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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.91 MB, 406x720, zoomer_drip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17437931 No.17437931 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on zoomercore?

>> No.17437932

Cringe, terminally online and sage'd

>> No.17437946

Looks like a tiktoker convention. Zoomers don't dress that way outside.


>> No.17437958

It's been done before, and much better i must say.

>> No.17437961

I pity them.

>> No.17437962

Zoomer fashion revolves around dumb larp and trying to look the most ridiculous way possible. We are very close to people wearing dildos on their head

>> No.17437967

More like kike dystopia core

>> No.17437969

It's literally cyberpunk irl though

>> No.17437972

And cyberpunk isn't dystopia to you?

>> No.17437976
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I adore slutty zoomer girls(19-21y)

>> No.17437977

kinda reminds me of the 80s and i see nothing wrong with that

>> No.17437983

It's a large group of lost individuals desperately trying to belong to something. Culture doesn't exist so wearing a recycled style from a counter culture that existed 20 years prior to their birth, makes them feel some sort of belonging to their meaningless lives. Freudian Individualism at it's finest here.

>> No.17437988

Go be a pretentious hobby philosopher somewhere else

>> No.17438021

Go away coomer, everyone is getting tired of you posting the same thing in everyone's threads.

>> No.17438026

It's like the 90's never left

>> No.17438030

You're obsessed.

>> No.17438033
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I'm realistic.

>> No.17438034

>It's a large group of lost individuals desperately trying to belong to something. Culture doesn't exist so wearing a recycled style from a counter culture that existed 20 years prior to their birth, makes them feel some sort of belonging to their meaningless lives. Freudian Individualism at it's finest here.
So /pol/, 4chin, imageboard culture, twitter schizos and other wonders of the World Wide Web?

>> No.17438053

people talk about the good ol days of the 80's and 90's, but then they see this which is basically 80's jr and they recoil ,why?
we're just missing some kind of retarded subculture overtaking everybody and we're set.

>> No.17438230

This is just mall goth with more colors

>> No.17438233

I’m 34 and that’s kinda based

>> No.17438243

this looks like it was shot outside a rave or a concert or something, can't really be considered representative of how anyone dresses normally

>> No.17438318

I was watching a documentary about punks in the late 70's and it's basically the same shit, but instead of anti-capitalism they're anti heterosexuality

>> No.17438336

some of these are hits and some of these are dogshit

>> No.17438462

It's the collapse of reality via cradle-to-grave exposure to smartphones. We laughed at Chris Chan and the like bit such people were just empty vessels receiving the first drops of a new world-soul.

>> No.17438469

Most of the girls there are just dressed like they're going to an after-hours anime convention party, pretty much the same aesthetic I've been seeing at those for the last 20 years. The dudes all look like enormous faggots.

>> No.17438473
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Were almost there

>> No.17438479

Basically just a social media driven consumerism.

>> No.17438503

that's what he said. You know what cyberpunk is, right?

>> No.17438642

where? by other zoomers?
they hate it because they are afraid (rightly so) that they couldnt pull it off, and also they dont understand it. unfortunately there will be no generation defining subculture though because of the internet and niche-ification.
but it is representative of (some) zoomer fashion
i think they are both anti capitalist and anti hetero (protip if you claim to be bisexual zoomer girls will like you more)
so true and so based

>> No.17438657

>Freudian Individualism
what does that mean?

>> No.17438674
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90's Harajuku did it better.

>> No.17438687
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this was filmed outside the knockdown center, which is a concert venue in NY
pic rel

>> No.17438731
File: 375 KB, 1284x772, DE32652F-B510-4D5F-B4DB-4513DC625344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from the recent Drain Gang concert in America

>> No.17438739
File: 160 KB, 768x960, instagram_feed-copy_18-768x960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checks out

>> No.17438746

I was gonna say, this was definitely filmed outside of a 100 gecs concert.

>> No.17438751
File: 61 KB, 720x427, 20230112_201812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't check out

>> No.17438825

zoomies are getting into this and fruitger aero, very based stuff

>> No.17438832

this is some LSD anon shit kek

>> No.17439028

At least they’re all vaccinated like good goys.

>> No.17439143

Looks like a bunch of cheap shit they got from China

>> No.17439188

I follow the tranny on twitter in white long dress and blonde hair. it's in it's 30's lol but shhhh nobody tell

>> No.17439203

90 percent of zoomercore is fucking dogshit

>> No.17439273

fruits is fashion victim's choice. it's funny when i and people i knew were into it few years ago and it was fun and i thought it's cool. now zoomies are aping looks from fruits in worst manner possible. nowadays for me most of shit in fruits is hideous and only few select looks from first 50 issues are actually good

>> No.17439275

>frutiger aero

>> No.17439341

Is this even how zoomers dress? Just looks like a LGBTQ+ meeting.

>> No.17439343

I wanna pump 'em full of lead, if u catch my drift

>> No.17439346

yeah i know her as well, isnt he DJing or smth?
i forgot his @

>> No.17439349

angel lol funny you wrote that 9 minutes ago, I just woke up

>> No.17439400

“zoomercore” doesn’t really have a unity of style, unlike all other decades, its just random shit mashed up and called an outfit. The 70s was just a bunch of shit but it at least seemed coherent. This is just throwing a bunch of accessories over kitsch from two decades ago mostly.

>> No.17439418

It’s worse than anything even conceivable in the 2000’s. Interviews you see at cons circa 2006 where their poking fun at the way people dressed there looks appealing when you compare it to modern club attire, and they weren’t even at a club. At actual clubs you wouldn’t even be let in without looking like coked up European

>> No.17439460

The incel shirt is based as fuck all the other shit is tactless larp

>> No.17439477

Quite literally a meme. Every outfit is an inside joke, which is the contextual inside joke, which means there is no joke and everyone is lost.

>> No.17439482
File: 776 KB, 633x842, Screenshot 2023-01-13 095234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when you were a kid and over the years you would get different lego sets with their own look and color scheme? And after you finished they would end up in a big bucket, all the different sets slowly mixing together? That's what zoomer fashion is for different decades.

>> No.17439505
File: 358 KB, 450x359, 42624757-C98C-4329-BC7E-0F2DF206BAB1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how women are starting to dress like hookers very based

>> No.17439739

that image is pure nostalgia

>> No.17439766
File: 52 KB, 564x767, d4a2a1a90dba5b079c66d8b40b49f779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Verification not required.

>> No.17439770

nobody dresses like this dad this is pre pandemic shit

>> No.17439864

Ahhh, belly sex

>> No.17439969

looks like everyone chose from a list of subculture fashion style starterpacks

>> No.17440379

lmao what do you mean we dress like this all the time

>> No.17440393

wasn't this a bladee concert?

>> No.17440981

Yeah, drain gang concert in NYC

>> No.17441062

There's a myriad of different genres of styling from grunge to streetwear to cyber, some avant, and even a bit of prep in that video. The main distinction that gen z makes is the fact that they are not at all afraid of color or liberal styling choices. There are obvious throwback stylings of the 80's, 90's, and 00's throughout what they're doing but there's something distinctly new about the way they're going about it, and honestly I like it most of the time partially due to the fact that it's confident and willing to experiment.

If you go back to Plato you can find him complaining about "kids these days" and how they lack whatever he now values as an adult and believes kids valued when he was young. I'm not saying zoomer fashion is above criticism, but to say zoomer fashion as a whole is garbage as a 30 year old dude that's also terminally online on 4chan is saying more about yourself than the actual substance.

>> No.17441541

They're weridos that browse this place terminally in their 30's and are butthurt they can't smash zoomer poon

>> No.17442109

bladeecore, I love it

It's much easier on women tho: as a bloke it's doable but trickier to pull it off while looking straight. Accessorizing, customization and layering are the biggest parts of it, leaving throwing random stuff into your fit as the only way to sprezzatura... which anyway means you spent more time than normal dressing up

I see it as ritualwear also, very statement-ish and as such purposeful in a context where people get it but unfluid everywhere else

>> No.17442129

>where? by other zoomers?
No you fucking retard, every fit a zoomer has ever worn is a LARP from a bygone subculture. Which is why they get shit on. They have no subculture, no niche, no soul. It's a generation of LARPers who have tricked midwits among them into thinking they're original.

>> No.17442169

>but then they see this which is basically 80's
are you fucking blind

>> No.17442177


>> No.17442178

I don’t care and this post is too much

>> No.17442197

you'd eat out the chick in the black bra in the thumbnail don't lie

>> No.17442221

reddit is down the hall and to the left

>> No.17442606

Very derivative
Looks corporate
Its like fashion stopped progressing and its the same shit over and over.

>> No.17442644

they're all just culture vultures and gay and cringe and tranny to boot no cap fr dis shi not bussin bussin ong fr

>> No.17442667

>If you go back to Plato you can find him complaining about "kids these days"
Not Plato specifically, no. That famous quote misattributed to him is actually from a 1907 dissertation.

>> No.17443858
File: 64 KB, 564x564, 8b298221d0dbfcb75c2b44de24c7d20f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking a plus dude, i couldn't have put it better
we live at the garbage dump at the end of history
i think a lot of it comes from the internet permitting us to consume anything from any time in the past 50 years in pretty much the same standard format of youtube, tiktok, reddit, even 4chan.
I can watch a clip of beavis and butthead and laugh at a 20-year-old joke just like it's new, and click away to a video about the newest fnaf game* or some shit , within the very same minute. When the context of when and how the media was originally meant to be consumed is stripped away and reformatted into the exact same interfaces and algorithms that you consume new stuff on, lines between the past and the present blur into a gray mush.

*even FNaF itself is an example of this in a way, it started out as a callback to fears that kids in the 80s/90s had of awkwardly moving animatronics, but thanks to its explosion of popularity on youtube in formulas of video content pioneered on youtube itself like letsplay, it became the talk of every zoomie playground for the next half-decade.
now that those zoomers are grown up and constitute the majority of the game's fandom, a demographic which themselves are too young to remember the restaurants and animatronic characters that FNaF is based off,
the series veered off into crazy sci-fi territory and is almost entirely self-referential, the original context that informed it being completely buried.

>> No.17443882

It looks a lot like generic punk fashion from 20 years ago.

>> No.17443896

Is it weird that I’m in my mid 30s and this is the main type of music I listen to? I don’t really dress like these kids though. That’s just too tiring

>> No.17443898
File: 194 KB, 1242x1242, 1651784918095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I read some of these magazines? Looks inspo-filled.

>> No.17443899
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>> No.17443941
File: 37 KB, 1426x607, 1663284394524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll upload all these for you when I go to bed if you can post an outfit you like and tell me why you like it

>> No.17443953
File: 56 KB, 1063x612, 1651621667198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like DORSIAMAN because checkem!

>> No.17444364
File: 3.61 MB, 1200x1800, imagem_2023-01-16_181408388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that zoomers wouldn't dress like that if they had to do manual labor.

>> No.17444379

Cool cosplay of internet cultures they weren't around for and have a vague surface level knowledge of at best!

How long til we start seeing these fags in grey paint with horns again?

>> No.17444449

post cute zoomfits
>being covered in shit and breaking your back slaving underpaid half of your life for the jew is so hecking based

>> No.17444460

You mean unemployablecore

>> No.17444839

so many coping mfs in this thread
half u retards probably dressed like scene kids back in the day now you're grumpy old men with tired dicks mad at young people for being young people
unironically grow up

>> No.17444863

It looks like Technogoth, or whatever that is. Not unique, as usual.

>> No.17444870
File: 99 KB, 769x789, 1630025059239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to wear suits/blazers for work and it's very funny watching young zoomer tryhards size me up when I walk by them. I see the gears turning in your head as you plan your next LARP, homie.

>> No.17444923


>> No.17444933

Invader zim core

>> No.17444938

lmao zoomers are the ultimate newfags

>> No.17445224

Trying THAT hard to showoff the thong is actually quite gauche

>> No.17445249

The most based fella in this video.


>> No.17445258
File: 251 KB, 1080x1350, 236108080_4396654943731009_8525165092696067727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what makes it charming.

>> No.17445306

What are they doing?

>> No.17445313

i wanna fuck zoomers girls sex sex sex
i will buy anything for you sweaty

>> No.17445327

horrible shit music

>> No.17445341

It's just pop culture vomit. There's nothing identifiable that is consistent among them. It's bizarre.

>> No.17445352

thats what makes it based. we bang on about the old days and their subcultures when being counterculture was just wearing what others were wearing within that same group so it became a uniform everyone wore to seem edgy. thats why you have defined movements. zoomers dont subscribe to a single larp costume and just go with what makes them feel individuals. its more counterculture to be an individual in a society full of conformists. in a way its really cool to see them all be united while all doing their own thing.

>> No.17445355

hate how many boomers posted here

>> No.17445385

How easy is it to get one of these chicks to suck my 30 year old boomer cock? I’m somewhat cool and have money but won’t spend it on them

>> No.17445425
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>> No.17445534

>desire to breed intensivies