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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 712x591, 90903785_108042340847312_3418880313638518784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17502744 No.17502744 [Reply] [Original]

Havn't seen one for a while.

>> No.17502942

What did you eat today anon?

>> No.17502943

Too much

>> No.17502951

eat some food chud, real women have curves
fat is natural

>> No.17502959
File: 1.48 MB, 1091x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate 5.1k calories about 35 hours ago
havent eaten since and probably wont for a few more days

is binge eating like this uncommon? i see people talk about being at a near consistent intake but i just eat way too much and then fast to make up for it

>> No.17503141

a subway footlong tuna

>> No.17503145

It’s not healthy. Eat 3 moderately sized meals per day. Stop gorging yourself. It’s gross

>> No.17503271

I need more images like this, its just fascinating to see how much face fat can be lost kinda hot

>> No.17503275
File: 239 KB, 828x582, CA94F927-EBBF-4171-8CEF-52887C0919B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.17503308
File: 81 KB, 640x760, w0M5DVtAPhwSA9YjEAtcLtJNiK-s5P_abxIMwMT8QZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hungry but eating makes me feel bad

>> No.17503379

I ordered food God I feel so disgusting

>> No.17503597

just workout and eat generally healthy food, even having a shitty diet a day here or there won't do anything to you if you're active. don't let mental illness consume you

>> No.17504735

try to develop a healthy relationship with food. You can lose weight without forming an eating disorder lol

>> No.17504743
File: 165 KB, 380x657, emo couple 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED thinspo is back


>> No.17505115
File: 549 KB, 416x816, Screen Shot 2023-01-21 at 1.58.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bodyfat % does this look like? (Obviously you can only guess)

>> No.17505120
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webm related

>> No.17505128

I sat down and my stomach had rolls so I went and made myself throw up for an hour

>> No.17505170

that's still more than you'd think, probably around 10-12%. there is no definition and that guy is just a scrawny fuck. inactive stoner type of body.

>> No.17505172

>ate 5.1k calories
Wtf, is your stomach made of rubber
Also no, it's not common and it's not healthy.
If you're eating sustainment levels, going down to 1 meal/day is still acceptable and even has health benefits. Not sure about anything longer, but you'll probably stress your digestion a lot and do weird shit to your metabolism, so avoid.

>> No.17505176

Also you'll run into deprivation of micronutrients and protein after a few days unless you supplement.

>> No.17505296
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>> No.17505298
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>> No.17505305


>> No.17505323


>> No.17505330

that isn't me. i don't even remember if that's a male or female

>> No.17505332
File: 109 KB, 1280x804, photo_2023-02-26_22-42-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17505333

Currently dieting, would like to be skinny twinkmode again but I'm hairy so doesn't really work. Guess I'll shoot for otter.

>> No.17505334
File: 345 KB, 410x696, demcute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe just exist without trying to fit into any labels i think you would benefit from that

>> No.17505339

I just use the labels since it describes the physiques I like. I don't care about others' acceptance, only my own.

>> No.17505344
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>> No.17505354 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17505444
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>> No.17505628

I assume male but I guess dyke is possible

>> No.17505832

hate anorexic fuccs they are dead fish with no stamina. the lean muscle max is the ideal but your average girl is either too young to have the years of body recomposition on her back or is too lazy and copes with being a fragile bag of glass and bones.

>> No.17505841
File: 2.58 MB, 1133x1920, 1611103938427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fashion board. This is not about sex.

>> No.17505987

fashion and modeling in both micro and macro is just a catalogue for genes and sex.

>> No.17506051
File: 246 KB, 478x350, 1533592193927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, you guys are mentally ill

>> No.17506082

be my bf

>> No.17506288

yes, most people un this entire website, move on.

>> No.17506340

adderall XR helps a ton. with how much of a problem obesity is in this fucking country shit should be available over the counter

>> No.17506344

How the fuck is Eugenia Cooney still alive?????????????

>> No.17506396

Being severely underweight is not really that dangerous in itself. Probably less dangerous than being 300lbs.
Generally, it means your more vulnerable to conditions that would already be very serious. e.g. cancer.

>> No.17506401

>Being severely underweight

Lol she is anorexic skelly weight, not underweight. And you're more susceptible to every infection going, surprised the wu flu covid didn't finish her boney ass off.

>> No.17506425

idk about rubber but maybe larger than most people my size - i have the capacity to eat a lot, and my friends are often shocked at how much i can eat as im pretty skinny, but i can also go days without eating no problem.
and yes i supplement with vitamins for micronutrients when i fast for anything longer than 3days
you're on 4chan

>> No.17506522

Just came here from /fit. im 175 and buff and I love skinny women. with that being said dont starve yourselves anons. muscles also look sick!

>> No.17506692 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17506754

You don't want to be emotionally tied to these kind of people.

>> No.17507122

my bf looks linda like this
how do I feminize him?

>> No.17507129

Kill yourself, tell him to do the same before you do so though

>> No.17507139
File: 442 KB, 2048x2048, 1670187091238928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys. Obtuse question, but is there a 'point' to pursuing this aesthetic beyond personal desire?

I'm down almost 20lb this year (5'10, 175 -> 155) and feeling and looking way better, and I'm gonna keep going cause I want to. My motivation is kinda that I just like the twink aesthetic and wanna achieve it at least once before it's too late (I'm 23).

I'm a loner so I don't meet new people, so it's not for their approval, don't use social media, so ditto. Is trying to look like this really a manifestation of my own inner desire or is it still trying to fit into some trend?

I was skinnyfat before so gonna keep going, trying not to lose what little muscle mass I have in the process. Will post progress when I'm ready

Have a pic from an old edition of this thread as thx for reading my blogpost :3

>> No.17507141

make him get a womb tattoo, all else is secondary

>> No.17507230

in a few years you wont care
just try to build healthy sustentable habits
If you want to keep muscle the at least keep moderately active, walk 30 minutes at least or do some calisthenics, that will keep you lean
> Is trying to look like this really a manifestation of my own inner desire or is it still trying to fit into some trend?
only you know this, but does it matter either way?
as I said, in a few years it won't matter as much if at all.

>> No.17507259

I think so,
Being genuinely skinny (like sub-17bmi) makes you look pretty in a unique and rare way that people normally only see on TV.

>> No.17507276

Fat fingers typed this

>> No.17507304
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>> No.17508054

hi guys I'm in need of some advice. I'm 19 5"4 and 111lbs consistently. Im close to start being underweight however I feel that my 26 inch waist despite 10% bf is not on par with that. I do not do exercise so what exercises e.g running are best to reduce waist size and not thicken but slim leg muscle? My "life" goal is 103 lbs and 24 inch waist.

>> No.17508064

Feels good to eat 3 healthy portioned meals a day with light snacks in between and still be skinny because I focus on cardio. Fucking retards EAT

>> No.17508066

6'3 and 127 pounds

>> No.17508169
File: 248 KB, 750x474, 6D7A79E5-EC36-4B0A-9BFC-36D1ECD51FFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much more should I lose before I don’t look deathfat

>> No.17508224 [DELETED] 


>> No.17508277

What are some good healthy foods to detox on I ate too much and now I feel like shit help thinspo

>> No.17508282

You look good:)

>> No.17508284

>in a few years you wont care
/fa/ in a nutshell, good man

>> No.17508549

hunger feeling fading again

>> No.17508550

he's certainly inactive nowadays...

>> No.17508598

sounds ideal. do you want to get thinner?

>> No.17508663
File: 33 KB, 366x401, 1571724855047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute boy tummies

>> No.17509562

No, would just like to get more toned, really. I don't have any workout equipment or anywhere to put it if I did, so for now I'm working with calisthenics.

>> No.17509584

thats it
im no longer eating until i look like this

>> No.17509994

holy shit lmao i’m 5’2 and at my heaviest (when i was weightlifting at the gym) my waist was 25 at 125lb.
it’s not just about weight, it’s about how high your body fat percentage is in comparison to your muscles. if you have a low body fat % and high muscle volume by your legs and shoulders you can give the appearance of having a super tiny waist.
put simply: the higher your body fat % the larger your waist typically is. so focus on cutting and build muscle!

>> No.17510014
File: 516 KB, 3058x3736, P1020369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 21
Weight: 81kg/178lbs
Height: 191cm/6'3"

Used to be 100kgs.

>> No.17510938

Being skinny doesn't work if you're balding/bald. It's over for me, never began.

>> No.17511008

What's the best weight for a 6 foot male in your opinion?

>> No.17511058

we need a google drive file/text about all the information about long term fasting like a FAQ. i finally got a job in the afternoon so my grandparents won't make me eat with them and i can tell that i've already ate at the office
5'9 190lbs rn (240 back in july 2022)

>> No.17511071

I think /fit/ has a fasting general.

>> No.17511569

Better to be a Dale Gribble than an Uncle Fester

>> No.17511667

whats your cardio routine?

>> No.17511744
File: 567 KB, 884x453, Capture+_2023-02-12-01-47-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy how much willpower I had when I was anorexic. Hard as fuck to eat well and cut out indulgences now

>> No.17511863

I'm 5'8 and 110lbs. 7 years ago I was 165lbs and I fucking hated the direction things were going, so I actively made some changes (mostly quit eating... which is hard at first when you're so used to the same old routine your whole life) and I've been below 120lbs for the last 5 years, I've been around 110lbs for the last year. As long as I stay below 120 I'm happy, I just eat once every day or two and drink a lot of water.
I'm just rambling but this is the only place for me to.

>> No.17511964

>finally got myself down to a size XS
>doesn't fit in any of my old clothes

>> No.17512043

>Wtf, is your stomach made of rubber
anon probably ate only highly processed fats and simple carbs, so it's quite easy because it doesn't fill you up as much. try eating the same amount in lean meats, complex carbs and vegetables. you can't

>> No.17512085

yup start reselling

>> No.17512483
File: 672 KB, 3840x2160, 1677780952273283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 2 get her legs???

>> No.17512497

leg lengthening surgery

>> No.17512866
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Censored trash

>> No.17513020
File: 154 KB, 1035x864, 20230303_101330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time i posted here was like half a year ago. I was 69kg. Now I'm 77kg and don't really look any fatter. What gives? Figured y'all would have an answer for how /:

>> No.17513699

male or female? either way, be my wife. but, the answer is either body dysmorphia, muscle gain, or very even fat distribution

>> No.17514499

post more pics

>> No.17514511
File: 45 KB, 500x375, ummm fat man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fell for the bulk meme
>now stuck with loose skin
wish I was skinny

>> No.17514553

110 lbs

>> No.17514865
File: 79 KB, 520x680, tumblr_9a32760ec4bda427a72b94d36b7f3964_3cb9afac_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17514933
File: 396 KB, 757x1494, 1677921440850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6' usually 135, but popped up to 142 recently and need to try and get back down a little. I wish my ribcage was a bit smaller, it looks weird, I also need to try and get in the habit to build out a little more muscle trading some of that with fat.

>> No.17514946

Got more pics? Wondering how your abs look unflexed.

>> No.17514948

Going to bed rn but I can get some tomorrow

>> No.17514995

It's not. First, unless you're blue collar worker, you shouldn't exceed 2k calories at all. Eat smaller portions every 4 hours everyday, avoid snacking, count calories, and do lots of physical movement.

>> No.17515152
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, 20221019_115629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'm for real going to do it this time.

I weigh 180 right now, and in two months, I will 130. At minimum 140. I will eat nothing but shredded chicken thighs, vitamins, and Greek yogurt.

Do you anons have any tips before I go in?

>> No.17515325

spookyboo here?

>> No.17515514

Hey it's tomorrow now how bout them pictures baby

>> No.17515872
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Thirsty or smth?

>> No.17515935 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 480x720, B0282912-y720px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what'd u guys assume are his stats?
i kinda look like him face wise so its good inspo

>> No.17515997

A lil bit of fat won't kill you

>> No.17516003 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17516005 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17516154
File: 590 KB, 1125x674, FCFA432B-8B6F-4D65-AC72-C7680F21D58B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute dream body. do you guys think she does any extra athletics, or is it all fork putdowns?

>> No.17516185

I am technically underweight (but not enough for it to actually be any kind of problem) and I don't like to eat a lot. There was a brief period where my parents acted weird about it and they made me weigh myself, so I would fake breakfast and whatever and now they're chill about it , but my sister and my grandmother have made it a huge thing to them. Like my sister literally came into my room going "yOu'Re Not EaTing" with this angsty voice on and saying she caaares about me sooo much. My grandma literally grabbed my wrist between her thumb and her fingers when we last saw her and told me I looked like paper, and makes it her personal mission to guilt me into eating excess calories when I see her. Why will they not leave me alone? They treat me like an actual child sometimes to, we were at the park one time and she was literally holding onto my arm like I was an invalid. Sorry I wanted to have somewhere to spew all this out this seemed the closest place to leave all my mess. The solution is faking meals and doing situps when noone is there I guess but I think she's figuring out that and if she tells our mom then it's going to be a whole thing its so tiring also she'll say things like "do you want your hair to fall out?" like im nowhere near that im not one of these dumb giels covering their thigh wit ha white moster can

>> No.17516193

you've been saying that for months faggot you should have already been cutting

>> No.17516238

good plan anon. my only advice is to stay super hydrated and if you take any psychiatric meds make sure to take them consistently. kind of “no shit sherlock” advice but ive noticed that on days that i fall off track its always because i didnt do one of these. godspeed, YGMI

>> No.17516242

>eating disorder
>unhinged unhappy ravings

I'm being mean because it's funny, but it really doesn't sound like you're OK, you need to quit it.

>> No.17516548

Thank you /thinspo/
Im a lurker that was fat as fuck, now I’m just fat but continuing to lose weight. I didn’t realize what a disgusting sloppy fat fuck I was until /thinspo/. Calorie deficit and aerobics is eventually getting me to the point where I can look in the mirror again without shame and embarrassment.

I couldn’t have done it without you.

>> No.17516586
File: 2.82 MB, 498x281, amber-genshin-impact2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat one large meal a day (early dinner), water for breakfast, with maybe a snack for lunch, and a late desert. I eat whatever I want. I also work out and run. Its all about forming healthy habits over time. Eat things you like, just less of it. Then try to integrate healthy alternatives, like roast potatoes instead of fries, or pan seared chicken instead of fried chicken. You will naturally adjust. Remember to drink lots of water.

>> No.17516590
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>> No.17516610

> go to bed hungry, wake up skinny
read on /fit/ or /out/

>> No.17516611


>> No.17516617

>doing good on my diet
>remember my fucked up skin conditions and my stretch marks and realize there is no point
>binge eat
>feel like shit
>throw it all up
>tell myself I’ll do better tomorrow (I won’t)
how do I stop doing this
I can hardly even buy food because I know I will fucking eat all of it in one sitting.

>> No.17516666

>grabbed my wrist between her thumb and her fingers
My mom did this to me when I was skinny. Funny thing is even when I got fat later it was still easy to do since genetically I'm small-framed. These idiots don't know what they're talking about and just want something to get into a tizzy over.

>> No.17516669

I always heard it
>skip dinner, wake up thinner

>> No.17516677

Powerful diet plan, you'll live a long life, many years that way - fasting for significant periods has that effect.

>> No.17516973

thank you anon
she has a vice like grip aswell, like all of the strength she uses to avoid the nursing home is now crushing my skin

>> No.17517199

as annoying as it is and as much as i used to relate, you probably do recognize that her worry is at least in part sensible, my friend. you probably should keep humoring her because i can imagine she truly does love you enough to worry.

>> No.17517336

I'm fine I have 14 BMI I'm not going to die. I can do everything I do normally. I don't humour her.

>> No.17517355

How tall are you???

I'm 61.6 kg 184cm and look way more fat than you... Sure, I am not muscular and fat takes up more volume than muscle, but you don't look extremely muscular either, not to mention that your frame in general looks tiny, which is even more puzzling. To be honest, I don't believe the pic is a body of someone with 77kg.

>> No.17517443

Is there a discord still?
Also, what workouts have you been doing if any? I've got a running habit, hoping it makes me leaner.

>> No.17517585

5'8. I tried weighing myself on other scales and get the same result.

Also purged again today for the first time in a while after eating a little too much for comfort and feel physically awful. Stupid choice. /:

>> No.17517701

Answer me goddamnit

>> No.17517892

Male or female?

>> No.17517897

you have a lot of suppressed issues with shame and guilt to deal with. The only real way is through therapy and being willing to work with the therapist and not expect to be fixed or be combative against it. You deserve happiness and love and dont need to achieve anything or work to earn it.

>> No.17518032

Female. A friend gave me some baked snacks today while I do work, so I'm skipping lunch.

>> No.17518157

Imho it's way easier to just eat lunch and make sure to do better tomorrow. Calories counts mostly really matter in timeframes of weeks/months. Just don't binge.

>> No.17518208

this works for me, two weeks in, 1.5kg lost
- I have two rice cakes in the morning and a coffee
- Then for lunch I have nice meal (800cal)
- For dinner I have salad with no dressing (200cal) and snack on rice cakes if needed (up to 100cal)
For some reason a couple of rice cakes give me enough feeling of fullness that I don't feel like I'm starving

>> No.17518211
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>> No.17518224

What weight and height?

>> No.17518241

6’2”, ~158 lbs

>> No.17518698
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x1914, heh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17518760

When you're over 18 you'll be able to move out and live however you want. You can try and get an adult from outside the house to state that, in their eyes, you look healthy. Your family may want to override your opinions out of concern, but if enough people tell them that there's nothing wrong with you, they might leave you alone.
Holy hell, what? You don't look super scrawny, even with the obviously low body fat I don't see how your muscle isn't pushing that weight up.

>> No.17518785

NTA but i'm 6'2 as well and 134 lbs, being lean skinny rather than twink skinny helps you not look malnourished

>> No.17518792

cursed hormone imbalanced dry crazy hair looking ass

>> No.17518795

This makes no sense at all lol. Either you have insanely disproportionately thick legs, or you're lying. Assuming you are not a freak of nature, it's literally impossible to be 77kg looking like that.

>> No.17518799

I must be a LOT fatter than I thought, fuck. I'm thinner than all my friends, but don't have that anon's level of definition at all at 6'1" and 155 lbs.
Yeah, I'm also confused by that. At 5'8"? Perfect fat distribution it seems.

>> No.17518803


>> No.17518823

yea I’m super low weight for some reason. even can get as low as 154. I think it’s because my thighs are twigs

>> No.17518833

it's not even my parents now its literally only my sister and my grandmother.
you're right i guess and obviously i am 18 to be on 4channel but the second i'm done with highschool i like to think i wont see her again

>> No.17518939

Ik ik, I need to trim the stomach fat, it all goes there even if I'm 6' 137 rn

>> No.17519047

Interesting to see such variation in fat placement
Your relationships with them will improve once you're not in each others' hair all the time. You could try guilting them back, saying that stress makes you not want to eat, and then saying that them hassling you all the time is stressing you out. I don't know what the solution is since I don't know your home dynamics, but take comfort from the fact that family members are often super annoying and there's only so much time before you move out for college or whatever.

>> No.17519085

Yeah, it maybe a .5-1in layer over my abdominals, then my live handle areas get some too rip.

>> No.17519266

>my fucked up skin conditions and my stretch marks and realize there is no point
would you like to look good while dressed? 99% of people are going to see you when your skin is covered. stretch marks and loose skin is the 1% to worry about after that.

>> No.17519273
File: 108 KB, 906x1132, B09F1B86-1283-4DE3-9866-6D6396D343EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad

>> No.17519342

>no point
It probably wouldn't hurt to look better. Almost everybody has at least one imperfection, but why carry around one you can do something about?
>stretch marks
I had a girlfriend once that was extremely self-conscious of her stretch marks. I really liked the way they contrasted with her skin and complimented her on them somewhat frequently, in complete honesty. It's not like she grew to like them, and possibly she never even believed me, but I bring this up to say that you shouldn't worry about something like that when it isn't even a problem yet, since it may never become one. A person might fret a bunch over their teeth, when someone out there thinks their buck teeth look cute.
On this website of all places, one should realize that there is no single feature or characteristic out there that someone doesn't find intriguing or sexy. Focus on things you don't like about yourself that you can change, but for things you can't, they are seriously not worth considering.
>eat all of it in one sitting
Buy things that are minimal calorie, like celery or carrots or something, or flavoring for water, and eat those whenever you get hungry. I'm not a thinspro and don't have a good list of possibilities.

>> No.17519387

that's a man

>> No.17519408

this is a very nice skinny body. if your gonna be skinny try to always have a flat stomach.

>> No.17519438
File: 1.18 MB, 1229x1810, 20230307_010851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have tips on how to find clothes that hug the waist?

>> No.17519599

id on those pants?

>> No.17519611


Is that a boy or a girl?

>> No.17520003

Boy but into female fashion

>> No.17520827

Is it gay to wear a sports bra as a boy?

>> No.17521135
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Need advice about exercise. I was maintaining at 1800 so I dropped to 1500 to start losing again, now also do some core exercises (about 40 min every day, but I miss some days because I literally cant get myself to do anything, let alone exercise).

Would it be better to just do cardio for more defined stomach? If yes, what is a good cardio routine that you can do at home? Its way too cold for me to do anything outside, was looking to buy a treadmill but they are extremely loud, so I started looking at those bikes instead, but am not sure, seems like they would just build huge legs which I dont want.

>> No.17521381

Burpees aren't exactly cardio, but they're high intensity. Jump rope is what comes to mind to me, although it could be loud depending on your home setup.
You could get the fixed bike and just go for long periods with low resistance, so most of the exercise is on your heart/lungs.

>> No.17522059

male/female? stats? pics?

>> No.17522093

Yeah, jump rope is a tough ask, not enough space for it + probably also quite noisy. The bike seems like my best choice. Is cardio good enough by itself though? I've read online that if you don't train, no matter how lean you are, you won't have any definition because there's no muscle anyway.

>> No.17522246

Leather jumpropes are generally the quietest of jumpropes, although they aren't the best quality and I wouldn't recommend them unless sound was your #1 priority.

>> No.17522249
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>> No.17522443

how to i get myself to remember ntagasf when im with people? by myself im good about restricting but when I go out with friends I eat way too much

>> No.17522669

Moar pics

>> No.17522942

6'3 135lbs

>> No.17523402

best legs ITT (also: call me)

>> No.17523403

I went from 170 to 136, and I still have a long way to go to my goal weight (120 at 5'7'')
but im feeling so happy because i feel like the thing that makes outfits look good is literally just not being overweight.

like before i had to over compensate with different aesthetics and branded clothes to feel nice and like i look good, but now i feel like i look good even when im not trying- just a pair of jeans with a black or white shirt looks great and put together.

>> No.17523425

>Just came here from /fit
You left the gym? Gonna lose your gains dude!

>> No.17523458

Good job! Keep it up

>> No.17523551

Is there a basic meal plan template that anyone can post for me to start with?

>> No.17523656

Nice troll

>> No.17524083

Here you go:

>> No.17524162

>120 at 5'7"
Femanon? Those numbers sound a bit worrisome if you're a man.

t. (probably skinnyfat) thin-appreciating manlet. (5'7" 154)

>> No.17524213


>> No.17524561
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Help, I've gone too far.

>> No.17524822

do without sucking in

>> No.17526067
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>> No.17526070
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>> No.17526086

Intermittent fasting is healthy.

>> No.17526341

Post physique slob

>> No.17526545

post tits

>> No.17526718
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>> No.17526720
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>> No.17526721
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>> No.17526722
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>> No.17526744

Amen. I never want to feel like I am carrying around a midget in a sack on my belly again.

>> No.17526750

Wanton bikini bridge

>> No.17526753

Fatty dis boy like his food

>> No.17526755

Fast and run

>> No.17526758

Never makes sense to do this but I get it. If you over do it just skip a day. It helps a lot and you’ll catch up eventually

>> No.17526761

Skelly mode. Protein and fat and do some strength training. Beans and rice stews will help but exercise / cardio every day.

>> No.17526762

Super healthy

>> No.17527610
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Currently low BMI around 17 BMI but untrained (don't lift).
Ribs show but my stomach is still slightly flabby with no abs. (Imagine pic related but with a bigger belly)
Can my body fat be high despite the low weight?

>> No.17527618

My body is actually closer to this anon but with a bigger stomach.
Might just be in between a skeleton and normal weight.

>> No.17527628

Yes, This is the actual definition of skinny fat. People just mis-use the term to mean "fat but not obese".
You look pretty good in that pic, but you might be sucking in, I dunno.
I used to be skinnyfat. Fixed it by doing sit ups, and push ups. You don't need to go to the gym and spend a bunch of time lifting. Just do enough to get a little muscle definition.

>> No.17527642

The pic is not me.
Body is similar with slighty bigger stomach though.

>> No.17527652

>You don't need to go to the gym and spend a bunch of time lifting. Just do enough to get a little muscle definition.
So just body weight exercises then?
My face is naturally roundish with chubby cheeks so going as low as possible with BF is my goal.
Don't care much about looking big or bulking.

>> No.17527653
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ok, well i was quite a lot worse than that. This is what 17bmi looks like with push ups and sit ups (also running but dunno if that makes a difference other than burning calories)
>So just body weight exercises then?
exactly. Unless you wanna get big and muscular, you don't need to actually lift.Body weight exercises (at low bmi) is enough for some visible definition.

>> No.17527657

More pics

>> No.17527665
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Is she /our/ queen?

>> No.17527675
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no, SHE is

>> No.17527684
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She is so fucking hot.
Her triggering leddit troons and fat white women is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.17527836
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There's a difference between skinny and a mental disorder. I won't support it. There's all this talk about not ostracizing people with mental illness, but I fully support bullying them back in to a facade of normalcy,.

>> No.17527841

is there a male version of her? asking for a friend

>> No.17527959
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I can save her!
Bacon, sausage, eggs, love and 5 babies will thicken her just enough

>> No.17528018

>m-muh body acceptance
>Skinny e-girl needs to be cancelled right now!
Fat acceptance woketards are the biggest hypocrites.

>> No.17528057

im trying to find more femine clothing
what is the sutff your wearing called?

>> No.17528194

Do you guys lie to normalfags about your weight?
Usually tell them that I'm 10-15 pounds heavier than my actual weight.

>> No.17528449

I weight 30lb more than you but look skinnier lol

>> No.17528713

What happens to saggy breasts when you go really thin? Do they reduce or remain saggy? Asking for friend.

>> No.17528779
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abs are just a muscle like any other, you need to do leg lifts and eat protein. you are a low enough bf already for that.

>> No.17528933

So its 120 at 5'7" is as a male then? Jesus, how terrifying. I've gone as down as 147 in the past, but was malnourished and looked like shit. Have you ever hit the gym? Maybe the (very little) muscle I've grown is the difference?

>> No.17529016

Is that you? You look great. What weight and height?

>> No.17529075

if your breasts are mainly composed of adipose and not milk-producing tissue (depends on the person) losing fat might put less strain on them and decrease sagging, but could make them look less full
just stop wearing bras, work out your chest and upper back muscles and stop sitting all the time, femal
t. works with women who increase/decrease/change their breasts a lot

>> No.17529144

thanks 180cm 68kg

>> No.17529846

does the loose skin you get from losing weight make you look older/cause wrinkles and stuff?

>> No.17529921
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It’s much better and enjoyable for a man to be have a muscular physique than look like a weak faggot anybody here saying no is a faggot and I’m talking with experience

>> No.17529940

You have a lot of faggot experience?

>> No.17529950

how the fuk do I slim down on calves that are mostly muscle? Shit's 41cm in circumference and looks disproportionately big for 21 BMI

>> No.17530069

At One twenty and 5'8, feel like shit today because I had some sandwich and a bit of steak just now. It feels fucking over

>> No.17530084

Today IS over. Tomorrow is a new game. Don't fuck up twice and you'll be fine.

>> No.17530121

you look perfect

>> No.17530148

That guy looks like he bulked up without ever stretching and now he's stiff and unable to reach his toes.

>> No.17530201

She's very chill on Twitch streams.
Like ignoring her mental illness she's a kind hearted e-girl. Eugenia streams very often. Sure she dresses a bit sluttier nowadays but so do all Twitch girls.
It's just a shame she will die in her 30s or so.
Like Eugenia could still be skinny but not death tier underweight if she wanted.
She looks better in 2019 than now.

>> No.17530412

68kg at 1.8m looks like that? Jesus, maybe I simply am fat after all. 'Mirin, keep up the good work anon.

>> No.17530745

>could still be skinny but not death tier underweight if she wanted
Yeah, I think that's anorexia in a nutshell. I can't imagine how often she, and anyone else has heard that.
>Just eat a tiny bit more! You could still be very skinny, live longer and have better health, be more attractive, have more energy, have an easier time finding clothes, ...
It's considered a disorder more than a lifestyle choice because it's so illogical, I believe.

>> No.17530777

as a former fatty who's not thinspo but still kind of fat, yes. especially in the back. but trying to get thin and im sure the loose skin will still look bad

>> No.17531167

That's called bulimia. For those who don't know, you don't have to vomit to be bulimic. It's just binging and compensatory behavior - purging can be vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise, or, as in your case, fasting.
Don't feel guilty about "poor willpower" as anons here will bully you for. Get help to overcome it and you'll be able to diet moderately in the future. Good luck.
If you don't want professional help, that's fine. Just do some research on how to overcome using food as a crutch. Once you see it not as a friend or foe but as fuel, losing weight will be easier and more consistent.

>> No.17531389

Can anyone achieve hollow cheeks at a low enough BF?

>> No.17531560

Don't listen to >>17503145 hunter-gatherers hunt large game and so they do constant gorging/fasting it is what the human body adapted for. 5k is a bit much though try not being so fat

>> No.17531658

It's so sad that she died

>> No.17531684

EC is alive. she still has constant Just Dance livestreams where she doesn't drink or eat for 6-13hours.
(Based thinspo to trigger the jealous landwhales who obsess over her on reddit).

>> No.17531711

Jfl 5’4 just transition already

Also at 5’9 my heaviest was 105 stop eating like a fatass

>> No.17531958

if we're talking evolution then having a decent amount of fat in your body is the best way to go about living since fat retains more heat than muscle does, also don't starve yourselves

>> No.17532176
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oh to have legs like that :(

>> No.17532231

omg I thought this was trolling but that's crazy. I guess she skipped one too many calories

>> No.17532289

what do you guises eat? for me its 4-5 apples a day and some soup for dinner

>> No.17532304

too high sugar and low protein

>> No.17532375

3 fried eggs, then later a couple chicken thighs with veg. sometimes rice in one of the meals.

>> No.17532381

Random microwave meals that fit my caloric goal. Sounds retarded but works.

>> No.17532515
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Goal body right here

>> No.17532522

Eggs, tuna, and chicken breast for protein.
Potatoes, oatmeal, and strawberries for fiber.
I usually stick to that on non cheat days since they're low effort, cheap, and really satiating for the calories.

>> No.17532530

How to get this mode

>> No.17532856

>actually doing the apple diet


>> No.17533081

Man it's so hard to not crack and eat a 120cal cookie, why do I keep them in my house? I had a good workout today and I don't want to spoil it.

>> No.17533176

You’re gonna fuck your metabolism if you haven’t already

>> No.17533283

Yeah, you can't have them around. You need to go for those 90 cal oranges instead.

>> No.17533471

That's what killed Steve Jobs

>> No.17533552

I have basically almost exactly the stats as you and I am ugly skinnyfat with wide hips I hate my fucked up body and genes so much

>> No.17534044

I see, guess I need to increase my training. Thanks

>> No.17534057
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Coked out tom cruise for the win.

>> No.17534970 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 680x1957, 792d13697c99ff04459f1039f90863605891d2fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i look like this

>> No.17535030

Can anyone point me to a good week-long meal plan?

>> No.17535528

Greg's hair is on its way out. Look at that hairline. Give it a few more years.

>> No.17535531
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>> No.17535937

also thinking about this, i curse the amount of muscle i gained on them while walking

>> No.17536360
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>> No.17536364
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>> No.17536368


>> No.17536372
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>> No.17536379
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>> No.17536385
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>> No.17536420

this.... is a girl...rihht...

>> No.17536462
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>> No.17536464
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>> No.17536466
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>> No.17536468
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>> No.17536469
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>> No.17536549

Absolutely Fucking Grotesque

>> No.17536582
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>> No.17536584
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>> No.17536586
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>> No.17536589
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>> No.17536591
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>> No.17536695
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>> No.17536698
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>> No.17536700
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>> No.17536704
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>> No.17536706
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>> No.17536779
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>> No.17536782
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>> No.17536789
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>> No.17536791
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>> No.17536792
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>> No.17536800

hes lying
im 183, 72kg and im fat as fuck

>> No.17536937

I doubt he's lying. He just has more muscle and less fat than you. Body composition matters.

>> No.17537330

Alma Wade lookin ass

>> No.17537331
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lol why lie

>> No.17537345
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6ft, i think im around 150. i want to gain weight though but i was homeless for a long time and lost 35lbs

>> No.17537392

What is the appeal of thinspo, I don’t get it as a normal person

>> No.17537393
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what bmi do periods stop at

>> No.17537398

hoodie wtc/size?

>> No.17537409

Trying to justify mental illness like anorexia, bulimia.

>> No.17537743

the worst thing about her situation is that even if she does recover and get to a healthy weight, the damage has already been done. god know how fucked all of her organs are, and if she even can recover at this point.
imo bullying in that regard is mandatory. had a friend who's sister was chubby growing up and kept her weight kept going up, the mf bullied her into losing it. she's still fit to this day. it works.

>> No.17537851

i made diet into a whole fucking ordeal so i can't put feelings on top of it or kid myself.
>intermittent fasting
>healthy balance of protons, carbs and fats
>only real food
>no liquids with calories other than skim milk
>defined meals
>weigh every morsel of food i eat
Lost 4cm of gut in 14 days and am not stopping.
I've had 3 cheat meals but they replaced half my meals on those days and were mostly meat so no harm done.

>> No.17537856

Looking at thin people is not inspiring unless i see them having been fat before.

>> No.17538082

Why is purging even a thing?
It's so easy to just fast the day after even you are a disgusting fat binge eater.

>> No.17538135

great game

>> No.17538401

If I was governor of Twitch, then I would ban her.

>> No.17538507

generally below 16% bf, which is usually around 15-16 if you don't have a lot of muscle mass
they can also stop from general malnutrition no matter what bmi you're at

>> No.17538533
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>> No.17538536
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>> No.17538537
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>> No.17538539
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>> No.17538540
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>> No.17538543
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>> No.17538545
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>> No.17538546
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>> No.17538550
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>> No.17538554
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>> No.17538702

How, need a guide

>> No.17539837
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>healthy balance of protons

>> No.17539986

Fasting after binging is still purging. It might not kill you, but it's not gonna help you long-term.
Honestly part of why I'm recovering is the retards here and how mainstream eating disorders are. It was already bad when I developed one 7 years ago, but now every other girl and faggot has one. I realized just how stupid it is when everyone is doing it.