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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 360x640, B3F8A03A-D7AB-48DE-BAB2-146FF69C4DDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17479611 No.17479611 [Reply] [Original]

Not bodybuilder physique. Bodybuilder physique is for homosexual men trying to get bigger boobs for their boyfriend. Brad Pitt for the movie fight club was a fit and lean 155 lbs.

>> No.17479661

Agree, but that body fat percentage and fitness level is unsustainable without starving 24/7.
t. been there for 4 months (summer season) and I was angry as fuck the whole summer.

>> No.17479676

Fight Club is literally about homosexuality

>> No.17479768

he gets the girl, faggot

>> No.17479790

t. is afraid of benching more than 135 and getting stuck under the bar

>> No.17479835

Trying to get bigger boobs for your boyfriend huh.

>> No.17479849

You wish you had boobs like these, you little sissy bitch.

>> No.17479870

The author of the book's a faggot. The whole thing is a metaphor for faggotry. Get the fuck over it, faggot.

>> No.17480484

We are talking about Bradd Pitt role in the classic Fincher movie, faggot, not about the mediocre book/author

>> No.17480591

The only non-/fa/ physique is being fat. Literally with any other physique you can dress well and find clothes that flatter your body.

>> No.17480605
File: 335 KB, 1080x1428, tumblr_20506db4cbcfdce96e623b6840a00751_875b534b_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloated and strong is the way to go

>> No.17480675
File: 1005 KB, 1871x2352, CDEF7D11-538D-42C6-BBEB-D0131201523A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to look like this for the summer, 6’1 149. i think i need to bulk a bit more then cut aggressively.

>> No.17480702

Lol, bloated Manlet. s m h

>> No.17480721

Lmao he must have been 60 kgs at most

>> No.17480740

Nah man, 130 lbs is like those Kenyan marathon runners, Brad is a few pounds heavier than that.

>> No.17480799

>for the summer
You look like you've just graduated from twinkdergarten. kek. Achivable, but lift more and harder. Be consistent.

>> No.17480814

when you're past 6'0 you can only be muscular. 5'10 is the peak effay lean height

>> No.17480837

manlet hands typed this

>> No.17480888

true im 5'11 but still superior to a lanky nigg

>> No.17480894
File: 89 KB, 634x1024, 18B3A287-57E1-4BBD-841E-6404B546A436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can look good as a Manlet but the key is to be lean with low body fat. Justin Theroux is technically a Manlet but he looks good because he’s lean. If he were to bulk up and be a musclehead gym bro he’d look ridiculous like most gymcel manlets.

>> No.17480924

i lift 4 times a week till failure on every muscle. i just struggle on eating surplus of calories. i dont understand what makes me look like a twink and im tired of everyone telling me this.

>> No.17481594

Obviously its because you have a skinny body with small muscles that makes people want to stuck weiners in your mouth and butt.
Try really seriously counting calories and macros. Like actually write down what you eat, how much, and when for a few days and use a calorie calculator. Chart it out, it really helps you figure out how much more you need to be eating and where in your day you can add more. The same process helps for cutting.

>> No.17481629
File: 1.39 MB, 1006x1074, gettingthere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you eating a big enough proportion of protein? eggs, chicken, whey?
t. also doesn't get enough protein

>> No.17481652
File: 17 KB, 236x362, BD880954-D249-4A4D-84A3-7D82249E2CA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal is Middle Aged ‘70s leading man

>> No.17481653


>> No.17481691
File: 164 KB, 1183x1577, 20220815_183924_crop_81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17482134

how to get lean with low body fat as opposed to being a musclebro? is it just eating at a reasonable surplus?

>> No.17482144

thanks man

>> No.17482177
File: 700 KB, 1080x1613, 1668871259135650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>malnourished for sub10% bf
>or no muscle at all
had a girl friend dating sticks and whet i point out she had a type in holocauste survivors putting on rags like a sail shed punch me hard in the gut
male post-teenage physique is of a natural bodybuilder, accept it, especially on the rise with gym culture
genderless sticks only appeal to barely legal thots

>> No.17482212

But what if I want barely legal thots

>> No.17482221
File: 79 KB, 749x752, 🤍 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, prime 19-21 years

>> No.17482261

You wont be looking anything like that at 60kg unless you are a tiny manlet.

>> No.17482352

i always avoided this but i guess i just have to stop being lazy and count everything. thanks for advice and yeah whenever I post my body anywhere for advice I get messages about molesting me n shit its fucking weird. don’t know where this type of behavior came from always thought it was a meme.

i eat chicken a lot and have some gold standard whey so ik protein isnt a issue. i just straight up dont count my calories and i only sleep a couple hours so idk if that has negative affects but i doubt it. great body though.

>> No.17482355


This is fun for a night kind of physique, though. Don't get me wrong, it gets my cock up, but it's just sex.

>> No.17482362


Looking good, bro

>> No.17482376
File: 55 KB, 625x938, 435768358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting that kind of body is way more about diet than exercise. You'd have to be incredibly strong willed towards diet if you wanted that. I'm fine with the somewhat chiseled dad bod that Donald Draper has.

>> No.17482433

What works for me is a lot of running, and really watch your portions when eating

>> No.17482442

Lift for reps around 75-80% of your 1rm. You're not going to just accidentally become a "musclebro" natty. That takes tons of hard work and/or drugs.

>> No.17482449

Yeah, fix that shit. You won't see any progress if you don't sleep a LOT. Lack of sleep is probably the biggest gains goblin out there.

>> No.17482451

while rare, it is possible to be fat and effay, just look at orson welles

>> No.17482597
File: 2.34 MB, 3000x2333, IMG_0328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino. Where are those pants from?

>> No.17482847


>> No.17484168
File: 579 KB, 412x882, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to achieve this bros

>> No.17484179
File: 227 KB, 1169x1165, 1669666406193213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat very little and follow this.

>> No.17484251

All people on this picture take performance enhancing drugs.

>> No.17484253

>come to /fa/
>want to talk about clothes
>see fragrance, skin, /fit/, beard/shave, tattoo, zoomer/millennial spaz, thing = autism threads

i guess thats mostly what the board likes to talk about oh well

>> No.17484255

what do you use for your hair?

good physique btw

>> No.17484334

take high quality PED's, have personal doctors, have been doing it for YEARS and they use MORE than your average roider.

>> No.17484633

you think >>17484168
is on steroids?

be the change you want to see

>> No.17484679

Lalo doesnt roid, he does calisthenics exclusively i think

>> No.17484698

thanks. some matte paste stuff and very little shampoo

>> No.17485048
File: 400 KB, 1664x1000, inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal inspos are Krieg the Psycho and the Capra Demon

>> No.17485050

Wanna be my gf(male)? We can pound some meat puppets together? I could release the beast inside ur bp

>> No.17485086

>I kneel

>> No.17485090

Bless you. Literally the best individual on this godforsaken board

>> No.17485102
File: 83 KB, 564x846, 36f59ca4b445d464b7aad0b20c3b1c25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fa physique
no, /fa/ is twink +5'9 at least

>> No.17485107
File: 61 KB, 516x800, c12332f04fd048893b905d74299ce771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear with me, nothing beats the twink look

>> No.17485109
File: 75 KB, 548x1024, d937dc9e39928cbd1ef62463822579b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even when is not tryhard

>> No.17485110
File: 76 KB, 564x846, aee4d2ad5a64366cf1ed4bcbd1bcc31a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only bodytype that can adapt to ANY style

>> No.17485130 [DELETED] 

If you're a manlet, simply accept you're gay, and either remain lean, or go dwardmode. Those are your options.

>> No.17485149

What if I don’t like looking like a 12 year old well into adulthood, huh? The fact that 20 year old zoomers are trying to look like middle schoolers still creeps me the fuck out, frankly.

>> No.17485158

That's just the body of a 16-20 yr old who doesn't eat too much, works out a little and plays sports.

>> No.17485163

Link the paste.

>> No.17485164
File: 49 KB, 492x750, 2eb0f0cbbc4ee3752e19a992569bbf32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah such a 12 year old look lmao

>> No.17485183

Just this I don’t think it’s anything special

>> No.17485193


>> No.17485237
File: 732 KB, 892x2261, _20230102_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty lean but not particularly strong
184cm 66kg
nice gj
reccing kevin murphy rough rider or night rider if you dont want one containing oil, ignore messy weekend bed head in pic.

>> No.17486110

Fatty cope.

>> No.17486329

The girl is just another figment of his imagination. She has no reflection in mirrors throughout the movie so she is not real or she is a vampire

>> No.17486374

lookin great homie

>> No.17486589

>im trying to look like this for the summer
>6’1 149
Impossible in that time frame unless you roid. Don't listen to the guys on /fit/ that say it's achievable in 6 months. Notice how they never post body?
t. 6'0" 150lb, similar bf% as you and also trying to get that physique.

>> No.17486613

Cope, you either have shit genetics or zero workout/diet discipline.

>> No.17486623

>zero workout discipline
False, habit is already formed.
>zero diet discipline
True, I could certainly eat more. How else do you suppose someone gets this body? Still doesn't change the fact that getting tyler durden's body is simply not happening in 6 months.

>> No.17486682

If you have a body like the guy you replied to it's possible.
If you are a fat fuck or a complete twig ofc not.
Tyler Durden wasn't particularly big, just ripped.

>> No.17486697

Nice sternum bro, must've hurt when you got hit in the chest with a wood axe

>> No.17486864
File: 800 KB, 1306x1896, _20230211_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it hurt like shit man..
luckily its only really noticable from that angle, i do wonder if getting a bigger chest will help, but im not really bothered enough about it to try.

>> No.17487924

Pick one.

It is. Your just not accustom to steady state hunger, and i hesitate to call it even that.

>> No.17488507
File: 194 KB, 1080x1350, FEFaPeAWYAUzIEW.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking like a drug addict. This is far better.

>> No.17489375
File: 47 KB, 554x554, igor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17489679

>ballcap to hide his balding

>> No.17489723

Unironically depends on genetics. Some guys have normal hormone production at 10-12% bf. Others can't go below 15 without test production taking a hit

>> No.17489754

too old, 16-18 is better