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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 109 KB, 380x360, ZRZjsCVpOvuKW5mhawKr88jLZGXUXdbFRGymEVqFHp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17505902 No.17505902 [Reply] [Original]

might just be one of those days, but I really just feel like giving up on fashion all together, at least until something changes.
For a long time i've tried to cope it away, using some line of thought or another, but it's getting harder lately and I don't know if it's worth it.
The only reason I really like fashion is not because it ever looked good on me, rather it was just me enjoying combining colors, patterns, and fabrics, and liking the silhouette garments gave other people that weren't me, as well as feeling some sense of being part of something whenever I bought something i had seen other people wear, and tout as an 'essential' or whatever.

but it turns out that the community of people I wanted to feel a part of, to earn the respect of, they all fucking hate me. And i was never like them anyway, my life looks nothing like theirs or anything that would give a justifiable context to dressing like that. it's not for me.
it's for people who have actual lives and interests outside of the internet, who have some cultural background or world they live in where dressing like that makes sense. I don't live in that world.
What I do is tantamount to cosplaying some idealized, fictional version of myself who's life, body, and face look nothing like mine.

On that note, I fucking hate my body. Theres basically nothing about my appearance that I like. I have shit-tier facial aesthetics, shitty jewish hair texture, I'm like 5'6, a framelet, and have no muscle. My proportions are totally out of whack. I'm not pretty enough to be a twink nor am I tall or handsome enough for anything else.
I can imagine this is what it must feel like to be a tranny, having each time you look in the mirror to be a coinflip whether you'll think "hey, maybe it's not so bad" or, more often, "god i look like shit why do i even bother" (1/2)

>> No.17505906
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Also, fashion is expensive, and I have no disposable income, and probably could not hope to have any for the next years of my life
it's all so tiresome, and all the time and energy i've wasted window shopping and constructing an aesthetic ideal i'll never live up to has failed to make me happy or pay off in any meaningful way. it's made me less happy overall.
Unless a sack of money falls off a truck and I'm able to fix all of this with surgery, or some scientific miracle comes along that makes all of it cheaper and easier, I'm doomed to grow old and ugly without ever being young and attractive. By the time i make the money to have the body and wardrobe I want, i'll have already experienced twinkdeath, without having even been a twink first.

Until all of that changes, I'm done with fashion. I'm just going to focus on building a stable, comfortable life where how i dress doesn't matter, where barely anyone even has to see me. I'll excercise, put on some muscle, try meme shit like mewing, and hope and pray that i'm able to squeeze some height and physique out of my last years of youth, and maybe who knows? If any of it works, or if CRISPR gives us a way to unfuck our genetics or something like that, I might just come back. I'm not counting on it though.

Any parting advice you might have for me? how can I build a life like what i described? is there anything i can do to grow towards a better body and lifestyle?
If i ever do come back, what should I have done by then? what would you do in the intervening years? (2/2)

>> No.17505927

/fa/ is not your blog. Wont read

>> No.17505959

ok cool. anyone else?

>> No.17505998

sell your youthful booty hole for travel

>> No.17506025

Post some fits of yourself when you write a blogpost like that.

Of course fashion alone won't make you happy. A well dressed fattie looks better than a fattie dressed like shit, but a trained chad dressed like shit looks better than a well dressed fattie.
Dressing well is only one aspect of many when it comes to looksmaxing. Hitting the gym is never a bad idea, but so is caring about your overall appearance which includes fashion.
And fuck the manlet meme. Focus on what you can change instead of what was given to you by the genetic lottery. Being 5'6 is only bad, if you have no confidence in yourself and who you are

>> No.17506037

>Being 5'6 is only bad, if you have no confidence in yourself and who you are
i suppose in that case i don't have any confidence in myself and who i am. And really, that's it's own problem

>> No.17506054

>Be 5'6"
>Get auto-noped by dating app preferences
>Get mistaken as a child
>Get rejected 9/4 times

Not that bad at all.

>> No.17506078
File: 278 KB, 220x271, eye-roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manlets being dramatic when they could just get therapy

>> No.17506088

Sorry they didn't like you in /tip/

>> No.17506089

piss off femoid
theres obviously more to it than being a manlet
its not so bad if ur gay, skinny, and have a pretty face
unfortunately if you have a receeding hairline/chin its fucking over

>> No.17506093

>Dress well
>Good hygiene
>Big dick
>In shape
>Not Gay

I lose

>> No.17506094
File: 82 KB, 1159x3744, 560645EF-00E8-45FE-9218-3EDC07C6615E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, good point buddy. Women only want to fuck Chad so why bother. I’ll post some incel memes. Maybe you will be able to relate and this can bring you some comfort at least.

>> No.17506096

>I'm like 5'6
Didn't read the rest of your word diarrhea.
Find yourself a hobbit girl in your home town and marry her.

>> No.17506098
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>> No.17506099
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>> No.17506101
File: 122 KB, 640x754, EAC7B603-D556-418A-9CD1-FF1C6BB185F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17506103

its not even an incel thing, stop reducing everything to sex
its about my own aesthetic ideal, my own desire to be something other than what i am in practically all respects, but foremost in how i look, even only to myself

>> No.17506106
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>> No.17506117
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>> No.17506118
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>> No.17506120
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>> No.17506124
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>> No.17506127

none of this helps or makes me feel better
please fuck off and stop spamming

>> No.17506128
File: 105 KB, 529x567, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the world should change not me wah wah wah
yeah, a whole lot more to it lmao
print your participation certificate and fuck all the way off

>> No.17506132

you can't change being a manlet

>> No.17506133

Well that hurts.

>> No.17506137

Hit the gym, you gona ferl much better and it will improove your look, eat about nutrition. Work on your money problem, find a job, get educated and aquire a skill.

Your height us alright. You basically know what to do. For things to improove you must actually do this, over reflecting wont help.

>> No.17506141
File: 179 KB, 407x391, TooGood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17506145
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>> No.17506147
File: 889 KB, 1242x1241, AreYouHavingABadDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17506148
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>> No.17506158

Funny that I could tell you were Doug in the first paragraph. I went through a period of not caring about fashion, then I started making a little money and made my way back.

>> No.17506164

Fashion is just clothes, dude. Yeah it’s not that important at the end of the and you can stop fixating on it if you want, who cares. The fact that you were interested in fashion in the first place will still put you leagues ahead of the average young man in America when it comes to dressing yourself. You can’t change the body that you were born into. Everyone else has problems or shortcomings too so no one is feeling sorry for you. You said you had an interest in working out. That’s good. This will actually make your face look better too as the heavy blood pumping will go into your face and give you a healthy glow as they say. Speaking from experience. Even more so if you do some of your exercise outside during the day.

>> No.17506213
File: 700 KB, 2272x1704, 1506791274104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, its me
the question is, when i do start making money,
what the hell do i even make my way back to?
my sense of style earns no respect from the /tip/ crowd and i have nothing in common with those people anyway, even outside of 4chan. neither styleforum or the ethan wong side of the scene really gets what i'm about or sees me as a part of their clique. that style isn't for people like me.

its for people like ethan wong, a blogger who is in his early 30s and spends his days doing twee hipster shit like photography, composing light jazz, going to vintage flea markets and fancy asian-american restraunts with poppy 70s film murals with his huge group of friends who have known eachother for years and probably became so easy to be around because they have all been in that same scene, that same culture, that same sociopolitical context.
meanwhile i'm just some 19 year old internet weirdo who belongs more in pyjama pants and graphic tees than blazers and ocbds.
i live in a shitty flat, i go to a college class i have no investment in, no real friends. my life has 'begun' but just barely.

i'm still young, i'll figure shit out. but the one thing i've figured out so far is that i am not that guy. i am not "doug devious" or fucking whatever. and whatever life i make for myself is not gonna make for the kind of pictures that would be shared on /tip/ or styleforum. Maybe some funhouse mirror version of that style in the contextual lens of like, deep web core or something, and that can trickle back here idk

>> No.17506338

>but it turns out that the community of people I wanted to feel a part of, to earn the respect of, they all fucking hate me.
That's your mistake anon, you are supposed to realize what YOU like and then work towards being the best thing you think you can be.
So in the end you will like yourself, even if other don't like you, you will have yourself.

>> No.17506386

not op but what do if I can't see what I should be? who I want to be at the end?

>> No.17506387

because i can't see when i;m doing something because i think it would look cool vs actually liking it

>> No.17506404

find ways to look good with what you have. limits with creativity, especially DIY breeds innovation in fashion. cut and sew. thrift where you can

>> No.17506417
File: 108 KB, 840x626, 1638566505450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, i kind of did realize what I liked, but working towards that and perfecting it means exposing myself to people who understand the technicalities of that style of clothing. Unfortunately, they don't see the same vision i'm trying to improve towards, they see this ugly bleached-hair weirdo in a shitty, skinny polyester suit and they rip me to shreds for being "an attention seeking clown".
And even if the execution was good, they hate the concept, and don't appreciate it as an expression of the style they want to talk about. They shittalk my bow ties and they especially hate my winklepicker shoes.

So, "well fine, I'll just follow online guides the best I can and I just won't talk about it won't talk about it with those people".
the fucking issue is though, who the hell DO I talk about it with?
There's practically nobody i can find outside of that clique who appreciates the details and nuances of tailoring and the menswear world like I do, and I WANT my outfits and taste to be appreciated on that level, to be viewed through that lens, because I sure as hell do, and I have fucking nobody to share that with! I've dug myself into a niche of a niche, and theres nobody else who gets it! That's the fuck of it!

>> No.17506421

K so what leather jacket do I buy to grow taller?

>> No.17506437

Doo doo dooooooo pee wees playhouse!!

I loved this show, and I loved the kike even harder when he was found with child porn and wacking off in adult cinemas.

>> No.17506442
File: 127 KB, 900x888, FTyeMy5WUAAwd8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this schizo again

>> No.17506448

yo momma a schizo LMAO

she is a schizo LOL


>> No.17506465
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x1836, Dink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17506508

So I'm getting salvatore ferragamo from than answer thanks.

>> No.17506666

welcome to the club!

>> No.17506705

> I have shit-tier facial aesthetics, shitty jewish hair texture, I'm like 5'6, a framelet, and have no muscle.

I’ll trade you

I’m 6’2” and white with decent facial features, athletic body, but bald

>> No.17506755
File: 184 KB, 832x352, AF6C543A-3A58-4C0D-A776-25FF6D54CC2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough choice. Not sure which I would choose.

>> No.17506756
File: 1.18 MB, 1295x864, ohgodohfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm also aesthetically balding dude, unless you want to get hair transplants there's less entirely-shit deals you could make.
i'd take you up on the deal if i could anyway
if only...

>> No.17506757


>> No.17506824

>nobody i can find outside of that clique who appreciates the details and nuances of tailoring and the menswear world like I do
>I WANT my outfits and taste to be appreciated on that level

lmao the absolute mental illness. touch grass

>> No.17506859

>Any parting advice you might have for me?
Pick up rock climbing and bouldering. This will literally fix all of your problems.

>> No.17506868

whatever just dont sell your booty hole. how else do you think talentless hacks but homo virtual signalers like Ethan eke out a living if not pandering to grooming mentally ill manlet faggots.

>> No.17507138

Holy shit you’re such a dramatic entitled little bitch, you get an F for this faggot essay. This>>17506025 >>17506404
and especially this >>17506164, follow through with that and understand, fucking waste of a post this was

>> No.17507346

bumping the best thread on this board currently

>> No.17507564

Holy shit, you pathetic faggots with your self-deprecation and self-humiliation fetishes. I really hope the jews have moved here from /pol/ and this is propaganda spreading, no way you would spread cuck propaganda unironically.
>but muh hurt feefees
Just kill yourselves already. It goes in all fields.

>> No.17507646

Are you that beavis & butthead looking drama queen from NZ?

>> No.17507943
File: 275 KB, 1316x875, hobbitland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear NZ has nice parks, op should go explore them

>> No.17508119

This is what too much screen time does to a mf

>> No.17508122

If OP has any sense he will listen to these posts

>> No.17508213

>I can't see what I should be? who I want to be at the end?
Do you truly have no ideas in your mind, no tastes that push you forward?
Literally anything any shape any form, is all the same to you?
>because i can't see when i;m doing something because i think it would look cool vs actually liking it
You are going to have to elaborate for me to understand you.
>i mean, i kind of did realize what I liked,
great, now just strive to achieve that, while taking in feedback from others. Don't try to just follow everything people bark at you, instead see how it makes you feel, your gut feeling, does it say you still like the thing, do you feel they tell you something legit. Remember others are mostly a mirror into yourself.

>And even if the execution was good, they hate the concept, and don't appreciate it as an expression of the style they want to talk about. They shittalk my bow ties and they especially hate my winklepicker shoes.
Yeah well people have different tastes. Whats important is that at the end of the day you, YOU are pleased with the result. That it is done with intent, that each thing was a choice made by you.
I get shit on constantly for my choices, but if I like the end result, I'm pleased, even if others don't agree with me.

>and I have fucking nobody to share that with! I've dug myself into a niche of a niche, and theres nobody else who gets it! That's the fuck of it!
Proud of you, it takes mental fortitude to do that. Most people trade anything for acceptance and fitting in.
You, like any normal person want to be accepted as well, but clearly your desire to express your own tastes, your own will was more important to you.
Hone your autistic taste to perfection and be proud of it.

>> No.17508724
File: 188 KB, 398x816, Resizer_16585480930131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize this is the attention seeking retard you are talking to, right?

>> No.17508785

When I wrote my reply I didn't know who I'm talking to. Nor do I really care, my words apply just the same.
Now that I see who its about and his style, what can I say....
His style is certainly more unique or non conforming, but it does look intentional, somewhat classy with a certain sprinkle of wacky and eccentric confident.
I don't mind it at all, as long as he feels this genuinely expresses him and it's not just a fake persona he is putting on.
Frankly its better than a lot of shit fits I'v seen posted.
I don't know why somebody would be mad at this.
Would go to the grocery store to buy food with confidently while talking about daily life.

>> No.17509048

Dios santo el mostro

>> No.17509248

bumping for interest

>> No.17509257

damn this nigga based

>> No.17509351
File: 84 KB, 500x825, D43D4595-E934-4846-BAC0-6F199B156B8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women only want to fuck Chad :’(

>> No.17509572

No cap if the glasses were bigger circles this may not be so bad frfr

>> No.17509972

after all this buildup, its not nearly as bad as i expected it to be. gotta sort the hair out and put on some weight at the gym, but you've got a very unique style that i believe you could pull off with the above mentioned advice. take this and the other (you)s as a sign to not give up. you're 19, you're barely even an adult, you can do this you dumbass.

>> No.17510217
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>> No.17510221
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>> No.17510241

ngl the sunnies distract me a ton from just judging the outfit, do you have any pics without them?

longer hair suits you better than the cropped mid length fro. if you're going for custom suits etc you could easily go full mad scientist

>> No.17510244

If I saw this photo on the sex offenders list it would be the single least surprising thing I have ever witnessed.

>> No.17510262
File: 550 KB, 1469x3158, 1672965750856881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, but I bleached my hair here. There are my winklepicker shoes everyone hates because they are pointy, btw I'm NOT balding, this is a normal healthy hairline

>> No.17510466
File: 52 KB, 463x662, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they say you look like a clown they are kinda right, you have clown mannerisms and clothes

>> No.17510655

So whats the issue? It looks good?

>> No.17510679

Go to sleep Doug

>> No.17510736
File: 19 KB, 432x189, anal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a ton better without the glasses, sorry to say you seem to like them a lot. i sense a ton of defiance in all your choices but honestly i bet more basic looking sunnies would look good on you

color scheme is a bit twee and there's a ton going on pattern/texture wise. but silhouette isn't hyper different from hedi slimane stuff with slim fit and pointed shoes. note how he doesn't really dick around with colour much, it's all in the silhouette

the colors are gonna be a point of hate for classic suit type people. did you pick turquoise socks because the suit and shoes don't match perfectly and you needed to bridge them? maybe instead of going full complementary colours you could try analogous hues (picrel) and play with value. leave the complimentary plays for just the spots you decidedly want to pull attention towards because opposites next to each other work the same way as black and white - the contrast is super attention grabbing

if you're interested in a more contemporary take you could experiment with deliberately throwing proportions off more drastically

oh and learn to take better pics

>> No.17510804
File: 323 KB, 1836x3264, 20221231_215038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree, I wasn't going for hair this short but the barber thought I was going for the zoomer style
Here's another glasses-free fit
This guy isn't me, just some dude reposting my images to take the piss

Not really proud of the pinstripe one, it's a really shitty suit and my hair was too long back then
Yeah I do like the glasses, it's probably just that they don't look that great on me because I don't look good, and they draw attention to my very tall and flat forehead, which isn't a great idea (at least until I get a hair system or something)

I'm not crazy about super slim pants, I think narrow ankles and short hems make my shoes look too big in comparison to my legs
I'd much rather have a wider leg opening and a half break to transition into the shoes better

Also, combining loudish colors and patterns is half the fun I get out of fashion. I'm a little torn between keeping it balanced with solids and making my outfits as much of a zany clusterfuck as possible. I suppose the best path is to have them both be an option but prioritize balancing visual noise and classic fit/proportions. I don't see loud socks as an issue, if your pants aren't too short and break over your shoes

>> No.17510889

>go on a vacation with my sisters family and her friends
>we're all sitting around the campfire drinking
>sisters friend declares that I'm her favorite
>haven't socialized in 15 years
>immediately felt like this image

>> No.17510902

These two fits aren't bad at all, better than most of /fa/. Also your hair is fine, leave it as is. Maybe work on developing your empathy so you can find and keep a friends group IRL.

>> No.17510907

How would you pull off Purple/Red/Orange?

>> No.17510908
File: 608 KB, 2048x2048, 11196132_master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heaps better both tonally and in patterns. fit seems fine, can't really comment since you seem to have a very specific silhouette in mind. which is good, keep striving and pushing towards your personal goals

i never even thought about your forehead until you mentioned it lol. i just think tiny dark dots on a pale face with light hair are as attention grabbing as a drop of ink on white paper, maybe the same style but in a lighter lens and frame color could give you a similar effect but be less visually intrusive? also yep, if you're insecure about something it's safer to pull attention all the way somewhere else rather than right next it.

going both routes between pattern mayhem and classic things is a solid plan. i suggest you push it to the max both ways because you can always switch and mix, this way you'll limit your choices but it'll spark more creativity. like giving yourself different boxes to work inside. both routes might evolve into dope stuff that you can later combine. just take it at a pace that's allright for you

good luck m8

>> No.17510941

>starts tripfagging
Go away already

>> No.17510942
File: 114 KB, 932x491, huehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like picrel, i'd probably drop the purple alltogether or keep it super light lavender max

or alternatively max hue loud 70s paisley hare krishna pass the mushrooms, lol

>> No.17511153

Did I fucking stutter?
This one is more classical, feels gentelmanly, more meek compared to your other stuff posted in the thread.
I guess this one will appeal to more people, but I really like the energy in the other ones.

>> No.17511169
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>> No.17511271
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>> No.17511276

This guy needs to shave his hair, trash all his clown clothes and hit the gym, probably gonna need to roid too to escape inceldom

>> No.17511301

It's hilarious seeing a dude mald that fucking hard because his style doesn't work in modern society. Yea no shit dressing like a pimp from the 70's is gonna make you look stupid, especially if you don't have the stature, facial features or aura to back it up.

>> No.17511302
File: 982 KB, 1275x1755, drop-dead-fred-lookin-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you lack the power to pull off this aesthetic.
Scrap it all and start again.

>> No.17511330
File: 938 KB, 1274x737, a slight adjustment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millimeters of bone>>17506756

>> No.17511341
File: 303 KB, 457x879, Beavis-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17511432

>n-nooo you can't wear that!
post fit. you wont, because you're a coward

>> No.17511521
File: 264 KB, 479x750, Sex-Pistols-U07642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl he's actually pretty drippy
it's like a mix of jimmy giggle (australian tv show host) and johnny rotten

>> No.17511524
File: 290 KB, 570x680, 04A978CE-4BDA-4C97-97D4-1CA95A060274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illumination entertainment villain

>> No.17511530

herb overkill is more effay than half you niggas

>> No.17511559

DESU this would be kino if not for the chucks. They don't go with the suit at all and bring down what would otherwise be a goofy/eccentric but still neat fit

>> No.17511593
File: 193 KB, 975x600, superjail-warden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17511605

Doug Devious was born in 2004? I feel ancient….

>> No.17511613

I get more of a Bill Nye or Howdy Doody type kids show presenter.

>> No.17511621

HE is the one that came here for advice.

>> No.17511683

Few millimeters of hairline too

>> No.17511713

You sound like such a spoiled little shit it’s infuriating. Aww you don’t live up to your “aesthetic ideal” you poor thing. Holy fuck dude, you fucking suck.

>> No.17511921


>> No.17511923

More evidence that doug should get bigger glasses

>> No.17511932

Did he? I thought he was just venting his frustrations about the trials of being an individual and not being a typical npc that tries to fit in no matter what.

>> No.17511997

It seems like you are unable to even read the subject of this thread.
>Im giving up on fashion. Any ADVICE?

>> No.17512186
File: 172 KB, 962x782, 1662031360117569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't read undertones, I can only take in literal information.
Not a people person are ya?
>b-but he said
yeah, but what did he mean, what did all of his posts really boil down to?
He has goals and dreams. He made steps towards them but things didn't pan out to his ultimate satisfaction. Thus causes a cycle frustration and self reflection. Questioning on what should be done next to resolve this frustration.
Your "advice" mainly boils down to "give up on everything, conform, move on"
Not that you can't say that. I just think it's a rather weak response.
And maybe OP is weak and he should fit in with you. But then again maybe he is not. After all he already made daring steps towards something driven by his own vision, so he might pull it off and this is just an natural big of challenge he has run into, as with everything in life.
But again, I don't know OP, I don't know his character, his mind, his feelings, his soul.
Thus I cannot pass judgement on such matters myself.
I only hope he identifies what he likes himself, outside of other peoples influence, and then refines that into something good.

Last bit. If OP wanted specific advice on his clothes, rather than presenting sad pics, he would post specific fits and ask for general and specific feedback on those fits.
Since he didn't do that, this is more about externally processing his own desires and emotions.

>> No.17512279

Yeah yeah, learn to read before posting stupid shit. Take the L and move on

>> No.17512291
File: 51 KB, 800x596, 1652054238709950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession

>> No.17512384

I’ve never understood how fashion can actually be used to get girls. You’re right, this hobby is way to fucking expensive, and the return on investment is fucking shit.
You should lift; dw, you’ll never be as big as those Chinese weightlifters, but it’ll improve you, at least appearance-wise.
Unironically, you should focus on building a stable, comfy life. Don’t do shit for validation because that’s cringey

>> No.17512549

I don't post fits because I haven't reached my desired figure. I'll start posting later in the year when the last of the fat is gone.

>> No.17512554

I guess that's fair. We should like what we are first before sharing with others after all.
Unless your are neurotic and are stuff in the selfimproooove mode.

>> No.17512560

Nah I was 6 foot 122kg, now I'm 81kg, when I hit 75 I'm gonna see how I look, maybe go down to 70, and stick around that weight.
I'm getting tired of replacing my clothes.

>> No.17513871

>Nah I was 6 foot 122kg
yeah no way you were appealing then
>now I'm 81kg
lighter than me
> when I hit 75 I'm gonna see how I look, maybe go down to 70,
what the hell man you plan to be skelly mode?
I'm 6' and been around 80kg most of my life and never fat.

>> No.17514288

I want to hit a healthy balance, not complete skelly mode, just no flab. I think I'll be there around 77kg but I'm expecting 75 to be spot on.
Currently at 81kg I'm just a tad too thick. >>70134792

>> No.17514296
File: 947 KB, 700x729, april18february22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, link didn't work.

>> No.17514763

great progress anon

>> No.17514838

cheers mate

>> No.17515553

take your pills, Alice

>> No.17515610

>19 year old
JESUS CHRIST you're literally just an angsty teenager going through his doomer phase lmao

fuck off zoomer

>> No.17515622

>what do if I can't see what I should be?
become older

nobody knows who they are as a person if they're a teen/early 20s, you need some life experience first

>> No.17515775

Try and gain a new perspective.

>> No.17515797

>trailer park whore kike rape son thread about being underage, retarded, and seething enviously, typical kike genetics is still up for a week fa dead

>> No.17515801

>i wonder who's behind this post :^]