KB, 680x595, e2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17511362

>What's my hair type
I can't even see all of it.

>> No.17511397

I mean it is thick or not. How can I determine if I have thick or thin hair?

>> No.17511486

Your hair looks so thin. I think you should shave your hair for more masculinity.
Long hair looks very feminine on men.

>> No.17511670

>woudnt shorter hair prefer gay men since its more masculine

>> No.17511730

I love men with long hair

>> No.17513311

Men with long hair are gay.

>> No.17513313

cutting my collarbone length hair tomorrow. sucks cause i love it and is probably the hairstyle that looks best on me. damn accutane fried the shit out of it.
might regrow might not.

>> No.17513686

I'm OP. First photo is an old photo of my hair. I shaved my hair because I had so much dandruff and itching. After 2-3 days, I will shave my hair again, then I will start growing it. I'll get Nizoral.

>> No.17513708
File: 466 KB, 1350x934, 20230303_145324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about growing it out
looks like a wolf cut. styling it with curlers takes 30 mins n dats a pass from me

>> No.17513836

No, I hadn't made any cuts.

>> No.17513957
File: 82 KB, 1024x576, space-dandy-treaty[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17514072

nice hair bro

>> No.17514195

cannae fucking see it

>> No.17514198
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x962, hsh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck sakes forgot the pic

>> No.17514258

I'm OP, you're my blonde version. However, your hair is a bit waver than mine. You're hot by the way.

>> No.17514291
File: 742 KB, 916x882, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my hair early last year, 2 years without a hair cut. got it cut in May and growing it back out again. Are there any clothing styles that goes well with long hair for men? Always feels like there's a huge imbalance visually between the head and body when having long hair. I would assume slimmer pants or something, I dunno

>> No.17514301

thx bUD

>> No.17514475

You give me some twink vibes. Crop and cargo pant would be great duality. Sneakers would also suit on you.

>> No.17514950

something to keep your shoulders out

>> No.17515608
File: 1.69 MB, 2805x3109, IMG_20230304_200908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll answer your call

>> No.17515896

You don't seem like a twink.

>> No.17515922

its the gigabased peter steele lookin guy
have you trimmed the ends recently or did i make that up

>> No.17515932

Holy fuck your hair is gorgeous.
Do you have any more pics?

>> No.17515939 [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 613x672, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will kill myself, i feel like im gonna start balding soon
OP said MEN with long hair, gtfo roastie

>> No.17515993
File: 368 KB, 975x976, shagchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men with long hair get more pussy than you

>> No.17516009
File: 734 KB, 1576x2100, IMG_0221 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take dutasteride NOW

>> No.17516046

No, you don't seem to go balding. You also give me some anti-social intro-verted twink vibes. If you aren't, forgive me brother. God bless you & your hair.

>> No.17516052
File: 1012 KB, 2576x1932, 16779724563422905897503795606605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy pardnerr

>> No.17516059


>> No.17516063
File: 749 KB, 1345x2854, IMG_20230305_003525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't, but I put it in a bun while it was wet and it's a bit wavy, so it looks shorter, here it is a few hours later
I'm just a 90kg twink you silly
There you go, but my current phone it's shit, so the pictures are also pretty shitty

>> No.17516064

Good god meds have the thickest hair. You could smother someone with all that, or does it smother yourself when it's windy?

>> No.17516077

>does it smother yourself when it's windy
Not really, it it's too windy I just tie it
It does get a tad uncomfortable during summer

>> No.17516081

wtf is this hairstyle supposed to be

>> No.17516092

Thank you. Just out of curiosity do you do anything special with your hair? Because I'm hoping to get mine that long.

>> No.17516149

i saw it in an anime once

>> No.17516162

I'm OP. I'm East Mediterranean, I have typical thick Asian hair. Many West Mediterraneans also have thick hair however they got some waves. I wish I had some distinctive waves.

>> No.17516213

>Just out of curiosity do you do anything special with your hair?
Not really, if you wanna have it that long the length it's only really limited by how much it falls, so no heat, don't dye it or anything like that, gently detangle
every knot possible, ditch the hair ties and use french ties or clamps.
And figure you hair out, and what I mean by that is that you should do what works for you, for example I wash mine everyday because I regularly work out and I have an scalp it's kinda oily and half this board would scorn me for that. Experiment with different shampoos and conditioner and find something that works for your hair.

>> No.17517047

not him but ty for the advice
im trying to figure out the best for mine and it seems to be every 1.5-2 days, and days after i do exercise/sport, about 4-5 times a week total
im pretty happy with my shampoo no sulfates etc, conditioner is standard stuff but i think i can find better
>french ties
what are these?

>> No.17517067
File: 30 KB, 800x800, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French hairpins*
These things

>> No.17517414

i wanna see you do a cousin it impression

>> No.17517547

This looks awful

>> No.17517605


>> No.17517734

Prove it.

>> No.17518035


>> No.17518324
File: 695 KB, 1951x1595, 20230305_090412[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care
I am an unkempt long hair CHAD

>> No.17518366

I’m sorry bro what I said was mean
I just don’t like nonwhites

>> No.17518373

you are a troon and the only pussy you will ever get is when they stitch rotten pussy tissue to your hollowed out pelvic region.

>> No.17518406

QT 3.14

>> No.17518422


>> No.17518444

I don't have any glasses or hats on my house, sorry guys
You literally take Estrogen

>> No.17518446

why do you people keep posting this tranny kike in every thread, seeing it makes me disgusted

>> No.17518504
File: 1.02 MB, 2200x2500, chad hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me them manly porcelain hands, my fellow 'white' 'men'
I guess OP's doesn't qualify as long either??
don't care, I bet a jaw mog you

>> No.17518548
File: 481 KB, 3110x2073, 1675855470847030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whining about homos and trannies on a fucking fashion board
If you're a """man""" and you care this much about fashion, you're on the faggot spectrum. If I randomly picked 10 of you dweebs from a WAYWT thread and showed the pictures to my friends, 90% of the responses would be about how gay and stupid (mostly gay) you niggers look. When people see you in the street with your overpriced hipster garbage, they just automatically assume you take it up the ass and/or have cumsicles in your onions beard. Meanwhile, as a 6'3" chad with arms the size of tree trunks that dresses normally, people assume absolutely nothing is off with me. They might think it's weird I spend so much time with my cute "friend", but probably wouldn't give it much thought and dismiss their concerns quickly. Even if that wasn't the case, no one would say shit to me out of respect (and fear). Have fun ranting about homos after spending hours styling your hair while wearing skinny jeans tighter than a virgin pussy. Thanks for the laughs, Big Sneed is signing off.

>> No.17518616

Do it without the hat hat and glasses :D

>> No.17519058

Faggots are superior, kys chud.

>> No.17519068

disgusting kike fro hair
your hands aren't effay kill yourself

>> No.17519091


>> No.17519115

my hands are authentic, unlike the rest of you fraudulent freaks. They are effay as fuck, and they will be used to extinguish your flame, faggot

>> No.17519971

Dawson? Dawson is that you?

>> No.17520211

youre fat

>> No.17520575
File: 428 KB, 1034x1259, 20230307_162418[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all muscle, meine Buddeh
you must have some weak little bitch softboi hands if you seriously think mine are fat

>> No.17521409

i dont know what your short hair looks like but it's probably better than this desu.

>> No.17521416

Hey it's cone tits tranny

>> No.17522088

This ugly twink would literally be turned inside out in prison

>> No.17522124

sorry to ruin your fantasy, but I have watched Oz, I learned a lot from that show, I would literally rule any prison

>> No.17523672


>> No.17523673


>> No.17523706
File: 69 KB, 524x542, foto_no_exif (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay i will bite. Here's mine...


>> No.17524285


>> No.17524389

you look like a japanese woman

>> No.17525494
File: 1.21 MB, 640x360, river-phoenix-head-shake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah most do. I don't see where this meme of homos liking femininity come from. Most gays want men who look like bears. It's straight women who like feminine guys. Women go crazy over boys with long hair.

>> No.17525613

going to cut my ~5 years worth of hair and donate it soon, but not before I get cornrows

>> No.17525703
File: 795 KB, 1088x828, river.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally had the best hair
How long is it, ass length?

>> No.17525813

/fit/ has a better taste in music and fashion

>> No.17525836

wtf is he doing

>> No.17525861

>Women go crazy over boys with long hair.
If that's the case why am I not constantly getting approached by them?

>> No.17525865

you sure you're ready for that answer?

>> No.17525880

I'm sure I already know why. You can say it if you want.

>> No.17525890
File: 1.13 MB, 300x233, 089E8698-968C-4027-B695-2FEF045D49A7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flying around somewhere because he's just a pile of ashes now

>> No.17525965

I live in North west England.. its really windy here and it fucks up my hair. Everyone on the street has better looking hair than me and my hair is pretty long.
What can I do to keep my cool style in such a windy part of the country?

>> No.17526205

hello fellow north west england bro, not a fucking idea lad its really annoying isn't it
>want to go somewhere
>by the time I get there I am a mess of hair
I just carry a brush around with me, when I get to where I'm going I brush the cunt, sick of it, or tie it back whilst going from a to b

>> No.17526221

there's no hairspray/hair product that can fight against it?

>> No.17526330

depends how long it is, im just waiting until it gets heavy enough so that the wind fucks it up less

>> No.17526450
File: 2.09 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_20230311_233558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make these curls sticking out from my neck stay flat? I've tried wax, hairspray and salt water spray, but they won't stay down no matter what I do. I have very thick hair and a lot of it too, what do I do?

>> No.17526858
File: 68 KB, 177x241, image (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh no. That is literally the most attractive look. Leave your curls.

>> No.17526859

Are you stupid or retarded

>> No.17526863
File: 1.25 MB, 720x540, bjorncute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's acting like a retard because he's showing off how long and soft and girly his hair is, and women love that.
Literally how to succeed in life as a male:
>be young
>be cute
>act kind of retarded but in a sweet way
>have long hair that women like to touch, be open to being patted like a dog
There. That's the playbook for men.

>> No.17526865

OP, ignore this person. He is jealous of men who have nice long locks.

>> No.17526885


>> No.17527191

>tfw neck length hair with norwood 2-3

Am I coping by not cutting it? I look awful with short hair.

>> No.17527620

I'm already past shoulders. Took the inspo from ronin, always on a high ponytail. It's funny how other men seethe about it, and I'm way past the point of giving a fuck, maybe because I'm 30 now. Kept growing a beard a while ago, along with body hair. Don't know if it's just placebo, but when I cut/trim it, I feel less of a man.

>> No.17527754


>> No.17527812
File: 288 KB, 1539x2048, 0A16E763-16A1-4AC6-85FA-CA834FB91366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17527947

I currently have a bit of a "broflow" going but I'm thinking of going short again. The maintenance is frustrating and worst of all, it gets ruined by even the slightest damn but of wind. I like looking like sexy Jesus but I think I need something new.

>> No.17528288
File: 20 KB, 600x350, 3AD4B8E3-AC63-4727-AE5C-A99EE822C13D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Ive see this thread before with the same replies like a week before, am I losing my fucking mind or have the bots infiltrated too deep?

>> No.17528387

There's been at least three or four "men with long hair" threads these past few months. The other ones were made by a different guy than OP though
I'm sorry but you look awful

>> No.17528401


>> No.17528421

You got a photo without glasses? I feel like a change of frames would look better.

>> No.17529086

also different/no hat

>> No.17529167
File: 601 KB, 1659x2208, AA3C1FE0-943A-4857-9B5F-2F644CB45054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17529317

Looks much better imo, maybe try different styles from that skrillex look lol
also this retard^ can't tell when it's just a bad photo

>> No.17529344

Nah man I like my hair the way it is but thanks

>> No.17530124


Handsome dude in the no hat pic

>> No.17530125

>start growing out my hair
>mom goes apeshit nagging me about cutting it
why are w*men like this

>> No.17530149

What's a good-looking hairstyle for someone with longish wavy hair that reaches their jaw? Sort of like this >>17520575, but not as wavy, and my forehead is exposed.
The side of my head has thinning hair to the point where you can see the scalp when the wind blows, but it's only on the left and right side, so I'm looking for a cut with shaven sides, yet still have my long hair. I'm going to the amusement park in a few days with some friends. I don't know what to look for on google.

>> No.17531834

yo thats my problem too let me know if you figure it out. i grew mine longer below the shoulders and it went away so i thought the curly part was gone but as soon as i cut it back to that length the same shit happens

>> No.17532425

Been growing my hair out for about 2 years, and I haven't gotten a haircut in a long time. I'm shedding a decent amount of strands over time, any tips on how to reduce hair shedding or do I just have to deal with it?

>> No.17534071


>> No.17534376

This thread made me want to cut my hair.

>> No.17534434

>have dense hair but thin follicles
>itchy scalp with flakes
>shampoo once every three days (this helps actually)
>use ACV before shampooing
>using any hair oil causes red patches with scales

What do? I can't tell if im allergic to something, or just have bad hair genes. If I cut my hair short the itch goes away but the flakes are still there. Its not huge flakes, its just small flakes that I can see if I scratch my head, but aren't really visible in my hair itself.

>> No.17534920

>t. nw 2.9999...

>> No.17535121

I'm OP. My hair density is very good and I have thick hair follicles. I had very oily eczema, itchy scalp, dandruff. I really almost thought commit suicide.

I've changed my diet to carnivore. No dairy except kefir (best for gut), no junk food, low carbs. My eczema, and also my acnes has gone. I didn't take shower for 5 days, and my scalp was still dry and clean.

In short, you must change your diet to keto/carnivore to improve your gut and liver health. Otherwise, even using Nizoral won't help in long term.

>> No.17535383

yeah he looks like michael jackson in 2009 lmao

>> No.17535612
File: 1.74 MB, 3024x4032, 20230317_143013~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows it look? I've been lurking for years - first time posting so pls be gentle. Hair's a little greasy and deflated because I'm mid workout

>> No.17536097

This thread made me want to grow my hair.

>> No.17536352
File: 910 KB, 2007x1753, 20230307_162532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I look more like MJ in 2010

>> No.17536995

i cut mine short like a month ago, honestly having long hair only looks good to you when it's long, if you cut it and look back on older pics you will luagh at yourself

>> No.17537000

you have feminine posture

>> No.17537024
File: 533 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_0097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been almost a year and a half since i got a haircut

>> No.17537207
File: 480 KB, 1080x1440, hair gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So proud of my hair bros, really boosts my self confidence. I get at least 1 compliment a week from both girls and guys who are jealous.
I'm still not sure where I should go with it. I think I'm just going to keep growing until I don't like it, but I'm never going back to short hair.

>> No.17537357
File: 3.67 MB, 750x1334, 35BAA558-8148-4F57-86FA-F55D50E951C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing mine out and actually learning how to take care of wavy hair was honestly the best thing I've ever done, attention from chicks has skyrocketed ever since it got decently long. Feels great desu

>> No.17537469
File: 674 KB, 844x1513, 20230318_13033000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a perm 2 months ago to get some volume

>> No.17537620

i have a long neck so when my hair is short it looks really disproportionate

>> No.17538027

get a keratin treatment

>> No.17538040

What cut did you ask for? Mines a bit longer than yours and it's getting messy
Have only had shorter hair all my life and no idea what to tell the hair person

>> No.17538053
File: 73 KB, 600x600, old hs me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely terrifying
anon isn't being honest, that wasn't an improvement. unless that's no product?

>> No.17538062

this deserve more you's

>> No.17538130
File: 37 KB, 754x960, tumblr_m8io27Oqgt1rduzwso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a Korean place and asked for this

>> No.17538294
File: 1.91 MB, 2576x1932, 20230319_124312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17538320

I don’t put shit in my hair

>> No.17538381

Anon your hair is dry and looks like straw

>> No.17539045

what's your hair routine ? i have the same hair type but it gets really floofy and frizzy

>> No.17539074
File: 591 KB, 1913x2554, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to this from shaving my head with a safety razor.

>> No.17539158

How do you deal with the jealousy? I'm not used to so much social interaction at once.

>> No.17539329

I'd bet money it's the curly girl method

>> No.17539338

i've asked him before and he says he used a hair mask and coconut oil
i dont think he abides by the curly girl method

>> No.17539346

sorry for the late response, yeah I don't really follow the CGM all that much (besides avoiding sulfates and not drying my hair with a towel)
I tend to condition every other day, shampoo like once a week at most. I've used the garnier fructis hair food masks in combination with coconut oil for the past like 2-3 years and it's a great combo (those hair masks are great I reaally really rec them). Keeps my hair from getting too frizzy or dry. I will apply that daily usually, depending on how hot/dry the weather is

to dry my hair I just shake my head like a dog and let it air dry. CGM methods tend to get incredibly autistic and time consuming, I like what I do since it's incredibly easy to do and it doesn't consume a lot of time/money

>> No.17539903

It's not like they swarm me, it's usually just a comment or two I get in passing
>Hey bro how did you get that flow? I've been thinking about growing it out but I can't pull it off like you
>I know I usually give you shit but damn you have really nice hair
And ladies are jealous that I just have to shampoo and condition to get it looking the way it does
>Oh my God that's all you have to do to get it that good? Guys have it so easy
>Don't you cut your hair young man, all the girls love guys with hair like yours
I guess I'm just hair mogging everybody with minimal effort? I attribute that to the thickness and how much of it I have. There is a LOT of hair so I just let it do it's thing

>> No.17540018

im surprised this thread is still up desu

>> No.17540434
File: 815 KB, 1072x1293, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean my hair is working against my plight to not look gay? With short hair I legitimately look like the chudjak.

>> No.17540462

don't listen to the jelous baldy

>> No.17540463

I need to make sure I don't look gay while I'm sucking dick. That'd be too far

>> No.17540485

don't get an undercut and it should be fine

>> No.17540544
File: 52 KB, 720x957, received_602138241489955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I grow this out or should I do something else with it

>> No.17540593

take the buzzpill joe

>> No.17540611

I already had a buzzcut. This is seven months of growth since then. I looked like a 13 year old or some kind of JROTC lesbian. It temporarily turned me asexual because of how awful it was.

>> No.17540755

Mother of pearl..

>> No.17541112

i think i’ve seen your tummy

>> No.17541136

yeah I've posted midriff in a WAYWT thread a month ago

>> No.17542507

b ump

>> No.17542619

I have a really rectangular face so longer than average hair isn't really optional
also just below average height
does hair past your shoulders make you look shorter or taller?

>> No.17542620

phoneposting oopsy
meant to compose not reply

>> No.17542679
File: 39 KB, 775x525, 1678437720506415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17542888

Built for strangling unaware twinks in moshpits
good lord

>> No.17542923

I've got long hair that's thick and wavy/slightly curly. Most of my hair is fine but the bottom like 5 inches or so is extremely dead and split end city and dry and frizzy and all around nasty. I already know I should just cut it so it can start over healthy but how can I take care of my hair so it doesn't end up that way? Is there any protective shampoo or leave in product that can help? Another thing about shampoo is that I tend not to use it since whenever I do it dries out my hair big time no matter how much conditioner I use after. I also unfortunately have dandruff so I'm kind of forced to use shampoo at least once a week lest I become flake city.

So basically - how can I protect the ends of my long hair so it stays silky smooth and how can I manage dandruff without rough shampoo?

>> No.17542925

How much ur hair shed?

>> No.17542934

I pull out like a quarter of a handful in the shower every time and whenever I sweep up there's a good couple strands on the floor. My hair is very thick though so it doesn't really matter

>> No.17543372

no lie u cute af
i bet if you do a typical "sad & mysterious but friendly & caring golden retriever" personality, you'd be rolling in p of any type you want

>> No.17543432
File: 1.71 MB, 3024x3830, the good bird singin in the twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since the other thread got archived i guess ill ask here
does anyone have hair like mine but longer?
im trying to grow it out but its taking forever and would like to know what it could look like
everyones hair itt is way straighter than mine (minus the twink with hair way curlier than mine)

>> No.17543566

You’d make a great bell bottom boy, what’s the name of the cut you have?

>> No.17543582
File: 268 KB, 750x1334, 438F320C-8B85-4958-998B-9154AAE4F154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking for a mullet 8 months ago and not setting foot in a barbershop again after that. I showed the guy a pic of Eddie Guerrero for inspo, although my hair wasn't nearly as long as his in the back at that point. I may get it layered a bit more soon, but I like the current length

>> No.17543590

Man i wish I didn’t buzz my hair off now, tryna get a shag type of cut when it grows out eventually

>> No.17543596

Get this fucking JEW out of the board.

>> No.17543665

It’s raiding every thread ;-;

>> No.17543760

Thanks, I’ll take this into account. I’m pretty introverted but I feel like a punished extrovert on the inside. Not very outgoing but I try to be kind and polite with anyone I interact with.
I’m really short too which I compensate for by jestermaxxing. Wish me luck trapping and converting straight females

>> No.17544057
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, 1511652173455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you invited me, it is not my custom to go where I'm not wanted

>> No.17544255

Paranoid Homoerotic Attraction Syndrome

>> No.17544262

Your hair looks fucking amazing in this pic. What products do you use

>> No.17544264

Looks straight to me but homophobes are hair trigger. If the washing machine was wearing the mop they’d be all over it

>> No.17544398

I don’t recall doing so

>> No.17544402

It's because you tuck your hair behind your ears lol

>> No.17544403

I would turn your pelvis into bone dust

>> No.17544549

Do you regret cutting it off?

Ive been thinking about losing the locks and going full bald. Either that or i wait 20 years until i start balding then go full skin

>> No.17544552

Can confirm
- a bisexual twink

>> No.17544783
File: 49 KB, 490x612, louis ix sculpture reference inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just rock that louis ix

>> No.17544788

He didn't cut it, reread the post

>> No.17545359
File: 1.55 MB, 2048x2087, 1679607318744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be able to help

>> No.17545872

your hair looks great, how long did it take to get that length?
and how do you keep it parted throughout the day? whenever i try to part mine it just falls back on my forehead
does a longer length help with that?

>> No.17546183

Took about year and a half. And yes, as it gets longer, it starts to part itself, but it can still be annoying. I just hang it by the edges of the face. I also like to give it a shake if I feel it's getting stuck on itself.

>> No.17546188

Those posters are very uneffay. You look like a twink, but you have potential. Are you wearing lip gloss or something? That's really gay ..

>> No.17546237

Nobita from Japan?

>> No.17546281
File: 968 KB, 1706x3000, 20230324_120410 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, I had no idea it was like that in the upper layer

>> No.17546443


>> No.17546520

Fucking stunning, please post more

>> No.17546526

i just wash with water twice everyday and shampoo with some random dove shampoo twice per week. hen i use a towel and scruff it up for a few minutes to dry it and get it messy.

>> No.17546612
File: 2.85 MB, 4000x3000, 20230324_172656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! To clarify: I knew there was some decoloration, just not that it was so... regular? On one side, then nothing below.

>> No.17546624

That's normal, it's just sun bleaching. The top of your hair is exposed to uv which damages your hair and breaks down the pigment in the hair follicle to my understanding. It doesn't cause noticeable damage, just discolouration

>> No.17546667

>hey hey everybody
>it's me
>C O O L A D A M

>> No.17546706

thats good to know, my hair isnt really bothering me when its in my face but i dont think itll stay that way
>Took about a year and a half
t. 10 months

>> No.17546828
File: 1.31 MB, 980x1307, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17546839

You can get close in a year I think. Growing long curly hair as a man is rough

>> No.17547120
File: 108 KB, 500x750, A5798847-7915-4342-BC62-852B1CD6758B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me (a white dude) not to show my stylist this picture next week

>> No.17547162
File: 390 KB, 1170x1719, addy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mando poster is def lame but it was a gift
the painting is kino, I love staring at it, I call it 'the spheres of influence', a gift from an NA member. I will never get rid of it
I don't wear makeup, my autism won't let me

>> No.17547471
File: 31 KB, 400x587, Df_U9AYVQAAESVe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible image negrito
I genuinely can't tell if top right is actually lil' Addy

>> No.17547484

Is it weird not to use ANY hair products to style longer hair? Whenever I use any product in my hair it just looks greasy/dirty.

>> No.17547564
File: 118 KB, 825x714, 2C8F3185-C55C-467D-B099-88F50E8B001F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 months goes down my chest if i pull a strand straight

>> No.17547692

Anyone here braid their hair? I want a single long braid for my undercut but progress is slow as fuck and I feel retarded and frustrated kek what the fuck my sisters were rocking perfectly neat braids every day when we were kids like it was nothing.

>> No.17547702

theres your problem

>> No.17547706

Not a problem for a braid. Any real tip though? Like a product to make hair more manageable for braiding?

>> No.17547727
File: 333 KB, 1000x1602, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17547739

i r8 it andy, stay clean shaven tho

>> No.17547751

bro is majestic

>> No.17547776
File: 246 KB, 720x915, CgAGVWMckV6APEQCAB_L6q78HQI967[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i get this level of volume?

>> No.17547833

I do sometimes for sleeping.
I've been pretty lazy recently so I just toss my hair behind my pillow which lasts about 5 seconds before I look for a new, comfier spot.

>> No.17547861

Blow dry upside down. Pouring nettle tea on your head supposedly also helps

>> No.17547863

Your hair isn't the same texture and you'll never pull it off. Asian hair is much coarser and can hold styles like this

No it's not unusual. If it's coming up greasy you're using too much

Make sure it's brushed well and brush as you go to heels good hair strands. You can also use a hair oil on your hands first

You need product, either a control mousse you apply after the shower or a volumising powder at the roots when your hair is dry. There's little tips like making sure to blow dry, blow outs, making sure the tips of your hair aren't remaining wet and weighing your dry toots down etc.

Your hair texture and health plays a part s well, if you have fine hair it will sit limp and has the tendency to lose styles quicker

>> No.17547864

They will also pinch the front together and blast it with hair spray to achieve this look and keep it. Hell it could just be a good pomade

>> No.17547870

A good boar bristle brush makes my hair much smoother and shinier. Get a nylon-boar blend if your hair is very thick, but never use a brush with the plastic balls on the ends it'll snap your hair (making it frizzy) and when the balls fall off, it'll scratch and damage your scalp

>> No.17547877
File: 854 KB, 2255x3007, 17529D8C-5631-4FD5-A27D-A020BE430C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need your honest opinion.

>> No.17547878

Why do men put up with a receding hairline when you can just go to Turkey. Do it now and don't fuck around till you're 50

>> No.17547883

My hairline hasn’t change since I was 16. It’s genetic stuff.

>> No.17547888
File: 1.08 MB, 1284x1280, EFBB2238-6EC1-41A7-8DC5-0D74DE8CAF62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2k all inclusive

>> No.17547890

long hair literally only works for a man if you are hyper masculine or hyper feminine. IF you are not on either side of the extremes you will look terrible

>> No.17547894

What you mean by it? How you classify people as hypermasculine or feminine?

>> No.17547896

Ok this one seems like something I can improve on. I do use one of those shitty brushes.
I have some kind of styling cream or something, can't tell how its called in english but its meant to be applied wet. Would a dry shampoo help?

>> No.17547952

It's not receding. He has got a widow's peak.

>> No.17547970

It's not receding it's just high. You lot have body dysmorphia

>> No.17547983

Dry shampoo will help a little but you won't create this level of volume for long. You have to remember that styles fall out over time, your hair isn't a head piece.

That's not the point, he wanted an honest opinion and we all know it looks shit. If he wants to change it his only option is corrective surgery

>> No.17547998
File: 690 KB, 828x1290, 8C7FD3CD-7C88-4397-85C4-21CCE1EC7D4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my hair year ago, does it look like guy from your pic?

>> No.17547999

He should wear one of those brow-band crowns and go full viking king

>> No.17548081
File: 260 KB, 348x520, King_Aragorn.PNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or he could aragornmaxx

>> No.17548145

Should do that same style but braid it instead of pony tail

>> No.17548416

you look like my ex

>> No.17548463

Good deal. You used to look like an Iraqi terrorist/truck driver, now you look like an Armenian dentist

>> No.17548617
File: 362 KB, 1067x1600, 3519536c3ac99dfb2b9e509c8d00ef7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have almost the same type of hair as this but I have no idea how to style it?

>> No.17548636
File: 1.31 MB, 1125x1390, ED469FC2-4B17-4172-80F4-6E12F06E2A99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hyper fem
Feels good? Feels bad?

>> No.17548639
File: 1.55 MB, 1125x1875, 7799A9CF-369C-4D41-97DB-27A2AF19E019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These pics are old

>> No.17548657

now post a picture of your buzzcut GI Jane era to compare

>> No.17548678
File: 897 KB, 1107x1333, 0E1F9880-34A8-4722-939A-3629BD5F63C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add my rectangle glasses to create one full chud

>> No.17548714
File: 84 KB, 566x763, john-t-wilder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17548742

this guy vaguely looks like my brother

>> No.17548780

i hope you know that you're me and i am you

>> No.17548783

Bro you look like the fucker from Stranger Things

>> No.17549460

It's more like
>good facial features
>good hair type and texture

If your hair is straight and flat then it doesn't fit. Same thing if your face is bad then no haircut fits you.
Good hair (thick and wavy) fits a good face.

>> No.17549584

Long hair that is straight looks fine. You'll look like a metalhead.

>> No.17550206

Is your name Holly, Victoria, Maria, Amy, Rachel, Linny, Laken, Leah, Lacy, Kialla, Selina, or Samantha?

>> No.17550220

My hair is typical thick Asian hair. My hair is straight, however it's not thin. I've got coarse hair. OP is me. And let's compare it to fine straight hair which looks disgusting on men.

>> No.17550378
File: 37 KB, 600x815, 1636799065683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of a god app/site you can see what different hairstyles would look like on you?

>> No.17550393

prime tranny material, you could probably ger by in life just by your looks alone

>> No.17550452

only thing that worked for me was straightening my hair

>> No.17550912

the weight of your hair is what kept it down after you grew it out
this is the only way unless you grow it longer

>> No.17550985
File: 1.23 MB, 3656x2058, CBE8C386-4B68-4128-8A0A-420011F245C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count as long

growing it out from faded sides, bored to keep getting a haircut

>> No.17550988

I wanna buss in your bussy no cap on god.

>> No.17552291

So how do people have/create wavy hair? Most of the time(if not flat and greasy) it’s a frizzy mess

>> No.17552547

Not really long, I'd say mid length, but you look great anon.

>> No.17552817

The cross section of one of your hairs is round, but wavy hair has an oval cross section. Curly hair is a thin ellipse.

>> No.17552958

you have pretty eyes. I wanna lay on that hammock with you or whatever it is and kiss your neck you pretty mf

>> No.17553315

>haven't had a haircut in 15 months
>hadn't shaved in 5 months
>finally trim today
>my new short beard combined with my long hair makes me look like someone who shouldn't be employed at a school
fucking hell
now I'm gonna have to lose my locks bros

>> No.17554501


>> No.17554733
File: 1.48 MB, 540x960, Nice Hair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs 80% of the people in this thread

>> No.17554886

You gotta grow it longer and it will straighten out from its own weight. This is one of the reasons I don't plan on growing my hair again after I cut it, don't wanna go through this phase for a second time lol. Skinhead for life now.

>> No.17555013
File: 310 KB, 1528x1528, B633EFF7-12C6-48C2-BC6F-5D363CBAE2A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hijacking this thread sorry guys
Ignore hair, does this facial hair look okay or gay?

>> No.17555147

Abuelita looking ass hair lmfao stop drenching it in estrogenic hair products you donut.

>> No.17555150

nice jawline desu

>> No.17555165


>> No.17555713

This faggot literally cried when he had to eat food lol. He was on some VEGAN bullshit. That's some baby ting man

>> No.17555841

It's decent, but why would you hide that jaw? It has an unique feel to it, makes you stand out.

>> No.17555863

Unironically fire cut

>> No.17556235
File: 1.28 MB, 3090x3180, 20230330_132345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have oily yaya hair than have dry af yaya hair

I also barely use any products whatsoever, and they're not estrogenic

here, I shampoo'd recently and this is how it looks. There's little difference, because I barely use fuckall in regards to hair mask/oil, in fact I haven't applied any whatsoever since my 'poo wash

I use the oil/mask to retain moisture in a dry environment, and to keep it behaving because the wind is usually terrible to it otherwise

>> No.17556268

You need a mullet

>> No.17556272

more estrogen or not, you're doomed at this stage you've already advanced into

>> No.17556284

hes like 32 anon i dont think he cares at this point

>> No.17556457

in case anyone was wondering, I brutally murdered anon before he finished his sentence. I didn't wanna hear whatever gay faggot shit he was about to say at the end of his post. I'm just way too much of a chad to care

>> No.17556584
File: 382 KB, 2160x3840, zzzasdasdadaszadsas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thoughts on my hair?

>> No.17556784
File: 477 KB, 1534x2162, 376CC227-D2B1-4F41-9029-03F1E6C013F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair only grows up and out, not down :-/

>> No.17557060

I just want to run my fingers through it.

>> No.17557065 [DELETED] 


>> No.17557523
File: 72 KB, 600x900, 8a988fa4cf6619d550548bbfa2b4c11b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag question. I have thick curly hair and it always makes a Jewfro like pic related when I grow it out. Is there anything I can do to get it to grow down instead of out?

>> No.17557958

Keep growing it until it weighs itself down. Use hats while it dries.

>> No.17559103


>> No.17559113

Best in thread *smooches*

>> No.17559942

average brazilian

>> No.17560818

it doesn't look "gay", it just looks unkempt and it's the opposite of sexy
look into fading
for example look for Mariano Di Vaio beard tutorial on YouTube and go from there
basically you want the sides a bit shorter and get a bit of a V shape to it

>> No.17560819

kinda cringe. beatnik > hippie

>> No.17560901

I want to know if current stage of my hair suit me and what is type of the hair. I was got buzzcut at summer ‘21 and don’t touch it before summer ‘22 when I got undercut. It was really hot summer. Usually I just brush it all back after shower and don’t touch it until next shower because of pain of detangling it. I also was never use blow dryer. All pics is current time. Only first pic is when I got undercut. Last three pics is when I shake my head.

imgur com/a/G8KoL4v

>> No.17560909
File: 189 KB, 600x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been wanting to get my fair cut a bit shorter
thinking about this length of Bradley coopers hair in a star is born

>> No.17561120


>> No.17561152

are there stages when growing out your hair that you should get it cut?

>> No.17561180

What is reason to have long hair in 2023? It’s really annoying when it go to your eyes, feel of the hair on your ears. When it greasy and slap your face you will notice that your face is too greasy now.
You literally can’t move your head without hair fall on your face if you don’t use any styling like pomade.

>> No.17561991

I just think it's beautiful.

>> No.17562002

I do it to dab on the increasing number of balding 20-year olds I see

>> No.17563109

1. I like it, dont need much more of a reason.
2. after 5 years of growing it out, cutting it is a difficult decision, its not like a short haircut that you can just swap back to at any time.
3. women love my hair and its a great conversation starter. Ask them to braid your hair bitches love that shit
4. i have cowlicks on my head so when my hair is short it sticks out

If your long hair is slapping you in the face like an oil soaked rag you are doing something horribly wrong with your hair. It should never be that greasy. and as for stopping it from falling in your face, just put it in a half up, takes about 2 seconds with a clip or tie, looks fine and keeps everything out of the way.

>> No.17563446

If a bitch ever did that to my hair I'd freak the fuck out. That's not how you dry hair

>> No.17563447

Never cut any hair on your body ever again.

>> No.17563450
File: 668 KB, 400x400, jesus-christ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Style it like Jesus. It'll never get in your face. I have long hair past my nipples now and it only gets in my face if I want it to be there or if it's windy

>> No.17563498

that's how they did it in early 1900s

>> No.17564505

It’s impossible with thick wavy hair.

>> No.17564697

velma looking nigga lmao

>> No.17564792

You look good man, keep it

>> No.17564817

That's not a man

>> No.17565381

MMMMmmmmmmm, get a keratine shock to make it look better, and good conditioner so then your curls look better formed

>> No.17565387

You look bishonen af with that amount of hair

>> No.17565392
File: 434 KB, 1536x2048, 15763FDD-5697-4E06-BB25-DB24FD04DB9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with long hair

>> No.17565395
File: 351 KB, 1244x2208, B9255B5D-56A3-4DCD-8B00-F51686057C13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Short hair

>> No.17565495
File: 27 KB, 335x506, 1613008641727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17566300

You're too masculine for this board :KEK:

Are you Sardinian by any chance?

>> No.17566448
File: 1.83 MB, 1170x1173, 3A222CD9-65BF-40B1-BB12-A0571ECBB547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx Bro im half german half Peruvian
Sometimes I miss my long hair

>> No.17566466

>half german
Sure bro

>> No.17566644
File: 106 KB, 768x1024, 16635AB9-B219-4EE8-9C88-A978B0656508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sure bro
Sure bro

>> No.17566708

You'll never be German, Mehmet.

>> No.17566734

Uh ok cool?

>> No.17566738

fucking sand nigger piece of street shitting trash.

>> No.17566997


>> No.17568282

just trust him