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17381197 No.17381197 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss all things hair, whether it be on the body, face, or head.
Previous Thread: >>17365058

>> No.17381216

Hair is gay. Top Gs go bald.

>> No.17381232

Ok baldy

>> No.17381234

What color is your hair?

>> No.17381326

No other medicines, no. Just regular vitamine suplements. But i also found studies that said too much coffee can have that outcome.
And of course, there's the same potential effects from stress, or cold weather. So i don't know what it is. But at least i think i should cut back on the coffee

At the same time, at least one of the studies i found claimed the cause was definitively in at least one patient. But even so, it's hard to believe i would be the single one unlucky guy among 35 000 guys. So it's probably something else. But i don't really know what to fix, as the previous blood test said there's nothing wrong with me.

>> No.17381436
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These were the best I could find around town. will they do the trick?

>> No.17381511

Forgot to link Previous post >>17380958

>> No.17381522

hair masks and oils should do it
some people are just born with hair that grows out “damaged” (porous, fine, etc.)
if otc products don’t seem to do it, ask a hair stylist about olaplex

>> No.17381707

I'm bald and wear baseball caps and beanies all the time. Is that bad? Sometimes a bucket hat for a change.

>> No.17381718

bucket hats are for mindless tryhard trendseekers that are scared of looking like try-hards and cope that it’s not tryhard because everyone else is wearing them

>> No.17381723

mask up every other day if you're extra frizzed. Smart getting the keratin.

>> No.17381735

i only ever see junkies and dumb teenagers wear them
if you are one of them, go for it

>> No.17381781

t. slaphead

>> No.17381802

>OP pic

Who is the WW1 blond military chad on lower right?

>> No.17381816

Have you ever tried water-only washing? I've been doing it since June and after the adjustment period my hair has been healthier than ever. Note: I only cold water wash, when I use hot it comes out gross.

>> No.17381822

Not that dude, but the dude that has been suggesting it to everybody.
I'm glad it's working out great for you, like it does for me.

>> No.17381828

It's pretty rad, but I try to be honest about the biggest drawback which is that I have to keep hot water off my head. The few times I did it my hair came out greasy and dandruffy. It's only cold for me now, which make winter showering an... invigorating experience. How long was your adjustment period and how long have you been doing it? Mine was a few months, but my hair was short so it wasn't too bad. I used to have all sort of problems with frizz and dryness, now it's like this constant shine that needs no products at all. Very happy with the switch.

>> No.17381843

One month until the skin settled down in to some kind of stable norm.
About 6 months to notice improvement in hair, I think it's mainly to new hair growing out and not getting degraded from the "normal" way of washing it. I noticed that the dry tips stayed mostly frizzy until I cut them off, but new hair that grows past that point doesn't have an issue at similar or longer length.
>It's only cold for me now, which make winter showering an... invigorating experience
Eh, I mostly wash my head and body separately based on need. A quick rinse with cool water finished off by icey cold winter water for 10-15 sec, is what I do right now. In the summer I just blast the coldest water possible to rinse.
>long have you been doing it?
3 years now
>I used to have all sort of problems with frizz and dryness, now it's like this constant shine that needs no products at all. Very happy with the switch.
You know how when you normally wash your hair, it's kinda dry, too light, maybe fritzy, uncontrollable for a few days? Then by day 2, 3, maybe 4, it finally builds up enough natural oils to moisturize it and settle it down, the hair becomes more obedient.
Well because you don't strip all the oils off, you never go into that state, so you are always like on day 2, 3 after a wash.
It's also very easy to adjust how much oil you strip.
Warmer water, strips off more oil. Cooler water less. Cold water thats unpleasant practically doesn't remove any, just the excess.
Another benefit is that you never have to fuzz about having your special shampoo on hand. Or how about the money saved by not having to buy that thing in the first place.

In any case, it always seemed like one of those retarded human activities.
>it's dirty, QUICK strip the oils
>ah it's dry, QUICK moisturize, use products
>create problem
>solve problem, but create problem
>solve problem, but create problem
Like fuck, it's seems like insanity if you think about it.

>> No.17381902

Am I supposed to do anything about the oil buildup during the adjustment period? Like use my nails or fingers to exfoliate my scalp during shower, or run a comb over it? I feel like if I start scratching my head right now I get grease on my fingers and I dunno if it'll go away by itself at some point, I want to get a haircut in 2 weeks and I can't show myself to the barber like this.

>> No.17381947

>Am I supposed to do anything about the oil buildup during the adjustment period?
Rinse with cool/cold water as needed, daily if you want.
Brush, not comb, hair daily.

>> No.17381997

>Used to be "my mom cuts my hair" tier
>For the first time in my life I'm making good money and have enough disposable income to look good
What am I supposed to ask the barber? should I even go to the barber or are there some special hair places?...I know it probably sounds retarded but I genuinely don't know...

>> No.17382026

barber for short “classic” hairstyles and fades
salon for everything else
bring a picture of what you want

>> No.17382179


>> No.17382184
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gonna be dyeing my hair blonde on tuesday

thoughts on my hair?

>> No.17382185 [DELETED] 

I think I'll go back to long-ish hair, I have a good head shape and no signs of thinning but I really don't think it fits my style/personality.

>> No.17382187

I think I'll go back to long-ish hair, I have a good head shape and no signs of thinning but I really don't think a buzzcut fits my style/personality.

>> No.17382190

i think it will look like shit if you dye it blonde, but how often to you blow dry your hair to get this style?

>> No.17382196

I don't have a blow dryer so never

>> No.17382201

>Just regular vitamine suplements.
I got low blood sugar from glucosamine. Supplements are not to be underestimated.

>> No.17382204

youve had the same hairstyle forever

>> No.17382208
File: 149 KB, 591x1280, C55444C8-A2C5-407D-99A3-73289DE8597A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my hair? It’s thin so don’t like growing it out too much.

>> No.17382212

You should start taking finasteride before your diffuse thinning becomes even more obvious.

>> No.17382219

you’re not dying it blonde
you’re getting bleached

>> No.17382239

it's the only one that works on my face, when it gets too long it starts looking funny
yea that's what I am gonna do. Thoughts?

>> No.17382584
File: 529 KB, 1634x1876, B494A4BD-5BA7-4D66-8E03-9A5A7DE9E4E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not really noticing much of an improvement compared to yesterday (https://boards.4channel.org/fa/thread/17365058#p17380972))
Lighting is a big factor here, but it still looks frizzy and isn’t any easier to brush or style

>> No.17382799

thin hair is easily prone to damage
bleaching damaged hair but can be mitigated with products
be prepared to spend money to keep the health and integrity of your hair

>> No.17382864

your hair is naturally thin
there is no product that can make it thick
brushing thin hair makes it go haywire with static

>> No.17383093

So what do I do about it?

>> No.17383145

Brushing curly hair breaks the defined curl pattern, making hair puff up into a frizzy mess.
If the frizz if from hair damage or humidity, products can help make it smooth again. If the frizz is genetic, use a curl-defining mousse on clean damp hair. Avoid excessive brushing and instead use a wide tooth comb to style the hair into defined curls/waves.

>> No.17383154

>feminist face shape
>passive eyebrows
>girlboss hair
dude is self-sabotaging himself

>> No.17383157


>> No.17383165

Count Vronski

>> No.17383324
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What brand of hair products should I use
I don't care about price, I just want a high quality brand I can go to and get shit like pomade and putty and shit like that

>> No.17383333

hanz de fuko
bumble and bumble

>> No.17383364

Nizoral didn't do a shit and I think I have stress dandruff
What the fuck am I supposed to use

>> No.17383524

Just try them for a few weeks. You already bought them.
Also like said previously, the products aren't going to change the actual mathematical and physical volume of your hair.

But yeah try the products for a few weeks and see from there.

And don't brush too much with your hair dry

>> No.17383525

current style looks perfectly fine

>> No.17383542

A Salon, got it, thanks anon

>> No.17383832
File: 197 KB, 960x1280, 8752C394-451C-40F2-9B70-C9EB76A9B726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s a good classic haircut for my face?

>> No.17383835
File: 543 KB, 1179x2556, 29442B22-73D3-4292-89A8-A7A17C61EB28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been growing out my hair over the last 6 months from a completely shaved head without so much as a trim so I’m a bit nervous about finally shaping it.

>> No.17384094

bottom left makes me think you'd look great with longer hair with that style

>> No.17384120

wavy curtains and tapered sides

>> No.17384139

completely shaved

>> No.17384208
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im back again, went to a stylist and he did a great job i just think he cut a bit too much, but he did line up my beards sides pretty nicely

>> No.17384297

Damn I have a full beard and a similar hair texture to you. Were did you get a stylist? Was it a barber? Or somewhere where women usually go? Looks good my man

>> No.17384345

fyi thats not me i look similar but have dark brown hair not black

>> No.17384360
File: 668 KB, 647x713, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have long straight hair and i want to try something new. Im not a fan of having short hair, so i want to try something like pic related. what is the easiest way to get hair like this?

>> No.17384418
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supposed to get a haircut soon, usually i just clean up my hair a bit. any suggestions?

>> No.17384452

perm for less maintenance

>> No.17384458

Your face looks like a thumb. You should lose weight and not cut your hair, because any haircut you get will make your face look that much bigger/thumbier.

>> No.17384460

i'm already underweight

>> No.17384465

Fosho, but could you still answer my question pls

>> No.17384929

unless you’re thinking of trying a new style, keep what you have and get a trim
it looks good

>> No.17384968
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>> No.17384971
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Do either of these work? Salt spray and blowdry, and then mousse and blowdry for both.

>> No.17385115
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>> No.17385123

u can
-sea salt on damp hair then blow dry or blow dry then sea salt on dry hair
-mousse then blowdry

>> No.17385130
File: 91 KB, 1049x999, 1EF2A472-DEB0-45AD-9EDC-04254A1574E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manly face shape

>> No.17385376

ah, got you, >>17384297 ikd where you could find a stylist but i just looked on google for one near me, barber shops also would pop up but idk wich would work better for the look youre trying to get, i guess you could try one and wait and grow your hair again if you didnt like it much and then try the other, its hair anon, it´ll grow back, good luck :)

>> No.17385412
File: 55 KB, 602x401, main-qimg-8e9359e1a31553f23e72271170b0c20b-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of hair style did Viktor Tsoi (picrel) have? Can anyone provide any examples of different people with the same or similar hairstyles?

>> No.17385444
File: 170 KB, 1000x666, EA467666-209F-4C52-BD91-27F2D2D6ADF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s a mullet where the top and sides are blended together

>> No.17385911
File: 416 KB, 1080x1431, Screenshot_2022-12-10-16-49-04-801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even know what to do with my hair at this point

>> No.17385957
File: 87 KB, 736x895, Girls-Hairstyles-for-Short-Hair-Messy-Hair-Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really tempted to cut my hair short à la picrel, but im unsure if i could pull it off
plus my hair grows so slowly that i worry if i fuck it up and JUST myself, i'll be screwed for the next 3+ years

>> No.17385960
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this is my current hair
thoughts? suggestions? im really so hopeless when it comes to these sorts of things

>> No.17385963

I have fine blond hair a and tons of it. It is jaw/shoulder height. I am able to get many natural curls if i air dry my hair. Thr problem is my hair has no hold, so even walking bounces the curls out straight. Any tips? Is hairspray the answer or is there a way to increase hairs natural hold?

>> No.17385972

don’t cut it yourself
Go to a salon and bring pictures
or buy a cheap wig if you have trouble imagining the hairstyle on yourself

>> No.17385976

oh, yeah, i definitely wouldn't try it myself. i can barely be trusted to brush it, let alone try to cut and style it lol
i am more so looking to see if /fa/ thinks it would look good/bad with my face shape, since not everyone can pull off short hair

>> No.17385978

fine hair holds heat styling much longer than thick hair so you could use a curling rod
you could also apply a wave-defining mousse on damp hair and use your hands to scrunch it while air-drying or blow-drying

>> No.17386028

Thanks for the input, unfortunately really any product will weigh it down. I have a sea salt spray but it doesn’t have much hold. Curling seems like alot to do everyday and seems kinda gay. Maybe I’ll try a hair spray or even a light perm

>> No.17386046

no homo u like fine as fuck on the bottom slides

>> No.17386088

the problem is you dont have any eyebrows

>> No.17386134

a mousse coats each hair strand, making each strand thicker, giving hair volume, and greatly benefits fine hair
a perm is also a smart solution

>> No.17386138

do it
a medium length layered hairstyle suits most people

>> No.17386166

lol, why does everyone always say this
would you consider that medium length? it seems pretty short to me

>> No.17386357

because a lack of eyebrows is a big problem
eyebrows are integral to communicating emotions and mental states
people without them tend to be mentally unstable

>> No.17386362

the ogx brand has been found in studies to make your hair fall out xx

>> No.17386366

don't do it omfg and middle part please you have hugh Grant potential

>> No.17386370

use curly girl method for the love of god.

>> No.17386373

the one right before you cut it or long buzz. but I'd say grow it out and middle part or swoop it back looks good. you could be curly haired mullet man

>> No.17386374

this one is best and you should probably start taking meds so you don't bald even more

>> No.17386375

it's just a short mullet where the sides aren't shaved. also he has curly hair so a mullet won't look at all similar if you don't have curls

>> No.17386377

you should get bangs or at least curtain bangs

>> No.17386399

with our without short hair?

>> No.17386406

On fin 4 years and dut for 3 buddeh, 29 btw.

>> No.17386471

keep the length in the back

>> No.17386475

with long hair. but you should get layers. so it isn't so flat.

>> No.17386477
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What pomade should i use for a more slicked back style?

I have very thick asian hair

I bought Reuzel Extreme Hold Matte Pomade, doesnt do shit for me, basically just hair wax

>> No.17386491
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is minoxidil and microneedling worth it?
I've been taking fin for years and my hairline seems to be pretty stable maybe slight thinning
I'm now planning on doing a hair transplant to fill in temples and lower hairline a bit but should I do minox first to recover as much as possible before transplant?
I'm hesitating cause
1. it sounds like a pain to have to rub foam on my head and microneedle for next 10 years compared to just taking a fin pill
2. I've heard anecdotes that it messes up skin collagen

>> No.17386947

pls be in london

>> No.17387205

with thick Asian hair, you can’t slick it back until you’ve gotten a thinned and layered haircut

>> No.17387262

come back to The Spot nick

>> No.17387364

I sweat hardcore man I cant not use shampoo

>> No.17387379

What’s that method? Explain

>> No.17387419

I need inspo and guides for styling long hair. Anyone got any good resources?

>> No.17387497
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>> No.17387515
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>> No.17387516
File: 741 KB, 1103x2324, 6AE5CECD-FFEF-4BEC-AF5A-E4459A1E36C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re basically already doing it, do this with the hair masks and keratin for 6 weeks or so. It’ll take a while for you to see the results

>> No.17387574


>> No.17387578


>> No.17387607
File: 251 KB, 1170x1036, 48E33120-1553-482C-A0A4-AB9F77BFB1B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 2 do dis hair ? hair mousse ?

>> No.17387690

Does anyone know how to choose a hair style? I've literally spent like 10 hours at this point looking at hair styles and I can't choose one kek

>> No.17387706
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Any suggestions? I know it's not the worst but I've been feeling like I should just get it over with and shave it at this point

>> No.17387724

Oh god I am literally balding.

>> No.17387728

Whats a good mousse for fine blond hair? I don’t shampoo and use a basic conditioner as a wash in the morning, and just water at night.

>> No.17387729

Think about the version of you, you aspire to be and get that haircut

>> No.17388210
File: 13 KB, 311x400, 42036CBD-6904-4FB0-AD85-95EE67A9AE43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it

>> No.17388236

You still have hair. Not the best, but in my eyes not "necessary" to shave.

>> No.17388247
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>> No.17388646

You look fine, don't worry about it so much. So long as you keep it short/trimmed it won't look bad.

>> No.17388979
File: 35 KB, 750x541, WaterHardnessMap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually people say hard water is better for your hair, but I'm visiting a place with soft water right now, and my hair looks like shit. When I shower with hard water, my hair feels much more thick and voluminous, probably because of the minerals and other shit. When I shower with soft water, my hair feels flat and greasy. What products can I use to make my hair look and feel how it does in hard water when I'm in soft water? I have fine hair.

>> No.17388991
File: 395 KB, 3840x2160, 20221212_171019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cut my hair or keep it long? Does it suit my face?

>> No.17388992

Mineral water

>> No.17388995

can't tell. Sure, short hair is easier. It will suit you, but you have a triangle face, which will look even broader with short hair. I think the problem is that you cut your hair, especially your neck hair. Let it flow first and afterwards adjust if necessary. I'm growing mine too. Cut a bit of the neck hair and immediately regretted it. It probably grows forward in your case and goes around your neck. In general it probably grows towards the front, towards your chest. I have a similar face shape and my hair does that, although my hair is wavier and especially at the back curlier.

>> No.17389000
File: 1.06 MB, 1080x2169, Screenshot_20221212-174547_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I totally get what your saying there was a point where I grew it out for about a year and a half, but then I cut it it grew back to shoulder length and then I cut it again. I feel the back mullet is extremely puffy and can look funny at times. But yeah it's hard to get an honest opinion whether long hair suits my face or shorter hair does

>> No.17389001
File: 542 KB, 1080x2169, Screenshot_20221212-174707_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture when I first cut everything off, any stray opinions welcome

>> No.17389004

Either of these. Both are better than what you have atm.

>> No.17389033
File: 3.40 MB, 588x588, 6F817DD6-E1C0-4F87-B0E3-75E90F868EF4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usually people say hard water is better for your hair

>> No.17389081


>> No.17389181

My hair looks great when it's a bit wet (ie an hour out of the shower, after I come home from the gym etc) but it looks like shit when it's dry. How do I fix this???

>> No.17389191
File: 1.44 MB, 2944x2208, 20221212_181237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of effay to finasteride needed, how's my hairline.

I really hope no one I know browses this board

>> No.17389196

Why the fuck is it sideways??

>> No.17389201

If hard water makes your hair look better, it means you have fine hair that’s so damaged it looks “voluminous”
you’re NGMI

>> No.17389204

looks good
gay tolkien elf
looks good

>> No.17389211

within the normal range of acceptable hairlines
compare your current hairline to one from an old picture of you
if the current hairline is higher than the old pic, you’ve receded
if there no difference, then you’re just born with a non-straight hairline and haven’t receded

>> No.17389225

How long should I wait? don't think I have any pics of my hairline from b4. I've definitely always had a widows peak, but not sure if it's gotten like steeper or not

>> No.17389233

I don't know a lot about options when it comes to hair properties, but in the first pic she has a lot of volume. Your hair seems like it would be better for tighter/flatter styles.
Even less helpfully, you have really nice looking long hair now, I just don't think it matches as well as it could with the long waviness on the side and the compressed shape on top. You don't have (girl)friends that have seen you in different styles and said things like "oh anon, you look wonderful with that new hair!"?
With only the long waviness visible in the picture on the right, it looks great. Gorgeous color that fits your skin/eyes well. Very much would want to bury my face in.

>> No.17389327

>I sweat hardcore man

>> No.17389345

get a layered and textured haircut so it looks stylish when dry
use a wet-look product like hair gels or oils to simulate a fresh from the shower look

>> No.17389348

It’s gonna smell and look weird from the sweat

>> No.17389655

this guy >>17386088 is correct. You eyebros are too light. Puting a tiny bit of makeup to darken them would do good

>> No.17389690


>> No.17389711

i don't live in Australia and I have a mullet. I get a lot of compliments

>> No.17389831
File: 103 KB, 768x1152, two-block-haircut-asymmetrical-voluminous-768x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got pics for anything like this but messier/more wavy?
Basically wanna get a twoblock but I like my hair layered and wavy

>> No.17389835
File: 2.05 MB, 1516x1086, if i sell out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of what I'm looking for

>> No.17389841
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>> No.17389843
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>> No.17389844
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aaaaand another, sorry for the spam lads xx

>> No.17389846
File: 140 KB, 752x1054, johnny 1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Johnny has a pretty similar thing going on here, although I keep showing my hairdresser pictures of him lol
Thanks anon, might be a bit long tho, I wanna be able to cover my forehead and still be able to see (little bit messy/in my eyes is fine though)

>> No.17389855


>> No.17389915

Too high maintenance/not natural looking enough desu, thanks for sharing though

>> No.17389957
File: 119 KB, 660x880, 3233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this hair permed??

I want this, can I achieve it without using one hour every day?

>> No.17389989

you can achieve it with a perm or in just 5 minutes using a flat iron

>> No.17390050

a chaser's wet dream

>> No.17390108
File: 1.47 MB, 1210x929, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw curly hair
>tfw it will never be this kino

>> No.17390153
File: 145 KB, 785x512, IMG_20221213_115516 (Small).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get hair like pic on the right? What product do i need to use or any additional steps?

>> No.17390156

you need a haircut
the front is too short and the sides and back are long and wispy

>> No.17390166

See >>17390156
but then use a wax to style and a medium hold hair spray hold and a cold hairdryer to set

>> No.17390860

>looking for leave in conditioner with water soluble silicones only
Any recommendations?

>> No.17391099

I've realized I waste way too much mental energy on my hair. Can anyone recommend any buzzcut-like styles that are a little more fashionable but equally low maintenance? I'm worried a straight buzzcut would make me look like a child.

>> No.17391353

Are beards /hair/ related?
How should I approach long-term beard removal I'm a lazy bum and most of my beard hair is the neckbard the moustache and cheeks are pretty sparse I don't want to shave often I was thinking of plucking the hairs one by one with a tweezer is that viable

>> No.17391374

it doesn’t take long to shave with beard clippers
laser hair removal is the more “permanent” solution
plucking very hair will hurt and will take longer than if you were to shave with a razorblade

>> No.17391377

I know it'll take longer to tweeze but are the effects more permanent? I'd like to get rid of the shadow you get from using clippers and shavers. Laser treatment is out of budget I'm Eastern European therefore poorfag.

>> No.17391397

plucking can but not always lead to trauma, preventing future hair growth
most men can’t get the hairless baby face skin unless you do a close shave with a razor
actors use makeup and photo/video manipulation to hide beard shadows
you could try a depilatory cream

>> No.17391417
File: 89 KB, 640x881, wcgx6o9zop5a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello i have this type of hair that looks kinky, i don't know actual hair type

What would be a good haircut? This is how it looks like wet/with product

>> No.17391472

I always had a buzz cut and girls were throwing themselves at me , a few months ago I grew it longer and I started to style it and girls attention almost disappeared even tho they say I look better now.

I went into photo feeler and photos with the buzz cut are in the 9 range and photos with my current haircut are in the 7 range.

To be honest I like my current hairstyle but I like my old one too and it has way less maintenance. What would you guys do

>> No.17391652
File: 64 KB, 750x688, WhatsApp Image 2022-12-14 at 12.20.21 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of dying my hair blonde, this was using faceapp for color change. What do you /fa/nboys think?

>> No.17391811

My hair's been having this weird smell lately, a sort of musty cigarette sausage smell, I don't know how to describe it. I have no scalp infection and I keep it clean (I'm a hygiene freak overall). Could it be from being in a city in cold weather and the hair absorbing all of the smells?

>> No.17391856

Wear the style you like most on yourself. Being a slave to other’s preferences is a surefire way to lose yourself.

>> No.17391868
File: 63 KB, 600x900, 7ADB5095-87D3-4DA1-B69F-BBBF198C3AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taper the sides

>> No.17391878

doesn’t look bad, but it doesn’t make you look any better
it’ll look horrendous when your non-bleached regrowth roots show

>> No.17391948
File: 3.53 MB, 5418x1734, 20221214_150326_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows what can I do with my hair? Never been too interested in hairstyles and that kind of stuff so I have zero idea how to improve it. I feel that the right side of my hair looks makes it look quite unbalanced. Any tips on how to improve, or what kind of hairstlye would suit me better?

>> No.17391950

hair absorbs scents
scents “linger” in the cold because the temperature slows down the evaporation rate
wash your hair

>> No.17391958
File: 84 KB, 558x653, 0F31817C-5CF1-4B4E-B395-5FC32447F906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it already suits you
clean up the wispiness in the sideburns and nape

>> No.17392019

You could let it grow out into a super-afro. mite b cool
You just answered your own questions like 4 times in 3 sentences.

>> No.17392141

I'm just looking for short hair inspo. It's not that deep.

>> No.17392174
File: 2.73 MB, 480x374, 105CE9EE-B721-4AFA-8CC9-B084E777BEAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not that deep
>I always had a buzz cut and girls were throwing themselves at me , a few months ago I grew it longer and I started to style it and girls attention almost disappeared even tho they say I look better now. I went into photo feeler and photos with the buzz cut are in the 9 range and photos with my current haircut are in the 7 range.

>> No.17392182

>It’s not that deep
>I went into photo feeler…
your autism is showing, incel

>> No.17392201

I posted that I was looking for short haircuts. The photo feeler guy is on some other shit.

>> No.17392317
File: 507 KB, 1519x1920, IMG_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17392330

I’m someone who enjoys having both long hair and buzz cuts. What I found is that how other people feel about your hair is significantly less important than how you feel. I’ve had people tell me that long hair suits me more than the buzz and vice versa but I just go for whatever look I’m feeling more in the moment and I’m always happy with it. So consider what hairstyle makes you feel more comfortable and work with that. If not that then opt for something like a crew cut, something that meets in the middle.

>> No.17392398

How do you even go about finding a good hair dresser who won't JUST you? I just moved and need to find one. Do you just search "hairdresser in *city*" and look for an instagram with examples or something?

>> No.17392426

Ask someone with good hair who they go to

>> No.17392567

Look through online reviews. If you see a well reviewed barbershop or salon, read through the reviews and see if you can find who is mentioned most by name and what is said about the services they provide.

>> No.17392727
File: 175 KB, 1080x2280, 1671069660489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here punishing themselves trying to live with peroxide?

>> No.17393048
File: 36 KB, 500x462, 1667020169663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the days my hair looks decent it wants to do this but I never use product so I don't know how to keep it from going limp and straight or frizzing with strands going every which way

>> No.17393073

that is what my beard looks like when I let it grow, very patchy. My gf says it looks good on me but I do not like it, however I think it suits you, if that is you.

>> No.17393108

how do i know if i would look good with a buzzcut?

>> No.17393112

Okay guys i have short curly hair! With a crazy dry scalp which means i have crazy dandruff. What should i do?

>> No.17393138

apply mousse on damp towel-dried hair
rake you hair with fingers while you air dry or blowdry with a diffuser

>> No.17393171

Just rinse it with water as often as you need?

>> No.17393439
File: 902 KB, 800x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulder length hairstyles that look good with a long face shape?
I've always liked this kinda style but I i'd like to consider more options.
Also man is it impossible to find good pictures of men with shoulder length hair that isn't just generic swept back middle parting hairstyle

>> No.17393486

Pull all your hair back behind your head as much as you can and look at the shape of your head.

Or if you have a combination of any of the following traits: Good hairline, thick hair, masculine facial features, sharp jawline, low bodyfat, ability to grow good facial hair, being fit.

>> No.17393551

Are you a gay man or a lesbian?

>> No.17394605
File: 47 KB, 448x597, 85EFECD4-6A25-4F8C-80B6-FB933FCD6763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

men suit swept back middle part styles because it shows off low foreheads, a masculine trait

>> No.17394610

would look better on a twinky asian boy who is legal

>> No.17394637
File: 500 KB, 938x1138, Screenshot_20221216_013516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What norwood level am I? My doctor wants to put me on fin but I don't want my dick to break before I reproduce

>> No.17394640

Got a frontal/side view? Angles like this can exaggerate the recession.

>> No.17394649
File: 743 KB, 1543x2448, IMG_20221216_015952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if it's actually receding big time or I just have a big ass forehead

>> No.17394668
File: 72 KB, 705x600, 1556DB55-80FD-45F8-B723-A6790309D4FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless your hairline was like that in your youth, it looks like you’ve receded

>> No.17394701

I'd say it's a 2. Looks fine currently but will probably get worse over the next 2-3 years.

>> No.17394721

Thanks for the timespan

>> No.17394803

>implying I want to accentuate masculine traits

>> No.17394875

Yeah that's more like it, thanks breh xx

>> No.17395130

Do you body shave?
What methods do you use as a male or femanle?
Discuss on the best method

For me is using razor, and trimmer before razor if the hair is too long.

In terms of razor what would be the best for body hair, 2 blades?

>> No.17395136

>find out that finasteride side effects include depletion of sex drive
>too mentally ill/autistic to get gf
>realise that depleting sex drive would make me a lot happier
Yeah I think I'm taking fin lads

>> No.17396202

What's the point of hair if you're not going to attempt to find a mate? Why not just castrate yourself and get it over and done with

>> No.17396603

>life is to breed

>> No.17396813


>> No.17396818

any long term finasteride users here? worth hopping on?

>> No.17396828

>What's the point of hair if you're not going to attempt to find a mate?
Vanity and narcissism

>> No.17396831

Is 3 years long term? I got small sides at the beginning, but it has stabilized. It's not a question of is it worth it it's a question of do you want to go bald or not since really finasteride is the only FDA approved drug that'll halt hair loss.

>> No.17397126

went to a barber and got the side of my beard shaved, left with a van dyke but the shave was awful and irritated my skin a lot

>> No.17397129
File: 55 KB, 736x736, cd6e6d7dad47c09034181764986ecd99[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has the time for this hair come and gone?

>> No.17397150

NW2 and fin doesn't break your dick nor does it affect your fertility in any way according to 30 years of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical research. Besides, you won't even need your dick anymore once you go NW3+.

>> No.17397153

Norwood 2.5A about to turn into a NW3A.

>> No.17397154

it's receded a fucking lot

>> No.17397156
File: 33 KB, 610x535, 1655818416750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fin side effects are massively overblown by baldcels and frauds. Even drinking modest levels of alcohol or smoking are more likely to give you sexual sides and ed but apparently that's fine for most people.

>> No.17397272
File: 1.94 MB, 1510x1125, IMG_0623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shave it? Hairline is holding steady but things are looking pretty dire along the part. Can't tell if it's stress induced, mpb, or both.

>> No.17397278

it’s a classic hairstyle

>> No.17397293

You literally have female hair loss pattern. Are you taking HRT or something?

>> No.17397314

Alright lad I'll hop on fin ASAP, always had a massive forehead but this time I think I might actually be receding for real

>> No.17397323

Yeah the diffuse nature makes me wonder if its stress-related. I just finished an intense weight cut down to ~11% bf.
No HRT. My testosterone is normal last I checked, though that was before the cut.

>> No.17397327
File: 90 KB, 1000x880, 1663046377089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairloss from stress would thin out your hair in areas unaffected by DHT aswell which doesn't appear to be the case for you. Instead it seems you actually have female hair loss pattern as a male who is not taking HRT which is really weird. I would generally recommend taking finasteride though in your case maybe even something stronger.

>> No.17397338

Depressing. Thank you for the honest counsel.

>> No.17397513


hey how do you style it ? That's how I want mine to look, same length

>> No.17397691

what kind of hair product is most likely to be used here in this picture?

>> No.17397693
File: 53 KB, 734x734, 4506004f8d1a3d106c98e7fa9e6e275d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already on Fin + Minox but I've long since degenerated to NW3. Curly-hair bros, what cut do you recommend? this shit is to my shoulders

>> No.17397697

isn't this common with thyroid-related hairloss?

>> No.17397909


>> No.17398349

hairloss is so fucked up man, how the fuck is this still a thing. Destroys a mans whole look

>> No.17398381

big globohomo pharma needs money too

>> No.17398416
File: 32 KB, 500x528, 5-short-to-medium-curly-haircut-for-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also wondering this. Would the zoomer haircut work to cover my receding? Or something like pic related? Or would it just look weird because of the missing hair on the sides?

>> No.17398417
File: 3.58 MB, 2048x1551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which hair product is best to achieve this look without making my hair look greasy

>> No.17398477

Curly girl but no gel + standard fucked hair lots of moisture shit prm, very minimal actual styling 2bh. Only washing/doing anything every 5 days or so (im lazy)
>sulfate free wash (replacing with cheap sulfate free conditioner every second wash)
>purple conditioner if its getting yellow
>too cool for school in shower hair mask
Get out of shower, leave hair wet
>3 peas of curls leave in conditioner
>1 pea cantu shea butter curl activating creme
>2 drops chia seed oil
>mix in your palm
>head upside down, rub through wet hair
>center part with wide tooth comb, do all my hair to remove knots n shit
>mess hair up a bit with fingers
>leave it to air dry, no towels or anything
Thats it, i dont really do any actual styling or anything other than drying it like that.
Not sure how much the products and shit will carry over to non gigafucked + non thin hair though.
Try shea mouisture curl enhancing smoothie maybe

Whats your natural hair like if you dont wash it for a bit?

>> No.17398624

It exists because gene therapy is still in the experimental phase. In the meantime all you can do is get on 5AR-2 blockers, use topical anti-androgens and growth stimulants.

>> No.17398663
File: 411 KB, 1868x1796, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make this look okay right now? I'm growing it out and trying to get to the point where I can tie it in a knot.

>> No.17398665

also yeah I know I'm fat and I need to shave too

>> No.17398671

Like I have a bunch of hairpins, hairties, mousse, gel, clay, styling cream and none of them help me style it in a way that keeps it somewhat neat

>> No.17398683
File: 24 KB, 458x338, IMG-20221217-WA0018~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hairsprays that has high hold but doesn't leave the hair in strands or greasy?

Im using Aveda control force that is really damn good but is expensive ans the spray is fucking shit and after a few weeks the bottle loses pressure and start spitting the product instead of spraying it

Pic related is my daily hairstyle, I want something that really keeps the hair in place but that makes it looks natural

>> No.17398712

Why are you using hairspray for something that a pomade is for?

>> No.17398716

A pomade gives you a slick greasy or shiny look, I go for a more textured relaxed natural hairstyle, more informal.

Also I have normal to fine hair, so a pomade doesn't really work that well for me

>> No.17398827

maybe at NW1.5 or NW2 but I think once you're at NW3 it's too late for the zoom zoom perm cut. I really don't know what to do besides the Jude Law cut I posted there kek

>> No.17398844

I’m cutting my long hair rn for the first time

>> No.17398866

why would you do that

>> No.17398881
File: 141 KB, 812x1021, 3BA8DF3C-3D89-49BE-90F5-0D6BEBF8ACBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s too long ig, it already covers my chest. It also gets greasy really fast. I want something like this or shorter

>> No.17398885

cool digits btw

>> No.17398887

almost got it

>> No.17398888


>> No.17398902
File: 133 KB, 2000x2000, D91EF6E6-2C8A-4644-927E-4048468C88D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have naturally curly bordering on frizzy hair. Picked up picrel yesterday and its amazing. One thing it does do is adds toks of volume, but that can be fixed by getting a shorter haircut I think. For shorter wavy/frizzy hair texturizer is definitely the way to go.

>> No.17398913


>> No.17398937

Would you at least show us

>> No.17398948

A before and after.

>> No.17398950

>everytime I brush my hair with my hand there are few loose hair
is it over?

>> No.17398990

Appreciate you mentioning this; I went to the derm today and had your suspicions confirmed. They said the diffused nature of the thinning combined with the intact hairline indicates either thyroid disfunction or stress-induced TE.

>> No.17398996

That's normal. Have you never lived with a woman before?

>> No.17399018

No, I'm a wizard. How to know if there's too much hair? I started taking Biotin.

>> No.17399019

No way. It’s around shoulders level now, not perfect. May cut more later.

>> No.17399093

stop using shampoo.

>> No.17399098

try middle part

>> No.17399115

You'll lose up to like 200 hairs a day normally, even when not balding. If your hair is long or curly it can often get tangled up in there and not fall out completely until you brush it with a brush or your hand or a comb, which is why it looks like you're losing so much. Plus longer hair is more visible when it falls out so you notice more. Basically, it's normal and don't worry about it.

>> No.17399165
File: 1.27 MB, 576x1024, this haircut right here.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i ask a barber for this haircut and stylize my hair like this

>> No.17399171

i mean ask for this haircut without showing him this faggot video

>> No.17399186


>> No.17399207
File: 269 KB, 720x1190, IMG_20221218_211143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17399215

i was serious

>> No.17399306

Ik, it’s still funny. It’s just long hair I think, he is just curly

>> No.17399319

pretty based, d.

>> No.17399345

Do you guys know anything about female hair loss? My gf is losing her mind, her hair has been thinning especially on her temples. She bought a shower filter, started using minoxidil and a dermaroller, a red light cap, special shampoos, supplements, scalp massage, joined hair club, had her blood and scalp checked, the whole deal. Anything else she can do?

>> No.17399356

Forget about shower filters/red light caps/special shampoos/supplemenets/scalp massages/hair clubs and get her on 5mg finasteride/0.5-2.5mg dutasteride every day.

>> No.17399365

How do you learn to style your hair from scratch? I'm 26 and have always completely ignored it, and have started to get negative comments about it.

>> No.17399373

Women cannot take finasteride

>> No.17399376

I started styling it at 30, it depends of what kind of style you are looking for

>> No.17399474
File: 203 KB, 1640x1128, fdjgdids0rewri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons help me out how is this haircut called? because there is no way to go to my hairdresser and show her a photo of a fucking cartoon of how I want her to cut my hair

>> No.17399530

What, if I go without shampoo for 3 days my hair gets greasy as hell and also my scalp flakes. Just started conditioning a few weeks ago, doesnt make a damn difference.

>> No.17399531

Post hair, i want to see how bad it has to be to get negative comments

>> No.17399533

Nopoo is a meme

>> No.17399567

the Levi Ackerman

>> No.17399899

classic tapered mens side-part with bangs

>> No.17400014

Gf said she really really likes it when I have a beard but it's fucking thin and I'm kind not sure I'm into it. Any easy tips for a fuller beard, or perhaps some copium to huff?

>> No.17400027

I have really thick and curly hair, how the hell do I maintain it when it's long? My shit gets all knotted up so easily and I often pull out a ton of it when I brush
Yes I am retarded

>> No.17400149
File: 519 KB, 1539x2046, E09749A9-D8B2-4D1A-B340-818017E3F46D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17400151

I want to have a medium-long middle part, but without using any product

>> No.17400168

I don't know about female hair loss, but minoxidil will make you shed a HEAVY amount of hair at the beginning, it can take 1-2 months for the new hairs to appear. If she started using it and then panicked at how the hair-loss continues, it's most likely that. Did she try going to a derm? Usually for women it's not caused by DHT but some thyroid issue.

>> No.17400189


>> No.17400380

where is the before and after?

>> No.17400412

I’m not gonna post my face on reddit

>> No.17400442

No one cares about your face, just show the haircut

>> No.17400513

Trim shorter. Hit the gym. Train your neck.

>> No.17400548
File: 540 KB, 1776x1776, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my hair? I haven't washed it for a couple of days at all in the pic so it's oily and I also haven't combed or brushed it at all. I have a pretty high forehead and have rocked short middle part for the past couple of years (it's actually this photo >>17385130 that I have shown to my barbers (in my pic my hair has grown a lot since the last time I visited a barber)). I have one problem with it thought and it is that my hair tends to, how do I say it, flock and create a space between a bunch of hair in the front and the rest of my hair. Looks awful. Washing my hair with shampoo fixes it for a day or two creating this voluminous effect on my hair preventing the flocking.
I like this one but I feel like it wouldn't work with my hair because my hair on the front of my sides is stupidly thin for some strange reason (as you can see in the pic of mine). Always has been.

>> No.17400552
File: 403 KB, 1080x1317, hairstyle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have thought of something classical like this combed to the right but I'm not sure if it would fit me and my high forehead.

>> No.17400554
File: 135 KB, 329x327, left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the left something like this.

>> No.17400793
File: 74 KB, 318x457, 20221218_213016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current hair. Will keep it for a couple of months.

>> No.17400934

beard pencil
use a wide-tooth comb for untangling

>> No.17400980

Any help?

>> No.17401038

wifey vibes

>> No.17401157

nice chins tubby

>> No.17401160

Should I shave my neck when I have stubble and if so how high? It looks a little too unkempt I feel.

>> No.17401182

Hey that's pretty good, I used to have hair like that
I'm a sellout and a poser so I cut it and probably won't have the discipline to grow it back out again but good stuff anon, proud of you xx

>> No.17401228

Place two fingers at the top of your Adams Apple, shave down from the edge of the top finger

>> No.17401241

when it starts to spit, clean the hairspray nozzle since the product drips and clogs it if you don’t wipe them after spraying

>> No.17401289

When my hair dries out it naturally goes a little bit to puffy, is there some product that can help with it staying a little moist so it doesnt puff out as much?

>> No.17401408

is it easy to grab an eggball with one handed with no gloves?
Also just show this guy to your barber but without it looking like you are a big homo


>> No.17401410

use a hair styling oil
in Japan there are products that double as hair oils and hand/facial moisturizers

>> No.17401423

>don’t use shampoo or conditioner for one day
>hair looks flat
Crawling in my skin these wounds they will not heal

>> No.17401687

Sure if you can pull it off. I would wear one if I thought I looked good in it. :)

>> No.17401701

if you have thick and non-porous hair, frequent shampooing won’t kill your hair
you only need to be careful if you have fine and thin hair

>> No.17401717

marry me

>> No.17401854

suggestions for shampoo & conditioner?
I've been trying the olaplex shampoo & conditioner and while my hair is decent after drying it feels more like what I do after (oil & stuff) does more than the S&C. and the actual application just feels kinda weird. like it was fine when my hair was shorter. but now that it's long it feels like it's just not as good

>> No.17401857

not that anon but I have oily and thick hair. Do I have to wash it every day to avoid flatness?

>> No.17401930


>> No.17401984

Damn, didn't know Brienne of Tarth post here

>> No.17402000

no, but you hair goes flat because you slept on it or because the oils+hair thickness weighs it down
a spray bottle/mister with rice water can help remove excess oil and “reset” your hair without a full-on wash if you spray the roots to make your hair spring back up again
or you can use dry shampoo

>> No.17402015

olaplex products revive bleached hair
be wary of using it on regular healthy hair. keratin can repair the hair but it can also make it stiff, dry, and brittle if excessively applied on healthy hair

>> No.17402019

New Thread: >>17402017

>> No.17402848

lean into the Charles Lindbergh look all the way

>> No.17402950

just get used to combing your hair every morning and night, and play around with it. see what you like. experiment with accessories and products if you want to. that's what i'm doing